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Agile Project Management-Scrum Framework Course

Material-Master of Project Academy

Scrum Framework

Agile Project Management-Scrum Framework Course
Material-Master of Project Academy

Scrum Framework

Definition of Scrum:
• Scrum is an agile framework that has been used to manage complex product
development since the early 1990s
• Scrum is:
Simple to understand
Difficult to master
Agile Project Management-Scrum Framework Course
Material-Master of Project Academy

Scrum Framework

Definition of Scrum:
• Scrum is not a process or a technique for building products; rather, it is a framework
within which you can employ various processes and techniques
Agile Project Management-Scrum Framework Course
Material-Master of Project Academy

Scrum Framework

Scrum Theory:
• Scrum is founded on empiricism
• Three pillars uphold every implementation of empirical process control
Agile Project Management-Scrum Framework Course
Material-Master of Project Academy

Scrum Framework

Scrum Theory:


Agile Project Management-Scrum Framework Course
Material-Master of Project Academy

Scrum Framework

Scrum Theory:
• Transparency
Significant aspects of the process must be visible to those responsible for the outcome
E.g. a common language regarding a process (i.e. RTM for Requirements Traceability
E.g. definition of “Done” (i.e., login to the page must occur in less than 100ms)
Agile Project Management-Scrum Framework Course
Material-Master of Project Academy

Scrum Framework

Scrum Theory:
• Inspection
The Scrum process promotes frequent Inspection of the Artifacts and progress to identify
undesirable variances
Agile Project Management-Scrum Framework Course
Material-Master of Project Academy

Scrum Framework

Scrum Theory:
• Adaptation
After Inspection, adjustments should be made to the processes and Artifacts to minimize
further deviation.
Inspection and Adaptation form a continuous improvement cycle throughout the Scrum
4 Formal events for Inspection and Adaptation:
Sprint Planning
Daily Scrum
Sprint Review
Sprint Retrospective
Agile Project Management-Scrum Framework Course
Material-Master of Project Academy

Scrum Framework

Scrum Team Scrum Events Scrum Artifacts

• Product Owner • The Sprint • Product Backlog
• Development Team • Sprint Planning • Sprint Backlog
• Scrum Master • Daily Scrum • Increment
• Sprint Review
• Sprint Resrospective
Agile Project Management-Scrum Framework Course
Material-Master of Project Academy

Scrum Framework

Scrum Team Scrum Events Scrum Artifacts

• Product Owner • The Sprint • Product Backlog
• Development Team • Sprint Planning • Sprint Backlog
• Scrum Master • Daily Scrum • Increment
• Sprint Review
• Sprint Resrospective
Agile Project Management-Scrum Framework Course
Material-Master of Project Academy

Scrum Framework

Scrum Team-Product Owner:

• Defines the features of the product or desired outcomes of the project (arbiter of
• Prioritizes features/outcomes
• Adjusts features/outcomes and priority as needed
• Ensures profitability (ROI)
• Accepts or rejects work results
• Focuses more on “what” rather than on “how”
Agile Project Management-Scrum Framework Course
Material-Master of Project Academy

Scrum Framework

Scrum Team-Product Owner:

• Clearly expressing Product Backlog items
• Ordering the items in the Product Backlog to best achieve goals and missions
• Optimizing the value of the work the Development Team performs
• Ensuring that the Product Backlog is visible, transparent, and clear to all, and
shows what the Scrum Team will work on next
• Ensuring the Development Team understands items in the
Product Backlog to the level needed.
Agile Project Management-Scrum Framework Course
Material-Master of Project Academy

Scrum Framework

Scrum Team-Development Team:

• Characteristics:
Have no titles other than “Developer”
Have no sub-teams
Accountability belongs to the Development Team as a whole
Agile Project Management-Scrum Framework Course
Material-Master of Project Academy

Scrum Framework

Scrum Team-Development Team:

• Responsibilities:
Delivery of the product increment
Quality of the product increment
Self-managing of their own work
Estimation of Product Backlog Items
Agile Project Management-Scrum Framework Course
Material-Master of Project Academy

Scrum Framework

Scrum Team-Development Team:

• Size:
Optimal size is small enough to remain nimble and large enough to complete
significant work within a Sprint
Fewer than 3 members decrease interaction and results in smaller productivity
Having more than 9 members requires too much coordination
and generate too much complexity for an empirical process
to manage
The Product Owner and Scrum Master roles are not included
in this count
Agile Project Management-Scrum Framework Course
Material-Master of Project Academy

Scrum Framework

Scrum Team-Scrum Master:

• Success of Scrum
• Understanding and practicing agility
• Facilitating Scrum events
• Ensuring Engineering practices are followed
Agile Project Management-Scrum Framework Course
Material-Master of Project Academy

Scrum Framework

Scrum Team-Scrum Master:

• Removing impediments to the Development Team’s progress
• Coaching the Development Team in self-organization and cross-functionality
• Ensuring the Product Owner knows how to arrange the Product Backlog to
maximize value
Agile Project Management-Scrum Framework Course
Material-Master of Project Academy

Scrum Framework

Scrum Team Scrum Events Scrum Artifacts

• Product Owner • The Sprint • Product Backlog
• Development Team • Sprint Planning • Sprint Backlog
• Scrum Master • Daily Scrum • Increment
• Sprint Review
• Sprint Resrospective
Agile Project Management-Scrum Framework Course
Material-Master of Project Academy

Scrum Framework

Scrum Events-The Sprint:

Delivery #1

Delivery #2

Delivery #3

Delivery #4

Delivery #5

Delivery #6
Agile Project Management-Scrum Framework Course
Material-Master of Project Academy

Scrum Framework

Scrum Events-The Sprint:

Sprint #1

Sprint #2

Sprint #3

Sprint #4

Sprint #5

Sprint #6
Agile Project Management-Scrum Framework Course
Material-Master of Project Academy

Scrum Framework

Scrum Events-The Sprint:

• It is a time-boxed iteration of one month or less (typically two weeks) during which
a “Done”, useable, and potentially releasable product Increment is created
• All sprints should be of the same duration
• A new sprint immediately follows the completion of the previous one
• Each sprint is started by a planning meeting
• A Sprint would be cancelled if the Sprint Goal becomes obsolete
- Only the Product Owner has the authority to cancel the Sprint
Agile Project Management-Scrum Framework Course
Material-Master of Project Academy

Scrum Framework

Scrum Events-The Sprint:

• During the Sprint:
No changes are accepted
Quality goals do not decrease
Scope may be clarified and re-negotiated between the Product Owner and
Development Team as more is learned
Agile Project Management-Scrum Framework Course
Material-Master of Project Academy

Scrum Framework

Scrum Events-The Sprint:

• Definition of Done (DoD):
All the features included in the Sprint are implemented
Code meets general Coding Standard
Functional tests are performed by the team
Code is either reviewed or produced with a pair-programming method
The code is covered by a minimum of <%value> Unit Tests and all tests are Green
Acceptance tests are Green
Integration tests of the affected areas are passed
Agile Project Management-Scrum Framework Course
Material-Master of Project Academy

Scrum Framework

Scrum Events-The Sprint (Example):

Priority Product Backlog Items Priority Sprint #1
Backlog Items
1 Database Creation
1 Database Creation
2 Login Page
2 Login Page
3 Category Page
4 Payment Process
5 Contact Page
6 Banner Area
Agile Project Management-Scrum Framework Course
Material-Master of Project Academy

Scrum Framework

Scrum Events-Spring Planning:

• The work to be performed in the Sprint is planned at the Sprint Planning meeting
by the collaborative work of the entire Scrum Team
• During sprint planning, Scrum Team agrees on a sprint goal that defines what the
upcoming sprint is supposed to achieve
• The development team then provides an estimate of the effort required to complete
the sprint
• Sprint Planning is time-boxed to a maximum of eight hours
(for a 1-month sprint)
Agile Project Management-Scrum Framework Course
Material-Master of Project Academy

Scrum Framework

Scrum Events-Spring Planning:

• Sprint Planning answers:
What can be delivered in the Increment resulting from the upcoming Sprint?
How will the work needed to deliver the Increment be achieved?
Agile Project Management-Scrum Framework Course
Material-Master of Project Academy

Scrum Framework

Scrum Events-Spring Planning (Scrum Planning Poker):

• Planning poker, also called Scrum poker, is a consensus-based technique for
estimating, mostly used to estimate effort or relative size of development goals in
software development.
• Planning poker should force people to think independently and propose their
numbers simultaneously.
• Speeds up the estimation process by limiting the number of choices (i.e. number of
Agile Project Management-Scrum Framework Course
Material-Master of Project Academy

Scrum Framework

Scrum Events-Spring Planning (Scrum Planning Poker):

• Fibonacci sequence is used to reflect the inherent uncertainty in estimating larger

• Encourages the team to split large stories into smaller ones.

Agile Project Management-Scrum Framework Course
Material-Master of Project Academy

Scrum Framework

Scrum Events-Spring Planning (Scrum Planning Poker):

• Scrum Master, who will not play, chairs the meeting.
• The Product Owner provides a short overview. The team is given an opportunity to
ask questions.
• Each individual lays a card face down representing their estimate.
• Everyone calls their cards simultaneously by turning them over.
• People with high estimates and low estimates are given a soap box
to offer their justification for their estimate and then discussion
• Repeat the estimation process until a consensus is reached.
Agile Project Management-Scrum Framework Course
Material-Master of Project Academy

Scrum Framework

Story #1: Login Page

3 • Username Box
• Password Box
#1 8 • Password Reset Link
• …

13 Reference: About Page - 3

#2 5

Agile Project Management-Scrum Framework Course
Material-Master of Project Academy

Scrum Framework

Story #1: Login Page

3 • Username Box
• Password Box
#1 8 • Password Reset Link

• …

13 Reference: About Page - 3

#2 5

Agile Project Management-Scrum Framework Course
Material-Master of Project Academy

Scrum Framework

Story #1: Login Page

5 • Username Box
• Password Box
#1 3 • Password Reset Link
• …

5 Reference: About Page - 3

#2 5

Agile Project Management-Scrum Framework Course
Material-Master of Project Academy

Scrum Framework

Story #1: Login Page

5 • Username Box
• Password Box
#1 3 • Password Reset Link
• …

5 Reference: About Page - 3

#2 5

Agile Project Management-Scrum Framework Course
Material-Master of Project Academy

Scrum Framework

Scrum Events-Daily Scrum:

• Each day of the sprint, ideally at the same time and place, the development team
members hold a daily scrum meeting
• It is sometimes referred to as the daily stand-up because of the common practice of
everyone standing up during the meeting to help promote brevity
• It is time-boxed to 15 minutes
Agile Project Management-Scrum Framework Course
Material-Master of Project Academy

Scrum Framework

Scrum Events-Daily Scrum:

• Scrum Master facilitates the meeting and each Development Team member takes
turns answering:
What did I do yesterday that helped the Development Team meet the Sprint
What will I do today to help the Development Team meet the Sprint Goal?
Do I see any impediment that prevents me or the
Development Team from meeting the Sprint Goal?
Agile Project Management-Scrum Framework Course
Material-Master of Project Academy

Scrum Framework

Scrum Events-Daily Scrum (Example):

The Developer working on login page speaks:
Developer #3: I created the front face of the login page and put the “username” and
“password” boxes on the page. I will be developing the “reset password link” and putting it
on the login page today. I have a problem on reaching the customer database, provided
connection strings do not work.
Agile Project Management-Scrum Framework Course
Material-Master of Project Academy

Scrum Framework

Scrum Events-Daily Scrum (Example):

The Developer working on login page speaks:
Developer #3: I created the front face of the login page and put the “username” and
“password” boxes on the page. I will be developing the “reset password link” and putting it
on the login page today. I have a problem on reaching the customer database, provided
connection strings do not work.
Agile Project Management-Scrum Framework Course
Material-Master of Project Academy

Scrum Framework

Scrum Events-Daily Scrum (Example):

The Developer working on login page speaks:
Developer #3: I created the front face of the login page and put the “username” and
“password” boxes on the page. I will be developing the “reset password link” and putting it
on the login page today. I have a problem on reaching the customer database, provided
connection strings do not work.
Agile Project Management-Scrum Framework Course
Material-Master of Project Academy

Scrum Framework

Scrum Events-Daily Scrum (Example):

The Developer working on login page speaks:
Developer #3: I created the front face of the login page and put the “username” and
“password” boxes on the page. I will be developing the “reset password link” and putting it
on the login page today. I have a problem on reaching the customer database, provided
connection strings do not work.

Scrum Master: Ok, I will speak with the Database Operation team
to check their connections.
Agile Project Management-Scrum Framework Course
Material-Master of Project Academy

Scrum Framework

Scrum Events-Daily Scrum:

• Daily Scrums:
improve communications
eliminate other meetings
identify impediments to development for removal
highlight and promote quick decision-making
improve the Development Team’s level of knowledge
• It is a key inspect-and-adapt meeting
Agile Project Management-Scrum Framework Course
Material-Master of Project Academy

Scrum Framework

Scrum Events-Sprint Review:

• At the end of each sprint, a sprint review meeting is held
• Scrum team shows what they accomplished during the sprint (demo of the new
features added)
• It is time-boxed to 4 hours (for a 1-month Sprint)
• The goal of this activity is to inspect-and-adapt the product that is being built
Agile Project Management-Scrum Framework Course
Material-Master of Project Academy

Scrum Framework

Scrum Events-Sprint Review:

1-Invites the Team & Key Stakeholders 3-What went “well” and what was the problems
2-Explains what is “Done”
and what is “Not Done”
4-Demonstration of the work “Done”
5-Discussion of the Product Backlog, Completion
Dates & Progress

6-Entire group discusses what to do next

Agile Project Management-Scrum Framework Course
Material-Master of Project Academy

Scrum Framework

Scrum Events-Sprint Retrospective:

• The Sprint Retrospective is an opportunity for the Scrum Team to inspect itself
and create a plan for improvements for the next Sprint
• It occurs after the Sprint Review and prior to the next Sprint Planning
• It is time-boxed to 3-hours (for 1-month Sprint)
• The goal of this activity is to inspect-and-adapt the process
• Scrum team come together to discuss what is working and what
is not working with Scrum and associated technical practices
• Scrum Team plans ways to increase product quality by adapting
the definition of “Done” as appropriate
Agile Project Management-Scrum Framework Course
Material-Master of Project Academy

Scrum Framework

Scrum Events-Summary:

Sprint Review

Sprint Retro

Sprint (1-month typically)

Scrum #2o
Scrum #1

Scrum #2


Agile Project Management-Scrum Framework Course
Material-Master of Project Academy

Scrum Framework

Scrum Events-Summary:

Sprint #1 Sprint #2 … Sprint #n

Agile Project Management-Scrum Framework Course
Material-Master of Project Academy

Scrum Framework

Scrum Events-Summary:
Scrum Event Time-box Participants
(for 1-month Sprint)
Sprint 8 Hours Scrum Master, Product Owner,
Planning Development Team
Daily Scrum 15 Minutes Scrum Master (optional), Product
Owner (optional), Development
Sprint Review 4 Hours Scrum Master, Product Owner,
Development Team and all key
Sprint 3 Hours Scrum Master, Product Owner,
Retrospective Development Team
Agile Project Management-Scrum Framework Course
Material-Master of Project Academy

Scrum Framework

Scrum of Scrums:
“What should we do if there is a lot of work to do, but the Scrum team is limited up to
9 developers?”
• The Scrum of Scrums meeting is a technique to scale Scrum up to large
development groups
• Resolution of impediments is expected to focus on the challenges of coordination
between the teams
Agile Project Management-Scrum Framework Course
Material-Master of Project Academy

Scrum Framework

Scrum of Scrums:
Agile Project Management-Scrum Framework Course
Material-Master of Project Academy

Scrum Framework

Scrum of Scrums:
• The agenda will be like a Daily Scrum, with the following questions:
What has your team done since we last met?
What will your team do before we meet again?
Is anything slowing your team down or getting in their way?
Are you about to put something in another team's way?
Agile Project Management-Scrum Framework Course
Material-Master of Project Academy

Scrum Framework

Scrum Team Scrum Events Scrum Artifacts

• Product Owner • The Sprint • Product Backlog
• Development Team • Sprint Planning • Sprint Backlog
• Scrum Master • Daily Scrum • Increment
• Sprint Review
• Sprint Resrospective
Agile Project Management-Scrum Framework Course
Material-Master of Project Academy

Scrum Framework

Scrum Artifacts-Product Backlog (PBL):

• The Product Backlog (PBL) is an ordered list of everything that might be needed in
the product
• It lists all features, requirements, enhancements, and fixes that constitute the
changes to be made to the product in future releases
• Items at the top are more granular than items at the bottom
• Visible to all stakeholders
• The Product Owner is responsible for the Product Backlog,
including its content, availability, and ordering
Agile Project Management-Scrum Framework Course
Material-Master of Project Academy

Scrum Framework

Scrum Artifacts-Product Backlog (PBL):

• Specifies the ”what” more than the ”how” of a customer-centric feature
• Often written in User Story form
As a <type of user>, I want <some goal> so that <some reason>.
As a site member, I want to login the site so that I can do online shopping.
• Has a product-wide definition of done to prevent technical debt
• May have item-specific acceptance criteria
• Effort is estimated by the Development Team, ideally in
relative units (e.g., story points)
Agile Project Management-Scrum Framework Course
Material-Master of Project Academy

Scrum Framework

Scrum Artifacts-Product Backlog (PBL):

• The Product Backlog is a constantly evolving artifact
• Items can be added, deleted, and revised by the product owner as business
conditions change, or as the Scrum team’s understanding of the product grows
• The activity of creating and refining product backlog items, estimating them, and
prioritizing them is known as Product Backlog Refinement (grooming)
• At any time, remaining work to reach a goal can be estimated
Agile Project Management-Scrum Framework Course
Material-Master of Project Academy

Scrum Framework

Scrum Artifacts-Product Backlog (PBL)-Example:

Priority Product Backlog Items
1 Database Creation
2 Login Page
3 Category Page
4 Payment Process
5 Contact Page
6 Banner Area
Agile Project Management-Scrum Framework Course
Material-Master of Project Academy

Scrum Framework

Scrum Artifacts-Product Backlog (PBL)-Example:

Priority Product Backlog Items User Story #

1 Database Creation 9
2 Login Page 15
3 Category Page 23
4 Payment Process 18
5 Contact Page 3
6 Banner Area 1
Agile Project Management-Scrum Framework Course
Material-Master of Project Academy

Scrum Framework

Scrum Artifacts-Product Backlog (PBL)-Example:

Project: Shopping Website
Prior Product User User Story
ity Backlog Items Story #
1 Database 9 As an operations engineer, I want to be able store all
Creation customer information, so that I can serve to customers.
2 Login Page 15 As a site member, I want to login the site, so that I can do
online shopping.
3 Category Page 23 As a site member, I want to be able to look for different
categories of brands, so that I can choose what I want.
4 Payment 18 As a site member, I will be able to make payment, so that my
Process deliveries can be shipped.
5 Contact Page 3 As a site member, I want to be able to find contact
information of the site, so that in case I need, I can contact.
6 Banner Area 1 As a marketing personnel, I want to be able to make
advertisement, so that I can attract visitors
Agile Project Management-Scrum Framework Course
Material-Master of Project Academy

Scrum Framework

Scrum Artifacts-Product Backlog (PBL)-Example:

Project: Shopping Website
Prior Product User User Story Story
ity Backlog Items Story # Point
1 Database 9 As an operations engineer, I want to be able store all 40
Creation customer information, so that I can serve to customers.
2 Login Page 15 As a site member, I want to login the site, so that I can do 20
online shopping.
3 Category Page 23 As a site member, I want to be able to look for different 100
categories of brands, so that I can choose what I want.
4 Payment 18 As a site member, I will be able to make payment, so that my 40
Process deliveries can be shipped.
5 Contact Page 3 As a site member, I want to be able to find contact 13
information of the site, so that in case I need, I can contact.
6 Banner Area 1 As a marketing personnel, I want to be able to make 8
advertisement, so that I can attract visitors
Agile Project Management-Scrum Framework Course
Material-Master of Project Academy

Scrum Framework

Scrum Artifacts-Product Backlog (PBL)-Example:

Project: Shopping Website
Prior Product User User Story Story Estimate
ity Backlog Items Story # Point (Hours)
1 Database 9 As an operations engineer, I want to be able store all 40 240
Creation customer information, so that I can serve to customers.
2 Login Page 15 As a site member, I want to login the site, so that I can do 20 160
online shopping.
3 Category Page 23 As a site member, I want to be able to look for different 100 400
categories of brands, so that I can choose what I want.
4 Payment 18 As a site member, I will be able to make payment, so that 40 240
Process my deliveries can be shipped.
5 Contact Page 3 As a site member, I want to be able to find contact 13 80
information of the site, so that in case I need, I can contact.
6 Banner Area 1 As a marketing personnel, I want to be able to make 8 40
advertisement, so that I can attract visitors
Agile Project Management-Scrum Framework Course
Material-Master of Project Academy

Scrum Framework

Scrum Artifacts-Sprint Backlog (SBL):

• The Sprint Backlog (SBL) is the set of Product Backlog items selected for the Sprint
• During the sprint planning meeting, the list is derived by selecting stories/features
from the top of the product backlog until the Development Team feels it has
enough work to fill the sprint
• Scrum team estimates the effort needed to complete each task in the sprint backlog
• Shows total remaining work to be completed during the Sprint
Agile Project Management-Scrum Framework Course
Material-Master of Project Academy

Scrum Framework

Scrum Artifacts-Sprint Backlog (SBL):

• Sprint Task
Specifies how to achieve the PBI’s what
Requires one day or less of work
Remaining effort is re-estimated daily, typically in hours
During Sprint execution, a point person may volunteer to be primarily
responsible for a task
Owned by the entire team; collaboration is expected
Agile Project Management-Scrum Framework Course
Material-Master of Project Academy

Scrum Framework

Scrum Artifacts-Sprint Backlog (SBL)-Example: First 2 tasks planned for

Project: Shopping Website the next Sprint

Prior Product User User Story Story Estimate

ity Backlog Items Story # Point (Hours)
1 Database 9 As an operations engineer, I want to be able store all 40 240
Creation customer information, so that I can serve to customers.
2 Login Page 15 As a site member, I want to login the site, so that I can do 20 160
online shopping.
3 Category Page 23 As a site member, I want to be able to look for different 100 400
categories of brands, so that I can choose what I want.
4 Payment 18 As a site member, I will be able to make payment, so that 40 240
Process my deliveries can be shipped.
5 Contact Page 3 As a site member, I want to be able to find contact 13 80
information of the site, so that in case I need, I can contact.
6 Banner Area 1 As a marketing personnel, I want to be able to make 8 40
advertisement, so that I can attract visitors
Agile Project Management-Scrum Framework Course
Material-Master of Project Academy

Scrum Framework

Scrum Artifacts-Sprint Backlog (SBL)-Example:

Project: Shopping Website Prior Product Backlog Items User Estimate
ity Story # (Hours)
Prior Product User Estimate
ity Backlog Story # (Hours) 1 Database Creation 9 240
Design of CustomerDetails Table 6
1 Database 9 240
Design of PaymentDetails Table 4
2 Login Page 15 160
Creation of CustomerDetails Table 8

Creation of PaymentDetails Table 8

Defining Primary & Foreign Key 5

relationships of CustomerDetails &
PaymentDetails Tables
….(Break down continues)…
Agile Project Management-Scrum Framework Course
Material-Master of Project Academy

Scrum Framework

Scrum Artifacts-Sprint Backlog (SBL)-Example:

Project: Shopping Website Prior Product Backlog Items User Estimate
ity Story # (Hours)
Prior Product User Estimate
ity Backlog Story # (Hours)
2 Login Page 15 160
1 Database 9 240 Development of the Login Page HTML 4
Development of the UserName Box 2
2 Login Page 15 160 Component
Development of the Password Box 2
Development of the Reset Password Link 6
& Process
Placement of UserName, Password, 7
Reset Password on Login Page & Testing

….(Break down continues)…

Agile Project Management-Scrum Framework Course
Material-Master of Project Academy

Scrum Framework

Scrum Artifacts-Sprint Backlog (SBL)-Example: Project: Shopping Website

Prior Product Backlog Items Estimate

ity (Hours)
Daily Scrums
1 Database Creation 240

Design of CustomerDetails Table 6 Developer #1

Design of PaymentDetails Table 4 Developer #2
Creation of CustomerDetails Table 8 Developer #3
Creation of PaymentDetails Table 8 Developer #4
Defining Primary & Foreign Key 5 Developer #5
relationships of CustomerDetails &
PaymentDetails Tables
….(Break down continues)…
Agile Project Management-Scrum Framework Course
Material-Master of Project Academy

Scrum Framework

Scrum Artifacts-Sprint Backlog (SBL)-Example: Project: Shopping Wesite

Prior Product Backlog Items Estimate

ity (Hours)
Daily Scrums
1 Database Creation 240

Design of CustomerDetails Table 6 Developer #1 Done Takes Next Task

Design of PaymentDetails Table 4 Developer #2 Done Takes Next Task
Creation of CustomerDetails Table 8 Developer #3 Done Takes Next Task
Creation of PaymentDetails Table 8 Developer #4 Done Takes Next Task
Defining Primary & Foreign Key 5 Developer #5 Done Takes Next Task
relationships of CustomerDetails &
PaymentDetails Tables
….(Break down continues)…
Agile Project Management-Scrum Framework Course
Material-Master of Project Academy

Scrum Framework

Scrum Artifacts-PBL vs SBL:

Item Product Backlog Sprint Backlog

Level of detail Less detailed Very detailed

Estimation units Story Points Hours

Document ownership Product Owner Development Team

Revised Weekly Daily

Duration Project Sprint

Agile Project Management-Scrum Framework Course
Material-Master of Project Academy

Scrum Framework

Scrum Artifacts-Increment:
• The Increment (or potentially shippable increment, PSI) is the sum of all the Product
Backlog items completed during a sprint and all previous sprints
Priorit Product Backlog User
y Items Story #

Increment #1
1 Database Creation 9

Sprint #1 Sprint #2 Sprint #3

Increment #2
2 Login Page 15

Increment #3
3 Category Page 23

4 Payment Process 18

5 Contact Page 3

6 Banner Area 1
Agile Project Management-Scrum Framework Course
Material-Master of Project Academy

Scrum Framework

Scrum Artifacts-Increment:
• At the end of a sprint, the Increment must be done according to the Scrum Team's
criteria (DoD)
• The increment must be in a usable condition regardless of whether the Product
Owner decides to actually release it
Agile Project Management-Scrum Framework Course
Material-Master of Project Academy

Scrum Framework
Scrum Framework-Summary:

Sprint Review

Product Owner Scrum Master Development Team

Sprint Retro.

Planning Sprint

Product Backlog Sprint Backlog Increment

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