240527_Year_12_Extension_1_English_Immersion_Day_Permission_Note (1)

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Dear Parent/Caregiver, an excursion/activity has been organised for your child.

Excursion / Incursion Year 12 Extension 1 English Immersion Day

Date Monday 27th May 2024

Year / classes involved All Year 12 Extension 1 English students.

Location RSC

Immersion day for Year 12 Extension 1 students to support their study of the
Common Module: Literary Worlds.

Start time 9:00am

End time 3:00pm

Transport N/A

Cost No cost

Dress requirements N/A

Food N/A

Equipment N/A

Organising teacher Jessica Duan

Teachers attending (with Jessica Duan

CPR training)

Additional information N/A

Consent Form and Friday 24th May 2024

Payment due to Office by

General Information Concerning Excursions / Incursions

1. Excursions and Incursions form an integral part of the curricula by providing enriching experiences which cannot be provided in the classroom.
2. Students must wear full school uniform unless otherwise instructed above. Students who are not in uniform will not be allowed to attend.
3. A standard of behaviour is expected of all students representing the school in the greater community.
4. Please note the time and place of departure and return, as advised above.

Generated on: 20th May 2024 09:55pm (Year 12 Extension 1 English Immersion Day)
Please return this permission form with your payment to the Office

Excursion / Incursion Year 12 Extension 1 English Immersion Day

Date Monday 27/05/2024 9:00am - 3:00pm

Location RSC

Cost No cost

Organising Teacher Jessica Duan

I give permission for (student name) _____________________________________________________________ of year/class ____________ to

participate in this excursion / incursion. I acknowledge that this event/activity is required to be held in accordance with any current NSW Health
COVID-19 Public Health Orders and the NSW Department of Education’s policies and procedures. I acknowledge and accept that there is a risk
that my child may be exposed to COVID-19 whilst attending and participating at this event. I confirm that my child will not attend if displaying any
symptoms of illness, and/or if directed to isolate under public health orders.

My son / daughter has the following special needs (please provide full details and include any relevant medical details):


I understand that my child will receive medical treatment in the case of an emergency.

When a medical practitioner has prescribed medication (including emergency medication) that will need to be administered during the excursion,
parents are responsible for:

Bringing this need to the attention of the school

Ensuring that the information is updated if it changes
Supplying the medication and any 'consumables' necessary for its administration in a timely way. The medication should be well within its
expiry date.
Collaborating with the school in working out arrangements for the supply and administration of the prescribed medication for the duration of the
excursion. For some excursions the school will ask you to supply the medication in a different way to what has been already been agreed to by
school. You may be asked to supply an additional adrenaline autoinjector (i.e. EpiPen/Anapen) for example.

Parent signature: _____________________________________

Parent name: ________________________________________

Parent phone number: ________________________________

Emergency Contact Name: _____________________________

Emergency Contact Number: ___________________________


Parent Online Payment through the school website and click on Make a Payment.
Enter excursion / incursion name in the payment description under Excursions.

Receipt # ______________________ Date paid: ______________________

Cash (correct amount please)

Cheque (payable to Ryde Secondary College)

Please return this consent form with your payment to the Office
Tear off and keep previous page for your information

Generated on: 20th May 2024 09:55pm (Year 12 Extension 1 English Immersion Day)

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