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[Công thức: S + V + to V]
Afford: đủ khả năng Appear: xuất hiện Fail: thất bại Arrange: sắp xếp
Bear: chịu đựng Begin: bắt đầu Choose: lựa chọn Promise: hứa
Decide: quyết định Expect: mong đợi Wish: ước Refuse: từ chối
Learn: học hỏi Hesitate: do dự Intend: dự định Prepare: chuẩn bị
Manage: thành công Neglect: thờ ơ Propose: đề xuất Offer: đề nghị
Pretend: giả vờ Seem: dường như Swear: thề Want: muốn

b. [Công thức: S + V + O + to V]
Advise: khuyên Ask: hỏi Encourage: động viên Forbid/ ban: cấm
Permit: cho phép Remind: nhắc nhở Allow: cho phép Expect: mong đợi
Invite: mời Need: cần Order: ra lệnh Persuade: thuyết phục
Request: yêu cầu Want: muốn Wish: ước Instruct: hướng dẫn
Mean: nghĩa là Force: ép buộc Teach: dạy Tempt: xúi giục
warn: báo trước urge: thúc giục tell: bảo recommend: khuyên
direct: hướng dẫn, chỉ
require: đòi hỏi implore: yêu cầu hire: thuê
desire: ao ước, them compel:cưỡng bách, bắt
dare: dám convince: thuyết phục
thuồng buộc
choose: lựa chọn charge: giao nhiệm vụ challenge: thách thức cause: gây ra

beg: van xin appoint: bổ nhiệm

2. Những động từ theo sau là "V-ing"

Anticipate: Tham gia Avoid: Tránh Delay: Trì hoãn Postpone: Trì hoãn
Quit: Bỏ Admit: chấp nhận Discuss: thảo luận Mention: đề cập
Suggest: gợi ý Urge: thúc giục Keep: giữ Urge: thúc giục
Continue: tiếp tục Involve : bao gồm Enjoy: thích Practice: thực hành
Dislike: ko thích Mind: quan tâm Tolerate: cho phép Love: yêu
Hate: ghét Resent: gửi lại Understand: hiểu Resist: chống cự
Recall: nhắc Consider: cân nhắc Deny: từ chối Imagine: tưởng tượng

3. Những động từ theo sau gồm cả “to V” và “V-ing”:

Advise, attempt, commence, begin, allow, cease, continue, dread, forget, hate, intend,
leave, like, love, mean, permit, prefer, propose, regret, remember, start, study, try, can’t
bear, recommend, need, want, require.

I. Put the verb into the correct form To Infinitive or Gerund

1. I can’t imagine Peter _____ (go) by bike.
2. He agreed _____ (buy) a new car.
3. The question is easy _____ (answer).
4. The man asked me how _____ (get) to the airport.
5. I look forward to _____ (see) you at the weekend.
6. Are you thinking of _____ (visit) London?
7. We decided _____ (run) through the forest.
8. The teacher expected Sarah _____ (study) hard.
9. She doesn’t mind _____ (work) the night shift.
10. I learned _____ (ride) the bike at the age of 5.
II. Put the verb into the correct form To Infinitive or Gerund
1. When i’m tired. I enjoy ________ TV. It’s relaxing. (watch)
2. It was a nice day, so we decided ________ for a walk. (go)
3. It’s a nice day. Does anyone fancy ________ for a walk? (go)
4. I’m not in a hurry. I don’t mind ________. (wait)
5. They don’t have much money. They can’t afford __________ out very often. (go)
6. I wish that dog would stop ________. It’s driving me mad. (bark)
7. Our neighbour threatened __________ the police if we didn’t stop the noise. (call)
8. We were hungry, so i suggested _______ dinner early. (have)
9. Hurry up! I don’t want to risk ____________ the rain. (miss)
10. I’m still looking for a job, but i hope __________ something soon. (find)
III. Complete the sentences with the gerund form of the verbs in parentheses.
1. She is good at (dance) ………………. .
2. He is crazy about (sing) ………………. .
3. I don't like (play) ………………. . cards.
4. They are afraid of (swim) ………………. in the sea.
5. You should give up (smoke) ……………….
IV. Multiple choice
1. I dream about …. (build) a big house.
A. To build
B. Build
C. Building
2. I learned …… (ride) the bike at the age of 5
A. To ride
B. Riding
C. Ride
3. She doesn't mind …. (work) the night shift.
A. Working
B. To work
C. Work
4. The man asked me how …. (get) to the airport.
A. To get
B. Getting
C. Get
5. I can't imagine Peter …. (go) by bike.
A. To go
B. going
C. Went
6. He agreed …. (buy) a new car.
A. To buy
B. Buying
C. Buy
7. The question is easy …. (answer).
A. To answer
B. Answer
C. Answering
8. I look forward to …. (see) you at the weekend.
A. See
B. Seeing
C. no see
9. The teacher expected …. Sarah (study) hard.
A. To study
B. Studying
C. Study
10. I enjoy … (write) picture postcards.
A. Writing
B. To write
C. Write
VI. Give the correct form.
1. We decided _____ (buy) a new car.
2. They’ve got some work _____ (do).
3. Peter gave up _____ (smoke) .
4. He’d like _____ (fly) an aeroplane.
5. I enjoy _____ (write) picture postcards.
6. Do you know what _____ (do) if there’s a fire in the shop?
7. Avoid _____ (make) silly mistakes.
8. My parents wanted me _____ (be) home at 11 o’clock.
9. I dream about _____ (build) a big house.
10. I’m hoping _____ (see) Lisa.
VII. Give the correct form.
1. The children prefer ___________ (watch) TV to _____________ (read) books.
2. The boys like ______________ (play) games but hate ___________ (do) lessons.
3. Would you like ______________ (go) now or shall we wait till the end?
4. I can’t find my favorite book. Do you want _______________ (buy) a new one?
5. We used _____________ (dream) of a television set when we _________ (be)
6. Would you mind ________________(show) me how _____________ (send) an
7. He always think about ___________________(go) swimming.
8. She dislikes ______________________(do) a lot of housework.
9. My children enjoy _____________________(read) books.
10. She looked forward to ____________________(see) you.
VIII. Give the correct form.
1. They are used to ___________________(prepare) new lessons.
2. By ________________(work) day and night , he succeeded in
__________________(finish) the job in time.
3. His doctor advised him __________________(give) up
4. Please stop ______________(talk). We will stop ____________(eat) lunch in ten
5. Stop ___________________(argue) and start _________________(work).
6. I like _______________(think) carefully about things before
________________(make) decision.
7. Ask him _______________(come) in. Don`t keep him ________________(stand)
at the door.
8. Did you succeed in __________________(solve) the problem?
9. Don’t forget ________________(lock) the door before ____________(go) to bed.
10. Don’t try ________________(persuade) me . Nothing can make me
______________(change) my mind.
11. A: You’re late, Boss.
B: Kept you __________________(wait), huh?
18. Will she remember ________________ (collect) his suit from the dry – cleaners
or shall I do it?
IX. Put the verb into the correct form To Infinitive or Gerund
1. Nam suggested ________ (talk) the children to school yesterday.
2. They decided _________ (play) tennis with us last night.
3. Mary helped me ________ (repair) this fan and _______ (clean) the house.
4. We offer ________ (make) a plan.
5. We required them ________ (be) on time.
6. Kim wouldn’t recommend him _______ (go) here alone.
7. Before ________ (go) to bed, my mother turned off the lights.
8. Minh is interested in ________ (listen) to music before _____ (go) to bed.
9. This robber admitted ______ (steal) the red mobile phone last week.
10. Shin spends a lot of money ________ (repair) her car.
11. It took me 2 hours _______ (buy) the clothes and shoes.
12. Jim forgot ________ (send) this message last night.
13. Hung stopped ______ (eat) meat yesterday.
14. Would you like ________ (visit) my grandparents in Paris?
15. It’s time they stopped ______ (work) here.
X. Find a mistake in each sentence
1. Yesterday, Minh didn’t want to coming to the theater with them because he had
already seen the film.
2. My brother used to running a lot but he doesn’t do it usually now.
3. They’re going to have a small party celebrating their house at 7 p.m tomorrow.
4. Wind tried to avoiding answering her questions last night.
5. Khanh don’t forget post that letter that his mother gave him this evening

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