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hey everybody

a long time no see now I know it's been

a really long time since the last time

you guys heard from me and that's for

good reason life threw a few fastballs

my way and instead of just swinging and

missing I kind of just got nailed

directly in the head by the ball instead

now you'd think as an avid anime and

manga fan that in my absence for making

videos that I'd be catching up on a

plethora of series in order to have

content ready when I eventually decided

to come back to YouTube

that was not the case although I did

watch a few shows and read a few volumes

here and there nothing really grabbed me

the way I was hoping I read some of spy

family and while I enjoyed it I didn't

find it groundbreaking or amazing enough

to Garner a video for it especially when

everyone and their mother has already

made videos on it I binged all of both

to The Rock in a sitting and I

absolutely adored it but I couldn't find

anything to say about it other than it

reminded me of chaon and that's what

made me like it so much months passed by

and shows were watched and nothing

really stood out to me that was until I

came across a newer title known simply

as Oshi no KO oshinoko was a series I

knew about well before the announcement

of an anime adaptation the manga has

been in my backlog for quite some time

thanks to some recommendations from the

manga reading Community online however I

never got around to reading it

considering my backlog is quite long and

I still have to keep up with the magnum

opus that is rent a girlfriend every


what the [ __ ] was that with the anime

finally being aired not too long ago and

mo most of the anime Community ranting

and raving about it I figured it was

about time to dive into what many people

were considering to be one of the best

anime to drop this year and I was not

disappointed I did however come across

one glaring issue with the series and

that's because it was only available to

stream on high dive so I did what any

normal human being would do I stole it

before I even viewed a second of the

anime I knew I was in for a treat as the

author for oceanoco is none other than

aka akasaka the author of my favorite

rom-com anime of all time kage Osama

Love is War fair warning before I

continue on with this video I will be

spoiling pretty much the entirety of

episode 1 of oceanoco so if you would

like to go watch that before you view

the rest of this video I would highly

recommend that as it is very integral to

the points I'm going to make later on

oshinoko kicks off by following three

characters a doctor named Goro who is a

huge fan of Idols specifically the lead

girl in the group b camachi a young girl

named sadina who suffers from cancer and

is under the care of Goro and our main

protagonist is the lead girl of B

kamachi herself I hoshino Sardina

herself is a big fan of I hoshino and

has dreams of becoming an idol girl

herself sadly being diagnosed with

cancer doesn't give her the physical

ability to live out those dreams at the

moment and so she confides in Goro that

if she were to be reincarnated she would

like to be reborn as the daughter of a

celebrity or Idol Goro himself doesn't

believe in being reborn but tell sadina

that if she ever did become an idol

after she's discharged from the hospital

that he'd become her fan unfortunately

she never gets the chance to be

dismissed as she succumbs to her illness

and passes away at only 12 years old

Garo carries forward by becoming a huge

fan of eyes to pay his respect to sadina

whom he cared for greatly years pass and

Goro receives a new patient who turns

out to be I hoshino herself pregnant

with twins Goro I and her manager agree

to keep the pregnancy and the identity

of the father a secret to keep her Idol

career from suffering or even worse

ending altogether we learned that aging

giving birth or even being seen in

romantic situations are detrimental to

Idols with fans feeling betrayed by the

performers for having personal lives

outside of the art form Goro states he

will be her caretaker during the

pregnancy and Promises to deliver two

healthy babies for her and do his best

to keep everything a secret from the

idol industry and the general public as

a whole iron Goro begin to develop a

safe and close relationship between

doctor and patient that I insist that no

one but Goro deliver the babies around

the night of the delivery date Goro

decides to head home since he lives very

close by to the hospital and I remind

him to be there as soon as she calls for

him Garo heads out for a stroll home

where he is confronted by a strange man

who seems to be stalking both him and

more importantly I a Chase ensues and

just when Goro thinks he's lost a

stalker he is shoved from behind off a

cliff where he succumbs to his injuries

and dies Reminiscing on his conversation

with Sarina about being reborn all the

while his life fading away and I giving

birth to her children we then come to

find out a most shocking Revelation both

the recently deceased Goro and Sarina

have been reborn as the twins of I

hoshino both have full memories of their

past lives and are completely aware of

the situation they are in however they

do not know of each other's past

identities Goro's new name is aqua and

sadina's new name is Ruby we then get to

watch as the twins grow and develop a

true sibling relationship with each

other and begin to take part in the

entertainment business alongside their

new mother eye and her entertainment

agency whilst trying to maintain the

secret that I has any children at all

Aqua develops into a young child actor

while Ruby aspires to be an idol just

like her mother eyes return to being an

idol after a pregnancy has a share of

ups and downs but over time she's back

on top of the idle world with bikomachi

and is booked to perform a concert at a

dome a huge deal in any type of

Performing Arts on the day of her Big

Show however she encounters a strange

man at the door and he fatally stabs her

the same stalker that murdered Aqua in

his past life in her dying breath she

tells her children what she'd like them

to be when they grow up for Ruby to be

an eye title and for aqua to be an actor

we come to find out shortly after the

murder that the killer took his own life

out of sheer guilt I pretty much talk no

jutsu's the stalker after she gets

stabbed you know I Naruto usually talk

no jutsu's the villain B4 they're about

to murder him maybe you shouldn't have

opened the door so fast we then flash

forward to the twins much older heading

to their first day of school and saying

goodbye to a family photo of their

mother before we cut to credits and all

of that took place in the first episode

oshinoko's first episode comes in at a

whopping 1 hour and 20 minutes a damn

near feature-length film of a prologue

to introduce us to our true main

protagonist and set the stage for the

rest of the series The Remaining

episodes of the first season focus on

Ruby and aqua as they embark on

different Journeys Ruby is attempting to

become an idol in the footsteps of her

mother resurrecting B kamachi and aqua

is beginning his infiltration in the

entertainment industry to find out the

real identity of their father and the

motive behind eyes murdered now I know

I've spoiled practically the entire

first episode but it's from episode 2

onward where the series really begins to

shine besides the initial plot twists in

the prologue oshinoko provides its

viewers with even more twists and turns

ups and downs and complete tonal shifts

that can give even the best of roller

coasters a run for its money the show is

never set on one single tone or Vibe we

quickly go from a fun wholesome rom-com

Slice of Life to an intellectual mystery

akin to shows like death note or hell

even monster we're treated to not only

melodrama and romance like many of

Oceano Coast predecessors but also a

deep dive into the dark gritty and often

harsh reality of being in the

entertainment business from actors

fighting over roles and being discontent

with the product being filmed to

internet cancel culture and online

criticism self-harm Life as a YouTuber

or streamer self-doubt loneliness

sleepless nights anxiety all of it is

touched upon in oceanoco I found this

show hidden close to home on many

accounts as I too have both worked on

the music side and YouTube side of art

creation watching Ruby's attempt at

creating a new Idol group made me

reminisce of the days where I used to

try to get a band going or create music

with friends seeing characters worked

endlessly on video editing and online

personas remind me of what I'm currently

doing here on YouTube and in fact

motivated me to come back to making

videos for you guys and more importantly

making videos for myself I lost a

relative of mine not too long ago to

self-harm and seeing the subject tackled

so realistically touch my heart in a way

I don't think many anime or any form of

media have in a long time oceanoko

stands out from the other Idol rom-com

Slice of Life shows by being much more

than that it doesn't hesitate to change

its tone from fun and wholesome to dark

and tense and I truly commend it I

haven't seen a lot of shows this

ambitious and what's remarkable is that

it manages to pull it off in Spades from

top to bottom this show is incredible

fantastic and colorful visuals music

that Bops so hard I put the B kamachi

tracks into my Spotify playlist and an

opening that after a few episodes I

couldn't stop jamming out to not to

mention a cast of fun well thought out

characters with much more depth than

they initially lead on whether these

types of anime aren't your cup of tea I

implore you to give oshinoko a chance I

feel like the show has something for

everyone and may just be the gateway to

a genre you never thought you'd enjoy

and it's with these reasons that in my

honest opinion I find oceanoco to be

Simply Amazing



wait whoa

that's all I got

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