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Rethabile Azania Masala

ENGLISH : Task 5 - Essay Writing DUE DATE : 26th April 2024, 23:00

Essay Title Essay Details

Unlikely Love in the Midst of • Word count: 400-450
Conflict: A Palestine Woman’s • TYPED in ARIAL •Sent to :
Heartache. • Font size : 12

The story follows a Palestinian woman, born in a small village in Palestine during British Mandate, who fell n love
with a British soldier, part of a colonising force in the area. They spent time together, they begin to realise that the
situation in Palestine is less than ideal, as tensions grow between the native Palestinians and the colonising British.
As violence breaks out, the couple's relationship is forced to endure a tragic ending.

Paragraphs Content
Introduction Brief introduction to the main characters and establish the
setting. It should introduce the female protagonist, while
also giving an insight into the tense political atmosphere
that she is living under. Additionally, it should also hint at
the love story that is about to take place between the
female protagonist and the British soldier.

Paragraph 2 Delving deeper into the interactions between the two

main characters. It should provide further insights into
their personalities and character traits, as well as the
chemistry they have together. Additionally, it could also
begin to establish the conflicts and obstacles that lay
ahead for their forbidden romance.

Paragraph 3 continue to elaborate on the

growing relationship between the
two main characters and further
illustrate the struggles they face due
to the geopolitical situation at hand.

Despite the female protagonist's strong faith in their relationship,
ultimately their forbidden romance came to a heartbreaking and tragic
end, due to insurmountable forces and factors beyond their control. The
political situation and the British forces' grip over the region eventually
proved too much, leading to the painful separation of the duo
Name : Rethabile Azania Masala
Grade : 11.1
Register Class : Ms Ndlovu

In a world torn by war, division, and conflict, love can seem like an elusive and impossible notion.
However, sometimes, love and fate find their ways to intertwine, leading to unexpected and
bittersweet pairings. Amina and William , two souls destined to meet and to love in an atmosphere
tainted by loss, tragedy, and sorrow.

With the war raging on around her, Amina found herself amidst the chaos and tragedy, doing
everything possible to help her people to safety. Despite the danger and fear, she stubbornly prevailed
in her efforts to ensure safety for her people, doing all she could to protect them from the war and its

William was drawn to Amina’s bravery and determination. However, he wasn't simply admiring her. In
fact, he was following her in order to capture her and her people. As Amina led her people to safety,
William continued to pursue her, plotting his trap and carefully awaiting the perfect chance to strike.
With her senses on edge from the horrors of war, Amina heard footsteps approaching with increasing
volume. She quickly grabbed the closest weapon within reach and spun around to face the source. She
spotted William lurking in the shadows, creeping ever closer to her with a sinister intent. Without
hesitation, she levelled the weapon at him, a warning in her eyes not to take another step. A dramatic
face-off between the two opposing forces.

The moment their eyes met, it was like a sudden explosion of a flood of memories and emotions from
their past life, a lifetime ago. They recalled the days when they were just mere soldiers in the army,
fighting side by side and believing in a world of endless possibilities. Those memories that seemed so
distant now came rushing back to their minds' eye, as the recognition of each other's faces hit them
like an avalanche. It was as if they had a soul connection, despite all the years passed.


As the gunshot wound pierced her heart, her entire frame went limp, and there was a deathly silence.
He watched in horror as the life drained from her eyes with every passing moment, her gaze forever
locked onto his own. The silence was like a void of unimaginable pain. He could see her lips move
quietly, as she breathed her last, barely audible last words "Save my people habibi" William caught her
limp body in his arms, his arms trembling and his own breathing becoming erratic. In that moment, his
whole world collapsed.

He failed to save her, and the image of her last moments played in his mind like a broken record on a

Word count : 441

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