Scope of Work and Method Statement S

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Method Statement

Onshore Geotechnical Investigation for

Prepared for:

Prepared by:

Ayed Eid Al Osaimi Engineering Consulting Office

P.O. Box 1736, al Khobar 31952
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

1.1 General



3.1 Fieldwork-Crew-Equipment

3.2 Field Operations

3.2.1 Survey and Staking the Locations
3.2.2 Drilling & Sampling
3.2.3 Other Field Tests Piezocone Penetration Test Field CBR Test Pits Electrical Resistivity Test Thermal Conductivity Test Seismic Cross-hole Survey (SCS) Tests Shallow Seismic Refraction Tests Percolation Tests






1.1 General

Ayed Eid Al Osaimi Engineering Consulting Office (OEO) has been invited by SEPCO to submit
proposal Detailed Geotechnical Investigation for Master Gas System Expansion Phase 3, Package 2.


Ayed Eid Al Osaimi Engineering Consulting Office confirms that our proposal complies with Scope of
Work provided in the RFP.

 Drilling 33 nos. boreholes up to desired depths from the existing ground level with installation of
temporary simple standpipe piezometer of 2” dia. up to 3m below groundwater table in 1 selected
borehole for groundwater measurement.
- 1 Nos. Boreholes up to 30m deep
- 32 Nos. Boreholes up to 15m deep
 Conduct Piezocone Penetration Tests up to 15m deep or 1st refusal whichever comes first at 10
locations using 20-ton PCPT Truck.
 Perform Field CBR at 5 locations.
 Excavation of 11 Test Pits up to 1m depth
 Conduct 13 no. Electrical Resistivity Tests
 Conduct 6 no. Thermal Conductivity Tests
 Carrying out 6 Seismic Cross holes test at including drilling of 2 receiver holes and 1 shot hole up to
the depth of 30 m on unpaved ground.
 Carrying 8 Shallow Seismic Refraction Tests.
 Perform 1 no of Percolation (Dissipation) test.
 Conduct Physical, chemical and strength tests in Laboratory
 Submit Field and Interpretative Engineering Report


Our approach on Fieldwork, Laboratory testing and Report submission are given in this section.
3.1 Fieldwork-Crew-Equipment

OEO’s field crew consists of an engineering supervisor, driller, assistant driller and a skilled helper.
Site supervisor will be in-charge of day-to-day field operations. He will be in regular contact with
OEO’s geotechnical engineer and receives directions, and equipped with appropriate truck-mounted
drilling rigs with all accessories, spares and tools and a 4-WD vehicle. He will also be provided with
appropriate equipment for specific additional field tests. OEO’s Field Program Manager/Engineering
Manager will visit the site, if required, to ensure proper Quality Control in all field activities. The
supervisor shall submit the ‘progress reports’ as per mutually agreed schedule / format. The field
supervisor shall brief the crew – on daily basis – the importance and necessity of Safety & Quality in
all operations.

3.2 Field Operations

3.2.1 Survey and Staking the Locations

All boreholes and testing locations will be staked by OEO’s experienced survey team prior starting
any fieldwork. The appropriate coordinates shall be provided by the client to stake the locations.
Calibrated equipment only will be used for survey. Survey coordinates and datum shall be in
accordance with Saudi Aramco Engineering Standard SAES-A-100.

3.2.2 Drilling & Sampling

All field operations will be as per the applicable ASTM Standards or appropriate Saudi Aramco
engineering standards. However, we would state that all borings will be done by rotary drilling. The
borings will be advanced by the circulation of drilling bit or similar drilling tool. Bentonite or similar
drilling mud-water mix shall normally be used for drilling purposes. Boreholes will be drilled at the
locations proposed by the client. Boreholes will be drilled to specified depths below the ground level.
In all boreholes, calibrated automatic SPT hammers shall be used, and standard penetration tests
are to be performed in accordance with ASTM D1586 in soil at depths of 0.15, 0.75, 1.5, 2.25, 3.0,
3.75, 4.5 m, and at 1.5 m intervals thereafter, and at changes in soil strata.

Typical Drilling Rig ADII

SPTs will be conducted at specified interval up to the end of boring or as per the Project

SPT will be conducted as per ASTM D-1587

Where applicable (generally in cohesive materials), undisturbed samples will be recovered using thin
wall Shelby tubes as per ASTM D-1587. The samples shall be carefully identified, sealed and
protected from loss of moisture or damage.

When rock is encountered, core drilling will be performed using NQ/NWG double tube core barrel in
accordance with ASTM D-2113. Rock Quality Designation (RQD) and Core Recovery (REC) values
will be recorded for each run. The initial core runs will be kept short, however the maximum core run
will be restricted to 1.5m in order to obtain good quality rock cores. Where needed, necessary
measures shall be taken, in consultation with Project Engineer, to improve the core recovery. All
cores will be kept in soundly constructed core boxes properly fitted with stout carrying handles and
with separators. The boxes will be properly marked. Cores shall be placed in the boxes in the correct
sequence. Each core run shall be segregated by labeled wooden blocks and the depth of the bottom
of each run shall be marked on the partitions in the core box with paint.
The actual number, position and type of samples to be taken shall be to ensure that reliable
subsurface data is obtained. All soil & core samples will be carefully examined by the site supervisor/
geologist and logged on-site.

Wherever applicable, observations will be made using standpipes for groundwater table (GWT)
during the period of fieldwork after allowing 24 hours after drilling. Complete records of the
measurements shall be maintained by the site supervisor. Where specified, appropriate uPVC stand
pipe piezometers will be installed at required depth. The installation details of these piezometers are
discussed in other field test description. OEO’s site supervisor shall make arrangements, if needed,
to prevent the ingress of surface water and appropriate protective measures shall be taken. The
piezometers, screen section, packing are as per the project specifications.

Water samples will be collected from selected boreholes for laboratory testing. Where water has
been previously added, the hole shall be bailed out before sampling so that only ground water is
present. The sample volume shall be not less than 0.25 litre. Samples shall be stored in air-tight and
clean containers. If required by the client, continuous and/or long-term groundwater monitoring of the
piezometers installed at the site shall also be undertaken.

Should any contamination of soil or ground water be detected, the same will be informed to Client’s
Engineer and necessary steps, as advised, shall then be undertaken.

The borehole will be sealed after completion of work or prior demobilizing from site, in case of water
table reading.

The field logs, groundwater measurements, soil samples recovered, water samples collected, rock
cores retrieved together with their depths and other field test data will be transmitted, on a regular
basis, to OEO’s Project Engineer/Project Manager at Al-Khobar as appropriate for further laboratory
testing and analysis.

3.2.3 Other Field Tests Static Piezocone Penetration Tests

Static Piezocone Penetration Tests (PCPT) will be conducted at designated locations. All piezocone
soundings will be conducted using Vertek Equipment at the proposed locations. Depth of CPT test
may be varied as per the specification or 1st refusal whichever comes. CPT refusal is defined by
reaching a cone tip resistance of 35 MPa – 40 MPa or more but without leading to damage of electric
cone/probing rods/electric cables.
The Soundings will be taken by hydraulically pushing the 10 cm 2 or 15 cm2end area, 60-degree apex
angle cone into the ground. The cone will be advanced at a constant rate of 20 mm or 2 cm per
second. The cone contains electrical load transducers for measuring the cone tip resistance and
sleeve friction. In addition, a porous pore pressure transducer mounted in the cone monitors the pore
pressure generated as the cone is pushed into the ground. Readings of the cone tip resistance,
sleeve friction resistance and pore pressure are obtained at intervals of 1 to 5 seconds. The data is
transmitted continuously via an electric cable in the cone rods, to a computer on the site. All the data
is stored in the computer for further processing and are plotted using a printer. The data will be
interpreted/ analyzed and incorporated in the report.
Equipment: Cone Penetration Test Equipment
Made by: Vertek, A division of ARA, Inc.
Rig used for CPT: 20 Ton Direct Push, Vertek, USA made

Typical Output for presentation of the test results is given below

be conducted to the
specified depth or up to first
refusal whichever occurs
earlier. Test Pits

Test pits will be excavated

on unpaved ground up to
1.0m depth from the existing ground level or up to groundwater level or up to top of rock (hard strata)
whichever occurs first excluding shoring /compaction/dewatering and samples will be collected for
appropriate laboratory and chemical testing and one field density will be performed at each test pit
location at depth of 0.6m as per ASTM D1557 or ASTM D1883. Field California Bearing Ratio (CBR)

Field CBR tests will be conducted generally as per the provisions of ASTM-D 4429 at a depth of
maximum 0.3m in a pre-excavated test pit. The test will be conducted as per the specification in
order to assess the CBR values of the substrata. The data will be applicable in pavement design
considerations. We propose to conduct field density tests (FDT) adopting sand cone jar method or
any other relevant method (ASTM D-1556).

In all tests, loading shall be applied through reaction against a water tanker or drill rig or equivalent in
stages, through a penetration piston via a proving ring. Surcharge plate(s) with circular opening shall
be used. Seating load will first be applied. Penetration dial clamp will be attached to the piston.
Load– penetration observations will be made and the data transmitted to geotechnical engineer for
analysis. At the completion of the test, a sample at the point of penetration will be collected from each
of the test locations, for determination of moisture content. In-situ density will also be determined at a
location 100 to 150 mm away from the point of penetration adopting sand cone jar method (ASTM D-
1556). Electrical Resistivity Tests

Electrical resistivity tests will be conducted at specified locations adopting Wenner’s 4-electrode
method. Wenner’s array consists of four (4) equally placed electrodes set out in a collinear
arrangement. At each location, we propose to conduct the tests along two directions with electrode
spacing up to maximum of 12.0m. Data will be presented in graphical form as a relation between
computed electrical resistivity & electrode spacing and also in tabular form. At each location,
observations will be taken along two mutually perpendicular directions for electrode spacing as per
the specifications and the data will be submitted to the geotechnical engineer. The electrode spacing
approximately equals the depth of penetration below the grade. The results obtained will be
discussed in the light of available correlations between soil resistivity and corrosivity (Palmer,
J.D.,1974). The method generally follows ASTM G-57. Thermal Conductivity Tests

In-situ Conductivity Tests will be conducted at depth of 0.3m band 0.9m elow existing ground level at
selected location using KD2 Thermal Resistivity Equipment as per the applicable standard, ASTM
D5334. Similarly, if laboratory conductivity is required, samples can be collected from the site at 0.5m
depth below existing ground level and samples can tested in the laboratory using ASTM D-5334 Seismic Cross hole Survey (SCS) Tests

Seismic cross hole survey tests or borehole seismic tests will be conducted at the proposed locations
in order to obtain in-situ dynamic soil parameters.

We propose to employ a suite of three (3) boreholes arranged in a co-liner array. The two (2) end
holes drilled prior to the cross hole testing will be appropriately cased and will serve as receiver
holes. The third boring, located adjacent to the receiver holes, will be used to generate seismic
energy and hence as a shot hole and therefore will be drilled as the test progresses. Cross hole
tests will be conducted at 0.75m intervals up to 10.0m depth and thereafter at 1.5m interval up to the
end of the boreholes of 30m depth. Care shall be exercised regarding the verticality of the test holes.
The holes shall be spaced at 3m.

Seismic cross-hole testing is currently considered to be reliable method to obtain dynamic soil
parameters and generally follows ASTM D-4428. In cross hole testing, the time taken for
compression and shear waves to propagate between adjacent holes will be measured in the field.
The data will be utilized to obtain site-specific dynamic parameters, G (shear modulus) and E
(Young’s modulus). Seismic Refraction Soundings

Surface seismic refraction sounding will be made using a SmartSeis (USA) make 12-Channel signal
enhancement seismograph. The signals transmitted to this instrument from each geophone are
individually amplified and then converted from analog to digital form and stored in memory. Repeated
signals are algebraically summed, thus enhancing the repeatable portion of signal while tending to
cancel out random noise thereby improving signal-to-noise ratio. In producing hard copy records of
the data, the digitized and enhanced signals are converted back to analog form and printed on direct
print paper. SMC – 70 type geophones of OYO make were used in the seismic refraction survey.
These geophones are made smaller in size & lighter in weight.

Hammer impacts on steel plate are used as source of seismic energy. The seismic waves generated
by hammer impact were detected by collinear array of geophones placed at predetermined distances
along a line form the shot point or impact point and recorded on photo sensitive paper. The
geophone array was of 36m spread with 12 geophones spaced at 3m intervals. With the time (T) of
arrival and distance (X) between the receiver (geophone) and energy source (shot point) known,
seismic velocity through the medium is calculated. Seismic refraction survey (SRS) has certain
limitations. The method presupposes that the velocity of wave propagation for each succeeding
stratum increases with depth.

The soundings were made in forward direction and reverse directions and Time vs Distance (T-X)
plots for the tests have been established, will be presented in Report. The test plots indicated trends,
showing steeper slopes in the initial portion and flat slopes as the distance increases. The seismic
velocities estimated from these figures also will be presented. Percolation Tests

Percolation test will be performed according to Saudi Aramco Sanitary code SASC-S-02. In this test
6 holes of diameter 10cm-30cm are carefully excavated to the desired depth of 3m and gravel is
added to from a layer at the bottom. After saturating the soil by keeping the hole full of water for the
required time the test is performed by measuring the percolation rate. This consists of noting the
depth to water surface in the hole as water percolates into the surrounding soil.


All laboratory testing work will be planned and executed under the supervision of laboratory
supervisor/geotechnical engineer who will prepare the testing schedule. When laboratory tests are
carried out on only part of the samples, the remaining material / samples shall be saved for a
minimum period of one (1) month after the Report is submitted. However, the same can be retained
for longer period, if agreed upon, a priori.

The testing program will generally follow the directives set out in the scope of work for the contract or
modifications thereto or as per general practice in industry. However, the type and number of
laboratory tests on soil samples /rock cores will be a function of the nature of the samples retrieved.

The appropriate tests will be selected generally from the following:

A. Identification & Classification Tests

B. Strength tests / Compressibility Characteristics
C. Chemical Tests on soil/ water and
D. Compaction and CBR characteristics
E. Environmental contamination tests on samples collected from selected test pits as per
below table for parameters to be tested.

SI# Laboratory Testing Standard

a. Moisture content ASTM D-2216
b. Sieve Analysis ASTM D-422
c. Hydrometer test ASTM D-422
d. Atterberg Limits - Liquid Limit and ASTM D- 4318
Plastic Limit
e. Specific Gravity Tests ASTM D-854
f. Proctor/Minimum Maximum ASTM D-1557
g. Triaxial Test (UU) ASTM D-2850
h. Direct shear Test ASTM D-3080
i. Chemical Analysis of Soil: AASHTO T291 & T290 & ASTM D4373 &
Sulphate, chloride, Carbonate & ASTM D-4972.
pH test
j. Chemical Analysis of Water: Water: APHAAWWA.
Sulphate, chloride, Carbonate &
pH test
k. Consolidation Tests ASTM D-2435
l. Unconfined Compression or Point ASTM D-7012/ASTM D-5731
Load Test (Rock)
m. California Bearing Ration CBR - 4 D-1883
day soaked
n. Liquefaction Potential Analysis Will be made by Project Engineer for the
required boreholes.

All laboratory tests on selected samples will be conducted as per the latest revisions of applicable
ASTM Procedures or other equivalent Standards. Where required, hand penetrometer and hand
vane shear tests will be carried out to obtain an estimate of undrained shear strength.


Reports shall consist of (a) Field Report 1 (b) Preliminary Geotechnical Report (Factual Report) (c)
Draft of Final Engineering Report and (d) Final Engineering Report as per the requirements of the
scope of work.
A Field Report will be provided daily basis to include the previous days fieldwork progress, details of
resources available at site etc.

Soon after completion of field activities & laboratory testing for the complete Project area, a
Preliminary Geotechnical Report/Factual Report will be submitted for Client’s review. This Factual
Report shall consist of all information as required in Scope of Work. Typically, this report contains the
appropriate plans including site location plan and test locations; all borehole logs; field and laboratory
test results.

Geotechnical Engineering Draft of Final Report shall consist of all information as required in Scope
(as per SAES-A-113) and it will contain the necessary data including but not limited to: Plot Plan and
Test location Plan, Boreholes Logs, Test Pit Logs, Soil Profile (Cross-sections), Groundwater table
readings with elevations, Field Test Results, Laboratory Test Results, Engineering
Recommendations: Foundation types for different soil types, condition and recommendations.
Recommendation for Bearing Capacity for different footing sizes, depths and types using settlement
and shear analysis for shallow foundations. Net allowable loads on piles for Compression, Tension
and lateral in case of deep foundations, if required. Seismicity based on SAES A-112 and Site Class
and Liquefaction analysis. In addition, discussion of seismicity evaluation will be made in the report.
Identification of Potential Problems such as settlements, dewatering, rock excavation and their
solutions etc. Recommendations for Soil Improvement techniques when weak soils are encountered.
Finally, other several construction considerations will be included in our Geotechnical Report. Two (2)
electronic copies of Draft of Final geotechnical reports shall be submitted for Client and Saudi
Aramco review.

The Final Geotechnical Report incorporating responses to all Saudi Aramco/Samsung’s review
comments on the Draft of Final Geotechnical Report will be submitted after receiving the review
comments. Three (3) hard copies and electronic copies (CD) of the final geotechnical report shall be
submitted as per agreed schedule.

6. Reference

The following external documents contain provisions, which, through reference in this Plan,
constitute provisions of Osaimi OHSE Management System:

 OHSAS 18001: 2015 – Safety Management System- Requirements.

 OHSAS 18002: 2008 – Safety Management System – Requirements
 ISO 14001:2015- Environmental Management system- Requirements
 K.S.A Legislation – Royal Decree no. 21 on Safety in the Workplace
 HCIS Requirements of KSA
 Ministerial Decree no. 435
 Labor law – (Royal Decree no. M/51)

The applicable standard test methods for performing field and lab work are listed below

Code Title
ASTM D-1586 Standard Penetration Test (SPT)
ASTM D-1587 UD Samples
ASTM D-2113 Core Sampling (Rock sample)
ASTM D-5778 Piezocone Penetration Test (PCPT)
ASTM D-1556 / ASTM D 6938 Field Density Test
ASTM G-57 Electrical Resistivity Test
ASTM D-422 Sieve Analysis
ASTM D-2216 Moisture Content
ASTM D-2487 Soil Classification
ASTM D-4318 Atterberg Limits
ASTM D-854 Specific Gravity Test
ASTM D-1557 Modified Proctor Test
ASTM D-1883 California Bearing Ratio Test
ASTM D-7012 / ASTM D-5731 Unconfined Compression or Point Load Test
(Ro ck)
APHA, AWWA Sulphate, Chloride, Carbonate & pH (Water)
AASHTO T291 & T290 & ASTM Sulphate, Chloride, Carbonate & pH (Soil)
-4373 & ASTM D-4972)
ASTM D-422 Hydrometer Test
ASTM D-3080 Direct Shear Test
ASTM D-2435 Consolidation Test
ASTM D-2850 Triaxial Test (UU)

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