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#1 When the teacher says "Class," the students should respond

with a resounding "Yes" in unison, using a similar tone and volume
as the teacher. Or when the teacher says "my voice is on" the class
should say "my voice is off."
#2 Respect each other's opinions, privacy, and personal space.
#3 Maintain a clean, tidy environment and avoid vandalism.
#4 Listen when others are speaking and wait for your turn to talk.
#5 No talking while the teacher is talking
#6 Use appropriate language, avoid insults, and refrain from using
inappropriate words.
#7 Follow the instructions of the teacher and do your work on
#8 Manage time well, minimize distractions, stay focused, and
meet deadlines.
#9 Keep electronic devices on silent and use them only for
educational purposes.
#10 Treat school property and materials with care.
#11 No bringing sharp objects, illegal substances, or weapons to
#12 Always sit in assigned seats and remain seated during class.
#13 Follow school and class rules at all times, including during
transitions and breaks.
#14 Be prepared for class with necessary materials and a positive
#15 Encourage and support each other in the learning process.
#16 Keep noise levels low by speaking quietly and avoiding
disruptive behavior
#17 Use hand signals to participate (e.g., raising hand for
#18 Utilize effective hand signals for communication in class. (e.g.
quiet signal, question signal, thumbs up, cross fingers, etc.).

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