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FNL of units, the quantities, plane ayy lea dian (rad.) and Strada 1 Syston 7 (4 with SE units jag, -— In the Internatte soared a independent ava respectively. One radian is the angle bev equal in length to the radius. One steradianis the solid a rich cuts off on the cireumfe ween two radii of & cirele wh : rtex in the centre of a sphere, MS OF an atey I ‘ing its vet gle which having Meith sides of length equtl © the ra ral to that of square wit is of the of the surface of the sphere eat sphere. Be - i ed $1 units are stated in terms of the basic up; ved Units — The expressions for the derived S nterms oft 7 Derived Unt Te ete per second (m/s). Forsome ofthe derived unit, special ing as ern adopted together with special letters symbols, as the Sl unittor force is mewron (N), fy (iW), ete, Some derived ST units are also expressed in terms of th is wer is watt! jr energy is (2), for por are metre in’) for volume i ea, ere from which they are derived as the SI unit for ares metre (m') for densityis kifogram per cubic metre (kg/m*), ete. Refer ISI publication “Guide to the wse of International System (SD) Unit . METHOD OF ESTIMATING Estimate. — Before undertaking the construction of a project it is necessary to know it probable cost which is worked out by estimating. An estimate is a computation or calculation of the quantities required and expenditure likely to be incurred in the construction of a work. The primary abjeclof the extiniate isto enable one to know beforehand, the cost of the work (buildings structures, etc), The estimate is the probable cost of a work and is determined theoretically by mathematical calculations based on the plans and drawing and current rates. Approximate estimate may be prepared by various methods but accurate estimate is prepared by Detailec Estimate Method, om 7 a ¥ the completion of the work. Account ol d ay during the execution of work in the account section and a! the end ofthe completion ofthe work when the account is completed, the actual costs known. The actual cost should not differ much from the estimated cost worked out at the beginning. Detailed Estimate. of different items of Sues — Preparation of detailed estimate consists of working out the quantities work and then working out the cost i.e, the estimate is prepared in tw Di o Betatsof Measorements and Calculation of Quantities — The whole work is divided clase Sa ee ohvork as earthwork, concrete, brickwork, etc, andthe items are fem of ee outa under different sib-heads, and details of measurement of each prescribed form = Beaaient and quantities under each item are computed in Details of Measurement Form — item No. Deser iption or YN - « Particulars | Length | Breadth | Height or Content or Depth Quantity PROCEDURE OF ESTIMATING cone more column for total quantity OF content Ser item of work is calculated from the nis better to add beet tract of Estimated Cont 1 cost uni anus already cOmPUET A The cont ate, and the total cast is worked out in & 7 _combutey Brimate Form. A percentage of 3t0$ percent faded ditures, unforeseen expendi- 'y contingent expend ‘ete. which may occur during the execution Jded to meet the expenditure of ained is the estimated cost of prescribed form, Por contingencies. © rere changes in design. changes ratess ture work. A percentage of Lit yer cent is also ofthe rged escablstiment, THE ‘grand total thus ol the work fallow for pett ract of Estimate Form™— ® Abst Rate ‘Amount nthe above forms the descr tion of each item should be such as to exp! a criptio h ite e what w ii ered for ress exactly what work, putt, proportions of mortar, ete. have al Ping an estimate items are usually classifi i see coavenen to makeup the tems aly lassie and prouped st oy would be besisteg or constructed. If the principle of foll wi 18a 88 Pos eS orconst princip| lowing the order of construction fi i cperisons flowed hers a foundationte pon cieren pe of estates ee, Se Chapter 10 Types of Estimate: MAINIT Tena, i oR epuntely unde different items, and quantities are calcul eo in ion reaches aft ce ea culated in cu m. Foundation trenches are sua doth xt with ofan with vertical sides. Earthwork in excavation i fxaaonseaaed by a ingthe dimensions ofeach trench length breadth x depth. Fill ia tessa construction fo ation masonry ordinal neglected. Ifthe trench fillings eee conry from the excavation. Oo. King is calculated by taking the intern ions i val sags Bren) which a val less than the internal Bee erie ao afin ‘and height is taken after deduct eaesceteouee ta ssaplihwallg Dem 4s and eight eaten iucting the thickness of concrete i Scum sen) ing is done in plinth, this should be take! * the length aul breath foreachfillingmay be same as the internal dimensions of the a wai is Stet Excavated earth is ustd i : bu eae intrench filling and plinih fill i ese rate, Exra earth if required for filing is Brought fi iLO ee ee aflet tac ph ing, ea ted ug from ouside If there is surplus earth after Ce . and dressing of site or carted away and The eagth and ee nenon ee concrete is taken out incu mb} Pele eee my length brendthx thickness. dor icine dey Teka of re usually the same as for excavation, only th ae ee iss of concrete varies from 20 cm to 45 c ny 30 em Paarl, ation concrete consists of lime concret ee as Hees ent concrete in foundation may be 1: 4:8 orl:3 ne aaa . — When the soil is soft or bad, one eae |, one lay 5 i yer of dry brick or stone solingis applied below the foundati * foundation cor ; a megetadtion concrete, The soling layer is computed in sq m (Length Breadth) specify specifying the Quantity Unit ESTIMATING AND COSTING 6 7 ich cement concrete 1: 114.4 usually of 2.5 em 1") thick F one Aor mixed with standard waterprooting material, is provigeg th wall, and the quantities are computed in sam (Lengt j HC ie not provided at the sills of doors and verandah openings, for which rea ea a Ge ke oF Cem-Seal or Inpermo or other standard Waterproofing “ pale see Masonry is computed in cu m (Length Ouanty of earth ling, Instead of sand filling, cinder is also used in filling the upper part of the plinth, which may be dealt in the same manner as that of sand filling. 3. Inside White-washing. — Quanity is same as for inside plastering. Simply write‘the same area as for inside plastering’. . 4, Outside Colour-washing. — Quantity is same as for outside plastering. Simply write ‘the same area as for outside plastering’. x Height of sand filling, 5. Masonry Work in Footings. — When there are number oi footings, the average breadth may be taken and the quantity may be calculated by multiplying by the length and height. Average breadth = b1 *bs 2 bi + by 2 Quantity of masonry to the footing = L x xh. Quantity thus obtained is only approximate but may be sufficient for practical purposes. Fig. 8 Length L should be mean length or centre line length. 6. To save multiplication against every line combine those whose breadth and heighit are common, add the length of all and multiply by the cominon breadth and height. By adopting this method many multiplications can be avoided, For example — Hem | Description of Kem No | L B. Ht. | Quantity Brick masonry in super-structure 2° [765m | 30m [360m 3 3.50m\| 30m | 3.60-m 2 3.80 m | .30m | 3.60m 1 4.20m | .30m-| 3.60m “Total. ....37.60 m x 30 mx 3.60 m= 40,608 = 40.61 cum dey the dir to at] ac act ou Th dit m u PROCEDURE OF ESTIMATING 3 of Accuracy in Estimating. — The accuracy, to be observed in preparing an estimate degre of fac tneitem and the unit of payment. The higher the rates the greater shouldbe ern tn whic the quails are clelated Where rates re hhigh and paid per unit, the accuracy, with Wh psolutely correct, though taking dimensions tothe nearest lem to Sem (A" dimen be allowed fr practical purposes. he ‘quantities in such cases should be worked outto soi) paces of decimal But where rates are Tow and paid for % to Yo iit such extreme Securacy 1s not required. Degree masonry is paid per cu m a few em added to or substracted from the He affect the total content. But the width or thickness of the wall, tem affects the result considerably should be taken out with great al Inthe case of ‘wall where tengti or height would but tn iif cm or quart smensions should be measured tothe nearest lem (01 m),areas should be worked ind cubic contents should be worked out to the nearest to 0.01 cum. out eness of slabs, partitions, te: and sectional dimensions of columns, pillars, beams, etc. should spe taken to the nearest half centimetre (.005 m). (ip avo Chopecr 14-— Roles ad Methods of Measurements and Taking out Quantities) UNITS OF MEASUREMENTS IN METRIC SYSTEM Je for dimensions and measurements is to use milimetre (mm) for minute metre (em) for small dimensions and metre (m) for big dimensions. Distances arg Ingeneral, di outto the nearest 0.01 sqm a ‘The principl dimensions, centi measured in kilo metre (km). “The dimensional units for main item of materials and works for general construction works as used in metric system areas follows :— Units of Dimensions for Materials and Works — Particulars of Materials and Works 1. Bricks, stone blocks, etc. 2. Files, sates, wall board, glass panes, A.C. sheets, sheets, etc. 3. Door, windows, etc. 4 Parts of doors and windows as panels, shutters oe . ¢M or mm. 5. Timber «Length in.m.and cross-sectional dimensions in om, or mm. ... Length and height in m. ‘Thickness or breadth in cm. Length and breadth in m. Thickness in om. Dimensioiis Metric System .+- All dimensions em, Length and breadth in cm or m. ‘Thickness in mm, _ Height and breadth in em or m. 6. Masonry (brickwork, stone masonry, etc.) 7. Cement concrete, Lime concrete, R.C.C. Flooring, etc. ve os 8. White washing, Colour washing, Distempering, Length and breadth or height Painting, etc. a inm. 9, Aggregates, Fallast, gnt, sand, etc... Size in mm. 10. Rolled steél sections as I-beam, channel, angle, . . Length in m, section in mm. ete... 1. Mild steel bars 3 .. Length in m, Dia. in mm, » “14 ESTIMATING AND Cust He i i s Items of Works — : ; Principle A Here depend on their nature, size and shape. In general, the unig, fferent i the following principle:— different items of work are based Oi orks shall be taken in cubic unit oF volume, 1, joluminous an i (Mass, Moments of length, breadth and height or depth shall be taken to compute volume or cubic contents. urface works shall be taken in square unit or in area. 1), i . thin and si Soren readth or height shall be taken to compute the area measurement of length and b (ii) Long and thin work shall be taken in linear or running unit, and linear measureme, shall be taken. (i) Piece work, job work, etc., shall be taken in number. The units of payments and measurements of various items of work in metric system a, same except for earthwork. Earthwork is measured in cu m but payment is made per 100 cu; (per % cu m). THE UNITS OF MEASUREMENTS AND PAYMENTS FOR VARIOUS ITEMS OF WORKS AND MATERIALS Si. Partigulacs of 1 Units of | Units of | Units of No. articulars of Items measurement| payment payment inMKS | inMKS | _ in FPS Earthwork — 1. | Earthwork in excavation in ordinary soil, earth- work in mixed soil with kankar, bajri, etc. earthwork in hard soil »| cum | per%cum| %cuft 2. | Rock excavation cum | per%cum| %cuft 3. | Earthfilling in excavation in foundation... cum per % cum % cu ft 4, | Earthfilling in foundation trenches | cum | per%cum| %eutt (Usually not measured and not paid separately) 5. | Earthfilling in plinth ve] cum | per%cum| %cuft Earthwork in banking, cutting, in road and irrigation channel w| cum | per%cum| “cult 7, | Surface dressing and levelling, cleaning, etc. ... sqm per stm Gsqit 8:°| Cutting of trees (Girth specified) as no. per no. per no 9..| Puddling, Puddle clay core | cum | per%cum| cult 10. | Sand filling Con percum | cult IL. | Quarrying of stone or boulder cum percum | seul 12. | Blasting of rock (Blasted stone stacked and then measured) . cum per cum gout Note.—(For earthwork, normaljlead is 30 m and normal lift is 1.5 m):° UNITS 1s | ~ Units of | Unitsof | Units of | easement} payment | pasment | _ink AKS 4 in MK! in FPS | concrete — ' 1, | Lime concrete (L.C) in foundation cum percum |. Scuft 2 | Lime comercte (LC) in'oof terracing, thick n | ned ee a9 persqm | %sqft | nage sje be J volume bass as practi in | uP). 2 | Cement concrete (CC) we} cum percum | percuft 4. | Reinforced cement conerete (R-C.C.) . {cum percum | pereuft 5. | CC. oF R.C.C. Chula, sun shade | cum percum | percuft | Precast C.C. oF RCC. | cum percum | percuft 4, | Jaliwork or jaffri work o C.C. tracery panels, | Cickness specified) ve | sam persqm | persqft &. | Cement concrete bed {cum | percum | percuft | DP.C.— ; 4, Danp proof course — Cement conerete, Rich | 2Eeat mortar, Asphalt, etc. (Thickness | specified) we sqm per sqm % sq ft | Brickwork — | Brickwork in foundation and plinth, in-super~ | seracture, in arches, etc., in cement, lime or | nud mortar = cum percum %cuft 2. | Sun dried brickwork aa] cum percum | %cuft | 3. | Honey-comb brickwork, thickness specified... | sq.m | er sm Gsq ht | (tay ato be in volume basis as practice in LP) 4. | Brickwork in jack arches, if measured sepa- rately : cum percum | cult 5. | Jack arch roofing including top finishing... sqm per sqm Yosq ft 6. | Brickwork in well steining ca | cum percum | ‘ocuft 7. | Half-brickwork with or without reinforcement) sqm persqm | fosaft (May also be in cu m as practice in U.P.) &. | Thin partition wall | aa persqm | %saft 5. | Reinforced brickwork (R.B. work) | cum | pereum | foeult 10.) stein : ing course, drip course, weather courses coping etc. (Projection specified) | mere | perm | perrit ESTIMA LINu cise wee ne 16 Units of | Units of | Unite ge Sl. i f Items measurement} payment | payme No, | Particulars o! KS in MKS ioe ne : — 11. | Cornice (Projection and type specified) metre perm perrft 12. | Brickwork in Fire place, Chulla, Chimney ... | cum Percum | Beak 13, | Pargetting Chimney, fire place flue metye Leiee Perr ft 14, | Brick edging (by road side) metre perm per rft Stone work — 1,| Stone masonry, Random Rubble masonry, Coursed Rubble masonry, Ashlar masonry in walls, in arches, etc. .. | cum percum | %cuft 2, | Cut stone work in lintel, beam, ete. cum percum | percuft 3. | Stone slab in’ roof, shelve, etc., stone, chujjas, stone sun shed, etc. (Thickness specified) sqm persqm | %sqft 4, | Stone work in wall facing or lining (Thickness ¥ specified) sqm persqm | persq ft Wood work— . 1. | Wood work, door and window frame or chow- Khat, rafters beams, roof trusses, etc, cum percum | percuft 2. | Door and window shutters or leaves, panelled, battened, glazed, part panelled and part glazed, wire gauged, etc, (Thickness specified) sqm persqm | persq ft 3. | Door and window fittings as hinges tower bots sliding bolts, handles, etc. no. per no. per no. (May also be on the basis of area of shutters as Practice’ in U.P.) 4 | Timbering, boarding (Thickness specified) ... | sqm persqm | persqft 5.}} Timbering of trenches. (Area of. face sup- ie Ported) at sqm per sqm per sq ft 6. | Sawing of timber sqm per sqm. per sq ft 7. | Woodwork in partition, Ply wood, etc. sqm. per sqm per sq ft 8. | Ballies (Diameter specified) metre perm perrft Steel’ work — 1, | Rolled Steel joists, Channels, Angles, T-irons, Flats, Squares, Rounds, etc. quintal perq per cwt 2. | Steel reinforcement bars, etc,, in R.C.C,, R. — work quintal perq per cwt 3, | Bending, binding of steel reinforcement quintal perq per ew! Tiled roof — Allahabad tile, Faizabad tile, UNITS | Units of Particulars 0} Fabrication and hoisting of steel work Expended Metal (X.P-M) re netting size specified Fabric reinforcement, i ron work in struss Gusset plate (Minimum rectangular size from which cut) Cutting of Iron Joists, channels Cutting, Angles, Tees, Plate 7 Threading in iron Welding, solder of sheets, plates . (Welding of rails, steel, trusses, rods — per 10.) Boring holes in iron Cast Iron (C.1,) pipe, Dia. specified cr Rivets, Bolts and nuts, Anchor bolts, Lewis bolts, Holding down bolts, etc. = Barbed wire fencing = Iron gate (May also be by weight, quintal) Iron hold fast ve (May also be by 10.) Iron railing (Height and types specified)... Iron grill, collapsibie gate ” (May also be by ‘weight, quintal) Rolling shutter Steel doors and wi es windows (type and fixing Roofing — Mangalore tile, etc, including battens Country tile roof including bamboo jafiri. ... Corrugated iron (G.C.iJ roof, Asbestos cement oie aad |measurement! in MK: quintal sqm sqm quintal quintal om sqem cm om. metre quintal metre sqm quintal metre sqm sqm sqm sqm sqm (A.C) sheet roof 7 Units of | Units of payment | payment LinMKs | inFPS » perq per cwt \ persqm | persq ft persqm | persqift perq per wt perq per ewt per cm per inch per sqcm | per sq inch perem | per inch perm per inch perno. | perno. perm per ft perq | perewt perm Gor ft persqm | persqft per per owt perm perr ft persqm | persqft persqm | persqft persqm | persqft persqm | %saft persqm | %saft persq'm | %saft ESTIMATING AND COSTING tS Units of | Unitsof | Units of Si Particulars of Items Imeasurement| payment | payment a in MKS. | in MKS Slate roofing, timber roofing sqm persqam | %sqft Thatch roofing including bamboo jaffri (Thick- saan Shoaired) sqm per sqm %sqh 6. | Eave board (Thickness specified) sqm persqm | persq ft 7.| R.C.C,, R.B. slab roof (excluding steel) cum percum | percuft 8, | Lime concrete roof over and inclusive of tiles or brick, or stone slab, etc. (Thickness specified) ve {| sqm persqm | %sqft 9. | Mud roof over and inclusive of tiles, or bricks, or stone slab, ete. (Thickness and type speci- fied) ve | sqm persqm | %sqit 10. | Ridges, valleys, gutters, (Girth specified) metre perm per r ft 11. | Tar felting, Bituminous painting sqm per sqm % sq ft 12, | Insulating layer in roof of sand and clay, asphalt, etc. sqm persqm | %sqft 13. | Expansion, contraction orconstructionjoint... |__ metre perm perr fi 14, | Ceiling—Timber, A.C. Sheet plain, Cloth, Cement plaster on XPM, Paste board, etc... | sqm persqm | persqft +15, | Centering and shuttering, Form work—Sur- face area of R.C.C. or R.B. work supported | sqm persqm | %sqft (May also be per cum (cut) of R.C.C. or R.B. | work) Plastering, Pointing and Finishing — 1, | Plastering — Cement mortar, Lime mortar, mud, etc, (Thickness, proportion specified) sqm persqm | sqft 2. | Pointing— Struck, Flush, Weather, etc. sqm. per sqm % sq ft 3. | Dado (Thickness and type specified) sqm per sqm % sq ft 4, | Skirting (Thickness type and height specified) | _ metre perm perrit 5. | Cement mortar or lime mortar rubbing sqm persqm | %sqit 6. | White washing, Colour washing, Cement wash- ing (No. of coat specified) sqm behsg | GAR 7. | Distempering (No. of coat specified) sqm |" persqm | %saft 8. | Snow cement washing or finishing (No. of coat specified) sqm per sqm Gsq it UNITS ing, Throating, etc. 9 Particulars of Items Units of | Unitsof | Unitsof measurement] payment | payment inMKS | inMKS | in FPS Painting, Varnishing (No. of coat specified)... } sqm persam | - %sqit Polishing of wood work (No. of coat specified) | sqm — oe, Painting letters and figures (Height specified) no. per no. ae iting and clearing of doors and windows ...| sqm persqm | sqft Coal tarring (No. of coat specified) ean persqm | %sqft Removing of paint or varnish aaa persqm | sqft Gobri Lepping (cow dung wash) sqm. persqm %saft Flooring — 25 em (I") C.C. over 7.5 em (3) L.C. Floor (including L.C.) a sqm per sqm % sq ft Conglomerate floor, artificial patent stone floor 5cm(1")C.C. over 7.5m (3") L.C: (includin, Lc) | sqm persqm | %psqift (114") thick stone floor flag stone floor over 7.5 cm (3") L.C. (including L.C.) sqm persqm | %sdft 25 em (1") marble flooring over 7.5 cm (3” LC. (including L.C.) sqm persqm | persqft Mosaic or terrazo or granolithic floor over 7.5 cm (3”) L.C. (including L.C.) sqm persqm | persq ft Brick flat floor over 7.5 em (3") L.C. (includin; Lo) | sqm persqm | %osqft Brick on edge floor over 7.5 cm (3") L.C. (including L.C.) . sqm per sqm %sq ft 25 em (1") or 4m (1%4") C.C., floor wt] sqm persqm | %sqit Mud flooring finished gobri lepping ve] sqm persqm | %sqft Apron or Plinth protection (May be of C.C. LC, brick, etc.) : (May : sqm persqm | %osqft Door and window sill (C.C. or cement mortar plastered) sqm persqm | Sosaft Miscellaneous items — nay i jecti na mental cornice (Projection, type spe oe perm perr it Moulding String course, Drip course, Bead | erm _ ESTIMATING AND COSTING Y 20 ~ Units of | Units a Units of f Items easurement) payment Payme; & Particulars of Preasuement] Erkrks | BORER 3. | Ornamental Pillar caps, Pillar base, Flowers, ao per no. per no Brackets, etc. : erm 44, | Railing (Height and type specified) las G ot 5. | Suciace drain small (size, material ete. spect | por on | fied) | surface drain large (item wise) — : 6] sete large ( cum percum | %cuft) |G Plastering sqm Persqm | %sqitf | Pipe — rainwater, sanitary, water pipe, ete. (Dia. specified) we | metre perm per rit & | Laying pipe line — sanitary, water pipe, etc. | (Dia, depth, bedding etc. specified) wv. | metre perm per rit 9. | Jungle clearance w | sqmor | persqmor] %sq ft (May also be per km for road and irrigatio: hectare | per hectare | or per acte | channel) 10. | Sift clearance in irrigation channels (Similar to earthwork) ae cum per%cum] %cuft (For thin layer upto 5cm may be on area basis) Il. | Trestle, Crate (size, type, etc. spacified) ... no. per no. per no, 12. | Cleaning flues ce] no. per no. per no. 13..| Cotton cords in sky light ve] no, per no. per no. (May also be by weight in’ ke) 14. | Easing doors and windows we] no. per no. per no 15. | Fixing doors and windows 1 no. per no, per no, 16. Supply and-fixing of Hinges, Tower bolts, ‘asp and staples, Handles, Hardwares, etc... no. per no. per no. 17. | Glazing ela sqm persqm | persqf. . | Glass pa es Pi = (supply) we sqm persqm | persqft. . | Fixing of glass 8 of glass panes or cleaning >| no. per no. per no. 20. | Renewing of glass panes me on no. per no. per no. 21, | Well sinking (Masonary or tube ! ry ortube well)... | metre perm | perf 22. | Pile driving or sinking ro : A a etre erm yer 23, | Furnitures — Chairs, : i a » tables, ete, (si specified) tc, (size shape I no, per no. per n° UNITS 2. Particulars of Items Units of | Units of | Units of measurement] payment | payment in MKS in MK& in FPS, ‘24, | Painting furnitures no. per no. per no 9, | Caning chairs no. perno, | perno. it brick, stone, kankar, etc. wee cum per cum %cult 7 Taek pitching ray also be on area basis in . sqm) Tring of Hrigation Channel, Tunnel, et, 27.| Lining OF ipickness specified sqm | persqam | %saft ihn may be in volume basis in cu m) 7g, | Kankar quarrying, kankar supply cum per cum Gout tp | Kankar consolidation, road metal consolida- tion a cum per cum %cuft 30, | Dag-belling oy metre perm Jor ft (May also be per km) 31, | Bituminous road surfacing 2 nny sqm persqm | %sqft 32, | Dismantling — Same as for | Same as for | Same as for different | different | different items items items 33, | Dismantling of brick masonry {| cum | percum | %cuft 34, | Grouting (Bituminous grouting of road metal, cement grouting of concrete) s |e sqm | persqm | %satt 35. |,Grouting of eracks, joints, etc. ve | metre perm perrft - 36. | Electric Wiring or Electrification Light, Fan, Plug points | point. | per point | per point 37. | Watercloset (W.C.), Wash hand basin, Man- hole, etc. (size specified) we no per no per no Materials — 1. Supply of bricks | Gonos. | pergonos. | % nos. 2. | Supply of Sand, Surkhi, Cinder, etc. wo} cum percum | cult 3. | Supply of cement | bagof | per bagor | percwt 50 kg | per quintal | of per ton or per tonne 4.| Supply of lime unslaked quintal |} per quintal | per maund . Suppl of ie slaked quintal | per quintal | per maund fay also be in volume basis in cu ™) Fe »{ ws G » ESTIMATING AND COSTIN' — Units of | Units of Units of Sl. Particulars of Items measurement] payment | paymen, No. a in MKS. | inMKS | in Fps 6. | Supply of Brick ballast, Stone ballast, ABB” | | ee cum % oust gate, etc. i 7. | Broken bricks, Kankar, etc. cu m. percum | %euft 8, | Supply of Timber an Percum | %cuft : quintal | perqor | percwt 9, | Supply of Steel per tonne 10. | Supply of Bitumen, Tar tonne | pertonne | per ton 11. | Supply of Coal tonne | pertonne | perton 12. | Supply of A.C. sheets (Measured flat) sqm sqm sqft 13. | Supply of G.I. sheet quintal | per qunital | per cwt 14. | Supply of switches, plugs, exling roses, bulbs, brackets, etc. no. per no. per no. 15. | Supply of insulated electric wire (size specified) . | quintal | per quintal | per cwt. 16. | Supply of bare electric wire (size specified) quintal | per quintal | per cwt. 17. | Tents, sholdaries (size specified) no. per no. per no. 18.| Supply of Water closet, W.C. (size specified) no. per no. per no. 19. | Supply of Wash hand basin (size specified) ... no. per no. per no. 20. | Supply of Cowl, Miéa valve, Imtercepting rap, ete. (size specified) no. per no. per no. 21. | Supply of Bib cock, Stop cock, Ball cock, etc. (size specified) | no. perno.. | perso. 22, | Supply of Ferrule, C.1. Tank, Water meter, etc. (size specified) _ no. per no. per no. 3. | Supply eee ‘pipe, S. W. pipe. Hume i sanaiied) pipe, ete. Di. metre per m perrft 24. | Supply of lead, ipply |, lead wool kg or per kgor | perc quintal | per quintal 25. | Spun yarn : b 8 er kj per 26. | Supply of varnish, oil, etc, is ne 1 o litre per litre pere UNITS 2B “Units of | Units of | Units of lmeasurement| payment MKS | inMKS | Particulars of Items No. fire | supply of paint ready mix per litre per el 2g. | Supply of stiff parat kg per kg per Ib ” kg perke | perp ——————__— Parke _|__ per Explosive for blasting described. 2 ticulars of items should be fully I. Note: (@ Part ins of work P.W-D. Schedule of Rates may be consulted. (Soe Chapter Gi) 70) ules and Methods of Measurement. (See Chapter 14). SIZES AND DIMENSIONS OF VARIOUS WORKS IN MKS AND THE CORRESPONDING FPS UNITS, APPROXIMATE 1 izes of Doors — 5. Thickness of Doors and Windows, Shut- 120 cm x 210 em ye 4 1 6! — 6%," ter or ae e (120m 2.10 m) 2.5em—1 3em — IY idem 2i0em } orxe 6" 4om—1%4" — 4.5em—1%" (1.10 m x 2.00 m) hie Bona —3-3"x6'-3" 6. Thickness of Lime Concrete in Founda- ; ; tion — oe gpa fa 30x60" 15cm — 6" 20 cm —8" @ F 2%em—10" 30cm — 12" T5em x Wom | 2-6" x6" - 0" 40cm—16" 45 18" (0.75 mx 1.80) aie = 2 Sie of Windows — 7. Thickness of Lime Concrete in Roof em 1500} a_ 3x 5g" Terracing — (Poo mx 150m) $273" 5'-0 Tem 3" 90 cm x 120 cm Jasna 10 cm—4" (0.90 m x 1.20 m), 12 em—4i4" 3, Size of CS, Windows, Ventilators — 10emx@em yy a, 8. Thickness of R.C.C. Slab — (120x060 m}—4 *2 75cm—3" 10em— 100 cm x 60 cm 5e2! 125cem—5" 15cm—6" (00m 0m) aoa mx $0 em . ' yo" x6" ‘9, ‘Thickness of Plastering — (090 m 0.50 m }—¥ =O" * 1-8 iomm—%" 12mm—'4" i =y — 2%0mm—%" 4 Sa of Chowkhat sections for Doors and 15mm —% : iows — 12 mx 7.5 cm— 5" x 3" 10. Thickness of D.P.C. — 10 cmx 10 em — 4" x 4" 2m — 3’ 10 emx75 em — 4" x3" 25m — 15 emx75 em — 3" x3” ‘40m — 14" ” ESTIMATING AND COSTING 4 14, Height of Plinth — II, Thickness of C.C, Floor — | 0 cen 1-0" 45om— 1g, 2cm— %" 60cm — 2'-0" 75cm — 2 _¢, 2.5m — 4m — 14" D Height of Building — eee ies) | Cle 15. Dem. $3" 3:00m— log over 75emL.c. f over 3” LC. 330m — 11-0" 3.60 m — 12" -g» = 13-0" 420m — 14g 12, Insulation layer in Roof ~ 3.90 m — 13'- 0 m— l4'-g 25em—1" : SCM 16. Size of Rooms — ie 3mx 3m—10'x 10" , Rise and Tread — 3.00 m x 3.60 m — 10’ x 12" ee 30 em — 6" x 12" 3.60 m x 3.60 m — 12’ x 12" 15 cm x 28 cm — 6" x 11” 3.60 m x 4.20 m — 12! x 14" 18 cm x 28 em — 7" x 11" 3.60 m x 4.80 m’— 12' x 16" Mild steels bars, metric dimensions and weights — Dia. of bars fps. units currently used | 4" | i" wm | om | me Poe ame | aye Dia. and weight in L metric unit to be . used Dia. 6mm | 10 mm] 12 mm| 16 mm|20 mm | 22 mm |25 mm |32 mm | 40 mm Wt. per metre... 0.22 kg.|0.62 kg./0.89 kg.|1.58 kg.|2.47 kg.|2.98 kg.|3.85 kg|6.31 kg.|9.86 ke STANDARD MODULAR BRICKS, Size of standard modular bricks — 7 Sizes of standard modular bricks as fixed by Indian Standard Institution are as given belov (Fig. 1-9). These standard bricks will now be manufactured and used and old traditional brick shall be given up. (Standard Modular Bricks with Frogs, all Dimensions in Centimetres (Fig. 1-9) UNITS 25 | Actual size Nominal size Standard modular brick | Wem*9omx*9em — 2em% 10cm * 10m Standard modular brick-tile . Wemx9em74cm 20cm 1Ocm* Sem ‘Thickness of wall with standard brick — Wall Tip prick | 1brick | 1% brick [ 2brick | 2% brick | 3 brick | Thickness of Wall iocm | 20cm | 30cm | acm | Sem | 60cm | ‘Actual thickness of wall with I cm mortar joint are 9 cm for '@ brick, 19 em for | brick, 29 em for 1¥4 brick, 39 cm for 2 brick, 49 cm for 2% brick, 59 cm for 3 brick. But the thickness of wall is taken as multiple of 10 as given in the above table irrespective of the actual thickness for estimating and for payment. Above 3 brick wall the thickness of wall is actually measured after construction for payment but for estimating the thickness may be taken as multiple of 10. ‘Thickness of R.B. lintel and slab with standard I flat brick 2 flat brick 3 flat brick 4 flat brick 10cm 20cm 30cm 40cm Layer Thickness Using brick-tile in combination with brick the thickness of R.B. lintel and slab may also be made as 15 cm, 25 cm, 35 cm, etc. TRADITIONAL BRICKS Metric dimensions of present traditional (9” x 414" x 3") bricks and width of walls — "As the standard modular bricks are not being manufactured, the metric dimensions of present bricks of 9" x 414" * 3” (nominal size) have been fixed to the nearest one place of decimal. Until the metrie standard bricks are available, the present traditional bricks are to be used and the thickness of walls shall be measured as multiple of half brick (11.4 cm). The dimensions of traditional brick and thickness of walls in metric unit are as given below :— Dimensions of traditional brick in metric unit — Metric Dimension Actual 9" x AR" x 2H" ane . vee 22.9 em * 14.2 cm *7.0. cm Nominal 9" x 4" x 3" oe oe we 22.9 0m x 11.4em* 7.6 cm Width of walls present traditional bricks in metric unit — Walls — % brick 1 brick 1% brick 2brick 2% brick 3 brick 3% brick 4 brick Se (4n") 9”), (13%4") 18") 224") 7") BI”) G6") Thickness of ‘ walls —7.6cm 11.4cm 22.9cm 34.3cm 45.7em 57.1 em 68.6cm 80.0cm 91.4cm For 10” x 5” 3" size (nominal) brick, the metric dimension will be taken as 25.4 em * 12.7 em 7.6 cm (nominal) and the thickness of walls shall be measured as multiple of half brick (12.70m) and shall be as 7.6 0m, 12.7 om, 25.4 cm, 37.1 cm, $0.8 cm, 63.5 cm,, 88.9 em, 101.6 cin 114, and so on. CHAPTER 2 PI METHOD OF BUILDING ESTIMATE uantities of brickwork and plastering required in a wall 4m cost if the rate of brickwork is Rs. 320.00 per cy Example 1. — Estimate the q 3 mhigh and 30 em thick. Calculate also the of plastering is Rs. 8.50 per sqm. jiy of bri = = 30 = 3.6 cum. wantiiy of brickwork = Lx Bx H = 4m x3 m* Srancy of plastering (two faces) = 2 Lx H = 24 m3 m= 24sq m. Cost of brickwork = 3.6 x 320.00= Rs. 1152.00. Cost of plastering = 24 x 8.50 = Rs. 204.00. Total cost = 1152.00 + Rs. 204.00 = Rs. 1356.00. Example 2. — Prepare a detailed estimate of part of a wall of a building from the given pis and section and general specifications (Figs. 2-1 and 2-2). GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS : (W) Foundation concrete shall be of lime concrete. (2) Foundation and plinth shall be of Ist class brickwork in lime mortar. (3) Damp Proof Course — 2.5 mm c.c. | : 1! : 3 with water proofing compound. (4) Superstructure — Ist class brickwork in lime mortar. (5) Wall finishing — Inside wall 12 mm Cement plastered 1-: 6 and white washed 3 coats __ Outside wall 12 mm cement plastered I : 6 including 10 cm below ground level and finish with two coats of colour wash over one coat of white washing. RATES : Assume local current rates. Note: — Fig. 2- ig. 2 =~ uceadcuccnee a ee plan and erosssetion ofthe wall with standard 2 and hence there are no footings at the en ie ‘or simplicity only a portion of a wall has bee" ESTIMATING OF WALL. Plan and Section 5 WALL, WITH STANDARD MODULAR BRICKS. Inside ‘Super Structure Wall 25emD.P.c. Plinth Level CROSS SECTION a Fig. 2-2 WALL WITH TRADITIONAL BRICKS. Rie Outside ‘Super Structure ‘Wall 4 2.5 om. D.P.C. Plinth Level Plinth —», 457 Gut 2nd Footing Ist. Footing Lime Cone I 800m. -f CROSS SECTION ESTIMATING AND COSTING B _ © | Quantities |” f items of work | No. | oH Total item| Description of Length [Breadth] Ht. or | Contents | quanti, No. Depth - BsemDampproafeoume FOI] Ty on 24 | ren, first class. Brickwork in * renter for superstructure vf 1 [6.0m] 30m }350m) 63 | 63cuq 6. [12 mm plaster of Cement sand | Ete, 1 600m] — 350m] 210 | Gutside including 10 em below } 46.254 m GL. | 1 600m) — |4.20m] 25.2 7. | White washing 3 coats (inside)... 1 |6.00m] — |3.50m] 210 [21.0sam 8. | Colour washing 2 coats over one | coat of white washing (outside above G.L.) s-] 1 ]600m] — [410m] 245 |24.6sqm ABSTRACT OF ESTIMATED COST (Ex. 2) Rate ‘Amount Item} Description of Items of Work Quantity} Unit Per | = No, Rs, Rs. J. | Earthwork in excavation ia Foundation | 4.32 | eum | 350.00 | Goum] 1812 2. | Lime concrete in foundation with white lime, surkhi and brick ballast 1.44 |.cum | 220.00 |percum| 316.80 Ist class brickwork with white lime and surkhi mortar I: 2 in foundation and plinth 3.24 | cum | 300.00 |percum| 972.00 2.5 em thick ¢,c. 1: 114 : 3 Damp proof | | ee lee! Ist class Brickwork with white lime and syikhi 122 mortar in super-structure | 63 | cum | 320.00 | pereum| 2016.00 12 mm cement and local sand. plaster 1:6 46.2 | sqm | 8.50 |persqm| 392.20 7. | White washing 3 coats 21.0 | sqm 0.75 | persqm| 15.75 8. | Colour washing 2 coats over one coat of white washing 24.6 | sqm 0.82 |persqm| 20.17 Total... | 3796.54 Add for Contingencies 3% 13.90 Add for Workcharged Establishment 2% Grand Total 29 METHOD OF BUILDING ESTIMATE ‘Trench Filling, — Earthwork in trench filling is usually not taken into account If required this ean be calculated as follows :— Quantity of earthwork in trench filling = Quantity in excavation Quantity of concrete + Quantity of brickwork upto G.L. = 4.32 — (1.44 + 1.80) = 1.08 cu m. For simplicity the earthwork in trench filling may be taken as 1/5 of earthwork in excavation. Example 2 — With Traditional Bricks, Fig. 2.2 — With traditional bricks, the items of foundation concrete, Plastering, White washing and Colour washing are same as for above. The earthwork, Brickwork in foundation and plinth, Brickwork in superstructure, and D.P.C, differ and are as calculated below :— - in excavation in founda- ae ve 1X 6,00 m x 80. m x75 m= Item 3. — Ist class brickwork in lime mortar in foundation and plinth — Ist footing 2nd footing .60 cum 1 x 6.00 m x .686 m x .15 m= 0.62 cum 1x 6.00 m x .571 m x .15 m= 0.52 Plinth wall above footing ve 16.00 m x .457 m* .75 m = 2.06 Total = 3.20 cum Item 4. — 2.5 em thick D.P.C.1: 14:3... 1% 6.00 mx .457 m = 2.74 sqm Item 5. — First class brickwork in lime mortar in superstructure ~ 1 6.00 m x .343 m x 3.5 m = 7.20 cum Abstract of cost may be prepared accordingly. METHODS OF BUILDING ESTIMATE ‘The dimensions, length, breadth and height or depth are to be taken out from the drawing — plan, elevation and section. From the study of the drawings, the building is to be imagined and pictured in the mind and the dimensions are to be taken out correctly. There is no hard and fast rule for finding out dimensions from the drawing but the dimensions are to be taken out accurately. Junctions of wall at the corners and at the meeting points of walls require special attention. For symmetrical foundation which is the usual case, earthwork in excavation in foundation, foundation concrete, brickwork in foundation and plinth, and brickwork in superstructure may be estimated by either of the following two methods. METHOD of ytParate or individual wall method. — In this méthod, measure or find out the external length Walls cunning in the longitudinal direction generally the long walls out-to-out, and the internal lengths of walls running in the transverse direction in-to-in i.e. of cross or short Walls in-to-in, and calculate quantities multiplying the length by the breadth and the height of wall, The same rule applies to the excavation in foundation, to concrete in foundation and to masonry. Care should be taken to note the difference in dimensions at different height due to offset, or footings. It i¢ convenient to imagine plans at different level of heights as foundation trench plan, foundation conerete plans of each footing, etc. and dealing each plan or part separately. [ ESTIMATING AND COSTING orcross walls separately andio fndg thodis to take the ‘short walls from the plan. ‘or symmetrical footing.” Tengths of long walls and S107 ructure and for foundation and plinth tre line remains Sa ne ; e breadth of wall, whic eth ote ng RE to the conte Len ath on and the height and get the quantities. Thusj, Estime is length by The Reavation, for length of the trench Out-to-out add to, f earthwork in A jopt the same process for foundationconcreteangi,, (1 centre length one breadth of foi ech footing is to be taken separately and the breadth of, found: ing. It should be atest footing is to be added to the centre length. Jong walls and shor ‘The simple met Th the centre to centre either sides, the cent For long walls ad out-to-out, multiply thi finding the quantities . ‘Long walllength out-to-out= centre to centre length + half breadth on oneside+ half bread, wall c on on the other side ~ centre to centre length + one breadth). stead of adding) from the centre length one breadth of wa ract (i i For short orcross walls subtract (in ': as for the long walls, subtracting o;, which gives the length in-to-in, arid repeat the same proces: breadth instead of adding. (Short wall length in-to-in = centre to centre length — one breadth). That i, incase of long wall add one breadth and in case of short wall subtract one breadth froz the centre length to get the corresponding lengths. ; In foundation the offset of concrete on either side may be 10 cm to 20 cm depending on tb thickness of concrete (usually less than the thickness of concrete). The offset on either side of bris wall of standard bricks is 5 cm, and of traditional bricks is 5.7 cm. This method can also be worked out in aquicker way. For long walls find the length oft | foundation trench of the long wall out-to-out in the same manner as explained above, the length the foundation concrete is the same, for the length of the first footing or first step of brick v2 subtract two offsets in foundation concrete from the length of the trench or concrete, for the seco footing subtract from the length of Ist footing two offsets in footing ie. 25 = 10 em (2x 5.7= Il! ct for traditional bricks), for the third footing subtract from the length of the 2nd footing offsets i. 10 cm (11.4 om for traditional bricks) in this way deal the long walls up to superstructure. [For 25.4 em x 12.7.em x 7.6 0m (10" x 5" 314" v a em and two ofits = 127m). em 10" x 5"% 314") bricks, one offset in footing. For short wall follow the same corresponding lenuth ieee same method but instead of subtracting, add two offsets to et Itwill be noticed that by taking dimensions in thi lt h 8 dimensions in this way, the long wall y decreas? Itmay also be noted that the wall w length may be lesser, and the other wall be esac aes, £0 be treated as long wall hoot! be treated:as short wall, METHOD OF BUILDING ESTIMATE 31 ‘The following examples (Exs. 3a, 4a, and Sa) illustrate this method :— Example 3(a). — Fig. 2-3, the plan represents the plan of superstructure wall of asingle room building of 5 m ¥ 4m, and Sections represent the cross-sections of the walls with foundation: Estimate the quantities of — (1) Earthwork in excavation in foundation, (2) Concrete in foundation, (3) Brickwork in foundation and plinth and (4) Brickwork in superstructure, “The length of long walll centre to centre = wall centre to centre = 4.00 + 4 30+ 4x 3 00 + Yo X30 + Ya .3 30 m. 30 m. The length of short a o | PLAN OF SUPERSTRUCTURE WALL. 32 To estimate the quanti- ties, the plan of foundation trench and foundation con- crete, the plan of each footings ‘or steps of wall may be imagined as given in Fig. 2-4. Then the long wall in-to-in ‘and the short wall in-to-in of each part may be dealt one by one. Fig. 2-4 ESTIMATING AND COSTING PLANS AT DIFFERENT LEVELS. eng Wal Oto Ou Pega eten ‘t 35 Panenckand —] HH oa Found’ Cone. = 1 4.3m ole — | L420mee—a} #490 mete Plan ot Super ‘Structure Wall B—— 4,20m cle METHOD OF BUILDING ESTIMATE 3 DETAILS OF MEASUREMENT AND CALCULATION OF QUANTITIES (Ex. 3a) tem] Particulars of ~~ THeight : No. | Items No. |Length Breadth} or |Quantity| Explanatory note Depth 1. | Earthwork in excavation in foundation — Long walls 6.20 m} .90m | 90m | 10.04 | Length = 5.30 + .90 = 6.20 m Short walls 340m] 90m | 90m | 5.51 | Breadth = 4.30 - 90 = 3.40 m Total | 15.55 cum 2. | Concrete in foundation — Long walls 2 16.20 m| .90m | 30m | 3.35 | Lengthsameas for excavation Short walls 2 [340m] ‘90m | 30m | 1.83 | Quantity= '/> of excavation Total | 5.18 0 cum 3. | Brickwork in foundation and plinth — Long walls — Ist footing 2 |5.90m| 60m | 30m} 2.13 2nd footing 2 |5.80 m| 50 nid-.30m | 1.74 Plinth walls 2 |5.70m| 40m|60m| 2.74 Short walls — Istfooting ...} 2 |3.70m| 60m | .30m| 1.33 2nd footing 2 |3.80m| 50m] 30m] 1.14 Plinth walls 2 |3.90m| .40m | 60m | 1.87 | Length = 4:30.40 Total | 10.95 cum 4, | Brickwork in superstructure Long walls ..,] 2 |5.60m| .30m [350m] 11.76 = 5,30 + 30 = 5. Short walls <2] 2 | 4.00 m| .30m |3.50m| 8.40 Length = 4.30 - .30¢ 4.00 m Total | 20.16 cum Note: — The door openings, window openings, lintels, etc, shall have to be deducted from superstructure as usual. See next page (page 34) for further classification. It may be noted that in the case of long wall, the lengths of the 2nd footing, 3rd footing etc, differ by 10 cm and eachis shorter than the previous one by 10 cm.Similarly for short wall the length is longer than the previous footing by 10 cm. Thus the lengths can be obtained by subtracting or adding 10cm as the case may be. For traditional bricks (22.9 em 11.2cm7.6cm) the length can be obtained by subtracting or adding 11.2 cm. (For 25.4 em x 12.7 cm x 7.6 em bricks add or subtract 12.7 em). : ESTIMATING AND COSTING 3 i ke it clear. The plan (i) shows 4, tions (Fig. 2-5) will mal ; we As study of the plans ang cred short walls may be imagined 10 be constratied separa foundation footine’. then the short walls. From the elevation ii) and (0) it wil be eear tha Tenuth ofeach successive ee reg of long walls is reduced in length and that of the short walls exc, le successive footing is increased in length. “The corresponding breadth and height can be obtained from the cross-section of wall PLAN AND ELEVATION OF WALLS (EARTH REMOVED). Superstructure 2nd. Footing Sam Ist Footing af 5.90 nm Foundation Cone. - === e20m = "Til ELEVATION OF LONG WALL 620m, = SS —— An (i) PLAN OF LONG WALL (DETACHED) (i) SEO* ELEVATION (OF WALL LAN OF SHORT WALL (DETACHED) a Fig.2-5 __()) PLANOF FOUNDATION & FOOTING Inthe Example }(a) with traditional bricks, the breadth of wall i ir ? y 3 all in first f¢ footing: plinth wall and superstructure wall will be 68.6 cm, 57.1. cm, 45-7cm ‘and 34.3, a ty The ‘students may solve this problem having walls with traditional bricks. a gore METHOD OF BUILDING ESTIMATE 35 Example 4(a). — Estimate the quantities of the following items of a two roomed building from the given plan and section (Fig. 2-6) :— (1) Earthwork in excavation in foundation, (2) Lime concrete in foundation, (3) Ist class brickwork in cement mortar I : 6 in foundation and plinth, (4) 2.5 om c.c. damp proof course, and (6) Ist class brickwork in lime mortar in superstructure. TWO ROOMED BUILDING Room 6m x 6m 7.5 0m L.©. Terrace Over 13 em R.C.C. ‘All Walls are of same section Lintels over Doors. Windows and Shelves aré 15 om thick RB. Doors D-1.20™m x 2.10m Windows W-1.00 x 1.50 m ‘Sholves $-1.00 m x 1.50 m Fig. 2-6 (GROSS SECTION OF WALL ON AA. Note : —-No beamrhas been shown in the plan as the object of this example is to explain the method of timating the walls only. 7 DETAILS OF MEASUREMENT A ND CALCULATION OF QUANTITIES (Ex. 4.) item] Particulars of || _ Height ; lanatory note No. | Items No.|Length|Breadth| or | Quantity| Exp! y Nee Depth _ = = alee Long wall, c/c. length = 4 30 6+ .30+2**F = 10.60 m | Short and Inter walls, ¢/¢ | length = 6 + 2x80 = 6.39, 1, | Earthwork in 7 | excavation in foundation — Long walls ...] 2 11.70 mj 1.10 m] 1.00 m| 25.74 | L = 10.60 + 1.10 = 11.70 m | Short walls..] 3] 5.20.n/ 110m| 100m] 17.16 | L = 6.30 - 1.10 = 5.20 m | Total | 42.90 ! cum 2. | Lime concrete in foundation — Long walls ...] 2 {11.70 m) 1.10 m| .30m | 7.72 _ | Length same for excavation Short walls ...} 3 | $.20m}1.10m| 30m] 5.15 | Quantity=3/10 of excavation Total | 12.87 3. | Ist class brick- cum work in 1: 6 cement mortar in foundation and plinth — Long walls — Ist footing 11.40 m| 80m] .20m] 3.65 | L= 10.60 + .80 = 11.40 m 2nd footing. 11.30 m] 70m] 10m] 1.58 | L = 10.60 +.70< 11.30m 3rd footing .. 11.20 m} .60m| 10m] 1.34 | L = 10.60 +60 = 11.20m 4th footing ... 11.10 m} 50m} 10m] 1.1L | L = 10,60 +.50 = 11.10 m Plinth wall above footing | 2 |11.00m| .40m| .80m 7.04 | L= 10.60 + .40 = 11.00m Short walls — Istfooting ..} 3 | 5.50m} 80m] 20m} 2.64 |L=6.30—.80 = 5,50 m 2nd footing...] 3 | 560m} .70m] 10m] 1.18 |L=6.30-.70=5.60m Note : — Length of subsequent footings simply by deducting 10 cm from first footing, $ of long walls after Ist footing may be obtail™ METHOD OF BUILDING ESTIMATE 7 (Ex 4a Contd.) tem] Particulars of Height No. | Items No. |Length|Breadth] or |Quantity| Explanatory note Depth 3rd footing 5.70 m| 60m | 10m] 1.03 4th footing 5.80 m] 50m | .10m| 0.87 Plinth wall above footing 5,90 m| 40m |_.80m| 5.66 | L= 6.30 - 40 = 5.90. m Total | 26.10 cum 4, | Damp proof course 2.5 em thick 11.00 m| 40m} — | 8.80 | Lengths same as for plinth 5.90 m} 40m |_— | 7.08 | wall in item 3. Total | 15.88 Deduct door . sills 120m} .40m|_— | 0.96 Net | Total | 14.92 sqm 5, | Ist class brick- work in lime mortar in superstructure Long walls 10.90 m| .30 m |4.20 m| 27.47 Short wall: 6.00 m} .30 m [4.20 m|_22.68 Total | 50.15 cum Deduct — Door openings 1.20 m| 30m }2.10m} 1.51 Window openings 1.00 m! 30m }1.50m| 1.80 Shelves 1.00 mj .20m |1.50m| 0.60 | Back of shelves 10 em thick wall. Lintels over doors 150m] 30m] 15m] 0.14 | Bearing 15 em Lintels over windows 130m] 30m] 15m] 0.23 | Bearing 15 em Lintels over “ shelves 1.30 m| 30m | .15m | 0.12 | Bearing 15 cm Total of] deduc-| tion | 4.40 |cum Net_| Total | 45.75 |cum Note) — Length of subsequent footing of short wallsafter Ist footing may be obtained simply by adding 10 cm from first footing. COSTING ESTIMATING AR ULDING 38 RESIDENTIAL 1.20 me 20 WJow 300m x 15cm 7 —-2.00m—4 I, PLAN 100m L, C. Over 12om RCL. Doors:- D,—120¢m x 210 em (1.20m x 2.1 soon 7.5 em. LC. Over 10emR.C.C. 1D, 100 em 200 em (1.00 m x 201 s D,— 75cm x 180 om (.75 m x 1.80 ie 300m ee Windows: & RCC. Lintel — W,— x 150m (1.00m x 15 som hl 2 soem Ws oon x tensa ees 4 a Ee |, 75 em x 120.6m (.75 m x 1.20 eae C.W. ~ 75 em x 60 em (.75 m x 6° 25emDRC. 750m. LO. FLOC = oh | 75cm. LC. FLOOR Shelves:- 600m a $— 100 em x 150 6m (1.0m x 1 50 a 30em 80cm $28" oon 40cm —_Lintel Over Doors, Windows Ett Ewen en Ate 15emAB. a sion fem 380 om— 8S SECTION OF MAIN wy "ALLS CROSS SECTION AB OF VER.WALL Al wals of Drawing Roo ms ani Bed Rooms have samo cecton’ oath tn walls have similar Noa ‘ote—No beam has been shown in the plan, Fig. 2-7 METHOD OF BUILDING ESTIMATE 9 Example S(t). ~ Estimate thé quantities ofthe following items ofa residential building from the given drawings (Fig. 2-7) :— {1) Earthwork in excavation in foundation, (2) Lime concrete in foundation, (3) First class brickwork in I : 6 cement sand mortar in foundation and plinth, (4) 2.5 em Damp proof course, and (3) First class brickwork in lime mortar in superstructure, Centre to centre lengths of wall — ‘For estimating itis convenient to find the centre to centre lengths of different walls first. The centre to centre lengths of different walls have been worked out below :— Drawing and left hand side bed room combined — c. toc. long walls = 6.00 + 4.00 + .30 + 2.15 = 10.60 m. ¢. toc. short walls = 5.00 + 2 .15 = 5.30 m. ‘Bed rooms right side (both combined) ¢. toc. long walls = 5.00 + 4.00 +.30 + 2X .1 ¢. toc. short walls = 4.50 + 2 * .15 = 4.80 m. Front verandah — Front wal eta ¢, length = 500+ 4.00 +2x,30 +20 -20.= 9.65 m, 30. Side wall c. to e. length = 2.00 + 2 =2.25 m. Back verandah including bath room — . to c. long wall (rear wall including bath room) 9,65 m same as front ver. wall. ©. toc, length of side wall of bath room = 2.50 +9040 2.75 m. ESTIMATING AND COSTING 40 CULATION OF QUANTITIES (¢, DETAILS OF MEASUREMENT AND CALCULATION OF QUANTITIES icul: if — ity] Explanatory Ttem] Particulars o dth| oF. {Quantity] Explanatory note No. | Items No. [Length Breadth) oh 1 | Earthwork in exca- | foundation — | Drawing room and left bed room — , Lee walls 2 |it.s0m} 90m f1.09 m] 20.70 Short walls 4.40 m} ‘90 m [1.00 m] 11 Bed rooms right side (both) — so Long walls 2 | 9.60 m) 90m [1.00 m] 17.28 | L=9.60 - 29-+20-9 69, Short walls 2|3.90m| 90m |1.00m| 7.02 |L=480-.90- 360m Front verandah Front long wall 1 [9.50 m| 60m | 50m] 285 | L=9.65 - 90-609 5. — 1} 150m} 60m] 50m} 0.45 | L=2.25 - ria | Back verandah including bath room —Long wall (rear wall including bath) 1 [9.50m 60m | som} 285 | [965-20 + 60s. Short walls (remaining walls of bath) “| 2 | 200m) 60m} som} 1.20 |L=2.75- 0. 2. | Lime conerete in “ foundation —Draw- Total | 64.23 ing and left bed cum room . Long walls 2 |11.50 m} 90m | .30m] 6.21 | Lsame as for earthwork it excavation Short walls ..] 3. | 4.40.) .90m| 30m! 3.56 Bed room right side (both) — Long walls 2 | 9.60 m} 90m | 30m} 5.18! | Lsame as for earthwork? ~ "| ekcavation, Short walls 2 |390m! 90m} 30m) 21 |°* Front verandah ” ” Front long wall’. B 1) 970m) 60m} 20m] 1.16 | L=9,65- 2. Beg Side short wall .., !}170m} 60m] 20m| 0.20 Item| Particulars of No. | Items Back verandah, including bath room Long wall including bath’ Short wall (remaining walls of bath) Ist class brickwork in foundation and plinth in 1:6 cement mortar Drawing and left bed room Long walls — Ist footing 2nd footing Plinth wall above footing Short walls — Ist footing 2nd footing Plinth wall above footing Bed rooms right side (both) — Long walls — Ist footing 2nd footing Plinth wall above footing METHOD OF BUILDING ESTIMATE 2 | 2.20 m| 11.20 m| 11.10 m| 3 | 4:70 m| 3 | 4.80 m| 3/490 m 2 | 9.60 m| 2 | 9.60 m| 2 | 9.60 m| Breadth] 1 | 9.70.m} 60 m 60 m 60m 50m 2 |11,00 m) .40 m 60m 50m 60m 50m 40m [Height or {Quantity Depth 20m] 1.16 20m} 0.53 Total | 20.11 | cum 20m 2.69 20m) 2.22 90m 7.92 20m] 1.69 20m] 1.44 90m] 5.29 20m] 231 20m] 1.92 90m} 691 4 (Ex. Sa Contd.) story note L-9.65 r 7 9.70m st i L=2.75 2 2 2.20m. 0.60 + .60 = 11.20 m L= 11,20 - 2,05 = 11.10m L= 1.10 ~.10= 11,00 m L = 5.30 - 60 = 4.70 m L=4,70 +2 .05= 4.80 m L=4.80 +10 = 4.90 m 60, 60 4 1=9.60 2 2 9.60m 50. 29.60 - 129,60 > 19,60 - 40 + 40-9 60m 2 22 ESTIMATING AND COSTING 2 “7 [Height : ity] Explanatory note Hen Parcels of h{Breadth| or {Quantity No. | Items No. | Leng! fo i acme |e __|—— _ Siac? om] 20m] 1.01 | L=4.80~.60 = 4,20 m Deter 2 1430 m) 50m [20m] 0.86 |L=4.20+2* 05=44y,, nd fo% beats bodeae 2 | 4.40 m] 40m 90 m 3.17 | L = 4.30 + 10 = 4.40 m footing Front verandah Front wall — o : Footing 1 [9.65m) 40 | 20m} 0.77 [L=9.65- +b -9655 Plinth wall above footing 1 1 | 9.60m} 30m] 70m} 2.02 2.2 1-965 - 40 + 0-965 Side short wall Footing “| 1 | 185m} 40m | 20m] 0.15 Plinth wall above footing ve} 1 | 1,90 m} 30m | .70m 0.40 Back verandah including bath room — Long wall — Footing ve} 1 | 965m} 40m } 20m] 0.77] Length same as for front verandah long wall Plinth wall above footing 1 | 9.60 mj 30m] .70m | 2.02 Short\walls (remaining walls of Pat Footing ad Ss 40 40 Pe 2 ] 2.35 m) 40m | 20m} 0.38 |L=2.75 - 49. AP =2.350 above footi ove 99H! 2 12.40 m} 30m | 70m] 1.01 L-2.75- 49. 30--2.40n Total | 44.95 }cum Note — It may be noted that for len ight side bed roo ; igth of long walls of right side bed ri jal breadth ov the left side has been deducted, and half breadth on the rightaide ne borg ated For long walls of front and back verandah, half breadth of main walls on the left hand sé the same level, has been deducted, a best das eerie lucted, and half breadth of the verandah wall on the right hand side hs* For cross walls of the rooms and side wall of front verandah, half breadth of main walls same level has been deducted fo1 ide, a Vere terts ine a inner side, and half breadth of verandah wall has been dedu METHOD OF BUILDING ESTIMATE 43 (Ex. Sa Contd.) No. Quantity] Explanatory note 2.5 em Damp proof Drawing and left Bed rooms inner Verandah Pillars Ast class brick-work in superstructure in lime mortar—Draw- L same as plinth wall. L same as plinth wall. L same as plinth wall. L same as plinth wall. 5 cmextra on all sides. 075 \ L=2.20+2*.15=2.50m \ L = 10.60 + .30 = 10.90 m_ L = 5.30.= .30 = 5.00 m NG AND. COSTING L same as front verandah 8 Back of shelves 10 cm th L= 9.60 - 3x 40 = 8.40" ESTIMAT 44 SY Height | —_— Explanatory note Item] Particulars of No. {Length |Breadth) or Quantity] Explanatory note No, | Items le Depth} | Bed room right ide — . Long walls 2. | 9.60 m] .30 m /4.00 m 23.04 4.00m|} 10.80 Short walls 2 | 450m) .30 /4.00m Front verandah Front wall as solid 1 | 9.60 m} .20m |3.05m| 5.86 Side wall as "solid 1 | 2.00 m} .20m ]3.05m} 1.22 Back verandah including bath room — Back long wall as solid v= | 1 | 9,60 m} .20m |3.05m]} 5.86 Side and inter walls of bath 2 | 2.50 m) .20m |3.05m} 3.05 Total | 93.99 cum Deduct — Door openings D. openings D; 1.20 m| 30m {210m} 4.54 D. openings Dz 1.00 m} 30m | 200m} 1.20 D. openings Ds 0.75 m| .20m | 1.80m| 0.27 Window openings W. openings Wi | 11] 1.00m} 30m ]1.50m] 4.95 W. openings W2 = | 1 | 2.00 mj .30m|1.50m| 0.90 W. openings Ws 2 | 0.75 mj .20m }1.20m]} 0.36 Clerestory window (C.W.) opening | 18) 0.75 m] .30m |0.60m| 2.43 Shelves opening ... | 5 | 1.00m] 20m ]1.50m| 1.50 wall. Front verandah ‘opening in between pillars | 1 | 840m} 20m ]240m| 4,03 Front verandah opening side 1 | 200m} .20m }2.40m} 0.96 Back verandah opening ' | 680m) 20m /2.40m} 3,26 L=9,60 ~ 2.40 - 40° °° METHOD OF BUILDING ESTIMATE 45 (Ex. Sa Contd.) Details of Height Ne Items No. [Length [Breadth} or — |Quantity| Explanatory note ° Depth Lintels— Over doors : D. doors Di wa { 6 | 150m} 30m | 15m 0.405 | Bearing 15 cm D. doors Dz 2 | 130m) 30m] 15m} 0.117 | Bearing 15 cm D. doors Ds 1 95m] 20m] .15m] 0.029 | Bearing 10cm Over windows W. windows Wi .. 11] 1.30 m] 30m | .15m| 0.644 | Bearing 15 cm W2 1 | 2.30m| 30m) .15m] 0.103 | Bearing 15 cm 0. windows Ws ...] 2] .95m}.20m | .15m| 0.057 | Bearing 10 cm Over C.W. a. | 18] 95m} 30m | 15m} 0.770 | Bearing 10 em Overshelves —...} 5 | 130m] 30m 15m] 0.293 | Bearing 15 em Verandah lintels Front wn] L | 9.75m) 20m] .15m] 0.293 | L = 9.60 +.15=9.75 m Side ve] L | 245m) 20m] .15m] 0.065 | L= 2.00 + .15= 2.15 m Back ve] L | 750m) 20m | 15m] 0.225 | L=9.60 - 2.40 + 2x 15 50m. [Total off deduction 27.401 | cum Net | Total | 66.59 |cum Note:-— Verandah walls above lintel, verandah pillars, and bath room walls may be taken separately and no deduction for verandah openings need be made. ABSTRACT OF QUANTITIES (Ex. 5a) 1, Earthwork in excavation in foundation > «i. oe 2. Lime concrete in foundation ee 2022 cums 3. Ist class brickwork in foundation and plinth in 1:6 cement.mortar w 44.95 cum. 4, 2.5 cm damp proof course ee 2416 eq mn 5. Ist class brickwork in superstructure in lime mortar a ee Note:—Steps have not been taken into consideration as the object of this example is to illustrate the method of estimating of walls only.

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