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Module IV: 19-206-0303-FLUID MECHANICS

• Hydraulic machines: definition and classification – exchange of energy.

• Hydro turbines: definition and classification – Francis turbine – Kaplan
turbine – working principle – work done – specific speed – efficiency.
• Pumps: definition and classification – Centrifugal pump: working principle,
velocity triangles,
• specific speed, efficiency and performance curves – Reciprocating pumps:
working principle,
• indicator diagram and performance curves – cavitation in pumps – NPSH –
Priming. Rotary pumps: working principle of gear and vane pumps.

Presented by: Praveen Vijayan, Assistant Professor, Safety and Fire Engineering
Hydraulic Machines
• Hydraulic machines are defined as those machines which convert
either hydraulic energy (energy possessed by water) into
mechanical energy (which may be further converted to electrical
energy) or mechanical energy to hydraulic energy.
• Turbines: hydraulic energy into mechanical energy
• Pumps: mechanical energy to hydraulic energy.
General Layout of a hydroelectric power
• Gross head: difference between head race level and tail race level
when no water is flowing (Hg)
• Net Head: Hg-hf (frictional losses)
• Efficiencies of Turbine:
• Hydraulic efficiency (runner power /water power)
• Mechanical Efficiency (shaft power /runner power)
• Volumetric Efficiency (volume of water actually striking the runner/ volume
of water supplied to turbine)
• Overall Efficiency (shaft power/water power)
Impulse Turbine: Pelton Wheel
Radial flow turbine velocity traingles
Kaplan Turbine
Draft Tube
• The draft tube is a conduit which connects the
runner exit to the tail race where the water is
being finally discharged from the turbine.
• The primary function of the draft tube is to
reduce the velocity of the discharged water to
minimize the loss of kinetic energy at the outlet.
• This permits the turbine to be set above the tail
water without any appreciable drop of available
• A clear understanding of the function of the draft
tube in any reaction turbine, in fact, is very
important for the purpose of its design.
• The effective head across any turbine is the difference between the head
at inlet to the machine and the head at outlet from it.
• A reaction turbine always runs completely filled with the working fluid.
The tube that connects the end of the runner to the tail race is known as a
draft tube and should completely to filled with the working fluid flowing
through it.
• The kinetic energy of the fluid finally discharged into the tail race is
wasted. A draft tube is made divergent so as to reduce the velocity at
outlet to a minimum.
• Therefore a draft tube is basically a diffuser and should be designed
properly with the angle between the walls of the tube to be limited to
about 8 degree so as to prevent the flow separation from the wall and to
reduce accordingly the loss of energy in the tube.
Centrifugal pumps
• They transport fluids by the conversion of rotational kinetic energy
to the hydrodynamic energy of the fluid flow. The rotational energy
typically comes from an engine or electric motor.
• In this, the pump uses a centrifugal force acting on the fluid surface
to convert the mechanical energy. The centrifugal pump flows in a
radial outward direction. Therefore the pump acts like a reverse
reaction turbine.
• Centrifugal pumps are the most common fire pumps and are used
with most systems.
• Centrifugal pumps can handle large volumes of water while
providing high pressure boosts.
Reciprocating Pump
Indicator diagram
Double acting reciprocating pump.
Vane pump

• A rotary vane pump is a type of

positive-displacement pump that
consists of vanes mounted to a
rotor that rotates inside a cavity.
Gear Pump
• A gear pump uses the meshing of gears to pump
fluid by displacement.
• As the gears rotate they separate on the intake side
of the pump, creating a void and suction which is
filled by fluid.
• The fluid is carried by the gears to the discharge
side of the pump, where the meshing of the gears
displaces the fluid.
• The mechanical clearances are small— in the order
of 10 μm. The tight clearances, along with the
speed of rotation, effectively prevent the fluid from
leaking backwards.
• The rigid design of the gears and houses allow for
very high pressures and the ability to pump highly
viscous fluids.

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