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Neurochirurgie 67 (2021) 265–275

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Original article

Second Impact Syndrome. Myth or reality?

J. Engelhardt a , D. Brauge b , H. Loiseau c,∗
Department of Neurosurgery, University of Bordeaux, Hôpital Pellegrin, 33076 Bordeaux cedex, France
Department of Neurosurgery, University of Toulouse, Hôpital Pierre-Paul Riquet, place du Dr Baylac TSA, 40031, 31059 Toulouse, France
Department of Neurosurgery, University of Bordeaux, Hôpital Pellegrin, EA 7435 - IMOTION (Imagerie moléculaire et thérapies innovantes en oncologie)
Université de Bordeaux, 146, rue Leo-Saignat, Case 127, site Carrière - Zone Nord, Batiment 3B, 3e étage, 33076 Bordeaux, France

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Introduction. – Second impact syndrome (SIS) is a devastating condition occurring in sport-induced mild
Received 21 August 2019 brain injury. SIS is drastically defined by anamnestic, clinical and radiological criteria, which is unusual
Received in revised form in the field of cranial traumatology. The purpose of this study was to provide a literature review of this
21 December 2019
Accepted 27 December 2019
Material and methods. – We conducted a literature review of all published studies on PubMed. The key-
Available online 10 March 2020
words were “second impact syndrome and catastrophic head injury”, “second impact syndrome and
sport”, “repeat concussion and catastrophic brain injury”, “catastrophic head injury and concussion”,
Second impact syndrome
“catastrophic head injury”, “concussion and second impact syndrome”, “concussion and repetitive head
Talk and deteriorate injury”.
Mild brain injury Results. – Eighty-two full-text articles were assessed for eligibility. Finally, 41 studies were included in
qualitative synthesis and 21 were included in quantitative synthesis.
Discussion. – The number of cases reported in the literature was extremely small compared to the popu-
lation at risk, i.e., the number of athletes exposed to repeated concussions. SIS was similar to talk and die
syndrome, with which it shares certain characteristics. If we consider SIS according to “talk and deteri-
orate tables”, it opens up interesting perspectives because they are specific in children and adolescents.
Taking into account the scarcity of this syndrome, one may question whether athlete-intrinsic features
may be involved in at least some cases of SIS. On a pathophysiological level, many explanations remained
unsatisfactory because they were unable to explain all the clinical phenomena and observed lesions.
Triggering the trigeminocardiac reflex is a crucial element in explaining the sequence of clinical events.
Its association with a state of neurogenic inflammation provides an almost complete explanation for this
particular condition. Finally, on a practical level, a concussion occurring during the playing of a sport
must be considered as any other injury before allowing a return to play.
© 2020 Published by Elsevier Masson SAS.

1. Introduction Literature analysis is difficult because semantic questions have

been raised, over time, by the various authors and different cur-
Second Impact Syndrome (SIS) is a term used in cranial trauma- rents of thought. Thus, the chronology of events following a recent
tology during sports. Historically, the first clinical description was initial head trauma, the persistence of clinical signs and the type
made in 1881 by Otto Bollinger who used the term “traumatische of lesions observed, etc., will be questioned. For some authors, the
spät-apoplexie” [1]. This condition was then updated by Schneider second impact must be clearly identified, whereas a concussion
in 1973, concerning two cases [2] and the term second impact syn- can occur without direct head impact. For others, there should be
drome was proposed by Saunders and Harbaugh [3]. These authors no associated subdural hematoma, or this latter condition must be
defined it as a catastrophic brain injury following minor impact [3]. minimal, not taking into accountthe brain swelling. The variations
That is to say, this particular traumatic condition is defined by the in the criteria used are significant and lead to very variable counts
occurrence of a cascade of clinical events, most frequently lead- of the number of cases observed [4,5].
ing to dramatic brain lesions without any measure of the observed In 1998, McCrory & Berkovic performed a review of the literature
impact. using strict definition criteria. Their criteria were:

∗ Corresponding author. • medical evaluation after initial trauma;

E-mail address: (H. Loiseau). • documentation of persistent clinical signs;
0028-3770/© 2020 Published by Elsevier Masson SAS.
J. Engelhardt, D. Brauge, H. Loiseau et al. Neurochirurgie 67 (2021) 265–275

• identification of a second impact followed by rapid clinical dete- 3. Results

• radiological evidence or pathology of cerebral swelling without Eighty-two full-text articles were assessed for eligibility. At last
significant intracranial hematoma or presence of another cause 41 studies were included in qualitative synthesis and 21 were
of cerebral edema (e.g. encephalitis). included in quantitative synthesis. The references cited by the var-
ious identified studies were cross-checked and extracted in case
of relevance [2–4,10,13–30]. Results are summarized in Table 1. In
Finding 17 cases, whose ages ranged from16 to 24, they subse- the vast majority of reported or suspected SIS cases, the observed
quently retained only 5 cases strictly meeting their criteria [6]. events and anomalies were stereotyped (Table 1).
Another study focused specifically on these definition problems
[7]. These authors suggested that the heterogeneity of definitions
4. Discussion
used in the literature, the variations in typology of lesions and
the player outcomes corresponded to a situation where differ-
4.1. Clinico-radiological presentation
ent pathophysiological events were mixed. Under such conditions,
information in terms of SIS risk must be treated with caution[7].
On the anamnestic level, there were:
These allegations, moreover, are in agreement with the convictions
of Paul McCrory. Paul McCrory and coworkers recently wrote: “The
• the notion of benign head trauma during the previous days;
phenomenon of the second impact syndrome (SIS) continues to
• the persistence of symptoms related to the initial trauma;
appear in the medical literature in spite of the lack of systemic
• the occurrence of a new trauma, usually moderate, without nec-
evidence for its existence” [8].
essarily a loss of consciousness.
Another approach was made by Hebert and coworkers [9]. These
authors compiled literature data in order to determine whether
the nosographic, clinical and radiological data were sufficiently Clinically, onset, within seconds or minutes of the second
accurate to result in WHO coding of this condition. These authors impact, involved collapse and/or severe coma with pupillary abnor-
concluded that a unique presentation scheme of SIS was insuffi- malities (e.g., uni- or bilateral mydriasis and respiratory disorders)
ciently lacking to support a standardized WHO case definition [9]. [20].
Therefore, it could be considered that SIS represents a contro- Radiologically, there was evidence of cerebral swelling often
versial diagnosis whereby malignant cerebral edema ensues after associated with acute subdural hematoma (aSDH) and anoxic-
minor trauma in the setting of a recent brain injury (assigned to ischemic lesions [27,31].
Cantu [10]). Death was observed in more than 50% of cases and favorable
Stovitz et al. concluded that the most commonly used definition neurological recoveries are exceptional.
is: a syndrome requiring catastrophic brain injury (e.g., cerebral
edema) in a person who suffers a head trauma while still recovering 4.2. Epidemiologic data
from the effects of a recent concussion [7]. This sequence is, in fact,
often difficult to identify. The number of reported cases, finally reduced and/or heteroge-
Using the strictest definition of SIS (subjects with a second neous, raises some questions.
head injury while concussion-related symptoms related to previ-
ous trauma have not disappeared) would indicate that: 4.2.1. SIS is a rare condition while the at risk-population is high
All sports, especially during competitions rather than leisure,
can lead to a concussion [32]. Most of the 300,000 head injuries
• SIS is a rare condition; observed annually in the USA during sports, are concussions [33]. In
• Validated cases nearly exclusively concerned males athletes; a more recent study, Yard and Comstock estimated the annual num-
• SIS occurs, almost exclusively, before the age of 20; ber of concussions during sports to be approximately 400,000 for
• SIS has been mainly, but not exclusively, reported among Amer- High School athletes, with an index of 23.2 concussions per 100,000
ican football players; athletes [34]. In the study by Yang and colleagues, the annual con-
• The typology of lesions observed in SIS (primary traumatic
cussion rate was 39.8 per 100,000 athlete exposures [35]. In the
lesions, brain swelling and/or aSDH) is extremely difficult to ana- study by Lincoln et al. conducted in high schools, the incidence was
lyze with accuracy; 0.24/1000 with an increase over time by a factor 4.2 in 11 years
• The collected body of information is too limited to produce indi-
[36]. Other types of indexation indicate that a concussion occurs
vidual data e.g. migraine [11]. for 7.97/1000 player hours [37].
These figures are likely to be much lower than in reality because
it is considered that only about 50% of concussions are reported
In fact, the present review aimed at drawing attention to the
[38,39]. The reasons are variable and dependent on the level of the
discrepancies and open questions found in the literature.
athlete. A major review was recently published [40]. The figures
provided by the High School Reporting Information Online Obser-
vatory (RIO) are quite similar, ranging between 2.09 and 5.03 per
2. Material and methods 10,000 athlete exposures (1 athlete participating in a competition
or training session). These data indicate a significant increase over
A literature search was performed using PubMed. The keywords time during the 2005–2014 period, possibly related to the impact
were “second impact syndrome AND catastrophic head injury” of the laws enacting the declaration of concussions since 2009 [41].
(n = 20), “second impact syndrome AND sport”, (n = 85), “repeat Yang and coworkers estimated that the risk of repeated concussion
concussion AND catastrophic brain injury”, (n = 5), “catastrophic was 3.1 to 4.5 per 100,000 event athletes [35].
head injury AND concussion”, (n = 62), “catastrophic head injury”, SIS concerns subjects who have suffered a second head injury,
(n = 290), “concussion AND second impact syndrome”, (n = 83), while previous trauma concussion-related symptoms have not dis-
“concussion AND repetitive head injury”, (n = 312). Among them, appeared in the strictest sense. The number of reported cases was,
820 were recorded after deleting duplicates [12]. paradoxically quite small. Indeed, all studies agree that concussions

J. Engelhardt, D. Brauge, H. Loiseau et al.
Table 1

Authors Sport Age Sex Previous Evaluation Residual Delay Acute Collapse Coma Clinical Surgery Radiology and/or Other Outcome SIS McLendon
recent symp- headaches trau- autopsy lesions McCrory
trauma toms matic

Fekete Ice 16 M Yes Yes 4d no NA yes 3 contusions Died Probable Yes

1968 hockey cerebral edema, SAH

Schneider American 16 M NA NA NA Unilateral brain Died No

1973 football swelling
brainstem hemorrhage
thin a SDH
American M NA NA brainstem hemorrhage Died No

American 17 M NA NA Yes aSDH, midbrain Died No

football hemorrhage
brain swelling
American 17 M NA NA Yes NA Recovery No

Saunders American 19 M Yes Yes Yes 5d No Yes Yes No Yes Unilateral brain Died No
& Har- football swelling
baugh small SDH
1984 frontal contusion (first

McQuillien Ski 18 M Yes No UK 2w Yes UK NA Brain swelling, a SDH Vegetative No

et al. lymphocytic infiltrates state
Boxing 24 M disputable No NA < 1d Yes Yes NA Died No
Kelly American 17 M Yes No Yes 1w Yes Yes UK Brain swelling, small Died Probable
et al. football SDH, SAH
1991 obstructive
Shell American 17 M Yes UK No 5w Yes Yes Brain swelling, small Good No
et al. football aSDH recov-
1993 old contusion ery

Litt 1995 American 16 M Yes clinical yes 17j No Yes Yes no Yes Unilateral brain Favorable
football swelling
CT- small SDH
Kersey American 19 M Yes Yes Yes 5w Yes No Yes no Yes Huge SDH Favorable

Neurochirurgie 67 (2021) 265–275

1998 football chronic and acute?

Cantu & Amateur 17 M Yes Yes 2d No Yes NA Yes Small SDH Died Probable Yes
Voy boxing cerebral edema

Amateur 19 M Yes Yes 1d No Yes NA Small SDH Died Probable Yes

J. Engelhardt, D. Brauge, H. Loiseau et al.
Table 1 (Continued)

Authors Sport Age Sex Previous Evaluation Residual Delay Acute Collapse Coma Clinical Surgery Radiology and/or Other Outcome SIS McLendon
recent symp- headaches trau- autopsy lesions McCrory
trauma toms matic

Cantu Seizure Unilateral brain

&1998 swelling
Amateur 17 M Yes Yes 6h No Yes NA Severe cerebral edema Died Probable Yes
boxing bilateral uncal
Boxing 21 M Yes UK Yes 2d No Yes Yes NA NA Died No
Amateur 24 M Yes Yes UK <1d No Yes Yes Brain swelling, no sSDH Died No
boxing midbrain necrosis

CDC 1997 American 17 M Yes <1 h Yes Yes Bilateral brain swelling Died No
football small aSDH, cortical
American 19 M No Yes <1d Yes Yes Bilateral brain swelling Died No
football small aSDH
temporal herniation

Cantu American 13 M Yes UK Yes <1d Yes yes Unilateral brain Severely Yes
&Gean football swelling
1998 small aSDH

American 16 M Yes UK Yes 7d Yes yes Unilateral brain Severely

football swelling
small aSDH Disabled
American 17 M Yes UK Yes 14d Yes yes Unilateral brain Died
football swelling
small aSDH
tonsillar herniation
American 19 M yes UK Yes 32d Yes Yes Unilateral brain Severely Yes
football swelling
small aSDH Disabled
American 15 M ? UK Yes 7d Yes Yes Unilateral brain Disabled Yes
football swelling
small aSDH
American 15 M Yes UK Yes 14d Yes Yes Unilateral brain Moderately Yes
football swelling
small aSDH Disabled
multifocal ischemic

Neurochirurgie 67 (2021) 265–275

American 17 M Yes UK Yes < 1d Yes Yes Unilateral brain Moderately Yes
football swelling
small aSDH Disabled
American 16 M Yes UK Yes 3d Yes No Unilateral brain Died
football swelling
small aSDH
J. Engelhardt, D. Brauge, H. Loiseau et al.
Table 1 (Continued)

Authors Sport Age Sex Previous Evaluation Residual Delay Acute Collapse Coma Clinical Surgery Radiology and/or Other Outcome SIS McLendon
recent symp- headaches trau- autopsy lesions McCrory
trauma toms matic

American 16 M Yes CT- Yes 28d Yes Yes Unilateral brain Died Yes
football scan swelling
large aSDH; ischemic
American 10 F Yes UK Yes 3d yes Yes Yes Yes Unilateral brain Died
football swelling
small aSDH, severe HIE
Logan American 18 M Oui No Oui < 1d no No No No No Small aSDH Favorable
et al. football no swelling
Miele Boxing 24 F Yes No Yes 2w No No No cSDH Good
et al. recov-
2004 ery

Mori American 22 M Yes UK Yes 15d Yes No Small aSDH Good NA Yes
et al. football no brain swelling recov-
2006 ery

Karate 20 M Yes No Yes 4d No UK Small a SDH Good NA Yes

mild brain swelling recov-

Boxing 23 M Yes UK Yes 2w Yes UK aSDH Good NA Yes

Skiing 22 M Yes No Yes 2d No UK aSDH Good NA Yes
Wetjen American 17 M Yes UK Yes 1w Yes Yes Bilateral brain swelling
et al. football

Adler American 13 M Yes No Yes < 1d Yes Yes No Yes Disabled

et al. football

Potts American 13 M Yes No Yes 3w no Yes Yes No Significant SDH Disabled NA Yes
et al. football brain swelling

Neurochirurgie 67 (2021) 265–275

Weinstein American 17 M Yes Yes Yes 5d Yes Yes No No Bilateral a SDH Disabled NA
et al. football brain swellingHIE:
2013 splenium corpus
CT- Seizure callosum, thalami,
scan frontal lobes
J. Engelhardt, D. Brauge, H. Loiseau et al.
Table 1 (Continued)

Authors Sport Age Sex Previous Evaluation Residual Delay Acute Collapse Coma Clinical Surgery Radiology and/or Other Outcome SIS McLendon
recent symp- headaches trau- autopsy lesions McCrory
trauma toms matic

Bonfield Ice 29 M Yes No Yes UK Yes Ears, No Massive brain swelling Died
and mouth
Kondzi- and
hockey Nose

Scramstad Judo 16 M Yes no Yes 1d Yes? NA Yes No No Unilateral brain

et al. swelling
2017 aSDH
small temporal
midbrain haemorrhage
Yengo- American 13 M No NA NA NA No UK Yes Bifrontal aSDH Good

Kahn football recov-

et al. ery
American 15 M Yes yes NA 15d No UK Yes Yes aSDH, brain swelling Good
football HIE: splenium corpus recov-
callosum, ery
Seizure frontal lobes

American 16 M Yes Yes Yes < 1d No Yes Yes Large aSDH VA Severely
football dis-
or HIE: splenium corpus Dissection
4-5w callosum, frontal lobes,
Tator Rugby 17 F Yes No Yes 2d No Yes Yes Yes Brain swelling, small a
et al. SDH diffuse HIE micro
2019 temporal contusion

Neurochirurgie 67 (2021) 265–275

HIE: hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy; aSDH: acute subdural hematoma; SAH: subarachnoid hemorrhage; NA: not applicable; D: day; W: week.
J. Engelhardt, D. Brauge, H. Loiseau et al. Neurochirurgie 67 (2021) 265–275

are underreported and that the subjects return to play at an early was 9% (n = 8), with a residual neurological disability of 51% (n = 48)
stage. The range is 15 to 40% depending on the rules established by, [45].
the American Association of Neurology or the Prague consensus NCCSIR 1980-2009 period: 1827 deaths occurred during sports,
conference respectively [34]. Recent research indicates that there all sports combined, in athletes under the age of 21 years. In addi-
were 7,980,886 high school athletes in the United States, 7% of these tion to 1139 cardio-vascular deaths, 261 were linked to sports
athletes had a concussion and 13.2% had a risk of repeated con- injuries, with a predominance of football (57% of deaths). The
cussion (e.g. 72,626 athletes per year) [35,40,41]. These data were authors identified 17 high school athletes who suffered from sec-
extrapolated by indexing the number of SIS cases identified as such ond impact syndrome in American football players. These authors
and the number of players at risk. A study reported by Randolph and indicated that, of the 138 footballers who died of head or neck
Kirkwood demonstrated that of 1.8 million high school and colle- trauma and had a subdural hematoma, 17 (12%) had a history of
giate athletes, there was one instance of “possible” SIS for every concussion in previous days, up to 4 weeks earlier [44].
205,000 player seasons. In other words, this is comparable to a sin- NCCSIR 2005-2014 period: 28 deaths were related to head
gle possible case of SIS for a team of 50 players every 4100 seasons. (n = 26) or medullary trauma. Twenty-two deaths related to head
Certainly, the proposed scarcity of SIS contributes to the difficulty trauma had occurred in high school. Acute subdural hematoma was
in diagnosis [42]. observed in 46% of deceased players. Four (18%) of the 22 high
school players had suffered a concussion in the previous 4 weeks
4.2.2. Validated cases concern male athletes. [50].
This can be explained by the fact that 90% of the deaths occur- ASDH, without associated contusion, can be observed in brain
ring during sporting activity concern males [43–45]. In contrast, an trauma if the ballistics and the forces involved are sufficient to
equal number of concussions were observed in male and female tear the cerebral convexity veins. These are simply primary direct
athletes [36]. Female athletes are twice as likely as males to suffer lesions, as Bailes and coworkers recently reminded us [51]. The 16
repeat concussion [40]. These data validate the information pro- intracranial hematomas leading to 6 deaths, published by Albright,
vided in soccer [40]. may fall into this category, all the more so because venous rup-
tures have been observed in [22]. This is extremely well-illustrated
by analyzing the brain trauma mortality of American footballers
4.2.3. SIS occurs, almost exclusively, before the age of 20.
over time corresponding to the successive rules intended to limit,
Data from the NCAA and the National Federation of State High
in part, the kinetic energy involved, mainly by modifying the impact
School Associations were recently published. Thus, there were
rules [52].
7960,886 athletes in high school, 497,600 in college and 18,000 pro-
Finally, the problem was addressed in another way. Thus, some
fessionals [40]. For American football, there were approximately
authors have performed an analysis of the literature from the
1,500,000 players in high school, 75,000 in college and 2000 [46,47].
angle of brain damage observed during sports practice, what they
Brain-related mortalities in sports was considered to be more fre-
called “structural brain injury”. Their methodological approach is
quent at the high school level than at the college level, in other
not that of a comprehensive register. Nevertheless, they identified
words in younger subjects. It could be argued that this is simply a
pre-existing lesions such as aneurysms or arteriovenous malforma-
size effect.
tions, but also arachnoid cysts and direct shock lesions (e.g. epidural
hematomas) [53].
4.2.4. SIS has mainly been reported among American football In other words, brain mortality occurring during the playing of
players a sport can have 3 different causes:
In fact, cases of SIS have been reported in other sports (box-
ing, skiing, ice hockey, etc.) [20,24]. In contrast, it has never been • The manifestation of a pre-existing vascular malformations, such
reported by professional NFL footballers and, with rare exceptions, as aneurysm or arteriovenous malformation responsible for cere-
by non-American teams [24,48]. Thus, McCrory, examining sports- bral hemorrhage: from 1 to 1.4% of deaths [47,50];
related deaths in Australia, did not find any cases of SIS [49]. • Primary traumatic lesions, direct shock and inertia, identified by
the presence of a fracture of the skull: from 3.7% to 7% [47,50],
4.2.5. The typology of lesions observed in SIS (brain swelling hematoma or intracerebral hemorrhage (6.5% to 15%) [47,50];
and/or aSDH) is extremely difficult to compare accurately with • Secondary aggravation including SIS.
mortality data during sports
For example, data from the National Center for Catastrophic Traumatology is governed by broad mechanical rules: the
Sports Injury Research (NCCSIR) have been published on several observed lesions are proportional to the energy involved at the
occasions. Unfortunately, these publications have time-overlaps, time of injury and the manner in which it dissipates at the level of
making counting difficult. the cephalic extremity. Nevertheless, the observed lesions and their
NCCSIR, 1980 and 1993 periods: 35 suspected cases of SIS and clinical tolerance are variable. Under these conditions, cranial trau-
17 confirmed by MRI or autopsy [20]. matology uses most frequently pragmatic classifications because
NCCSIR 1945-1999 period: 712 deaths occurred during games. they directly impact management. The most characteristic example
Of these, 491 were related to head trauma (69%) and 368 (75%) is the Glasgow Coma Scale. These classifications, and hence these
to high school players. The combination of head trauma and aSDH injury categories, are independent of the injury mechanisms, the
could account for more than 80% of brain-related deaths [47]. type of lesions observed, etc. In the same way, and with regard
NCCSIR 1989-2002 period: 100 deaths were identified, of which to clinical tolerance, special clinical conditions, defined as “Talk
97.9% at the high school level versus 2% at the college level. Sub- and Die”, were described in the 1970s by Reilly et al. [54]. These
dural hematoma was diagnosed in 75 cases, subdural hematoma entities are more or less comparable to the “Talk and deteriorate”
associated with cerebral edema in 10 cases and isolated cerebral situations [12] described in the 1980s and that can be compared to
edema in 5 cases. Fifty-nine percent of investigated cases had a those of “Walk and Die” [55]. These situations can be observed in
history of head trauma, although the date was not clearly speci- 10 to 15% of brain trauma cases [12,54,56]. These entities encom-
fied, but it occurred during the same season. Out of 54 athletes for pass a set of primary traumatic injuries where it is now admitted
whom traumatic history was identifiable, although 21 had returned that they can be deployed for several hours after the injury [56], the
to play despite the persistence of neurological symptoms. Mortality clinical tolerance can vary from one patient to another and which

J. Engelhardt, D. Brauge, H. Loiseau et al. Neurochirurgie 67 (2021) 265–275

also applies to secondary lesions. Although there were extradu- quite frequently in neurosurgical practice, leads to bradycardia, sig-
ral hematomas and sometimes significant contusions, aSDH was nificant blood pressure drop and significant cerebral vasodilation
present in about one-third of these cases [12,54,56]. In the work of [67,68].
Reilly and coworkers, 25% of their patients had intracranial hyper-
tension with ischemic or hypoxic lesions, but without parenchymal 4.2.6. Pathophysiological considerations
hematoma [54]. These aspects are more or less identical to those The absence of a clear pathophysiological explanation is an argu-
observed during autopsies and/or MRIs in players suffering from ment often put forward to challenge the existence of SIS.
SIS (Table 1). The most common explanation given is to consider aSDH as
SIS belongs, at a nosographic level, to these categories of “Talk related to a rupture of the convexity bridging-veins. This results
and Die” and/or “Talk and Deteriorate”. in venous compression and cerebral engorgement leading to
The next question is whether teenagers and young adults, the cerebral swelling [19,20,31]. The next step will be to consider
main population at risk for SIS, can incur particular situations of post-traumatic brain dysregulation [31]. The most frequent mod-
“talk and deteriorate”? eling is to consider the initial trauma as being responsible for
A particular picture was described by Walton at the end of the age-dependent cerebral vasoreactivity alteration. The inability to
19th century and retrieved in the 1950s by W. Pickles. The sequence respond to a catecholaminergic storm, linked to the 2nd impact,
is characterized by the onset, in the hour following benign head results in an increase in BP and therefore a rise in cerebral blood
trauma, of a clinical picture with pallor, drowsiness, headaches and volume. This in turn causes an increase in intracranial pressure and
vomiting. This often spectacular picture regresses within the hour cerebral herniation responsible for collapse and death. An approxi-
[57]. On a physiopathological level, the picture was attributed to mation is made, partially with the syndrome of cerebral malignant
cerebral edema. edema occurring in children [60,65].
In 1975, this very peculiar picture, that tends to occur mainly Two robust arguments run counter to these proposals:
in childhood and adolescence, is considered a migraine equiva-
lent [58]. A comprehensive literature review of traumatic migraine • It is in fact a diffuse cerebral edema [69]. These authors have
headaches suggests that this type of situation may occur beyond shown that there is a reduction in cerebral blood volume and
early childhood [59]. Thus, cases 3 and 10 reported by Cantu and cerebral blood flow related to a state of cerebral vasoconstric-
Gean could be consistent with this picture given the significant tion. This was, however, a study of severe traumatic brain injury
visual disturbances and headache intensity, respectively [31]. with several types of traumatic lesions according to the Marshall
In children, the most common cause of secondary deterioration classification. In a second study, they showed that it was a cellu-
is cerebral swelling with disappearance of fluid spaces and venous lar edema analyzed by the apparent diffusion coefficient in MRI
congestion [60]. In this study, these authors indicated that 12% of [70];
patients have a clinical outcome that corresponds more or less to • Rupture of the bridging veins has never been observed in oper-
the picture described by Pickles. The most frequent radiological ated patients (Table 1). One can argue that this finding is difficult
aspect is cerebral swelling (41% of cases), though this occurs pref- to make in a case of brain swelling. Nevertheless, in a more recent
erentially in the most seriously injured. In 1984, an important study study where this was sought, the authors clearly indicated the
reported this “Talk and Deteriorate” situation among injured sub- absence of venous tearing [10].
jects aged 0 to 17 years [61]. Various situations were observed,
intersecting the data observed in SIS, these particular forms of Until the early 2000s, there was a succession of unfounded
migraines induced by trauma and the entities described later. The mechanical assumptions that cannot explain all the clinical and
authors concluded that very severe delayed brain swelling syn- radiological phenomena.
dromes can be observed in children [61]. This particular situation In the early 2000s, the concept of a vulnerability window linked
was the subject of another study where it appeared that cere- to metabolic disorders appeared [71]. This is mentioned in SIS [5]. In
bral swelling has a better prognosis in children and that there mild head injuries, there is an alteration of cerebral autoregulation
is, probably, a difference between diffuse cerebral swelling and [72]. The time required for its normalization is age-dependent, both
those satellites of an acute subdural hematoma [62]. These three in humans and in animal models. In children, normalization occurs
important studies presented the major pitfall of mixing different only between the 14th and 30th day [73,74]. In practical terms,
categories of trauma (e.g. from mild to severe brain injury). all hemodynamic parameters (cerebral blood flow, self-regulation,
Very similar cases of “delayed cerebral edema” have been cerebrovascular reactivity, flow/metabolism coupling, oxygen con-
reported in subjects with mutations in the CACNA1A gene [63]. sumption and cardiovascular regulation) are altered more or less
In contrast, there was no acute subdural hematoma observed dur- intensely and in a more or less prolonged fashion [75]. A correlation
ing the autopsies performed. Cases have been reported sporadically between the extent of clinical abnormalities and cerebral perfusion
[64]. abnormalities has been demonstrated [76,77]. Perfusion abnormal-
A review of malignant cerebral edemas in children was con- ities were dependent on the topography, but the time required for
ducted by Duhaime and Durham [65]. These authors concluded their normalization was not indicated. Overall, there is an alteration
that these situations of “big black brain” (i.e. association of an aSDH in cerebral energy metabolism, with major sensitivity to hypoten-
and ipsilateral hemispherical lesions) were on the one hand age- sion. In fact, the cerebral blood flow is decreased (with a trauma
dependent, and on the other hand required repeated trauma. With severity-dependent duration), PaCO2 -dependent cerebrovascular
the exception of mistreatment, there is scarcely anything but sports reactivity is impaired, and oxygen demand increases in proportion
which exposes individuals to this necessary repetition. Moreover, to metabolic and neural activity with a decoupling between oxygen
some situations were dominated by cerebral swelling, while in oth- demand and consumption. This may explain the risk of ischemic
ers, brain swelling was associated with acute subdural hematoma. lesions in the event of a profound decrease in cerebral blood flow.
In contrast, these clinical pictures concerned, in a certain way, a The concept of a window of cerebral vulnerability after mild
population only a little younger than that concerned by SIS. head trauma is subsequently reinforced by solid work [78]. This
A few years later, one study made the reasonable assumption window is approximately 7 to 10 days and is age-dependent. In
that some of these situations were related to the activation of the other words: “the younger the subject, the wider the window”. This
trigeminocardiac reflex (TCR) [66]. This explanation, however, only was confirmed in animal models providing additional information.
concerned the “trivial” brain [66]. The onset of this reflex, observed Thus, experimental data have demonstrated the risk associated

J. Engelhardt, D. Brauge, H. Loiseau et al. Neurochirurgie 67 (2021) 265–275

with the early repetition of head trauma [79,80], thus confirming It interacts with the ortho- and parasympathetic system. At the
older data [81] and sensitivity to hypotension [82]. meningeal level, the trigeminal nerve possesses mechanoreceptors
This notion of a cascade of events ascribes a major role to the and chemoreceptors, which are, in fact, sensitive to mechanical
catecholamines released during cranial trauma [25]. variations, but also to the mediators of inflammation. It is con-
Two arguments limit these extrapolations to SIS: sidered as the brain’s nociceptor, using two main neuropeptides:
substance P and CGRP. Moreover, the development of trigeminal
• the often benign nature of the second trauma, unable to trigger nerve endings is age-dependent.
the required “catecholaminergic storm”; For SIS, Squier et al. proposed that TCR triggering in combination
• the absence of an identified cause of collapse [65]. with a neuroinflammatory state [103]. This provides a robust expla-
nation for the decoupling between trauma and its consequences,
In addition to the SIS debates, an impressive accumulation of collapse and the situation of brain swelling. An initial trauma gen-
recent data on the pathophysiology of concussion and its con- erates a neurogenic inflammation via the trigeminal nerve, one of
sequences has been added to previous information [78,83–85]. the particularities of which is hypersensitization. TCR triggering,
Thus, clinical [86,87], electrophysiological [88] and neuroradiolog- by CGRP release is responsible for the collapse. It is also respon-
ical [89–91] studies have been conducted. In most cases, observed sible for significant cerebral vasodilatation [67]. The amplitude of
abnormalities disappeared within a few days regardless of the responses related to TCR activation varies, given the developmen-
parameter being analyzed (Lovell et al., 2007). Thus, abnormalities tal data, with age. This provides a very interesting explanation of
identified in spectro-NMR (N-acetylaspartate/choline ratio and N- the child’s secondary aggravation charts, brain swelling situations,
acetylaspartate/creatine ratio normalize within 30 days after head and possibly “Walk and Die” [55].
trauma [92]. This validates the concept of a cerebral vulnerabil- The question of subdural hematoma thus arises. Squier et al.
ity window. Biochemically, data were derived both from human proposed as an explanation the state of neurogenic inflammation.
and animal work [93–96]. Nevertheless, many of these studies con- It is responsible for plasma extravasation and osmotic exchange
cerned severe head injuries where tissue lesions can generate such responsible for exudate. Substance P is a perfect candidate. In ani-
cascades of biochemical events. Information on mild head injuries mal models, the administration or overexpression of substance
is more scarce [71,83,91]. P is responsible for significant protein extravasation within the
Schematically, we must distinguish between two physiopatho- dura itself [96]. CGRP potentiates the effects of substance P. CGRP
logically distinct situations. The first is the inflammatory state is highly expressed in the vessels and the trigeminal nerve. It is
associated with the cascade of events triggered by primary and sec- clear that, in all operated or autopsied cases of SIS, acute subdu-
ondary traumatic tissue injuries. It can be said that, as the head ral hematoma remains minimal and considered not responsible for
injuries were associated in relation to SIS, this pathway cannot brain swelling [4,22,24,27,30,31].
be solicited. The second is the situation described as neurogenic Clinically, collapse induced by the TCR puts the subject in a dan-
inflammation. Several families of peptides play a major role in this gerous situation of hypoxia-ischemia that can lead to permanent
situation. Thus, expression of aquaporins is associated proportion- lesions. The topography of ischemia-hypoxia lesions observed in
ally with cyotoxic edema and inversely proportional to vasogenic these situations can also be discussed. Indeed, substance P, CGRP
edema [97]. Four neuropeptides have been the subject of exten- and other peptides involved in neurogenic inflammation display
sive study and are mainly expressed in this situation: substance P brain topography-dependent expression. They are more strongly
(SP), neurokinin A and B and calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) expressed in the amygdala, caudate nucleus, putamen and some
[93,94]. These neuropeptides contribute to hemodynamic alter- structures of the midbrain and brainstem. The morphological and
ations [98]. Substance P alters the permeability of the blood-brain autopsy data of some SIS victims correspond fairly well to this
barrier [96,99–101]. CGRP is a very potent vasodilator [102]. expression-dependent topography, especially brainstem lesions
A speculative question would be whether post-traumatic (Table 1). Could an exaggerated release of these neuropeptides in
headaches are the clinical expression of the neurogenic inflamma- their preferred brain topographies explain this pattern of lesions as
tion situation and in particular the expression of neuropeptides, a opposed to hypoxia-ischemia lesions associated with tissue inflam-
bit like migraines. matory mediators such as those seen in other trauma situations
Head injury, however, generates several cascades of events [105,106]?
that impact brain function in the broad sense and that reversible Finally, the fact remains that cases of SIS are reported primar-
in an age-dependent manner. Nevertheless, the intensity of the ily among males. Experimentally, substance P receptor antagonists
phenomena observed in SIS indicates that this is not an addi- have sex-dependent efficacy [94,96,107] and experimental work
tion but rather a potentiation. Moreover, at the clinical level, the has indicatedthat the observed alterations are significantly sex-
sequence is stereotyped with a modest impact, a free interval, col- different [94,96,107].
lapse and coma. Collapse may explain the severe hypoxia/ischemia
lesions observed. In contrast, it is difficult to accept that the kinetic
energy of the second impact can explain the observed subdural
hematomas. 4.3. Medicolegal data
An essential study was published a few years ago by Waney
Squier and coworkers [103]. This study offers a robust frame- Whether its existence is real or not and regardless of the num-
work to the various clinical, radiological and operative findings. ber of cases, SIS has led to the promulgation of laws in different
In summary, these authors associated two essential elements: the countries [108,109]. It is interesting to note that these two cases
trigeminocardiac reflex [68,104] and the neurogenic inflammation are not listed as SIS.
process [102], which previously was mostly described in cases of In contrast, despite the amount of work published on concus-
migraine disease. sion, its diagnosis and its management, the rules are not followed,
The trigeminal nerve is also responsible for the innerva- especially on the players’ side [34,110]. The publications seem to
tion of intracranial vessels (intracranial arteries, meningeal, dural have their main impact essentially on the medical field.
venous sinuses and sphincters of the bridging veins that con- McLendon et al. wrote “currently, each state has some type of
trol venous outflow) and meninges (dura mater of the anterior legislation for return to play after concussion” [11]. However, this
and middle stages with mechanoreceptors) and leptomeninges. legislation varies from state to state [11,29]. One may wonder why?

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