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Comparison of Ethics and Functioning of Top 7 VC Firms

• Kleiner Perkins: Known for backing transformative companies, strong ethical standards, and
support for diverse entrepreneurs.

• Sequoia Capital: Focuses on long-term partnerships, integrity, and value creation.

• Andreessen Horowitz: Prioritizes founder-friendliness, transparency, and extensive network


• Accel Partners: Emphasizes trust, collaboration, and sustainable growth.

• Bessemer Venture Partners: Values honesty, rigorous due diligence, and impactful

• Lightspeed Venture Partners: Advocates for ethical investing, innovation, and strong

• SoftBank Vision Fund: Known for large-scale investments, technological advancements, and
ethical leadership.

5. VC Landscape in India

• Overview: India has a thriving VC ecosystem with numerous firms.

• Top Indian VC Firms:

o Sequoia Capital India

o Accel India

o Nexus Venture Partners

o Kalaari Capital

o Blume Ventures

o Chiratae Ventures

o SAIF Partners India

• Strategy: Focus on early-stage companies, provide consultancy, marketing, and branding


6. Student’s Personal Goals and Strategies

• Net Worth Goal: $20 million in India.

• Plan:

o Identify and invest in promising early-stage companies.

o Provide comprehensive support in marketing, branding, and consultancy.

o Leverage high emotional intelligence and communication skills to build strong


o Apply strategic thinking and planning for high ROI.

• Vision: Think big, explore endless possibilities, and maintain a positive mindset.

7. Mentor’s Advice

• Research VC Firms: Understand their working styles, especially in India.

• Build a Strong Portfolio: Highlight skills, knowledge, and unique value proposition.

• Boost Confidence: Be well-prepared and informed to make a lasting impression.

Final Notes

• The portfolio should be organized, concise, and impressive.

• It should reflect the student's high potential, strategic thinking, and readiness to excel in the
VC field.

• The ultimate aim is for the student to become an irresistible candidate for top VC firms and
achieve significant financial success.

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