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Unthinkable Danielle Hill


Unthinkable Danielle Hill


Unthinkable: (Unstoppable - Book 2) (The Unstoppable

Series) Danielle Hill


Unthinkable Anna Hill

Untouchable Danielle Hill


Untouchable: (Unstoppable - Book 1) Danielle Hill


The Queens of Prophecy and Power Danielle Hill


A Kingdom of Sun and Shadow (Twingenuity Series Book 1)

Danielle Hill


Undeniable: A Stepbrother Romance (Unstoppable Book 3)

(The Unstoppable Series) Danielle Hill

Unstoppable | Book Two


Title Page
About The Author
Also by Danielle Hill
Copyright © 2021 Danielle Hill

All rights reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced, copied, resold or distributed in any form, or by
any electronic or mechanical means, without permission in writing from the author, except
for brief quotations within a review.

This book is a work of fiction.

Names, characters, businesses, organisations, places, events, and incidents are either the
product of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to
actual persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.
For my sisters
~ Victoria, Samantha & Natalie ~
The three badass women who’ve always had my back.
Love you all.

Thirteen Years Old

“You swore you wouldn’t do it again, Mitch.”

My mom’s broken words bled into the hallway where I sat perched
on the fourth step from the top, my head resting against the wooden
bannister. Her pained sobs intensified while my dad remained
noticeably silent, no doubt conjuring up another lame excuse,
preparing another fake apology. My grip tightened around the
railing, the hard edges of the wood biting into my palms.
Tears of frustration built behind my lids, spilling over onto my
cheeks. I twisted my neck and pressed my forehead into the wood,
hard enough that a flash of pain erupted from the spot and radiated
across my face. Then I focused my attention on that. Because
physical pain was easier to deal with. Easier to understand.
How could he keep hurting her the way he did? Didn’t he see it?
Didn’t he hear the symphony of her heart breaking? Every time I’d
sat on these steps, I’d asked myself the same question. How could
he witness the pain his actions inflicted, then do it all over again?
Time and time again.
He’d always gush about how much he loved her, how sorry he
was, how it would never happen again.
It was all lies.
I doubted he even had a heart. And if he did, it beat for no one
but himself.
He loved being the big shot lawyer in a mid-size firm, where a
rotation of secretaries kept his desk warm and his ego fat, uncaring
that he had a wife and kids. With his styled blonde hair, bright blue
eyes, and alluring charm, no one could resist. And neither could he.
I hated him for it. I hated that he betrayed my mom’s trust and
took her love for granted. I hated that he was so self-involved, so
distant and unfeeling.
I hated that my mom wasn’t enough, that we weren’t enough.
That… I wasn’t enough.
If he’d ever hugged me, I couldn’t remember it. I couldn’t
remember the last time he hadn’t looked right through me as if I
weren’t even there. His family were a burden to him, at best.
“Melinda,” he finally said with a sigh. “I’m sorry.”
The blood in my veins heated as a vision of how the next ten
minutes would go played out in my head. He’d apologize, blame the
stress of work, the long hours, maybe the lack of attention from my
mom, or even the women he cheated with, and their relentless
I’d heard it all, every excuse in the book.
He’d say whatever my mom needed to hear to brush it under the
carpet. He knew she would. She always did, even knowing he’d do it
It was sickening. I straightened my spine and brushed my hands
over my damp cheeks, then laid them flat on my bent legs.
I loved my mother, but I could never be like her.
“This one’s… different, Mel.”
My shoulders tensed, fingernails digging into my thighs.
“What?” My mom’s thin voice trembled. “What does that mean,
I waited, my ears straining for the words, my heart slowing in my
“I’m saying I want a divorce, Melinda.”
Air rushed up through my nostrils, making me dizzy.
“A divorce?” my mom shrieked. “What? I don’t understand.”
“I’m in love with her, Melinda. And…” My father paused, clearing
his throat. He sounded uncomfortable. “She’s pregnant.”
Never, in all the times I’d eavesdropped on one of these
confrontations, had I heard my mom fall apart so spectacularly.
“No!” The wail tore from her. “No, Mitch. Please, no. Please don’t
do this.” Her agonized cries cut through me like nails on a
chalkboard. She begged him to stay, promised to be better for him,
swore to forgive him.
I fastened my palms over my ears. I couldn’t listen to it anymore.
My heart beat out a dull thud against my breastbone as I drew in
a breath and rose to my feet, a steely calm borne of quiet despair
washing over me. I climbed the steps and moved down the hallway
into my parent’s room, reaching up on my toes and closing my
fingers around the handle of the suitcase in the storage closet.
It landed on the pillow top mattress with a light plop, and then I
moved—emotionless—and systematically emptied the room of
Mitchell Bedford. I stuffed everything I could find into the
overflowing case, then dragged it to the floor and perched a knee on
top of it to tug the zipper shut. Then I dragged it down the hall.
It bounced on each step, making a loud thumping sound, but I
doubted they’d hear it. My mom’s pleading cries drowned out
everything else.
When I reached the door, I heaved the suitcase inside and gave it
a shove.
The scene that confronted me would be forever etched into my
brain. My mom on her knees, sobbing into my father’s brown loafers.
My dad’s head hanging back off his shoulders, his manicured fingers
pinching the bridge of his nose like he just wanted it to be over.
Two sets of eyes swung to me when the case collided with the
hardwood floor. My mom’s cries abated, her pale blue eyes widening.
I shifted my attention to the man formerly known as my father. A
light crease emerged on his forehead as he looked first at the
bulging suitcase, then at me. I met his gaze.
Do you see me now, Dad? Good.
I held his stare without flinching and said, “Get out. And don’t
ever come back.”
Without sparing him another second of my time, I turned on my
heel, walked through the door, and slammed it closed behind me.
My mom would be better off without him, I knew that, but my
entire body felt cold, suddenly encased in a thin layer of ice that had
me shivering.
If that was love, count me out.
I wanted no part of it.

Seventeen Years Old

A well-aimed spit bomb sailed past my head and splattered

against the cherry-stained surface of the desk at the front of the
room. The head of the man occupying it snapped up, dislodging the
tortoiseshell glasses perched on the end of his nose.
“Who did that?” Mr. Pickman asked, lurching to his feet, and
adjusting his spectacles.
My head fell back with a muted groan. Great. Just fucking great.
Now he’d hold us hostage through lunch.
“Stand up right now.”
The piercing, nasal quality to Pickman’s voice grated over every
nerve ending in my ears, and I winced before bringing my head back
down and swiping my thumb across the screen on my cell. After
quickly tapping out a message to my best friend, Riley Mason, I slid
the phone into my pocket and eased back in my seat.
Drumming my fingernails distractedly against the scratched
desktop, I watched the hue of Pickman’s sour face transform from a
corpse-like grey to a bright, splotchy crimson. With his pointed ears
and his sharp features twisted in agitation, he looked like a deranged
little elf about to go on a rampage.
“Ah, we’re all suddenly mute? Well, isn’t that convenient?”
Pickman said, folding his tweed jacket-clad arms over his narrow
chest and glowering through what had to be three-inch-thick lenses.
When the lunch bell blared from the crackly speaker system above
his head, a few students started shuffling, readying to leave.
Something like glee sparked in his eyes, and mine narrowed. He got
off on this shit. Tiny man was on a power trip lording over a bunch
of teenagers.
Hello, Napoleon Complex.
“Stay seated.” The tone of his voice was nothing short of gloating.
“You can all remain here until the culprit identifies themselves, or
someone else feels compelled to do it for them. Thank the individual
who felt it prudent to disrupt my lesson with their juvenile behaviour.
I won’t tolerate this level of disrespect in my classroom…” His voice
rose swiftly up the decibel scale as he continued ranting, and I
zoned out.
My gaze wandered idly over the array of disgruntled faces
scattered around the room, eventually landing on the jackass
responsible for this extended stay in purgatory. I glared at the side
of Jackson Bateman’s head until it swung my way.
“Are you kidding me with this shit?” I muttered, my voice laced
with disdain. “Spit bombs? Are you eight?”
When his lips formed a goofy grin, I had to resist the urge to jump
up and throat punch him.
“It was me,” a deep voice rumbled from the desk behind me.
My eyes rolled backward in my head, a familiar chagrin working its
way up my windpipe.
Leon Bradshaw.
Idiot extraordinaire, who gave the term moron a whole new
meaning. Case in point: claiming responsibility for something I knew
for a fact he didn’t do. No doubt he had his reasons; no doubt they
were dumb AF. Twisting my upper body round, I turned to face him.
Leon sat with his arm draped over the back of his chair, the fabric
of his black tee stretched taut over his wide chest. His smoldering
blue gaze—the same one that magically relieved cheerleaders of
their underwear in the guy’s locker room most lunchtimes—met mine
with a playful wink.
“Don’t fucking wink at me, Bradshaw.”
A short chuckle passed through his lips before he tipped his chin
up and blew me a kiss. “Don’t pretend you don’t like it, Snow
I raised a hand and showed him my middle finger before spinning
back to the front of the room. We had a love-hate relationship, Leon
and I, in that I loved to hate him. We’d been at each other’s throats
so long I couldn’t remember what kicked it all off. Not that it
mattered. He’d done zilch to change my opinion over the course of
the past seventeen years.
The guy was a basic high school stereotype. A hot jock riding the
cresting waves of popularity off the back of his ability to throw a ball
and the fact he looked like the love child of Chris Hemsworth and
Brad Pitt. With his chiselled jawline, streaked dark-blonde hair, and
panty-melting smile, he wasn’t hurting for admirers, and he knew it.
Lucky for me, I wore Teflon infused underwear and valued brains
over brawn or good looks. I wasn’t in the market for a boyfriend,
and even if I were, the guy would need to have at least a hint of
substance. Which meant, he sure as shit wasn’t a senior at
Claremont High.
“What the fuck, Bradshaw?” My eyes swayed back reluctantly to
dumb and dumber when Jackson’s hushed whisper travelled
between the two tables.
“You owe me for this, Bateman.”
“Fuck that shit,” Jackson muttered in response. “I didn’t ask you to
do it. Last time I owed you, my ass nearly landed in jail.”
Leon snorted. “Don’t be so fucking dramatic. You got pulled over
with a bag of weed on you. How long you gonna bitch about that?”
“It was fucking yours.” Jackson’s gaze darted to the front of the
room briefly, before swinging back to Leon. He tapped his knuckles
against the desk and shrugged. “I’ll go tell Prickman it was me.”
Prickman being Mr Pickman, otherwise referred to as Prickman the
Douche. For obvious reasons.
“No, you fucking don’t,” Leon shot back. “Too late for that now.
Besides, you’re on a last warning and you know it. I got this one,
dickhead. I’ll let you know what I want in exchange. Already got
something in mind.”
“Yeah, I’ll fucking bet you do. Skunk?”
Leon leaned sideways. “I want the good shit.”
And there it was—Pretty Boy wanted some free weed. The boy
had goals.
Jackson rolled his eyes, mumbling under his breath as he turned
“Mr. Bradshaw, remain seated. The rest of you, collect your
belongings and leave my classroom.”
Groans of relief mixed with the sounds of scraping chairs and
squeaking footsteps as students stampeded to the door in a mass
exodus. Not particularly feeling like getting my ass trampled this
morning, I held back.
Jackson was still muttering as he passed by my desk, and I shook
my head, wondering how the hell he’d avoided being held back a
grade, or five.
Bending down, I tugged the sides of my bag open and tossed my
belongings inside with little thought to organization.
“Snow Queen?”
My chair jerked under me as Leon’s foot connected with the back
Pulling the bag onto my lap without looking at him, I yanked the
zipper closed and muttered, “What?”
“I’m still waiting.”
I kept my expression neutral as I angled my head back. “For?”
His forearms slid over the table as he shifted forward in his seat.
“An apology for Friday night. Or a fucking thank you. I’ll take either.”
I scoffed.
“Hey, I came running when you called and instead of thanking me
for it, you chewed me out and insulted my masculinity.”
“Your masculinity?” I repeated with a disparaging smirk.
“Close that fucking trap before you start!” he shot out before I
could plunge his manliness into further disrepute. My teeth caught
the inside of my lip.
Riley drank too much and took off with some players from a rival
football team that weekend. When I’d figured out where she was, I’d
called Leon and asked for his help to get her home. It was a last
resort. I’d instantly regretted it, and likely would for a while.
Leon was acting like he’d taken out ten burly footballers single
While I could admit to myself that the guy knew how to handle
himself and he’d actually put on quite an impressive display on the
old battlefield, I wasn’t about to tell him that. Fuck no.
“Still waiting,” Leon murmured, strumming a beat across the desk
with the blunt edges of his fingers.
“Better get comfortable, Pretty Boy. You’ll be waiting a very long
He exhaled and dropped back in his chair. “Would it kill you to
show some gratitude, Alissa?”
I shrugged. “I’d rather not find out.”
His mouth formed a reluctant grin as he pushed back, the front
legs of his chair leaving the ground. “You’re an ungrateful brat, you
know that?”
“And you’re a cocky asshole. Guess we all have our flaws.” I hit
him with a pointed look. “Do you remember sticking your size ten in
that giant trap you call a mouth and making Riley feel like an even
bigger jerk than she already did? Want me to thank you for that as
well, jackass?”
The chair legs hit the ground with a clatter and Leon scratched at
his whiskered jaw, his expression contrite. “Yeah, I feel like shit
about that. I didn’t think.”
I rolled my eyes. “Do you ever?”
“Sheath your claws, Snow Queen. You already strung me up by
the ball sack for it once. Can’t a guy make a mistake?”
A snorted breath left my lips. “In your case, yeah… seventeen
years’ worth.” When he opened his mouth to respond, I added,
“None quite as big as the one your mom made nine months before
you were born, though.”
Leon’s eyes narrowed. “You’re fucking cold.”
“I’d say the nickname you bestowed on me gives it away.”
Tipping his head to the side, he studied me, his sea-blue eyes
unusually serious. “Do you hate all men? Or is it just me?”
The unexpected question drew a sudden breath from my chest,
and I averted my gaze.
No, I didn’t hate all men. Just most of them.
Because most of them made decisions with the head between
their legs instead of the one on their shoulders and wouldn’t
recognize fidelity if it slapped them around the face with a wet
Leon Bradshaw fell into that category.
For years, he’d claimed to be in love (whatever the hell that word
meant; from what I could gather, it was open to interpretation) with
Riley, yet it had never stopped his dick from wandering into other
girl’s open mouths. Amongst other holes. The fact he and Ri were
never officially together meant nothing; he’d said the words, then
shat all over them. Lies poured from his gilded tongue like every
other playboy I’d ever met—including the one who’d fathered me.
“Miss Bedford, why are you still here?”
My disoriented gaze snapped up to find a pot-holed face glaring
down at me. “Just leaving,” I mumbled. Thoughts of my dad always
left a bitter taste in my mouth, dredging up old memories I’d rather
keep buried.
“Do it faster,” Pickman barked, tiny droplets of saliva peppering the
surrounding air. I eased back to avoid the spray. The guy was
renowned for spit-showers; anywhere within a two-foot radius was
too close.
As I walked backward toward the exit, I caught Leon’s gaze and
offered him a middle finger salute. Then I swivelled and strolled
through the open doorway.
That’s about as close to an apology as you’re ever gonna get from
me, Pretty Boy.
I didn’t owe Leon Bradshaw a thing. And I never would.

The screen on my phone lit up, catching my eye as I lay

sprawled out on my bed watching Gossip Girl re-runs on Netflix. I
paused the TV and picked up the phone. My brows lifted with a light
snort when I saw the name flashing across the screen, and I
dropped the cell back down on the comforter.
Not today, Pretty Boy.
Thirty seconds later, it blared to life again. With an irritated growl,
I pulled my body up into a sitting position and crossed my legs over
each other, swiping the screen to answer Leon’s call.
“What do you want?” I clipped, hitting speaker.
“What kind of fucking way is that to answer your phone?” Leon’s
husky baritone filled my bedroom.
“When it’s you, the absolute correct way. Now what do you want?”
“Not one for small talk, are you?”
“Bradshaw,” I warned.
“Fine, fine. Fuck’s sake.” There was a pause.
“Haven’t got all day,” I chirped.
“I need a favor.”
I snorted. “And you called me?”
“I’ve tried every other fucker in my contacts. My so-called friends
are all either wasted or blanking my calls.”
“They’re smarter than I gave them credit for,” I muttered as I
extended my fingers out in front of my face, grimacing at the
chipped remnants of black polish coating my nails.
“Fuck, I wish someone else had answered,” Leon muttered.
A smirk twisted my lips as I stretched my legs the length of the
bed and leaned back against the cushions. “You and me both, Pretty
Boy, but here we are. You gonna quit being a giant vagina and tell
me why you’re calling?”
He muttered something I couldn’t quite make out; the word
vagina was in there somewhere. I could almost picture him running
an agitated hand through his artfully messy hair. Eventually, he said,
“I need a ride.”
I pursed my lips. “From me? What makes you think I’m not busy?”
“Are you?”
“Yeah. Very.”
“Doing what? Watching re-runs of Dawson’s Creek or some shit on
I scowled down at the phone because that was eerily close and
screw him for making me sound predictable. “None of your business,
Bradshaw. Good luck with finding a ride.”
“Aw, don’t be like that, Snow Queen. I was there when you
needed me the other weekend,” he pointed out, and my fingertip
stilled over the end call button.
Dammit. I knew he’d never let that go. “Last I checked you have
legs, Bradshaw. Why aren’t you using them?”
“My mom’s being a dick, kicked me out. I’m stranded on the side
of the road with all my worldly possessions and I can’t drive because
I’ve been drinking and I’m a responsible fucking human being.”
When I said nothing, he continued, “Come on, Lissa, do me a solid
and we can call it even. Pretty fucking please?”
I scrunched my nose and bit back a groan of frustration as my
conscience nipped at me. Goddammit. At least this would get him off
my back.
“Fine. Where the hell are you, and where do you need to go?”
“I’m home, well outside of it, actually, because my mother’s a
major fucking over-reactor—”
“Be there in ten,” I muttered, cutting him off and rueing my
decision to answer his call.
One on one time with Leon Bradshaw. What fucking fun.
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