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1. Tell me little about yourself.

- Hello, my name is A. I am 28 years old. I completed my Business Administration degree

in 2012 from Vietnam National University. I have worked as a headhunter for Navigos
Search company for 5 years from a fresher to a manager. My qualifications and work
experience make me a suitable candidate for the profile. I am looking to join your
organization to explore new dimensions and for the further development of my skills.
2. What are your strengths?
- I believe my greatest strength is its ability to solve problems quickly and efficiently. I can
see many aspects of a problem, which makes me eligible to complete my work even in
challenging conditions. Solving that problem allowed me to become a better
communicator. I think that my ability to see all aspects of a problem will help to
collaborate better with my team members.
3. What are your weakness?
- I tend to be too harsh and often criticize myself. Whenever I complete a project, I feel
that I can do better for the job even though I still receive positive feedback from
colleagues and customers. This often makes me overwork and make me feel exhausted.
Over the past few years, I’ve tried to take the time to look at my performance objectively
and celebrate those victories. This not only improved my work and confidence, but it also
helped me appreciate my team and other support systems that are always behind me in
everything I do.
4. What are your short term goals?
- Well, in five years from now, I want to be in a management position of a company. I want
to make a difference and I’m willing to work hard to achieve this goal. I don’t want a
regular career, I want a special career that I can be proud of.
5. Do you work well under pressure?
- The pressure of work such as having a lot of jobs to handle, or an upcoming deadline,
will help motivate me to be more productive. Of course, sometimes too much pressure
leads to stress. But I am confident that I can balance my responsibilities with different
projects and get my work done on time, helping me not to stress too often.
6. Why are you leaving your job?
- I found myself bored with the work and looking for more challenges. I am an excellent
employee and I didn’t want my unhappiness to have any impact on the job I was doing
for my employer
7. Why do you want this job?
- It was a great experience but I felt I had learned everything I could in that position. I
didn’t see myself having any promotion opportunities in the company before, and I was
the type to enjoy challenges, so I thought it was time for me to switch jobs.
8. Why should I hire you?
- There are two reasons I should be hired. First, my experience is almost perfectly aligned
with the requirements you asked for in your job listing. Second, I’m excited and
passionate about this industry and will always give 100%.
9. What do you know about us?
- ABC Company has a great work environment and a place where strong contributors are
rewarded. I want to work for a company with opportunities and I know ABC Company
provides these things.
10. How long do you plan on staying with this company?
- This company has everything I’m looking for. It provides the type of work I love, the
employees are all happy, and the environment is great. I believe I can grow and gain more
experience, as well as prove my ability through many successful projects if I have
opportunity to work for this company. I plan on staying a long time.
11. What interests you about this position?
- Your company is a market leader in software development, well-known for its dedication
to innovation and customer satisfaction. Besides, this Front-end Developer position at
your company interests me in working on the user interface, creating the best user
experience possible. I enjoy enhancing user-product interaction through designing and
developing engaging and user-friendly websites like yours. Additionally, this role allows
me to continually improve my programming skills and undertake exciting projects on the
latest technology platforms
12. Tell me about a time you faced challenges and how you handle with it?
- As a project manager in my previous job, I faced a significant challenge when a key team
member resigned, putting the project timeline at risk. I promptly assessed the situation,
redistributed tasks, implemented a streamlined communication plan, and worked with HR
to expedite the replacement hiring process. Ultimately, we not only met the project
deadline but also learned valuable lessons about team resilience and adaptability in
challenging situations.
13. How did you hear about this position?
- Your company was recommended to me by somebody I worked with in a previous job and
had heard good things about your organization
14. Why did you apply for this position?
- Since beginning my career, I’ve wanted to work for a larger organization in this industry,
and I know you’re one of the leaders in this space. I’m very interested in your services,
especially the mobile applications you’re building recently, so I’d be excited to come here
and grow my skills with an organization like yours.
15. How much are you looking for to earn?
- Right now I’m focused on finding a job that’s the right fit for my career. Once I’ve done
that, I’m willing to consider an offer you feel is fair, but I do not have a specific number
in mind yet, and my priority is to find a position that’s a great fit for me.
16. What is your dream job?
- Since I was a university student, I have been fascinated about being a customer service
representative. I love interacting with customers and solving their problems. I am quite
good at communication, negotiation and problem-solving skills. Based on my skills and
interests, I believe that I can effectively fulfill the tasks of this position and contribute my
value to the development of the company that I am working for
17. What other companies are you interviewing with? Or “Where else are you
- I’m still pretty early in my job search. I’ve applied to a number of opportunities that will
allow me to use my skills and knowledge, but this position is most exciting to me. In fact,
I think this position is a particularly good fit for my skill set because I can leverage my
significant experience working with clients and sharp my communication and negotiation
18. What type of work environment do you prefer?
- I prefer a lively workplace where people are enthusiastic to be there. I had the feeling
when I arrived for the interview that this was the type of organization I would be working
for. I like the energy here, and I believe it's the kind of environment where I'd be most
productive. Additionally, your company values “Integrity, community and development”,
which are coincidentally matched with the factors I am looking for in a new work
19. Where do you see yourself in 5 years later?
- I’m glad you asked. In five years I see myself taking on more responsibilities, either
through management or higher level individual contributions. I am not sure which path
will make sense to pursue, but I know my goal right now is to build a strong foundation
and gain valuable experience so that I’ll have a successful future in this industry
20. Tell me about a time you fail
- In my most recent position, I had recently been promoted to Supervisor, and was
managing the department on my own right before the department closed. An employee
was acting out and I confronted him in front of everybody. It made the situation worse
and caused a lot of distraction for every employee on the floor. I failed to lead properly in
this situation, and spoke to my manager the next day to discuss what I could have done
differently. We both agreed that I should have handled this in-private with the employee,
by asking them to step inside my office with me. If I had done this instead of reacting the
way I did, the situation would have turned out much better. From that point onward, I am
always conscious of whether a discussion with a team member should occur in public or
behind closed doors, and it made me a better leader.
21. How would our boss and co-workers describe you?
- In my most recent performance review in April, my direct supervisor described me as
someone who takes initiative and doesn’t shy away from hard problems. My role involves
a lot of on-site implementation, and when things go wrong, I always do what I can to fix
it first—rather than punting the problem back to the team immediately. I know she
appreciates that about me
22. What do you think we could do better or differently?
- I once had the chance to take the lead on a big project. I was nervous that I couldn't
handle it, so I declined, but now I think that I could have done an excellent job, and I
regret missing the opportunity to show my supervisors what I can do. Instead, I
supported my co-worker who took the lead as much as possible, but I'm looking forward
to taking on more responsibility in the future
23. What do you like to do outside of work?
- I really enjoy cooking. I find it to be a great way to unwind after a long day and it allows
me to be creative in the kitchen. I love trying out new recipes and experimenting with
different flavors and ingredients. Cooking also gives me a sense of accomplishment when
I create something delicious that my friends and family enjoy. I find it to be a great way
to connect with others as well, whether it’s hosting a dinner party or just cooking a meal
for a loved one.
24. What are you looking for from a new position ?
- I would love to have some more hands-on work on projects in my next role. I have
enjoyed talking to clients in my current position, but I did not have the chance to handle
more responsibilities, like managing deliverables and delegating tasks. I feel that I am
ready to take on that challenge, and I hope I have the chance to take it on in my next
25. Do you have any questions for us?
- Yes, I have a couple of questions actually. The first thing I wanted to ask: is this a
newlycreated position, or did somebody hold this role in the past? And if so, what did
that person go on to do after this position?

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