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The Shackled City Player’s Guide

The Shackled City Adventure Path Adrick Garthûn
Coming together Aeberrin Vanderboren
Character tips Alek Tercival
Archetypes and class options Ankhin Taskerhill
Bloodlines and mysteries Asfelkir Hranleurt
Familiars and animal companions Celeste
Favored enemies/favored terrains Embril Aloustinai
Origins Gretchyn Tashykk
Races Ike Iverson
Religion Jenya Urikas
Skills and feats Kristof Jurgensen
Languages Lathenmire family
Classes Maavu Arlintal
Campaign Traits Ophellha Knowlern
Cauldron Gazetteer Lord Vhalantru
Cauldron Premiach Vanderboren
History of Cauldron Severen Navalant
Life in Cauldron Sarcem Delasharn
Government Skie Aldersun
Economy Terseon Skellerang
Taxes Thifirane Rhiavadi
Cauldron at a glance Tygot Maspis
Organizations Vervil Ashmantle
Alleybashers Zachary Aslaxin
The Chisel Cauldron area
The Striders Hollowsky
The Last Laugh Kingfisher Hollow
Lantern Street Orphanage Redgorge
Influential Characters Lucky Monkey

The Shackled City Adventure Path

The quietness in Cauldron is coming to an end. The The following character tips will hopefully help you
last pieces of a millennia plan are coming finally to fit your character background and abilities into
into their place, extending a large shadow over the the theme of an urban based campaign full of
volcano city, and maybe also affecting the history of interwoven plots and dungeons to navigate
the world itself if the plotters in the darkness are not through. Abilities are on a 20-point buy in.
stopped before the last piece is in place.
Archetypes and class options
This is a tough campaign, to the point that is The Shackled City Adventure Path involves
designed for 6 players when most Adventure Paths exploring dungeons and buildings, dealing with
are designed for 4. But it is not only hard by the nobles, merchants, and crowds, investigating
kind of challenges the players will have to face, but mysterious disappearances, diving deep into
also because of the span of the campaign; it history and politics, and ultimately defending
consists of 12 different chapters when most Cauldron from external and internal forces.
Adventure Paths are made of 6 books, the level
scope scaling from level 1 to level 20, a rather All classes are suitable for the campaign, but some
challenging goal both in terms of time commitment have more thematically appropriate options to
and group endurance. Shackled City campaigns choose from. Since most of the campaign develops
take years to end, whether you gather a couple of in Cauldron and around its environments, urban
times every month or Play-by-Post every day. That focused classes and options have more
said, the reward of playing through and, moreover, opportunities to shine, while wilderness related
completing such an adventure is high. classes and abilities will have more difficulties to
stand out and fit to the Adventure Path atmosphere.
Coming together Classes with abilities to manage crowds will find
The Shackled City Adventure Path dives directly some opportunities to exploit their capacities when
into the action. Thus, it works well even if the PCs this is uncommon in other adventures. Dungeon or
do not know each other beforehand. They will social focused characters will also find good
become a consolidated group over the course of opportunities to help the party at different points.
the first chapter.
Some potentially useful archetypes are listed
A relevant point is for the players to have a reason below:
to defend Cauldron. During the first chapters the  Urban Ranger (ranger)
group is charged with different tasks. The game  Urban Druid (druid)
works better if they have reasons to accomplish  Urban Barbarian (barbarian)
those tasks for the city for something more than  Investigator (rogue)
raw payment. This guide includes a traits section,  Cutpurse (rogue)
some originally published with the Adventure Path,  Trapsmith (rogue)
others designed by the Community, that will help  Archaeologist (bard)
you find a reason for your character to defend, or at  Archivist (bard)
least be in Cauldron, tying you to the city.  Celebrity (bard)
 Court Bard (bard)
 Detective (bard)
To help players of local characters familiarize
 Divine Tracker (ranger)
themselves with the city, this guide includes a
 Street Performer (bard)
gazetteer of Cauldron and its environments. The
 Sensei (monk)
guide shall give you a glimpse on how living or
 Seeker (sorcerer, oracle)
growing up in Cauldron feels like, and provide you
 Temple Champion (paladin)
with basic information of the most relevant locations
 Chosen of the Faith (warpriest)
and people. Even if your character is not from
 Community Guardian (oracle; halfling)
Cauldron, she could have obtained this information
by regular visits.

Bloodlines and mysteries

While most bloodlines are a good choice for this
Character tips campaign, some of the more thematically fitting
ones would be Destined, Celestial, Abyssal, founded Cauldron roughly 600 years ago. Ever
Infernal, Arcane, and Maestro. since, humans have kept the most powerful and
richest positions in the region.
The Oracle mysteries that can help develop
stronger ties to the campaign are Ancestor, Flame, Halflings are the largest community after humans,
Heavens, Battle, Life, or Lore. although they are only a small proportion of the
former. Most of the halfling population work as
Familiars and animal companions servants, squires, or stable workers of the richest
Given the urban heavy environment of the human families, but are found also as merchants,
campaign, only animals and beasts able to get artisans, and other independent middle-class
along with human civilization are adequate for the members of Cauldron society. They probably
Adventure Path. Ultimately, any animal can be a arrived in the region at the hands of humans in
potential choice as a familiar or animal companion ancient times.
for your character, as they may come from far
away, but it might be difficult to fit them into some Gnomes are, as halflings, a considerably visible
of the events of the campaign without causing community in the Cauldron region. They usually
trouble at the places the party plans to visit. work for themselves, having jobs related to
engineering or construction, and being among
Good choices for a familiar are bat, cat, chicken, some of the best architects, artisans, and other
hawk, lizard, monkey, rat, raven, squirrel, toad, crafting professions. But they also hold respectable
turtle, or weasel. positions as professors in the Bluecrater Academy.
Their presence grew for some time thanks to the
Reasonable choices for an animal companion are thrilling creations at Jzadirune, an enclave founded
ape, baboon, badger, dire bat, bird, dog, giant frog, by a gnome wizard of the same name under
horse, pony, dire rat, giant toad, or tortoise. Cauldron. Until a sickness caused them to flee to
Although dinosaurs, crocodiles and similar animals the surface. Nowadays still plenty of gnomes
might be found in the jungles near Cauldron, they remember the time they walked through the
can certainly be a danger to civilization, and the city corridors of Jzadirune.
might ban those types of animals within its walls.
Dwarves are even less frequent than halflings and
Favored enemies and favored terrains gnomes, but they are probably more respected
The majority of the Shackled City Adventure Path than the small folk. They are usually independent
takes place in Cauldron, though a few adventures businessmen, members of the town watch, smiths
take the PCs briefly into its wilderness or hold other respectable jobs. Some of them reach
environments. The best first choice for favored the highest ranks of society and can be found
terrain is urban (which includes buildings and among humans as clients in the finest taverns. This
basements), followed by underground (dungeons usually happens due to accrued wealth rather than
and caves). These will serve well for almost most lineage. Dwarven presence in the area goes back
of the adventure. Solid favored enemy choices centuries where a stronghold under Cauldron, the
include humanoid (human), outsider (evil), Malachite Fortress, stood as a bastion against the
construct, or undead. Aberration, dragon, forces of the Darklands.
humanoid (giant), or magical beast are good
secondary choices. Elves, half-elves, and half-orcs are a minority in
Cauldron. Given their numbers, it is clear they are
Origins late arrivals to the region. Most of them are
probably looking for a remote place to hide until
Races they form their own roots in the city. While elves
Being settled in a remote region means Cauldron is and half-elves can be found as laborers and
attractive for those that want to hide a shadowy wilderness guards, half-orcs are often bodyguards
past, or are considered social scum. to the richest families in Cauldron. Although
granted the same rights as other races, the citizens
Humans are the largest community in Cauldron. are still suspicious of half-orc groups.
They crowd both the lowest and the highest classes
in the city. Expect nobility circles and high-ranking Although rare, it is not unknown to witness the
positions to be filled by humans. Their presence in presence of less frequent races within the city.
the region goes back to Surabar Spellmanson, who Some of them, like aasimars, mingle with humans.
And others, like tieflings, try to maintain a low Cauldron boasts temples to Abadar, Cayden
profile. Given the convoluted past of Cauldron, Cailean, Nethys, and Sarenrae. A shrine to Desna
those races have a long history of residing in the resides in the Lucky Monkey, a roadhouse on the
region because of the city’s proximity to the way to Eleder. Kingfisher Hollow has small shrines
Demonskar – an area of the jungle plagued with to Sarenrae, Erastil, and Nethys. While Redgorge
demonic incursions. The first humans had to fight has small houses of worship for Cayden Cailean,
to make the region safe to establish Cauldron. Torag, and Shelyn. Clerics from all other deities are
rarer in the area, as are followers of the Greenfaith.

Religions within Cauldron:

Deity Al Domains Portfolio

Abadar LN Earth, Law, Nobility, Protection, Travel Cities, Wealth, Merchants, Law Light Crossbow

Sun, Redemption, Honesty,

Sarenrae NG Fire, Glory, Good, Healing, Sun Scimitar

CG Chaos, Charm, Good, Strength, Travel Freedom, Ale, Wine, Bravery Rapier

Destruction, Knowledge, Magic,

Nethys N Magic Quarterstaff
Protection, Rune

Greed, Secrets, Poison,

Norgorber NE Charm, Death, Evil, Knowledge, Trickery Short Sword

Religions with shrines in Cauldron area settlements:

Deity Al Domains Portfolio Favored Weapon

Desna CG Chaos, Good, Liberation, Luck, Travel Dreams, Stars, Travelers, Luck Starknife

Torag LG Artifice, Earth, Good, Law, Protection Forge, Protection, Strategy Warhammer

Erastil LG Animal, Community, Good, Law, Plant Farming, Hunting, Trade, Family Longbow

Shelyn NG Air, Charm, Good, Luck, Protection Beauty, Art, Love, Music Glaive

Skills and feats also widespread among their communities.

The Shackled City Adventure Path places the Meanwhile, the oldest texts preserved in Cauldron’s
characters into multiple types of situations, but libraries feature documents in Giant, Infernal, and
dungeon exploration, defending Cauldron city, Celestial talking about the cultures and events
getting involved with politics and research are the existing in the region before it was taken over by
main threats of the campaign, and will be the most humans centuries ago.
frequent activities the party will need to excel at.
The goal in the end will be to succeed as a
defender of Cauldron while not getting crushed by
city intrigues. As such, any feat that enhances your Classes
capability to defeat attackers, explore old ruins, Although Shackled City should provide characters
gather knowledge, and influence people will be of of any class ample opportunities to shine, some
great use to your party. classes may struggle greatly at certain points
during the campaign. The following should be taken
Languages just as advice on what choices might make the
Common is the main language in the region and most sense for the campaign.
the most used in Cauldron. Gnome and Dwarven is
Barbarian - Much of this campaign takes place in violently to a druid's companion unless she takes a
dungeon or urban environs. As such, a barbarian particularly large or exotic one.
designed to excel in the wilderness will not have as
Fighter - Fighters should have plenty to keep them
much to do as one who focuses his skill points on
busy in this campaign. You can easily become
things like Climb, Intimidate, Acrobatics, and
involved with Cauldron's town guard, and the city
Perception. You might play as one of the city
will need a strong protector at various times.
mercenaries, or perhaps as a wilderness warden
Despite this adventure having multiple roleplaying
sent by his tribe to be the eyes and ears of the tribe
opportunities and situations out of the typical
at Cauldron.
dungeon crawl, there is still plenty of combat a
Bard - Bards are an excellent choice for this fighter can excel at. You can be a mercenary, a
campaign. There are ample opportunities to soldier, a town guard, the bodyguard from a noble
influence important NPCs during the campaign, and family, or working for an organization such as the
skill in Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate, plus access Bluecrater Academy. You could play close to a
to enchantment and illusion spells, can be a great given religion without becoming a paladin. The
help in dealing with large crowds of people. You church of Cayden Cailean is a good nomination for
can be an artist looking to become a local diva, a such a role.
chamberlain in a noble family, a scoundrel, or a ruin
Monk - There are no monasteries in Cauldron or
other establishments that cater to a monk's unique
Cleric - The abilities of a cleric are strongly needed interests and skills. A monk is likely to be regarded
in this campaign, especially as the level increases by locals with a mixture of curiosity and quiet awe.
and you are expected to have access to certain As such, there are just a few characters that might
spells. That said, even if religion is not a focus in play the role of a mentor or pupil for a monk
the campaign, it plays a relevant part, given that character. That said, there is word of an order of
churches are among the most powerful monks called the Order of the Silver Dream that
organizations in Cauldron. Note also that while persecutes ancient undead in the region. Although
undead can be found in this campaign, they are not the order has no role in the adventure besides a
the campaign's focus. Clerics who spend feats to casual citation, your character might be an envoy
enhance their ability to turn undead might consider looking to gather information and destroy any
other divine feats that allow them to use their undead in Cauldron and its surroundings.
energy channeling ability for other uses. There are
Paladin - A paladin is an excellent choice for this
only four established temples in Cauldron; the ones
campaign as combat against evil foes will be a
to Abadar, Sarenrae, Cayden Cailean, and Nethys. constant. And a paladin can be both a great
A shrine to Desna exists at the Lucky Monkey, far protector of the city, and have the skills required to
north of the city. Additional shrines to Sarenrae, interact with Cauldron’s high society. In addition, a
Nethys, Torag, Erastil, and Shelyn can be found in character of this class can be easily involved with
the outlying towns and villages in the area. Clerics the multiple churches in Cauldron. If you plan to
who worship one of these deities have an play a paladin it is recommended that you choose
advantage in that they will have a support structure Abadar as your deity. As such, you might find a
of some sort to rely upon. Clerics of other deities good mentor and build up a memorable relationship
are on their own in the Cauldron region, although with Sir Alek Tercival.
they could find support in an allied church. Playing
with a cleric from one of the main churches will Ranger - The advice given above for barbarians
ease your party’s task and become rewarding as and druids applies to rangers as well. One thing to
events start to unfold. But, if you want to play a note is that the ranger's favored enemy ability is
cleric from a deity that does not have an unique amongst the class abilities; a poor choice of
established church in the region, perhaps you will favored enemy can dramatically reduce the
eventually be tasked with founding one! enjoyment of playing a ranger. Take good note of
the favored enemy recommendations in this guide.
Druid - As with barbarians, you should bear in mind
that much of this campaign takes place in urban Rogue - Rogue is an excellent choice for this
and dungeon environs. Nonetheless, there are a campaign. There are many traps for rogues to
opportunities for a druid's specialized skills to handle in the numerous dungeons, and a rogue
shine. The citizens of Cauldron know about animal focused in social skills could be an invaluable asset
companions, and probably will not react too during multiple urban and political situations.
Additionally, there are a couple thief guilds in
Cauldron. A low level rogue might find difficult to party will have to face. In addition, the magus’
influence the decisions in a powerful guild like the access to knowledge skills will help the party
Last Laugh, but a disorganized group like the research the dangers and enemies that will hide
Alleybashers might do well under the command of behind the corners of Cauldron. See the fighter and
a charismatic leader. Other organizations such as wizard entries for ideas on how to tie your
the Chisel or some of the nobles might also be background with the city.
interested to hire or support a good willed spy,
executor, or contrabandist. Oracle - Drawing energy from some of the less
known mysteries of Cauldron, an Oracle can easily
Sorcerer - Sorcerers pose an interesting possibility become a central part of the story behind the
in this campaign. Sorcerers could gain their magical events developing in the city. An orphan given to
powers from different sources such as sharing the the Lantern Street Orphanage can make for a good
blood from the old founder of the city, or a curse start, so the mysterious source of the character’s
affecting some of Cauldron natives, or the heritage powers does not need to be revealed until later in
of an ancient dragon. These links can be nothing the campaign.
more than flavor, or they can be involved in the
heart of the campaign events. Witch - A witch might not be that natural to a city
like Cauldron, but its abilities will be useful in a
Wizard - A wizard might struggle to find downtime campaign full of enemies vulnerable to mind-
at points in the campaign. Especially when events affecting effects. You can set your origin in the
are quickly unfolding. But his vast access to magic wilderness surrounding Cauldron. Look at the
will be very useful, both to research threats and barbarian, druid, and ranger sections for ideas on
provide powers that will be expected to be used by how to become tied to the city.
the party to overcome certain challenges. There are
no large wizardry organizations in Cauldron, but the Dual classes - These hybrid solutions (arcanist,
Bluecrater Academy might serve as a starting point bloodrager, brawler, hunter, investigator, shaman,
for the character’s studies, or he might be the skald, slayer, swashbuckler and warpriest) might
apprentice of some of the mid-level wizards in the work well to fill any gap in the party not yet covered
city (Vortimax Weer, Maavu Arlintal, or Ghelve the by other members of the team. Look for the two
gnome). Further on, he can draw his knowledge related core classes entries for ideas on how to tie
from the ancient ruins the party explores, or just their background to the campaign. Some classes
request new scrolls from Eleder, a city well- like the bloodrager and the warpriest will find easy
connected to the rest of the world. Wizards might motivations to follow the campaign events.
have a keen interest in joining the Chisel, since that Likewise, investigators, brawlers or swashbucklers
organization has an extensive collection of secret might find this urban setting more rewarding than
lore, or become professors at the Bluecrater other type of campaign settings.
Campaign Traits
Alchemist - The alchemist, with its multiple and The Shackled City Adventure Path works best if the
diverse abilities, might be a good asset for the party PCs are locals from the Cauldron region. If they
while exploring dungeons. You can be a student in count Cauldron, or one of the surrounding villages
the Bluecrater Academy, or a pupil of Vortimax or towns, as their home, they will be even more
Weer. concerned about the region's fate and more likely
to take an active interest in its defense. The
Cavalier - The urban and dungeon environments following traits help to set your background within
will probably not fit well with the skills of a Cauldron and the Campaign, and provide ideas to
specialized knight. You can be part of a unique further involve your character within its history.
branch of the Town’s Watch charged to maintain Remember you can only choose one campaign trait
order in the surrounding roads, utilizing your speed
for your character.
and maneuverability.
Inquisitor - Same as the cleric and paladin, Town Guard: Either you, your parents, or some
inquisitors can be a good match for the multiple other family member is (or was) part of
churches in Cauldron. Look in their sections for Cauldron’s town guard. Perhaps you are friend of
further hints. Terseon Skellerang, the Guard Captain, or
related to one of the guards assassinated by a
Magus - The ability to combine blade and magic will young guard traitor named Triel 9 years ago.
surely be engraved in the minds of Cauldron’s
citizens, and become useful in the challenges the
Benefit: You get a +5 trait bonus on Diplomacy Lesser Noble Family: You are a distant member of
checks related to improving Cauldron’s guard a minor branch of one of Cauldron’s noble
attitude or attempting to persuade them. You families. Choose between the Aslaxin, Hollow,
begin play with either a masterwork medium Knowlern, Lathenmire, Navalant, Rhiavadi,
armor, light armor, or shield (no special materials Skellerang, Spellmason, Taskerhill, Tercival,
allowed and only Core armors or shields) and a Vanderboren, or Vhalantru families.
+1 bonus trait to Profession (soldier). Benefit: Although not necessarily well regarded by
the main branch of the family, you gain a +1 trait
Merchant Life: Your family has made their living bonus to one Perform skill and Knowledge
from commerce in Cauldron. Whether you are a (nobility). The Knowledge (nobility) bonus raises
member of a wealthy and well-known family (such to +5 when performing checks related to your
as a relation to Maavu Arlintal or Tygot Maspis) or own family. Both are class skills for you.
a humble fruit seller (such as Beppo) you are
knowledgeable of how commerce works within Cauldron Faithful: Pick a church in Cauldron:
Cauldron. Abadar, Sarenrae, Cayden Cailean, or Nethys.
Benefit: Thanks to your contacts, items not found You usually attend the religious services in your
in Cauldron and requested from Eleder or beyond selected church, are somewhat familiar with the
require half the normal time to arrive to the city. divine magical items used in their rituals, and
You gain a +1 trait bonus to Appraise and Sense personally know their leaders. You could be a
Motive, and one of them is a class skill for you. church guardian, servant, scribe, or scholar with
simple responsibilities at the Church.
Lucky Monkey Employee: You have worked in the Benefits: You gain a +1 trait bonus to Knowledge
prosperous inn between Sasserine and Cauldron (religion) and Use Magic Device, and one of
as a guard, a cook, a waiter, a stable hand, or those is a class skill for you.
some other menial capacity. You might have
been told to look for a new spot to expand the Spared By the Wilderness: Perhaps one of your
business within Cauldron or you needed a parents was often missing, being a member of
change of life and are looking for new the Pathfinders. Or perhaps a Pathfinder saved
opportunities in the city. Your previous work you from being lost in the wilderness or from a
taught you a profession and allowed you to wild animal when you were a child. As a result,
interact with people of many different origins. you have grown up with a healthy respect for the
Benefit: You gain a +1 trait bonus in the Profession dangers of nature.
skill related to what you were doing at the Lucky Benefit: You gain a +1 trait bonus to Survival and
Monkey and to Diplomacy. One of those two Knowledge (nature), and one of these is a class
skills are considered a class skill for you. skill for you.

Splintershield Squire (dwarven characters Cauldron Adventurer: You have already been
only): Your parents or yourself fought side by adventuring around the Cauldron area. Dispute
side with the dwarven defender Zenith over loot sharing, an injury, or the death of
Splintershield against the forces of the Darklands another member has separated you from your
until he disappeared ten years ago. For some previous party - the Stormblades. You blame one
reason you found your way to the surface after of your previous companions or their patron for
losing track of the dwarven hero and now have the events that took you out of the party.
also lost contact with the other dwarves at the Benefit: You start the adventure with a masterwork
Malachite Fortress. You have trained to fight weapon or a partially filled wand worth 300 gp or
against creatures underground, even in the worst less and also gain a +1 trait bonus to Knowledge
conditions. dungeoneering.
Benefit: The miss chance penalty for fighting
creatures that have total concealment is reduced
to 35% instead of 50%, and normal concealment
affects you only 15% of times instead of 20%. In Beast Hunter: You hail from a family of wardens,
addition, you can perform untrained knowledge just enjoy hunting down odd creatures, or have
checks related to the Darklands, local dwarves, been charged by your tribe or community to
and the Malachite Fortress. protect the region. Choose between the
aberration, magical beast, or undead creature
types. You have heard whispers that one of those
creatures hides in Cauldron and have been
preparing yourself to confront it just in case the City Scoundrel: You live upon small thefts in
rumors are true. Cauldron. Whether you choose your victims
Benefit: You get a +1 trait bonus to attacks, among the most dishonest merchants, you are
weapon damage, and the DC of your spells just greedy, you are a white-collar thief, or a cad
versus creatures of that type and can also make pilfering from young ladies. You have perfected
knowledge checks related to that type of breaking into homes and jumping from roof to
creatures untrained. roof without leaving a trace. Your activities have
attracted the attention of the Last Laugh, the
City Beggar: Whether you are a recent arrival to Alleybashers, or other thieving organizations
the city or you have lived there for a long time, surely not liking your actions in their territory.
you have always depended upon the charity of Benefit: You gain a +1 trait bonus to Acrobatics
others. You might be an itinerant artist, a and Disable Device, and one of those becomes a
shameless hustler, or simply down on your luck. class skill for you.
You are well known in the Drunken Morkoth Inn,
the Tipped Tankard Tavern, and other crowded Lantern Street Orphan: Your family died when you
places of Cauldron and may be a Last Laugh or were a child, perhaps during the plague of filth
Town guard informant. Your knowledge of the fever 7 years ago, or you were given to the
city’s underworld keeps you informed of most Orphanage in mysterious circumstances.
events going on around, and you fool people with Whether you are still young and live in the
ease. Orphanage or you have left to find your own way
Benefit: You gain a +1 trait bonus to Knowledge in life, you are familiar with the institution and
(local) and Bluff, and one of them becomes a know the headmistress Gretchyn Tashykk and
class skill for you. many of the children that have lived there. Your
experiences have made you more resolved and
Local gnome (gnome characters only): When stronger willed to keep going in life.
you were a child your grandparents told you Benefit: As a result of your difficult past you gain a
stories about a mythical place under Cauldron, +1 trait bonus to Will saves.
they named Jzadirune. Your ancestors lived
there, a place full of gnomish devices and magic
objects that in the end corrupted most of your
kind. Fortunately, your family developed some
kind of resistance to it and finally emerged to the CAULDRON
daylight. NG Large city
Benefit: You are immune to the Vanishing and gain Corruption +2; Crime +1; Economy +1; Law +2; Lore +3;
a +2 trait bonus on saves versus curses and Society +2
transmutation effects. Qualities academic (Bluecrater Academy), insular,
magically attuned
Danger +10
Bluecrater Student: You are a student or alumni of Demographics
the Bluecrater Academy. Your tuition fee was Government autocracy
paid by your family with great effort or a patron Population 7,500 (5,925 humans, 675 halflings, 375
interested in your capabilities. Perhaps the gnomes, 225 dwarves, 90 elves, 75 half-elves, 75 half-
Academy itself was impressed with you and orcs/others)
Notable NPCs
provided a scholarship. You know many of the
Lord Mayor Severen Navalant (male human aristocrat)
students and professors who have attended the Terseon Skellerang, guard captain (male human fighter)
academy during recent years, including the Marketplace
recently disappeared mathematician and Base Value 4,800 gp; Purchase Limit 30,000 gp;
illusionist gnome Jasper Drundlesput. Spellcasting 8th
Benefit: You have free access to the academy Minor Items 4d4; Medium Items 3d4; Major Items 1d6
library (which provides a +6 bonus to Knowledge
checks). In addition, your studies have made you Cauldron Gazetteer
especially proficient in one topic. Choose one of
the following skills. It becomes a class skill for Cauldron
you: Heal, Linguistics, Spellcraft, or one Cauldron forms the hub of this campaign. It serves
Knowledge skill of your choice, and you get a +1 as a home base for the PCs and most of their
trait bonus in that skill. allies. As the campaign progresses, Cauldron's
presence remains a constant theme, and the PCs Surabar Spellmason determines that the
will have opportunities to get to know its many nearby volcano is extinct, and that its
residents, explore its streets and alleys, and caldera would make a more defensible
possibly even become influential leaders. This position from attacks by the demons lurking
section provides a history of this unique city, details in the jungles. Many of Redgorge's
on its government and structure, and information on inhabitants relocate to this region - Cauldron
many locations within its walls. Expect to come is founded. Over the centuries, the
back often to this section, since nearly every discovery of many large underground
chapter of this campaign is set at least partially complexes and caverns below the city
within the city walls. draws the attention of dwarves and gnomes
from far and wide. Two of these regions
Cauldron is a large settlement in the extinct caldera become Jzadirune and the Malachite
of a volcano. The city is elevated above a Fortress.
subtropical jungle which surrounds the human  75 Years Ago: The underground gnomish
enclaves of the area. The relatively high altitude of enclave of Jzadirune falls to a mysterious
the city is the only thing that allows the higher disease known as “the Vanishing”. The
temperatures of the surrounding region to abate, surviving gnomes abandon the stronghold
keeping the region's largest settlement mostly and never return.
temperate. In addition to Cauldron (city; 7,500), the  32 Years Ago: The rainiest winter in
settlements of Kingfisher Hollow (large village; centuries results in massive flooding in the
2,100), Redgorge (village; 600), and Hollowsky lower reaches of Cauldron. The next year,
(village; 460) are bastions of the civilized races. the Flood Festival is founded by the local
The jungles are also home to a few barbarian tribes churches to control the worst of the damage
who in rare circumstances will trade with townsfolk. and minimize the suffering of area’s
citizens. Freakishly wet winters continue for
Cauldron is situated in the Bandu Mountains near the next several years before the weather
the region of Sargava, just south of the Mwangi finally returns to normal.
Expanse. Eleder is the nearest real city, almost a  7 Years Ago: An outbreak of filth fever
full week's ride to the West. Sargava is a remote
strikes Cauldron. Hundreds die before the
colony of the empire of Cheliax and maintains
city's clerics can get the plague under
heavy economic ties with its parent nation
overseas. Eleder acts as a jumping off point for
expeditions into the Amedio Jungle (the area Life in Cauldron
around Cauldron), and connection to the rest of the
Cauldron's buildings, tightly packed and built from
civilized world thanks to its relevant harbor. Eleder
volcanic rock and wood, line the inner bowl of a
and its associate towns and villages form a very
nameless, dormant volcano. Cobblestone roads
loose economic partnership, with taxation ensuring
form concentric circles around a small but deep
that Chelish military troops patrol the major roads
lake of cold water which fills the volcano's basin.
and keep the shipping lanes open.
Although the town's sewage seeps into the lake,
local clerics routinely purify the water for the
History of Cauldron citizens in exchange for charitable donations to
These are a few of the more widely known portions their temples.
of Cauldron's history. PCs are assumed to be from
the region, and know these generalized historical
facts. There are more pieces of information that
could become relevant over time. PCs with ranks in
Knowledge (history) might want to check to
determine what other information they may be
aware of. Additionally, different libraries throughout
the city can also be useful in discovering lesser-
known history.

 600 Years Ago: The discovery of numerous

profitable mines in the region attracts
hundreds of prospectors and adventurers.
Redgorge quickly outgrows its walls.

foot-tall fortified wall of black malachite encircles Economy

the city, tracing the outer rim of the volcano. Four The people of the Cauldron environs are primarily
roads descend the volcano's slopes, becoming either metalsmiths and craftsmen who work the
major thoroughfares that lead to other towns and metals and stones that come from the mines
distant realms. The regions nearer the rim of the around the area, or the laborers who mine the raw
city tend to be occupied by upper class families and materials. The other major economic source in the
elite merchants. The closer one gets to the center region are plantations. Banana, coffee, pineapple,
of town (and the closer to the often-pungent odors and sugarcane flourish in the warm and wet climate
of the central lake), the shoddier the construction around Cauldron.
and the more dangerous its dark alleys become.
Local currency is minted by the church of
Most people get around Cauldron on foot, although Asmodeus in Eleder and is the legal tender of the
the town has its share of wagons and carriages, Empire of Cheliax. The coins consist of the
most of them are owned by merchants or nobles. platinum - crown, the gold - sail, the silver - shield,
Cauldron's major exports come from two sources: and the copper - pinch. Merchants and tradesmen
mines and plantations. Both industries are based in who deal in large amounts of currency often use
the hills surrounding the city, and are managed by trade bars made of gold. A typical bar weighs about
the various noble families who live in the area. half a pound and is stamped with the official seal of
Obsidian and diamonds are the primary products the Cheliaxian crown. Bars come in 100, 500, and
mined in the region. Plantations usually produce 1000 gp notations. Gems are also heavily used to
banana, pineapple, sugarcane, or coffee. Most ensure that weighty coinage does not become an
people who dwell within the city are either issue for the well-to-do. Coins can be exchanged
merchants, scholars, or laborers of the mines and for bars and gems at Alameda Moneylenders, just
plantations in the lowlands. Water is never scarce off Obsidian Avenue near the South Gate. Bars are
in town, but most of the city's food must be also available from the Lord Mayor's office. No
imported from Eleder since the local fishing and surcharge is levied for exchanging coins for trade
farming enterprises are meager at best. bars or gems.
Cauldron is ruled by a Lord Mayor, elected to his
Taxes are comparatively light in Cauldron. Citizens
position every two years. The post is currently held
pay a modest yearly flat tax of 1 golden sail, while
by Severen Navalant, whose term expires in
merchants and nobles pay a 5% income tax each
roughly 20 months. Other important individuals in
year. In addition, a 1 silver shield gate tax is
the city include Terseon Skellerang; Captain of the
charged for non-citizens who enter the city by any
town guard, the members of the noble families, and
Cauldron's few wealthy merchant interests.
of its four gates. Citizens are identified as anyone owning property within the city.
Cauldron at-a-glance
1-4. City Gates
Citizens of Cauldron are allowed to pass through
the city gates for free; visitors must pay a 1 sp gate
tax each time they enter the city. A frequent visitor
to Cauldron can purchase a gate pass. It may be
acquired from the church of Abadar for 1 gold sail
and allows free entry to the city for 1 month.
5. Town Hall
Cauldron's town hall is a single-story building, and
one of the oldest structures in the city. The building
serves as a place for the lord mayor and his
advisors to hold meetings with the nobles and other
movers and shakers of the city. Records of
ownership, historical documents, and similar
archives can be found here. Access to these
archives is possible with permission, and use of
them can aid Knowledge (history or nobility)
6. Town Guard Barracks
These buildings house the town guard, which
consists more than 700 recruits of all types. The
central area of this walled compound is used for
training, and the low single-story keep is the
aboveground facade for the Cauldron Prison, a
five-level underground facility that can hold
hundreds of prisoners. Terseon Skellerang lives in
a one-story house with a green roofed in the
southwestern corner of the compound.
7. Church of Abadar
The two-story Church of Abadar, its white marble
walls suffused with veins of vivid blue, stands in
stark contrast to the buildings of bare black stone
that flank it on the north end of Obsidian Avenue. A
pair of white marble statues depicting armored
warriors stands on either side of the temple's heavy
oaken door. One statue raises a great mace to the
sky, the other holds a crossbow. Above the door's
marble entryway are boldly inscribed the following
words: "WITHIN LAW LIVES HOPE." The high
priest, Sarcem Delasharn, is not present at the
time, and the day-to-day tasks of tending to the
church have fallen to a cleric named Jenya Urikas.
A paladin of Abadar named Alek Tercival guards
the temple. The church keeps a ready supply of
healing potions and scrolls and it is known to be a
reliable source for those supplies as they replenish
every other week.
8. Maavu Warehouses
Local merchant Maavu Arlintal keeps several
warehouses here. As with most other merchant
warehouses, about 50% of the holdings here are
various forms of food stores for the city that are 14. Drunken Morkoth Inn
kept and sold by the Grocer's Guild. In return for This is perhaps the most popular inn in the city. A
donating half his warehouse space, Maavu enjoys regular stop for many merchants and traveling
a greatly reduced tax rate. adventurers, the combination of comfortable beds,
good food, and reasonable prices make it a favorite
9. Slippery Eel Tavern among the city's returning visitors. Each of the
The Slippery Eel is a favorite tavern for the city's rooms here is decorated with a humorous painting
miners, plantation workers, and other working-class of Cauldron's legendary lake monster, a large
citizens. The food and drink is cheap, and the town morkoth. The paintings depict the morkoth in any
guard tend to ignore the place, making it a handy number of embarrassing and ridiculous scenes,
site for illicit deals and clandestine meetings. always with the morkoth drunk and confused, and
10. Cusp of Sunrise often in incongruous locations.
This high-society club is a favorite place for 15.Tipped Tankard Tavern
Cauldron's rich and powerful to meet and relax. This tavern is generally regarded as the best place
Owned and operated by Lady Ophellha Knowlern, in the city for common folk to get a drink (the Coy
the club is located at Northeast Obsidian Avenue. Nixie and the Cusp of Sunrise both hold better
Access is by invitation from a member only, and the reputations but are generally out of the price range
membership list is reputed to be highly exclusive. for the working citizen). It is a favorite place for off-
The Cusp is within an ivy-covered, cross-shaped duty city guards, and as such, brawls almost never
building with a circular tower that stretches as tall occur here.
as the city walls. An engraved sign on the
ironbound door says "C.o.S.—Members Only." 16. Garthûn Imports
This well-kept building houses the offices of Adrick
11. Maavu’s Main Warehouse Garthûn, a prominent merchant whose import of
Maavu devotes most of his smaller warehouses to alcohol, tobacco, exotic sweets, and seafood have
food storage; this location is where he keeps the catapulted him to the height of success.
majority of his actual business holdings. Maavu's
primary imports are foodstuffs, entertainment, 17. Skie’s Treasury
alchemical and medical supplies, books, and magic Numerous places in Cauldron sell magic items and
items. He sells most of his magic item imports gear, but only one of them makes its sole business
through Skie's Treasury. buying and selling magic items to adventurers:
Skie's Treasury. The shop is run by a retired
12. Tygot’s Old Things
gnome adventurer named Skie Aldersun. Skie's
A small but well-stocked antiquity shop on Lava
Treasury is a modest building crafted from blocks of
Avenue is run by the halfling Tygot Maspis. "Tygot's
volcanic stone. The facade of the building bears
Old Things" specializes in non-magical art objects
dozens, if not hundreds, of symbols and sigils that
gathered from across the known world. The shop is
have been carved into the face of the stone with
a two-story structure with a small living area on the
chisels. One door and a pair of tiny windows face
upper floor and well-organized business space on
the road and overlook the lake below. Above the
the lower. The shop itself contains an impressive
door, a sign proclaims the establishment to be
assortment of less valuable antiquities, mostly
Skie's Treasury, but more impressive are the
vases, statuettes, small furniture, and tapestries.
numerous items of treasure—rings, coins, wands,
The basement is rumored to contain even more
necklaces, rods, potions, scrolls, and more—that
precious wares affordable to only the most
seem to slowly orbit the sign and shine with soft
illustrious citizens of Cauldron like many nobles or
golden light. Every now and then, two of the items
the lord mayor himself. The shop is also known for bump against each other, ringing softly like a wind
the monument replicas (the Town Hall, the chime.
Cathedral of Nethys, the Lakeside Pavilion, etc.).
They can be acquired for 1 gp each. 18. Lantern Street Orphanage
The orphanage rests on the corner of Lantern
13. Maavu Imports Street and Lava Avenue, its charcoal-colored
The modest two-story building has several meeting stones held together with mold-encrusted mortar.
rooms and a bookshop on the ground floor, and a The windows on both stories are tightly shuttered,
small apartment on the upper floor. Maavu Arlintal but a few slivers of light manage to escape from
uses the building as his main office in Cauldron. within. Lanterns hang on either side of the oaken
front door, mounted to which is a green copper
knocker shaped like a smiling gargoyle's visage, its and the loyalty of his customers to thank for the fact
nostrils pierced by a copper ring. The ground floor that he's now the only non-Lathenmire smith in
of the orphanage is dimly lit and contains a main town. As a result, his prices are the highest in town
hall (with a staircase leading to the second floor), a (125% normal cost).
kitchen with stairs leading down to a cellar pantry, a
dining hall, a playroom for the children, a 25. Temple of Lordly Might (Cayden Cailean)
schoolroom, a small bathroom, and staff quarters. The church of Cayden Cailean is small but popular
The second floor is divided into three rooms: a in Cauldron, if only because they sponsor
spacious bathroom with two large tubs and two numerous sporting events and demonstrations for
large bedrooms filled with cots. the people of Cauldron throughout the year. This
church is currently headed by a male half-orc cleric
19. Coy Nixie of Cayden Cailean named Asfelkir Hranleurt.
The Coy Nixie is a high-class tavern and dancehall
owned and operated by the Aslaxins. Although 26. Lord Mayor’s Residence
prices here tend to be nearly double the normal This large walled compound is the oldest structure
asking price, the food and drink are rivaled only by in the city. The traditional seat of power for the
the Cusp of Sunrise. These two locations have a town, the estate's ownership has been held by the
healthy competition—while the Cusp is generally Navalant family for the past 200 years. The current
held to have better food, drink, and entertainment, lord mayor is Severen Navalant.
there are no membership fees at the Coy Nixie.
27. Weer’s Elixirs
20. Lakeside Pavilion Owned and operated by Vortimax Weer, a retired
This open pavilion is one of the oldest structures in wizard adventurer, this cramped shop is the go-to
Cauldron. Said to have been formed via magic cast place in town for alchemical items and potions. At
by Surabar Spellmason himself, the pavilion is any one time, 1 to 6 potions of all types can be
traditionally where the lord mayor issues found here, along with any magical dusts, elixirs,
announcements and decrees. It has also become a and other similar wondrous items. Vortimax himself
favorite place after dark for illicit meetings. is a cranky old curmudgeon who has little patience
for youngsters, and even less patience for anyone
21. Vanderboren Manor who tries to haggle his high prices (generally 150%
This large manor houses the members and normal asking price). Vortimax is one of the
servants of the Vanderboren family, Cauldron's highest-level wizards in Cauldron, and spends
newest nobles. The Vanderboren family made its much of his time teaching alchemy and magical
fortune in of real estate. Less respected by the theory classes at Bluecrater Academy.
other nobles because they are self-made, they
constantly look for ways to make the other nobles 28. The Brass Trumpet
look bad to increase their standing among their new This is an abandoned tavern. An iron sign set with
peers. a brass trumpet hangs outside the front doors. The
building's walls are made of mortared volcanic rock,
22. Minuta’s Board and all the windows on the ground floor have been
This low-cost inn and flophouse cater to anyone bricked up. The windows on the second floor have
who cannot afford to stay at Cauldron's better inns. solid wooden frames and panes of opaque, smoked
Prices here are 75% normal, but lodgers should be glass. The filth fever plague that decimated
comfortable sharing beds and the owners make no Cauldron’s population 7 years ago also caused the
guarantee against theft or loss of property. local economy to shrink. With the number of clients
decreasing and the heightened competition
23. Sure-Foot Livery between the multiple taverns within the city, The
Sure-Foot Livery is the largest (and only) livestock Brass Trumpet is the most well know establishment
and livestock accessory business in town. The forced to close its doors.
business is run by a no-nonsense halfling woman
named Tippys Surefoot. 29. Cathedral of Nethys
This towering structure is one of the most
24. Gurnezarn’s Smithy impressive and beautiful in Cauldron. The church of
This smithy is generally regarded as the finest such Nethys has always been powerful in Cauldron
establishment in the city. Its owner, a male human because the city’s founder, Surabar Spellmason,
named Phalian Gurnezarn, has long held his own was a devout practitioner. The clerics Nethys are
against the relentless acquisition and domination of responsible for dealing with the unclaimed dead of
his trade by the Lathenmires, and has his own skill Cauldron, and maintain vast catacombs for anyone
who is wealthy enough to afford the burial but does 33. Church of Sarenrae
not have a personal crypt. Most of the dead of This small yellow tower is tended by a single male
Cauldron are cremated. The clerics of the church of human cleric of Sarenrae named Kristof Jurgensen.
Nethys tend to be standoffish, curt, and even His resources are limited of late. The shrine to
creepy. This causes them to be not as well liked as Sarenrae has always been small and minor within
the clerics of the churches of Cayden Cailean or Cauldron. Especially now, since all three of Kristof's
Abadar. The cathedral is run by Embril Aloustinai, superiors have recently died under mysterious
although she rarely sees visitors and leaves the circumstances. This has left him solely in charge of
day-to-day operations to a cleric named Ike the entire shrine.
34. House Vhalantru
30. Ghelve’s Locks House Vhalantru is a
A small turret dominates the facade of this two- stately, three-story manor
story black stone building. Iron bars are embedded located on Obsidian
in the thick window frames. Beyond the turret's Avenue. Like many
ground floor windows sits a lovely display of locks, estates in Cauldron, it has
from large to small, simple to complex. To the left of walls of mortared volcanic
the turret, above a heavy oak door, swings a simple rock. However, the interior
sign that reads "Ghelve's Locks." The gnome surfaces on the second
proprietor of this shop is known to be an expert lock and third floors (including
crafter, and he sells locks of the highest quality. It is walls, floors, and ceilings)
rumored that he uses low-level magic to improve are made of sturdy wood.
his creations. Of course, he also can sell all the The wood paneling and
necessary tools required to force a lock that the key railings display some of
may be lost for. the finest leaf scrollwork in Cauldron, and the
windows are made of glass set in light wooden
31 Orak’s Bathhouse frames, with lovely silver laurel designs running
Orak's Bathhouse is a squat, windowless building through the glass. Lord Vhalantru is said to
of dark stone. The baths are open from noon to maintain a well-stocked winery within his walls, and
midnight every day. Run by a middle-aged dwarf is known as a great patron of the arts.
called Orak Stonehaven who sports a ruddy
complexion, thinning red hair and a long beard. The 35. Westkey’s Map Emporium
bathhouse is a perfect place to maintain one’s This modest shop is run by the gnome Bolar
personal hygiene for those who cannot afford a fully Westkey, a cartographer who recently settled in the
equipped bathroom at their own home. area. He sells maps of all manner, including
regional and local maps. It is possible to purchase
32. Bluecrater Academy maps here of most public buildings, but Westkey
One of the tallest buildings in Cauldron, Bluecrater makes it a strict practice to not sell maps of private
Academy is also the primary place of learning for
businesses. He does, however, have a fair
the city. The building has five stories, each of which
collection of treasure maps, some of which are
is dedicated to an increasing level of education.
local, and some of which might actually be
Financed partially by tuition fees (but also by the
support of nobles like Lady Ophellha Knowlern, the
Aslaxins, and the Taskerhills), Bluecrater Academy 36. House Rhiavadi
is where the lucky youth of Cauldron go to learn a This building may well be Cauldron's most obvious
trade. The upper floors consist of extensive libraries display of wealth. Lady Rhiavadi has long been one
and researchers' offices. Access to these libraries of the city's wealthiest nobles. Like many buildings
is difficult and requires special, usually expensive, in Cauldron, House Rhiavadi has walls composed
permission. If granted, checking the library for any of gray and black volcanic rock. The building has
topic grants a bonus to Knowledge checks related two stories and four squat towers. Three of the
to that topic while reading the books contained at towers have pointed spire caps, but a domed
the Academy. An eccentric gnome mathematician observatory made of alabaster and glass
named Jasper Drundlesput has recently surmounts the fourth tower. A large portico
disappeared leaving the mathematics and supported by four marble pillars covers the main
engineering lessons suspended until a new entrance doors. Each pillar is carved to resemble a
professor is allocated. dragon. The windows of House Rhiavadi are made
of frosted glass set in heavy copper frames, with the high handcrafters, including the Foreman,
locked wooden shutters covering them at night. consider themselves peers. Less than a dozen high
handcrafters are known to exist, and new ones are
37. Taskerhill Manor appointed exclusively in a mysterious hideout
This massive manor is four stories tall, and is known as the Hall of Carvings, rumored to be near
decorated with hundreds of carvings of gargoyles. the village of Redgorge. The Chisel considers
They stand guard around each window, over each excellence in any kind of craft a way to achieve a
door, adorn all the corners, and across each the superior state of efficiency and morality. High
rooves. Their volume and craftsmanship easily handcrafters are expected to be intelligent, able,
make this one of the most ostentatious of and versatile artisans more than powerful
Cauldron's noble homes (with the possible adventurers.
exception of House Rhiavadi). The manor is home
to the fantastically rich Taskerhill family. The Striders
The Striders of Desna do their best to protect those
38. Zanathor’s Provisions who must travel the wildlands while at the same
While to the untrained eye there may seem to be time ensuring that evil does not gain a foothold in
nothing unusual going on at this general store, its the far corners of the world. They patrol the places
owner, Bjellkir Zanathor, has the unique honor of no one else dares, and keep safe the remote paths
being the only living citizen in Cauldron who has and roadways of the dangerous, uncivilized frontier
seen the Crater Lake Monster. He is always ready that surrounds Cauldron, which has seen the
to tell the story of how his small fishing boat was deaths of countless travelers, pilgrims, refugees,
attacked late one night and sunk by the fantastic and explorers. They keep their organization secret
creature several years ago. to protect their members’ identities, and there are
few travelers who have been able to get in touch
39. Lathenmire Manor
with them over the years. In this organization, there
Given another few years, the Lathenmires could be
are those who take this charge as more than mere
inducted into Cauldron's nobility. As it stands, the
duty—they elevate it to a way of life. These are the
family is as rich as most of the other nobles, having
pathwardens. Pathwardens both guide and
effectively cornered the local arms and armor trade.
moderate the expansion of civilization into the wild.
The Lathenmire manor is a sprawling structure with
several training rooms and trophy halls on its The Last Laugh
ground floor. Cauldron has more than one small guild of thieves,
but perhaps the most influential guild is called The
40. Lava Tube Entrances
Last Laugh. The guild’s symbol is the silhouette of
Numerous entrances to the caverns below
a laughing jester, shown in profile. The guild
Cauldron exist. Most conduct to dead ends or the
oversees various rackets and specializes in
waters of the Central Lake, but some head directly
security, blackmail, extortion, and assassination.
into old ruins from Cauldron’s foundation times, and
There are only a few guild leaders, known as
a few of them are said to even grant access to the
Jesters, and they rely on an intricate network of
spies, agents, and informants. Their immediate
Organizations subordinates are call harlequins—skilled rogues
and assassins who paint their faces and handle
Alleybashers much of the guild’s “dirty work.” The guild also uses
This band of thugs is nowadays a remanent of its spies—called mimes—to infiltrate rival
former glory and consists of just a hand of organizations, verify rumors, and gather
members. Rather than following their own agenda, information.
they are usually contracted as mercenaries and
Lantern Street Orphanage
bodyguards by those desiring to defend private
Driven by the hands of 6 good willed workers, this
institution is administered by the Headmistress
The Chisel Gretchyn Tashykk. Over the years the orphanage
A secret organization inspired by the ancient hero has been a refuge for lost or unwanted children.
Surabar Spellmason; their members are Most of the children come from families broken by
known as handcrafters. The Chisel death, especially after the outbreak of plague
promotes freedom of thought and 7 years ago. The Orphanage is owned and
responsible action among all its funded by the Vanderboren family.
members. According to this philosophy all
A beautiful woman who recently arrived in Cauldron
Influential NPCs and quickly moved through the
noble social circles in the city. She
Adrick Garthûn is known to have contracted several
A snowy-haired dwarf of 90 years who wears a different adventuring groups to
black leather half-mask. He is a prominent explore locations in the city and its
merchant of Cauldron and known to have contacts surroundings.
in the black market thanks to his business of
alcohol, tobacco, exotic sweets, and Embril Aloustinai
seafood import and export. Reclusive young High Priest of the
Aeberrin Vanderboren Cathedral of Nethys. Often not
seen about the cathedral, she
One of newest nobles in Cauldron.
spends much of her time
She came from humble
communing with her god.
beginnings starting as a server at
a tavern. Among her holdings, Gretchyn Tashykk
she is the current owner and A 72-year-old female halfling.
funds provider of the Lantern Headmistress of the Lantern
Street Orphanage. Street Orphanage. She is very
Alek Tercival protective of the orphans
and can be very gruff when it
A paladin of Abadar charged to
comes to defending them.
guard the temple in Cauldron and
occasionally patrols the city and Ike Iverson
surrounding areas. The gregarious second
Ankhin Taskerhill in the hierarchy of
Nethys’s church. Ike is
Lord Taskerhill is the wealthiest
likeable, talkative, and
noble in Cauldron. He owns several
outgoing, making him very
mines in the nearby mountains, as
different from the rest of
well as a prominent workshop that
Nethy’s clerics. He is also
ships exquisitely crafted obsidian
responsible for the
furniture and knick-knacks to the
everyday operations of the
indolent cities of the north. He also
religious organization.
likes to show himself at high society
meetings, and does not hesitate to Jenya Urikas
talk business if he considers While the Abadar High priest is out of
the person he is conversing with of town, she is the highest-ranking
some worth. His daughter, cleric and the one
Annah Taskerhill, is charged with arranging
reputed to have created the church’s dealings.
an adventurering group
called the Stormblades. Kristof Jurgensen
Only remaining keeper
Asfelkir Hranleurt of the shrine of Sarenrae
The current High Priest of the temple of Cayden after his superiors passed under mysterious
Cailean. He is well known to arrange multiple circumstances.
contests of strength and
sporting events each year. Lathenmire family
A noble family that controls
the smithing business.
Lord Vhalantru
Nobleman and
counselor of the
mayor. He is one of
the most generous
donors to many organizations in Cauldron, general geography of the tunnels and is always
spending part of his fortune to help keep them eager to share some of her tips and knowledge with
operating. He also aids the Lord Mayor by paying customers. Skie retired from the adventuring
contracting adventurers to deal with the dirtier tasks life nearly a decade ago when she accidentally
of protecting Cauldron from monstrous creatures awakened a slumbering wyvern while attempting to
and other dangers. He is known to be generous steal some of its treasure. The enraged wyvern
with groups who aid the city. His openhandedness managed to slay the rest of her party (including her
and resolve to confront problems have earned him familiar, a cat named Newt) before she managed to
the jealousy of other nobles who consider him to be strike it a killing blow. The experience traumatized
too close to the Lord Mayor. her, and she swore never to meddle with monsters
again. But adventuring is still in her blood. Skie
Maavu Arlintal decided to open a store that catered to other
A prominent local merchant and adventurers, and since that day has lived
wizard. Although he keeps a home in vicariously through the tales of her clientele. She
Redgorge, Maavu spends much of his still maintains a terrible fear of all dragons and has
time in Cauldron at his office. He is a never summoned a
big competitor of Adrick Garthûn. replacement familiar for
her beloved Newt.
Ophellha Knowlern
A noblewoman native of Terseon Skellerang
Hollowsky, Lady Knowlern Captain of the Cauldron
owns a multitude of businesses town guard. He is having
in the region, the most well-known of problems investigating all
which is the Cusp of Sunrise. She has the criminal cases around
never married, and inherited her money the city due to lack of funds
from her parents. She owns a small to properly pay the guard.
brewery, the Drunken Morkoth Inn, and In fact, most guards need
two plantations among many other interests and to enroll in secondary work after
investments their watch to sustain their
families. The captain wants the
Premiach Vanderboren
mayor to raise taxes to
One of newest nobles in Cauldron. He began
properly fund the watch, but the
amassing his fortune as a runner for a messenger
nobles and merchants strongly
oppose the idea.
Severen Navalant
Current lord mayor of Cauldron. A well-liked human Thifirane Rhiavadi
whose family has ruled the city for the last 200 Lady Thifirane Rhiavadi has
years. Those close to him worry that he lacks the long been one of the city's
spine to be a true leader, and often defers wealthiest nobles. Common
decisions to others. knowledge holds that much of her
wealth is inherited, but rumors
Sarcem Delasharn abound that she has her hands in
High priest of Abadar, he currently on an extended some illegal enterprises as well.
trip to Eleder to gather resources in preparation for
this year's Flood Festival. Tygot Maspis
Retired halfling adventurer
Skie Aldersun whois 120 years old. He
She is a retired gnome runs “Tygot’s Old Things.”
adventurer who spent The halfling has excellent commercial
much of her youth contacts in the capital city of Eleder, and
exploring the catacombs frequently buys old documents and art
and chambers below objects from local adventurers. Tygot's
Cauldron and now best customers include the lord mayor
runs Skie’s Treasury. himself and many nobles in Cauldron.
She is quite Apart from the occasional trip to the Coy Nixie
knowledgeable about for a frugal meal, Tygot spends his free time
the creatures, traps, dangers, and
writing his memoir and casting diminutive plaster Zachary Aslaxin
replicas of Cauldron's monuments. Cauldron’s nobleman art dealer. Lord Aslaxin and
his family ship most of the non-obsidian artwork
Vervil Ashmantle created by local craftsmen out of town. The bulk of
A hideously ugly tiefling. He is the owner of the family’s fortune is tied up in shipping art and
Kingfisher Sending’s, a poorly run delivery furniture, both simple and exotic, into town and to
business. Many rumors claim that he has ties to the faraway places. They also run the Coy Nixie tavern.
black market.

Cauldron area are open for several miles before giving way to
rolling savannahs. These savannahs then
At times during the campaign, the action moves transform into particularly dense sub-tropical
beyond Cauldron's town walls and into the jungles a few miles farther out from the mountains.
surrounding region. Cauldron is in a sub-tropical This region is a true frontier land; a few villages sit
climate. The foothills surrounding the taller in the foothills and lowlands, but aside from these
mountains are rugged and covered with scrub, but and the roads the area is still wilderness. The
biggest city in the region is Eleder, set more than a helping to run a town. Zachary Aslaxin could not be
week’s journey South West of Cauldron, the coastal happier.
city is the natural entry to the area from beyond the
seas. Even if the adventure does not reach Eleder Redgorge
at any point, it will be a reference point for supplies This village was the first human settlement in the
the characters cannot acquire in Cauldron, and area. Founded about 700 years ago, Redgorge was
they might even desire to pay a visit for that reason. at one time a much larger settlement, but it never
The settlements in Cauldron’s direct surroundings fully recovered from the assaults by demons from
consist of Redgorge, Kingfisher Hollow, and the area of the jungle known as Demonskar.
Hollowsky. A tavern along the road to Eleder, Redgorge sits in a narrow strip of flat ground
named the Lucky Monkey, is a well-known location between a cliff and an immense quarry of red
to Cauldron’s citizens. pebble gravel. West of the village, a prodigious line
of fortifications known as the Basalt Bastions
Hollowsky protect the land, their massive walls unguarded and
The village of Hollowsky is the smallest of the four draped with vines. These fortifications, as
human settlements in the region. With a population impressive as Cauldron's outer walls, tower over
of 460, it barely qualifies as a village. Hollowsky is the village itself. They were built ages ago by
notable mostly as the hometown of one of the Surabar Spellmason's powerful spells in a single
region's more benevolent nobles, Lady Ophellha week, to aid in the defense of Redgorge against the
Knowlern. denizens of the Demonskar. Today, Redgorge is a
farming and mining village. The old Stonemason
Kingfisher Hollow District, where Surabar Spellmason once dwelt, is
The town of Kingfisher Hollow, with its population of visibly depopulated and most of its buildings lie
2,100 souls, is the second largest settlement in the empty and in ruin. Over the decades, most of
area. It is also the primary location for the region's Redgorge's masons left to work in Cauldron.
plantations—the town is surrounded by fields of
coffee and sugarcane. Traditionally, two noble Lucky Monkey
families jointly lead Kingfisher Hollow. Of late, the The Lucky Monkey is a large roadhouse and inn
Aslaxins have taken up the reigns increasingly as about a day's ride from Cauldron. Founded so that
the Taskerhills have declined. Today, only one travelers to and from Eleder would have a safe
Taskerhill remains—and he is more interested in place to stay, the roadhouse is also a favorite of
seeking redemption in the arms of Abadar than local loggers and explorers. Within its walls lies a
small shrine to Desna, unique in the region.

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