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9 Employee Development

After reading this chapter, you should be able to:

LO 9-1 Explain how employee development contributes to strategies related to

employee retention, development of intellectual capital, and business
growth. page 396

LO 9-2 Discuss the steps in the development planning process. page 399

LO 9-3 Explain the employees’ and company’s responsibilities in planning

development. page 399

LO 9-4 Discuss current trends in using formal education for development. page 403

LO 9-5 Relate how assessment of personality type, work behaviors, and job
performance can be used for employee development. page 406

LO 9-6 Explain how job experiences can be used for skill development. page 411

LO 9-7 Develop successful mentoring programs. page 418

LO 9-8 Describe how to train managers to coach employees. page 422

LO 9-9 Discuss what companies are doing to melt the glass ceiling. page 422

LO 9-10 Use the 9-box grid for identifying where employees fit in a succession plan
and construct appropriate development plans for them. page 425

Development at Vi Inspires Retention and Services to Seniors
Vi, a company with over 2,800 employees, owns and Development program focuses on developing future
operates 10 continuing care residential communities leaders from employees currently working as servers
for older adults across the United States. As the U.S. and housekeepers and in engineering, dining, and
population ages, there will be increased demand for administrative positions. This year-long program
senior living facilities, which in turn creates a need to includes courses, experiential learning, and mentoring.
attract and retain new employees. Vi believes that In Vi’s Emerging Leaders Program, employees partici-
investing in employee development is key for attracting pate in a six-month virtual learning program focused
and retaining talented employees who in turn provide on developing the knowledge and skills they need to
high-quality services to residents. Satisfied residents help them grow as leaders.
are more likely to want to stay in Vi’s ­communities and In addition to the leadership development pro-
are more likely to give positive ­recommendations to grams, Vi has invested in developing career paths for
their friends and relatives who are potential residents. culinary and entry-level nursing positions. In particular,
One way that Vi invests in employees is through its Vi competes with hospitals for nurses and with culinary
leadership development programs. Vi believes that services and restaurants for dining service employees.
making an investment in its potential leaders not only To help attract and retain nurses and dining service
helps to retain top talent but motivates them to man- employees, Vi developed new career paths. These
age their staffs in a way that enhances their engage- career paths allow employees to take the initiative to
ment. In fact, many of Vi’s current leaders, who joined advance in their careers by developing skills through
the company in high school, have participated in the training provided by Vi; taking courses outside of Vi
leadership development programs to advance their at technical schools, colleges, and universities (with
careers. Vi has several different leadership develop- tuition reimbursed by Vi); and mentoring opportunities.
ment programs. The purpose of the Breakthrough Preliminary evaluation of the impact of Vi’s develop-
Leadership Program (BLP) is to increase the competen- ment investment have been positive. In the first four
cies and effectiveness of high-potential leaders. BLP months after introduction of the new career paths, 15%
prepares them to take on additional responsibilities or of Vi’s culinary employees took advantage of training
move into higher-level positions. The program content opportunities needed to advance in their careers.
covers building results and accountability, employee Turnover of nurse assistants has decreased 6%.
and personal development, and improving communi-
SOURCES: Based on J. Whitcomb, “Help Wanted: Cultivating Talent Outside
cations and influencing others. The one-year program Your Organization,” Training, January/February 2019, pp. 40–41; B. Hassell,
includes classroom, virtual learning, and online learn- “At Vi, Business Is All about Living and Learning,” Chief Learning Officer,
June 2017, pp. 32–33; R. Bell, “Dedicated to Employee ­Development at Vi,”
ing. Program participants also receive coaching to help
Chief Learning Officer, June 2018, pp. 24–25; and “What Is Vi,” from www
them develop and execute an action plan tailored to, and “Training Programs,” from
their personal development needs. The Management programs, accessed January 3, 2019.

As the Vi example illustrates, development is important for all employees, not just manag-
ers. Employee development is a key contributor to a company’s competitive advantage by
helping employees advance in their careers to meet their personal growth needs and gain

396 CHAPTER 9 Employee Development

the necessary skills for management roles that they might want to pursue. This helps
attract and retain valuable employees who might otherwise leave to join clients or com-
petitors. Employee development is a necessary component of a company’s efforts to com-
pete in the new economy, to meet the challenges of global competition and social change,
and to incorporate technological advances and changes in work design. Employee devel-
opment is key to ensuring that employees have the competencies necessary to serve cus-
tomers and create new products and customer solutions. Regardless of the business
strategy, development is important for retaining talented employees. Also, because com-
panies (and their employees) must continually learn and change to meet customer needs
and compete in new markets, the emphasis placed on both training and development has
increased. As we noted in Chapter 1, employee commitment and retention are directly
related to how employees are treated by their managers.
This chapter begins by discussing the relationship among development, training, and
careers. Choosing an approach is one part of development planning. Before employees
choose development activities, the employee and the company must have an idea of the
employee’s development needs and the purpose of development. Identifying the needs
and purpose of development is part of the planning process, which this chapter describes
in detail. Employee and company responsibilities at each step of the process are empha-
sized. The chapter also looks at development approaches, including formal education,
assessment, job experiences, and interpersonal relationships, with a focus on the types of
skills, knowledge, and behaviors that are strengthened by each development method. The
Development chapter concludes with a discussion of special issues in employee development, including
The acquisition of succession planning and using development to help women and minorities move into
knowledge, skills, and upper-level management positions (referred to as “melting the glass ceiling”).
behaviors that improve
an employee’s ability to
meet changes in job
requirements and in
client and customer
The Relationship among Development,
demands. Training, and Careers
LO 9-1 Development refers to formal education, job experiences, relationships, and assessment of
Explain how employee personality and abilities that help employees prepare for the future. The 3M example illus-
development trates that although development can occur through participation in planned programs, it
contributes to
often results from performing different types of work. Because it is future-oriented, it
strategies related to
employee retention, involves learning that is not necessarily related to the employee’s current job.1 Table 9.1
development of shows the differences between training and development. Traditionally, training focuses on
intellectual capital, and helping employees’ performance in their current jobs. Development prepares them for
business growth. other positions in the company and increases their ability to move into jobs that may not
yet exist.2 Development also helps employees prepare for changes in their current jobs that
may result from new technology, work designs, new customers, or new product markets.

Table 9.1
between Training
and Development Focus Current Future
Use of work experiences Low High
Goal Preparation for current job Preparation for changes
Participation Required Voluntary
CHAPTER 9 Employee Development 397

Development is especially critical for talent management, particularly for senior man-
agers and employees with leadership potential (recall our discussion of attracting and
retaining talent in Chapter 1). Development is necessary for ensuring that Millennial
employees are prepared to take Baby Boomers’ leadership roles as they retire. Companies
report that the most important talent management challenges they face include develop-
ing existing talent and attracting and retaining existing leadership talent.3 Also, develop-
ment provides opportunities for all employees to grow their skills and use them in
different ways, which has been shown to contribute to high levels of engagement and
Chapter 7 emphasized the strategic role of training. As training continues to become
more strategic (i.e., related to business goals), the distinction between training and devel-
opment will blur. Both training and development will be required and will focus on cur-
rent and future personal and company needs.


Today’s careers are known as protean careers.5 A protean career is based on self-direction Protean career
with the goal of psychological success in one’s work. Employees take major responsibility A career that is
for managing their careers. For example, an engineer may decide to take a sabbatical from changing frequently
due to both changes in
her position to work in management at the United Way for a year. The purpose of this the person’s interests,
assignment could be to develop her managerial skills as well as help her personally evalu- abilities, and values and
ate if she likes managerial work more than engineering. changes in the work
The protean career has several implications for employee development. The goal of environment.
the new career is psychological success: the feeling of pride and accomplishment that Psychological
comes from achieving life goals that are not limited to achievements at work (such as success
raising a family and having good physical health). Psychological success is self-­ The feeling of pride and
determined rather than determined solely through signals the employee receives from accomplishment that
the company (like salary increases and promotions). For example,when Kat Cole was in comes from achieving
life goals.
her teens, she started working as a waitress at Hooters.6 She balanced that with college
courses for two years, then focused solely on her job. The company was growing fast, so
it offered opportunities to those who were willing to tackle challenges, and Cole was one
of those people. At 20, she was offered a post in the HR department at Hooters’
­headquarters. The job would involve less pay, but Cole saw an opportunity to learn the
business and accepted the offer. The job required her to travel overseas to open new
franchises—a big stretch for a young woman who had almost never left her home state of
Florida. She volunteered for assignments and took the initiative to research the business.
Coupled with her firsthand experience of working in a restaurant, she soon had signifi-
cant insight into the operations. A few years later, she worked her way up to vice presi-
dent of training and development.
Cole determined that for her to succeed in management, she would need more formal
education. Even while she continued working, she returned to school, completed college,
and earned a master’s in business administration from Georgia State University. In 2010,
she left Hooters to become president of Cinnabon, part of a restaurant group called
FOCUS Brands. Five years later, the company made her group president of FOCUS,
which includes Cinnabon, Auntie Anne’s Pretzels, Carvel, Schlotzky’s, and other food-
service operations.
Employees need to develop new skills rather than rely on a static knowledge base. This
has resulted from companies’ need to be more responsive to customers’ service and prod-
uct demands. As we emphasized in Chapter 7, learning is continuous, often informal, and
involves creating and sharing knowledge.
398 CHAPTER 9 Employee Development

The emphasis on continuous learning has altered the direction and frequency of move-
ment within careers (known as a career pattern).7 Traditional career patterns consisted of
a series of steps arranged in a linear hierarchy, with higher steps related to increased
authority, responsibility, and compensation. Expert career patterns involve a lifelong com-
mitment to a field or specialization (such as law, medicine, or management). These types
of career patterns will not disappear. Rather, career patterns involving movement across
specializations or disciplines (a spiral career pattern) will become more prevalent. These
new career patterns mean that developing employees (as well as employees taking control
of their own careers) will require providing them with the opportunity to (1) determine
their interests, skill strengths, and weaknesses and (2) based on this information, seek
appropriate development experiences that will likely involve job experiences and relation-
ships as well as formal courses.
The most appropriate view of today’s careers are that they are “boundaryless and
often change.”8 A career may include movement across several employers (job hopping)
or even different occupations. Studies have found that by age 35, 25% of employees have
held five jobs or more, and for employees 55 and older, 20% have held 10 jobs or more.9
One-third of employers expect job hopping to occur, especially among new college gradu-
ates, but 40% believe it becomes less acceptable when employees are in their mid-30s.
The reality is that employees will be unlikely to stay at one company for their entire or
even a significant part of their career. This means that companies and employees should
add value to each other.10 That is, regardless of how long employees stay, developing
them can help the company adapt to changing business conditions and strategies by
providing new skill sets and managerial talent. It can help reduce employees’ job hop-
ping because they feel less need to change employers to build their skill sets or gain valu-
able job experiences.
For example, to develop and retain millennial employees Miami Children’s Health
System are assigned projects that expose them to senior leaders.11 One of the projects
involved having clinical staff members work with the learning and development team to
create short videos showing operating procedures. The staff members received a financial
reward for their work and were recognized in an internal newsletter. Millennials are also
asked to attend town hall meetings and small discussion groups where they can interact
with the chief operations officer, vice presidents, and other senior leaders.
Boundaryless means that careers may involve identifying more with a job or profession
than with the present employer. A career can also be considered boundaryless in the
sense that career plans or goals are influenced by personal or family demands and values.
One way that employees cope with changes in their personal lives as well as in employ-
ment relationships is to rearrange and shift their roles and responsibilities. Employees can
change their careers throughout their lives based on awareness of strengths and weak-
nesses, perceived need to balance work and life, and the need to find stimulating and
exciting work.12 Career success may not be tied to promotions but to achieving goals that
are personally meaningful to the employee rather than those set by parents, peers, or the
company. As we discuss later in the chapter, careers are best managed through partner-
Development ships between employees and their company that create a positive relationship through
planning system which employees are committed to the organization but can take personal control for
A system to retain and managing their own careers to benefit themselves and the company.
motivate employees by As this discussion shows, to retain and motivate employees, companies need to provide
identifying and meeting a system to identify and meet employees’ development needs. This is especially important
their development
needs (also called
to retain good performers and employees who have potential for managerial positions.
career management Such systems are often known as development planning systems or career management
systems). systems. We discuss these systems in the next section.
CHAPTER 9 Employee Development 399

Development Planning Systems

Companies’ development planning systems vary in the level of sophistication and the LO 9-2
emphasis they place on different components of the process. Steps and responsibilities in Discuss the steps in the
the development planning system are shown in Figure 9.1. development planning

Self-assessment refers to the use of information by employees to determine their career LO 9-3
interests, values, aptitudes, and behavioral tendencies. It often involves psychological tests Explain the employees’
such as the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (described later in the chapter), the Strong and company’s
responsibilities in
Interest Inventory, and the Self-Directed Search. The Strong Interest Inventory helps
planning development.
employees identify their occupational and job interests; the Self-Directed Search identi-
fies employees’ preferences for working in different types of environments (like sales,
counseling, landscaping, and so on). Tests may also help employees identify the relative
values they place on work and leisure activities.
Through the assessment, a development need can be identified. This need can result
from gaps between current skills and/or interests and the type of work or position the
employee wants. CarMax, the automobile retailer, makes available to its associates a Career
Conversation Guide that helps them take ownership of their own development by assessing
the competencies and behaviors they need to be successful in an entry-level management
position.13 After completing the guide associates are encouraged to initiate a career conver-
sation with their manager. Eighty-three percent of associates who completed the assess-
ment had a career conversation with their manager. The guide provides the basis for an
informed discussion about the associates development needs and possible career paths.

Reality check refers to the information employees receive about how the company evalu-
ates their skills and knowledge and where they fit into the company’s plans (potential
promotion opportunities, lateral moves). Usually this information is provided by the

Figure 9.1
Steps and Responsibilities in the Development Planning Process

Self-assessment Reality check Goal setting Action planning

Employee Identify opportunities Identify what needs Identify goal Identify steps and
responsibility and needs to improve. are realistic to and method to timetable to reach
develop. determine goal goal.

Company Provide assessment Communicate Ensure that goal is Identify resources

responsibility information to identify performance SMART (specific, employee needs
strengths, weaknesses, evaluation; where measurable, to reach goal,
interests, and values. employee fits in attainable, relevant, including additional
long-range plans and timely); assesment, courses,
of the company; and commit to help work experiences, and
changes in industry, employee reach relationships.
profession, and the goal.
400 CHAPTER 9 Employee Development

employee’s manager as part of performance appraisal. Some companies also use the
360-degree feedback assessment, which involves employees completing a self-evaluation
of their behaviors or competencies while managers, peers, direct reports, and even cus-
tomers provide smaller evaluations. (360-degree feedback is discussed later in the chap-
ter.) It is not uncommon in well-developed systems for the manager to hold separate
performance appraisals and development discussions. In the development discussions the
manager focuses on discussing the employees values and career interests, the strengths
and weaknesses of their skills or competencies, and how to capitalize on their strengths
and develop their weaknesses.14
For example, IBM provides employees with access to Blue Matching, an algorithm that
makes personalized recommendations about job openings based on data from their
résumé, assessments of what kind of work excites them and their abilities.15 In its first two
years, Blue Matching has helped more than 1,000 employees find jobs, and its users are
three times more likely to apply for internal job openings than those who haven’t used the
system. GE is developing an app to help increase the effectiveness of development conver-
sations between employees and their managers.16 The app uses data on the historical
movement of GE employees and how the relationship between job descriptions to help
employees identify potential positions across the company.

Goal setting refers to the process of employees developing short- and long-term develop-
ment objectives. These goals usually relate to desired positions (e.g., becoming sales man-
ager within three years), level of skill application (using one’s budgeting skills to improve
the unit’s cash flow problems), work setting (moving to corporate marketing within two
years), or skill acquisition (learning how to use the company’s human resource informa-
tion system). These goals are usually discussed with the manager and written into a devel-
opment plan. A sample development plan for a product manager is shown in Figure 9.2.
Development plans usually include descriptions of strengths and weaknesses, career
goals, and development activities for reaching the career goal. An effective development
plan is simple, clear, and realistic, and it focuses on developmental needs that are most
relevant to both the individual’s career and the organization’s strategic objectives.17
Procter & Gamble’s promotion-from-within policy is supported by the development
plans completed by every employee.18 These plans identify what type of experience the
employee needs for their next job as well as future jobs they might hold. Employees post
their résumés online to show managers the skills they are building as well as communicat-
ing whether they are willing to take a different job. At monthly meetings for each business
unit, employee career paths and résumés are reviewed.

Action plan During this phase, employees complete an action plan. An action plan is a written strat-
A document egy that employees use to determine how they will achieve their short- and long-term
summarizing what the
career goals. Action plans may involve any one or a combination of development
trainee and manager
will do to ensure that approaches such as enrolling in courses and seminars, getting additional assessment,
training transfers to the obtaining new job experiences, or finding a mentor or coach (see the section Approaches
job. to Employee Development).19 The development approach used depends on the needs and
developmental goal. Wells Fargo’s online iDevelop site helps employees prioritize their
development needs and create development plans.20 Employees use the site to identify
their competencies. They use the competencies they consider as strengths to choose devel-
opment activities including training programs and online resources.
CHAPTER 9 Employee Development 401

Figure 9.2
Sample Development Plan

Name: Title: Project Manager Immediate Manager:

Please identify your three greatest strengths and areas for improvement.
• Strategic thinking and execution (confidence, command skills, action orientation)
• Results orientation (competence, motivating others, perseverance)
• Spirit for winning (building team spirit, customer focus, respect colleagues)
Areas for Improvement
• Patience (tolerance of people or processes and sensitivity to pacing)
• Written communications (ability to write clearly and succinctly)
• Overly ambitious (too much focus on successful completion of projects rather than developing
relationships with individuals involved in the projects)

Development Goals
Please describe your overall career goals.
• Long-term: Accept positions of increased responsibility to a level of general manager (or beyond).
The areas of specific interest include but are not limited to product and brand management,
technology and development, strategic planning, and marketing.
• Short-term: Continue to improve my skills in marketing and brand management while utilizing my skills
in product management, strategic planning, and global relations.

Next Assignments
Identify potential next assignments (including timing) that would help you develop toward your
• Manager or director level in planning, development, product, or brand management. Timing estimated
to be Fall 2021.

Training and Development Needs

List both training and development activities that will either help you develop in your current assignment
or provide overall development.
• Master’s degree classes will allow me to practice and improve my written communications skills. The
dynamics of my current position, teamwork, and reliance on other individuals allow me to practice
patience and to focus on individual team members’ needs along with the success of the projects.

Employee ____________________________ Date __________

Immediate Manager __________________ Date __________
Mentor ______________________________ Date __________


Effective development planning systems include several important features (see Table 9.2).
For example, consider the career management and development systems at Penn Station
and Genentech.21 Penn Station, a restaurant chain that specializes in sub sandwiches,
provides employees with My Penn Path Development Tool. Employees use My Penn Path
Development to see the skills needed for each level of employment at the company and
402 CHAPTER 9 Employee Development

Table 9.2
Design Features 1. System is positioned as a response to a business need or supports the business
of Effective strategy.
Development 2. Employees and managers participate in development of the system.
Systems 3. Employees are encouraged to take an active role in career management and
4. Evaluation is ongoing and used to improve the system.
5. Business units can customize the system for their own purposes (with some
6. Employees have access to development and career information sources
(including advisors and positions available).
7. Senior management and the company culture support the development system.
8. The development system is linked to other human resource practices such as
performance management, training, and recruiting systems.
9. A large, diverse talent pool is created.
10. Development plans and talent evaluation information are available and
accessible to all managers.

SOURCE: Based on B. Kaye and C. Smith, “Career Development: Shifting from Nicety to Necessity,” T + D,
January 2012, pp. 52–55; M. Weinstein, “Paths to Success: Responsibility vs. Promotion,” Training, July/August 2014,
pp. 52–54; D. Hall, Careers in and out of Organizations (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2002).

identifies how the employee can learn them. Print media, video and online learning, and
experiences on the job are used in programs that develop the skills employees need. The
biotechnology company Genentech Inc. developed CareerLab to help employees perform
well in their current job and provide opportunities for job enrichment and lateral career
moves. CareerLab is a physical and virtual place where employees can consider their skill
strengths and weaknesses, their interests, and take ownership of their development.
CareerLab includes the opportunity to get career advice from consultants, participate in
LearningLabs (webinars and class sessions that cover different topics such as networking
for career growth and managing your personal brand), receive mentoring, and attend
career workshops. CareerLab also provides access to online career resources including
assessments that cover personal style, values, skills, strengths, and interests. Genentech
has found that employee who use CareerLab have a high level of engagement with their
work, improved productivity, better career conversations with their managers, and a
greater likelihood of staying with the company.

Approaches to Employee Development

Four approaches are used to develop employees: formal education, assessment, job experi-
ences, and interpersonal relationships.22 Many companies use a combination of these
approaches. Telus International has several development programs for employees at dif-
ferent career stages.23 IEvolve is for all new employees, IAspire is for emerging leaders,
IExcel is for managers and supervisors, and ILead is for senior leaders. The development
programs include online and instructor-led courses, mentoring and coaching, and
360-degree assessment. Figure 9.3 shows the frequency of use of different employee devel-
opment practices. Both high-visibility assignment and stretch opportunities are consid-
ered developmental job experiences.
Although much development activity is targeted at managers, all levels of employees may
be involved in development. For example, most employees typically receive performance
CHAPTER 9 Employee Development 403

100 Figure 9.3

Percentage of Specific Practices Used Frequency of Use
80 of Employee
79 Development
68 Practices

60 56

40 35


0 ni ith







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SOURCE: EFMD, Network of Corporate Academies, Society for Human Resource Management, “Leadership
Development: The Path to Greater Effectiveness,” 2016,

appraisal feedback (a development activity related to assessment) at least once per year. As
part of the appraisal process (see Chapter 8), employees are typically asked to complete
individual development plans outlining (1) how they plan to change their weaknesses and
(2) their future plans (including positions or locations desired and education or experience
needed). Next we explore each type of development approach.

Formal education programs include off-site and on-site programs designed specifically for LO 9-4
the company’s employees, short courses offered by consultants or universities, executive Discuss current trends
in using formal
MBA programs, and university programs in which participants live at the university while
education for
taking classes. These programs may involve lectures by business experts, business games development.
and simulations, adventure learning, and meetings with customers.
Many companies, such as McDonald’s and General Electric, rely primarily on in-house
development programs offered by training and development centers or corporate universi- Formal education
ties, rather than sending employees to programs offered by universities.24 Companies rely Employee development
on in-house programs because they can be tied directly to business needs, can be easily programs, including
evaluated using company metrics, and can get senior-level management involved. short courses offered
The thousands of restaurant managers and owner-operators who attend McDonald’s by consultants or
Hamburger University each year in Chicago, Illinois, get classroom training and partici- universities, executive
MBA programs, and
pate in simulations on how to run a business that delivers consistent service, quality, and university programs.
cleanliness. They also receive coaching and peer support face-to-face and online. The
company’s highest-performing executives participate in a nine-month leadership institute
at Hamburger U, where they tackle major issues facing the company.
404 CHAPTER 9 Employee Development

General Electric (GE) has one of the oldest and most widely known management
development centers in the world. GE invests approximately $1 billion each year in train-
ing and education programs for its employees.25 Since 2000, the 189 most senior execu-
tives in the company spent at least 12 months in training and professional development.
GE develops managers at the John F. Welch Leadership Development Center at
Crotonville, New York, offering over 1,800 instructor-led and virtual courses and pro-
grams.26 The facility has residence buildings where participants stay while attending pro-
grams, as well as classrooms for courses, programs, and seminars. Each year, GE
employees—chosen by their managers based on their performance and potential—attend
management development programs. The programs include professional skills develop-
ment and specialized courses in areas such as risk analysis and loan structuring. All of the
programs emphasize theory and practical application. Course time is spent discussing
business issues facing GE. The programs are taught by in-house instructors, university
faculty members, and even CEO Jeff Immelt. GE also offers courses through its global
learning centers in Rio de Janeiro, Abu Dhabi, Shanghai, and Bengaluru (in fact, over
70% of in-person sessions are delivered outside the United States).
Examples of management development programs available at GE are shown in
Table 9.3. As you can see, GE uses a combination of coursework and job experiences to
develop entry-level and top levels of management. Other programs such as the Business
Manager Course and the Executive Development Course involve action learning. GE also
holds seminars on better understanding customer expectations and leadership

Table 9.3
Examples of Leadership Development Programs at General Electric


Commercial Two-year rotational program focused on Bachelor’s degree in engineering,

Leadership Program development through three or four rotational or relevant business or science
assignments, education that develops sales degree. Prior intern or co-op
competencies, and exposure to and coaching experience, or up to three years’
from leaders. The program prepares individuals work experience in sales, sales
for a successful career in sales or sales support, or marketing. Strong
support. The rotational assignments include analytical, communication,
projects driven by business priorities. interpersonal, and leadership skills.
Commercial skills development occurs through Willingness to relocate.
business-specific training, coursework, and
global training summits.
Experienced Two-year program includes international An MBA/postgraduate degree with
Commercial training in a variety of locations and sales and/or marketing experience;
Leadership Program leadership opportunities, including change demonstrated leadership, and
(ECLP): Sales and initiatives. Committee participation is communication and analytical
Marketing encouraged to improve ability to interact with skills; willingness to travel; fluency
senior business leaders. Every four months, in English; expertise that is aligned
employees complete a self-assessment and with a particular GE business.
review it with managers to identify
development needs, career interests, and

SOURCES: Based on “Commercial Leadership Program Summary,”

accessed January 31, 2019; “Experienced Commercial Leadership Program,”
know, and, accessed January 31, 2019.
CHAPTER 9 Employee Development 405

conferences designed specifically for African Americans, women, or Hispanic managers

to discuss leading and learning.
A number of institutions offer executive education in the United States and abroad,
including Harvard University, the Wharton School, the University of Michigan, INSEAD,
the International Institute for Management Development (IMD), and the Center for
Creative Leadership. At the University of Virginia, the Darden School of Business offers
an executive MBA program in which students attend classes on campus once a month
(Thursday through Saturday). The on-campus time provides opportunities for students to
collaborate on presentations, simulations, and case studies. The school also brings execu-
tive MBA students to campus four times for leadership residencies. During each week-
long residency, the students use workshops, coaching, and reflection to get better at
handling their everyday management challenges. Between the times on campus, the stu-
dents continue their education with independent study, online classes, and tools for vir-
tual meetings and online exams.27
Another trend in executive education is for employers and the education provider to
create programs with content and experiences designed specifically for the audience. For
example, the National Basketball Association (NBA) has several different leadership
development programs, each focusing on managers at different levels. About one-third of
all NBA managers and 50 high-potential leaders participate in the program each year. The
curriculum focuses on new managers, directors, vice presidents, and advanced leaders
who participate in 70 hours of development over five to seven months. The Rising Talent
program is designed for midcareer leaders. The Veteran Track is for vice presidents. Most
course modules are taught by the NBA’s own leaders and business school professors. The
courses include experiential learning activities and case studies based on actual NBA
issues and problems. In addition to attending the course modules, program participants
work in small teams to propose solutions to current strategic business issues and chal-
lenges facing their team and the NBA.28 TELUS partnered with the University of
Victoria’s Peter B. Gustavson School of Business to create a customized MBA program
tailored specifically to the company’s and the telecommunication industry leadership and
strategy issues. The program includes face-to-face instruction on campus, video lectures,
virtual interactions, and team projects. TELUS senior leaders participated in the program
as guest lecturers, mentors, and project sponsors. High performing managers with at least
three years of experience were eligible to apply. The payoffs from the first cohort of
20 managers has been positive. Forty percent of the managers have been promoted to
new roles. The project recommendations that the managers provided saved TELUS
$27 million.29
Managers who attend the Center for Creative Leadership development program take
psychological tests; receive feedback from managers, peers, and direct reports; participate
in group-building activities (like adventure learning, discussed in Chapter 7); receive
counseling; and set improvement goals and write development plans.30
Enrollment in executive education programs or MBA programs may be limited to man-
agers or employees identified to have management potential. As a result, many companies
also provide tuition reimbursement as a benefit for all employees to encourage them to
develop. Tuition reimbursement refers to the practice of reimbursing employees’ costs for Tuition
college and university courses and degree programs. Companies that have evaluated reimbursement
tuition reimbursement programs have found that the programs increase employee reten- The practice of
reimbursing employees’
tion rates, readiness for promotion, and improve job performance.31 costs for college and
The Integrity in Action box highlights how several companies are paying for employ- university courses and
ees education expenses to help them get the formal education they need to succeed in degree programs.
their careers.
Footing the Bill for Employee Development
Typically, companies require companies use based on the even if they end up leaving
­employees to complete the tax-free minimum established ­Disney, it enhances employees
­required formal education they by the IRS. ­engagement and confidence.
need for obtaining their job. At Discover Financial Services,
To advance in their careers to 80% of call center and field staff DISCUSSION QUESTIONS
higher paying jobs, employees lack a college degree. So the 1. Is development planning
often need additional education company introduced a program ­necessary for employees and
but lack the financial resources that pays employees expenses to companies to fully recognize
necessary to pay for it. To help attend the University of Florida, the benefits of education
employees reach their career Brandman University, and expense programs
goals, Verizon Wireless, Discover ­Wilmington University to pursue described? Explain.
Financial Services, Taco Bell, and ­degrees in areas where the com- 2. How might the benefits of
Disney are paying the cost of pany needs talent such as in educational expense pro-
­employees tuition, fees, books, ­cybersecurity, computer engi- grams vary depending on
and other educational ­expenses. neering, and business. Taco Bell the labor market?
Verizon Wireless invests covers employees ­education 3. What do educational expense
$26 million annually in its tuition ­expenses up to $5,000 per year programs say to you about
­reimbursement program. and negotiate deals for text- the values of these
­Employees are eligible for books and other services. companies?
­tuition reimbursement the first Disney expects to spend SOURCES: Based on K. Gee, “Employers
day of hire and have to make no $50 million on employee educa- Offer to Pay for College,” Wall Street Journal,
commitment to stay employed tion by mid-2019 and $25 million January 3, 2019, p. B5; “Disney Allocates
$25 Million Yearly for Staff Tuition,” T+D,
with the company. Expenses are in subsequent years. Bob Iger, December 2018, p. 13; Verizon, “Frequently
limited to $8,000 per year for chief executive of Disney, Asked Questions: Do You Offer Tuition
full-time employees but this ­believes the cost is worthwhile Reimbursement/Assistance?” from www, accessed January 3, 2019;
­exceeds the $5,250 annual because it helps give employees “Top 125 Hall of Fame: Verizon,” Training,
­reimbursement limit that most more career opportunities, and January/February 2014, pp. 58–59.

LO 9-5 Assessment involves collecting information and providing feedback to employees about
Relate how assessment their behavior, communication style, or skills.32 The employees, their peers, managers,
of personality type, and customers may provide information. Assessments are used for several reasons. First,
work behaviors, and job
assessment is used most frequently to identify employees with managerial potential and to
performance can be
used for employee measure current managers’ strengths and weaknesses. Assessment is also used to identify
development. managers with the potential to move into higher-level executive positions, and it can be
used with work teams to identify the strengths and weaknesses of individual team mem-
Assessment bers and the decision processes or communication styles that inhibit the team’s produc-
Collecting information tivity. Assessments can help employees understand their tendencies, their needs, the type
and providing feedback of work environment they prefer, and the type of work they might prefer to do.33 This
to employees about information, along with the performance evaluations they receive from the company, can
their behavior,
communication style,
help employees decide what type of development goals might be most appropriate for
or skills. them (e.g., leadership position, increased scope of their current position).
Companies vary in the methods and the sources of information they use in develop-
mental assessment. Many companies use employee performance evaluations. Companies
with sophisticated development systems use psychological tests to measure employees’

CHAPTER 9 Employee Development 407

skills, interests, personality types, and communication styles. Self, peer, and managers’
ratings of employees’ interpersonal styles and behaviors may also be collected. Popular
assessment tools include personality tests, assessment center performance appraisal, and
360-degree feedback.

Personality Tests and Inventories

Tests are used to determine if employees have the personality characteristics necessary to
be successful in specific managerial jobs or jobs involving international assignments.
Personality tests typically measure five major dimensions: extraversion, adjustment, agree-
ableness, conscientiousness, and openness to experience (see Table 6.3 in Chapter 6).
The Myers-Briggs Type Inventory (MBTI) refers to an assessment that is based on Carl Myers-Briggs Type
Jung’s personality type theory. This theory emphasizes that we have a fundamental per- Inventory (MBTI)
sonality type that shapes and influences how we understand the world, process informa- A psychological test
used for team building
tion, and socialize. The assessment determines which one of 16 personality types fits best. and leadership
The 16 unique personality types are based on preferences for introversion (I) or extraver- development that
sion (E), sensing (S) or intuition (N), thinking (T) or feeling (F), and judging (J) or per- identifies employees’
ceiving (P). The assessment tool identifies individuals’ preferences for energy (introversion preferences for energy,
versus extraversion), information gathering (sensing versus intuition), decision making information gathering,
decision making, and
(thinking versus feeling), and lifestyle (judging versus perceiving).34 Each personality type lifestyle.
has implications for work habits and interpersonal relationships. For example, individuals
who are introverted, sensing, thinking, and judging (known as ISTJs) tend to be serious,
quiet, practical, orderly, and logical. These persons can organize tasks, be decisive, and
follow through on plans and goals. ISTJs have several weaknesses because they do not
tend to use the opposite preferences: extraversion, intuition, feeling, and perceiving. These
weaknesses include problems dealing with unexpected opportunities, appearing too task-
oriented or impersonal to colleagues, and making overly quick decisions. Visit the website for more information on the personality types.
The DiSC assessment measures personality and behavioral style, including dominance
(direct, strong-willed, forceful), influence (sociable, talkative), steadiness (gentle accom-
modating), and conscientiousness (private, analytical).35 See for
more information on DiSC.
For example, consider how Guckenheimer and CareSource use personality tests and
inventories.36 Guckenheimer, a corporate restaurant management and catering company,
has its managers complete DiSC to understand their communication style. Then, managers
complete training to develop their skill in adjusting their communication style to improve
their interactions with their employees. CareSource, a Medicaid-managed care provider in
Dayton, Ohio, has a defined process for identifying and developing employees who have the
potential to be strong leaders and effective managers. Assessment of fit with the organiza-
tion’s values and culture, which emphasize serving the underserved, begins with the recruit-
ing process. The company uses multiple assessment tools to evaluate managers’
competencies (recall the discussion of competencies in Chapter 8). These assessments
include the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator; Gallup’s StrengthsFinder, to identify managers’
strengths and develop plans for using their strengths with their employee team; and the
Leadership Practices Inventory, which provides managers with an idea of their leadership
skills as evaluated by peers, their boss, and their own self-assessment, and is used to build a
personal leadership development plan. Also, twice a year, managers are evaluated on com-
petencies and behavior that CareSource believes are characteristics of an effective leader
and manager: a service orientation, organizational awareness, teamwork, communications,
and organizational leadership. Based on the assessment results, managers with high leader-
ship potential are encouraged to participate in a variety of development activities.
408 CHAPTER 9 Employee Development

Assessment Center
Assessment center At an assessment center, multiple raters or evaluators (assessors) evaluate employees’
A process in which performance on a number of exercises.37 An assessment center is usually at an off-site
multiple raters evaluate location such as a conference center. Between 6 and 12 employees usually participate at
performance on a
one time. Assessment centers are used primarily to identify if employees have the person-
number of exercises. ality characteristics, administrative skills, and interpersonal skills needed for managerial
jobs. They are also increasingly being used to determine if employees have the necessary
skills to work in teams.
The types of exercises used in assessment centers include leaderless group discussions,
leaderless group interviews, in-baskets, and role-plays.38 In a leaderless group discussion, a team of five to
discussion seven employees is assigned a problem and must work together to solve it within a certain
Process in which a time period. The problem may involve buying and selling supplies, nominating a subordi-
team of five to seven
employees solves an
nate for an award, or assembling a product. In the interview, employees answer questions
assigned problem about their work and personal experiences, skill strengths and weaknesses, and career
within a certain time plans. An in-basket is a simulation of the administrative tasks of the manager’s job. The
period. exercise includes a variety of documents that may appear in the in-basket on a manager’s
Interview desk. The participants read the materials and decide how to respond to them. Responses
Employees are might include delegating tasks, scheduling meetings, writing replies, or even ignoring a
questioned about their memo. In a role-play, the participant takes the part or role of a manager or another
work and personal employee. For example, an assessment center participant may be asked to take the role of
experiences, skills, and a manager who has to give a negative performance review to a subordinate. The partici-
career plans.
pant is told about the subordinate’s performance and is asked to prepare for and actually
In-basket hold a 45-minute meeting with the subordinate to discuss the performance problems. The
A simulation of the role of the subordinate is played by a manager or other member of the assessment center
administrative tasks of design team or company. The assessment center might also include interest and aptitude
a manager’s job.
tests to evaluate an employee’s vocabulary, general mental ability, and reasoning skills.
Role-play Personality tests may be used to determine if employees can get along with others, their
A participant taking the tolerance for ambiguity, and other traits related to success as a manager.
part or role of a Assessment center exercises are designed to measure employees’ administrative and
manager or other
interpersonal skills. Skills typically measured include leadership, oral and written com-
munication, judgment, organizational ability, and stress tolerance. Table 9.4 shows an
example of the skills measured by the assessment center. Each exercise gives participating
employees the opportunity to demonstrate several different skills. For example, the exer-
cise requiring scheduling to meet production demands evaluates employees’ administra-
tive and problem-solving ability. The leaderless group discussion measures interpersonal
skills such as sensitivity toward others, stress tolerance, and oral communication skills.
Managers are usually used as assessors. The managers are trained to look for employee
behaviors that are related to the skills that will be assessed. Typically, each assessor
observes and records one or two employees’ behaviors in each exercise. The assessors
review their notes and rate each employee’s level of skills (e.g., 5 = high level of leadership
skills, 1 = low level of leadership skills). After all employees have completed the exercises,
the assessors discuss their observations of each employee. They compare their ratings and
try to agree on each employee’s rating for each of the skills.
As we mentioned in Chapter 6, research suggests that assessment center ratings are
related to performance, salary level, and career advancement.39 Assessment centers may
also be useful for development because employees who participate in the process receive
feedback regarding their attitudes and skill strengths and weaknesses.40 For example,
Steelcase, the office furniture manufacturer based in Grand Rapids, Michigan, has used
assessment centers for first-level managers.41 The assessment center exercises include in-
basket, interview simulation, and a timed scheduling exercise requiring participants to fill
CHAPTER 9 Employee Development 409

Table 9.4
Examples of Skills Measured by Assessment Center Exercises


Leadership X X X X
(dominance, coaching, influence,
Problem solving X X X X
Interpersonal X X X
(sensitivity, conflict resolution,
cooperation, oral communication)
Administrative X X X
(organizing, planning, written
Personal X X X
(stress tolerance, confidence)

NOTE: X indicates skill measured by exercise.

positions created by absences. Managers are also required to confront an employee on a

performance issue, getting the employee to commit to improve. Because the exercises
relate closely to what managers are required to do at work, feedback given to managers
based on their performance in the assessment center can target specific skills or compe-
tencies that they need to become successful managers.

Performance Appraisals and 360-Degree Feedback Systems

As we described in Chapter 8, performance appraisal is the process of measuring employ-
ees’ performance. Performance appraisal information can be useful for employee develop-
ment under certain conditions.42 The appraisal system must tell employees specifically
about their performance problems and how they can improve their performance. This
includes providing a clear understanding of the differences between current performance
and expected performance, identifying causes of the performance discrepancy, and devel-
oping action plans to improve performance. Managers must be trained in frequent perfor-
mance feedback. Managers also need to monitor employees’ progress in carrying out
action plans.
Nordstom’s performance management system, known as Grow@Nordstrom, empha-
sizes a quarterly informal employee-led conversation with their managers in which they
discuss progress toward performance and career objectives. The performance manage-
ment process at LoyaltyOne requires managers to to meet with employees every 90 days
to discuss progress, share feedback, and provide coaching on performance and Upward feedback
A performance
appraisal process for
A recent trend in performance appraisals for management development is the use managers that includes
of upward feedback and 360-degree feedback. Upward feedback refers to appraisal subordinates’
that involves collecting subordinates’ evaluations of managers’ behaviors or skills. evaluations.
410 CHAPTER 9 Employee Development

Table 9.5
Skills Related to Managerial Success

Resourcefulness Can think strategically, engage in flexible problem solving,

and work effectively with higher-level management
Doing whatever it takes Has perseverance and focus in the face of obstacles
Being a quick study Quickly masters new technical and business knowledge
Building and mending relationships Knows how to build and maintain working relationships with
co-workers and external parties
Leading subordinates Delegates to subordinates effectively, broadens their
­opportunities, and acts with fairness toward them
Compassion and sensitivity Shows genuine interest in others and sensitivity to
­subordinates’ needs
Straightforwardness and composure Is honorable and steadfast
Setting a developmental climate Provides a challenging climate to encourage subordinates’
Confronting problem subordinates Acts decisively and fairly when dealing with problem
Team orientation Accomplishes tasks through managing others
Balance between personal life and work Balances work priorities with personal life so that neither is
Decisiveness Prefers quick and approximate actions to slow and precise
ones in many management situations
Self-awareness Has an accurate picture of strengths and weaknesses and is
willing to improve
Hiring talented staff Hires talented people for the team
Putting people at ease Displays warmth and a good sense of humor
Acting with flexibility Can behave in ways that are often seen as opposites

SOURCE: Based on C. D. McCauley, M. M. Lombardo, and C. J. Usher, “Diagnosing Management Development Needs: An Instrument Based on How
Managers Develop,” Journal of Management 15 (1989), pp. 389–403.

360-degree The 360-degree feedback process is a special case of upward feedback. In 360-degree
feedback systems feedback systems, employees’ behaviors or skills are evaluated not only by subordinates
A performance but also by peers, customers, their bosses, and the employees themselves. The raters com-
appraisal process for
managers that includes
plete a questionnaire asking them to rate the person on a number of different dimensions.
evaluations from a wide Table 9.5 illustrates the types of skills related to management success that are rated in a
range of persons who 360-degree feedback questionnaire. Typically, raters are asked to assess the manager’s
interact with the strength in a particular area or whether development is needed. Raters may also be asked
manager. The process to identify how frequently they observe a competency or skill (e.g., always, sometimes,
includes self-
evaluations as well as
seldom, never). For example, at CHG Healthcare Services any employees who is inter-
evaluations from the ested in a leadership position is required to complete a 360-degree feedback survey that
manager’s boss, assesses behaviors related to the company’s culture and core values.44
subordinates, peers, The results of a 360-degree feedback system show how the manager was rated on each
and customers. item. The results also show how self-evaluations differ from evaluations from the other
raters. Typically managers review their results, seek clarification from the raters, and set
specific development goals based on the identified strengths and weaknesses.45 Table 9.6
shows the type of activities involved in using 360-degree feedback for development.46
The benefits of 360-degree feedback include collecting multiple perspectives of manag-
ers’ performance, allowing employees to compare their own personal evaluations with the
views of others, and formalizing communications about behaviors and skills ratings
CHAPTER 9 Employee Development 411

Table 9.6
1. Understand strengths and weaknesses Activities Involved in
Review ratings for strengths and weaknesses Using 360-Degree
Identify skills or behaviors where self and others’ (manager’s, peers’, customers’) Feedback for
­ratings agree and disagree Development
2. Identify a development goal
Choose a skill or behavior to develop
Set a clear, specific goal with a specified outcome
3. Identify a process for recognizing goal accomplishment
4. Identify strategies for reaching the development goal
Establish strategies such as reading, job experiences, courses, and relationships
Establish strategies for receiving feedback on progress
Establish strategies for reinforcing the new skill or behavior

between employees and their internal and external customers. Several studies have shown
that performance improves and behavior changes as a result of participating in upward
feedback and 360-degree feedback systems.47 The most change occurs in individuals who
receive lower ratings from others than they gave themselves (overraters).
Potential limitations of 360-degree feedback include the time demands placed on the
raters to complete the evaluations, managers seeking to identify and punish raters who
provided negative information, the need to have a facilitator help interpret results, and
companies’ failure to provide ways that managers can act on the feedback they receive
(development planning, meeting with raters, taking courses).
In effective 360-degree feedback systems, reliable or consistent ratings are provided,
raters’ confidentiality is maintained, the behaviors or skills assessed are job related
(valid), the system is easy to use, and managers receive and act on the feedback.48
Technology allows 360-degree questionnaires to be delivered online to the raters. This
increases the number of completed questionnaires returned, makes it easier to process the
information, and speeds feedback reports to managers. Job experience
The relationships,
Regardless of the assessment method used, the information must be shared with the
problems, demands,
employee for development to occur. Along with assessment information, the employee tasks, and other
needs suggestions for correcting skill weaknesses and using skills already learned. features that
Suggestions might include participating in training courses or developing skills through new employees face in their
job experiences. Based on the assessment information and available development opportu- jobs.
nities, employees should develop action plans to guide their self-improvement efforts. Stretch assignments
At Lupin Limited, 360-degree feedback is used to develop company leaders.49 Leaders Job assignments in
behavior and how well they follow the company’s six values (integrity, passion for excel- which there is a
lence, teamwork, entrepreneurial spirit, respect and care, and customer focus) are included mismatch between an
employee’s skills and
in the assessment. Leaders are expected to identify development areas and personal devel-
past experiences and
opment plans using the results of the 360-degree feedback that are shared with them. the skills required for
success on the job.

Most employee development occurs through job experiences:50 relationships, problems, LO 9-6
demands, tasks, or other features that employees face in their jobs. A major assumption of Explain how job
using job experiences for employee development is that development is most likely to experiences can be
used for skill
occur when employees are given stretch assignments. Stretch assignments refer to assign-
ments in which there is a mismatch between the employee’s skills and past experiences
and the skills required for success on the job. To succeed in their jobs, employees must
stretch their skills—that is, they are forced to learn new skills, apply their skills and
412 CHAPTER 9 Employee Development

® knowledge in a new way, and master new experiences.51 New

job assignments help take advantage of employees’ existing
Visit your instructor’s Connect® course and access your eBook skills, experiences, and contacts, while helping them develop
to view this video.
new ones.52 For example, Jennifer Rosemann’s boss asked her
to take over financial management of the area where she was
supervising client-service staff.53 Trained as a social worker she
had no interest or skills in accounting. Her boss trusted Ms.
Rosemann to learn the job and expected her to be successful.
After a few months of managing revenue and expenses she
realized that she enjoyed the sense of teamwork and accom-
plishment from meeting financial targets. She has since been
promoted to an executive vice president. For job experiences
to be effective development activities, they should be tailored
to employees’ development needs and goals.
Most of what we know about development through job expe-
riences comes from a series of studies conducted by the Center
“We believe everybody, in HR or in any other function, for Creative Leadership.54 Executives were asked to identify key
should be in a situation or a job in which they are career events that made a difference in their managerial styles
stretched—I would almost use the word ‘uncomfortable’— and the lessons they learned from these experiences. The key
because learning happens when people are outside of
their comfort zones.” events included those involving the job assignment (such as fix-
—Susan P. Peters, Senior Vice President, ing a failing operation), those involving interpersonal relation-
Human Resources, GE ships (getting along with supervisors), and the specific type of
Source: Video produced for the Center for Executive transition required (situations in which the executive did not
Succession in the Darla Moore School of Business at the
University of South Carolina by Coal Powered Filmworks
have the necessary background). The job demands and what
employees can learn from them are described in Table 9.7.

Table 9.7
Job Demands and Job Demands What Employees Can Learn
What Employees Transitions Handling responsibilities that are new, different, or broader than
Can Learn from those in previous job
Them Change Developing new strategic direction, reorganizing, growing or
reducing staff, or responding to rapid change; dealing with poorly
performing employees
High Level of Making highly visible and important decisions that impact the
Responsibility business; managing multiple groups, functions, products, or
departments; dealing with external stakeholders such as unions,
government agencies, local politicians
Nonauthority Getting work done by influencing persons over whom you have
Relationships no direct authority, such as peers, boss, and external stakeholders
Obstacles Coping and succeeding despite adverse business conditions, a
lack of top management or peer support and encouragement, or
working with a boss who has poor management skills or a
different management style

SOURCES: Based on C. McCauley and M. McCall Jr. (eds.), Using Experience to Develop Leadership Talent (San
Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2014); C. D. McCauley, L. J. Eastman, and J. Ohlott, “Linking Management Selection and
Development through Stretch Assignments,” Human Resource Management 84 (1995), pp. 93–115; W. Macaux,
“Making the Most of Stretch Assignments,” TD, June 14, 2010; G. Morris and K. Rogers, “High Potentials Are Still Your
Best Bet,” T + D, February 2013, pp. 58–62.
CHAPTER 9 Employee Development 413

One concern regarding the use of demanding job experiences for employee develop-
ment is whether they are viewed as positive or negative stressors. Job experiences that are
seen as positive stressors challenge employees to stimulate learning. Job challenges viewed
as negative stressors create high levels of harmful stress for employees exposed to them.
Recent research findings suggest that all of the job demands, with the exception of obsta-
cles, are related to learning.55 Managers reported that obstacles and job demands related
to creating change were more likely to lead to negative stress than the other job demands.
This suggests that companies should carefully weigh the potential negative consequences
before placing employees in development assignments that involve obstacles or create
Although the research on development through job experiences has focused on execu-
tives and managers, line employees can also learn from job experiences. As we noted ear-
lier, for a work team to be successful, its members now need the kinds of skills that only
managers were once thought to need (such as dealing directly with customers, analyzing
data to determine product quality, and resolving conflict among team members). Besides
the development that occurs when a team is formed, employees can further develop their
skills by switching work roles within the team.
Figure 9.4 shows the various ways that job experiences can be used for employee devel-
opment. These include enlarging the current job, job rotation, transfers, promotions,
downward moves, and temporary assignments. For companies with global operations
(multinationals), employee development sometimes involves international assignments
that require frequent travel or relocation. The Competing through Globalization box
shows how Mondelēz International is using global job experiences for employee

Figure 9.4
How Job
Promotion Experiences Are
Used for Employee

Enlargement of

Job rotation Transfer

(lateral move) (lateral move)


Downward assignments,
move projects, and
volunteer work
Developing Employees through Worldwide Job Experiences
Mondelēz International is one of sends Joy Ambassadors—teams receive from the Joy
the largest snack companies in of about 15 employees—to Ambassador program?
the world. Its corporate name cocoa-farming communities in 2. Would you consider partici-
might be unfamiliar, but some of Ghana. These “ambassadors” pating in the Joy Ambassador
its brands will ring a bell: Oreo work alongside farmers and visit program to be a stretch
cookies, Ritz crackers, Toblerone processing plants and schools assignment? Why or Why not?
chocolate bars, Trident gum, and to learn about the challenges 3. What would be your potential
Halls cough drops, to name a and opportunities facing the concerns about using the Joy
few. With famous brands and ­communities. Applying their own Ambassador program for
customers in 160 countries, the ­knowledge and skills to what employee development?
company needs a continuing they observe, the teams develop
SOURCES: Based on “Mondelez
supply of management talent to and teach ideas for building International Employees Journey to Cocoa Life
keep the business growing. The a more successful farming Communities for Skills-Exchange Mission,”
leaders’ recognition of this is evi- ­economy. The experience devel- September 19, 2018, from https://ir,
dent in the company’s strategy ops teamwork and problem- accessed January 3, 2019; Mondelēz
statement, which includes “grow solving skills and inspires International, “Strategy Globe” from https://
our people” through building employees by giving them a
our-purpose-strategy “accessed January 3,
world-class capabilities and meaningful way to contribute. 2019; Mondelēz International, “2018 Fact
empowering courageous lead- At the same time, it strengthens Sheet,”,
ers and world-class teams. the supply chain that Mondelēz accessed January 3, 2019; K. France, “How a
‘Skills-Exchange’ Program Can Improve Your
For employees across func- depends on for a key ingredient Workplace,” Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, IL),
tions, Mondelēz International and brings sustainable agricul- March 16, 2018,;
offers challenging job experiences ture to a part of the world where Greg Trotter, “More Companies Find Spending
on Corporate Responsibility Increases the
to those who participate in the the need is great. Bottom Line,” Chicago Tribune, December 8,
company’s social-impact program. 2017,; David
The program, building on the DISCUSSION QUESTIONS McCann, “Training Aims to Unify Far-Flung
Finance Staff,” Chief Financial Officer,
­company’s purpose statement to 1. What kinds of value does October 4, 2017,, accessed
“create more moments of joy,” Mondelēz International January 9, 2019.

Enlarging the Current Job

Job enlargement Job enlargement refers to adding challenges or new responsibilities to employees’ current
Adding challenges or jobs. This could include special project assignments, switching roles within a work team, or
new responsibilities to researching new ways to serve clients and customers. For example, an engineering employee
an employee’s current
may join a task force developing new career paths for technical employees. Through this
project work, the engineer may lead certain aspects of career path development (such as
reviewing the company’s career development process). As a result, the engineer not only
learns about the company’s career development system but also uses leadership and organi-
zational skills to help the task force reach its goals. Some companies are enlarging jobs by
giving two managers the same responsibilities and job title and allowing them to divide the
work (two-in-a-box).56 This helps managers learn from a more experienced employee; helps
companies fill jobs that require multiple skills; and, for positions requiring extensive travel,
ensures that one employee is always on site to deal with work-related issues. For example, at
Cisco Systems, the head of the Cisco routing group, who was trained as an engineer but now
works in business development, shared a job with an engineer. Each employee was exposed
to the other’s skills, which has helped both perform their jobs better.

CHAPTER 9 Employee Development 415

Job Rotation and Lateral Moves

Job rotation gives employees a series of job assignments in various functional areas of the Job rotation
company or movement among jobs in a single functional area or department. Job rotation The process of
involves a planned sequence of jobs that the employee is expected to hold, whereas lateral systematically moving a
single individual from
moves may not necessarily involve a predetermined sequence of jobs or positions. Job one job to another over
rotation helps employees gain an overall appreciation of the company’s goals, increases the course of time. The
their understanding of different company functions, develops a network of contacts, and job assignments may
increases employees’ skills.57 be in various functional
Clothing retailer H&M makes job rotation part of the employee development process areas of the company,
or movement may be
for all its office and warehouse employees, even executives.58 When the company hires a between jobs in a
new employee, that person begins by spending up to 13 weeks working in a store. The single functional area
employee first staffs the fitting rooms, then tries sales positions, and for management jobs, or department.
works on store and cash management. That way, employees who work behind the scenes
understand the challenges of the store workers, as well as how customer service, store envi-
ronment, and other factors contribute to the company’s performance. Haskell provides job
rotation opportunities at its Packaging Center of Excellence in Atlanta for design engineers
to work with a design team.59 They also provide the opportunity to rotate into the Systems
Analytics group whose responsibilities include process improvement and simulation test-
ing for manufacturing systems. This helped engineers understand the importance of data-
driven decisions based on complex testing. The rotation has resulted in fewer manufacturing
errors, improved designs, and the reduction of time and costs for project installations. The
job rotations also helped identify engineers who were ready for promotion. Two thirds of
the promotions at the Atlanta location occurred because of job rotation.
Despite the advantages of job rotation, there are several potential problems for both the
employee and the work unit. The rotation may cause employees to adopt a short-term per-
spective when problem solving. Employees’ satisfaction and motivation may be adversely
affected because they find it difficult to develop functional specialties and they don’t spend
enough time in one position to receive a challenging assignment. Productivity losses and
workload increases may be experienced by both the department gaining a rotating employee
and the department losing the employee due to training demands and loss of a resource.

Transfers, Promotions, and Downward Moves

Upward, lateral, and downward mobility is available for development purposes in most Transfer
The movement of an
companies.60 In a transfer, an employee is assigned a job in a different area of the com- employee to a different
pany. Transfers do not necessarily increase job responsibilities or compensation. They are job assignment in a
likely lateral moves (a move to a job with similar responsibilities). Promotions are advance- different area of the
ments into positions with greater challenges, more responsibility, and more authority than company.
in the previous job. Promotions usually include pay increases. For example, PepsiCo Inc.’s Promotions
former chief executive Indra Nooyi promoted the head of the company’s Europe and sub- Advances into positions
Saharan Africa business to president, which covers global operations, corporate strategy, with greater challenge,
public policy, and government affairs.61 This position stretched his skill set as he took on more responsibility, and
more authority than the
responsibility to increase sales and productivity to fund investments.
employee’s previous
A downward move occurs when an employee is given less responsibility and author- job.
ity.62 This may involve a move to another position at the same level (lateral demotion), a
temporary cross-functional move, or a demotion because of poor performance. Temporary Downward move
A job change involving
cross-functional moves to lower-level positions, which give employees experience working
a reduction in an
in different functional areas, are most frequently used for employee development. For employee’s level of
example, engineers who want to move into management often take lower-level positions responsibility and
(like shift supervisor) to develop their management skills. authority.
416 CHAPTER 9 Employee Development

Because of the psychological and tangible rewards of promotions (such as increased

feelings of self-worth, salary, and status in the company), employees are more willing to
accept promotions than lateral or downward moves. Promotions are more readily avail-
able when a company is profitable and growing. When a company is restructuring or
experiencing stable or declining profits—especially if numerous employees are interested
in promotions and the company tends to rely on the external labor market to staff higher-
level positions—promotion opportunities may be limited.63
Transfers, job rotation, promotions, lateral moves, and downward moves may involve
relocation within the United States or to another country. This can be stressful not only
because the employee’s work role changes, but if the employee is in a two-career family,
the spouse also must find new employment. In addition, the family has to join a new com-
munity. Transfers disrupt employees’ daily lives, interpersonal relationships, and work
habits.64 People have to find new housing, shopping, health care, and leisure facilities, and
they may be many miles from the emotional support of friends and family. They also have
to learn a new set of work norms and procedures; they must develop interpersonal rela-
tionships with their new managers and peers; and they are expected to be as productive in
their new jobs as they were in their old jobs even though they may know little about the
products, services, processes, or employees for whom they are responsible.
Because transfers can provoke anxiety, many companies have difficulty getting employ-
ees to accept them. Research has identified the employee characteristics associated with
a willingness to accept transfers:65 high career ambitions, a belief that one’s future with
the company is promising, and a belief that accepting a transfer is necessary for success in
the company. Employees who are not married and not active in the community are gener-
ally most willing to accept transfers. Among married employees, the spouse’s willingness
to move is the most important influence on whether an employee will accept a transfer.
Unfortunately, many employees have difficulty associating transfers and downward
moves with development. They see them as punishments rather than as opportunities to
develop skills that will help them achieve long-term success with the company. Many
employees decide to leave a company rather than accept a transfer. Companies need to
successfully manage transfers not only because of the costs of replacing employees but
also because of the costs directly associated with them. For example, one estimate is that
a full-service relocation for an employee and his or her family is approximately $70,000.66
To help encourage employees to reduce relocation costs and to give employees control
over how to spend relocation allowances to best meet their needs, many companies are
providing lump sums for relocation. That is, employees are given a set amount of money
to pay for relocation costs. They are typically not required to submit receipts for expenses.
Also, some companies provide employees with a network of recommended service provid-
ers so that the employees don’t feel burdened by identifying responsible vendors.
To ensure that employees accept transfers, promotions, and downward moves as devel-
opment opportunities, companies can provide

• Information about the content, challenges, and potential benefits of the new job and
• Involvement in the transfer decision by sending the employees to preview the new
location and giving them information about the community.
• Clear performance objectives and early feedback about their job performance.
• A host at the new location to help them adjust to the new community and workplace.
• Information about how the job opportunity will affect their income, taxes, mortgage
payments, and other expenses.
• Reimbursement and assistance in selling and purchasing or renting a place to live.
CHAPTER 9 Employee Development 417

• An orientation program for the new location and job.

• Information on how the new job experiences will support the employee’s career plans.
• Assistance for dependent family members, including identifying schools and child
care and elder care options.
• Help for the spouse in identifying and marketing skills and finding employment.67

Temporary Assignments, Projects, Volunteer Work, and Sabbaticals

Temporary assignments refer to job tryouts such as employees taking on a position to help Temporary
them determine if they are interested in working in a new role, employee exchanges, sabbati- assignments
cals, and voluntary assignments. All temporary assignments have a predetermined ending Job tryouts such as
employees taking on a
date after which the employees return to their permanent position. For example, Mondelēz position to help them
International, a snack company with 100,000 employees, wanted to help its managers learn determine if they are
about how to market its products using mobile devices. For several days, they sent their interested in working in
managers to nine small mobile-technology companies to help them gain an understanding a new role.
of their entrepreneurial spirit and how quickly these companies generated ideas and built
and tested prototypes of new marketing efforts.68 An associate brand manager from
PepsiCo’s New York headquarters spent a week at Airbnb, a San Francisco–based online
travel rental business. Managers from the two companies hoped to learn from each other’s
brand management practices. Both companies have casual, collaborative work environ-
ments. But compared to PepsiCo’s brand management, Airbnb’s brand management is
based more on instinct than on data analysis and the ideas of marketing agencies. Marketing
managers at Airbnb were interested in learning about how PepsiCo built data sets of market
research. To develop a broad understanding of the business, directors at Genentech Inc.
spend 10% of their time over six to nine months in a different function working on special
projects, participating in task forces, and shadowing business leaders.69
Employee exchange is another type of temporary assignment. Procter & Gamble (P&G)
and Google have swapped employees.70 Employees from the two companies participated
in each other’s training programs and attend meetings where business plans are discussed.
Both companies hope to benefit from the employee swap. Procter & Gamble was trying
to increase its understanding of how to market laundry detergent, toilet paper, and skin
cream products to a new generation of consumers who spend more time online than
watching television. Google wanted to gain more ad revenue by persuading companies to
shift from showcasing their brands on television to video-sharing sites such as YouTube.
Temporary assignments can include a sabbatical. A sabbatical refers to a leave of Sabbatical
absence from the company for personal reflection, renewal, and skill development. A leave of absence
Employees on sabbatical often receive full pay and benefits. Sabbaticals let employees get from the company to
renew or develop skills.
away from the day-to-day stresses of their jobs and acquire new skills and perspectives.
Sabbaticals also allow employees more time for personal pursuits such as writing a book
or spending more time with young children. Sabbaticals are common in a variety of indus-
tries ranging from consulting firms to the fast-food industry.71 They typically range from
4 to 10 weeks. Sabbaticals can involve travel, finishing a degree or other learning opportu-
nities, donating time to charity, working on research or new product development, or
working on a “green” cause. For example, at Edelman Financial Services, located in
Fairfax, Virginia, employees are eligible for four weeks of paid sabbatical after five years
with the company.72 As a motivation to use the time well, the company requires that the
employee submit a syllabus outlining their plans for the time away from work. Adviser Rey
Roy took a cross-country bike ride, raising money for charity. The time he spent pedaling
cleared his mind and gave him a fresh perspective, so that when he returned to work, he
had renewed enthusiasm. In addition, Roy saw that other employees were inspired by his
418 CHAPTER 9 Employee Development

Volunteer assignments can also be used for development. Volunteer assignments may
give employees opportunities to manage change, teach, have a high level of responsibility,
and be exposed to other job demands (see Table 9.7). Some companies encourage their
employees to donate their expertise without losing pay or vacation time. A research and
development engineer at General Mills who develops food products spends some of her
work time helping small food companies in Africa. Using teleconferencing, she has helped
the African companies understand how to manage food contamination risks when han-
dling raw ingredients. She also traveled to Malawi to visit a food production plant to help
them prepare for a government inspection. Her pro bono work was personally rewarding
but also helped her use her professional skills in ways that are limited by her current role.
At Prudential Financial, teams of up to five employees can work on consulting projects
with one of the company’s nonprofit partners. These projects are supported by
Prudential’s founding principle that everyone should have the opportunity to achieve
financial security. The partnership builds the capacity of local partners and gives employ-
ees the opportunity to develop their business skills and leadership competencies outside
of their normal work environments. The Evidence-Based HR box shows the positive out-
comes employees and their employer can realize from leadership development programs
that include project work.

Associates in the BB&T Corporation’s Leadership Excellence Program receive
coaching by a leadership consultant, attend workshops focused on different aspects
of leadership, and work on a project that will benefit their area of business. BB&T
compared associates who participated in the Leadership Excellence Program with
their peers who had not yet participated in the program (comparison group).
Program participants had over a two times faster promotion rate and a 31% retention
rate, which translated into saving $13 million in replacement costs—that is, costs
that would have been incurred for hiring and training new associates.
SOURCE: Based on “Training Top 125 Best Practices & Outstanding Training Initiatives, BB&T Corporation:
Leadership Excellence Program” Training, January/February 2017, p. 97; J. Castaneda, “Bench Strength,” TD,
June 2015, pp. 30–35.

LO 9-7 Employees can also develop skills and increase their knowledge about the company and its
Develop successful customers by interacting with a more experienced organization member. Mentoring and
mentoring programs. coaching are two types of interpersonal relationships that are used to develop employees.

Mentor A mentor is an experienced, productive senior employee who helps develop a less experi-
An experienced, enced employee (the protégé). Because of the lack of potential mentors, and recognizing
productive senior that employees can benefit from relationships with peers and colleagues, some companies
employee who helps
develop a less
have initiated and supported group and peer mentoring.
experienced employee. Most mentoring relationships develop informally as a result of interests or values
shared by the mentor and the protégé. Research suggests that employees with certain
CHAPTER 9 Employee Development 419

Table 9.8
Examples of Mentoring Programs

Cisco Systems—To reduce the time it takes new board of director members to be effective, they are paired
with a more experienced board director who serves as a mentor. The mentor helps them understand board of
directors meeting norms, provides the content for members beliefs, explains terms used in briefing materials,
and gives advice on the right place to sit in the board meeting room.
Microsoft—The mentoring program includes career development mentoring and peer mentoring. Career
development mentoring focuses on career and professional development through structured, year-long
cross-group mentoring. Peer mentoring is less structured and focuses on transfer of work-related knowledge
among members of the same work team.
Sodexo—Peer-to-peer mentoring is a program managed directly by Sodexo’s Network Groups. Networks are
organized around a common dimension of diversity and are created by employees who want to raise
awareness in Sodexo of their identity groups. They include network groups based on national origin, race,
sexual orientation, military service, and intergenerations. The Spirit of Mentoring Bridge Programs are informal
divisional pairings in which newly hired and front-line managers come together to expand professional
development opportunities and increase the depth and diversity of Sodexo’s management.
Mariner Finance—The company uses technology such as chat functions, video, and specific websites for
mentors and protégés to enable more timely communications between themselves as well as between all
employees participating in the mentoring program.
Michigan Medicine—MicroMentors provides early and midcareer emerging leaders with the opportunity to
spend up to 60 minutes of uninterrupted time with a mentor discussing important issues such as salary
negotiations, managing disruptive employees, and career development.
Vistage Worldwide—Teams of 15–20 employees provide opportunities for advice on personal or professional
challenges. A trained peer-group facilitator guides the discussion and helps the team listen, paraphrase, and
ask probing questions in order to provide new perspectives on the issue and potential solutions.

SOURCES: Based on J. Lublin, “New in Boardrooms: Buddy System,” Wall Street Journal, September 20, 2017, p. B7; C. Elton and A. Gostick, “Impact
and Learning Span the Generations,” Chief Learning Officer, December 2018, p. 62; “Training Top 125: Aditya Birla Minacs,” Training, January/
February 2014, p. 101; Sodexo, Inc., website,, accessed March 26, 2017; “Training Top 125: Vistage Worldwide,” Training,
January/February 2017, p. 69; M. Weinstein, “Mentoring in the Digital Age,” Training, September/October 2016, pp. 28–31; R. Emelo, “Shift Your Focus
with Modern Mentoring,” TD, September 2015, pp. 36–41; R. Emelo, “Conversations with Mentoring Leaders,” T + D, June 2011, pp. 32–37.

personality characteristics (like emotional stability, the ability to adapt their behavior
based on the situation, and high needs for power and achievement) are most likely to seek
a mentor and be an attractive protégé for a mentor.73 Mentoring relationships can also
develop as part of a formal mentoring program, that is, a planned company effort to bring
together successful senior employees with less experienced employees. Table 9.8 shows
examples of how companies are using formal mentoring programs. Mentoring programs
have many important purposes, including socializing new employees, developing manag-
ers, and providing opportunities for women and minorities to share experiences and gain
the exposure and skills needed to move into management positions.
Developing Successful Mentoring Programs. One major advantage of formalized mentor-
ing programs is that they ensure access to mentors for all employees, regardless of gender
or race. An additional advantage is that participants in the mentoring relationship know
what is expected of them.74 One limitation of formal mentoring programs is that mentors
may not be able to provide counseling and coaching in a relationship that has been cre-
ated artificially.75 To overcome this limitation, it is important that mentors and protégés
spend time discussing work styles, their personalities, and their backgrounds, which helps
build the trust needed for both parties to be comfortable with their relationship. 76
420 CHAPTER 9 Employee Development

Table 9.9
Characteristics of Successful Formal Mentoring Programs

1. Mentor and protégé participation is voluntary. Relationship can be ended at any time without fear of
2. The mentor–protégé matching process does not limit the ability of informal relationships to develop. For
example, a mentor pool can be established to allow protégés to choose from a variety of qualified
3. Mentors are chosen on the basis of their past record in developing employees, willingness to serve as a
mentor, and evidence of positive coaching, communication, and listening skills.
4. Mentor–protégé matching is based on how the mentor’s skills can help meet the protégé’s needs.
5. The purpose of the program is clearly understood. Projects and activities that the mentor and protégé
are expected to complete are specified.
6. The length of the program is specified. Mentor and protégé are encouraged to pursue the relationship
beyond the formal period.
7. A minimum level of contact between the mentor and protégé is specified. Mentors and protégés need to
determine when they will meet, how often, and how they will communicate outside the meetings.
8. Protégés are encouraged to contact one another to discuss problems and share successes.
9. The mentor program is evaluated. Interviews with mentors and protégés give immediate feedback
regarding specific areas of dissatisfaction. Surveys gather more detailed information regarding benefits
received from participating in the program.
10. Employee development is rewarded, which signals to managers that mentoring and other development
activities are worth their time and effort.

Toshiba America Medical Systems doesn’t have a formal mentoring program. However,
Toshiba encourages informal mentoring from the first day employees are hired. Both man-
agers and HR business partners take the time to help new employees meet their col-
leagues and show them around the workplace.77
Table 9.9 presents the characteristics of a successful formal mentoring program.
Mentors should be chosen based on interpersonal and technical skills. They also need to
be trained.78 For mentors, protégés, and the company to get the most out of mentoring,
tools and support are needed.79 The U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) uses
its mentoring program to create a collaborative learning environment, improve employee
engagement, and provide development opportunities. Mentors attend an orientation to
ensure they understand the purpose of the program and their roles. Additionally, mentors
meet quarterly to receive ongoing support and training.80
Career support A key to successful mentoring programs is that the mentor and protégé be well
Coaching, protection, matched and can interact with each other face-to-face, virtually, or using social media.
sponsorship, and Matching systems are available to help match mentors and protégés, track mentors’ and
providing challenging protégés’ work, help build development plans, and schedule mentor and protégé meet-
assignments, exposure,
and visibility. ings.81 The Competing through Technology box shows how companies are relying on algo-
rithms using software to create more effective mentor and protégé matches.
support Benefits of Mentoring Relationships. Both mentors and protégés can benefit from a men-
Serving as a friend and toring relationship. Research suggests that mentors provide career and psychosocial support
role model, providing to their protégés. Career support includes coaching; protection; sponsorship; and providing
positive regard and challenging assignments, exposure, and visibility. Psychosocial support includes serving as
acceptance, and
creating an outlet for a a friend and a role model, providing positive regard and acceptance, and creating an outlet
protégé to talk about for the protégé to talk about anxieties and fears. Additional benefits for the protégé include
anxieties and fears. higher rates of promotion, higher salaries, and greater organizational influence.82
Can Formulas Ensure Effective Mentoring Relationships?
Some companies are using soft- include webinars for first-time connection they can express
ware to ensure that mentors mentors and advice on how to interest in becoming the men-
and protégés are effectively gain the most benefits from a tor’s protégé.
matched. At General Motors the mentoring relationship.
software considers profiles com- To find mentors outside of DISCUSSION QUESTIONS
pleted by both prospective pro- work, the creators of the Bumble 1. Considering the characteris-
tégés and mentors. Mentors are dating app have created Bumble tics of successful formal men-
asked about their business Bizz, which allows users to toring relationships shown
expertise, years of professional search for prospective mentors in Table 9.9, how does a
experience, and what skills they and network with other profes- software-based system help
feel they can help a protégé sionals. Users create a profes- ensure the effectiveness of
develop. Proteges are asked sional profile, including their mentoring relationships?
about the skills they would like to career goals, and if they choose, Explain.
develop and how many years of can complete a skills inventory, 2. What advantages does a
experience they want their men- provide a digital résumé and face-to-face protégé–mentor
tor to have. Based on an algo- samples of their work, and a dig- matching process such as the
rithm that determines the overlap ital photograph. When two users one used at PayPal provide
between protégés and mentors swipe right on each other’s pro- over a technology-based
profiles, protégés are provided files they can chat using text. approach using software?
with a list of up to 10 potential In contrast to technology-
mentors. The list includes a per- based approaches, at PayPal SOURCE: Based on R. Feintzeig, “Employee
Mentorship Gets a Reboot,” Wall Street
centage showing the degree to mentors and protégés are Journal, December 28, 2017, p. B6; B. Hassell,
which their profiles match. matched based on face-to- “Create Mentorships, Not Minions,” Chief
Before they begin their relation- face interaction not software. Learning Officer, May 2016, pp. 30–32; K. Gee,
“New in Bumble’s Dating App: Swipe Right for
ship, mentors and protégés are Employees can sign up for small Business Contacts,” November 8, 2017, from
encouraged to review the men- group sessions including six; D. Kuczwara, “The Bumble Bizz
toring resources available on the employees who interact with a App Can Help Businesses Network,” from
company’s career development potential mentor. After a few the-buzz-on-bumble-bizz.html, accessed
website. These resources meetings, if employees feel a January 3, 2019.

Jose Yanes served as a mentor for several employees at Ford Motor Company.83 He found
that serving as a mentor helped his own personal development by helping him improve his
own communication skills and work harder at building trust with other people.
Mentoring relationships provide opportunities for mentors to develop their interper-
sonal skills and increase their feelings of self-esteem and worth to the organization. For
individuals in technical fields, such as engineering or health services, the protégé may
help mentors gain knowledge about important new scientific developments in their field
(and therefore prevent them from becoming technically obsolete).
Reverse mentoring refers to mentoring in which younger employees mentor more Reverse mentoring
senior employees. UnitedHealth Group pairs senior executives with emerging Millennial A business situation in
leaders.84 UnitedHealth hopes that the program will help executives see the business dif- which younger
employees mentor
ferently and help create a workplace that will attract, retain, and motivate Millennials. For more senior employees.
example, for one high-level leader, quality of care was primarily related to patient out-
comes. But as a result of his monthly meetings with his Millennial mentor, he realized
that her generation was also concerned with the speed of access to care and customer

422 CHAPTER 9 Employee Development

service. Through participating in the program she gained access to a high-level manager
that she normally wouldn’t have. Also, although she is a younger and less experienced
employee, the experience improved her self-confidence by showing that her ideas are
important and can benefit the company.
Mentoring can also occur between mentors and protégés from different organizations.
Websites such as Everwise are available to help find online mentors. For example, Amy
Dobler wanted to enhance her career at Jive Software, so she went online and was
matched with Edel Keville, a human resources vice president at Levi Strauss & Company.85
Using Everwise, Dobler completed an online questionnaire about her personality, educa-
tion, career path, and personal goals. Both women had similar personalities and career
paths in human resources and technology. After the online match, an Everwise relation-
ship manager personally introduced the two women. The advice, guidance, and support
that Dobler received from Keville in the mentoring relationship over a few months helped
her gain the confidence needed to present to senior managers, lead international training
sessions, and improve her delegation skills.

LO 9-8 A coach is a peer or manager who works with employees to motivate them, help them
Describe how to train develop skills, and provide reinforcement and feedback. There are three roles that a coach
managers to coach can play.86 Part of coaching may be one-on-one with an employee (such as giving feed-
back). Another role is to help employees learn for themselves. This involves helping them
find experts who can assist them with their concerns and teaching them how to obtain
Coach feedback from others. Third, coaching may involve providing resources such as mentors,
A peer or manager
who works with an
courses, or job experiences that employees may not be able to gain access to without the
employee to motivate coach’s help.
the employee, help him Consider the role of coaches at PwC and Procter & Gamble.87 PwC prepares new
or her develop skills, employees by combining classroom training with one-on-one coaching by trained coaches.
and provide The employees receive suggested readings and practice exercises, and they receive prac-
reinforcement and
tice and feedback in meetings with their coach. When they complete the program, PwC
offers online support through a “Mobile Coach,” which delivers reminders and links to
development-related content. Coaching is an expected part of managers’ role at Procter &
Gamble. The company has trained its managers to give employees positive feedback and
to match career goals with business needs, among other coaching skills. P&G’s aim is to
develop managers who can in turn develop their people, resulting in a highly engaged
workforce that thinks creatively.
Research shows that coaching helps employees improve by identifying areas for improve-
ment and setting goals.88 This is especially the case when an internal coach is used (e.g., a
manager who has been trained in coaching). Getting results from a coaching relationship
can take at least six months of weekly or monthly meetings. To be effective, a coach gener-
ally conducts an assessment, asks questions that challenge the employee to think deeply
about his or her goals and motives, helps the employee create an action plan, and follows
up regularly to help the employee stay on track. Employees contribute to the success of
coaching when they persevere in practicing the behaviors identified in the action plan.89

Special Issues in Employee Development

Discuss what
companies are doing to A major development issue facing companies today is how to get women and minorities
melt the glass ceiling. into upper-level management positions—how to melt the glass ceiling.
CHAPTER 9 Employee Development 423

At the large companies of the S&P 500, just over one-quarter of executive positions are Glass ceiling
held by women, and 4.8% of CEOs are female.90 Interestingly, the share of female chief A barrier to
advancement to higher-
operating officers, considered the number-two position in an organization, has been grow-
level jobs in the
ing, so observers are curious whether more women will start to move to the CEO spot—or company that adversely
whether the COO job will come to be seen as a new glass ceiling. Men are promoted at affects women and
much higher rates than women during their early career stages, and entry-level women are minorities. The barrier
significantly more likely than men to have spent five or more years in the same job. may be due to lack of
access to training
From a leadership development perspective, companies may be reluctant to treat
programs, development
women differently than men despite acknowledging that women lack executive sponsors experiences, or
or mentors, have insufficient experience, and need better work–life balance. This bar- relationships (e.g.,
rier may be due to stereotypes or company systems that adversely affect the develop- mentoring).
ment of women or minorities.91 The glass ceiling is likely caused by lack of access to
training programs, appropriate developmental job experiences, and developmental rela-
tionships (such as mentoring).92 The Competing through Environmental, Social, and
Governance Practices box describes West Monroe Partners’ commitment to social
responsibility including supporting an inclusive and diverse culture that cultivates lead-
ership development.
For example, Mary Barra made history when she became the first woman CEO of
global automobile maker General Motors.93 Prior to becoming CEO, Barra was in a prod-
uct development job, an operational job critical to the company’s success. But 55% of
women are in functional roles such as lawyers, chief of finance, or human resources,
which may not put them in the career path needed to become a CEO. Women and minori-
ties often have trouble finding mentors because of their lack of access to the “old boy
network”; managers’ preference to interact with other managers of similar status rather
than with line employees; and intentional exclusion by managers who have negative
stereotypes about women’s and minorities’ abilities, motivation, and job preferences.94
Research has found no gender differences in access to job experiences involving transi-
tions or creating change.95 However, male managers receive significantly more assign-
ments involving high levels of responsibility (high stakes, managing business diversity,
handling external pressure) and appreciation for their contributions than female manag-
ers of similar ability and managerial level. Also, compared to male managers, female man-
agers report experiencing more challenge due to lack of personal support (a type of job
demand considered to be an obstacle and related to harmful stress) and lack of apprecia-
tion for their contributions.
In their quest for diversity and inclusion, organizations are engaging managers to con-
sider their role in maintaining a workplace that draws fully upon the contributions of
female as well as male employees.96 For example, career encouragement from peers and
senior managers can help women advance to higher management levels. Managers making
developmental assignments need to carefully consider whether gender biases or stereo-
types are influencing the types of assignments given to women versus men. Also, managers
need to identify the kinds of behavior that may be well intentioned but create awkwardness
on teams and in mentoring relationships. Going further to draw out women’s talents more
fully, some managers are implementing tactics like imposing a rule against interruptions in
meetings and making a conscious practice of ensuring that every person in the room has
had a chance to speak and be heard. Of course, this kind of management practice not only
draws out the ideas of women, who on average are interrupted more often than men, but it
also gathers ideas from any employees who tend to be quieter than others.
Many companies are making efforts to melt the glass ceiling.97 General Electric has
emphasized placing women in more powerful roles and including them in leadership
meetings. For example, women hold positions leading GE’s China health care and
Maximizing Stakeholder Value through Skill Development and
an Inclusive and Diverse Culture
West Monroe Partners, a because it was obvious she ­ ffice, which leads to percep-
­technology consulting firm, helps would not be able to solve the tions of unequal mentoring
employees develop while also problem on her own. Employees ­opportunities and lack of
demonstrating social responsibil- have also provided pro bono inclusion). West Monroe also
ity to its stakeholders. One way work to a variety of organizations challenged its more than 80
is through West Monroe’s 1 + 1 + 1 in the United States, including directors to take ownership for
program that budgets for giving community health services, furni- an inclusive workforce by draft-
1% of employees’ time in volun- ture banks, abused deaf women ing a personal list of actions for
teer hours, 1% of its employees advocacy, and theater groups. making the people around them
to work for nonprofits at no Another way that West Mon- feel more included.
charge, and 1% of its profits in roe Partners demonstrates social
charitable contributions. The firm responsibility to its stakeholders DISCUSSION QUESTIONS
has established the Fischer is through recognizing that inclu- 1. Is developing women’s skills
Fellowship, which pays several sion and diversity in addition to alone sufficient for melting
employees a year to do volun- skill development is necessary the glass ceiling? Explain your
teer work for three to six months to build and support the next position.
anywhere in the world. Employ- generation of company leaders. 2. How could development
ees selected for the fellowship West Monroe Partners has taken plans and mentors be useful
tackle difficult problems and may several steps to create a more in supporting employees skill
collaborate with their colleagues inclusive and diverse culture and development from volunteer
in the firm. For example, an provide all employees regardless opportunities?
­employee who taught computer of background the opportunity to SOURCE: Based on West Monroe Partners,
and technology skills in Ghana become leaders. These steps “About Us,” https://www.westmonroepartners
worked with experts in the have included celebrating LGBT+ .com, accessed January 3, 2019; K. Gurchiek,
“‘Chief of Anything’ Program Develops Skills,
­company to get the dilapidated employees and supporters; sup- Workplace Community,” Society for Human
equipment up and running and porting The Women’s Leadership Resource Management, April 12, 2018, https://
got ideas for sustainable energy Network, an employee resource; Andie Burjek, “Workforce 100:
It Feels Like the First Time,” Workforce,
from consultants in the energy group that helps women learn April 26, 2017,;
and utilities practice. Another and grow through education, B. Paulen, “Important Steps to Achieving a
consultant, Tricia Anklan, worked mentorship, collaboration, and Diverse Workforce” from https://www, accessed January 3,
on improving water quality in communication; and stimulating 2019; Inclusion & Diversity, from https://www
rural Nicaragua. She credits the regular dialogue on topics that
program with making her a more aren’t easy to discuss (e.g., how Inclusion-and-Diversity, accessed January 3,
2019; “The 1+1+1 Program” from https://www
inspirational leader, motivating it can be uncomfortable for men
people in the community to act, and women to network out of the Doing-Good, accessed January 3, 2019.

transportation businesses and sit on the company’s highest management committee.

Women account for approximately 25% of GE’s executives, an increase of 16% since 2001.
The software company SAP SE set a goal for women to hold 25% of all managerial roles
by the end of 2017. SAP’s Leadership Excellence Acceleration Program (LEAP) includes
high-performing women whom managers have identified as ready for promotion. In the

CHAPTER 9 Employee Development 425

Table 9.10
• Make sure senior management supports and is involved in the program. Recommendations
• Make a business case for change. for Melting the Glass
• Make the change public. Ceiling
• Gather data on problems causing the glass ceiling using task forces, focus groups,
and questionnaires.
• Create awareness of how gender attitudes and management practices affect the
company culture and behavioral expectations of employees.
• Force accountability through reviews of promotion rates and assignment decisions.
• Promote development for all employees.

SOURCES: Based on R. Gunther McGrath, “Eight Simple Ways to Keep More Women in the Executive Pipeline,”
Wall Street Journal, February 22, 2018,; B. Groysberg and K. Connolly, “Great Leaders Who
Make the Mix Work,” Harvard Business Review, September 2013, pp. 68–76; D. McCracken, “Winning the Talent War
for Women,” Harvard Business Review, November/December 2000, pp. 159–67.

program’s virtual course, they meet monthly to listen to guest speakers, they complete
action assignments, and by the end of the course they are expected to have increased their
personal network. So far, the first group of LEAP graduates have become first-level man-
agers and 11% of current managers have moved into director roles. Adobe, American
Express, Cisco Systems, and American Electric Power use executive shadowing and
coaching programs to help women enhance their visibility and access to top business
Table 9.10 provides recommendations for melting the glass ceiling and helping retain
talented women.

Succession planning refers to the process of identifying and tracking high-potential LO 9-10
employees who are capable of moving into different positions in the company resulting Use the 9-box grid for
from planned or unplanned job openings due to turnover, promotion, or business growth. identifying where
employees fit in a
Succession planning is often discussed when considering company’s managers or top
succession plan and
leaders, but it is an important consideration for any job. Succession planning helps orga- construct appropriate
nizations in several different ways.98 It requires senior management to systematically development plans for
review leadership talent in the company. It ensures that top-level managerial talent is avail- them.
able. It provides a set of development experiences that managers must complete to be
considered for top management positions; this avoids premature promotion of managers Succession planning
who are not ready for upper management ranks. Succession planning systems also help The identification and
attract and retain managerial employees by providing them with development opportuni- tracking of high-
ties that they can complete if upper management is a career goal for them. High-potential potential employees
capable of filling higher-
employees are those the company believes are capable of being successful in higher-level
level managerial
managerial positions such as general manager of a strategic business unit, functional positions.
director (such as director of marketing), or CEO.99 High-potential employees typically
complete an individual development program that involves education, executive mentor- High-potential
ing and coaching, and rotation through job assignments. Job assignments are based on employees
Employees the
the successful career paths of the managers whom the high-potential employees are being company believes are
prepared to replace. High-potential employees may also receive special assignments, such capable of being
as making presentations and serving on committees and task forces. successful in high-level
Despite the importance of succession planning, many companies do not do it well. management positions.
A survey of company directors showed that fewer than half believed they were spending
enough time on succession planning and 18% did not agree that their company had
426 CHAPTER 9 Employee Development

Bench strength adequate bench strength in its talent pipeline.100 Bench strength refers to having a pool of
The business strategy talented employees who are ready when needed. Companies also find it difficult to follow
of having a pool of the succession planning process.101 One challenge is that today’s business environment is
talented employees
who are ready when
changing so fast that succession plans go out of date. Suppose a candidate was selected
needed to step in to a years before an executive opening occurs. By then, the most important job requirements
new position within the might have changed. Companies including PepsiCo have addressed this by carrying out
organization. succession planning over a shorter timeline. Another issue involves the selection of candi-
dates to label as having high potential. People have sometimes-unconscious ideas of what
a “high-potential” person is like, and those ideas might look a certain age, gender, race, or
physical appearance. Or a manager might select or reject an employee for reasons other
than potential—say, to avoid hurt feelings or to keep a valued staffer on the team, rather
than in a development assignment elsewhere.
Table 9.11 shows the process used to develop a succession plan.102 The first step is to
identify what positions are included in the succession plan, such as all management posi-
tions or only certain levels of management. The second step is to identify which employ-
ees are part of the succession planning system. For example, in some companies only
high-potential employees are included in the succession plan. Third, the company needs
to identify how positions will be evaluated. For example, will the emphasis be on compe-
tencies needed for each position or on the experiences an individual needs to have before
moving into the position? Fourth, the company should identify how employee potential
will be measured. To the extent possible, measurable criteria are used rather than manag-
ers intuition. For example, will employees’ performance in their current jobs as well as
ratings of potential be used? Will employees’ position interests and career goals be consid-
9-box grid ered? Fifth, the succession planning review process needs to be developed. Typically, suc-
A three-by-three matrix cession planning reviews first involve employees’ managers and human resources. A talent
used by groups of review could also include an overall assessment of leadership talent in the company, an
managers and identification of high-potential employees, based on their performance and potential, and
executives to compare a discussion of plans to keep key managers from leaving the company.
employees within one
department, function, Many companies use the 9-box grid for conducting the succession planning review.
division, or the entire The 9-box grid is a three-by-three matrix used by groups of managers and executives to
company. compare employees within one department, function, division, or the entire company.103

Table 9.11
The Process of 1. Identify what positions are included in the plan.
Developing a 2. Identify the employees who are included in the plan.
Succession Plan 3. Develop standards to evaluate positions (e.g., competencies, desired
experiences, desired knowledge, developmental value).
4. Determine how employee potential will be measured (e.g., current performance
and potential performance).
5. Develop the succession planning review.
6. Link the succession planning system with other human resource systems,
including training and development, compensation, performance management,
and staffing systems.
7. Determine what feedback is provided to employees.
8. Measure the effectiveness of the succession plan.

SOURCES: Based on A. Cremo and T. Bux, “Creating a Vibrant Organizational Leadership Pipeline,” TD, July 2016,
pp. 76–77; W. Rothwell, “The Future of Succession Planning,” T + D, September 2010, pp. 51–54; B. Dowell,
“Succession Planning,” in Implementing Organizational Interventions, ed. J. Hedge and E. Pulaskos (San Francisco:
Jossey-Bass, 2002), pp. 78–109; R. Barnett and S. Davis, “Creating Greater Success in Succession Planning,”
Advances in Developing Human Resources 10 (2008), pp. 721–39.
CHAPTER 9 Employee Development 427

Figure 9.5
Example of a 9-Box
7 8 Grid
Technical/Subject Agile
Expert High Performer

4 5 6
Strong Core Rising
Contributor Employee Star

1 2
Poor Inconsistent
May Be
Employee Employee

Potential or Promotability

The 9-box grid is used for analysis and discussion of talent, to help formulate effective
development plans and activities, and to identify talented employees who can be groomed
for top-level management positions in the company. As shown in Figure 9.5 one axis of
the matrix is based on an assessment of job performance. The other axis is typically
labeled “potential” or “promotability.” Typically, managers’ assessment of performance
(based on the company’s performance management system) and potential influences
employees’ development plans. For example, as shown in Figure 9.5, “Stars” should be
developed for leadership positions in the company.
For example, CHG Healthcare Services’ goal was to increase the number of company
leaders by 15% and reduce leaders’ turnover.104 CHG used the 9-box to identify potential
leaders and develop leadership bench strength. Employees were evaluated based on their
performance and potential. Employees who were identified as high performers with high
potential were selected to go through a 360-degree assessment of their skills. This assess-
ment was used in a leadership program designed specifically to develop their potential
and skills to ensure they were ready for promotion. The results have been positive.
Leadership turnover has decreased by one-third, internal promotion rates for leaders have
increased by nearly 50%, and the leader-to-employee ratio has improved by 24%.
Contrast the development plans of “Stars” with employees in the other areas of the
grid. The development plans for “Poor Employees” emphasize performance improvement
in their current position rather than getting them challenging new job experiences. If they
do not improve in their current position, they are likely to be fired. “Technical/Subject
Experts” are outstanding performers but have low potential for leadership positions. Their
development plans likely emphasize keeping their knowledge, skills, and competencies
current and getting them experiences to continue to motivate them and facilitate creativ-
ity and innovation. “Potential May Be Misplaced” employees may have just taken a new
position and haven’t had the time to demonstrate high performance, or these employees’
428 CHAPTER 9 Employee Development

knowledge, skills, or competencies might not match their job requirements. Their develop-
ment plans might emphasize moving them to a position that best matches their skill set
or, if they have just moved to the job, ensuring that they get the training and development
opportunities and resources necessary to help them attain high performance levels. “Core
Employees” are solid but not outstanding performers who have moderate potential.
Development plans for these employees will include a mix of training and development
designed to help ensure their solid performance continues. Also, their development plans
likely include some development experiences that can help grow their skills and deter-
mine their interest and ability to perform in positions requiring different skills and/or
more responsibility.
It is important to keep in mind that performance tends to be variable over time due to
changes in tasks, assignments, and business goals.105 The implications of this is when
managing employees performance consider the categories shown in Figure 9.5 but give
employees the chance to change. One way to do this is to have frequent performance con-
versations with employees, which helps them recognize the need to change or maintain
their performance. Actively managing employees by setting expectations, making project
assignments based on their skills and interests, and holding employees accountable for
their performance does make a difference.
Sixth, succession planning is dependent on other human resource systems, including
compensation, training and development, and staffing. Incentives and bonuses may be
linked to completion of development opportunities. Activities such as training courses,
job experiences, mentors, and 360-degree feedback should be part of high-potential
employees’ development plans. Companies need to decide, for example, whether they will
fill an open management position internally with a less-experienced employee who will
improve in the role over time or hire a manager from outside the company who can deliver
results immediately. Seventh, employees need to be provided with feedback on future
moves, expected career paths, and development goals and experiences. Finally, the succes-
sion planning process needs to be evaluated. This includes identifying and measuring
appropriate results outcomes (such as reduced time to fill manager positions, increased
use of internal promotions) as well as collecting measures of satisfaction with the process
(reaction outcomes) from employees and managers. Also, modifications that will be made
to the succession planning process need to be identified, discussed, and implemented.
Turnover is common in Valvoline Instant Oil Change’s industry.106 This means that
succession planning and developing bench strength are critical for all employees. Each
month managers rate all their employees on their readiness for promotion to their next
job level and provide an overall evaluation of when they are ready, such as “today” or
“within six months.” Managers work with employees on development plans designed to
get them to be ready today. The development plans and evaluations are entered into an
online system that allows higher-level managers to identify stores and areas where talent is
not available in order to improve succession plans. Managers can identify employees,
known as “blockers,” who are not willing or able to develop further but are in positions
that would be considered as a promotion for other employees. Succession planning has
initiated a demand for training across the entire career path to ensure that assistant man-
agers are developed as well as senior technicians who might take their jobs and new tech-
nicians who need to be ready to take on more responsibilities. Top-level managers use the
online system to identify if talent is available to expand stores in a geographic area. Also,
the company includes the number of managers available for promotion on their balanced
scorecards, which measure company performance.
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan (BCBSM) identifies and develops the company’s
next generation of leaders as well as talented employees.107 Members of the executive
CHAPTER 9 Employee Development 429

team have formal succession plans. At the executive level, potential successors’ evalua-
tions include an evaluation of their readiness for a new position, for example, ready today
or ready in three-to-five years. This has resulted in the development of considerable bench
strength for executive positions. All executive positions have at least one successor identi-
fied, and 75% of the successors are evaluated as ready today to take the position. But
BCBSM also supports succession planning and talent review at all levels of the organiza-
tion. BCBSM conducts companywide talent reviews to identify current and future skill
strengths and weaknesses. BCBSM uses a 9-box grid to assess performance and potential.
Management teams meet to discuss the 9-box results for their employees individually and
as a group. Part of the meeting is devoted to ensuring that managers are using similar
standards for evaluating employee performance and likelihood of future advancement.
After the talent reviews are completed, BCBSM holds talent summits to ensure that man-
agers across all divisions understand the company’s talent and its development needs, and
are aware of cross-division job openings and talent strengths and weaknesses. Supporting
this process, BCBSM conducts an annual talent inventory. Employees are asked to iden-
tify their career interests and skills. This information is used in manager–employee discus-
sions of BCBSM’s talent needs and their individual development plans, career goals, and
development activities.
Succession planning at ITU AbsorbTech, a company who provides absorbents used dur-
ing printing and manufacturing, became a high priority because of its aging workforce.108
It involves measuring employees performance and potential over a two-year period and
identifying high performers. Employees complete a career development plan that helps
them identify the potential positions they could hold in the short and long term. Also,
development activities such as mentoring that could help employees prepare for the posi-
tions are identified. Each position is reviewed to determine if a potential opening may occur
because the employee plans to retire or is slated to move to a new position.
One of the important issues in succession planning is deciding whether to tell employ-
ees if they are on or off the list of potential candidates for higher-level manager posi-
tions.109 There are several advantages and disadvantages that companies need to consider.
One advantage of making a succession planning list public or telling employees who are
on the list is that they are more likely to stay with the company because they understand
they likely will have new career opportunities. Another is that high-potential employees
who are not interested in other positions can communicate their intentions. This helps
the company avoid investing costly development resources in them and allows the com-
pany to have a more accurate idea of its high-potential managerial talent. The disadvan-
tages of identifying high-potential employees are that those not on the list may become
discouraged and leave the company or changes in business strategy or the employees’
performance could take them off the list. Also, employees might not believe they have had
a fair chance to compete for leadership positions if they already know that a list of poten-
tial candidates has been established. One way to avoid these problems is to let employees
know they are on the list but not discuss a specific position they will likely reach. Another
is to frequently review the list of candidates and clearly communicate plans and expecta-
tions. Managers at Midmark Corporation, a medical equipment manufacturer based in
Versailles, Ohio, identify successors every six months as part of the company’s perfor-
mance review process and produce a potential list of candidates. Some employees are also
labeled as high potential and others are identified as having high potential for leadership
positions. Employees with high potential for leadership positions are considered for chal-
lenging development assignments involving overseas relocation. Using interviews, the
company determines if employees on the succession list are interested in and qualified for
leadership positions.
430 CHAPTER 9 Employee Development

Vi’s Employee Development Programs
The chapter opener described how Vi uses leadership development programs,
tuition reimbursement, mentoring, and career paths to enhance employees skill
and career development in order to attract and retain talented employees.
1. What other development activities might Vi want to consider to develop its
leaders? Identify an activity and explain why Vi should consider it.
2. What data or outcomes should Vi’s learning and development team collect to
monitor the effectiveness of the leadership programs? Explain the business
reason for your choice of data.

Companies use various employee development methods, (a mentor) can help employees better understand the
including formal education, assessment, job experiences, and company and gain exposure and visibility to key persons in the
interpersonal relationships. Most companies use one or more organization. Part of a manager’s job responsibility may be to
of these approaches to develop employees. Formal education coach employees. Regardless of the development approaches
involves enrolling employees in courses or seminars offered by used, employees should have a development plan to identify
the company or educational institutions. Assessment involves (1) the type of development needed, (2) development goals,
measuring the employee’s performance, behavior, skills, or (3) the best approach for development, and (4) whether
personality characteristics. Job experiences include job development goals have been reached. For development plans
enlargement, rotating to a new job, promotions, transfers, or to be effective, both the employee and the company have
temporary assignments. A more experienced, senior employee responsibilities that need to be fulfilled.

Development, 396 Interview, 408 Temporary assignment, 417
Protean career, 397 In-basket, 408 Sabbatical, 417
Psychological success, 397 Role-plays, 408 Mentor, 418
Development planning system, 398 Upward feedback, 409 Career support, 420
Action plan, 400 360-degree feedback systems, 410 Psychosocial support, 420
Formal education programs, 403 Job experiences, 411 Reverse mentoring, 421
Tuition reimbursement, 405 Stretch assignments, 411 Coach, 422
Assessment, 406 Job enlargement, 414 Glass ceiling, 423
Myers-Briggs Type Inventory Job rotation, 415 Succession planning, 425
(MBTI), 407 Transfer, 415 High-potential employees, 425
Assessment center, 408 Promotions, 415 Bench strength, 426
Leaderless group discussion, 408 Downward move, 415 9-box grid, 426

1. How could assessment be used to create a productive 3. Why do companies develop formal mentoring programs?
work team? What are the potential benefits for the mentor? For the
2. List and explain the characteristics of effective protégé?
360-degree feedback systems.

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