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- The Paradise of Education

Mallick Residency, Mosaddi Mohalla, Railpar, Asansol & Gravity, Hutton Road (Near Masjid), Asansol
‘The Eyes Have It’ by Ruskin Bond
1)“Then I made a mistake.” – What mistake did the speaker make? Why was it a mistake? What removed the
speaker’s doubts? What did the speaker do then? [1+2+1+2 = 6] [H.S. – 2017]
Ans. The speaker in the story ‘The Eyes Have It’ made a mistake by asking the girl what it was like outside.
It was a mistake because a normal man with eyesight cannot ask such a question. Perhaps he might forget that he
was hiding his blindness from the girl.
The next question of the girl removed the speaker’s doubt. She asked why he did not look out of the window.
The speaker then moved along the birth and felt for the window ledge. He faced the window making a pretence
of studying the landscape.
2)“I am tired of people telling me I have a pretty face.” – Who said this, to whom, and when? What did the person
spoken to reply? [ 1+1+2+2 = 6] [H.S. -2015, 2020 & 2022]
Ans. The girl in Ruskin Bond’s ‘The Eyes Have It’ said this.
The girl said this to the narrator.
During their conversation, the narrator remarked that the girl had an interesting face. She was flattered by the
compliment and made the comment.
The narrator was very curious about her looks. When he was confirmed that the girl was beautiful, he replied that
an interesting face could also be pretty.
3)“She would forget our brief encounter.” – Who said this about whom? What is the ‘brief encounter’ referred to
here? Why did the speaker think so? [2+2+2 = 6] [H.S. – 2016]
Ans. The narrator in Ruskin Bond’s story ‘The Eyes Have It’ said this about the girl co-passenger.
A short meeting between the narrator and the girl in the train compartment during the course of journey is referred
to here as ‘brief encounter’.
The narrator thought that the girl had good eyesight. She would meet many people and encounter many such
situations in her normal life. Such incidents, though memorable for him, might have no value for a normal person. She
would get engaged in her normal discourse as soon as she got down and forget that brief encounter.
4)“The girl got up and began to collect her thing.” – Who is the girl? When did she get up? Why did she collect her
things? What had the speaker thought about the brief encounter he had with the girl? [1+1+1+3 = 6][2019 & 2022 ]
Ans. The girl is the co-passenger of the narrator in the train from Rohana to Saharanpur.
She got up when the carriage wheels changed their sound and rhythm to slow down near the Saharanpur station.
She got up and began to collect her things because she would get down at Saharanpur station.
The speaker had thought that as soon as the girl left the train, she would forget their brief encounter. But it would
stay with the speaker for the rest of the journey and even sometime after.
5) “She was an interesting girl.” – Who said this, to whom, and when? What else did the person say? What reply
did he get? [ 3+1+2 = 6] [H.S. – 2018]
Ans. The narrator of the story, ‘The Eyes Have It’, said this to a man who had just entered the train when he remarked
that he was not nearly as attractive a travelling companion as the one who had just left.
The narrator asked the new passenger whether the girl had kept her hair long or short.
The new passenger replied that he had not noticed her hair, but only her eyes which were beautiful. But those eyes
were of no use because she was completely blind.
6) “Yes, this is the best time.” – Who said this and to whom? What was the occasion of the remark? Why according
to the narrator is the best time? [ 1+2+3 = 6]
Ans. The narrator of the story, ’The Eyes Have It’, said this to the girl who got into the train from Rohana.
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- The Paradise of Education

Mallick Residency, Mosaddi Mohalla, Railpar, Asansol & Gravity, Hutton Road (Near Masjid), Asansol
When the girl asked the narrator where he was going, the narrator replied that he was going to Dehra and then to
Mussoorie. The girl expressed her desire to go to the hills in October and she also exclaimed he was very lucky. This was
the occasion when the narrator remarked this.
October was the best time to visit Mussoorie because the hills were covered with wild dahlias. The sun was
delicious and at night one could sit in front of a log fire and enjoy a little brandy. The roads were quiet and almost
deserted as most of the tourists had left the place.
‘Strong Roots’ by APJ Abdul Kalam
1)’ I normally ate with my mother’ – Who ate with his mother? Name his mother? Where did he eat with his
mother? – What did he eat with his mother? [1+1+1+3 = 6] [H.S. – 2018, 2022]
Ans. Dr APJ Abdul Kalam, the author of the prose ‘Strong Roots’, ate with his mother.
Name of his mother is Ashiamma.
He ate with his mother sitting on the floor of the kitchen.
He ate rice, aromatic sambar, a variety of homemade pickles, and a dollop of fresh coconut chutney.
2)’Our locality was predominantly Muslim’ – Who is the speaker? How does the speaker describe the locality?
What picture of communal harmony do you find in the description? [1+3+2 = 6] [H.S. – 2017]
Ans. The speaker is Dr APJ Abdul Kalam, the writer of the piece ‘Strong Roots’.
The locality where Kalam lived was predominantly Muslim. Many Hindu families lived there amicably with their
Muslim neighbours. There was a great Shiva temple in the locality. The temple made Rameswaram very famous to
pilgrims. It was about a ten-minute walk from Kalam’s house. There was a very old mosque in their locality too. Kalam
used to go there with his father for evening prayer.
A great picture of communal harmony we find in the description of Kalam’s autobiography. Hindus and Muslims
lived together amicably. The Shiva temple and the old mosque were situated in the same locality. Though Pakshi
Lakshmana Sastry and Kalam’s father belonged to different religions, they were close friends and discussed spiritual
matters. So, there was no discrimination among religions.
3) ‘The people of different religions would be sitting outside waiting for him’ – Who is referred to as ‘him’? Where
did the people wait? Why did they wait there? What would happen thereafter? [1+1+2+2 = 6] [H.S. – 2020]
Ans. The word ‘him’ is referred to Jainulabdeen, father of Dr APJ Abdul Kalam.
The people waited for him outside the mosque.
They waited for him because they had a great belief in him. They offered bowls of water to him and he used to
sanctify the water by dipping his fingertips and chanting a prayer. This water was used to cure the invalids.
If the invalids were cured, they visited his father to show their gratitude. But his father smiled and told them to
thank the merciful Allah.
4) ‘Why don’t you say this to the people who come to you?’ Who says this and to whom? What is referred to by the
word ‘this’? Why do the people come to the person spoken to? [1+1+3+1 = 6] [H.S. – 2015]
Ans. Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam says this to his father Jainulabdeen.
By the word ‘this’, APJ Abdul Kalam referred to ‘a spiritual concept’ expressed by his father. According to
Kalam’s father, we should not be afraid of difficulties, suffering, and problems because adversity always presents
opportunities for introspection or self-examination. Rather we should try to understand the relevance of suffering.
People come to Kalam’s father to get spiritual support from him. Whenever they were in a difficult situation, his
father tried to propitiate the demonic forces with prayer and offerings.
5) ‘His answer filled me with a strange energy and enthusiasm’ – Who is the speaker? Whose answer is being
referred to here? What was the answer? [1+1+4 = 6] [H.S. – 2019]
Ans. The speaker is Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam.
The answer from Kalam’s father is referred to here.
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- The Paradise of Education

Mallick Residency, Mosaddi Mohalla, Railpar, Asansol & Gravity, Hutton Road (Near Masjid), Asansol
According to Kalam’s father, whenever human beings find themselves alone or in a difficult situation, they
looked for a company that could guide them. Kalam’s father acted as a mediator. He strived to propitiate the demonic
forces with prayer and offerings. But he accepted that this was not the correct approach. One should realize the relevance
of his sufferings.
6) What remained the routine for Abdul Kalam’s father even when he was in his late sixties? What does Abdul
Kalam say about his emulation of his father? [3+3 = 6] [H.S =2016]
Ans. Abdul Kalam’s father maintained a strict routine life up to his late sixties. He used to start his day at 4 am by
reading the namaz before dawn. He used to walk four miles and reach their coconut grove. Then he returned home with a
dozen coconuts on his soldiers. Then he took his breakfast.
Kalam tried to emulate his father in his world of science and technology. He tried to understand the fundamental
truths revealed to him by his father. Though he was a scientist, he strongly believed in the existence of a divine power that
can lift us from misery and failure to our true place.
‘Thank You Ma’am’ by Langston Hughes
1)What had Mrs Jones guessed to be the real reason behind Roger’s action? What was the real reason? What did
Mrs Jones do so that Roger could fulfil his wish? What did she tell him then? [1+1+1+3 = 6] [H.S. = 2020]
Ans. Mrs Jones had guessed that Roger was very hungry. And out of hungriness, he snatched her purse.
The real reason was that he wanted to buy a pair of blue suede shoes.
Mrs Jones gave Roger ten dollars to buy the suede shoes so that he could fulfil his wish.
Mrs Jones advised Roger not to snatch anyone’s pocketbook because shoes got by the devilish way would burn
his feet. She means to say that he would never be happy by resorting to such an immoral way. Finally, before departure,
she advised him to behave properly with others and honest life.
2) “You ought to be my son. I would teach you right from wrong.”- who said this, to whom and when? Did the
speaker manage to teach what he/she claimed to teach? Give reason for your answer. Or, How did the speaker
transform the person spoken to her? [1+1+1+3 =6] [H.S. = 2016, 2017]
Ans. Mrs Luella Bates Washington Jones said to Roger.
She said this when she was dragging the boy on the street after he was caught red-handed for snatching her purse.
(Yes,) Mrs Jones brought Roger home. She behaved normally with Roger and gave him a homely atmosphere.
She asked him to wash his face and dry it with a clean towel. She shared his personal experience. When she was young,
she wanted many things but she could not get them. Yet she did not snatch people’s pocketbooks. Like a moral teacher,
she tried to transfer the boy. She fed the boy with motherly care. At last, he gave the boy ten dollars for the shoes and
advised that shoes got by the devilish way would burn his feet. In this way, he tried to transform Roger.
3) “You gonna take me to jail?” – Who asked this question and to whom? When did the speaker ask this question?
What reply did the speaker get? [2+3+1 = 6] [H.S. = 2019]
Ans. Roger, a young boy of fourteen or fifteen asked this question to Mrs Luella Bates Washington Jones.
Mrs Jones caught Roger red-handed when he tried to snatch her purse. She firmly gripped his shirt front and
dragged him all the way to her house. When they entered the room and Mrs Jones sent him to wash his face, Roger asked
this question bending over the sink.
Mrs Jones replied that she would take him nowhere with that face.
4) “Do you need somebody to go to the store?” – Who is the speaker? To whom did the speaker say this? Why did
the speaker want to go to the store? What did they have in supper? [1+1+1+3 = 6] [H.S. = 2018]
Ans. Roger, a boy of fourteen or fifteen who tried to snatch the purse of Mrs Jones is the speaker.
Roger said to Luella Bates Washington Jones.
The speaker wanted to go to the store to get some milk or something.
They had lima beans, ham and cocoa for dinner. Then she cut him half of her ten-cent cake.
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- The Paradise of Education

Mallick Residency, Mosaddi Mohalla, Railpar, Asansol & Gravity, Hutton Road (Near Masjid), Asansol
‘Three Questions’ by Leo Tolstoy
1)How was the wounded man revived and nursed? Why did he ask forgiveness of the Tsar? What did the Tsar do
when he had gained the man for a friend? [2+2+2 = 6] [H.S. = 2019, 2022, 2015]
Ans. A bearded man came running out of the wood and fainted before the Tsar and the hermit. He had a large wound in
his stomach and blood was flowing profusely. They unfastened his clothes. The Tsar washed and bandaged the wound
with his handkerchief and with the hermit’s towel again and again until the blood ceased flowing. In this way, the
wounded man was nursed and finally revived.
The bodyguard of the Tsar recognized the man as the Tsar’s enemy and wounded him severely. It was the Tsar
who took utmost care of him to revive his life. He realized that he would have died if he was not looked after by the Tsar.
This act of kindness changed the heart of the bearded man. He repented for his actions and asked for forgiveness.
The Tsar was very pleased to gain the man as a friend. He offered to send his servants and his own physician to
attend to him. He also promised to give back his seized property.
2)Why did the bearded man become an enemy of the Tsar? What did the man swear and resolve to do? Why did
he ask forgiveness of the Tsar and what did he promise him? [1+2+3 = 6] [H.S. = 2017]
Ans. The bearded man became an enemy of the Tsar because the Tsar executed his brother and seized his property.
The man swore to take revenge on the Tsar for his brother’s execution and for seizing his property. He also
resolved to kill the Tsar on his return from the hermit.
The bodyguard of the Tsar recognized the man as the Tsar’s enemy and wounded him severely. It was the Tsar
who took utmost care of him to revive his life. He realized that he would have died if he was not looked after by the Tsar.
This act of kindness changed the heart of the bearded man. He repented for his actions and asked for forgiveness.
The man promised to serve the Tsar as the most faithful slave and he would also employ his sons to do the same.
‘The Proposal’ by Anton Chekhov
1) Lomov came with a proposal to marry Natalya Stepanovna. What logic does he give for his decision?
Or, why did Lomov think about taking a decision about getting married? Whom did he want to marry? Why?
Or, “And it’s impossible for me not to marry.” – Why is the speaker so interested to marry? Whom does he want
to marry and why? [H.S. = 2019, 2016]
Ans. Lomov thought about making a decision about getting married. There were some reasons. He was already 35
years old. According to him, it was a critical age for marriage. He wanted to lead a quiet and regular life. He had several
nervous disorders. So, without wasting any time looking for ideal or real love, he decided to get married.
Lomov wanted to marry Natalya Stepanovna, the daughter of Chubukov.
Natalya Stepanovna was an excellent housekeeper. She was good-looking and well-educated. Lomov was quite
satisfied with the qualities in Natalya.
2) Give a brief sketch of the character of Lomov in the play ‘The Proposal’. [6] [H.S. = 2018 & 2022]
Ans. Ivan Vassilevitch Lomov is an unmarried landowner and a neighbour of Chubukov. He had a number of nervous
disorders and he was always depressed with the illnesses. He is already 35 – a critical age. He managed his mind to get
married to Natalya as he considered that she was an excellent housekeeper, not bad looking and well educated. He had a
practical observation of life. He came with the marriage proposal but did not express it to Natalya and occasionally
involved himself in the quarrels. We see an argumentative and abusive nature of Lomov during the quarrels. However,
unable to control his mental agitation, he fainted. Finally, he agreed to get married by the intervention of Chubukov.
3)Describe the character of Chubukov as a sensible father. [6] [H.S. = 2016]
Ans. Stepan Stepanovitch Chubukov is a sensible father. He is a neighbour of Lomov. He knows everything about
Lomov’s property and social status. When he came to know that Lomov had come to propose to her daughter, he was
extremely elated. As a sensible father, he addressed his son-in-law with the words like ‘my precious and ‘my angel’ and
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- The Paradise of Education

Mallick Residency, Mosaddi Mohalla, Railpar, Asansol & Gravity, Hutton Road (Near Masjid), Asansol
so on. Sometimes it seems that he acted in an apparently insensible way when he was involved in quarrels with Lomov.
But on the other hand, he supported his daughter as a sensible father. When Lomov was expelled, he controlled his mental
agitation and fetched Lomov to secure his daughter’s future. At the end, when Lomov got his sense back, Chubukov could
not wait any longer and put Lomov’s hand into her daughter’s.
4) “I have been hoping for it for a long time.” – Who is the speaker? What does ‘it’ refer to? How did the speaker
come to know about it? What more did the speaker say in this context? [1+1+1+3 = 6] [H.S. = 2020]
Ans. Chubukov is the speaker.
‘It’ refers to the marriage proposal of Lomov to Natalya Stepanovna, daughter of Chubukov.
The speaker Chubukov came to know about it when Lomov in his formal get up informed that he had come to ask
the hand of his daughter in marriage.
Hearing the marriage proposal from Lomov, Chubukov became extremely glad. He told Lomov that he always
loved him like his own son. He prayed to God to give his favour and love and prosper them. He was so overjoyed that he
behaved in an idiotic way and felt almost imbalance. At last, he went to call his daughter to inform the good news.
5) “She is like a love-sick cat.” – Who said this about whom? Analyse the character of the person, referred to here,
under the light of the comment above. [1+1+4 = 6] [H.S. = 2017]
Ans. Chubukov said this about his daughter, Natalya.
Natalya was very eager to get married to Lomov. His father was right in his comment. After the quarrel, when
Natalya came to know that Lomov had come to propose to her in marriage, she felt ill. She fell into an easy chair and
started lamenting over the lost chance of marriage. She begged her father to bring him back. This extreme desperation of
marriage to Lomov shows her love-sickness.
‘On Killing a Tree’ by Gieve Patel
1)How does a tree offer resistance to its destruction? How does its resistance fail? [3+3 = 6] [H.S. = 2017]
Ans. It is very difficult to kill a tree. A simple jab of knife, hacking, and chopping can only inflict pain and bleed the
bark of the tree. It will gradually recover itself. After sometimes, curled green twigs and branches will appear from the
stem. If it is unchecked, they will expand to their former shape. So, a tree offers great resistance to its destruction.
The resistance of a tree fails when the roots are uprooted by tying a rope. Roots are the source of all strength.
They are the most sensitive parts of the tree, white and wet. When they are exposed to the sun and the air, they are
scorched and withered and finally killed.
2)How does the poet describe the growth of a tree over the years? What are the different steps taken for killing a
tree? [4+2 = 6] [H.S. = 2019]
Ans. The poet Gieve Patel in ‘On Killing a Tree’ describes that a tree grows slowly consuming the nutrients from the
earth. It feeds upon the upper crust of the earth. It absorbs sunlight, air, and water over the years. In this way, a tree grows
steadily taking all the nutrients from the earth and the atmosphere.
To kill a tree, the roots have to be pulled out by tying a rope. Then they are exposed in the sun and air for
scorching and chocking. When they are turned into brown, hard, twisted, and withered, the tree will die.
3) “And then it is done”. – What is being referred to here? How is it done? On what tone does the poem end? 2020
Ans. The devilish act of killing a tree is done.
It is done by uprooting the tree. The tree has to be roped and pulled out from the earth cave. Roots are the source
of all strength. They have to be exposed to the sun and air for scorching and chocking. And when they are turned into
brown, hard, twisted, and withered, the tree is killed completely.
The poem ends in an ironic tone. It shows a tragic end of a tree by man’s cruelty and greed. The tree symbolizes
nature and its destruction shows man’s utter folly of destroying himself.
4)Justify the title of the poem ‘On Killing A Tree’. [6] [H.S. = 2016]
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- The Paradise of Education

Mallick Residency, Mosaddi Mohalla, Railpar, Asansol & Gravity, Hutton Road (Near Masjid), Asansol
Ans. The title of the poem, ‘On Killing a Tree’ clearly shows Gieve Patel’s concern for nature. The tree is man’s
benevolent friend and such friends are destroyed by man’s cruelty and greed. In an ironic tone, the poet narrates the whole
process of killing a tree. A sudden blow of knife, hacking and chopping cannot destroy the tree. It has to be uprooted from
the earth. Then the roots are exposed in the sun and air for scorching, chocking and withering. Finally, the task of killing a
tree is executed after a long process of torture and pain. The title is ironic to mankind in the sense of man’s foolishness
and recklessness. The poet wants to convey a message through the poem to his readers to be sympathetic to nature. Hence
the title is appropriate.
Asleep in the Valley’ by Arthur Rimbaud
1)His smiles/ Is like an infant’s…………” – Whose ‘smile’ is referred to here? Why is his smile compared to the
smile of an infant? How does nature take care of him? [1+3+2 = 6] [H.S. – 2019, 2022]
Ans. The smile of the young soldier in Arthur Rimbaud’s poem ‘Asleep in the valley’ is being referred to here.
The smile of the soldier is compared to an infant because the smile was innocent, pure, gentle, and without guile.
The soldier was very young. When he was sleeping, the smiling face of him made the poet very affectionate toward him
and uttered such words. It shows the poet’s pity for the young soldier.
Nature takes the utmost care of his rest. The pillow made of fern under his head gives him comfort. The green
sun-soaked undergrowth serves as a soft bed. Sunrays from mountain tops keep him warm.
2) “The humming insects don’t disturb his rest” – Who rests and where? Why is his rest not disturbed by the
insects? [1+2+3 = 6] [H.S. – 2020]
Ans. A young soldier in Arthur Rimbaud’s poem ‘Asleep in the valley’ rests.
He rests peacefully amidst a small green valley surrounded by mountains. He lies on the heavy undergrowth that
serves as a soft bed.
The rest of the soldier is not disturbed by the humming of insects because he is in his eternal rest. He was shot to
death by two bullets. War took away his life.
3) “In his side, there are two red holes” – Who is the person referred to here? What do the ‘two red holes’ signify?
What attitude of the poet about war is referred to here? [1+2+3 = 6] [H.S. – 2017, 2022]
Ans. The person referred to here is a dead soldier in the poem ‘Asleep in the Valley’.
‘The two red holes’ signifies the two bullet wounds which he got on the war front. The apparent peaceful sleep is
the sleep forever. He is a victim of war.
The anti-war attitude of the poet is reflected here. Arthur Rimbaud expresses his strong protest against the
cruelties and atrocities of war. It is a meaningless slaughter of the youth. It shatters their dreams and hopes. So, war is not
a matter of joy and glory but utter futility.
4) How does the poet express the futility of war through the poem ‘Asleep in the Valley’? What message does he
want to convey? [4+2 = 6] [H.S. – 2018]
Ans. The poet Arthur Rimbaud, through his poem, ‘Asleep in the Valley’ expresses the futility of war. The poem
started with the beautiful scenery of the landscape; a small green valley surrounded by mountains through which a stream
flew. The pleasant sun made the valley bright. A soldier was lying in the green valley. It seemed to us that the soldier
being fascinated by the charming nature was resting his tired limbs. But the readers got an abrupt shock when they found
the soldier was dead. Two bullets had snatched his life. The war had snatched his dreams and hopes. He was the victim of
a futile war. War gives nothing but takes a lot.
The poet wants to convey a great massage through the poem that war is not a matter of joy and glory but the utter
futility and suffering of mankind. This brutality and meaningless slaughter by the name of war should be stopped.
5) Justify the title of the poem ‘Asleep in the Valley’ [6] [H.S. – 2015]
Ans. The title of the poem ‘Asleep in the Valley’ draws our attention to the two aspects of the poem – the sleeping of
the soldier and another is the valley that provides comfortable accommodations for his peaceful sleep. Nature takes great
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- The Paradise of Education

Mallick Residency, Mosaddi Mohalla, Railpar, Asansol & Gravity, Hutton Road (Near Masjid), Asansol
care of him for his peaceful sleep, in terms of warm sun rays, a pillow made of fern, and heavy undergrowth as a soft bed.
But the last line of the poem changes the whole concept of the theme. The young soldier is not sleeping. He is sleeping
forever. The two bullets take away his life. In this sense, the title of the poem is ironic. So, the title of the poem is
appropriate thematically as well as ironically.
‘Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?’ by William Shakespeare
1)How does Shakespeare compare the beauty of his friend to that of a summer’s day? [6] [H.S. = 2016]
Ans. William Shakespeare begins the poem with a question – ‘Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?’ But the poet
declines the idea as he believes that his friend is more lovely and more restrained than summer’s day. The summer has its
drawback. It is not permanent. The violent winds destroy beautiful flowers. The duration of summer is too short a date.
Sometimes the sun is too hot and sometimes its gold complexion is dimmed by clouds. In this way, the poet excels at his
friend’s beauty comparing to that of a summer’s day.
2)What do the rough winds do? What does the poet mean by ‘summer’s lease’? How is the friend’s beauty superior
to the summer’s day? [1+1+4 = 6] [H.S. =2020]
Ans. The rough winds shake the darling buds.
By ‘summer’s lease’, the poet William Shakespeare means the duration of summer which is short in period.
The poet believes that his dear friend is more lovely and more temperate than the summer’s day. The violent
winds destroy the beautiful buds. The duration of summer is too short a date. Sometimes the sun is too hot and sometimes
it is covered by clouds. So, summer days have many disadvantages. It is inconsistent and impermanent while his friend’s
beauty is everlasting.
3) ‘And every fair from fair sometime declines.’ – From which poem is the line quoted? Who is the poet? Briefly
explain the meaning of the quoted line. How does the poet promise to immortalize his friend’s beauty? [1+1+2+2
=6] [H.S. = 2018, 2022]
Ans. The line is quoted from the poem, ‘Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?’, Sonnet No. 18.
The poet is William Shakespeare.
The poet wants to say that nothing is permanent. Even the most beautiful objects of nature would be destroyed by
nature’s changing course.
The poet is very much confident that his friend’s eternal summer shall not fade. The eternal lines in the sonnet
will make his friend’s glory everlasting. The poet predicts that so long men will live on this earth, the sonnet would give
life to him.
4) ‘But thy eternal summer shall not fade.’ – Who is being referred to as ‘thy’? What is meant by ‘eternal
summer’? Whose ‘eternal summer’ is being referred to here? Why shall not ‘thy eternal summer’ fade? What
conclusion does the poet draw at the end of his poem? [1+1+4 = 6] [H.S. =2019, 2017, 2015]
Ans. The friend of the poet William Shakespeare is referred to as ‘thy’?
The everlasting youthfulness and beauty of his friend is meant by ‘eternal summer’.
‘Eternal summer’ of Shakespeare’s friend is being referred to here.
Every beautiful object of nature is subjected to degeneration. But the poet is very much confident that the eternal
summer of his friend is everlasting. Death will never grab his beloved or will fade his glory. The eternal lines composed
by the poet will preserve his friend’s beauty everlasting. The poet predicted that his sonnet would be acclaimed forever so
long men would live on this earth. In this way, his poem would be read and his beloved would be alive.
The ending of the poem is optimistic. The poet wants to preserve his friend’s beauty by going against nature’s
changing course. The poet makes a prediction that the eternal lines composed by him would glorify his friend forever so
long men would live on this earth.
‘The Poetry of Earth’ by John Keats
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- The Paradise of Education

Mallick Residency, Mosaddi Mohalla, Railpar, Asansol & Gravity, Hutton Road (Near Masjid), Asansol
1) What does Keats mean by ‘poetry of earth’? How does Keats show that the poetry of earth never ceases/ dead?
[6] [H.S. = 2015, 2017, 2019, 2022]
Ans. By ‘poetry of earth’ John Keats means that the music of earth which is everlasting. In this poem, music is created
in the form of the songs of two insects.
John Keats feels that the poetry of earth is never dead. To confirm his view, he presents two tiny objects of nature
in two different seasons – summer and winter. On hot and scorching summer days, the birds are exhausted. They are
unable to sing. They take shelter in the cooling shed of trees. At that moment, a grasshopper takes the lead. It fills the air
with its sweet voice and keeps alive the poetry of earth. In winter, life becomes dull and monotonous. The frost creates an
icy silence everywhere. But in this time, the shrill song of cricket breaks the silence of winter and warms the earth. In this
way, Keats shows that the earth’s poetry i.e. music of earth knows no end.
2) What picture of summer is presented in “The Poetry of Earth”? How has it been carried on to the picture of
winter? [4+2 = 6] [H.S. = 2016]
Ans. John Keats presents a beautiful picture of summer in the octave part of his poetry, ’The Poetry of Earth’. ‘The hot
sun’ indicates the scorching heat of summer that makes all the birds exhausted. They cannot sing. They take shelter in the
cooling shed of trees. But it does not affect the grasshopper. It takes the lead. Its voice runs from hedge to hedge. It seems
that the grasshopper enjoys the summer. His delights of singing never come to an end. When it is tired out of singing, it
takes a rest comfortably under some pleasant weed and again resumes its singing with fresh energy.
On a lone winter evening, when frost makes an icy silence everywhere, the song of cricket increases warmth. The
songs of cricket seem to be the songs of the grasshopper to a man who is asleep in drowsiness. In this way, the picture of
summer has been carried on to the picture of summer.
3) Identify the voices of the ‘Poetry of Earth’. How does Keats establish its continuity through its voices? [2+4 = 6]
[H.S. = 2020]
Ans. The voices of the ‘Poetry of Earth’ in Keats’ sonnet are the grasshopper and the cricket.
Keats establishes a continuity of the poetry of earth through the songs of the grasshopper in summer and the
cricket in winter. Avoiding the adversities of nature, the grasshopper continues its singing when all other creatures faint
with the hot sun. In frosty winter, when life becomes intolerable, the shrill song of the cricket warms the earth.
4) Justify the title of Keats’s sonnet ‘The Poetry of Earth’. [6] [H.S. = 2018]
Ans. The title, ‘The Poetry of Earth’ indicates the theme of the sonnet. The poetry of earth signifies the music of earth
which is never dead. In the sonnet, John Keats shows two little insects which represent the music of the earth. The
grasshopper sings in summer avoiding the scorching sun. In winter, cricket warms the earth with its singing. The weather
might be harsh, but someone would definitely take over the charge of the singing. So, the main theme of the sonnet is the
permanence of poetry in all seasons and it was nicely established by the poet. Thus, the title of the poem is appropriate.
Report Writing
1) Write a report on how 75 year of Republic Day was celebrated in your school. The report is to be published in
your school magazine. (Word limit: 150 words) [2 + 8 = 10]
• A Report by Farhan Shahab
Asansol, January 27, 2024: Yesterday, the 75th Republic Day of India was celebrated at ABC High School with great
pomp and grandeur. The event Kicked off with the hoisting of the national flag of India at about 7 am by the Headmaster
of the institution. The students and teachers of the school sang the national anthem’ Jana Gana Mana’. After the flag
hoisting, a one- minute silence was performed to pay a tribute to the freedom fighters and martyrs by all the students,
teachers, guests and everyone present there at the auditorium. The Headmaster of the institution gave a short speech on the
Republic Day and its importance. The teachers also delivered their speeches on different topics related to the Republic
Day in the auditorium. The school band marched around the school ground with drums and trumpets. The students
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- The Paradise of Education

Mallick Residency, Mosaddi Mohalla, Railpar, Asansol & Gravity, Hutton Road (Near Masjid), Asansol
participated in many competitions like- singing, dancing, quiz, drama, and debate etc. The winners of the competitors
were given prizes at the end of the function. The Headmaster declared the end of the celebration at about 3:30 pm.
The 75th Republic Day celebration at ABC High School was hugely successful due to the participation of many students
and all the teachers of the institution for remembering the day of the coming into effect of the Constitution of India on
26th January in 1950.
2) Write a report on the annual sports of your school to be published in the school magazine. (Word limit: 150
words) [2 + 8 = 10]
• A Report by Farhan Shahab
The annual sports of ABC School was held at school playground on January 22 this year with the usual pomp and
prestige. Approximately 1000students participated in the customized and fun-filled track and field events. Mr. Nabin Sen,
a renowned player of our district was the chief guest for this occasion. The day long ceremony started with an assembly in
the ground. Our chief guest delivered a short speech on the role of games and sports in the process of education. Then our
Headmaster hoisted the national flag and announced the commencement of the program, following which then the much-
waited events started. The running events comprised of 100m, 200m, 400m and 4x100m relay race. The Jump events
included the long jump, high jump and triple jump. The throwing events were discus, short-put and javelin throws. There
was neck to neck fight among the participants to win a prize in each and every event. The last event, ‘Go As You Like’
was an attractive one. After all the frantic activities and cheering it was time for giving away of medals and certificates to
the winners, our renowned chief guest. Finally, the memorable event ended with a note of thanks.
3)Write a report on the measures taken in your district to look after the health of the people and suggest
what further improvements could be made. (Word limit: 150 words) 8 + 2 = 10
With the aim of better health services, the government has taken some meaningful measures for the
people of our district. One of the most important measures is to set up a health sector comprising a number of
rural health centres for providing better and prompt service to the rural people. Patients are provided with free
medicines along with other diagnostic services. Clinical Establishment Bill ensures better services and quality
treatment. The government has also taken major initiatives to upgrade the infrastructure of all the medical
centres with special attention to their cleanliness. The health department has also successfully implemented
MDT, School Health Programme and installation of Dialysis units in public hospitals. Health workers pay door
to door visit for promoting health awareness and ensure immunization of the new -born babies. Yet these
measures are not enough in respect of the huge number of patients. We need to take measures to curb vector-
borne diseases which are on the rise due to climate change. We also require to appoint more specialized doctors,
well-trained nurses and skilled health workers to improve the present scenario.
4)Write a report on a one-week programme undertaken by your school to clean up the classrooms, the
school premises and its surroundings. Mention the roles of both students and teachers. (Word limit: 150
“Nirmal Vidyalaya Saptaha” (School Hygiene Week) is the most effective interventions under the
Nirmal Vidyalaya Abhijan, an initiative launched in the year 2012. The drive has been accorded high
acceptance and ownership by all. Recently our school had celebrated the week-long programme from 24th
March to 30th March with a purpose to trigger a positive behavioural change by engaging the students to
advocate good practices to maintain cleanliness in the school and outside. The programme started with a rally.
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- The Paradise of Education

Mallick Residency, Mosaddi Mohalla, Railpar, Asansol & Gravity, Hutton Road (Near Masjid), Asansol
Banners, slogans, posters and festoons all highlighted the healthy and hygienic habits. One needs to adopt all
the classrooms and the entire premise was swept and cleaned. Our teachers included some related activities such
as handwash
training, hygienic Mid-Day meal programme etc to it. A cultural programme was also conducted that included
sit and draw competition, quiz contest and staging a play on the topic. The entire programme was a grand
5) Write a report on a campaign on ‘Educate the Girl Child’ organised by your school. Mention the role
of both students and teachers, purpose of this campaign, participation, response and so on. The report
will be published in your school magazine. (Word limit: 150 words) 8 + 2 = 10
We all know that poverty, lack of infrastructure, gender bias and an abysmal stagnation toward the
education of girls have snuffed out many a young dream. In a bid to encourage the birth and education of girls,
our school conducted a campaign on ‘Educate the Girl Child’ in January 2024. Various activities and
programmes were designed to bring focus to the core concerns of the campaign like female foeticide, female
infanticide, and proper stress on their education. These activities included essay writing, slogan writing and
drawing competitions which encouraged the students to think of innovative methods to put across the message
of saving, nurturing and educating the girl child. Other aspects of the programme included engaging the
community and spreading the message about merits of the campaign. This was successfully achieved by
performing street plays and organising awareness rallies which reached out to more than 2000 people through
its actions. The students, the teachers and the non-teaching staff heartily took part in the programme.
6) Write a report on the seminar ‘Plant Tree, Save Life, and Water’ organized by your school. The
report will be published in your school magazine. Mention the roles of the students and teachers, the
purpose of the seminar, participation and response, and so on.
In an era where environmental concerns have reached a critical point, our school took a commendable
initiative by organizing the seminar, “Plant Trees, Save Life, and Water.” The seminar aimed to enlighten
students and staff about the crucial interconnection between tree planting, safeguarding life, water conservation,
and the pressing issue of global warming. Students were actively involved in organizing the seminar, from
creating informative posters to presenting thought-provoking speeches. These young minds displayed their
passion for the environment, highlighting the importance of planting trees, saving water, and their role in
preserving life on Earth. The teachers, on the other hand, provided guidance and support, sharing their
knowledge and expertise on the subject matter. The speakers emphasized that planting trees is not just an option
but a dire necessity. Trees act as the Earth’s lungs, purifying the air we breathe by absorbing carbon dioxide and
releasing oxygen. Moreover, they play a vital role in maintaining the ecological balance, supporting
biodiversity, and combating soil erosion. The seminar delivered a resounding message: “It’s now or never.” It
reinforced the message that it is our collective responsibility to act now and work tirelessly to safeguard our
environment for future generations.

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