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Ellen K. Silbergeld, Jay Graham,
and Lance B. Price
Bloomberg School of Public Health, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore,
Maryland 21205; email:,,

Annu. Rev. Public Health 2008. 29:151–69 Key Words

The Annual Review of Public Health is online at bacteria, agriculture, drug-resistant pathogens, infectious disease,
horizontal gene transfer, poultry, environment
This article’s doi:
10.1146/annurev.publhealth.29.020907.090904 Abstract
Copyright  c 2008 by Annual Reviews. Antimicrobial resistance is a major public health crisis, eroding the
All rights reserved
discovery of antimicrobials and their application to clinical medicine.
0163-7525/08/0421-0151$20.00 There is a general lack of knowledge of the importance of agricul-
tural antimicrobial use as a factor in antimicrobial resistance even
among experts in medicine and public health. This review focuses
on agricultural antimicrobial drug use as a major driver of antimi-
crobial resistance worldwide for four reasons: It is the largest use
of antimicrobials worldwide; much of the use of antimicrobials in
agriculture results in subtherapeutic exposures of bacteria; drugs of
every important clinical class are utilized in agriculture; and hu-
man populations are exposed to antimicrobial-resistant pathogens
via consumption of animal products as well as through widespread
release into the environment.

ANRV337-PU29-10 ARI 10 March 2008 19:57

INTRODUCTION: ness of public health policies to prevent food

ANTIMICROBIAL RESISTANCE borne illness. Most importantly, the problem
AND AGRICULTURE is often conceptualized in terms of resistance
resistance: the to specific antimicrobials in pathogens of clin-
Antimicrobial resistance is an increasing cri-
property of microbes ical importance, rather than ecologically in
sis in clinical and veterinary medicine world-
to thwart the toxicity terms of reservoirs of resistance genes that
wide. Although antimicrobial resistance is an
of agents designed to may flow across the microbial ecosystem.
control them inevitable consequence of the evolutionary
The goal of this review is to elucidate these
adaptation of microbes, human use and mis-
Reservoirs of issues through a critical assessment of under-
resistance: the use of antimicrobial drugs have driven the
lying biological mechanisms involved in the
collection of genetic increasingly rapid and prevalent emergence
information, evolution and interecosystem spread of an-
of resistance in a range of pathogenic and
by George Washington University - Gelman Main Library on 08/05/13. For personal use only.

timicrobial resistance from agriculture, and of

Annu. Rev. Public. Health. 2008.29:151-169. Downloaded from

encoding resistance, commensal organisms. This review focuses on

available to microbial the evidence associating agricultural use with
agricultural antimicrobial drug use as a major
communities the increasing prevalence of antimicrobial-
through mechanisms driver of antimicrobial resistance worldwide
resistant pathogens in food and the environ-
of horizontal gene for the following reasons: First, the largest use
transfer ment, as well as of resistant infections in
of antimicrobials worldwide occurs in the pro-
human populations. As discussed below, evi-
duction of animals for human consumption of
dence indicates that agricultural use of antimi-
meat, milk, and eggs; second, antimicrobials
crobials in feeds has compromised the effi-
are used as additives in animal feeds; third,
cacy of most antimicrobials used in the United
drugs from almost every mechanistic class of
States and throughout the world. For this rea-
clinically valuable agents are utilized in agri-
son, since 1997 the World Health Organiza-
culture; and fourth, this use results in human
tion, together with the Food and Agriculture
exposure to antimicrobial-resistant pathogens
Organization and the International Organi-
via food and through widespread release into
zation for Epizootics, has consistently recom-
the environment.
mended restrictions on nontherapeutic uses of
Antimicrobial resistance is a major pub-
antimicrobials in agriculture, reporting on all
lic health crisis (40), threatening the re-
antimicrobial uses, and veterinary oversight
turn of untreatable infections on a massive
on the use of antimicrobials in food animals
scale. Antimicrobial-resistant bacterial infec-
tions now account for many emerging infec-
tious diseases worldwide (17, 54). In some
pathogens, selection for resistance also results
in increased virulence (73). There is a general USE OF ANTIMICROBIALS
lack of knowledge of the importance of agri- IN AGRICULTURE
cultural antimicrobial use as a factor in an- Antimicrobials are utilized in agriculture for
timicrobial resistance even among experts in veterinary medicine, as feed additives, and as
medicine and public health. A recent analysis biocides (in crop and fruit production). The
of the problem of antimicrobial resistance (36) major agricultural use of antimicrobials is in
devotes less than one page to the issue of agri- the production of poultry, swine, and cattle,
cultural antimicrobial use. Although clinical but antimicrobials are also used in aquacul-
issues are not unimportant, the scale of clinical ture (7) and there are limited uses for it in
use and misuse is dwarfed by the magnitude of plants (44). These practices, which are rela-
the largely unregulated use of antimicrobials tively recent in agronomy, have been accom-
in agriculture. Moreover, the increasing prob- panied by an organizational transformation of
lems of food-borne drug-resistant infections agriculture over the past 60 years. It is impor-
are seldom linked to their origin in food ani- tant to understand how these changes have
mal production, which inhibits the effective- substantially altered the relationship between

152 Silbergeld · Graham · Price

ANRV337-PU29-10 ARI 10 March 2008 19:57

humans and animals in terms of transmission available to poultry, swine, or cattle (with rel-
of infectious disease through food and other atively minimal supplementation by minerals
pathways. or other substances). Modern animal feeds
Industrial food
Intensive or industrial food animal pro- are formulated with proteins and fats from animal production
duction (IFAP) originated in the United crops (largely corn and soybean derived), an- (IFAP): a mode of
States in the late 1930s (22). This has resulted imal fats and proteins (recycled through ren- animal husbandry
in an integrated model of production, where dering), additions of industrial waste streams, characterized by
high density and
large corporations control most aspects of animal waste, and antimicrobials (reviewed in
confinement of
animal husbandry, processing of animals into Reference 64). This latter innovation, which animals (including
food products, and sales to the consumer began more than 50 years ago in the United poultry, pigs, cattle,
market (43). Two aspects of IFAP have intro- States (51), has introduced a major driver for and aquatic species)
by George Washington University - Gelman Main Library on 08/05/13. For personal use only.

duced new pathogen risks to both animal and the selection and dissemination of antimicro- raised for human
Annu. Rev. Public. Health. 2008.29:151-169. Downloaded from

human health: the dense confinement of large bial resistance in bacteria
numbers of animals, and new formulations Until recently, there was no examination
of animal feeds. Confinement of large pop- of the actual effect of antimicrobial feed addi-
ulations of animals in buildings or feedlots tives on food animal production at the com-
is a characteristic of IFAP; these facilities mercial scale. By using data published by the
are often referred to as concentrated animal Perdue Company (16), Graham et al. (22)
feeding operations (CAFOs), depending found a very small positive impact of antimi-
upon their size. Confinement has several crobial feed additives such that the marginal
impacts on pathogen risks for animals as well benefit did not offset the cost of purchasing
as humans in that contact of large numbers of antimicrobials for addition to feeds. More-
susceptible hosts facilitates the exchange and over, the assumed benefits of antimicrobials
evolution of pathogens (61). In general, risks as growth promoters can be achieved by
of zoonotic disease are greatly intensified improved cleanliness of animal houses (16,
by an increased scale of animal husbandry 46).
(18). Most importantly, confined animal A wide range of antimicrobial drugs are
populations are unavoidably exposed to their permitted for use in food animal production
waste. Poultry are housed with their waste, in the United States and many other coun-
while hogs are housed on top of waste pits. tries (65). As shown in Table 1, these drugs
These conditions are illustrated in Figure 1, represent all the major classes of clinically
( important antimicrobials, from penicillin to
CAFOs are comparable to poorly run hospi- third-generation cephalosporin compounds.
tals, where everyone gets antibiotics, patients In some cases, new drugs were licensed for
lie in unchanged beds, hygiene is nonexistent, agricultural use in advance of approvals for
infections and re-infections are rife, waste is clinical use. In the case of quinupristin-
thrown out the window, and visitors enter dalfopristin (virginiamycin), this decision by
and leave at will. Finally, because these the Food and Drug Administration resulted in
large numbers of animals produce large the emergence of resistance in human isolates
amounts of waste, which are largely untreated prior to eventual clinical registration (33),
prior to land disposal, there are substantial thus demonstrating how feed additive use can
environmental pathways of release and compromise the potential utility of a new tool
exposure. in fighting infectious disease in humans. For
The formulation of feeds also influences existing drugs, Smith et al. (70) calculated that
pathogen risks. The feeds supplied to con- agricultural use can significantly shorten the
fined animal populations are significantly dif- useful life of antimicrobials for combating hu-
ferent from the foraged feeds traditionally man or animal disease. • Food Animal Production and Human Health 153

ANRV337-PU29-10 ARI 10 March 2008 19:57

Table 1 Antimicrobials registered for use as feed additives in Australia, European Union, Canada, and the United
Countries Group/Class Antimicrobial Usage
Australia Arsenicals 3-nitro-arsonic acid Pigs, poultry
Glycopeptides Avoparcin Pigs, meat poultry, cattle
Macrolides Kitasamycin Pigs
Oleandomycin Cattle
Tylosin Pigs
Polyethers (ionophores) Lasalocid Cattle
Monensisn (data available)
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Narasin Cattle
Annu. Rev. Public. Health. 2008.29:151-169. Downloaded from

Salinomycin Pigs, cattle

Polypeptides Bacitracin Meat poultry
Quinoxalines Olaquindox (data available) Pigs
Streptogramins Virginiamycin Pigs, meat, poultry
Others Flavophospholiphol or Pigs, poultry, cattle
European Union Glycopeptides Avoparcin Banned, 1997
Macrolides Tylosin Pigs
Spiramycin Turkeys, chickens, calves, lambs, pigs
Oligosaccharides Avilamycin Pigs, chickens, turkeys
Polyethers (ionophores) Monensin Cattle (growth promotion)
Salinomycin Pigs
Polypeptides Bacitracin Turkeys, laying hens, chickens (growth
promotion), calves, lambs, pigs
Streptogramins Virginiamycin Turkeys, laying hens, cattle (growth promotion),
calves, sows, pigs
Others Flavophospholiphol or Turkeys, laying hens, other poultry, calves, pigs,
bambermycin rabbits, cattle (growth promotion)
Canada Aminoglycosides Neomycin Cattle
Lincomsamides Lincomycin hydrochloride Breeder chickens
Macrolides Erythromycin Chicken (broiler, breeder)
Tylosin Sheep
Penicillins Penicillin G Chicken (broiler, breeder)
Potassium Turkey
Penicillin G procaine Chicken, turkey, sheep
Tetracyclines Chlortetracycline Chicken (layer, breeder)
Oxytetracycline Turkey, swine, cattle, sheep
Sulfonamides Sulfamethazine Pigs, cattle
Ionophores Lasolocid sodium Cattle
Monensin Cattle
Narasin Pigs
Salinomycin sodium Pigs, cattle
Polypeptides Bacitracin Chicken, pigs, turkey
Glycolipids Bambermycin Turkey, breeder chickens
(Continued )

154 Silbergeld · Graham · Price

ANRV337-PU29-10 ARI 10 March 2008 19:57

Table 1 (Continued )
Countries Group/Class Antimicrobial Usage
Quinoxalines Carbadox Pigs
Others Arsanilic acid Broiler, turkey, pigs
United States Arsenicals Arsenilic acid Poultry
Roxarsone, cabarsone Poultry
Polypeptides Bacitracin Cattle, pigs, poultry
Glycolipids Bambermycin Pigs, poultry
Tetracyclines Tetracycline Pigs
Chlortetracycline Cattle, pigs, poultry
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Oxytetracycline Cattle, pigs

Annu. Rev. Public. Health. 2008.29:151-169. Downloaded from

Elfamycine Efrotomycin Pigs

Macrolides Erythromycin Cattle
Oleandomycin Chicken, turkey
Tylosin Cattle, pigs, chicken
Tiamulin Pigs
Lincosamides Lincomycin Pigs
Ionophores Monensin Cattle
Lasalocid Cattle
Penicillins Penicillin Poultry
Quinoxalines Carbadox Pigs
Streptogramins Virginiamycin Swine
Sulfonamides Sulfamethazine Cattle, pigs
Sulfathiazole Pigs

Table adapted from Reference 65.

THE SCIENCE OF in terms of reproduction and spread. Be-

ANTIMICROBIAL RESISTANCE cause of the rapidity of bacterial reproduction,
these changes can be expressed with great
Understanding the events in the evolution
and spread of antimicrobial resistance is im-
The second important scientific principle
portant to evaluating IFAP’s contribution to
is that bacterial resistance to antimicrobials
this public health issue. The first scientific
involves both genetic and regulatory changes,
principle is that, from the perspective of fun-
of which the former have more serious impli-
damental biology and evolution, the rise of
cations for public health. Regulatory changes
antimicrobial resistance in response to ex-
typically involve enhanced activity of physio-
posure to antimicrobial agents is inevitable.
logical processes such as membrane transport
Over millennia, microbes evolved highly ef-
pumps that extrude harmful agents, includ-
fective mechanisms to respond to environ-
ing antimicrobials. However, this mechanism
mental pressures, including naturally occur-
is relatively rare, and because the capacity
ring antimicrobial agents (86). Exposure of
of these mechanisms is limited, bacteria usu-
bacteria to sublethal concentrations of an-
ally express relatively low-level resistance as
timicrobial agents is particularly effective in
a consequence. Genetically encoded changes
driving the selection of resistant strains, and
are more serious because these can confer
under conditions of continued antimicro-
high-level resistance to specific or multiple
bial pressure, resistant strains are advantaged • Food Animal Production and Human Health 155

ANRV337-PU29-10 ARI 10 March 2008 19:57


Azotobacter Bacillus
Figure 2
Genetic exchange Agrobacterium
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among bacterial Staphylococcus

Annu. Rev. Public. Health. 2008.29:151-169. Downloaded from

species. This Rhodopseudomonas Enterobacteriaceae

demonstrates the Streptococcus
importance of
bacterial reservoirs Chromobacterium Campylobacter
of resistance, Vibrio
including both Ureaplasma
pathogenic and Caulobacter
nonpathogenic Mycoplasma
organisms (39).
agents and because they can persist and trans- tance (52). These events have been detected
fer among bacteria. In the presence of se- frequently in resistant Escherichia coli isolated
lective pressure, bacterial populations quickly from consumer meat products (77). This find-
evolve to a resistant phenotype through the ing is of particular concern because integrons
mutation of target genes and sharing of resis- can transfer multiple resistance genes at a
tance determinants (79). time. Some of these mechanisms can be en-
The third important scientific principle is hanced by stressors, including antimicrobial
that bacteria can share resistance genes. In pressure (4).
addition to spontaneous mutations that favor The concept of reservoirs of resistance
survival in the presence of antimicrobial pres- reflects the fact the community of genetic re-
sure, bacteria have an additional mechanism sources determines the rate and propagation
of rapid evolution toward a resistant pheno- of resistance (62). The contribution of agri-
type through the sharing of genes that en- cultural antimicrobial use to environmental
code resistance. Movement of resistance de- reservoirs of resistance has been documented
terminants can occur by the uptake of naked for both poultry and swine (31, 48). The
DNA by competent species and by plasmid existence of these reservoirs of resistance
transfers, by which resistance can be propa- challenges the current focus of public health
gated within and among bacteria, including concern on specific patterns of resistance
commensals (nonpathogenic) and pathogens in specific pathogens (36). Because genes
(60), often across broad species divisions, as for resistance traits can be exchanged from
shown in Figure 2 (39). It is this latter facility commensal to pathogenic bacteria, the “one
determinant: that is most dangerous in terms of propaga- bug, one drug” definition of the problem is
gene(s) that encode tion of resistance in the public health context inadequate (76).
changes in proteins, (75). It is estimated that mobile genetic el- The fourth important scientific principle
which result in ements including plasmids, transposons, in- is that resistance may continue even after an-
tegrons, gene cassettes, and bacteriophages timicrobials are no longer present. Earlier
resistance in bacteria
account for more than 95% of antibiotic resis- theories of microbial genetics assumed that

156 Silbergeld · Graham · Price

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resistance was unlikely to persist because the pared with human and veterinary medicine.
expression of resistance was thought to cost Most estimates suggest that nontherapeutic
the organism (in terms of increased energy re- agricultural use accounts for between 60%
quirements, susceptibility to other stressors, and 80% of total antimicrobial production in
or decreased reproductive rates) (38). This the United States (45) and until recently in
is clearly not always the case: For example, the European Union as well (80).
strains of Campylobacter jejuni that are resistant
to fluoroquinolones have a selective advantage
over wild strains in competing for the ecolog- Associations Between Antimicrobial
ical niche of the host (87). More fundamen- Use in Animal Feeds and
tally, it may in some cases be cheaper for a re- Resistant Pathogens
by George Washington University - Gelman Main Library on 08/05/13. For personal use only.

sistant bacterial strain to acquire an additional The extensive literature on the prevalence of
Annu. Rev. Public. Health. 2008.29:151-169. Downloaded from

genetic change that reduces the biological cost antimicrobial resistance in both commensal
of resistance rather than to revert genetically and pathogenic bacteria in association with
and phenotypically to the wild or susceptible antimicrobial use in food animal production
state (86). Resistance may also persist owing has examined associations in the contexts of
to the clustering of resistance genes on the producing cows, pigs, and poultry. The first
same transposable elements such that elimi- type of study is ecological, that is, studies that
nating only one antimicrobial may not reduce have followed the prevalence of antimicrobial
the prevalence of the cluster (1). Empirical ev- resistance after changes in agricultural antibi-
idence indicates that even after the removal of otic use. The second type is cross-sectional,
antimicrobials from animal feeds, the preva- that is, studies of specific groups in close
lence of resistance decreased significantly but contact with food animal production settings
could still be detected in animal houses, waste, where antimicrobials are used (such as farm-
and food products in Europe (72). ers and farm families) as well as of the pres-
ence of antimicrobial-resistant bacteria in an-
imals, animal houses, animal waste, and the
THE ROLE OF INDUSTRIAL environment. A third type of study has ex-
FOOD AND ANIMAL amined the prevalence of resistance in bac-
PRODUCTION IN teria isolated from consumer products from
ANTIMICROBIAL RESISTANCE conventional producers using antibiotics and
Understanding the contribution of agricul- those from producers not using antibiotics.
tural antimicrobial use to antimicrobial re-
sistance requires information on agriculture
uses. As shown in Table 1, drugs from almost Ecological Evidence: Studies
every clinically essential class are permitted of Temporal Trends
for use in some country as feed additives. Un- These studies utilize data collected at different
fortunately, we lack definitive information on time points and often from different sources.
the volume of antimicrobial use as feed addi- Despite these limitations, they provide evi-
tives in most countries, including the United dence consistent with an association between
States, where feed formulations are consid- registration of antimicrobials for agricultural
ered confidential business information under use and increasing risks of resistance in bac-
U.S. law. Global use is unknown but likely to terial isolates from human populations. For
increase as the IFAP model of production is example, the introduction of vancomycin and
adopted in other countries (65). Because of pristinamycin in swine production was as-
the general lack of data, there are unresolved sociated with increased prevalence of resis-
debates over the proportion of antimicrobial tant enterococci from human fecal samples in
use in agriculture for this purpose, as com- the Netherlands (84). A sharp increase in the • Food Animal Production and Human Health 157

ANRV337-PU29-10 ARI 10 March 2008 19:57




Percentage resistant Fluoroquinolones licensed
60 for poultry and livestock in 1990


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1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996
(n = 106) (n = 168) (n = 408) (n = 344) (n = 569) (n = 738) (n = 734) (n = 528) (n = 535) (n = 655)

Figure 3
Trends in the prevalence of fluoroquinolone resistance in clinical isolates of Campylobacter jejuni, in Spain,
examined for resistance from 1987 to 1996. Before approval of fluoroquinolones in poultry and livestock
production, resistance was relatively rare (<10%); after approval, the prevalence of resistance rose
quickly. Data used with permission from Reference 47.

prevalence of ciprofloxacin resistance among example, studies carried out in Denmark over
clinical Campylobacter isolates in the United this period demonstrated a rapid and parallel
States was associated with introduction of decrease in antimicrobial use and the preva-
a fluoroquinolone analog (enrofloxacin) into lence of antibiotic-resistant Enterococcus fae-
IFAP in 1990 (23; comment by Reference 11). cium recovered from pigs or broilers (from
As shown in Figure 3, following the introduc- Reference 2). The prevalence of resistant en-
tion of fluoroquinolones into poultry produc- terococci isolates from human subjects also
tion in Spain in 1993, the rates of resistance in declined in the European Union over the same
human isolates quickly rose to over 80% (47). period (34).
Similar data were found in studies of isolates
from poultry and humans in Norway (50) and
in the Netherlands (15). In contrast, the rel- Cross-Sectional Studies on Food
atively low rate of fluoroquinolone resistance Contamination with
in clinical isolates in Australia has been at- Antimicrobial-Resistant Bacteria
tributed to the fact that this drug was never There is extensive literature on the topic of
used in agriculture (81). resistant pathogens in animal-derived food
The most powerful temporal data are products. Repeated studies by the U.S. FDA
drawn from surveillance of both antimicro- have reported on the high prevalence of an-
bial use in agriculture and trends in resistance timicrobial resistance in pathogenic bacte-
in bacterial isolates from several sources, car- ria isolated from consumer food products in
ried out in Europe prior to and following the the United States, and similar findings have
ban on feed additive use of antimicrobials. For been reported in the European Union (14,

158 Silbergeld · Graham · Price

ANRV337-PU29-10 ARI 10 March 2008 19:57

32). Simjee et al. (67), from the FDA, con- ties to antimicrobial resistance associated with
ducted one of the more comprehensive sur- IFAP. Van den Bogaard & Stobberingh (83)
veys of antibiotic resistance in consumer poul- reported poultry farmers were at greatly in-
try products in the United States. More than creased risks of carrying drug-resistant en-
80% of non-faecalis enterococci were resistant terococci as compared with urban residents,
to streptogramins (quinupristin-dalfopristin), while Price et al. (59) found that poultry
and a high prevalence of resistance to peni- house workers were 32 times more likely
cillin, tetracycline, and erythromycin was also to carry gentamicin-resistant E. coli as com-
observed in enterococci. Similar findings were pared with community referents. In an in-
reported by the FDA for nonpoultry meat genious study, Ojeniyi (53) carried out an
products as well (25). Correlations among experiment in which chickens in a university-
by George Washington University - Gelman Main Library on 08/05/13. For personal use only.

quinupristin-dalfopristin resistance in E. fae- based operation were inoculated with an in-

Annu. Rev. Public. Health. 2008.29:151-169. Downloaded from

cium isolates have been drawn between hu- troduced strain of E. coli; the poultry house
mans, farm animals, and grocery store meats workers were rapidly infected by this indicator
in the United States (13). strain.
Production methods have been associated Exposures of farmers and farm workers to
with the likelihood of resistant pathogens on antimicrobial-resistant bacteria are of wider
the farm and in the food supply. For example, concern for public health, as these exposures
significantly higher prevalence of multidrug- can translate into community risks, especially
resistant E. coli was found in animals that were via person-to-person contacts (61, 71). Smith
supplied antimicrobials in feed as compared et al. (69) carried out investigations of resis-
with those from organic farms (66). Two stud- tant C. jejuni, confirming elevated risks among
ies have demonstrated associations between communities in close contact with CAFOs.
antimicrobial use and prevalence of resistant
bacteria isolated from consumer food prod-
ucts (41, 58). In both studies, the convention- Environmental Routes of Release
ally produced meats were more likely to carry of Antimicrobial-Resistant Bacteria
resistant bacteria. The location and methods used in IFAP, es-
pecially related to waste management, result
in environmental releases of resistant bacte-
Evidence for Nonfood Exposures ria from confined animal houses and feedlots
to Antimicrobial-Resistant Bacteria: into air, water, and soils. Resistant bacteria
Farming Communities and Farm have been isolated from environmental sam-
Workers ples in and near food animal production facili-
The issue of nonfood pathways of exposure ties (3, 9, 21, 30, 42, 63, 74). The public health
has only recently begun to receive attention. significance of these releases is increased by
Most of the earlier studies have consisted of the growing geographic concentration in the
case reports, exemplified by the report by Fey United States of IFAP over the past 50 years
et al. (19), who carried out a case investiga- (43). Similar trends are emerging globally
tion of a farm child infected by ceftriaxone- (20). As a consequence, the use of both antimi-
resistant Salmonella. More recently, Huijsdens crobials and pathways for pathogen releases
et al. (28) reported on methicillin-resistant have been similarly intensified (65).
Staphylococcus aureus infections in seven peo- The major source of resistant pathogens
ple (including an infant) living or working at a entering the environment from IFAP is via
large hog farm in the Netherlands; molecular waste disposal. According to the U.S. De-
methods confirmed the clonality of the hu- partment of Agriculture, confined food ani-
man and hog isolates. Two studies have exam- mals produce roughly 335 million tons (dry
ined exposures of farmers and rural communi- weight) of waste per year (82), which is more • Food Animal Production and Human Health 159

ANRV337-PU29-10 ARI 10 March 2008 19:57

than 40 times the mass of human biosolids house fans can range from 25 to 40 g m−3 in
generated by publicly owned treatment works 24 hrs or a million-fold increase as compared
(7.6 million tons in 2005). In contrast to with air sampled in a semirural area (57). At
Biosolids: nonliquid
excreta from animals human biosolids, no treatment-process con- swine CAFOs that use ventilation systems, re-
or humans trol requirements or prescribed criteria for sistant bacteria have been detected in the air as
pathogens have been established for animal far as 30 m upwind and 150 m downwind (21).
waste prior to disposal, although levels of Similarly, Campylobacter strains with identical
pathogens, as well as antimicrobial-resistant DNA fingerprints to those colonizing broil-
bacteria, are often higher than levels found ers have been measured in air up to 30 m
in human feces. After land disposal, resistant downwind of broiler facilities (5). In addition,
bacteria can move into human exposure path- the antimicrobial drugs themselves have been
by George Washington University - Gelman Main Library on 08/05/13. For personal use only.

ways and can occur through the contamina- found in airborne dust from swine CAFOs
Annu. Rev. Public. Health. 2008.29:151-169. Downloaded from

tion of crops fertilized with animal waste or ir- (24).

rigated with water contaminated by this waste;
aerosolized particles of waste emitted from Water. Resistant E. coli and resistance genes
animal houses or waste storage facilities, fields have been detected in groundwater sources
fertilized with litter, or trucks transporting for drinking water sampled near hog farms
animals for processing; runoff of waste into in North Carolina (3), Maryland (74), and
groundwater and surface water; and contam- Iowa (42). In terms of public health signifi-
ination of other animals. There is evidence cance, groundwater provides drinking water
for the mechanical spread of resistant bacteria for more than 97% of rural U.S. populations.
by insects, rodents, and wild avians that may In addition, antibiotics are regularly found in
be particularly attracted to poultry CAFOs surface waters at low levels (micrograms per
where sources of food exist. Information on liter range) (65).
environmental pathways of exposure to resis-
tant bacteria from CAFOs is provided here.
Soil. Only a few studies have looked at lev-
Waste. Hayes et al. (26) conducted a large els of resistant bacteria and resistance genes in
study of antibiotic resistance and its develop- soils associated with the application of animal
ment within the broiler poultry house, which waste to land. Because antibiotics occur nat-
demonstrated that multidrug resistance was urally in soils, and resistance to antibiotics is
observed in 53% of E. faecium and Enterococcus commonly found in these dynamic microbial
faecalis collected from poultry litter and from populations (12), it can be difficult to deter-
transport cages. Resistant pathogens persist in mine whether resistance in soil organisms is
waste from poultry houses held under conven- in response to land-applied animal waste. A
tional conditions (without digestion or formal study of dairy farm topsoil, from a farm using
composting) for at least four months. Tetra- antimicrobials in feed, consistently identified
cycline resistance genes are highly persistent multidrug resistant enteric bacteria that har-
in lagoons of hog waste and in soils amended bored resistance plasmids (6). In addition, be-
with this waste (30). cause antimicrobials can also be transferred to
soil via animal waste disposal, resistance may
Air. Because confinement of thousands of an- be generated de novo in soil bacteria (8). Ad-
imals requires controls to reduce heat and reg- ditionally, laboratory tests have shown that re-
ulate humidity, poultry and swine houses are sistance genes can be passed between enteric
ventilated with high-volume fans that result bacteria and soil bacteria (55).
in considerable movement of materials into
the external environment. Emissions of par- Food crops. Contamination of surface wa-
ticulate matter (<10 μm in size) from broiler ters from land disposal of animal waste can

160 Silbergeld · Graham · Price

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impact food safety. Runoff from land amended ciated with all uses of antimicrobials includ-
with CAFO waste has been implicated as a ing clinical, veterinary, and agricultural. Both
source of resistant pathogens recovered from appropriate and inappropriate uses contribute
Attributable risk:
food crops grown in soils irrigated with con- to the evolution and prevalence of resistance. the amount by which
taminated water (29, 68, 78). These events can Antimicrobial-resistant infections are often the incidence rate of
occur through water contamination from rel- considered largely nosocomial in origin, be- an outcome among
atively distant sites of land disposal. cause this is the usual setting in which they an exposed group
would be reduced if
are most often diagnosed. As a result, pro-
the exposure were
Environmental transfers via animal-to- grams for prevention have focused largely on eliminated
animal contact. Antimicrobial resistance hospitals and other clinical settings. Clearly,
can also escape from CAFOs by means of hospitals facilitate the spread of antimicrobial
by George Washington University - Gelman Main Library on 08/05/13. For personal use only.

contacts between animals in CAFOs and an- resistance for many reasons, including the
Annu. Rev. Public. Health. 2008.29:151-169. Downloaded from

imals in the external environment. Insects presence of people with bacterial infections,
are a potentially large contributor to these the need to manage a large volume of contam-
movements. Flies are found in significantly inated materials (including bedding, clothing,
increased numbers in areas close to animal and biological waste), intrusive medical pro-
houses. Houseflies have been found to play a cedures, immunocompromised persons, and
major role in the epidemiology of Campylobac- so on. However, for purposes of truly under-
ter infections in communities near CAFOs standing attributable risk, it is important to
(49). Rodents can also transfer pathogens in determine the origin of resistant infections
and out of animal houses (27). Wild avians are that may be detected in hospitals. It is increas-
attracted to CAFOs and to the fields where ingly recognized that the community, that is,
poultry house waste is disposed because of the extraclinical environment, is an important
the presence of spilled feed in this waste. In a source of antimicrobial resistance.
study of antibiotic resistance in E. coli isolated For all these reasons, it may not be possible
from wild avians near CAFOs, the proportion to determine the attributable risk of antimi-
of isolates resistant to antibiotics was signifi- crobial use specific to agriculture or to the use
cantly higher among those isolates from birds of specific antimicrobials as feed additives—in
in proximity to swine waste lagoons as com- terms of the overall incidence of resistant hu-
pared with a reference set of samples collected man infections, given a model that incorpo-
in settings with no animal production (10). rates the notion of communities of humans
and bacteria—as well as the importance of
both gene flow and microbial transmission
ATTRIBUTABLE RISK (76, 86). From the microbial point of view,
OF AGRICULTURAL all sources of selective pressure contribute to
ANTIMICROBIAL USE resistance, and its appearance may thus result
AND THE BURDEN OF from a variety of sources. In addition, there
ANTIMICROBIAL-RESISTANT is increasing recognition of the importance of
INFECTIONS IN PUBLIC reservoirs of resistance, which may reside in
HEALTH both pathogenic and nonpathogenic bacteria.
An important element in public health policy In terms of human disease risk, there is a
is estimating the proportion of a risk that can similar and increasing realization of the role
be attributed to a specific source or activity. of community infections as sources of nosoco-
Attributable risk is the amount or proportion mial (hospital) infections (71). Although hos-
by which the incidence rate of the outcome pital use of antimicrobials can generate the
among the exposed would be reduced if the highest risk of transmission of resistant in-
exposure were eliminated (35). As noted in the fections (owing to opportunities in hospi-
introduction, antimicrobial resistance is asso- tals for contact among large populations of • Food Animal Production and Human Health 161

ANRV337-PU29-10 ARI 10 March 2008 19:57

susceptible populations, similar to CAFOs), Evidence from many countries supports

the greater range of resistance generated by the role of agricultural antimicrobial use and
agricultural uses may result in a larger reser- increasing prevalence of resistance among
voir of nonhospitalized populations carry- commensal and pathogenic bacteria isolated
ing antimicrobial resistance, in the form of from food animals, humans, the food supply,
pathogenic and nonpathogenic bacteria, as and the environment. Bradford Hill’s criteria
well as transposable genetic elements. As these for considering a causal relationship between
people enter the hospital, they may be a ma- a risk factor and an outcome (35) are well
jor source of resistant infections to the hos- met: A consistent temporal relationship be-
pital environment. Thus, the risks of becom- tween the introduction of antimicrobials into
ing infected by a resistant pathogen are higher agricultural use and increases in the preva-
by George Washington University - Gelman Main Library on 08/05/13. For personal use only.

in hospitals, but the source of resistance is lence of resistant organisms has been found
Annu. Rev. Public. Health. 2008.29:151-169. Downloaded from

greater outside the hospital, largely related to in animals, animal-derived food products, and
the size of the animal reservoir of resistance humans; the associations between antimicro-
(which includes consumer meats and poultry). bial use and outcomes are highly significant
Thus, as Smith et al. (71) conclude, a large and consistently reported; plausibility rests
number of people exposed to a low risk may upon our understanding of microbial evolu-
generate more cases than a small number of tion; other sources of antimicrobial resistance
people exposed to a high risk. Evidence for the have been examined; specificity has been con-
increasing prevalence of community sources firmed by molecular methods demonstrating
of multidrug resistance is found in a study of clonality among isolates from animals, the
incoming patients at a tertiary care hospital food supply, and exposed humans; the effects
in Boston: From 1998/9 to 2002/3, the like- of intervention (banning specific drugs) on re-
lihood of multidrug resistance in E. coli in- ducing the prevalence of resistance have been
creased from 2% to almost 20% (56). reported; and the data are coherent with our
overall understanding of the drivers for selec-
tive evolution in bacteria.
CONCLUSIONS Prudent public health policy thus indi-
The use of antimicrobials for nontherapeu- cates that nontherapeutic uses of antimicro-
tic purposes in agriculture is a major factor bials in food animal production should stop.
driving the emergence of antimicrobial re- Economic analyses demonstrate that there is
sistance globally. Throughout the world, an- little economic benefit from using antimicro-
timicrobial agents from every class of clini- bials as feed additives, and that equivalent im-
cally important drugs have been introduced provements in growth and feed consumption
into agriculture as feed additives. In addi- can be achieved by improved hygiene. Im-
tion, the methods of modern food animal proved hygiene also has a moral imperative
production, in which large numbers of ani- for the welfare of domesticated animals. Hogs
mals are confined to houses or feedlots, cre- raised in nonbedded confinement systems ex-
ates opportunities for intensive host-to-host hibit more aberrant behavior, have higher
transfers. Crowding, inadequate housing, and plasma cortisol levels, and suffer a greater in-
unsanitary conditions facilitate the spread of cidence of injuries in contrast to hogs in less
infectious disease in human populations. De- densely concentrated, bedded hoop housing
spite this knowledge, the industrial food ani- (37).
mal model still concentrates animals in small, Consistent global action has been repeat-
unsanitary spaces. In addition, IFAP results in edly recommended by the World Health
an enormous burden of waste and in oppor- Organization, International Organization for
tunities for uncontrolled emissions into the Epizootics, and Food and Agriculture Orga-
environment. nization. Yet these issues are still considered

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controversial in the United States, and ronmental agencies. In the United States, the
there are even proposals to make new recent regulations proposed by the Environ-
antimicrobials, such as fourth-generation mental Protection Agency for management of
HACCP: Hazard
cephalosporins, available for agricultural use. IFAP waste do not cover pathogens or an- Analysis and Critical
From the scientific perspective, it is difficult timicrobials, but only nutrient overloads and Control Point, a set
to define what additional research is needed odors. of integrated
to support a change in public policy on an- We therefore conclude with two funda- guidelines and
recommendations by
timicrobial use in agriculture. Some responsi- mental observations: First, a mass flow con-
the USDA and FDA
bility for the gap between policy and science cept of antimicrobial pressure and resistance to reduce health
is due to the failure of the public health com- evolution supports the importance of con- hazards associated
munity to identify agricultural antimicrobial trolling the agricultural use of antimicrobials with production of
by George Washington University - Gelman Main Library on 08/05/13. For personal use only.

use as a major preventable driver of the clin- because this is the primary category of use meat and poultry
Annu. Rev. Public. Health. 2008.29:151-169. Downloaded from

ical crisis in antimicrobial resistance. More- worldwide; and second, the problem must be
over, in outbreaks of resistant infections, the redefined as one of resistance and gene flow,
ultimate source of drug-resistant pathogens thus challenging the basis of policies that re-
in the food supply is rarely identified, as in spond to or prioritize specific drug/bug com-
the case of vegetables contaminated via irri- binations. Recognition of these principles sig-
gation water into which pathogens have en- nificantly impacts current methods of policy
tered from fields amended with animal waste. making by risk assessment methods, as em-
Calls for increased investment in surveillance ployed by the U.S. government and by the
of the food supply are justified, but, because Codex Alimentarius. This approach does not
surveillance programs can never be fully pro- reflect the current understanding of the role of
tective, opportunities for prevention should resistance reservoirs and the multiple oppor-
not be neglected. tunities for exposures to antimicrobial resis-
Finally, the true scope of the impacts of tance. There is, moreover, a lack of attention
agricultural antimicrobial use must be recog- to the importance of bacteria as living organ-
nized. This is not simply a food safety prob- isms, which are fundamentally different from
lem, but a problem involving occupational chemicals because living organisms are capa-
health and environmental exposures through ble of expanding in number and potential risk
air, soils, and water. The current systems and bacteria can transfer their toxic proper-
in the United States, combining surveillance ties. This confounds the notion of threshold
(National Antimicrobial Resistance Monitor- of resistance, which is utilized by the FDA and
ing System) and regulation (Hazard Analysis Environmental Protection Agency in their
and Critical Control Point, HACCP), cover microbial risk assessments.
from farm to fork but not very effectively The goal of this review has been to provide
within or nearby the farm. HACCP accepts a scientifically informed overview of the na-
the fact that, under current practices, animals ture and extent of antimicrobial use in agricul-
and the human food supply will be contami- ture and the complex pathways by which this
nated by pathogens and resistant organisms; use can affect food safety, environmental qual-
controls are instituted to contain this prob- ity, and community health risks, with a view
lem after the animals leave the farms. HACCP to identifying feasible opportunities for pre-
places no additional burden on the man- vention and harm reduction. A central con-
agement of food animal production to con- cept is that of reservoirs of resistance within
tain risks of antimicrobial resistance. HACCP microbial ecosystems in which resistance can
does not deal with the potential for health flow among organisms. The contribution of
risks associated with nonfood pathways of re- agriculture to these reservoirs is significant,
lease and exposure. Also, the responsibility for and the consequences for public health are
these pathways has not been taken up by envi- far-reaching. • Food Animal Production and Human Health 163

ANRV337-PU29-10 ARI 10 March 2008 19:57

1. The use of antimicrobials as feed additives in food animal production is a major cause
of increasing antimicrobial resistance in human pathogens. This use accounts for
much of total drug production and is increasing worldwide.
2. Agricultural antimicrobial use results in the exposure of farmers, farm workers, rural
communities, and the general public to antimicrobial resistant pathogens, as well as
contamination of air, water, and soils near food animal production sites.
3. For public health, the most significant impact of agricultural antimicrobial use is the
expansion of reservoirs of resistance because these genes can be transferred widely
by George Washington University - Gelman Main Library on 08/05/13. For personal use only.

among microbial communities.

Annu. Rev. Public. Health. 2008.29:151-169. Downloaded from

4. Reducing or banning agricultural antimicrobial use can reduce risks of antimicrobial

resistance in the food supply.
5. Disposal of animal waste is a major route of environmental contamination by antimi-
crobials and resistance determinants.
6. Farmers and farm workers are at significantly increased risks of infection by
antimicrobial-resistant bacteria; they may serve as entry points for the general com-
munity and transfers into health care settings.

1. The role of agricultural antimicrobial use will be recognized as one of the most
important drivers of increasing multidrug-resistant pathogens.
2. Research using advanced molecular methods will increasingly demonstrate the impor-
tance of reservoirs of resistance and gene flow as driving mechanisms for the spread
of antimicrobial resistance from agricultural use into the environment and human
3. Research will challenge current assumptions of public health policy that are based only
on preventing resistance to clinically important antimicrobials in pathogens associated
with serious human diseases.

L.B.P. is a member of the following organizations, all of which have expressed concerns over
the use of antibiotics in food animal production: American Society for Microbiology, Alliance
for the Prudent Use of Antibiotics, and the Center for Livable Future.

This review is based on a report prepared by these authors for the National Commission
on Industrial Food Animal Production, whose work was supported by a grant from the Pew
Charitable Trusts to Johns Hopkins University. The opinions expressed are those of the authors
and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Pew Charitable Trusts. Research by the authors
has been supported by grants from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health,

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the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the
Winslow Foundation, the Clayton Baker Trust, and the Center for a Livable Future at Johns
Hopkins University. The authors thank collaborators and supporters of this work over the past
five years, especially Carol Resnick, Carole Morison, Patricia Charache, Robert Lawrence,
Polly Walker, Peter Lees, and the many students who have worked in the field and the laboratory
on these projects. E.K.S. dedicates this review to Professor M. Gordon Wolman, Johns Hopkins
University, for his steadfast support and constant challenges to excellence.

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Figure 1
(a) Broiler chickens in a conventional facility. From hatching the chickens are housed in confinement,
where there is no removal of waste during the 6- to 7-week growing period. Usually there is only
superficial removal of the top layer of litter (decrusting) between flocks. Note the fans at the end of the
building, as well as the overall lack of biocontainments. (b) Swine held in a conventional facility. There is
a slotted floor over a cess pit, into which waste is collected with intermittent washing of the flooring.
Animals are held in these conditions for several months until transport to slaughterhouses. From l Food Animal Production and Human Health C-1

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Figure 1 (Continued)

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Annual Review of
Public Health

Contents Volume 29, 2008

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Public Health Accreditation: Progress on National Accountability

Hugh H. Tilson p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p pxv

Symposium: Climate Change and Health

Mitigating, Adapting, and Suffering: How Much of Each?
Kirk R. Smith p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p pxxiii
Ancillary Benefits for Climate Change Mitigation and Air Pollution
Control in the World’s Motor Vehicle Fleets
Michael P. Walsh p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p1
Co-Benefits of Climate Mitigation and Health Protection in Energy
Systems: Scoping Methods
Kirk R. Smith and Evan Haigler p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 11
Health Impact Assessment of Global Climate Change: Expanding
on Comparative Risk Assessment Approaches for Policy Making
Jonathan Patz, Diarmid Campbell-Lendrum, Holly Gibbs,
and Rosalie Woodruff p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 27
Heat Stress and Public Health: A Critical Review
R. Sari Kovats and Shakoor Hajat p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 41
Preparing the U.S. Health Community for Climate Change
Richard Jackson and Kyra Naumoff Shields p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 57

Epidemiology and Biostatistics

Ecologic Studies Revisited
Jonathan Wakefield p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 75
Recent Declines in Chronic Disability in the Elderly U.S. Population:
Risk Factors and Future Dynamics
Kenneth G. Manton p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 91

AR337-FM ARI 22 February 2008 17:45

The Descriptive Epidemiology of Commonly Occurring Mental

Disorders in the United States
Ronald C. Kessler and Philip S. Wang p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p115
The Women’s Health Initiative: Lessons Learned
Ross L. Prentice and Garnet L. Anderson p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p131
U.S. Disparities in Health: Descriptions, Causes, and Mechanisms
Nancy E. Adler and David H. Rehkopf p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p235

Environmental and Occupational Health

Industrial Food Animal Production, Antimicrobial Resistance,
by George Washington University - Gelman Main Library on 08/05/13. For personal use only.

and Human Health

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Ellen K. Silbergeld, Jay Graham, and Lance B. Price p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p151

The Diffusion and Impact of Clean Indoor Air Laws
Michael P. Eriksen and Rebecca L. Cerak p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p171
Ancillary Benefits for Climate Change Mitigation and Air Pollution
Control in the World’s Motor Vehicle Fleets
Michael P. Walsh p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p1
Co-Benefits of Climate Mitigation and Health Protection in Energy
Systems: Scoping Methods
Kirk R. Smith and Evan Haigler p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 11
Health Impact Assessment of Global Climate Change: Expanding on
Comparative Risk Assessment Approaches for Policy Making
Jonathan Patz, Diarmid Campbell-Lendrum, Holly Gibbs, and
Rosalie Woodruff p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 27
Heat Stress and Public Health: A Critical Review
R. Sari Kovats and Shakoor Hajat p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 41
Preparing the U.S. Health Community for Climate Change
Richard Jackson and Kyra Naumoff Shields p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 57
Protective Interventions to Prevent Aflatoxin-Induced Carcinogenesis
in Developing Countries
John D. Groopman, Thomas W. Kensler, and Christopher P. Wild p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p187

Public Health Practice

Protective Interventions to Prevent Aflatoxin-Induced Carcinogenesis
in Developing Countries
John D. Groopman, Thomas W. Kensler, and Christopher P. Wild p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p187
Regionalization of Local Public Health Systems in the Era of
Howard K. Koh, Loris J. Elqura, Christine M. Judge, and Michael A. Stoto p p p p p p p p205

viii Contents
AR337-FM ARI 22 February 2008 17:45

The Effectiveness of Mass Communication to Change Public Behavior

Lorien C. Abroms and Edward W. Maibach p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p219
U.S. Disparities in Health: Descriptions, Causes, and Mechanisms
Nancy E. Adler and David H. Rehkopf p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p235
The Diffusion and Impact of Clean Indoor Air Laws
Michael P. Eriksen and Rebecca L. Cerak p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p171
Public Health Services and Cost-Effectiveness Analysis
H. David Banta and G. Ardine de Wit p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p383

Social Environment and Behavior

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Creating Healthy Food and Eating Environments: Policy

and Environmental Approaches
Mary Story, Karen M. Kaphingst, Ramona Robinson-O’Brien,
and Karen Glanz p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p253
Why Is the Developed World Obese?
Sara Bleich, David Cutler, Christopher Murray, and Alyce Adams p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p273
Global Calorie Counting: A Fitting Exercise for Obese Societies
Shiriki K. Kumanyika p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p297
The Health and Cost Benefits of Work Site Health-Promotion
Ron Z. Goetzel and Ronald J. Ozminkowski p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p303
The Value and Challenges of Participatory Research: Strengthening
Its Practice
Margaret Cargo and Shawna L. Mercer p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p325
A Critical Review of Theory in Breast Cancer Screening Promotion
across Cultures
Rena J. Pasick and Nancy J. Burke p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p351
The Effectiveness of Mass Communication to Change Public Behavior
Lorien C. Abroms and Edward W. Maibach p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p219
U.S. Disparities in Health: Descriptions, Causes, and Mechanisms
Nancy E. Adler and David H. Rehkopf p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p235

Health Services
A Critical Review of Theory in Breast Cancer Screening Promotion
across Cultures
Rena J. Pasick and Nancy J. Burke p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p351
Nursing Home Safety: Current Issues and Barriers to Improvement
Andrea Gruneir and Vincent Mor p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p369

Contents ix
AR337-FM ARI 22 February 2008 17:45

Public Health Services and Cost-Effectiveness Analysis

H. David Banta and G. Ardine de Wit p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p383
The Impact of Health Insurance on Health
Helen Levy and David Meltzer p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p399
The Role of Health Care Systems in Increased Tobacco Cessation
Susan J. Curry, Paula A. Keller, C. Tracy Orleans, and Michael C. Fiore p p p p p p p p p p p411


Cumulative Index of Contributing Authors, Volumes 20–29 p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p429

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Cumulative Index of Chapter Titles, Volumes 20–29 p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p434


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