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Mengoptimalkan Laporan Keuangan

Dalam Akselerasi Operasional IKM

Disampaikan oleh

Evan Budi Pratama

Credit Section Head
PT Surya Artha Nusantara Finance


IKM Tier 2 Binaan YDBA dan AHM
Jakarta, 27 Juni 2024 18 Office Park 23rd Floor, Jl. TB Simatupang No. 18, Jakarta 12520
021 781 7555 sanf_offical

1 Financial Statement Analysis

Financial Management from CFO view
Horizontal and Vertical Analysis Ratio Analysis

2 Cost-Volume-Profit (CVP) & BEP Analysis

• Variable Cost
• Fixed Cost

3 Equity vs Loan
• Struktur Modal or Financial Leverage
• What is the Finance Company looking for ?
Bayangkan anda Seorang CFO / Direktur Keuangan

1. Apa tugas dan tanggung jawab anda di perusahaan?

2. Hal apa yang anda harus lakukan untuk mencapai tujuan anda?
3. Hal apa yang akan membuat anda tidak bisa tidur setiap hari?
Apakah yang dimaksud dengan Financial Management

Various CFO Problems

Butuh dana Pendapatan

Operasional Kemana Modal kerja
Suku bunga untuk perusahaan tidak
perusahaan saya harus perusahaan
terlalu tinggi mendukung sesuai proyeksi
tidak efisien berinvestasi tidak efisien
operasional yang telah dibuat

& Plan


Financial Management
Apakah yang dimaksud dengan Financial Management

Financial CFO Financial

Requirement Objective Risk

Membuat & Mengatur Rencana Pertumbuhan Perusahaan

Melakukan Kontrol dan Optimisasi atas Aset Perusahaan

Can Be Helped by
Mengatur Efisiensi Modal Kerja
Bank / Lender /
Financial Institution
Menentukan Pengadaan Aset / Investasi Baru

Memberikan Return sesuai Keinginan Pemegang Saham

Memastikan Perusahaan Tetap Berjalan / Going Concern

Kenapa Perusahaan Membutuhkan Pembiayaan

To Finance Funding Gap

To Finance New Means of Production

Why Company To Increase
Need Financing? Shareholder Return
To Finance New Investment

To Finance New Acquisition

For Refinancing

1 Financial Statement Analysis

Financial Management from CFO view
Horizontal and Vertical Analysis Ratio Analysis

2 Cost-Volume-Profit (CVP) & BEP Analysis

• Variable Cost
• Fixed Cost

3 Equity vs Loan
• Struktur Modal or Financial Leverage
• What is the Finance Company looking for ?
Financial Statement Analysis

Why Financial Statement Analysis?

If management is to maximize a firm’s value, it must take

advantage of the firm’s strength and correct its weaknesses.

The use of financial analysis enables more meaningful

comparisons to be made between companies of different
sizes, the same company over a period and between several
companies in an industry.

Three basic tools are used in financial statement analysis :

Horizontal analysis Vertical analysis Ratio analysis

Financial Statement Analysis

What you got from Financial Statement?

Company Revenue Company Health

Income Statement Financial Ratio

What is it in Financial Statement?

R e v e n u e , O p e r a t i o n E x p e n s e s , F i n a n c e E x p e n s e s , Ta x , N e t
Income Statement

Balance Sheet Assets, Liabilities, Equity

O p e r a t i o n C a s h F l o w, I n v e s t i n g C a s h F l o w, F i n a n c i n g C a s h
Cash Flow Statement
Financial Statement Analysis
Balance Sheet

Assets = Liabilities + Equity

Current Assets Current Liabilities

Cash, AR, Inventory, Prepaid Short-term Debt, CPLTD, AP, Shareholder Equity
Expenses Accrual Cost

Non Current
Non Current Assets Liabilities Retained Earning
Fixed Asset, Intangible Asset Long-term Debt, Lease Loan,
Third-Party Loan
Financial Statement Analysis
Income Statement
Financial Statement Analysis
Income Statement & Balance Sheet Relation :
Financial Statement Analysis
Cash Flow Statement

Cash from Cash from Cash from

Cash on
+ Investment
+ Financing
= Hand

Cash generated from : Cash generated from :

• Purchase/Sold of • Dividend Payout
Fixed Asset • Capital Injection
• Purchase/Sold of • Loan Payment/Debt
Non-Current Asset Disbursement
Financial Statement Analysis

Financial statement analysis is based

on comparisons

Time series analysis Comparison with similar

companies (Vertical &
(Horizontal Analysis) Ratio Analysis)

Examines a single
company to identify
trends over time
Financial Statement Analysis

1 Horizontal Analysis
Membandingkan Perubahan/Trend dari komponen Income Statement Berdasarkan Timeframe

Comparative (Partial) Balance Sheet
December 31, 2019 (in million rupiah)

Comparative Balance Sheet
December 31, 2019 (in million rupiah)
Common – Size Percent*
2019 2018 2019 2018
(788,153 – 889,615 )= - 101,462
Current assets :

• Cash & equivalent 788,153 889,615 -101.462 -11,4 %

• Account receivable, net 1,980,190 1,930,118
(- 101,462 : 889,615)x 100 = - 11.4%
• Inventory 2,109,754 2,472,029
• Others current assets 666,452 721,921
Total current assets 5,544,549 6,013,683
Non-current assets :

• Investment in associates & 5,367,248 4,642,867

• Fixed Assets, net 3,513,176 3,498,912
• Others non-current assets 1,590,736 1,734,186
Total Non-current assets 10,471,160 9,875,965
Total Assets 16,015,709 15,889,648
Comparative (Partial) Balance Sheet
December 31, 2019 (in million rupiah)

2019 2018 Dollar Change Percent Change


Current assets :

• Cash & equivalent 788,153 889,615 - 101,462 - 11,4%

• Account receivable, net 1,980,190 1,930,118 50,072 2,6%
• Inventory 2,109,754 2,472,029 - 362,275 - 14,7%
• Others current assets 666,452 721,921 - 55,469 - 7,7%
Total current assets 5,544,549 6,013,683 - 469,134 - 7,8%
Non-current assets :

• Investment in associates & 5,367,248 4,642,867 724,381 15,6%

• Fixed Assets, net 3,513,176 3,498,912 14,264 0,4%
• Others non-current assets 1,590,736 1,734,186 -143,450 - 8,3%
Total Non-current assets 10,471,160 9,875,965 595,195 6%
Total Assets 16,015,709 15,889,648 126,061 0,8%
Financial Statement Analysis

2 Vertical Analysis

Express each item on a statement as a percentage of a

single “BASE” amount.

Financial Statement “ Base ” Amount

Balance Sheet Income Total Assets
Statement Revenues

Vertical Analysis is Component Percentage;

sometimes called : Common Size Analysis
Comparative Balance Sheet
December 31, 2019 (in million rupiah)
Common – Size Percent*
2019 2018 2019 2018
(788,153 : 16,015,709 ) x 100 = 4.9%
Current assets :

• Cash & equivalent 788,153 889,615 4.9% 5.6 %

• Account receivable, net 1,980,190 1,930,118
(889,615 15,889,648)x 100 = 5.6%
• Inventory 2,109,754 2,472,029
• Others current assets 666,452 721,921
Total current assets 5,544,549 6,013,683
Non-current assets :

• Investment in associates & 5,367,248 4,642,867

• Fixed Assets, net 3,513,176 3,498,912
• Others non-current assets 1,590,736 1,734,186
Total Non-current assets 10,471,160 9,875,965
Total Assets 16,015,709 15,889,648
Comparative Balance Sheet
December 31, 2019 (in million rupiah)
Common – Size Percent*
2019 2018 2019 2018

Current assets :

• Cash & equivalent 788,153 889,615 4.9 % 5.6 %

• Account receivable, net 1,980,190 1,930,118 12,4 % 12,1 %
• Inventory 2,109,754 2,472,029 13,2 % 15,6 %
• Others current assets 666,452 721,921 4,2 % 4,5 %
Total current assets 5,544,549 6,013,683 34,6 % 37,8 %
Non-current assets :

• Investment in associates & 5,367,248 4,642,867 33,5 % 29,2 %

• Fixed Assets, net 3,513,176 3,498,912 21,9 % 22,0 %
• Others non-current assets 1,590,736 1,734,186 9,9 % 10,9 %
Total Non-current assets 10,471,160 9,875,965 65,4 % 62,2 %
Total Assets 16,015,709 15,889,648 100 % 100 %
Financial Statement Analysis

3 Ratio Analysis

Ability to meet short-term

Ability to generate future
obligations and to efficiently
Liquidity and revenues and meet long-
generate revenues Solvency
Efficiency term obligations

Ability to provide financial Ability to generate

positive market
rewards sufficient to attract Market
and retain financing Profitability expectations
Financial Statement Analysis

A. Liquidity and Efficiency Ratios

Current Total Asset

Ratio Turnover

Acid-Test Ratio Inventory

(Quick Ratio) Turnover

Number of Days of
Financial Statement Analysis

A. Liquidity and Efficiency Ratios

Cash 788,153
Account Receivable, net :
• Beginning of year 1,930,118
Use this information to calculate • End of year 1,980,190
the liquidity and efficiency ratios Inventory :
for PT SATRIA • Beginning of year 2,472,029
• End of year 2,109,754
Total current assets 5,544,549
Total current liabilities 3,438,999
Total assets :
• Beginning of year 15,889,648
• End of year 16,015,709
Revenues 15,444,775
Cost of Revenues 13,256,531
Financial Statement Analysis
Ratio Formula Calculation Condition

Liquidity Ratio
Kemampuan Perusahaan melunasi
Current Current Asset / 5,544,549
= 1.61 Above 1 kewajiban lancar menggunakan asset lancar
Ratio Current Liabilities 3,438,999
(Current Asset – Kemampuan Perusahaan melunasi
Quick 2,768,343 kewajiban lancar menggunakan asset paling
Inventory) / Current = 0.8 Above 1
Ratio 3,438,999 likuid
Operation Ratio
365 Longer is better Jumlah hari rata-rata perusahaan membayar
AP Days 365 / (COGS/AP) = 94,69 Days hutang usaha
365 Shorter is better Jumlah hari rata-rata piutang usaha
AR Days 365 / (Revenue/AR) = 46,8 Days perusahaan sampai dibayarkan
Total Rasio ini mengukur efisiensi asset dalam
Net Sales / Avg. Total 15,444,775
menghasilkan penjualan.
Asset = 0.98 Higher is better
Asset (15,889,648 + 16,015,709) ÷ 2
Rasio efisiensi yang menunjukkan seberapa
Inventory Cost of Good Sold 13,256,531 efektif dari persediaan dibandingkan harga
= 5.8 5-10
pokok penjualan (HPP) dalam persediaan
Turn Over / Average Inventory ( 2,472,029 + 2,109,754 ) ÷ 2
rata-rata untuk suatu periode.
Financial Statement Analysis

B. Solvency Ratios

Debt Ratio

Debt Equity

Financial Statement Analysis

B. Solvency Ratios
Use this information to calculate the
solvency ratios for PT SATRIA

Earning before interest
Expense and income taxes (EBIT) 1,085,926
Interest expense 83,117
Earning before interest, taxes, depreciation and
amortization (EBITDA) 985,926
Current portion of long-term debt (CPLTD) +Interest
expense 257,932
Total shareholder’s equity 11,650,534
Total liabilities 4,365,175
Total assets 16,015,709
Financial Statement Analysis

B. Solvency Ratios

Ratio Formula Calculation Condition

Leverage Ratio
4,365,175 Mengukur berapa porsi aset perusahaan yang
DR Liabilities / Total Asset = 0,27 Under 2
16,015,709 melalui pembiayaan/hutang
DER Liabilities / Equity = 0,375 Under 4 Mengukur struktur pendanaan perusahaan
EBITDA / CPLTD + 985,926 Kemampuan perusahaan untuk membayar
DSCR = 3,82 Above 1
Interest Expense 257,932 angsuran jangka pendek (1tahun)
Times 1,085,926
= 13,1 Kemampuan perusahaan untuk membayar
Interest EBIT / Interest Expense 83,117 Above 1
angsuran jangka panjang dan jangka pendek
Financial Statement Analysis

C. Profitability Ratios

Profit Return on
Margin Equity (ROE)

Gross Return on
Margin Asset (ROA)
Financial Statement Analysis
Use this information to calculate the
profitability ratios for PT SATRIA

Number of common shares

outstanding all year 4,819,733,000
Operating Income 1,085,926
Net income 816,971
Shareholders’ Equity
• Beginning of year 11,263,635
• End of year 11,650,534
Revenues 15,444,775
Cost of sales 13,256,531
Gross Profit 2,188,244
Total assets
• Beginning of year 15,889,648
• End of year 16,015,709
Financial Statement Analysis

Ratio Formula Calculation Condition

Profitability Ratio
816,971 Higher is Profitabilitas perusahaan setelah
NPM Net Profit / Revenue = 5,3 %
15,444,775 better dikurangi semua biaya termasuk pajak
2,188,244 Higher is Menunjukkan core profitabilitas
GPM Gross Profit / Revenue = 14,7%
15,44,775 better perusahaan
Menunjukkan apakah aset
Operating 1,085,926 Higher is
Income/Avg.Total Asset (15,889,648 + 16,015,709) ÷ 2
=6,8% better
perusahaan produktif dan mampu
menghasilkan laba
Menunjukkan keuntungan
1,085,926 Higher is perusahaan vs jumlah uang yang
ROE Income/Avg.Shareholders
(11,263,635 +11,650,534 ) ÷ 2
=7,1% better diinvestasikan oleh pemegang saham

1 Financial Statement Analysis

Financial Management from CFO view
Horizontal and Vertical Analysis Ratio Analysis

2 Cost-Volume-Profit (CVP) & BEP Analysis

• Variable Cost
• Fixed Cost

3 Equity vs Loan
• Struktur Modal or Financial Leverage
• What is the Finance Company looking for ?
Cost Behavior Analysis

Cost Behavior Analysis is the study of how

specific costs respond to changes in the level Classification of Cost Based on
of business activity.
Some costs change; others remain the

Helps management plan operations and • Fixed Cost

decide between alternative courses of
action. • Variable Cost
Applies to all types of businesses and • Semi Variable Cost (Mixed
Starting point is measuring key business
Cost Behavior Analysis
Total Fixed Costs
(Rent Expense)
Fixed Costs
$ 25
 Costs that remain the same in total
regardless of changes in the activity 20

Cost (000)
level. 15
Fixed Cost per Unit
 Per unit cost varies inversely with activity 10 (Rent Expense)
: 5
As volume increases, unit cost declines, and
vice versa 0 2 4 6 8 10 $5

Cost (per unit)

 Examples: 4
Tablet Computers
Produced (in 000) 3
 Property taxes
 Insurance
 Rent
0 2 4 6 8 10
 Depreciation on buildings and equipment
Tablet Computers
Produced (in 000)
Cost Behavior Analysis
Total Variable Costs
Variable Costs (Cameras)

 Costs that vary in total directly and

$ 100
proportionately with changes in the 80

Cost (000)
activity level. 60
Variable Costs per Unit
40 (Cameras)
 Example: If the activity level
increases 10 percent, total variable
0 2 4 6 8 10 $ 25
costs increase 10 percent.

Cost (per unit)

Tablet Computers 20
Produced (in 000)
 Example: If the activity level decreases 15

by 25 percent, total variable costs 10

decrease by 25 percent. 5

0 2 4 6 8 10
 Variable costs remain the same per unit at
every level of activity. Tablet Computers
Produced (in 000)
Cost Behavior Analysis

Mixed Costs

• Costs that have both a variable cost element and a fixed cost element.
• Change in total but not proportionately with changes in activity level.

200 Total-Cost Line

Variable-Cost Element


Fixed-Cost Element
0 50 100 150 200 250 300

Cost Volume Profit (CVP) Analysis

Cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis is the study of the effects of changes of costs and
volume on a company’s profits.
 Important in profit planning

 Critical factor in management decisions as

 Setting selling prices,
 Determining product mix, and
 Maximizing use of production facilities.
Cost Volume Profit (CVP) Analysis

CVP Income Statement

Illustration : SATRIA INDUSTRIES produces a motorcycle
body. Relevant data for the motorcycle body sold by this
 A statement for internal use.
company in June 2023 are as follows.
 Classifies costs and expenses as
fixed or variable. Unit selling price of body motorcycle $500
 Reports contribution margin in Unit variable costs $300
the body of the statement. Total monthly fixed costs $ 200,000
 Contribution Margin – Unit sold 1,600
amount of revenue remaining
after deducting variable
 Reports the same net income as
a traditional income statement.
Cost Volume Profit (CVP) Analysis

CVP Income Statement

Illustration :

The CVP income statement for SATRIA INDUSTRIES therefore would be reported as follows.

Income Statement
For the Month Ended June 30, 2023
Sales (1,600 Motorcyle Body) $ 800,000
Variable costs 480,000
Contribution margin 320,000
Fixed costs 200,000
Net income $ 120,000
Cost Volume Profit (CVP) Analysis

CVP Income Statement

Detailed CVP income statement
Income Statement
For the Month Ended June 30, 2023
TOTAL Per Unit
Sales $ 800,000 $ 500
Variable expenses
• Cost of goods sold $ 400,000
• Selling expenses 60,000
• Administrative expenses 20,000
• Total variable expenses 480,000 300
Contribution margin 320,000 $ 200
Fixed expenses
• Cost of goods sold 120,000
• Selling expenses 40,000
• Administrative expenses 40,000
• Total fixed expenses 200,000
Net income $ 120,000
Cost Volume Profit (CVP) Analysis

Cost & Profit Equations

Cost equation
• Total Cost = Total Variable Cost (VC)+ Total Fixed Cost (FC)
• Total Cost = (VC per unit x number of units) + Total FC
Total Cost = VCx + TFC
Profit equation
• Profit = Sales revenue – Total cost
• Profit = (Price per unit x number of units) – Total Cost
Profit = Px – VCx – TFC
Break Even Point (BEP)

• The point were

Sales revenue equals total cost
Contribution margin equals total
fixed costs
Profit is zero
• Break-even profit equation:

Px – VCx – TFC = 0
Activity below the break-even point creates
a loss Activity above the break-even point
generates a profit
Break Even Point (BEP)

How many units and TOTAL Per Unit

how much sales dollars Sales ( 500 units ) $ 25,000 $ 50 100%
are needed to break
Less : variable expenses 15,000 30
even ?
Contribution Margin 10,000 $ 20 40%
Less : fixed expenses 8,000 CM Ratio

Net income $ 2,000

Set up the profit equation with profit equal to 0
Let x = number of units BEP
Price .x – Variable Cost. x – Tfixed Cost = Profit If the company sells
400 widgets, which
50x – 30x – 8,000 = 0 generates $ 20,000
x = 8,000 / 20 = 400 units of sales revenue,
or profit will be zero.
400 x $ 50 = $ 20,000 sales revenue

Fixed Cost : CM per unit = Fixed Cost : CM Ratio = in nominal
per Unit
Cost Volume Profit (CVP) Analysis

Target Profit Example

How many units and how much sales dollars

are needed to earn a profit of $ 12,000 ?

Set up the profit equation with profit equal to $ 12,000.

Let x = number of units (targeted)
If the company sells
Px – VCx – TFC = Profit 1000 widgets, which
generates $ 50,000 of
50x – 30x – 8,000 = 12,000 sales revenue and
x = (8,000+12,000) / 20 = 1,000 units $12,000 of profit.
1,000 x $ 50 = $ 50,000 sales revenue

1 Financial Statement Analysis

Financial Management from CFO view
Horizontal and Vertical Analysis Ratio Analysis

2 Cost-Volume-Profit (CVP) & BEP Analysis

• Variable Cost
• Fixed Cost

3 Equity vs Loan
• Struktur Modal or Financial Leverage
• What is the Finance Company looking for ?
Struktur Modal or Financial Leverage
Struktur Modal
Sumber Dana dalam Membiayai Modal Perusahaan

Financial Leverage
Perbandingan antara Hutang dan Modal
dalam Struktur Modal

Degree of Financial Leverage

% Change in Net Profit
Mengukur sensitifitas dari Profitabilitas % Change in EBIT
Perusahaan karena penambahan Hutang pada
Struktur Modal Or

EBIT - Interest

500 Milyar
= 1.25
500 Milyar – 100 Milyar

Perubahan 1% pada Leverage Perusahaan

akan merubah Operating Income
Perusahaan sebanyak 1.25%
Struktur Modal or Financial Leverage

Debt Equity




Kenapa? Karena Hutang memiliki biaya lebih rendah
Struktur Modal or Financial Leverage

Financial Institution

HUTANG ??!!!
What Financial Institution See on Your Business?


A credit analyst is a financial professional who

assesses the creditworthiness of
securities, individuals, or companies.

Credit analysts determine the likelihood that a

borrower can repay their financial obligations by
reviewing the borrower's financial and credit
history and determining whether the state of the
subject's financial health and the economic
conditions are favorable to repayment.
What to Assess?

Condition : the factors that might have affect Capital : How much money you have Character : Integrity and
industry and business personally to put into the business trustworthiness of the business owner
Key point : macro economy, political Key point : asset, financial statement, bank Key point : SLIK Checking, Society Checking,
situation, security session statement, funding, feasibility business, back Credit Checking, Trade Checking
up business

01 02 03 04 05
Capacity : the ability to repay the loan Collateral : Assets that can be used as security
Key point : experience, financial for loan repayment
management, organization, cash flow Key point : LOR/GOR Calculation, Guarantor,
projection Additional Collateral
What to Assess?


Background & Experiences, Character ,

1 Business Community & Capital

Legal Permit, Bowheer Profile & Reputation, Project
Location, Infrastructure, Society Condition,
2 Operation in Project, Sustainability of project


Type of Collateral, Suitability of unit proposed,
Popularity of unit proposed, Payment Method,
3 Buyback Guarantee, Personal or Corporate Guarantee
Thank you

PT Surya Artha Nusantara Finance

JUNE 2024


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