608757364 Footnote to Youth Script 014757

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Script of Footnote to Youth

Short film

Production Team

Director : Reyjan Macababayao

Script Writer : Jessa Vill Lopez

Cinematographer : Eljane Mae Madria

Editor and Sound Technician : Jayson Rapista

Actors/ Actresses :

Dodong : Albert Tarnate

Teang : Rezza Ybañez

Dodong's Mother : Jessel Solde

Dodong's Father : Arvin Sumilla

Blas (Dodong's son) : Reyan Maoke

Tona ( Blas Girlfriend) : Shella Mae Laural

Teang's Father : Daryl Jay Llaban

Teang's Mother : Vanessa Quibido

Accoucheuse/ Midwife : Donna Jean Ruflo

Priest : Mark Vincent Sutil

Wedding Visitors : Crystal Saldo

Phyllis Sumalinog
Jessielou Solania
Julie Quinto
Ma. Theresa Villamor
Hyacinth Orongan
Riza Mae Samante
Maryjoy Pellerin
Krizha Louise Ytem
Kimberly Yagma
Princess Lomopog

Omniscient Narrator : Jolina Verano

( The Plan of Dodong )


On the farm, the sun was salmon colored and hazy. Dodong entered the scene while
having a thought to himself on how he was going to tell his father about marrying
Teang. He was hesitant to say it, but he wanted his father to know. What he had to say
was important because it would mark a significant milestone in his life.

Dodong: ( Talking to himself in a distraught mood) I will tell my father that I want to
marry Teang, what if he refuses? What if he doesn't understand me? (sigh ) I love
Teang so much , I don’t want to lose her, okay I am going to tell tatay about this. I will
tell him.


After he unhitch the carabao, he starts walking to his way home. On his way a thought
popped into his mind. He was 17, he had pimples on his face, his upper lips were
already dark, meaning that he was already grown up. As he walked faster his feelings
persuaded him. He thought of young dreams of himself and Teang. Teang his girl. She
had a small brown face and small black eyes with straight glossy hair.

Dodong’s P.O.V.

—----------------------------------------- Imagination —--------------------------------------------

(Dodong imagines wonderful moments with Teang) I am Dodong, for me love is when
you discover unexpected wealth , tenderness and affection. Love is when you look into
someone's eyes and see everything you need. Love is when you can’t be apart from
someone for too long. I’m always thinking about her and when I’m with her I don’t want
to say goodbye.

—------------------------------------ Back to reality —---------------------------------------------

Dodong: Oh Teang, you’re so beautiful that you even made me dream in the day .
( Dodong Told His Father About His Plan )


It was dusk when Dodong got home. He and his parents sat down on the floor around
the table to eat.

Dodong’s Father: Oh Dodong, how’s the farm?

Dodong: So far so good, and I already hitch the carabao on its shed.

After eating …

Dodong’s Mother : Have you had your fill yet? I'll wash it and store it. (Facing his
husband), and speak with your son—that face seems to be trying to say something. (
Went out to wash the dishes)

While his mother was out, Dodong said effortlessly and without self-consciousness that
he would marry Teang.

Dodong: Tatay, I am going to marry Teang.

Dodong’s Father: (In loud voice ) What? Dodong you’re still young , and being married

is not easy!

Dodong: But tatay I really love Teang, I asked her last night to marry me and she said
yes and I only want your permission tatay.

Dodong’s Father: (In a calm voice ) But Dodong you’re only 17. That’s very young to

Dodong: I’m sorry tatay but I will marry Teang.

Dodong’s Father: Tell your mother.

Dodong: Tell her tatay.

Dodong’s Father: Son, tell your inay.

Dodong: (Begging in a calm voice ) Tatay please, tell nanay about this.

Dodong’s Father: (Sigh ) Okay, I will tell your mother .

Dodong: So you agree now, that I will marry Teang?

Dodong’s Father: Maybe yes, that is your wish, do I have any choice ?

Dodong: (Felt happy ) Thank you, Tatay

( The Wedding )

Scene 1

Dodong and Teang are dressed in their wedding gowns in this scene. After a few
moments, the scene will shift to the church.

Teang’s P.O.V

(While walking in the aisle) I am Teang, the soon to be wife of Dodong. Because of
marrying Dodong I realized that love is when you want him to be happy. Love is when
you love him even more than all his false. Love if you want all of his attention, love when
his dream becomes your goal. Love is when you will do anything for him ( Looks
straight into Dodong’s eyes) and love is when you can be selfless for him.

In front of the priest Dodong and Teang are looking at each other while smiling.

Priest: (To Dodong) Do you Dodong, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife,
to live together in matrimony, to love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, in sickness
and in health, in sorrow and in joy, to have and to hold, from this day forward, as long as
you both shall live?

Dodong : I do.

Priest: (To Teang) Do you Teang , take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband , to
live together in matrimony, to love him, comfort him, honor and keep him, in sickness
and in health, in sorrow and in joy, to have and to hold, from this day forward, as long as
you both shall live?

Teang : I do.

Priest: (To Dodong and Teang) By the authority vested in me by the State, I now
pronounce you husband and wife !

Visitors: (Clapping their hands) Congratulations ! kiss , kiss, kiss!

After the wedding ceremony all gather at the reception . The newlyweds dance sweetly.
Dodong and Teang also shared their warm and young love on the same night.

-----------------------------------------------[Love Scene]-----------------------------------------------
( Teang Give Birth )


—--------------------------------------- 9 MONTHS LATER ---------------------------------------

Dodong stood in the sweltering blazing sun. He was perspiring profusely. His clothes
were soaked. He is unable to enter the house because he is terrified of it. He was also
scared of Teang, who was about to give birth in the house. He is hearing screams that
make his blood chill. He began to wonder if childbirth was truly painful.

Dodong: In a few moments I will be a father… A father. (He heard Teang’s mother voice
from the house)

Teang’s Mother: ( Calling Dodong) Come up, Dodong. It is over.

Dodong: (Suddenly he felt terribly embarrassed as he looked at her. He dropped his

eyes and pretended to dust dirt off his shorts.)

Teang’s Mother: (Called Dodong again) Dodong.

Dodong: (He turned to look again and this time saw Teang’s father beside Teang’s
mother. )

Teang’s Father: It is a boy. ( He said as he beckoned Dodong to come up.)

Dodong felt more embarrassed and did not move. He wanted to hide from them, to run
away. He stood still, not moving anything.

Teang’s Mother: Dodong, you come up. You come up……..

Dodong: I’ll come up.

Teang’s Father: ( He gently slid his hand into Dodong's palm ) Dodong.

Dodong: Teang?

Teang’s Father: She's sleeping. But you go in.

Teang’s father led him into the small sawali room. Dodong saw Teang, his girl, his wife,
asleep on the papag. As much as he wanted to touch the pale face of Teang he stopped
himself from doing it. The hilot was wrapping the child when Dodong heard it cry. This
voice touched his heart and filled it with joy.

Dodong: (Talking to the sleeping Teang while touching her face) You gave him to me…
( The History Repeat Itself )

Scene 1
—--------------------------------------- 18 YEARS LATER-------------------------------------------

Many years had passed, and from a baby, Blas was now 18. Dodong at this time is only
36 years old but he is portrayed as an older man.

Blas: Oh Tona, why I’m so in love with you . I will marry Tona and I will tell itay about
this. (Went home).

In the evening , Blas came home very happy and flustered and he told his father about
marrying Tona.

Dodong: Oh Blas You better go to sleep. It is late.

Blas: Itay

Dodong: What is it?

Blas: I’m going to marry Tona. She accepted me and I love her.

Dodong: Must you marry?

Blas: Yes

Dodong: ( He was silent but he felt sad and sorry for his son. )

Blas: You have no objection?

Dodong: Blas….none

Long ago ,Youth and Love did triumph for Dodong... and then Life. Dodong looked
wistfully at his young son in the moonlight. He felt extremely sad and sorry for him.

Dodong’s P.O.V


I realized what happened to me that I married early and I regret it after 18 years.
Because my son Blas decided to marry early just what happened to me way back when
I was 17 . Why is life forsaken after love?
Scene 2

—------------------------------------ PRESENT —-------------------------------------------------

The day after , Blas proposes a marriage to Tona.

Blas : (While they were lying on the grass) Tona will you marry me?

Tona: ( Smile and look into Blas eyes) Uhmm, Yes.

Blas : ( In shock ) What really ? is it a yes?

Tona: Yes Blas it’s a big yes. (Hug Blas)

Omniscient Narrator: Don’t make decisions without thinking about it first especially if it's
marriage. This story is for the youth of our generation so that they’re eyes may be open
to reality. To the question , why is life forsaken after love? It is our selfishness that we
want to be successful in love but the fact is most of the lovers love without showing any
sign of maturity in love, obviously it would end in futile.The pinnacle of selfishness is
ending one's life. Everything happens for a reason that is truly applicable to love.
Remember “ Youth must triumph now, Love must triumph now, afterwards its life”


Cuts scenes from Footnote to Youth Act 1-5 playing…

Omniscient Narrator: ( Cuts Scene from Act 1,Scene 1 and 2 playing ) Love is to strong
a word to say it too early. But it has to beautiful a meaning to say it too late.

Omniscient Narrator: ( Cuts Scene from Act 5,Scene 1 playing ) But what if the past
repeats itself?

Omniscient Narrator: Will you still accept? ( Cuts Scene from Act 2,Scene 1 playing )

Omniscient Narrator: Happiness! ( Cuts Scene from Act 3,Scene 1 playing )

Omniscient Narrator: Regrets ! ( Cuts Scene from Act 5,Scene 1 playing )

Omniscient Narrator: Love ! ( Cuts Scene from Act 5,Scene 2 playing )

Omniscient Narrator: (Cuts scenes from Act 1, Intro) Love is a lesson when it becomes
Footnote to Youth !

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