5th exam3 (1)

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GRADE:5 EXAM-2(2023-2024) MARKS:75

1)Calculate the new temperature if the temperature now is -11ºC and it warms up by 6ºC.
2)Units used for length are___,_____,______,_____
4)______is part of a whole.
5)The sum of the angles in a triangle is______
6)Convert this fraction into percentage:
7)Percentage means out of ____
8)Write the divisibility rule for 3 and 25 with example.
9)What are the factors of 14.
10)A________ number as exactly two factors.
1)Work out the LCM of i)12 and 30 ii)5 and 10
2)A cellphone cost £ 1000. The price is reduced by 25% in a sale.
a)How much is the cost reduced by? b)What is the sale price?
3)Write each of these test marks as a percentage.
a)27 out of 50 b)5 out of 10 c)9 out of 25
4) Write down the position - to-term rule for these sequences.
a)3,5,7,9,11,.. b)3,4,5,6,7,.. c)7,11,15,19,..
5)Draw a) Parallel lines b) Perpendicular lines c) Vertically opposite angle
6)Work out a)64/ =8/11 b)10/48=5/ c)45/60=9/
7)The area of each of the shape
Insert picture.
8)Copy and complete the number pyramids.
Insert pyramid
9)Write an algebraic expression for
a)m more than 5 b)50 divided by t c)m multiplied by itself
10)a)The ratio of blueberries to strawberries is 1:7.If there are 210 strawberries,how many blueberries are there.
b)Share 70ml water in the ratio 3:7
III.Do as directed (4×5=20 marks)
1)a)Work out: i)274 cm=_____m
ii)55l=______ml iii)734g=______kg
b)Write down the first 3 terms of each sequences.
a)first term:5 rule:subtract 2 then multiply by 3
b) first term:1000 rule:halve the term
2)a)Work out:i)⅙ of £30 ii)⅔ of 12 kg iii)¾ of 20 litres
b)Fergal buys 18 tins of beans.Each Tim weighs 225g.What is the total weight of the beans?
3) a) Find the HCF of i)14&21 ii)6&30
b)Suki and Yash go out for a meal.Suki pays £50 and Yash pays £25.
i) What proportion does Yash pay?
ii)If the meal cost £240.How much does each pay?
4)a)Work out:i)-7-3 b)7- - 3 c)7+-3
b) Work out:i)128.7÷30 ii)2331÷9
IV.Graph:(10 marks)
1)Draw a grid with x- and y- axes
a)Plot these points and join them up in the order they are given.
i)(1,0) (4,0) (2,-2) (-1,-2) (1,0)
ii)(7,-3) (-7,-3) (3,3) (-3,3)
b)Write the name of the polygon.
2) Write down the coordinates of the point half way between
a)(1,2) and (1,6) b)(-2,4) and (-2,-4)
c)(-3,-2) and (5,1)
V. Geometry (5marks)

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