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Art Appreciation - Belong to Upper Paleolithic Age

Assumptions of Art - Even before, man is not just crafting tools to live
and survive but also expressing his feelings and
Art is something that is perennially around us.
Some People may deny having to do with arts but
is its indisputable that life presents us with many Art is Universal
forms of and opportunities for communion with
Literature has provided key works of arts. Popular
the arts.
one being taught in school are the 2 Greek epics,
Why study the Humanities? the “IIIiad and the Odyssey”and “Mahabharata and
For as long as man existed in this planet, he has
cultivated the land, altered the conditions of fauna This works are purportedly writtten before the
and the flora, in order to survive. Alongside these beginning of recorded history, and believed to be
necessitates, man also marked his place in the the man’s attempt at recording stories and tales
world through his works. Through his bare hands. that have been passed on, known, and sung,
Man constructed infrastructures that tended to his throughout the years.
needs, like his house. He sharpened swords and
“ART has always been timeless and
spears. He employed fire in order to melt gold.
universal, spanning generations and continents
The word “art” comes from the ancient Latin, ars through and through.”
which means a “craft or specialized form of skill,
In every country and generations, there is always
like carpentry or smiting or surgery.”
ART. Often times people feel that what is
Art then suggested the capacity to produce and considered as an artistic are only those which have
intended resilt from carefully plan steps or been made long time ago. This is misconception.
methods. The Ancient World did not have any Age is not a factor in determining art.
conceived notion of art in the same way that we do
“ Art is not good because it is old, but old
now. To them, art only meant using the bare hands
because it is good”.
to produce something that will be usefull one’s
day-to-day life. - DUDLEY, (1960)
Ars in Medieval Latin came to mean something Art is not Nature
different, it meant “any special form of book-
In the Philippines, It is not entirely novel to
learning, such as grammar or logic, magic or
hear some consumers of local movies remark that
these movies produced locally are unrealistic. They
It was only during the Renaissance Period contend that local movies work around certsin
that the word reacquired the meaning that was formula to the detriment of substance and
inherent int its ancient form of craft. Early faithfulness to reality of the movies. These critical
Renaissance artist saw their activities merely as minds argue that a good movie must reflect reality
craftmanship. Devoid of a whole lot of intonations as closely as possible, is that so?
that are attached to the word now.
One important characteristic of art is that it is not
It was during the 17th century when the nature.
problem and idea of aesthetics, the study of
-Art is mans’s expression of his reception of nature.
beauty, began to unfold distinctly from the notion
of technical workmanship, which was the original - Art is man’s way of interpreting nature
conception of the word “art”.
- Art is made by man
It was during the 18th century when the world has
What we find in nature should not be
evolved to distinguish between the fine arts and
expected to be present in art too. Movies are not
the useful arts. The fine arts would come to mean
meant to br direct representation reality. They
“not delicate or highly skilled arts, but beautiful
may, according to the movie maker’s perception of
arts.” This is more akin to what is now considered
reality be a reinterpretation or even distortion
- The Galloping Wild Boar found in the cave of
Paul Cezanne, a French painter
Altamira, Spain.
Painted a scene from reality entitled“Well and “The role of art
Grinding Wheel in the forest of the Chateau Noir. as a creative
work is to depict
The said scene is inspired by a real scene in the world in a
a forest around the Chateau Noir area near is in completely
Cezanne’s native Province. Comparing the two, one different light
can see that Cezanne has changed some patterns and perspective”
-Jean-Paul Satre
and details from the way they were actually in the
photograph, what he did is not nature, it’s art.
Art Involves Experience
For most people art does not require a full
definition. Art is just experience. By experience, we
mean the “actual doing of something” (Dudley
et.,al 1960)
When one claims that he has experienced
falling in love, getting hurt, and bouncing back, he
in effect claims that he knows the (sometimes)
endless cycle of loving.
Dudley et al. (1960) affirmed that “all art
depends on experience, and if one is to know art,
he must know it not as fact or information but as
A work of art connot be abstracted from
actual doing. In order to know what an artwork is,
we have to sense it, see or hear it, and see AND
hear it. To fully appreciate our national hero’s
monument, one must go to Rizal Park and see the
actual sculpture. In order to know Beyonce’s music,
one must listen to it to actually experience them.
A famous story about someone who adores Picasso
goes something like this; Years ago, Gertrude Stein
was asked why she bought the pictures of the then
unknown Picasso. “ I like to look at them” said Miss
Stein (Dudley et al., 1960)
An important aspect of experiencing art is its being
highly personal, individual, and subjective. In
philosophical terms, perception of art is a value
judgement. It depend on who the perceiver is, his
taste, his biases, and what he has inside him.
of taste are not matters of dispute). One connot
argue with another person’s evaluation of art
because one’s experience can never be known by
finally, without experience,there is no art. The
artist has to be foremost, a perceiver who is
directly in touch with art.

Art Appreciation as a Way of Life

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