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िनबंधन सं या पी0ट 0-40

बहार गजट
बहार सरकार ारा कािशत
12 vk"kk<+ 1946 (श0)
सं या 27 पटना, बुधवार, ————————
3 tqykbZ 2024 (ई0)

i`"B i`"B
भाग-1—िनयुि , inLFkkiu, बदली, शि , छु ी और भाग-5—िबहार िवधान मंडल म पुर:LFkkिपत
vU; O;fDrxr सूचनाएं। 2-55 िवधेयक,उDr िवधान मंडल म उपLFkkिपत या
भाग-1-क—Lo;alo s d xqYeksa के समादे"Vk के आदेश। --- उपLFkkिपत कये जानेवाले वर सिमितय के
भाग-1-ख—मै ीकु लेशन, आई0ए0, आई0एससी0, ितवेदन और mDr िवधान मंडल म पुर:LFkkपन
बी0ए0, बी0एससी0, एम0ए0, के पूव कािशत िवधेयक। ---
एम0एससी0, लॉ भाग-1 और 2, भाग-7—संसद के अिधिनयम िजनपर रा पित क T;ss"B
एम0बी0बी0एस0, बी0एस0ई0, डीप0- अनुमित िमल चुक है। ---
इन-एड0, एम0एस0 और eq[rkjh परी ा भाग-8—भारत क संसद म पुर:LFkkfir िवधेयक, संसद
के परी ा-फल, काय म, छा वृि दान, म उपLFkkिपत वर सिमितय के ितवेदन और
आ द। --- संसद म उपLFkkिपत वर सिमितय के
ितवेदन और संसद म पुर:LFkkiu के पूव
भाग-1-ग—िश ा संबंधी सूचनाएं, परी ाफल आ द ---
कािशत िवधेयक। ---
भाग-2—िबहार-jkT;iky और dk;kZ/;{kksa ारा िनकाले भाग-9—िव ापन ---
गये िविनयम, आदेश, अिधसूचनाएं और
भाग-9-क—वन िवभाग क नीलामी संबंधी सूचनाएं ---
िनयम आ द। ---
भाग-9-ख—िनिवदा सूचनाएं, प रवहन सूचनाएं,
भाग-3—भारत सरकार, पि म बंगाल सरकार और mPp
U;k;ky; सूचनाएं और सवसाधारण सूचनाएं
U;k;ky; के आदेश, अिधसूचनाएं और िनयम,
'भारत गजट' और jkT; गजट के उ रण। --- bR;kfnA 56-58

भाग-4—िबहार अिधिनयम --- पूरक ---

पूरक-क 59-62
2 बहार गजट, 3 tqykbZ 2024

िनयु , पद थापन, बदल , श , छु ट और अ य य गत
fof/k foHkkx
11 tuojh 2024
,l0vks0 193] fnukad 3 tqykbZ 2024&&uksVjh vf/kfu;e 1952 ¼1952 dk vf/kfu;e la0&53½ ¼le;&le; ij
;Fkk la'kksf/kr½ dh /kkjk 3 lg&ifBr uksVjh fu;ekoyh] 1956 ¼le;&le; ij ;Fkk la'kksf/kr½ ds fu;e 8 ds mi
fu;e ¼4½ }kjk iznÙk 'kfDr;ksa dk iz;ksx djrs gq, fcgkj jkT; ljdkj Jh yky cgknqj izlkn ¼ukekadu
la0&773@2002½ vf/koDrk] e/kqcuh dks mDr vf/kfu;e ds v/khu vxys ik¡p o"kksZa ds fy, uksVjh fu;qDr djrh gSa]
tks bl :i esa e/kqcuh ftyk ds fy, e/kqcuh ftyk esa dk;Z djsaxsA
¼la0 la0&,0@uksV&51@2023@237@ts0½
fcgkj ds jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
mes'k dqekj 'kekZ] la;qDr lfpo&lg&vij fof/k ijke'khZA
¼l{ke izkf/kdkj½
11 tuojh 2024
,l0vks0 193] fnukad 3 tqykbZ 2024 dk vaxzsth esa fuEufyf[kr vuqokn jkT;iky ds izkf/kdkjh ls blds
}kjk izdkf'kr fd;k tkrk gS] tks Hkkjr lafo/kku ds vuqPNsn&348 ds [kaM ¼3½ ds v/khu vaxzsth Hkk"kk esa mldk
izkf/kd`r ikB le>k tk;sxkA
¼la0 la0&,0@uksV&51@2023@237@ts0½
fcgkj ds jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
mes'k dqekj 'kekZ] la;qDr lfpo&lg&vij fof/k ijke'khZA
¼l{ke izkf/kdkj½
The 11 January 2024
S.O. 193 dated the 3 July 2024&&In exercise of the powers conferred by
Section-3 of the Notaries Act, 1952 (Act No.-53 of 1952) (As Amended from time to
time) read with sub-rule (4) of rule 8 of the Notaries Rules, 1956 (As Amended from time to
time) the State Government of Bihar is pleased to appoint Shri Lal Bahadur Prasad
(Enrolment No.- 773/2002), Advocate, Madhubani a notary under the said Act who will
act as such, in Madhubani district for the district of Madhubani for the next five years.
(File no. -A/Not-51/2023/237/J)
By order of the Governor of Bihar,
Umesh Kumar Sharma, Joint Secretary-cum-
Additional Legal Remembrancer.
(Competent Authority)
बहार गजट, 3 tqykbZ 2024 3

30 tuojh 2024
,l0vks0 194] fnukad 3 tqykbZ 2024&&uksVjh vf/kfu;e 1952 ¼1952 dk vf/kfu;e la0&53½ ¼le;&le; ij
;Fkk la'kksf/kr½ dh /kkjk 3 lg&ifBr uksVjh fu;ekoyh] 1956 ¼le;&le; ij ;Fkk la'kksf/kr½ ds fu;e 8 ds mi
fu;e ¼4½ }kjk iznÙk 'kfDr;ksa dk iz;ksx djrs gq, fcgkj jkT; ljdkj Jh fcus'k lguh ¼ukekadu la0& 1268@2011½
vf/koDrk] e/kqcuh dks mDr vf/kfu;e ds v/khu vxys ik¡p o"kksZa ds fy, uksVjh fu;qDr djrh gSa] tks bl :i esa
e/kqcuh ftyk ds fy, e/kqcuh ftyk esa dk;Z djsaxsA
¼la0 la0&,0@uksV&51@2024@644@ts0½
fcgkj ds jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
mes'k dqekj 'kekZ] la;qDr lfpo&lg&vij fof/k ijke'khZA
¼l{ke izkf/kdkj½
30 tuojh 2024
,l0vks0 194] fnukad 3 tqykbZ 2024 dk vaxzsth esa fuEufyf[kr vuqokn jkT;iky ds izkf/kdkjh ls blds
}kjk izdkf'kr fd;k tkrk gS] tks Hkkjr lafo/kku ds vuqPNsn&348 ds [kaM ¼3½ ds v/khu vaxzsth Hkk"kk esa mldk
izkf/kd`r ikB le>k tk;sxkA
¼la0 la0&,0@uksV&51@2024@644@ts0½
fcgkj ds jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
mes'k dqekj 'kekZ] la;qDr lfpo&lg&vij fof/k ijke'khZA
¼l{ke izkf/kdkj½
The 30 January 2024
S.O. 194 dated the 3rd July 2024&&In exercise of the powers conferred by

Section-3 of the Notaries Act, 1952 (Act No.-53 of 1952) (As Amended from time to
time) read with sub-rule (4) of rule 8 of the Notaries Rules, 1956 (As Amended from time to
time) the State Government of Bihar is pleased to appoint Shri Binesh Sahani (Enrolment
No.- 1268/2011), Advocate, Madhubani a notary under the said Act who will act as such,
in Madhubani district for the district of Madhubani for the next five years.
(File no. -A/Not-51/2024/644/J)
By order of the Governor of Bihar,
Umesh Kumar Sharma, Joint Secretary-cum-
Additional Legal Remembrancer.
(Competent Authority)
22 tuojh 2024
,l0vks0 195] fnukad 3 tqykbZ 2024&&uksVjh vf/kfu;e 1952 ¼1952 dk vf/kfu;e la0&53½ ¼le;&le; ij
;Fkk la'kksf/kr½ dh /kkjk 3 lg&ifBr uksVjh fu;ekoyh] 1956 ¼le;&le; ij ;Fkk la'kksf/kr½ ds fu;e 8 ds mi
fu;e ¼4½ }kjk iznÙk 'kfDr;ksa dk iz;ksx djrs gq, fcgkj jkT; ljdkj Jh ped yky Bkdqj ¼ukekadu
la0&567@2009½ vf/koDrk] Hkkxyiqj dks mDr vf/kfu;e ds v/khu vxys ik¡p o"kksZa ds fy, uksVjh fu;qDr djrh
gSa] tks bl :i esa Hkkxyiqj ftyk ds fy, Hkkxyiqj ftyk esa dk;Z djsaxsA
¼la0 la0&,0@uksV&52@2023@481@ts0½
fcgkj ds jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
mes'k dqekj 'kekZ] la;qDr lfpo&lg&vij fof/k ijke'khZA
¼l{ke izkf/kdkj½
4 बहार गजट, 3 tqykbZ 2024
22 tuojh 2024
,l0vks0 195] fnukad 3 tqykbZ 2024 dk vaxzsth esa fuEufyf[kr vuqokn jkT;iky ds izkf/kdkjh ls blds
}kjk izdkf'kr fd;k tkrk gS] tks Hkkjr lafo/kku ds vuqPNsn&348 ds [kaM ¼3½ ds v/khu vaxzsth Hkk"kk esa mldk
izkf/kd`r ikB le>k tk;sxkA
¼la0 la0&,0@uksV&52@2023@481@ts0½
fcgkj ds jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
mes'k dqekj 'kekZ] la;qDr lfpo&lg&vij fof/k ijke'khZA
¼l{ke izkf/kdkj½
The 22 January 2024
S.O. 195 dated the 3rd July 2024&&In exercise of the powers conferred by
Section-3 of the Notaries Act, 1952 (Act No.-53 of 1952) (As Amended from time to
time) read with sub-rule (4) of rule 8 of the Notaries Rules, 1956 (As Amended from time to
time) the State Government of Bihar is pleased to appoint Shri Chamak Lal Thakur
(Enrolment No.- 567/2009), Advocate, Bhagalpur a notary under the said Act who will
act as such, in Bhagalpur district for the district of Bhagalpur for the next five years.
(File no. -A/Not-52/2023/481/J)
By order of the Governor of Bihar,
Umesh Kumar Sharma, Joint Secretary-cum-
Additional Legal Remembrancer.
(Competent Authority)
30 tuojh 2024
,l0vks0 196] fnukad 3 tqykbZ 2024&&uksVjh vf/kfu;e 1952 ¼1952 dk vf/kfu;e la0&53½ ¼le;&le; ij
;Fkk la'kksf/kr½ dh /kkjk 3 lg&ifBr uksVjh fu;ekoyh] 1956 ¼le;&le; ij ;Fkk la'kksf/kr½ ds fu;e 8 ds mi
fu;e ¼4½ }kjk iznÙk 'kfDr;ksa dk iz;ksx djrs gq, fcgkj jkT; ljdkj Jh lat; dqekj jk; jatu ¼ukekadu la0&
2069@1999½ vf/koDrk] e/kqcuh dks mDr vf/kfu;e ds v/khu vxys ik¡p o"kksZa ds fy, uksVjh fu;qDr djrh gSa]
tks bl :i esa e/kqcuh ftyk ds fy, e/kqcuh ftyk esa dk;Z djsaxsA
¼la0 la0&,0@uksV&52@2024@645@ts0½
fcgkj ds jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
mes'k dqekj 'kekZ] la;qDr lfpo&lg&vij fof/k ijke'khZA
¼l{ke izkf/kdkj½
30 tuojh 2024
,l0vks0 196] fnukad 3 tqykbZ 2024 dk vaxzsth esa fuEufyf[kr vuqokn jkT;iky ds izkf/kdkjh ls blds
}kjk izdkf'kr fd;k tkrk gS] tks Hkkjr lafo/kku ds vuqPNsn&348 ds [kaM ¼3½ ds v/khu vaxzsth Hkk"kk esa mldk
izkf/kd`r ikB le>k tk;sxkA
¼la0 la0&,0@uksV&52@2024@645@ts0½
fcgkj ds jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
mes'k dqekj 'kekZ] la;qDr lfpo&lg&vij fof/k ijke'khZA
¼l{ke izkf/kdkj½
The 30 January 2024
S.O. 196 dated the 3rd July 2024&&In exercise of the powers conferred by
Section-3 of the Notaries Act, 1952 (Act No.-53 of 1952) (As Amended from time to
time) read with sub-rule (4) of rule 8 of the Notaries Rules, 1956 (As Amended from time to
time) the State Government of Bihar is pleased to appoint Shri Sanjay Kumar Roy Ranjan
बहार गजट, 3 tqykbZ 2024 5

(Enrolment No.- 2069/1999), Advocate, Madhubani a notary under the said Act who will
act as such, in Madhubani district for the district of Madhubani for the next five years.
(File no. -A/Not-52/ 2024/645/J)
By order of the Governor of Bihar,
Umesh Kumar Sharma, Joint Secretary-cum-
Additional Legal Remembrancer.
(Competent Authority)
18 tuojh 2024
,l0vks0 197] fnukad 3 tqykbZ 2024&&uksVjh vf/kfu;e 1952 ¼1952 dk vf/kfu;e la0&53½ ¼le;&le; ij
;Fkk la'kksf/kr½ dh /kkjk 3 lg&ifBr uksVjh fu;ekoyh] 1956 ¼le;&le; ij ;Fkk la'kksf/kr½ ds fu;e 8 ds mi
fu;e ¼4½ }kjk iznÙk 'kfDr;ksa dk iz;ksx djrs gq, fcgkj jkT; ljdkj Jh izehr dqekj ¼ukekadu la0& 2458@2005½
vf/koDrk] e/ksiqjk dks mDr vf/kfu;e ds v/khu vxys ik¡p o"kksZa ds fy, uksVjh fu;qDr djrh gSa] tks bl :i esa
e/ksiqjk ftyk ds fy, e/ksiqjk ftyk esa dk;Z djsaxsA
¼la0 la0&,0@uksV&53@2023@427@ts0½
fcgkj ds jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
mes'k dqekj 'kekZ] la;qDr lfpo&lg&vij fof/k ijke'khZA
¼l{ke izkf/kdkj½
18 tuojh 2024
,l0vks0 197] fnukad 3 tqykbZ 2024 dk vaxzsth esa fuEufyf[kr vuqokn jkT;iky ds izkf/kdkjh ls blds
}kjk izdkf'kr fd;k tkrk gS] tks Hkkjr lafo/kku ds vuqPNsn&348 ds [kaM ¼3½ ds v/khu vaxzsth Hkk"kk esa mldk
izkf/kd`r ikB le>k tk;sxkA
¼la0 la0&,0@uksV&53@2023@427@ts0½
fcgkj ds jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
mes'k dqekj 'kekZ] la;qDr lfpo&lg&vij fof/k ijke'khZA
¼l{ke izkf/kdkj½
The 18 January 2024
S.O. 197 dated the 3 July 2024&&In exercise of the powers conferred by
Section-3 of the Notaries Act, 1952 (Act No.-53 of 1952) (As Amended from time to
time) read with sub-rule (4) of rule 8 of the Notaries Rules, 1956 (As Amended from time to
time) the State Government of Bihar is pleased to appoint Shri Pramit Kumar (Enrolment
No.- 2458/2005), Advocate, Madhepura a notary under the said Act who will act as such,
in Madhepura district for the district of Madhepura for the next five years.
(File no. -A/Not-53/ 2023/427/J)
By order of the Governor of Bihar,
Umesh Kumar Sharma, Joint Secretary-cum-
Additional Legal Remembrancer.
(Competent Authority)
31 tuojh 2024
,l0vks0 198] fnukad 3 tqykbZ 2024&&uksVjh vf/kfu;e 1952 ¼1952 dk vf/kfu;e la0&53½ ¼le;&le; ij
;Fkk la'kksf/kr½ dh /kkjk 3 lg&ifBr uksVjh fu;ekoyh] 1956 ¼le;&le; ij ;Fkk la'kksf/kr½ ds fu;e 8 ds mi
fu;e ¼4½ }kjk iznÙk 'kfDr;ksa dk iz;ksx djrs gq, fcgkj jkT; ljdkj Jh vatuh dqekj nkl ¼ukekadu la0&
6 बहार गजट, 3 tqykbZ 2024
707@1990½ vf/koDrk] Hkkxyiqj dks mDr vf/kfu;e ds v/khu vxys ik¡p o"kksZa ds fy, uksVjh fu;qDr djrh gSa]
tks bl :i esa Hkkxyiqj ftyk ds fy, Hkkxyiqj ftyk esa dk;Z djsaxsA
¼la0 la0&,0@uksV&53@2024@696@ts0½
fcgkj ds jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
mes'k dqekj 'kekZ] la;qDr lfpo&lg&vij fof/k ijke'khZA
¼l{ke izkf/kdkj½
31 tuojh 2024
,l0vks0 198] fnukad 3 tqykbZ 2024 dk vaxzsth esa fuEufyf[kr vuqokn jkT;iky ds izkf/kdkjh ls blds
}kjk izdkf'kr fd;k tkrk gS] tks Hkkjr lafo/kku ds vuqPNsn&348 ds [kaM ¼3½ ds v/khu vaxzsth Hkk"kk esa mldk
izkf/kd`r ikB le>k tk;sxkA
¼la0 la0&,0@uksV&53@2024@696@ts0½
fcgkj ds jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
mes'k dqekj 'kekZ] la;qDr lfpo&lg&vij fof/k ijke'khZA
¼l{ke izkf/kdkj½
The 31 January 2024
S.O. 198 dated the 3rd July 2024&&In exercise of the powers conferred by
Section-3 of the Notaries Act, 1952 (Act No.-53 of 1952) (As Amended from time to
time) read with sub-rule (4) of rule 8 of the Notaries Rules, 1956 (As Amended from time to
time) the State Government of Bihar is pleased to appoint Shri Anjani Kumar Das
(Enrolment No.- 707/1990), Advocate, a notary under the said Act who will act as such, in
district for the district of Bhagalpur for the next five years.
(File no. -A/Not-53/2024/696/J)
By order of the Governor of Bihar,
Umesh Kumar Sharma, Joint Secretary-cum-
Additional Legal Remembrancer.
(Competent Authority)
15 tuojh 2024
,l0vks0 199] fnukad 3 tqykbZ 2024&&uksVjh vf/kfu;e 1952 ¼1952 dk vf/kfu;e la0&53½ ¼le;&le; ij
;Fkk la'kksf/kr½ dh /kkjk 3 lg&ifBr uksVjh fu;ekoyh] 1956 ¼le;&le; ij ;Fkk la'kksf/kr½ ds fu;e 8 ds mi
fu;e ¼4½ }kjk iznÙk 'kfDr;ksa dk iz;ksx djrs gq, fcgkj jkT; ljdkj Jh czt Hkw"k.k 'kekZ ¼ukekadu la0&
453@2011½ vf/koDrk] e/kqcuh dks mDr vf/kfu;e ds v/khu vxys ik¡p o"kksZa ds fy, uksVjh fu;qDr djrh gSa] tks
bl :i esa e/kqcuh ftyk ds fy, e/kqcuh ftyk esa dk;Z djsaxsA
¼la0 la0&,0@uksV&54@2023@332@ts0½
fcgkj ds jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
mes'k dqekj 'kekZ] la;qDr lfpo&lg&vij fof/k ijke'khZA
¼l{ke izkf/kdkj½
15 tuojh 2024
,l0vks0 199] fnukad 3 tqykbZ 2024 dk vaxzsth esa fuEufyf[kr vuqokn jkT;iky ds izkf/kdkjh ls blds
}kjk izdkf'kr fd;k tkrk gS] tks Hkkjr lafo/kku ds vuqPNsn&348 ds [kaM ¼3½ ds v/khu vaxzsth Hkk"kk esa mldk
izkf/kd`r ikB le>k tk;sxkA
¼la0 la0&,0@uksV&54@2023@332@ts0½
fcgkj ds jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
mes'k dqekj 'kekZ] la;qDr lfpo&lg&vij fof/k ijke'khZA
¼l{ke izkf/kdkj½
बहार गजट, 3 tqykbZ 2024 7

The 15th January 2024

S.O. 199 dated the 3 July 2024&&In exercise of the powers conferred by
Section-3 of the Notaries Act, 1952 (Act No.-53 of 1952) (As Amended from time to
time) read with sub-rule (4) of rule 8 of the Notaries Rules, 1956 (As Amended from time to
time) the State Government of Bihar is pleased to appoint Sri Braj Bhushan Sharma
(Enrolment No.- 453/2011), Advocate, Madhubani a notary under the said Act who will
act as such, in Madhubani district for the district of Madhubani for the next five years.
(File no. -A/Not-54/2023/332/J)
By order of the Governor of Bihar,
Umesh Kumar Sharma, Joint Secretary-cum-
Additional Legal Remembrancer.
(Competent Authority)
13 Qjojh 2024
,l0vks0 200] fnukad 3 tqykbZ 2024&&uksVjh vf/kfu;e 1952 ¼1952 dk vf/kfu;e la0&53½ ¼le;&le; ij
;Fkk la'kksf/kr½ dh /kkjk 3 lg&ifBr uksVjh fu;ekoyh] 1956 ¼le;&le; ij ;Fkk la'kksf/kr½ ds fu;e 8 ds mi
fu;e ¼4½ }kjk iznÙk 'kfDr;ksa dk iz;ksx djrs gq, fcgkj jkT; ljdkj Jh vjfoUn dqekj ¼ukekadu la0&
1648@2000½ vf/koDrk] vkSjaxkckn dks mDr vf/kfu;e ds v/khu vxys ik¡p o"kksZa ds fy, uksVjh fu;qDr djrh gSa]
tks bl :i esa vkSjaxkckn ftyk ds fy, vkSjaxkckn ftyk esa dk;Z djsaxsA
¼la0 la0&,0@uksV&54@2024@1041@ts0½
fcgkj ds jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
mes'k dqekj 'kekZ] la;qDr lfpo&lg&vij fof/k ijke'khZA
¼l{ke izkf/kdkj½
13 Qjojh 2024
,l0vks0 200] fnukad 3 tqykbZ 2024 dk vaxzsth esa fuEufyf[kr vuqokn jkT;iky ds izkf/kdkjh ls blds
}kjk izdkf'kr fd;k tkrk gS] tks Hkkjr lafo/kku ds vuqPNsn&348 ds [kaM ¼3½ ds v/khu vaxzsth Hkk"kk esa mldk
izkf/kd`r ikB le>k tk;sxkA
¼la0 la0&,0@uksV&54@2024@1041@ts0½
fcgkj ds jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
mes'k dqekj 'kekZ] la;qDr lfpo&lg&vij fof/k ijke'khZA
¼l{ke izkf/kdkj½
The 13 February 2024
S.O. 200 dated the 3rd July 2024&&In exercise of the powers conferred by
Section-3 of the Notaries Act, 1952 (Act No.-53 of 1952) (As Amended from time to
time) read with sub-rule (4) of rule 8 of the Notaries Rules, 1956 (As Amended from time to
time) the State Government of Bihar is pleased to appoint Sri Arvind Kumar (Enrolment
No.- 1648/2000), Advocate, Aurangabad a notary under the said Act who will act as
such, in Aurangabad district for the district of Aurangabad for the next five years.
(File no. -A/Not-54/2024/1041/J)
By order of the Governor of Bihar,
Umesh Kumar Sharma, Joint Secretary-cum-
Additional Legal Remembrancer.
(Competent Authority)
8 बहार गजट, 3 tqykbZ 2024
16 tuojh 2024
,l0vks0 201] fnukad 3 tqykbZ 2024&&uksVjh vf/kfu;e 1952 ¼1952 dk vf/kfu;e la0&53½ ¼le;&le; ij
;Fkk la'kksf/kr½ dh /kkjk 3 lg&ifBr uksVjh fu;ekoyh] 1956 ¼le;&le; ij ;Fkk la'kksf/kr½ ds fu;e 8 ds mi
fu;e ¼4½ }kjk iznÙk 'kfDr;ksa dk iz;ksx djrs gq, fcgkj jkT; ljdkj Jh nhid izlkn flag] ¼ukekadu
la0&1219@2003½ vf/koDrk] x;k dks mDr vf/kfu;e ds v/khu vxys ik¡p o"kksZa ds fy, uksVjh fu;qDr djrh gSa]
tks bl :i esa x;k ftyk ds fy, x;k ftyk esa dk;Z djsaxsA
¼la0 la0&,0@uksV&55@2023@374@ts0½
fcgkj ds jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
mes'k dqekj 'kekZ] la;qDr lfpo&lg&vij fof/k ijke'khZA
¼l{ke izkf/kdkj½
16 tuojh 2024
,l0vks0 201] fnukad 3 tqykbZ 2024 dk vaxzsth esa fuEufyf[kr vuqokn jkT;iky ds izkf/kdkjh ls blds
}kjk izdkf'kr fd;k tkrk gS] tks Hkkjr lafo/kku ds vuqPNsn&348 ds [kaM ¼3½ ds v/khu vaxzsth Hkk"kk esa mldk
izkf/kd`r ikB le>k tk;sxkA
¼la0 la0&,0@uksV&55@2023@374@ts0½
fcgkj ds jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
mes'k dqekj 'kekZ] la;qDr lfpo&lg&vij fof/k ijke'khZA
¼l{ke izkf/kdkj½
The 16 January 2024
S.O. 201 dated the 3rd July 2024&&In exercise of the powers conferred by
Section-3 of the Notaries Act, 1952 (Act No.-53 of 1952) (As Amended from time to
time) read with sub-rule (4) of rule 8 of the Notaries Rules, 1956 (As Amended from time to
time) the State Government of Bihar is pleased to appoint Shri Deepak Prasad Singh
(Enrolment No.- 1219/2003), Advocate, Gaya a notary under the said Act who will act as
such, in Gaya district for the district of Gaya for the next five years.
(File no. -A/Not-55/2023/374/J)
By order of the Governor of Bihar,
Umesh Kumar Sharma, Joint Secretary-cum-
Additional Legal Remembrancer.
(Competent Authority)
5 Qjojh 2024
,l0vks0 202] fnukad 3 tqykbZ 2024&&uksVjh vf/kfu;e 1952 ¼1952 dk vf/kfu;e la0&53½ ¼le;&le; ij
;Fkk la'kksf/kr½ dh /kkjk 3 lg&ifBr uksVjh fu;ekoyh] 1956 ¼le;&le; ij ;Fkk la'kksf/kr½ ds fu;e 8 ds mi
fu;e ¼4½ }kjk iznÙk 'kfDr;ksa dk iz;ksx djrs gq, fcgkj jkT; ljdkj Jherh yhyk dqekjh ¼ukekadu la0&
71@2008½] vf/koDrk] iVuk dks mDr vf/kfu;e ds v/khu vxys ik¡p o"kksZa ds fy, uksVjh fu;qDr djrh gSa] tks
bl :i esa iVuk ftyk ds fy, iVuk ftyk esa dk;Z djsaxsA
¼la0 la0&,0@uksV&55@2024@777@ts0½
fcgkj ds jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
mes'k dqekj 'kekZ] la;qDr lfpo&lg&vij fof/k ijke'khZA
¼l{ke izkf/kdkj½
बहार गजट, 3 tqykbZ 2024 9

5 Qjojh 2024
,l0vks0 202] fnukad 3 tqykbZ 2024 dk vaxzsth esa fuEufyf[kr vuqokn jkT;iky ds izkf/kdkjh ls blds
}kjk izdkf'kr fd;k tkrk gS] tks Hkkjr lafo/kku ds vuqPNsn&348 ds [kaM ¼3½ ds v/khu vaxst z h Hkk"kk esa mldk
izkf/kd`r ikB le>k tk;sxkA
¼la0 la0&,0@uksV&55@2024@777@ts0½
fcgkj ds jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
mes'k dqekj 'kekZ] la;qDr lfpo&lg&vij fof/k ijke'khZA
¼l{ke izkf/kdkj½
The 5 February 2024
S.O. 202 dated the 3rd July 2024&&In exercise of the powers conferred by
Section-3 of the Notaries Act, 1952 (Act No.-53 of 1952) (As Amended from time to
time) read with sub-rule (4) of rule 8 of the Notaries Rules, 1956 (As Amended from time to
time) the State Government of Bihar is pleased to appoint Smt. Leela Kumari, (Enrolment
No.- 71/2008), Advocate Patna a notary under the said Act who will act as such, in Patna
district for the district of Patna for the next five years.
(File no. -A/Not-55/2024/777/J)
By order of the Governor of Bihar,
Umesh Kumar Sharma, Joint Secretary-cum-
Additional Legal Remembrancer.
(Competent Authority)
15 tuojh 2024
,l0vks0 203] fnukad 3 tqykbZ 2024&&uksVjh vf/kfu;e 1952 ¼1952 dk vf/kfu;e la0&53½ ¼le;&le; ij
;Fkk la'kksf/kr½ dh /kkjk 3 lg&ifBr uksVjh fu;ekoyh] 1956 ¼le;&le; ij ;Fkk la'kksf/kr½ ds fu;e 8 ds mi
fu;e ¼4½ }kjk iznÙk 'kfDr;ksa dk iz;ksx djrs gq, fcgkj jkT; ljdkj Jh v'kksd dqekj] ¼ukekadu la0&
1606@2011½ vf/koDrk] uoknk dks mDr vf/kfu;e ds v/khu vxys ik¡p o"kksZa ds fy, uksVjh fu;qDr djrh gSa] tks
bl :i esa uoknk ftyk ds fy, uoknk ftyk esa dk;Z djsaxsA
¼la0 la0&,0@uksV&56@2023@331@ts0½
fcgkj ds jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
mes'k dqekj 'kekZ] la;qDr lfpo&lg&vij fof/k ijke'khZA
¼l{ke izkf/kdkj½
15 tuojh 2024
,l0vks0 203] fnukad 3 tqykbZ 2024 dk vaxzsth esa fuEufyf[kr vuqokn jkT;iky ds izkf/kdkjh ls blds
}kjk izdkf'kr fd;k tkrk gS] tks Hkkjr lafo/kku ds vuqPNsn&348 ds [kaM ¼3½ ds v/khu vaxzsth Hkk"kk esa mldk
izkf/kd`r ikB le>k tk;sxkA
¼la0 la0&,0@uksV&56@2023@331@ts0½
fcgkj ds jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
mes'k dqekj 'kekZ] la;qDr lfpo&lg&vij fof/k ijke'khZA
¼l{ke izkf/kdkj½
The 15 January 2024
S.O. 203 dated the 3rd July 2024&&In exercise of the powers conferred by
Section-3 of the Notaries Act, 1952 (Act No.-53 of 1952) (As Amended from time to
time) read with sub-rule (4) of rule 8 of the Notaries Rules, 1956 (As Amended from time to
time) the State Government of Bihar is pleased to appoint Shri Ashok Kumar (Enrolment
10 बहार गजट, 3 tqykbZ 2024
No.- 1606/2011), Advocate, Nawada a notary under the said Act who will act as such, in
Nawada district for the district of Nawada for the next five years.
(File no. -A/Not-56/2023/331/J)
By order of the Governor of Bihar,
Umesh Kumar Sharma, Joint Secretary-cum-
Additional Legal Remembrancer.
(Competent Authority)
12 Qjojh 2024
,l0vks0 204] fnukad 3 tqykbZ 2024&&uksVjh vf/kfu;e 1952 ¼1952 dk vf/kfu;e la0&53½ ¼le;&le; ij
;Fkk la'kksf/kr½ dh /kkjk 3 lg&ifBr uksVjh fu;ekoyh] 1956 ¼le;&le; ij ;Fkk la'kksf/kr½ ds fu;e 8 ds mi
fu;e ¼4½ }kjk iznÙk 'kfDr;ksa dk iz;ksx djrs gq, fcgkj jkT; ljdkj Jh fou; izlkn ¼ukekadu la0&494@2012½]
vf/koDrk] iVuk dks mDr vf/kfu;e ds v/khu vxys ik¡p o"kksZa ds fy, uksVjh fu;qDr djrh gSa] tks bl :i esa
iVuk ftyk ds fy, iVuk ftyk esa dk;Z djsaxsA
¼la0 la0&,0@uksV&56@2024@983@ts0½
fcgkj ds jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
mes'k dqekj 'kekZ] la;qDr lfpo&lg&vij fof/k ijke'khZA
¼l{ke izkf/kdkj½
12 Qjojh 2024
,l0vks0 204] fnukad 3 tqykbZ 2024 dk vaxzsth esa fuEufyf[kr vuqokn jkT;iky ds izkf/kdkjh ls blds
}kjk izdkf'kr fd;k tkrk gS] tks Hkkjr lafo/kku ds vuqPNsn&348 ds [kaM ¼3½ ds v/khu vaxzsth Hkk"kk esa mldk
izkf/kd`r ikB le>k tk;sxkA
¼la0 la0&,0@uksV&56@2024@983@ts0½
fcgkj ds jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
mes'k dqekj 'kekZ] la;qDr lfpo&lg&vij fof/k ijke'khZA
¼l{ke izkf/kdkj½
The 12 February 2024
S.O. 204 dated the 3rd July 2024&&In exercise of the powers conferred by
Section-3 of the Notaries Act, 1952 (Act No.-53 of 1952) (As Amended from time to
time) read with sub-rule (4) of rule 8 of the Notaries Rules, 1956 (As Amended from time to
time) the State Government of Bihar is pleased to appoint Shri. Vinay Prasad, (Enrolment
No.- 494/2012) Advocate, Patna a notary under the said Act who will act as such, in Patna
district for the district of Patna for the next five years.
(File no. -A/Not-56/2024/983/J)
By order of the Governor of Bihar,
Umesh Kumar Sharma, Joint Secretary-cum-
Additional Legal Remembrancer.
(Competent Authority)
31 tuojh 2024
,l0vks0 205] fnukad 3 tqykbZ 2024&&uksVjh vf/kfu;e 1952 ¼1952 dk vf/kfu;e la0&53½ ¼le;&le; ij
;Fkk la'kksf/kr½ dh /kkjk 3 lg&ifBr uksVjh fu;ekoyh] 1956 ¼le;&le; ij ;Fkk la'kksf/kr½ ds fu;e 8 ds mi
fu;e ¼4½ }kjk iznÙk 'kfDr;ksa dk iz;ksx djrs gq, fcgkj jkT; ljdkj Jherh esfudk dqekjh] ¼ukekadu la0&
बहार गजट, 3 tqykbZ 2024 11

912@2012½] vf/koDrk] vjfj;k dks mDr vf/kfu;e ds v/khu vxys ik¡p o"kksZa ds fy, uksVjh fu;qDr djrh gSa]
tks bl :i esa vjfj;k ftyk ds fy, vjfj;k ftyk esa dk;Z djsaxsA
¼la0 la0&,0@uksV&57@2023@688@ts0½
fcgkj ds jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
mes'k dqekj 'kekZ] la;qDr lfpo&lg&vij fof/k ijke'khZA
¼l{ke izkf/kdkj½
31 tuojh 2024
,l0vks0 205] fnukad 3 tqykbZ 2024 dk vaxzsth esa fuEufyf[kr vuqokn jkT;iky ds izkf/kdkjh ls blds
}kjk izdkf'kr fd;k tkrk gS] tks Hkkjr lafo/kku ds vuqPNsn&348 ds [kaM ¼3½ ds v/khu vaxzsth Hkk"kk esa mldk
izkf/kd`r ikB le>k tk;sxkA
¼la0 la0&,0@uksV&57@2023@688@ts0½
fcgkj ds jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
mes'k dqekj 'kekZ] la;qDr lfpo&lg&vij fof/k ijke'khZA
¼l{ke izkf/kdkj½
The 31 January 2024
S.O. 205 dated the 3rd July 2024&&In exercise of the powers conferred by
Section-3 of the Notaries Act, 1952 (Act No.-53 of 1952) (As Amended from time to
time) read with sub-rule (4) of rule 8 of the Notaries Rules, 1956 (As Amended from time to
time) the State Government of Bihar is pleased to appoint Smt. Menika Kumari,
(Enrolment No.- 912@2012), Advocate, Araria a notary under the said Act who will act as
such, in Araria district for the district of Araria for the next five years.
(File no. -A/Not-57@2023/688/J)
By order of the Governor of Bihar,
Umesh Kumar Sharma, Joint Secretary-cum-
Additional Legal Remembrancer.
(Competent Authority)
16 Qjojh 2024
,l0vks0 206] fnukad 3 tqykbZ 2024&&uksVjh vf/kfu;e 1952 ¼1952 dk vf/kfu;e la0&53½ ¼le;&le; ij
;Fkk la'kksf/kr½ dh /kkjk 3 lg&ifBr uksVjh fu;ekoyh] 1956 ¼le;&le; ij ;Fkk la'kksf/kr½ ds fu;e 8 ds mi
fu;e ¼4½ }kjk iznÙk 'kfDr;ksa dk iz;ksx djrs gq, fcgkj jkT; ljdkj Jh jke y[ku iky] ¼ukekadu la0&
1163@2007½] vf/koDrk] cDlj dks mDr vf/kfu;e ds v/khu vxys ik¡p o"kksZa ds fy, uksVjh fu;qDr djrh gSa]
tks bl :i esa cDlj ftyk ds fy, cDlj ftyk esa dk;Z djsaxsA
¼la0 la0&,0@uksV&57@2024@1109@ts0½
fcgkj ds jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
mes'k dqekj 'kekZ] la;qDr lfpo&lg&vij fof/k ijke'khZA
¼l{ke izkf/kdkj½
16 Qjojh 2024
,l0vks0 206] fnukad 3 tqykbZ 2024 dk vaxzsth esa fuEufyf[kr vuqokn jkT;iky ds izkf/kdkjh ls blds
}kjk izdkf'kr fd;k tkrk gS] tks Hkkjr lafo/kku ds vuqPNsn&348 ds [kaM ¼3½ ds v/khu vaxzsth Hkk"kk esa mldk
izkf/kd`r ikB le>k tk;sxkA
¼la0 la0&,0@uksV&57@2024@1109@ts0½
fcgkj ds jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
mes'k dqekj 'kekZ] la;qDr lfpo&lg&vij fof/k ijke'khZA
¼l{ke izkf/kdkj½
12 बहार गजट, 3 tqykbZ 2024
The 16th February 2024
S.O. 206 dated the 3 July 2024&&In exercise of the powers conferred by
Section-3 of the Notaries Act, 1952 (Act No.-53 of 1952) (As Amended from time to
time) read with sub-rule (4) of rule 8 of the Notaries Rules, 1956 (As Amended from time to
time) the State Government of Bihar is pleased to appoint Shri . Ram Lakhan Pal,
(Enrolment No.- 1163/2007), Advocate, Buxar a notary under the said Act who will act as
such, in Buxar district for the district of Buxar for the next five years.
(File no. -A/Not-57/2024/1109/J)
By order of the Governor of Bihar,
Umesh Kumar Sharma, Joint Secretary-cum-
Additional Legal Remembrancer.
(Competent Authority)
18 tuojh 2024
,l0vks0 207] fnukad 3 tqykbZ 2024&&uksVjh vf/kfu;e 1952 ¼1952 dk vf/kfu;e la0&53½ ¼le;&le; ij
;Fkk la'kksf/kr½ dh /kkjk 3 lg&ifBr uksVjh fu;ekoyh] 1956 ¼le;&le; ij ;Fkk la'kksf/kr½ ds fu;e 8 ds mi
fu;e ¼4½ }kjk iznÙk 'kfDr;ksa dk iz;ksx djrs gq, fcgkj jkT; ljdkj Jh _rqjatu dqekj] ¼ukekadu la0&
2619@2005½] vf/koDrk] eqt¶Qjiqj] dks mDr vf/kfu;e ds v/khu vxys ik¡p o"kksZa ds fy, uksVjh fu;qDr djrh
gSa] tks bl :i esa eqt¶Qjiqj] ftyk ds fy, eqt¶Qjiqj] ftyk esa dk;Z djsaxsA
¼la0 la0&,0@uksV&58@2023@386@ts0½
fcgkj ds jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
mes'k dqekj 'kekZ] la;qDr lfpo&lg&vij fof/k ijke'khZA
¼l{ke izkf/kdkj½
18 tuojh 2024
,l0vks0 207] fnukad 3 tqykbZ 2024 dk vaxzsth esa fuEufyf[kr vuqokn jkT;iky ds izkf/kdkjh ls blds
}kjk izdkf'kr fd;k tkrk gS] tks Hkkjr lafo/kku ds vuqPNsn&348 ds [kaM ¼3½ ds v/khu vaxzsth Hkk"kk esa mldk
izkf/kd`r ikB le>k tk;sxkA
¼la0 la0&,0@uksV&58@2023@386@ts0½
fcgkj ds jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
mes'k dqekj 'kekZ] la;qDr lfpo&lg&vij fof/k ijke'khZA
¼l{ke izkf/kdkj½
The 18 January 2024
S.O. 207 dated the 3 July 2024&&In exercise of the powers conferred by
Section-3 of the Notaries Act, 1952 (Act No.-53 of 1952) (As Amended from time to
time) read with sub-rule (4) of rule 8 of the Notaries Rules, 1956 (As Amended from time to
time) the State Government of Bihar is pleased to appoint Shri Ritu Ranjan Kumar,
(Enrolment No.- 2619/2005), Advocate, Muzaffarpur,a notary under the said Act who will
act as such, in Muzaffarpur, district for the district of Muzaffarpur,for the next five years.
(File no. -A/Not-58/2023/386/J)
By order of the Governor of Bihar,
Umesh Kumar Sharma, Joint Secretary-cum-
Additional Legal Remembrancer.
(Competent Authority)
बहार गजट, 3 tqykbZ 2024 13

13 Qjojh 2024
,l0vks0 208] fnukad 3 tqykbZ 2024&&uksVjh vf/kfu;e 1952 ¼1952 dk vf/kfu;e la0&53½ ¼le;&le; ij
;Fkk la'kksf/kr½ dh /kkjk 3 lg&ifBr uksVjh fu;ekoyh] 1956 ¼le;&le; ij ;Fkk la'kksf/kr½ ds fu;e 8 ds mi
fu;e ¼4½ }kjk iznÙk 'kfDr;ksa dk iz;ksx djrs gq, fcgkj jkT; ljdkj Jh fnys'oj Bkdqj] ¼ukekadu la0&
593@2010½] vf/koDrk] dSewj ¼HkHkqvk½ dks mDr vf/kfu;e ds v/khu vxys ik¡p o"kksZa ds fy, uksVjh fu;qDr
djrh gSa] tks bl :i esa dSewj ¼HkHkqvk½ ftyk ds fy, dSewj ¼HkHkqvk½ ftyk esa dk;Z djsaxsA
¼la0 la0&,0@uksV&58@2024@1038@ts0½
fcgkj ds jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
mes'k dqekj 'kekZ] la;qDr lfpo&lg&vij fof/k ijke'khZA
¼l{ke izkf/kdkj½
13 Qjojh 2024
,l0vks0 208] fnukad 3 tqykbZ 2024 dk vaxzsth esa fuEufyf[kr vuqokn jkT;iky ds izkf/kdkjh ls blds
}kjk izdkf'kr fd;k tkrk gS] tks Hkkjr lafo/kku ds vuqPNsn&348 ds [kaM ¼3½ ds v/khu vaxzsth Hkk"kk esa mldk
izkf/kd`r ikB le>k tk;sxkA
¼la0 la0&,0@uksV&58@2024@1038@ts0½
fcgkj ds jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
mes'k dqekj 'kekZ] la;qDr lfpo&lg&vij fof/k ijke'khZA
¼l{ke izkf/kdkj½
The 13 February 2024
S.O. 208 dated the 3rd July 2024&&In exercise of the powers conferred by
Section-3 of the Notaries Act, 1952 (Act No.-53 of 1952) (As Amended from time to
time) read with sub-rule (4) of rule 8 of the Notaries Rules, 1956 (As Amended from time to
time) the State Government of Bihar is pleased to appoint Shri. Dileshwar Thakur,
(Enrolment No.- 593/2010), Advocate, Kaimur (Bhubua) a notary under the said Act who
will act as such, in Kaimur (Bhubua) district for the district of Kaimur (Bhubua) for the next five
(File no. -A/Not-58/2024/1038/J)
By order of the Governor of Bihar,
Umesh Kumar Sharma, Joint Secretary-cum-
Additional Legal Remembrancer.
(Competent Authority)
18 tuojh 2024
,l0vks0 209] fnukad 3 tqykbZ 2024&&uksVjh vf/kfu;e 1952 ¼1952 dk vf/kfu;e la0&53½ ¼le;&le; ij
;Fkk la'kksf/kr½ dh /kkjk 3 lg&ifBr uksVjh fu;ekoyh] 1956 ¼le;&le; ij ;Fkk la'kksf/kr½ ds fu;e 8 ds mi
fu;e ¼4½ }kjk iznÙk 'kfDr;ksa dk iz;ksx djrs gq, fcgkj jkT; ljdkj Jh jkds'k dqekj Bkdqj] ¼ukekadu la0&
ch0vkj0@1720@1997½] vf/koDrk] iwohZ pEikj.k] dks mDr vf/kfu;e ds v/khu vxys ik¡p o"kksZa ds fy, uksVjh
fu;qDr djrh gSa] tks bl :i esa iwohZ pEikj.k] ftyk ds fy, iwohZ pEikj.k] ftyk esa dk;Z djsaxsA
¼la0 la0&,0@uksV&59@2023@424@ts0½
fcgkj ds jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
mes'k dqekj 'kekZ] la;qDr lfpo&lg&vij fof/k ijke'khZA
¼l{ke izkf/kdkj½
14 बहार गजट, 3 tqykbZ 2024
18 tuojh 2024
,l0vks0 209] fnukad 3 tqykbZ 2024 dk vaxzsth esa fuEufyf[kr vuqokn jkT;iky ds izkf/kdkjh ls blds
}kjk izdkf'kr fd;k tkrk gS] tks Hkkjr lafo/kku ds vuqPNsn&348 ds [kaM ¼3½ ds v/khu vaxst z h Hkk"kk esa mldk
izkf/kd`r ikB le>k tk;sxkA
¼la0 la0&,0@uksV&59@2023@424@ts0½
fcgkj ds jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
mes'k dqekj 'kekZ] la;qDr lfpo&lg&vij fof/k ijke'khZA
¼l{ke izkf/kdkj½
The 18 January 2024
S.O. 209 dated the 3rd July 2024&&In exercise of the powers conferred by
Section-3 of the Notaries Act, 1952 (Act No.-53 of 1952) (As Amended from time to
time) read with sub-rule (4) of rule 8 of the Notaries Rules, 1956 (As Amended from time to
time) the State Government of Bihar is pleased to appoint Shri Rakesh Kumar Thakur
(Enrolment No.- BR/1720/1997), Advocate, East Champaran, a notary under the said Act
who will act as such, in East Champaran, district for the district of East Champaran, for the next
five years.
(File no. -A/Not-59/2023/424/J)
By order of the Governor of Bihar,
Umesh Kumar Sharma, Joint Secretary-cum-
Additional Legal Remembrancer.
(Competent Authority)
12 Qjojh 2024
,l0vks0 210] fnukad 3 tqykbZ 2024&&uksVjh vf/kfu;e 1952 ¼1952 dk vf/kfu;e la0&53½ ¼le;&le; ij
;Fkk la'kksf/kr½ dh /kkjk 3 lg&ifBr uksVjh fu;ekoyh] 1956 ¼le;&le; ij ;Fkk la'kksf/kr½ ds fu;e 8 ds mi
fu;e ¼4½ }kjk iznÙk 'kfDr;ksa dk iz;ksx djrs gq, fcgkj jkT; ljdkj Jh xkSre dqekj ¼ukekadu la0& 2663@2010½]
vf/koDrk] iVuk dks mDr vf/kfu;e ds v/khu vxys ik¡p o"kksZa ds fy, uksVjh fu;qDr djrh gSa] tks bl :i esa
iVuk ftyk ds fy, iVuk ftyk esa dk;Z djsaxsA
¼la0 la0&,0@uksV&59@2024@984@ts0½
fcgkj ds jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
mes'k dqekj 'kekZ] la;qDr lfpo&lg&vij fof/k ijke'khZA
¼l{ke izkf/kdkj½
12 Qjojh 2024
,l0vks0 210] fnukad 3 tqykbZ 2024 dk vaxzsth esa fuEufyf[kr vuqokn jkT;iky ds izkf/kdkjh ls blds
}kjk izdkf'kr fd;k tkrk gS] tks Hkkjr lafo/kku ds vuqPNsn&348 ds [kaM ¼3½ ds v/khu vaxzsth Hkk"kk esa mldk
izkf/kd`r ikB le>k tk;sxkA
¼la0 la0&,0@uksV&59@2024@984@ts0½
fcgkj ds jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
mes'k dqekj 'kekZ] la;qDr lfpo&lg&vij fof/k ijke'khZA
¼l{ke izkf/kdkj½
The 12 February 2024
S.O. 210 dated the 3 July 2024&&In exercise of the powers conferred by
Section-3 of the Notaries Act, 1952 (Act No.-53 of 1952) (As Amended from time to
time) read with sub-rule (4) of rule 8 of the Notaries Rules, 1956 (As Amended from time to
time) the State Government of Bihar is pleased to appoint Shri Gautam Kumar, (Enrolment
बहार गजट, 3 tqykbZ 2024 15

No.- 2663/2010), Advocate, Patna a notary under the said Act who will act as such, in
Patna district for the district of Patna for the next five years.
(File no. -A/Not-59/2024/984/J)
By order of the Governor of Bihar,
Umesh Kumar Sharma, Joint Secretary-cum-
Additional Legal Remembrancer.
(Competent Authority)
22 tuojh 2024
,l0vks0 211] fnukad 3 tqykbZ 2024&&uksVjh vf/kfu;e 1952 ¼1952 dk vf/kfu;e la0&53½ ¼le;&le; ij
;Fkk la'kksf/kr½ dh /kkjk 3 lg&ifBr uksVjh fu;ekoyh] 1956 ¼le;&le; ij ;Fkk la'kksf/kr½ ds fu;e 8 ds mi
fu;e ¼4½ }kjk iznÙk 'kfDr;ksa dk iz;ksx djrs gq, fcgkj jkT; ljdkj Jh vHk; dqekj] ¼ukekadu la0& 679@2002½]
vf/koDrk] iwohZ pEikj.k dks mDr vf/kfu;e ds v/khu vxys ik¡p o"kksZa ds fy, uksVjh fu;qDr djrh gSa] tks bl
:i esa iwohZ pEikj.k ftyk ds fy, iwohZ pEikj.k ftyk esa dk;Z djsaxsA
¼la0 la0&,0@uksV&60@2023@492@ts0½
fcgkj ds jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
mes'k dqekj 'kekZ] la;qDr lfpo&lg&vij fof/k ijke'khZA
¼l{ke izkf/kdkj½
22 tuojh 2024
,l0vks0 211] fnukad 3 tqykbZ 2024 dk vaxzsth esa fuEufyf[kr vuqokn jkT;iky ds izkf/kdkjh ls blds
}kjk izdkf'kr fd;k tkrk gS] tks Hkkjr lafo/kku ds vuqPNsn&348 ds [kaM ¼3½ ds v/khu vaxzsth Hkk"kk esa mldk
izkf/kd`r ikB le>k tk;sxkA
¼la0 la0&,0@uksV&60@2023@492@ts0½
fcgkj ds jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
mes'k dqekj 'kekZ] la;qDr lfpo&lg&vij fof/k ijke'khZA
¼l{ke izkf/kdkj½
The 22 January 2024
S.O. 211 dated the 3rd July 2024&&In exercise of the powers conferred by

Section-3 of the Notaries Act, 1952 (Act No.-53 of 1952) (As Amended from time to
time) read with sub-rule (4) of rule 8 of the Notaries Rules, 1956 (As Amended from time to
time) the State Government of Bihar is pleased to appoint Shri Abbay Kumar (Enrolment
No.- 679@2002), Advocate, East Champaran a notary under the said Act who will act as such,
in East Champaran district for the district of East Champaran for the next five years.
(File no. -A/Not-60@2023/492/J)
By order of the Governor of Bihar,
Umesh Kumar Sharma, Joint Secretary-cum-
Additional Legal Remembrancer.
(Competent Authority)
12 Qjojh 2024
,l0vks0 212] fnukad 3 tqykbZ 2024&&uksVjh vf/kfu;e 1952 ¼1952 dk vf/kfu;e la0&53½ ¼le;&le; ij
;Fkk la'kksf/kr½ dh /kkjk 3 lg&ifBr uksVjh fu;ekoyh] 1956 ¼le;&le; ij ;Fkk la'kksf/kr½ ds fu;e 8 ds mi
16 बहार गजट, 3 tqykbZ 2024
fu;e ¼4½ }kjk iznÙk 'kfDr;ksa dk iz;ksx djrs gq, fcgkj jkT; ljdkj Jh uUn yky jk;] ¼ukekadu la0&
10562@1996½] vf/koDrk] iwohZ pEikj.k dks mDr vf/kfu;e ds v/khu vxys ik¡p o"kksZa ds fy, uksVjh fu;qDr
djrh gSa] tks bl :i esa iwohZ pEikj.k ftyk ds fy, iwohZ pEikj.k ftyk esa dk;Z djsaxsA
¼la0 la0&,0@uksV&60@2024 @976@ts0½
fcgkj ds jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
mes'k dqekj 'kekZ] la;qDr lfpo&lg&vij fof/k ijke'khZA
¼l{ke izkf/kdkj½
12 Qjojh 2024
,l0vks0 212] fnukad 3 tqykbZ 2024 dk vaxzsth esa fuEufyf[kr vuqokn jkT;iky ds izkf/kdkjh ls blds
}kjk izdkf'kr fd;k tkrk gS] tks Hkkjr lafo/kku ds vuqPNsn&348 ds [kaM ¼3½ ds v/khu vaxzsth Hkk"kk esa mldk
izkf/kd`r ikB le>k tk;sxkA
¼la0 la0&,0@uksV&60@2024 @976@ts0½
fcgkj ds jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
mes'k dqekj 'kekZ] la;qDr lfpo&lg&vij fof/k ijke'khZA
¼l{ke izkf/kdkj½
The 12 February 2024
S.O. 212 dated the 3rd July 2024&&In exercise of the powers conferred by

Section-3 of the Notaries Act, 1952 (Act No.-53 of 1952) (As Amended from time to
time) read with sub-rule (4) of rule 8 of the Notaries Rules, 1956 (As Amended from time to
time) the State Government of Bihar is pleased to appoint Shri Nand Lal Rai (Enrolment
No.- 10562/1996), Advocate, East Champaran a notary under the said Act who will act as
such, in East Champaran district for the district of East Champaran for the next five years.
(File no. -A/Not-60/2024/976/J)
By order of the Governor of Bihar,
Umesh Kumar Sharma, Joint Secretary-cum-
Additional Legal Remembrancer.
(Competent Authority)
15 vizhy 2024
,l0vks0 213] fnukad 3 tqykbZ 2024&&uksVjh vf/kfu;e] 1952 ¼1952 dk vf/kfu;e la0&53½ dh /kkjk&10 ds
v/khu iznÙk 'kfDr;ksa dk iz;ksx djrs gq, fcgkj jkT;iky] Jh MkWa pUnz Hkw"k.k oekZ uksVjh] iVuk dk uke] ftudh
fu;qfDr uksVjh ds :i esa fof/k foHkkx dh vf/klwpuk Kki la0&2993 fnukad&24-06-2008 }kjk dh x;h Fkh] uksVjh

vf/kfu;e] 1952 ¼53 of 1952½ dh /kkjk&4 ds vUrxZr uksVfj;ksa ds fy;s la/kkfjr uksVjh iath ls rRdky izHkko ls
gVkus dk vkns'k nsrs gSA
fcgkj ds jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
mes'k dqekj 'kekZ] la;qDr lfpo&lg&vij fof/k ijke'khZA
¼l{ke izkf/kdkj½
बहार गजट, 3 tqykbZ 2024 17

15 vizhy 2024
,l0vks0 213] fnukad 3 tqykbZ 2024 dk vaxzsth esa fuEufyf[kr vuqokn jkT;iky ds izkf/kdkjh ls blds
}kjk izdkf'kr fd;k tkrk gS] tks Hkkjr lafo/kku ds vuqPNsn&348 ds [kaM ¼3½ ds v/khu vaxst z h Hkk"kk esa mldk
izkf/kd`r ikB le>k tk;sxkA
fcgkj ds jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
mes'k dqekj 'kekZ] la;qDr lfpo&lg&vij fof/k ijke'khZA
¼l{ke izkf/kdkj½
The 15 April 2024
S.O. 213 dated the 3rd July 2024&&In exercise of the powers conferred under
Section-10 of the Notaries Act, 1952 (Act 53 of 1952), the Governor of Bihar is pleased
to remove the name of Sri Chandra Bhushan Verma Notary, Patna whose appointment
had been made as notary under Law Department's Notification memo no. 2993/J dated-
24.06.2008 from the notary register maintained for Notaries under Section-4 of the
Notaries Act, 1952.
(File No.-A/Not(s)-31/2002/2502/J)
By order of the Governor of Bihar,
Umesh Kumar Sharma, Joint Secretary-cum-
Additional Legal Remembrancer.
(Competent Authority)
15 vizhy 2024
,l0vks0 214] fnukad 3 tqykbZ 2024&&uksVjh vf/kfu;e] 1952 ¼1952 dk vf/kfu;e la0&53½ dh /kkjk&10 ds
v/khu iznÙk 'kfDr;ksa dk iz;ksx djrs gq, fcgkj jkT;iky] Jh 'kf'k Hkw"k.k uksVjh] iVuk dk uke] ftudh fu;qfDr uksVjh
ds :i esa fof/k foHkkx dh vf/klwpuk Kki la0&275 fnukad&12-01-2024 }kjk dh x;h Fkh] uksVjh vf/kfu;e] 1952 ¼53
of 1952½ dh /kkjk&4 ds vUrxZr uksVfj;ksa ds fy;s la/kkfjr uksVjh iath ls rRdky izHkko ls gVkus dk vkns'k nsrs gSA
fcgkj ds jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
mes'k dqekj 'kekZ] la;qDr lfpo&lg&vij fof/k ijke'khZA
¼l{ke izkf/kdkj½
15 vizhy 2024
,l0vks0 214] fnukad 3 tqykbZ 2024 dk vaxzsth esa fuEufyf[kr vuqokn jkT;iky ds izkf/kdkjh ls blds
}kjk izdkf'kr fd;k tkrk gS] tks Hkkjr lafo/kku ds vuqPNsn&348 ds [kaM ¼3½ ds v/khu vaxzsth Hkk"kk esa mldk
izkf/kd`r ikB le>k tk;sxkA
fcgkj ds jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
mes'k dqekj 'kekZ] la;qDr lfpo&lg&vij fof/k ijke'khZA
¼l{ke izkf/kdkj½

The 15th April 2024

S.O. 214 dated the 3 July 2024&&In exercise of the powers conferred under
Section-10 of the Notaries Act, 1952 (Act 53 of 1952), the Governor of Bihar is pleased
to remove the name of Sri Shashi Bhushan Notary, Patna whose appointment had
been made as notary under Law Department's Notification memo no. 275 /J dated-
18 बहार गजट, 3 tqykbZ 2024
12.01.2024 from the notary register maintained for Notaries under Section-4 of the
Notaries Act, 1952.
(File No.-A/Not(s)-44/2002/2501/J)
By order of the Governor of Bihar,
Umesh Kumar Sharma, Joint Secretary-cum-
Additional Legal Remembrancer.
(Competent Authority)
22 Qjojh 2024
,l0vks0 215] fnukad 3 tqykbZ 2024&&fof/k foHkkxh; vf/klwpuk la[;k&2765] fnukad&13-04-2023] ftlds }kjk
Jh v:.k izlkn] vf/koDrk&lg&uksVjh] O;ogkj U;k;ky;] fcgkj'kjhQ] ukyank dk uke uksVjh iath ls gVk;k x;k Fkk] dks
fujLr fd;k tkrk gSA
2- fof/k foHkkxh; vf/klwpuk la0&3265@ts0] fnukad&03-06-2020 ;Fkkor izHkkoh jgsxkA
fcgkj ds jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
mes'k dqekj 'kekZ] la;qDr lfpo&lg&vij fof/k ijke'khZA
¼l{ke izkf/kdkj½
22 Qjojh 2024
,l0vks0 215] fnukad 3 tqykbZ 2024 dk vaxzsth esa fuEufyf[kr vuqokn jkT;iky ds izkf/kdkjh ls blds
}kjk izdkf'kr fd;k tkrk gS] tks Hkkjr lafo/kku ds vuqPNsn&348 ds [kaM ¼3½ ds v/khu vaxzsth Hkk"kk esa mldk
izkf/kd`r ikB le>k tk;sxkA
fcgkj ds jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
mes'k dqekj 'kekZ] la;qDr lfpo&lg&vij fof/k ijke'khZA
¼l{ke izkf/kdkj½
The 22nd February 2024
S.O. 215 dated the 3rd July 2024&&The name of Sri Arun Prasad Advocated-cum-
Notoary Civil Court, Biharshariff Nalnda Was removed from notary register vide Law
Departmental notification no 2765, dated 13.04.2023, is hereby Cancelled.
2. Notification No. 3265/J dated 03.06.2020 of Law Department Shall remain in
(File No.-A/Not(S)-49/2003/1262/J)
By order of the Governor of Bihar,
Umesh Kumar Sharma, Joint Secretary-cum-
Additional Legal Remembrancer.
(Competent Authority)
15 vizhy 2024
,l0vks0 216] fnukad 3 tqykbZ 2024&&uksVjh vf/kfu;e] 1952 ¼1952 dk vf/kfu;e la0&53½ dh /kkjk&10 ds
v/khu iznÙk 'kfDr;ksa dk iz;ksx djrs gq, fcgkj jkT;iky] Jh vkse izdk'k pkScs uksVjh] vjsjkt ¼iwohZ pEikj.k½ dk uke]
ftudh fu;qfDr uksVjh ds :i esa fof/k foHkkx dh vf/klwpuk Kki la0&3120 fnukad&08-07-2004 }kjk dh x;h Fkh]
uksVjh vf/kfu;e] 1952 ¼53 of 1952½ dh /kkjk&4 ds vUrxZr uksVfj;ksa ds fy;s la/kkfjr uksVjh iath ls rRdky izHkko
ls gVkus dk vkns'k nsrs gSA
fcgkj ds jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
mes'k dqekj 'kekZ] la;qDr lfpo&lg&vij fof/k ijke'khZA
¼l{ke izkf/kdkj½
बहार गजट, 3 tqykbZ 2024 19

15 vizhy 2024
,l0vks0 216] fnukad 3 tqykbZ 2024 dk vaxzsth esa fuEufyf[kr vuqokn jkT;iky ds izkf/kdkjh ls blds
}kjk izdkf'kr fd;k tkrk gS] tks Hkkjr lafo/kku ds vuqPNsn&348 ds [kaM ¼3½ ds v/khu vaxst z h Hkk"kk esa mldk
izkf/kd`r ikB le>k tk;sxkA
fcgkj ds jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
mes'k dqekj 'kekZ] la;qDr lfpo&lg&vij fof/k ijke'khZA
¼l{ke izkf/kdkj½
The 15 April 2024
S.O. 216 dated the 3rd July 2024&&In exercise of the powers conferred under

Section-10 of the Notaries Act, 1952 (Act 53 of 1952), the Governor of Bihar is pleased
to remove the name of Sri Om Prakash Chaubey Notary, Areraj (East Champaran)
whose appointment had been made as notary under Law Department's Notification
memo no. 3120/J dated-08.07.2004 from the notary register maintained for Notaries

under Section-4 of the Notaries Act, 1952.

(File No.-A/Not-22/2001/2505/J)
By order of the Governor of Bihar,
Umesh Kumar Sharma, Joint Secretary-cum-
Additional Legal Remembrancer.
(Competent Authority)
5 vizhy 2024
,l0vks0 217] fnukad 3 tqykbZ 2024&&uksVjht vf/kfu;e] 1952 ¼53 of 1952½ dh /kkjk&10 ds v/khu iznÙk
'kfDr;ksa dk iz;ksx djrs gq, fcgkj jkT;iky] Jh lqjsUnz ukFk frokjh] uksVjh] cDlj dk uke] ftudh fu;qfDr uksVjh ds
:i esa fof/k foHkkx dh vf/klwpuk Kki la0&363 fnukad&15-01-2019 }kjk dh x;h Fkh] uksVjht vf/kfu;e] 1952 ¼53
of 1952½ dh /kkjk&4 ds vUrxZr uksVfj;ksa ds fy;s la/kkfjr uksVjh iath ls rRdky izHkko ls gVkus dk vkns'k nsrs gSA
fcgkj ds jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
mes'k dqekj 'kekZ] la;qDr lfpo&lg&vij fof/k ijke'khZA
¼l{ke izkf/kdkj½
5 vizhy 2024
,l0vks0 217] fnukad 3 tqykbZ 2024 dk vaxzsth esa fuEufyf[kr vuqokn jkT;iky ds izkf/kdkjh ls blds
}kjk izdkf'kr fd;k tkrk gS] tks Hkkjr lafo/kku ds vuqPNsn&348 ds [kaM ¼3½ ds v/khu vaxzsth Hkk"kk esa mldk
izkf/kd`r ikB le>k tk;sxkA
fcgkj ds jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
mes'k dqekj 'kekZ] la;qDr lfpo&lg&vij fof/k ijke'khZA
¼l{ke izkf/kdkj½
The 5 April 2024
S.O. 217 dated the 3 July 2024&&In exercise of the powers conferred under
Section-10 of the Notaries Act, 1952 (53 of 1952), the Governor of Bihar is pleased to
remove the name of Sri Surendra Nath Tiwary Notary Public, Buxar whose appointment
20 बहार गजट, 3 tqykbZ 2024
had been made as notary under Law Department's Notification memo no. 363 /J dated-
15.01.2019 from the notary register maintained for Notaries under Section-4 of the
Notaries Act, 1952.
(File No.-A/Not-52@2018/2351/J)
By order of the Governor of Bihar,
Umesh Kumar Sharma, Joint Secretary-cum-
Additional Legal Remembrancer.
(Competent Authority)
15 ekpZ 2024
,l0vks0 218] fnukad 3 tqykbZ 2024&&uksVjh vf/kfu;e] 1952 ¼1952 dk vf/kfu;e la[;k&53½ dh /kkjk&5
¼2½ ds }kjk iznr 'kfDr;ksa dk iz;ksx djrs gq, fcgkj jkT;iky] uksVjht vf/kfu;e] 1952 dh /kkjk&3 vkSj uksVjh
fu;ekoyh] 1956 ¼;Fkk la'kksf/kr½ ds fu;e&8 ds mi fu;e ¼4½ ds v/khu fof/k foHkkx dh vf/klwpuk
la[;k&9367-@ts0] fnukad&26-11-2018 ds }kjk fu;qDr ys[; izek.kd] Jh fot; dqekj] vf/koDrk] ftudk uksVjht
iath ds vuqlkj C;ksjk fuEufyf[kr gS] dks fnukad&26-11-2023 ls iqu% vxkeh ikWp o"kZ ds fy, ys[; izek.kd ds
#i esa dk;Z djus ds fy, izkf/kd`r djrs gSaA
ys[; izek.kd vkoklh; @ ys[; izek.kd vgÙkkZ ftl {ks= esa O;olk; vfHk;qfDr
ds uke O;olkf;d irk iath esa uke djus ds fy,
vafdr gksus dh izkf/kd`r fd;k x;k
frfFk A gS A
1 2 3 4 5 6
Jh fot; dqekj vf/koDrk&lg&uksVjh 26-11-2018 ,y0,y0ch0 iVuk
O;ogkj U;k;ky;] ftyk
ck<+] iVuk
¼la0 la0&,0@uksV&35@2018@2046@ts0½
fcgkj&jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
mes'k dqekj 'kekZ] la;qDr lfpoA
¼l{ke izkf/kdkj½
15 ekpZ 2024
,l0vks0 218] fnukad 3 tqykbZ 2024 dk vaxzsth esa fuEufyf[kr vuqokn jkT;iky ds izkf/kdkjh ls blds
}kjk izdkf'kr fd;k tkrk gS] tks Hkkjr lafo/kku ds vuqPNsn&348 ds [kaM ¼3½ ds v/khu vaxzsth Hkk"kk esa mldk
izkf/kd`r ikB le>k tk;sxkA
¼la0 la0&,0@uksV&35@2018@2046@ts0½
fcgkj&jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
mes'k dqekj 'kekZ] la;qDr lfpoA
¼l{ke izkf/kdkj½
The 15 March 2024
S.O. 218 dated the 3rd July 2024&&In exercise of the powers conferred by section-
5(2) of the Notaries Act, 1952 (Act no. 53 of 1952), the Governor of Bihar is pleased to
authorise Shri Vijay Kumar and whose detail according to Notary Register is given below,
the Notary appointed under section-3 of the Notaries, Act, 1952 and sub-rule (4) of Rule-8 of
the Notaries Rules, 1956 (As Amended) by the State Government in Law Department
Notification No. 9367/J dated 26.11.2018 to practice as notary again for the next five year
from 26.11.2023.
बहार गजट, 3 tqykbZ 2024 21

Name of Notary Residental/ Date of which Qualification Area in which Remarks

professional the name of Notary to
address the Notary practice
has been
entered in the
1 2 3 4 5 6
Shri Vijay Kumar Advocate-cum- 26.11.2018 L.L.B Patna
Notary Distt.-
Civil Court Barh,

(File no. -A/Not-35/2018/2046/J)

By order of the Governor of Bihar,
Umesh Kumar Sharma, Joint Secretary.
(Competent Authority)
15 ekpZ 2024
,l0vks0 219] fnukad 3 tqykbZ 2024&&uksVjh vf/kfu;e] 1952 ¼1952 dk vf/kfu;e la[;k&53½ dh /kkjk&5
¼2½ ds }kjk iznr 'kfDr;ksa dk iz;ksx djrs gq, fcgkj jkT;iky] uksVjht vf/kfu;e] 1952 dh /kkjk&3 vkSj uksVjh
fu;ekoyh] 1956 ¼;Fkk la'kksf/kr½ ds fu;e&8 ds mi fu;e ¼4½ ds v/khu fof/k foHkkx dh vf/klwpuk
la[;k&9412@ts0] fnukad&27-11-2018 ds }kjk fu;qDr ys[; izek.kd] Jh lqjsUnz ik.Ms;] vf/koDrk] ftudk uksVjht
iath ds vuqlkj C;ksjk fuEufyf[kr gS] dks fnukad&27-11-2023 ls iqu% vxkeh ikWp o"kZ ds fy, ys[; izek.kd ds
#i esa dk;Z djus ds fy, izkf/kd`r djrs gSaA
ys[; izek.kd vkoklh; @ ys[; izek.kd vgÙkkZ ftl {ks= esa O;olk; vfHk;qfDr
ds uke O;olkf;d irk iath esa uke djus ds fy,
vafdr gksus dh izkf/kd`r fd;k x;k
frfFk A gS A
1 2 3 4 5 6
Jh lqjsUnz vf/koDrk&lg&uksVjh 27-11-2018 ,y0,y0ch0 iVUkk
ik.Ms;] O;ogkj U;k;ky;] ftyk
ck<+] iVuk
¼la0 la0&,0@uksV&37@2018@2047@ts0½
fcgkj&jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
mes'k dqekj 'kekZ] la;qDr lfpoA
¼l{ke izkf/kdkj½
15 ekpZ 2024
,l0vks0 219] fnukad 3 tqykbZ 2024 dk vaxzsth esa fuEufyf[kr vuqokn jkT;iky ds izkf/kdkjh ls blds
}kjk izdkf'kr fd;k tkrk gS] tks Hkkjr lafo/kku ds vuqPNsn&348 ds [kaM ¼3½ ds v/khu vaxzsth Hkk"kk esa mldk
izkf/kd`r ikB le>k tk;sxkA
¼la0 la0&,0@uksV&37@2018@2047@ts0½
fcgkj&jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
mes'k dqekj 'kekZ] la;qDr lfpoA
¼l{ke izkf/kdkj½
22 बहार गजट, 3 tqykbZ 2024
The 15th March 2024
S.O. 219 dated the 3 July 2024&&In exercise of the powers conferred by section-
5(2) of the Notaries Act, 1952 (Act no. 53 of 1952), the Governor of Bihar is pleased to
authorise Shri Surendra Panday and whose detail according to Notary Register is given
below, the Notary appointed under section-3 of the Notaries, Act, 1952 and sub-rule (4) of
Rule-8 of the Notaries Rules, 1956 (As Amended) by the State Government in Law
Department Notification No. 9412/J dated 27.11.2018 to practice as notary again for the next
five year from 27.11.2023.
Name of Residental/ Date of which Qualification Area in which Remarks
Notary professional the name of Notary to
address the Notary practice
has been
entered in the
1 2 3 4 5 6
Shri Advocate-cum- 27.11.2018 L.L.B
Surendra Notary Patna
Panday Civil Court Distt.-
Barh, Patna
(File no. -A/Not-37/2018/2047/J)
By order of the Governor of Bihar,
Umesh Kumar Sharma, Joint Secretary.
(Competent Authority)
15 ekpZ 2024
,l0vks0 220] fnukad 3 tqykbZ 2024&&uksVjh vf/kfu;e] 1952 ¼1952 dk vf/kfu;e la[;k&53½ dh /kkjk&5
¼2½ ds }kjk iznr 'kfDr;ksa dk iz;ksx djrs gq, fcgkj jkT;iky] uksVjht vf/kfu;e] 1952 dh /kkjk&3 vkSj uksVjh
fu;ekoyh] 1956 ¼;Fkk la'kksf/kr½ ds fu;e&8 ds mi fu;e ¼4½ ds v/khu fof/k foHkkx dh vf/klwpuk
la[;k&306@ts0] fnukad&14-01-2019 ds }kjk fu;qDr ys[; izek.kd] Jh v:.k dqekj] vf/koDrk] ftudk uksVjht
iath ds vuqlkj C;ksjk fuEufyf[kr gS] dks fnukad&14-01-2024 ls iqu% vxkeh ikWp o"kZ ds fy, ys[; izek.kd ds
#i esa dk;Z djus ds fy, izkf/kd`r djrs gSaA
ys[; izek.kd vkoklh; @ ys[; izek.kd vgÙkkZ ftl {ks= esa vfHk;qfDr
ds uke O;olkf;d irk iath esa uke O;olk; djus ds
vafdr gksus dh fy, izkf/kd`r fd;k
frfFk A x;k gS A
1 2 3 4 5 6
Jh v:.k dqekj vf/koDrk&lg&uksVjh 14-01-2019 ,y0,y0ch0 iVuk
O;ogkj U;k;ky;] ftyk
ck<+] iVuk
¼la0 la0&,0@uksV&135@2018@2045@ts0½
fcgkj&jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
mes'k dqekj 'kekZ] la;qDr lfpoA
¼l{ke izkf/kdkj½
बहार गजट, 3 tqykbZ 2024 23

15 ekpZ 2024
,l0vks0 220] fnukad 3 tqykbZ 2024 dk vaxzsth esa fuEufyf[kr vuqokn jkT;iky ds izkf/kdkjh ls blds
}kjk izdkf'kr fd;k tkrk gS] tks Hkkjr lafo/kku ds vuqPNsn&348 ds [kaM ¼3½ ds v/khu vaxzsth Hkk"kk esa mldk
izkf/kd`r ikB le>k tk;sxkA
¼la0 la0&,0@uksV&135@2018@2045@ts0½
fcgkj&jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
mes'k dqekj 'kekZ] la;qDr lfpoA
¼l{ke izkf/kdkj½
The 15th March 2024
S.O. 220 dated the 3rd July 2024&&In exercise of the powers conferred by section-

5(2) of the Notaries Act, 1952 (Act no. 53 of 1952), the Governor of Bihar is pleased to
authorise Shri Arun Kumar and whose detail according to Notary Register is given below,
the Notary appointed under section-3 of the Notaries, Act, 1952 and sub-rule (4) of Rule-8 of
the Notaries Rules, 1956 (As Amended) by the State Government in Law Department
Notification No306/J dated 14.01.2019 to practice as notary again for the next five year from
Name of Residental/ Date of which Qualification Area in which Remarks
Notary professional the name of the Notary to
address Notary has been practice
entered in the
1 2 3 4 5 6
Shri Arun Advocate-cum- 14.01.2019 L.L.B
Kumar Notary Patna
Civil Court Barh, Distt.-
(File no. -A/Not-135/2018/2045/J)

By order of the Governor of Bihar,

Umesh Kumar Sharma, Joint Secretary.
(Competent Authority)
24 बहार गजट, 3 tqykbZ 2024
13 Qjojh 2024
,l0vks0 221] fnukad 3 tqykbZ 2024&&uksVjh vf/kfu;e] 1952 ¼1952 dk vf/kfu;e la[;k&53½ dh /kkjk&5
¼2½ ds }kjk iznr 'kfDr;ksa dk iz;ksx djrs gq, fcgkj jkT;iky] uksVjht vf/kfu;e] 1952 dh /kkjk&3 vkSj uksVjh
fu;ekoyh] 1956 ¼;Fkk la'kksf/kr½ ds fu;e&8 ds mi fu;e ¼4½ ds v/khu fof/k foHkkx dh vf/klwpuk
la[;k&5001@ts0] fnukad&14-10-2008 ds }kjk fu;qDr ys[; izek.kd] Jh mn; dqekj flUgk] vf/koDrk] ftudk
uksVjht iath ds vuqlkj C;ksjk fuEufyf[kr gS] dks fnukad&14-10-2023 ls iqu% vxkeh ikWp o"kZ ds fy, ys[;
izek.kd ds #i esa dk;Z djus ds fy, izkf/kd`r djrs gSaA
ys[; izek.kd vkoklh; @ ys[; izek.kd vgÙkkZ ftl {ks= esa O;olk; vfHk;qfDr
ds uke O;olkf;d irk iath esa uke djus ds fy,
vafdr gksus dh izkf/kd`r fd;k x;k
frfFk A gS A
1 2 3 4 5 6
Jh mn; dqekj vf/koDrk&lg&uksVjh 14-10-2008 ,e0,0
flUgk O;ogkj U;k;ky;] ,y0,y0ch0 vkSjaxkckn
vkSjaxkckn ftyk

¼la0 la0&,0@uksV¼Mh½&07@2003@1046@ts0½
fcgkj&jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
mes'k dqekj 'kekZ] la;qDr lfpoA
¼l{ke izkf/kdkj½
13 Qjojh 2024
,l0vks0 221] fnukad 3 tqykbZ 2024 dk vaxzsth esa fuEufyf[kr vuqokn jkT;iky ds izkf/kdkjh ls blds
}kjk izdkf'kr fd;k tkrk gS] tks Hkkjr lafo/kku ds vuqPNsn&348 ds [kaM ¼3½ ds v/khu vaxzsth Hkk"kk esa mldk
izkf/kd`r ikB le>k tk;sxkA
¼la0 la0&,0@uksV¼Mh½&07@2003@1046@ts0½
fcgkj&jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
mes'k dqekj 'kekZ] la;qDr lfpoA
¼l{ke izkf/kdkj½
The 13 February 2024
S.O. 221 dated the 3rd July 2024&&In exercise of the powers conferred by section-

5(2) of the Notaries Act, 1952 (Act no. 53 of 1952), the Governor of Bihar is pleased to
authorise Shri Uday Kumar Sinha and whose detail according to Notary Register is given
below, the Notary appointed under section-3 of the Notaries, Act, 1952 and sub-rule (4) of
Rule-8 of the Notaries Rules, 1956 (As Amended) by the State Government in Law
Department Notification No. 5001/J dated 14.10.2008 to practice as notary again for the next
five year from 14.10.2023.
बहार गजट, 3 tqykbZ 2024 25

Name of Residental/ Date of which Qualification Area in which Remarks

Notary professional the name of the Notary to
address Notary has been practice
entered in the
1 2 3 4 5 6
Shri Uday Advocate-cum- 14.10.2008 M.A.
Kumar Sinha Notary L.L.B Aurangabad
Civil Court Distt.-
(File no. -A/Not(D)-07-2003/1046/J)
By order of the Governor of Bihar,
Umesh Kumar Sharma, Joint Secretary.
(Competent Authority)
15 ekpZ 2024
,l0vks0 222] fnukad 3 tqykbZ 2024&&uksVjh vf/kfu;e] 1952 ¼1952 dk vf/kfu;e la[;k&53½ dh /kkjk&5
¼2½ ds }kjk iznr 'kfDr;ksa dk iz;ksx djrs gq, fcgkj jkT;iky] uksVjht vf/kfu;e] 1952 dh /kkjk&3 vkSj uksVjh
fu;ekoyh] 1956 ¼;Fkk la'kksf/kr½ ds fu;e&8 ds mi fu;e ¼4½ ds v/khu fof/k foHkkx dh vf/klwpuk
la[;k&4644@ts0] fnukad&18-10-2004 ds }kjk fu;qDr ys[; izek.kd] Jh bZ'oj izlkn] vf/koDrk] ftudk uksVjht
iath ds vuqlkj C;ksjk fuEufyf[kr gS] dks fnukad&18-10-2024 ls iqu% vxkeh ikWp o"kZ ds fy, ys[; izek.kd ds
#i esa dk;Z djus ds fy, izkf/kd`r djrs gSaA
ys[; izek.kd vkoklh; @ ys[; izek.kd vgÙkkZ ftl {ks= esa vfHk;qfDr
ds uke O;olkf;d irk iath esa uke O;olk; djus ds
vafdr gksus dh fy, izkf/kd`r
frfFk A fd;k x;k gS A
1 2 3 4 5 6
Jh bZ'oj izlkn vf/koDrk&lg&uksVjh 18-10-2004 ch0,l0lh0 ukyank
O;ogkj U;k;ky;] ,y0,y0ch0 ftyk
fcgkj'kjhQ] ukyUnk
¼la0 la0&,0@uksV¼,l½&33@2002@2018@ts0½
fcgkj&jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
mes'k dqekj 'kekZ] la;qDr lfpoA
¼l{ke izkf/kdkj½
15 ekpZ 2024
,l0vks0 222] fnukad 3 tqykbZ 2024 dk vaxzsth esa fuEufyf[kr vuqokn jkT;iky ds izkf/kdkjh ls blds
}kjk izdkf'kr fd;k tkrk gS] tks Hkkjr lafo/kku ds vuqPNsn&348 ds [kaM ¼3½ ds v/khu vaxst z h Hkk"kk esa mldk
izkf/kd`r ikB le>k tk;sxkA
¼la0 la0&,0@uksV¼,l½&33@2002@2018@ts0½
fcgkj&jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
mes'k dqekj 'kekZ] la;qDr lfpoA
¼l{ke izkf/kdkj½
The 15 March 2024
S.O. 222 dated the 3rd July 2024&&In exercise of the powers conferred by section-

5(2) of the Notaries Act, 1952 (Act no. 53 of 1952), the Governor of Bihar is pleased to
authorise Shri Ishwar Prasad and whose detail according to Notary Register is given below,
26 बहार गजट, 3 tqykbZ 2024
the Notary appointed under section-3 of the Notaries, Act, 1952 and sub-rule (4) of Rule-8 of
the Notaries Rules, 1956 (As Amended) by the State Government in Law Department
Notification No. 4644/J dated 18.10.2004 to practice as notary again for the next five year
from 18.10.2024.
Name of Residental/ Date of which Qualification Area in which Remarks
Notary professional the name of the Notary to
address Notary has been practice
entered in the
1 2 3 4 5 6
Shri Ishwar Advocate-cum- 18.10.2004 B.Sc.
Prasad Notary L.L.B Nalanda
Civil Court Distt.-

(File no. -A/Not(S)-33/2002/2018/J)

By order of the Governor of Bihar,
Umesh Kumar Sharma, Joint Secretary.
(Competent Authority)
22 Qjojh 2024
,l0vks0 223] fnukad 3 tqykbZ 2024&&uksVjh vf/kfu;e] 1952 ¼1952 dk vf/kfu;e la[;k&53½ dh /kkjk&5
¼2½ ds }kjk iznr 'kfDr;ksa dk iz;ksx djrs gq, fcgkj jkT;iky] uksVjht vf/kfu;e] 1952 dh /kkjk&3 vkSj uksVjh
fu;ekoyh] 1956 ¼;Fkk la'kksf/kr½ ds fu;e&8 ds mi fu;e ¼4½ ds v/khu fof/k foHkkx dh vf/klwpuk
la[;k&7353@ts0] fnukad&04-10-2012 ds }kjk fu;qDr ys[; izek.kd] Jh v:.k izlkn] vf/koDrk] ftudk uksVjht
iath ds vuqlkj C;ksjk fuEufyf[kr gS] dks fnukad&04-10-2022 ls iqu% vxkeh ikWp o"kZ ds fy, ys[; izek.kd ds
#i esa dk;Z djus ds fy, izkf/kd`r djrs gSaA
ys[; izek.kd vkoklh; @ ys[; izek.kd vgÙkkZ ftl {ks= esa O;olk; vfHk;qfDr
ds uke O;olkf;d irk iath esa uke djus ds fy,
vafdr gksus dh izkf/kd`r fd;k x;k
frfFk A gS A
1 2 3 4 5 6
Jh v:.k izlkn vf/koDrk&lg&uksVjh 04-10-2012 ch0,0
O;ogkj U;k;ky;] ,y0,y0ch0 ukyank
fcgkj'kjhQ] ukyank ftyk

¼la0 la0&,0@uksV¼,l½&49@2003@1259@ts0½
fcgkj&jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
mes'k dqekj 'kekZ] la;qDr lfpoA
¼l{ke izkf/kdkj½
बहार गजट, 3 tqykbZ 2024 27

22 Qjojh 2024
,l0vks0 223] fnukad 3 tqykbZ 2024 dk vaxzsth esa fuEufyf[kr vuqokn jkT;iky ds izkf/kdkjh ls blds
}kjk izdkf'kr fd;k tkrk gS] tks Hkkjr lafo/kku ds vuqPNsn&348 ds [kaM ¼3½ ds v/khu vaxzsth Hkk"kk esa mldk
izkf/kd`r ikB le>k tk;sxkA
¼la0 la0&,0@uksV¼,l½&49@2003@1259@ts0½
fcgkj&jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
mes'k dqekj 'kekZ] la;qDr lfpoA
¼l{ke izkf/kdkj½
The 22nd February 2024
S.O. 223 dated the 3rd July 2024&&In exercise of the powers conferred by section-
5(2) of the Notaries Act, 1952 (Act no. 53 of 1952), the Governor of Bihar is pleased to
authorise Shri Arun Prasad and whose detail according to Notary Register is given below,
the Notary appointed under section-3 of the Notaries, Act, 1952 and sub-rule (4) of Rule-8 of
the Notaries Rules, 1956 (As Amended) by the State Government in Law Department
Notification No. 7353/J dated 04.10.2012 to practice as notary again for the next five year
from 04.10.2022.
Name of Residental/ Date of which Qualification Area in which Remarks
Notary professional the name of the Notary to
address Notary has been practice
entered in the
1 2 3 4 5 6
Shri Arun Advocate-cum- 04-10-2012 B.A
Prasad Notary L.L.B Nalnda
Civil Court Distt.-
(File no. -A/Not(S)49-2003/1259/J)
By order of the Governor of Bihar,
Umesh Kumar Sharma, Joint Secretary.
(Competent Authority)
12 Qjojh 2024
,l0vks0 224] fnukad 3 tqykbZ 2024&&uksVjh vf/kfu;e] 1952 ¼1952 dk vf/kfu;e la[;k&53½ dh /kkjk&5
¼2½ ds }kjk iznr 'kfDr;ksa dk iz;ksx djrs gq, fcgkj jkT;iky] uksVjht vf/kfu;e] 1952 dh /kkjk&3 vkSj uksVjh
fu;ekoyh] 1956 ¼;Fkk la'kksf/kr½ ds fu;e&8 ds mi fu;e ¼4½ ds v/khu fof/k foHkkx dh vf/klwpuk
la[;k&4925@ts0] fnukad&10-12-2003 ds }kjk fu;qDr ys[; izek.kd] Jh vfuy dqekj f}osnh] vf/koDrk] ftudk
uksVjht iath ds vuqlkj C;ksjk fuEufyf[kr gS] dks fnukad&10-12-2023 ls iqu% vxkeh ikWp o"kZ ds fy, ys[;
izek.kd ds #i esa dk;Z djus ds fy, izkf/kd`r djrs gSaA
ys[; izek.kd vkoklh; @ ys[; izek.kd vgÙkkZ ftl {ks= esa vfHk;qfDr
ds uke O;olkf;d irk iath esa uke O;olk; djus ds
vafdr gksus dh fy, izkf/kd`r fd;k
frfFk A x;k gS A
1 2 3 4 5 6
Jh vfuy dqekj vf/koDrk&lg&uksVjh 10-12-2003 ch0,l0lh0 nkukiqj vuqeaMy
f}osnh] O;ogkj U;k;ky;] ,y0,y0ch0 iVuk ftykUrxZr
¼la0 la0&,0@uksV¼,l½&72@2002@989@ts0½
fcgkj&jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
mes'k dqekj 'kekZ] la;qDr lfpoA
¼l{ke izkf/kdkj½
28 बहार गजट, 3 tqykbZ 2024
12 Qjojh 2024
,l0vks0 224] fnukad 3 tqykbZ 2024 dk vaxzsth esa fuEufyf[kr vuqokn jkT;iky ds izkf/kdkjh ls blds
}kjk izdkf'kr fd;k tkrk gS] tks Hkkjr lafo/kku ds vuqPNsn&348 ds [kaM ¼3½ ds v/khu vaxst z h Hkk"kk esa mldk
izkf/kd`r ikB le>k tk;sxkA
¼la0 la0&,0@uksV¼,l½&72@2002@989@ts0½
fcgkj&jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
mes'k dqekj 'kekZ] la;qDr lfpoA
¼l{ke izkf/kdkj½
The 12 February 2024
S.O. 224 dated the 3rd July 2024&&In exercise of the powers conferred by section-
5(2) of the Notaries Act, 1952 (Act no. 53 of 1952), the Governor of Bihar is pleased to
authorise Shri Anil Kumar Dwivedi and whose detail according to Notary Register is given
below, the Notary appointed under section-3 of the Notaries, Act, 1952 and sub-rule (4) of
Rule-8 of the Notaries Rules, 1956 (As Amended) by the State Government in Law
Department Notification No. 4925/J dated 10.12.2003 to practice as notary again for the next
five year from 10.12.2023.
Name of Residental/ Date of which Qualification Area in which Remarks
Notary professional the name of the Notary to
address Notary has been practice
entered in the
1 2 3 4 5 6
Shri Anil Advocate-cum- 10.12.2003 B.Sc. Danapur Sub-
Kumar Notary L.L.B sivision under
Dwivedi Civil Court Patna
Danapur Distt.-
(File no. -A/Not (S)-72/2002/989/J)
By order of the Governor of Bihar,
Umesh Kumar Sharma, Joint Secretary.
(Competent Authority)
26 fnlEcj 2023
,l0vks0 225] fnukad 3 tqykbZ 2024&&uksVjh vf/kfu;e] 1952 ¼1952 dk vf/kfu;e la[;k&53½ dh /kkjk&5
¼2½ ds }kjk iznr 'kfDr;ksa dk iz;ksx djrs gq, fcgkj jkT;iky] uksVjht vf/kfu;e] 1952 dh /kkjk&3 vkSj uksVjh
fu;ekoyh] 1956 ¼;Fkk la'kksf/kr½ ds fu;e&8 ds mi fu;e ¼4½ ds v/khu fof/k foHkkx dh vf/klwpuk
la[;k&4653@ts0] fnukad&12-11-2003 ds }kjk fu;qDr ys[; izek.kd] Jh dkeksn dqekj] vf/koDrk] ftudk uksVjht
iath ds vuqlkj C;ksjk fuEufyf[kr gS] dks fnukad&12-11-2023 ls iqu% vxkeh ikWp o"kZ ds fy, ys[; izek.kd ds
#i esa dk;Z djus ds fy, izkf/kd`r djrs gSaA
ys[; izek.kd vkoklh; @ ys[; izek.kd vgÙkkZ ftl {ks= esa vfHk;qfDr
ds uke O;olkf;d irk iath esa uke O;olk; djus ds
vafdr gksus dh fy, izkf/kd`r
frfFk A fd;k x;k gS A
1 2 3 4 5 6
Jh dkeksn dqekj vf/koDrk&lg&uksVjh 12-11-2003 ch0dkWae0] lhrke<+h
O;ogkj U;k;ky;] ,y0,y0ch0 ftyk
¼la0 la0&,0@uksV&03@2002@9783@ts0½
fcgkj&jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
mes'k dqekj 'kekZ] la;qDr lfpoA
¼l{ke izkf/kdkj½
बहार गजट, 3 tqykbZ 2024 29

26 fnlEcj 2023
,l0vks0 225] fnukad 3 tqykbZ 2024 dk vaxzsth esa fuEufyf[kr vuqokn jkT;iky ds izkf/kdkjh ls blds
}kjk izdkf'kr fd;k tkrk gS] tks Hkkjr lafo/kku ds vuqPNsn&348 ds [kaM ¼3½ ds v/khu vaxzsth Hkk"kk esa mldk
izkf/kd`r ikB le>k tk;sxkA
¼la0 la0&,0@uksV&03@2002@9783@ts0½
fcgkj&jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
mes'k dqekj 'kekZ] la;qDr lfpoA
¼l{ke izkf/kdkj½
The 26 December 2023
S.O. 225 dated the 3rd July 2024&&In exercise of the powers conferred by section-
5(2) of the Notaries Act, 1952 (Act no. 53 of 1952), the Governor of Bihar is pleased to
authorise Shri Kamod Kumar and whose detail according to Notary Register is given below,
the Notary appointed under section-3 of the Notaries, Act, 1952 and sub-rule (4) of Rule-8 of
the Notaries Rules, 1956 (As Amended) by the State Government in Law Department
Notification No. 4653/J dated 12-11-2003 to practice as notary again for the next five year
from 12-11-2023.
Name of Residental/ Date of which Qualification Area in Remarks
Notary professional the name of the which Notary
address Notary has been to practice
entered in the
1 2 3 4 5 6
Shri Kamod Advocate-cum- 12-11-2003 B.COM
Kumar Notary L.L.B Sitamarhi
Civil Court Distt.-
(File no. -A/Not-03/2002/9783/J)
By order of the Governor of Bihar,
Umesh Kumar Sharma, Joint Secretary.
(Competent Authority)
26 fnlEcj 2023
,l0vks0 226] fnukad 3 tqykbZ 2024&&uksVjh vf/kfu;e] 1952 ¼1952 dk vf/kfu;e la[;k&53½ dh /kkjk&5
¼2½ ds }kjk iznr 'kfDr;ksa dk iz;ksx djrs gq, fcgkj jkT;iky] uksVjht vf/kfu;e] 1952 dh /kkjk&3 vkSj uksVjh
fu;ekoyh] 1956 ¼;Fkk la'kksf/kr½ ds fu;e&8 ds mi fu;e ¼4½ ds v/khu fof/k foHkkx dh vf/klwpuk
la[;k&9769@ts0] fnukad&11-12-2018 ds }kjk fu;qDr ys[; izek.kd] Jh e/kqlnw u jke] vf/koDrk] ftudk uksVjht
iath ds vuqlkj C;ksjk fuEufyf[kr gS] dks fnukad&11-12-2023 ls iqu% vxkeh ikWp o"kZ ds fy, ys[; izek.kd ds
#i esa dk;Z djus ds fy, izkf/kd`r djrs gSaA
ys[; izek.kd vkoklh; @ ys[; izek.kd vgÙkkZ ftl {ks= esa vfHk;qfDr
ds uke O;olkf;d irk iath esa uke O;olk; djus ds
vafdr gksus dh fy, izkf/kd`r
frfFk A fd;k x;k gS A
1 2 3 4 5 6
Jh e/kqlwnu jke vf/koDrk&lg&uksVjh 11-12-2018 ,e0,0] Hkkstiqj
O;ogkj U;k;ky;] ,y0,y0ch0 ftyk
¼la0 la0&,0@uksV&64@2018@9784@ts0½
fcgkj&jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
mes'k dqekj 'kekZ] la;qDr lfpoA
¼l{ke izkf/kdkj½
30 बहार गजट, 3 tqykbZ 2024
26 fnlEcj 2023
,l0vks0 226] fnukad 3 tqykbZ 2024 dk vaxzsth esa fuEufyf[kr vuqokn jkT;iky ds izkf/kdkjh ls blds
}kjk izdkf'kr fd;k tkrk gS] tks Hkkjr lafo/kku ds vuqPNsn&348 ds [kaM ¼3½ ds v/khu vaxzsth Hkk"kk esa mldk
izkf/kd`r ikB le>k tk;sxkA
¼la0 la0&,0@uksV&64@2018@9784@ts0½
fcgkj&jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
mes'k dqekj 'kekZ] la;qDr lfpoA
¼l{ke izkf/kdkj½
The 26 December 2023
S.O. 226 dated the 3rd July 2024&&In exercise of the powers conferred by section-
5(2) of the Notaries Act, 1952 (Act no. 53 of 1952), the Governor of Bihar is pleased to
authorise Shri Madhusudan Ram and whose detail according to Notary Register is given
below, the Notary appointed under section-3 of the Notaries, Act, 1952 and sub-rule (4) of
Rule-8 of the Notaries Rules, 1956 (As Amended) by the State Government in Law
Department Notification No. 9769/J dated 11-12-2018 to practice as notary again for the next
five year from 11-12-2023.
Name of Residental/ Date of which Qualification Area in Remarks
Notary professional the name of the which Notary
address Notary has been to practice
entered in the
1 2 3 4 5 6
Shri Advocate-cum- 11-12-2018 M.A, L.L.B
Madhusudan Notary Bhojpur
Ram Civil Court Ara, Distt.-
(File no. -A/Not-64/2018/9784/J)
By order of the Governor of Bihar,
Umesh Kumar Sharma, Joint Secretary.
(Competent Authority)
21 ekpZ 2024
,l0vks0 227] fnukad 3 tqykbZ 2024&&uksVjh vf/kfu;e] 1952 ¼1952 dk vf/kfu;e la0&53½ dh /kkjk&5
¼2½ ds }kjk iznr 'kfDr;ksa dk iz;ksx djrs gq, fcgkj jkT;iky] uksVjh vf/kfu;e] 1952 dh /kkjk&3 vkSj uksVjh
fu;ekoyh] 1956 ¼;Fkk la'kksf/kr½ ds fu;e&8 ds mi fu;e ¼4½ ds v/khu fof/k foHkkx dh vf/klwpuk
la[;k&376@ts0] fnukad&15-01-2019 ds }kjk fu;qDr ys[; izek.kd] Jh vf[kys'k izlkn flag] vf/koDrk] ftudk
uksVjh iath ds vuqlkj C;ksjk fuEufyf[kr gS] dks fnukad&15-01-2024 ls iqu% vkxkeh ik¡p o"kks± ds fy, ys[;
izek.kd ds #i esa dk;Z djus ds fy, izkf/kd`r djrs gSaA
ys[; izek.kd vkoklh; @ ys[; izek.kd vgÙkkZ ftl {ks= esa vfHk;qfDr
ds uke O;olkf;d irk iath esa uke O;olk; djus ds
vafdr gksus dh fy, izkf/kd`r
frfFk A fd;k x;k gS A
1 2 3 4 5 6
Jh vf[kys'k vf/koDrk&lg&uksVjh 15-01-2019 ch0,0
izlkn flag vuqeaMy U;k;ky;] ,y0,y0ch0 lkj.k
e<+kSjk] ftyk
¼la0 la0&,0@uksV&69@2018@2184@ts0½
fcgkj&jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
mes'k dqekj 'kekZ] la;qDr lfpoA
¼l{ke izkf/kdkj½
बहार गजट, 3 tqykbZ 2024 31

21 ekpZ 2024
,l0vks0 227] fnukad 3 tqykbZ 2024 dk vaxzsth esa fuEufyf[kr vuqokn jkT;iky ds izkf/kdkjh ls blds
}kjk izdkf'kr fd;k tkrk gS] tks Hkkjr lafo/kku ds vuqPNsn&348 ds [kaM ¼3½ ds v/khu vaxzsth Hkk"kk esa mldk
izkf/kd`r ikB le>k tk;sxkA
¼la0 la0&,0@uksV&69@2018@2184@ts0½
fcgkj&jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
mes'k dqekj 'kekZ] la;qDr lfpoA
¼l{ke izkf/kdkj½
The 21st March 2024
S.O. 227 dated the 3rd July 2024&&In exercise of the powers conferred by section-
5(2) of the Notaries Act, 1952 (Act No.-53 of 1952), the Governor of Bihar is pleased to
authorise Shri Akhilesh Prasad Singh and whose detail according to Notary Register is
given below, the Notary appointed under section-3 of the Notaries, Act, 1952 and sub-rule (4)
of Rule-8 of the Notaries Rules, 1956 (As Amended) by the State Government in Law
Department Notification No. 376/J dated 15.01.2019 to practice as notary again for the next
five year from 15.01.2024.
Name of Residental/ Date of which Qualification Area in Remarks
Notary professional the name of the which Notary
address Notary has been to practice
entered in the
1 2 3 4 5 6
Shri Advocate-cum- 15.01.2019 B.A.
Akhilesh Notary L.L.B. Saran
Prasad subdivisional Court, Distt.-
Singh Marhowrah, Dist.-
(File no. -A/Not-69/2018/2184/J)
By order of the Governor of Bihar,
Umesh Kumar Sharma, Joint Secretary.
(Competent Authority)
26 fnlEcj 2023
,l0vks0 228] fnukad 3 tqykbZ 2024&&uksVjh vf/kfu;e] 1952 ¼1952 dk vf/kfu;e la[;k&53½ dh /kkjk&5
¼2½ ds }kjk iznr 'kfDr;ksa dk iz;ksx djrs gq, fcgkj jkT;iky] uksVjht vf/kfu;e] 1952 dh /kkjk&3 vkSj uksVjh
fu;ekoyh] 1956 ¼;Fkk la'kksf/kr½ ds fu;e&8 ds mi fu;e ¼4½ ds v/khu fof/k foHkkx dh vf/klwpuk
la[;k&173@ts0] fnukad&09-01-2019 ds }kjk fu;qDr ys[; izek.kd] Jh vkuUn dqekj flag] vf/koDrk] ftudk
uksVjht iath ds vuqlkj C;ksjk fuEufyf[kr gS] dks fnukad&09-01-2024 ls iqu% vxkeh ikWp o"kZ ds fy, ys[;
izek.kd ds #i esa dk;Z djus ds fy, izkf/kd`r djrs gSaA
ys[; izek.kd vkoklh; @ O;olkf;d ys[; izek.kd vgÙkkZ ftl {ks= esa vfHk;qfDr
ds uke irk iath esa uke O;olk; djus ds
vafdr gksus dh fy, izkf/kd`r
frfFk A fd;k x;k gS A
1 2 3 4 5 6
Jh vkuUn dqekj vf/koDrk&lg&uksVjh 09-01-2019 ,y0,y0ch0 if'pe pEikj.k
flag O;ogkj U;k;ky;] csfr;k
csfr;k ftyk
if'pe pEikj.k]
¼la0 la0&,0@uksV&101@2018@9782@ts0½
fcgkj&jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
mes'k dqekj 'kekZ] la;qDr lfpoA
¼l{ke izkf/kdkj½
32 बहार गजट, 3 tqykbZ 2024
26 fnlEcj 2023
,l0vks0 228] fnukad 3 tqykbZ 2024 dk vaxzsth esa fuEufyf[kr vuqokn jkT;iky ds izkf/kdkjh ls blds
}kjk izdkf'kr fd;k tkrk gS] tks Hkkjr lafo/kku ds vuqPNsn&348 ds [kaM ¼3½ ds v/khu vaxzsth Hkk"kk esa mldk
izkf/kd`r ikB le>k tk;sxkA
¼la0 la0&,0@uksV&101@2018@9782@ts0½
fcgkj&jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
mes'k dqekj 'kekZ] la;qDr lfpoA
¼l{ke izkf/kdkj½
The 26th December 2023
S.O. 228 dated the 3rd July 2024&&In exercise of the powers conferred by section-

5(2) of the Notaries Act, 1952 (Act no. 53 of 1952), the Governor of Bihar is pleased to
authorise Shri Anand Kumar singh and whose detail according to Notary Register is given
below, the Notary appointed under section-3 of the Notaries, Act, 1952 and sub-rule (4) of
Rule-8 of the Notaries Rules, 1956 (As Amended) by the State Government in Law
Department Notification No. 173/J dated 09.01.2019 to practice as notary again for the next
five year from 09.01.2024.
Name of Residental/ Date of which Qualification Area in which Remarks
Notary professional the name of the Notary to
address Notary has been practice
entered in the
1 2 3 4 5 6
Shri Anand Advocate-cum- 09.01.2019 L.L.B . West
Kumar singh Notary Champaran
Civil Court, Bettiah
Bettiah, Distt.-
(File no. -A/Not-101/2018/9782/J)
By order of the Governor of Bihar,
Umesh Kumar Sharma, Joint Secretary.
(Competent Authority)
27 fnlEcj 2023
,l0vks0 229] fnukad 3 tqykbZ 2024&&uksVjh vf/kfu;e] 1952 ¼1952 dk vf/kfu;e la[;k&53½ dh /kkjk&5
¼2½ ds }kjk iznr 'kfDr;ksa dk iz;ksx djrs gq, fcgkj jkT;iky] uksVjht vf/kfu;e] 1952 dh /kkjk&3 vkSj uksVjh
fu;ekoyh] 1956 ¼;Fkk la'kksf/kr½ ds fu;e&8 ds mi fu;e ¼4½ ds v/khu fof/k foHkkx dh vf/klwpuk
la[;k&7295@ts0] fnukad&03-10-2012 ds }kjk fu;qDr ys[; izek.kd] Jh c`tuUnu flag] vf/koDrk] ftudk uksVjht
बहार गजट, 3 tqykbZ 2024 33

iath ds vuqlkj C;ksjk fuEufyf[kr gS] dks fnukad&03-10-2022 ls iqu% vxkeh ikWp o"kZ ds fy, ys[; izek.kd ds
#i esa dk;Z djus ds fy, izkf/kd`r djrs gSaA
ys[; izek.kd vkoklh; @ ys[; izek.kd vgÙkkZ ftl {ks= esa vfHk;qfDr
ds uke O;olkf;d irk iath esa uke O;olk; djus ds
vafdr gksus dh fy, izkf/kd`r
frfFk A fd;k x;k gS A
1 2 3 4 5 6
Jh c`tuUnu vf/koDrk&lg&uksVjh 03-10-2012
flag vuqeaMyh; O;ogkj] ,y0,y0ch0 jksgrkl
U;k;ky;] ftyk
Msgjh] jksgrkl

¼la0 la0&,0@uksV&102@2003@9804@ts0½
fcgkj&jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
mes'k dqekj 'kekZ] la;qDr lfpoA
¼l{ke izkf/kdkj½
27 fnlEcj 2023
,l0vks0 229] fnukad 3 tqykbZ 2024 dk vaxzsth esa fuEufyf[kr vuqokn jkT;iky ds izkf/kdkjh ls blds
}kjk izdkf'kr fd;k tkrk gS] tks Hkkjr lafo/kku ds vuqPNsn&348 ds [kaM ¼3½ ds v/khu vaxst z h Hkk"kk esa mldk
izkf/kd`r ikB le>k tk;sxkA
¼la0 la0&,0@uksV&102@2003@9804@ts0½
fcgkj&jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
mes'k dqekj 'kekZ] la;qDr lfpoA
¼l{ke izkf/kdkj½
The 27 December 2023
S.O. 229 dated the 3 July 2024&&In exercise of the powers conferred by section-
5(2) of the Notaries Act, 1952 (Act no. 53 of 1952), the Governor of Bihar is pleased to
authorise Shri Brij Nandan Singh and whose detail according to Notary Register is given
below, the Notary appointed under section-3 of the Notaries, Act, 1952 and sub-rule (4) of
Rule-8 of the Notaries Rules, 1956 (As Amended) by the State Government in Law
Department Notification No. 7295/J dated 03.10.2012 to practice as notary again for the next
five year from 03.10.2022.
Name of Residental/ Date of which Qualification Area in which Remarks
Notary professional the name of the Notary to
address Notary has been practice
entered in the
1 2 3 4 5 6
Shri Brij Advocate-cum- 03.10.2012 L.L.B
Nandan Notary Rohtas
Singh Subdivision,Civil Distt.-
Court Dehri,

(File no. -A/Not-102/2003/9804/J)

By order of the Governor of Bihar,
Umesh Kumar Sharma, Joint Secretary.
(Competent Authority)
34 बहार गजट, 3 tqykbZ 2024
6 ekpZ 2024
,l0vks0 230] fnukad 3 tqykbZ 2024&&uksVjh vf/kfu;e] 1952 ¼1952 dk vf/kfu;e la[;k&53½ dh /kkjk&5
¼2½ ds }kjk iznr 'kfDr;ksa dk iz;ksx djrs gq, fcgkj jkT;iky] uksVjht vf/kfu;e] 1952 dh /kkjk&3 vkSj uksVjh
fu;ekoyh] 1956 ¼;Fkk la'kksf/kr½ ds fu;e&8 ds mi fu;e ¼4½ ds v/khu fof/k foHkkx dh vf/klwpuk
la[;k&534@ts0] fnukad&21-01-2019 ds }kjk fu;qDr ys[; izek.kd] Jh eukst dqekj] vf/koDrk] ftudk uksVjht
iath ds vuqlkj C;ksjk fuEufyf[kr gS] dks fnukad&21-01-2024 ls iqu% vxkeh ikWp o"kZ ds fy, ys[; izek.kd ds
#i esa dk;Z djus ds fy, izkf/kd`r djrs gSaA
ys[; izek.kd vkoklh; @ ys[; izek.kd vgÙkkZ ftl {ks= esa vfHk;qfDr
ds uke O;olkf;d irk iath esa uke O;olk; djus ds
vafdr gksus dh fy, izkf/kd`r
frfFk A fd;k x;k gS A
1 2 3 4 5 6
Jh eukst dqekj vf/koDrk&lg&uksVjh 21-01-2019 ,y0,y0ch0 eqt¶Qjiqj
O;ogkj U;k;ky;] ftyk
¼la0 la0&,0@uksV&107@2018@1782@ts0½
fcgkj&jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
mes'k dqekj 'kekZ] la;qDr lfpoA
¼l{ke izkf/kdkj½
6 ekpZ 2024
,l0vks0 230] fnukad 3 tqykbZ 2024 dk vaxzsth esa fuEufyf[kr vuqokn jkT;iky ds izkf/kdkjh ls blds
}kjk izdkf'kr fd;k tkrk gS] tks Hkkjr lafo/kku ds vuqPNsn&348 ds [kaM ¼3½ ds v/khu vaxzsth Hkk"kk esa mldk
izkf/kd`r ikB le>k tk;sxkA
¼la0 la0&,0@uksV&107@2018@1782@ts0½
fcgkj&jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
mes'k dqekj 'kekZ] la;qDr lfpoA
¼l{ke izkf/kdkj½
बहार गजट, 3 tqykbZ 2024 35

The 6th March 2024

S.O. 230 dated the 3 July 2024&&In exercise of the powers conferred by section-
5(2) of the Notaries Act, 1952 (Act no. 53 of 1952), the Governor of Bihar is pleased to
authorise Shri Manoj Kumar and whose detail according to Notary Register is given below,
the Notary appointed under section-3 of the Notaries, Act, 1952 and sub-rule (4) of Rule-8 of
the Notaries Rules, 1956 (As Amended) by the State Government in Law Department
Notification No. 534/J dated 21.01.2019 to practice as notary again for the next five year from
Name of Residental/ Date of which Qualification Area in which Remarks
Notary professional the name of the Notary to
address Notary has been practice
entered in the
1 2 3 4 5 6
Shri Manoj Advocate-cum- 21.01.2021 L.L.B
Kumar Notary Muzaffarpur
Civil Court Distt.-
(File no. -A/Not-107/2018/1782/J)
By order of the Governor of Bihar,
Umesh Kumar Sharma, Joint Secretary.
(Competent Authority)
6 ekpZ 2024
,l0vks0 231] fnukad 3 tqykbZ 2024&&uksVjh vf/kfu;e] 1952 ¼1952 dk vf/kfu;e la[;k&53½ dh /kkjk&5
¼2½ ds }kjk iznr 'kfDr;ksa dk iz;ksx djrs gq, fcgkj jkT;iky] uksVjht vf/kfu;e] 1952 dh /kkjk&3 vkSj uksVjh
fu;ekoyh] 1956 ¼;Fkk la'kksf/kr½ ds fu;e&8 ds mi fu;e ¼4½ ds v/khu fof/k foHkkx dh vf/klwpuk
la[;k&182@ts0] fnukad&09-01-2019 ds }kjk fu;qDr ys[; izek.kd] Jh lqjs'k dqekj] vf/koDrk] ftudk uksVjht
iath ds vuqlkj C;ksjk fuEufyf[kr gS] dks fnukad&09-01-2024 ls iqu% vxkeh ikWp o"kZ ds fy, ys[; izek.kd ds
#i esa dk;Z djus ds fy, izkf/kd`r djrs gSaA
ys[; izek.kd vkoklh; @ ys[; izek.kd vgÙkkZ ftl {ks= esa vfHk;qfDr
ds uke O;olkf;d irk iath esa uke O;olk; djus ds
vafdr gksus dh fy, izkf/kd`r
frfFk A fd;k x;k gS A
1 2 3 4 5 6
Jh lqjs'k dqekj vf/koDrk&lg&uksVjh 09-01-2019 ch0,0 eqt¶Qjiqj
O;ogkj U;k;ky;] ,y0,y0ch0 ftyk
¼la0 la0&,0@uksV&128@2018@1781@ts0½
fcgkj&jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
mes'k dqekj 'kekZ] la;qDr lfpoA
¼l{ke izkf/kdkj½
36 बहार गजट, 3 tqykbZ 2024
6 ekpZ 2024
,l0vks0 231] fnukad 3 tqykbZ 2024 dk vaxzsth esa fuEufyf[kr vuqokn jkT;iky ds izkf/kdkjh ls blds
}kjk izdkf'kr fd;k tkrk gS] tks Hkkjr lafo/kku ds vuqPNsn&348 ds [kaM ¼3½ ds v/khu vaxzsth Hkk"kk esa mldk
izkf/kd`r ikB le>k tk;sxkA
¼la0 la0&,0@uksV&128@2018@1781@ts0½
fcgkj&jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
mes'k dqekj 'kekZ] la;qDr lfpoA
¼l{ke izkf/kdkj½
The 6th March 2024
S.O. 231 dated the 3rd July 2024&&In exercise of the powers conferred by section-
5(2) of the Notaries Act, 1952 (Act no. 53 of 1952), the Governor of Bihar is pleased to
authorise Shri Suresh Kumar and whose detail according to Notary Register is given below,
the Notary appointed under section-3 of the Notaries, Act, 1952 and sub-rule (4) of Rule-8 of
the Notaries Rules, 1956 (As Amended) by the State Government in Law Department
Notification No. 182/J dated 09.01.2019 to practice as notary again for the next five year from
Name of Residental/ Date of which Qualification Area in which Remarks
Notary professional the name of the Notary to
address Notary has been practice
entered in the
1 2 3 4 5 6
Shri Suresh Advocate-cum- 09.01.2019 B.A
Kumar Notary L.L.B Muzaffarpur
Civil Court Distt.-
(File no. -A/Not-128/2018/1781/J)
By order of the Governor of Bihar,
Umesh Kumar Sharma, Joint Secretary.
(Competent Authority)
5 Qjojh 2024
,l0vks0 232] fnukad 3 tqykbZ 2024&&uksVjh vf/kfu;e] 1952 ¼1952 dk vf/kfu;e la[;k&53½ dh /kkjk&5
¼2½ ds }kjk iznr 'kfDr;ksa dk iz;ksx djrs gq, fcgkj jkT;iky] uksVjh vf/kfu;e] 1952 dh /kkjk&3 vkSj uksVjh
fu;ekoyh] 1956 ¼;Fkk la'kksf/kr½ ds fu;e&8 ds mi fu;e ¼4½ ds v/khu fof/k foHkkx dh vf/klwpuk
la[;k&526@ts0] fnukad&21-01-2019 ds }kjk fu;qDr ys[; izek.kd] Jh iadt dqekj nso] vf/koDrk] ftudk uksVjht
iath ds vuqlkj C;ksjk fuEufyf[kr gS] dks fnukad&21-01-2024 ls iqu% vxkeh ikWp o"kZ ds fy, ys[; izek.kd ds
#i esa dk;Z djus ds fy, izkf/kd`r djrs gSaA
ys[; izek.kd vkoklh; @ ys[; izek.kd vgÙkkZ ftl {ks= esa vfHk;qfDr
ds uke O;olkf;d irk iath esa uke O;olk; djus ds
vafdr gksus dh fy, izkf/kd`r
frfFk A fd;k x;k gS A
1 2 3 4 5 6
Jh iadt dqekj vf/koDrk&lg&uksVjh 21-01-20219 ch0dkWe0 leLrhiqj
nso O;ogkj U;k;ky;] ,y0,y0ch0 ftyk
¼la0 la0&,0@uksV&145@2018@810@ts0½
fcgkj&jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
mes'k dqekj 'kekZ] la;qDr lfpoA
¼l{ke izkf/kdkj½
बहार गजट, 3 tqykbZ 2024 37

5 Qjojh 2024
,l0vks0 232] fnukad 3 tqykbZ 2024 dk vaxzsth esa fuEufyf[kr vuqokn jkT;iky ds izkf/kdkjh ls blds
}kjk izdkf'kr fd;k tkrk gS] tks Hkkjr lafo/kku ds vuqPNsn&348 ds [kaM ¼3½ ds v/khu vaxst z h Hkk"kk esa mldk
izkf/kd`r ikB le>k tk;sxkA
¼la0 la0&,0@uksV&145@2018@810@ts0½
fcgkj&jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
mes'k dqekj 'kekZ] la;qDr lfpoA
¼l{ke izkf/kdkj½
The 5th February 2024
S.O. 232 dated the 3rd July 2024&&In exercise of the powers conferred by section-
5(2) of the Notaries Act, 1952 (Act no. 53 of 1952), the Governor of Bihar is pleased to
authorise Shri Pankaj Kumar deo and whose detail according to Notary Register is given
below, the Notary appointed under section-3 of the Notaries, Act, 1952 and sub-rule (4) of
Rule-8 of the Notaries Rules, 1956 (As Amended) by the State Government in Law
Department Notification No. 526/J dated 21.01.2019to practice as notary again for the next
five year from 21.01.2024.
Name of Residental/ Date of which Qualification Area in which Remarks
Notary professional the name of the Notary to
address Notary has been practice
entered in the
1 2 3 4 5 6
Shri Pankaj Advocate-cum- 21.01.2019 B.Com.
Kumar deo Notary L.L.B. Samstipur
Civil Court, Distt.-
(File no. -A/Not-145/2018/810/J)
By order of the Governor of Bihar,
Umesh Kumar Sharma, Joint Secretary.
(Competent Authority)
27 Qjojh 2024
,l0vks0 233] fnukad 3 tqykbZ 2024&&uksVjh vf/kfu;e] 1952 ¼1952 dk vf/kfu;e la[;k&53½ dh /kkjk&5
¼2½ ds }kjk iznr 'kfDr;ksa dk iz;ksx djrs gq, fcgkj jkT;iky] uksVjht vf/kfu;e] 1952 dh /kkjk&3 vkSj uksVjh
fu;ekoyh] 1956 ¼;Fkk la'kksf/kr½ ds fu;e&8 ds mi fu;e ¼4½ ds v/khu fof/k foHkkx dh vf/klwpuk
la[;k&307@ts0] fnukad&14-01-2019 ds }kjk fu;qDr ys[; izek.kd] Jh jktho dqekj] vf/koDrk] ftudk uksVjht
iath ds vuqlkj C;ksjk fuEufyf[kr gS] dks fnukad&14-01-2024 ls iqu% vxkeh ikWp o"kZ ds fy, ys[; izek.kd ds
#i esa dk;Z djus ds fy, izkf/kd`r djrs gSaA
ys[; izek.kd vkoklh; @ ys[; izek.kd vgÙkkZ ftl {ks= esa vfHk;qfDr
ds uke O;olkf;d irk iath esa uke O;olk; djus ds
vafdr gksus dh fy, izkf/kd`r
frfFk A fd;k x;k gS A
1 2 3 4 5 6
Jh jktho dqekj vf/koDrk&lg&uksVjh 14-01-2019
O;ogkj U;k;ky;] ,y0,y0ch0 iVuk
iVuk ftyk

¼la0 la0&,0@uksV&149@2018@1566@ts0½
fcgkj&jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
mes'k dqekj 'kekZ] la;qDr lfpoA
¼l{ke izkf/kdkj½
38 बहार गजट, 3 tqykbZ 2024
27 Qjojh 2024
,l0vks0 233] fnukad 3 tqykbZ 2024 dk vaxzsth esa fuEufyf[kr vuqokn jkT;iky ds izkf/kdkjh ls blds
}kjk izdkf'kr fd;k tkrk gS] tks Hkkjr lafo/kku ds vuqPNsn&348 ds [kaM ¼3½ ds v/khu vaxzsth Hkk"kk esa mldk
izkf/kd`r ikB le>k tk;sxkA
¼la0 la0&,0@uksV&149@2018@1566@ts0½
fcgkj&jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
mes'k dqekj 'kekZ] la;qDr lfpoA
¼l{ke izkf/kdkj½
The 27th February 2024
S.O. 233 dated the 3rd July 2024&&In exercise of the powers conferred by section-

5(2) of the Notaries Act, 1952 (Act no. 53 of 1952), the Governor of Bihar is pleased to
authorise Shri Rajiv Kumar and whose detail according to Notary Register is given below,
the Notary appointed under section-3 of the Notaries, Act, 1952 and sub-rule (4) of Rule-8 of
the Notaries Rules, 1956 (As Amended) by the State Government in Law Department
Notification No. 307/J dated 14.01.2019 to practice as notary again for the next five year from
Name of Residental/ Date of which Qualification Area in which Remarks
Notary professional the name of the Notary to
address Notary has been practice
entered in the
1 2 3 4 5 6
Shri Rajiv Advocate-cum- 14.01.2019 L.L.B
Kumar Notary Patna
Civil Court Patna Distt.-

(File no. -A/Not-149/2018/1566/J)

By order of the Governor of Bihar,
Umesh Kumar Sharma, Joint Secretary.
(Competent Authority)
15 vizhy 2024
,l0vks0 234] fnukad 3 tqykbZ 2024&&uksVjh vf/kfu;e] 1952 ¼1952 dk vf/kfu;e la[;k&53½ dh /kkjk&5
¼2½ ds }kjk iznr 'kfDr;ksa dk iz;ksx djrs gq, fcgkj jkT;iky] uksVjht vf/kfu;e] 1952 dh /kkjk&3 vkSj uksVjh
fu;ekoyh] 1956 ¼;Fkk la'kksf/kr½ ds fu;e&8 ds mi fu;e ¼4½ ds v/khu fof/k foHkkx dh vf/klwpuk
la[;k&527@ts0] fnukad&21-01-2019 ds }kjk fu;qDr ys[; izek.kd] Jh ';ke lqUnj izlkn] vf/koDrk] ftudk
uksVjht iath ds vuqlkj C;ksjk fuEufyf[kr gS] dks fnukad&21-01-2024 ls iqu% vxkeh ikWp o"kZ ds fy, ys[;
izek.kd ds #i esa dk;Z djus ds fy, izkf/kd`r djrs gSaA
बहार गजट, 3 tqykbZ 2024 39

ys[; izek.kd vkoklh; @ ys[; izek.kd vgÙkkZ ftl {ks= esa vfHk;qfDr
ds uke O;olkf;d irk iath esa uke O;olk; djus ds
vafdr gksus dh fy, izkf/kd`r
frfFk A fd;k x;k gS A
1 2 3 4 5 6
Jh ';ke lqUnj vf/koDrk&lg&uksVjh 21-01-2019
izlkn O;ogkj U;k;ky;] ,y0,y0ch0 iVuk
iVuk ftyk

¼la0 la0&,0@uksV&151@2018@2506@ts0½
fcgkj&jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
mes'k dqekj 'kekZ] la;qDr lfpoA
¼l{ke izkf/kdkj½
15 vizhy 2024
,l0vks0 234] fnukad 3 tqykbZ 2024 dk vaxzsth esa fuEufyf[kr vuqokn jkT;iky ds izkf/kdkjh ls blds
}kjk izdkf'kr fd;k tkrk gS] tks Hkkjr lafo/kku ds vuqPNsn&348 ds [kaM ¼3½ ds v/khu vaxst z h Hkk"kk esa mldk
izkf/kd`r ikB le>k tk;sxkA
¼la0 la0&,0@uksV&151@2018@2506@ts0½
fcgkj&jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
mes'k dqekj 'kekZ] la;qDr lfpoA
¼l{ke izkf/kdkj½
The 15 April 2024
S.O. 234 dated the 3rd July 2024&&In exercise of the powers conferred by section-
5(2) of the Notaries Act, 1952 (Act no. 53 of 1952), the Governor of Bihar is pleased to
authorise Shri Shyam Sundar Prasad and whose detail according to Notary Register is
given below, the Notary appointed under section-3 of the Notaries, Act, 1952 and sub-rule (4)
of Rule-8 of the Notaries Rules, 1956 (As Amended) by the State Government in Law
Department Notification No. 527/J dated 21.01.2019 to practice as notary again for the next
five year from 21.01.2024.
Name of Residental/ Date of which Qualification Area in which Remarks
Notary professional the name of the Notary to
address Notary has been practice
entered in the
1 2 3 4 5 6
Shri Shyam Advocate-cum- 21.01.2019 L.L.B
Sundar Notary Patna
Prasad Civil Court Patna Distt.-
(File no. -A/Not-151/2018/2506/J)
By order of the Governor of Bihar,
Umesh Kumar Sharma, Joint Secretary.
(Competent Authority)
21 ekpZ 2024
,l0vks0 235] fnukad 3 tqykbZ 2024&&uksVjh vf/kfu;e] 1952 ¼1952 dk vf/kfu;e la[;k&53½ dh /kkjk&5
¼2½ ds }kjk iznr 'kfDr;ksa dk iz;ksx djrs gq, fcgkj jkT;iky] uksVjht vf/kfu;e] 1952 dh /kkjk&3 vkSj uksVjh
40 बहार गजट, 3 tqykbZ 2024
fu;ekoyh] 1956 ¼;Fkk la'kksf/kr½ ds fu;e&8 ds mi fu;e ¼4½ ds v/khu fof/k foHkkx dh vf/klwpuk
la[;k&368@ts0] fnukad&15-01-2019 ds }kjk fu;qDr ys[; izek.kd] Jh ?ku';ke izlkn flag] vf/koDrk] ftudk
uksVjht iath ds vuqlkj C;ksjk fuEufyf[kr gS] dks fnukad&15-01-2024 ls iqu% vxkeh ikWp o"kZ ds fy, ys[;
izek.kd ds #i esa dk;Z djus ds fy, izkf/kd`r djrs gSaA
ys[; izek.kd vkoklh; @ ys[; izek.kd vgÙkkZ ftl {ks= esa vfHk;qfDr
ds uke O;olkf;d irk iath esa uke O;olk; djus ds
vafdr gksus dh fy, izkf/kd`r
frfFk A fd;k x;k gS A
1 2 3 4 5 6
Jh ?ku';ke vf/koDrk&lg&uksVjh 15-01-2019 ch0,0 ckadk
izlkn flag O;ogkj U;k;ky;] ,y0,y0ch0 ftyk
¼la0 la0&,0@uksV&163@2018@2183@ts0½
fcgkj&jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
mes'k dqekj 'kekZ] la;qDr lfpoA
¼l{ke izkf/kdkj½
21 ekpZ 2024
,l0vks0 235] fnukad 3 tqykbZ 2024 dk vaxzsth esa fuEufyf[kr vuqokn jkT;iky ds izkf/kdkjh ls blds
}kjk izdkf'kr fd;k tkrk gS] tks Hkkjr lafo/kku ds vuqPNsn&348 ds [kaM ¼3½ ds v/khu vaxst z h Hkk"kk esa mldk
izkf/kd`r ikB le>k tk;sxkA
¼la0 la0&,0@uksV&163@2018@2183@ts0½
fcgkj&jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
mes'k dqekj 'kekZ] la;qDr lfpoA
¼l{ke izkf/kdkj½
The 21 March 2024
S.O. 235 dated the 3rd July 2024&&In exercise of the powers conferred by section-
5(2) of the Notaries Act, 1952 (Act no. 53 of 1952), the Governor of Bihar is pleased to
authorise Shri Ghanshyam Prasad Singh and whose detail according to Notary Register is
given below, the Notary appointed under section-3 of the Notaries, Act, 1952 and sub-rule (4)
of Rule-8 of the Notaries Rules, 1956 (As Amended) by the State Government in Law
Department Notification No. 368/J dated 15.01.2019 to practice as notary again for the next
five year from 15.01.2024.
Name of Residental/ Date of which Qualification Area in Remarks
Notary professional the name of the which Notary
address Notary has been to practice
entered in the
1 2 3 4 5 6
Shri Advocate-cum- 15.01.2019 B.A
Ghanshyam Notary L.L.B Banka
Prasad Civil Court Banka Distt.-
(File no. -A/Not-163@2018/2183/J)
By order of the Governor of Bihar,
Umesh Kumar Sharma, Joint Secretary.
(Competent Authority)
26 fnlEcj 2023
,l0vks0 236] fnukad 3 tqykbZ 2024&&uksVjh vf/kfu;e] 1952 ¼1952 dk vf/kfu;e la[;k&53½ dh /kkjk&5
¼2½ ds }kjk iznr 'kfDr;ksa dk iz;ksx djrs gq, fcgkj jkT;iky] uksVjht vf/kfu;e] 1952 dh /kkjk&3 vkSj uksVjh
बहार गजट, 3 tqykbZ 2024 41

fu;ekoyh] 1956 ¼;Fkk la'kksf/kr½ ds fu;e&8 ds mi fu;e ¼4½ ds v/khu fof/k foHkkx dh vf/klwpuk
la[;k&536@ts0] fnukad&21-01-2019 ds }kjk fu;qDr ys[; izek.kd] Jh lat; dqekj flag] vf/koDrk] ftudk
uksVjht iath ds vuqlkj C;ksjk fuEufyf[kr gS] dks fnukad&21-01-2024 ls iqu% vxkeh ikWp o"kZ ds fy, ys[;
izek.kd ds #i esa dk;Z djus ds fy, izkf/kd`r djrs gSaA
ys[; izek.kd vkoklh; @ ys[; izek.kd vgÙkkZ ftl {ks= esa vfHk;qfDr
ds uke O;olkf;d irk iath esa uke O;olk; djus ds
vafdr gksus dh fy, izkf/kd`r
frfFk A fd;k x;k gS A
1 2 3 4 5 6
Jh lat; dqekj vf/koDrk&lg&uksVjh 21-01-2019
flag O;ogkj U;k;ky;] ,y0,y0ch0 f'kogj
f'kogj ftyk
¼la0 la0&,0@uksV&170@2018@9781@ts0½
fcgkj&jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
mes'k dqekj 'kekZ] la;qDr lfpoA
¼l{ke izkf/kdkj½
26 fnlEcj 2023
,l0vks0 236] fnukad 3 tqykbZ 2024 dk vaxzsth esa fuEufyf[kr vuqokn jkT;iky ds izkf/kdkjh ls blds
}kjk izdkf'kr fd;k tkrk gS] tks Hkkjr lafo/kku ds vuqPNsn&348 ds [kaM ¼3½ ds v/khu vaxzsth Hkk"kk esa mldk
izkf/kd`r ikB le>k tk;sxkA
¼la0 la0&,0@uksV&170@2018@9781@ts0½
fcgkj&jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
mes'k dqekj 'kekZ] la;qDr lfpoA
¼l{ke izkf/kdkj½
The 26th December 2023
S.O. 236 dated the 3rd July 2024&&In exercise of the powers conferred by section-
5(2) of the Notaries Act, 1952 (Act no. 53 of 1952), the Governor of Bihar is pleased to
authorise Shri Sanjay Kumar Singh and whose detail according to Notary Register is given
below, the Notary appointed under section-3 of the Notaries, Act, 1952 and sub-rule (4) of
Rule-8 of the Notaries Rules, 1956 (As Amended) by the State Government in Law
Department Notification No. 536/J dated 21.01.2019 to practice as notary again for the next
five year from 21.01.2024.
Name of Residental/ Date of which Qualification Area in which Remarks
Notary professional the name of the Notary to
address Notary has been practice
entered in the
1 2 3 4 5 6
Shri Sanjay Advocate-cum- 21.01.2019 L.L.B
Kumar Singh Notary Sheohar
Civil Court Distt.-
(File no. -A/Not-170/2018/9781/J)
By order of the Governor of Bihar,
Umesh Kumar Sharma, Joint Secretary.
(Competent Authority)
21 ekpZ 2024
,l0vks0 237] fnukad 3 tqykbZ 2024&&uksVjh vf/kfu;e] 1952 ¼1952 dk vf/kfu;e la[;k&53½ dh /kkjk&5
¼2½ ds }kjk iznr 'kfDr;ksa dk iz;ksx djrs gq, fcgkj jkT;iky] uksVjht vf/kfu;e] 1952 dh /kkjk&3 vkSj uksVjh
fu;ekoyh] 1956 ¼;Fkk la'kksf/kr½ ds fu;e&8 ds mi fu;e ¼4½ ds v/khu fof/k foHkkx dh vf/klwpuk
la[;k&561@ts0] fnukad&21-01-2019 ds }kjk fu;qDr ys[; izek.kd] Jh vfuy dqekj flag] vf/koDrk] ftudk
42 बहार गजट, 3 tqykbZ 2024
uksVjht iath ds vuqlkj C;ksjk fuEufyf[kr gS] dks fnukad&21-01-2024 ls iqu% vxkeh ikWp o"kZ ds fy, ys[;
izek.kd ds #i esa dk;Z djus ds fy, izkf/kd`r djrs gSaA
ys[; izek.kd vkoklh; @ ys[; izek.kd vgÙkkZ ftl {ks= esa vfHk;qfDr
ds uke O;olkf;d irk iath esa uke O;olk; djus ds
vafdr gksus dh fy, izkf/kd`r
frfFk A fd;k x;k gS A
1 2 3 4 5 6
Jh vfuy dqekj vf/koDrk&lg&uksVjh 21-01-2019 ,y0,y0ch0 Hkkstiqj
flag O;ogkj U;k;ky;] ftyk
ihjks] Hkkstiqj
¼la0 la0&,0@uksV&177@2018@2199@ts0½
fcgkj&jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
mes'k dqekj 'kekZ] la;qDr lfpoA
¼l{ke izkf/kdkj½
21 ekpZ 2024
,l0vks0 237] fnukad 3 tqykbZ 2024 dk vaxzsth esa fuEufyf[kr vuqokn jkT;iky ds izkf/kdkjh ls blds
}kjk izdkf'kr fd;k tkrk gS] tks Hkkjr lafo/kku ds vuqPNsn&348 ds [kaM ¼3½ ds v/khu vaxzsth Hkk"kk esa mldk
izkf/kd`r ikB le>k tk;sxkA
¼la0 la0&,0@uksV&177@2018@2199@ts0½
fcgkj&jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
mes'k dqekj 'kekZ] la;qDr lfpoA
¼l{ke izkf/kdkj½
The 21st March 2024
S.O. 237 dated the 3rd July 2024&&In exercise of the powers conferred by section-
5(2) of the Notaries Act, 1952 (Act no. 53 of 1952), the Governor of Bihar is pleased to
authorise Shri Anil Kumar Singh and whose detail according to Notary Register is given
below, the Notary appointed under section-3 of the Notaries, Act, 1952 and sub-rule (4) of
Rule-8 of the Notaries Rules, 1956 (As Amended) by the State Government in Law
Department Notification No. 561/J dated 21.01.2019 to practice as notary again for the next
five year from 21.01.2024.
Name of Residental/ Date of which Qualification Area in Remarks
Notary professional the name of the which Notary
address Notary has been to practice
entered in the
1 2 3 4 5 6
Shri Anil Advocate-cum- 21-01-2019 L.L.B
Kumar Singh Notary Bhojpur
Civil Court Piro, Distt.-
(File no. -A/Not-177@2018/2199/J)
By order of the Governor of Bihar,
Umesh Kumar Sharma, Joint Secretary.
(Competent Authority)
6 ekpZ 2024
,l0vks0 238] fnukad 3 tqykbZ 2024&&uksVjh vf/kfu;e] 1952 ¼1952 dk vf/kfu;e la[;k&53½ dh /kkjk&5
¼2½ ds }kjk iznr 'kfDr;ksa dk iz;ksx djrs gq, fcgkj jkT;iky] uksVjht vf/kfu;e] 1952 dh /kkjk&3 vkSj uksVjh
fu;ekoyh] 1956 ¼;Fkk la'kksf/kr½ ds fu;e&8 ds mi fu;e ¼4½ ds v/khu fof/k foHkkx dh vf/klwpuk
la[;k&695@ts0] fnukad&25-01-2019 ds }kjk fu;qDr ys[; izek.kd] Jh ek/ko jke] vf/koDrk] ftudk uksVjht iath
बहार गजट, 3 tqykbZ 2024 43

ds vuqlkj C;ksjk fuEufyf[kr gS] dks fnukad&25-01-2024 ls iqu% vxkeh ikWp o"kZ ds fy, ys[; izek.kd ds #i esa
dk;Z djus ds fy, izkf/kd`r djrs gSaA
ys[; izek.kd vkoklh; @ ys[; izek.kd vgÙkkZ ftl {ks= esa O;olk; vfHk;qfDr
ds uke O;olkf;d irk iath esa uke djus ds fy,
vafdr gksus dh izkf/kd`r fd;k x;k
frfFk A gS A
1 2 3 4 5 6
Jh ek/ko jke vf/koDrk&lg&uksVjh 25-01-2019 ,y0,y0ch0 iwf.kZ;k¡
O;ogkj U;k;ky;] ftyk
¼la0 la0&,0@uksV&197@2018@1783@ts0½
fcgkj&jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
mes'k dqekj 'kekZ] la;qDr lfpoA
¼l{ke izkf/kdkj½
6 ekpZ 2024
,l0vks0 238] fnukad 3 tqykbZ 2024 dk vaxzsth esa fuEufyf[kr vuqokn jkT;iky ds izkf/kdkjh ls blds
}kjk izdkf'kr fd;k tkrk gS] tks Hkkjr lafo/kku ds vuqPNsn&348 ds [kaM ¼3½ ds v/khu vaxzsth Hkk"kk esa mldk
izkf/kd`r ikB le>k tk;sxkA
¼la0 la0&,0@uksV&197@2018@1783@ts0½
fcgkj&jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
mes'k dqekj 'kekZ] la;qDr lfpoA
¼l{ke izkf/kdkj½
The 6th March 2024
S.O. 238 dated the 3rd July 2024&&In exercise of the powers conferred by section-
5(2) of the Notaries Act, 1952 (Act no. 53 of 1952), the Governor of Bihar is pleased to
authorise Shri Madhav Ram and whose detail according to Notary Register is given below,
the Notary appointed under section-3 of the Notaries, Act, 1952 and sub-rule (4) of Rule-8 of
the Notaries Rules, 1956 (As Amended) by the State Government in Law Department
Notification No. 695/J dated 25.01.2019 to practice as notary again for the next five year from
Name of Residental/ Date of which Qualification Area in which Remarks
Notary professional the name of the Notary to
address Notary has been practice
entered in the
1 2 3 4 5 6
Shri Madhav Advocate-cum- 25-01-2019 L.L.B
Ram Notary Purnea
Civil Court Distt.-
(File no. -A/Not-197/2018/1783/J)
By order of the Governor of Bihar,
Umesh Kumar Sharma, Joint Secretary.
(Competent Authority)
21 ekpZ 2024
,l0vks0 239] fnukad 3 tqykbZ 2024&&uksVjh vf/kfu;e] 1952 ¼1952 dk vf/kfu;e la[;k&53½ dh /kkjk&5
¼2½ ds }kjk iznr 'kfDr;ksa dk iz;ksx djrs gq, fcgkj jkT;iky] uksVjht vf/kfu;e] 1952 dh /kkjk&3 vkSj uksVjh
fu;ekoyh] 1956 ¼;Fkk la'kksf/kr½ ds fu;e&8 ds mi fu;e ¼4½ ds v/khu fof/k foHkkx dh vf/klwpuk
44 बहार गजट, 3 tqykbZ 2024
la[;k&841@ts0] fnukad&29-01-2019 ds }kjk fu;qDr ys[; izek.kd] Jh eukst dqekj xqIrk] vf/koDrk] ftudk
uksVjht iath ds vuqlkj C;ksjk fuEufyf[kr gS] dks fnukad&29-01-2024 ls iqu% vxkeh ikWp o"kZ ds fy, ys[;
izek.kd ds #i esa dk;Z djus ds fy, izkf/kd`r djrs gSaA
ys[; izek.kd vkoklh; @ ys[; izek.kd vgÙkkZ ftl {ks= esa O;olk; vfHk;qfDr
ds uke O;olkf;d irk iath esa uke djus ds fy,
vafdr gksus dh izkf/kd`r fd;k x;k
frfFk A gS A
1 2 3 4 5 6
Jh eukst dqekj vf/koDrk&lg&uksVjh 29-01-2019 ch0,l0lh0 lkj.k
xqIrk O;ogkj U;k;ky;] ,y0,y0ch0 ftyk
¼la0 la0&,0@uksV&203@2018@2188@ts0½
fcgkj jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
mes'k dqekj 'kekZ] la;qDr lfpoA
¼l{ke izkf/kdkj½
21 ekpZ 2024
,l0vks0 239] fnukad 3 tqykbZ 2024 dk vaxzsth esa fuEufyf[kr vuqokn jkT;iky ds izkf/kdkjh ls blds
}kjk izdkf'kr fd;k tkrk gS] tks Hkkjr lafo/kku ds vuqPNsn&348 ds [kaM ¼3½ ds v/khu vaxst z h Hkk"kk esa mldk
izkf/kd`r ikB le>k tk;sxkA
¼la0 la0&,0@uksV&203@2018@2188@ts0½
fcgkj jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
mes'k dqekj 'kekZ] la;qDr lfpoA
¼l{ke izkf/kdkj½
The 21 March 2024
S.O. 239 dated the 3rd July 2024&&In exercise of the powers conferred by section-
5(2) of the Notaries Act, 1952 (Act no. 53 of 1952), the Governor of Bihar is pleased to
authorise Shri Manoj Kumar Gupta and whose detail according to Notary Register is given
below, the Notary appointed under section-3 of the Notaries, Act, 1952 and sub-rule (4) of
Rule-8 of the Notaries Rules, 1956 (As Amended) by the State Government in Law
Department Notification No. 841/J dated 29.01.2019 to practice as notary again for the next
five year from 29.01.2024.
Name of Residental/ Date of which Qualification Area in which Remarks
Notary professional the name of the Notary to
address Notary has been practice
entered in the
1 2 3 4 5 6
Shri Manoj Advocate-cum- 29.01.2019 B.Sc.
Kumar Notary L.L.B Saran
Gupta Civil Court Saran Distt.-

(File no. -A/Not-203@2018/2188/J)

By order of the Governor of Bihar,
Umesh Kumar Sharma, Joint Secretary.
(Competent Authority)
बहार गजट, 3 tqykbZ 2024 45

30 tuojh 2024
,l0vks0 240] fnukad 3 tqykbZ 2024&&uksVjh vf/kfu;e] 1952 ¼1952 dk vf/kfu;e la[;k&53½ dh /kkjk&5
¼2½ ds }kjk iznr 'kfDr;ksa dk iz;ksx djrs gq, fcgkj jkT;iky] uksVjht vf/kfu;e] 1952 dh /kkjk&3 vkSj uksVjh
fu;ekoyh] 1956 ¼;Fkk la'kksf/kr½ ds fu;e&8 ds mi fu;e ¼4½ ds v/khu fof/k foHkkx dh vf/klwpuk
la[;k&2896@ts0] fnukad&14-06-2004 ds }kjk fu;qDr ys[; izek.kd] Jh bZ'oj pUnz flag] vf/koDrk] ftudk
uksVjht iath ds vuqlkj C;ksjk fuEufyf[kr gS] dks fnukad&14-06-2024 ls iqu% vxkeh ikWp o"kZ ds fy, ys[;
izek.kd ds #i esa dk;Z djus ds fy, izkf/kd`r djrs gSaA
ys[; izek.kd vkoklh; @ ys[; izek.kd vgÙkkZ ftl {ks= esa O;olk; vfHk;qfDr
ds uke O;olkf;d irk iath esa uke djus ds fy,
vafdr gksus dh izkf/kd`r fd;k x;k
frfFk A gS A
1 2 3 4 5 6
Jh bZ'oj pUnz vf/koDrk&lg&uksVjh 14-06-2004 ch0,0 Hkkstiqj ¼vkjk½
flag O;ogkj U;k;ky;] ,y0,y0ch0 ftyk
vkjk] Hkkstiqj
¼la0 la0&,0@uksV&¼,l½&90&2002@643@ts0½
fcgkj&jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
mes'k dqekj 'kekZ] la;qDr lfpoA
¼l{ke izkf/kdkj½
30 tuojh 2024
,l0vks0 240] fnukad 3 tqykbZ 2024 dk vaxzsth esa fuEufyf[kr vuqokn jkT;iky ds izkf/kdkjh ls blds
}kjk izdkf'kr fd;k tkrk gS] tks Hkkjr lafo/kku ds vuqPNsn&348 ds [kaM ¼3½ ds v/khu vaxzsth Hkk"kk esa mldk
izkf/kd`r ikB le>k tk;sxkA
¼la0 la0&,0@uksV&¼,l½&90&2002@643@ts0½
fcgkj&jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
mes'k dqekj 'kekZ] la;qDr lfpoA
¼l{ke izkf/kdkj½
The 30th January 2024
S.O. 240 dated the 3rd July 2024&&In exercise of the powers conferred by section-
5(2) of the Notaries Act, 1952 (Act no. 53 of 1952), the Governor of Bihar is pleased to
authorise Shri Ishwar Chandra Singh and whose detail according to Notary Register is
given below, the Notary appointed under section-3 of the Notaries, Act, 1952 and sub-rule (4)
of Rule-8 of the Notaries Rules, 1956 (As Amended) by the State Government in Law
Department Notification No. 2896/J dated 14.06.2004 to practice as notary again for the next
five year from 14.06.2024.
Name of Residental/ Date of which Qualification Area in which Remarks
Notary professional the name of the Notary to
address Notary has been practice
entered in the
1 2 3 4 5 6
Shri Ishwar Advocate-cum- 14.06.2004 B.A
Chandra Notary L.L.B Bhojpur Ara
Singh Civil Court (Ara) Distt.-
(File no. -A/Not-(s)-90-2002/643/J)
By order of the Governor of Bihar,
Umesh Kumar Sharma, Joint Secretary.
(Competent Authority)
46 बहार गजट, 3 tqykbZ 2024
12 Qjojh 2024
,l0vks0 241] fnukad 3 tqykbZ 2024&&uksVjh vf/kfu;e] 1952 ¼1952 dk vf/kfu;e la[;k&53½ dh /kkjk&5
¼2½ ds }kjk iznr 'kfDr;ksa dk iz;ksx djrs gq, fcgkj jkT;iky] uksVjht vf/kfu;e] 1952 dh /kkjk&3 vkSj uksVjh
fu;ekoyh] 1956 ¼;Fkk la'kksf/kr½ ds fu;e&8 ds mi fu;e ¼4½ ds v/khu fof/k foHkkx dh vf/klwpuk
la[;k&5169@ts0] fnukad&24-12-2003 ds }kjk fu;qDr ys[; izek.kd] Jh dkS'ky fd'kksj ik.Ms;] vf/koDrk] ftudk
uksVjht iath ds vuqlkj C;ksjk fuEufyf[kr gS] dks fnukad&24-12-2023 ls iqu% vxkeh ikWp o"kZ ds fy, ys[;
izek.kd ds #i esa dk;Z djus ds fy, izkf/kd`r djrs gSaA
ys[; izek.kd vkoklh; @ O;olkf;d ys[; izek.kd vgÙkkZ ftl {ks= esa vfHk;qfDr
ds uke irk iath esa uke O;olk; djus ds
vafdr gksus dh fy, izkf/kd`r
frfFk A fd;k x;k gS A
1 2 3 4 5 6
Jh dkS'ky vf/koDrk&lg&uksVjh 24-12-2003 ch0,0 ck<+ vuqeaMy
fd'kksj ik.Ms; vuqeaMyh; O;ogkj ,y0,y0ch0 ¼iVuk ftykUrxZr½
ck<+] iVuk
¼la0 la0&,0@uksV&48@2001@988@ts0½
fcgkj&jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
mes'k dqekj 'kekZ] la;qDr lfpoA
¼l{ke izkf/kdkj½
12 Qjojh 2024
,l0vks0 241] fnukad 3 tqykbZ 2024 dk vaxzsth esa fuEufyf[kr vuqokn jkT;iky ds izkf/kdkjh ls blds
}kjk izdkf'kr fd;k tkrk gS] tks Hkkjr lafo/kku ds vuqPNsn&348 ds [kaM ¼3½ ds v/khu vaxzsth Hkk"kk esa mldk
izkf/kd`r ikB le>k tk;sxkA
¼la0 la0&,0@uksV&48@2001@988@ts0½
fcgkj&jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
mes'k dqekj 'kekZ] la;qDr lfpoA
¼l{ke izkf/kdkj½
The 12th February 2024
S.O. 241 dated the 3rd July 2024&&In exercise of the powers conferred by section-
5(2) of the Notaries Act, 1952 (Act no. 53 of 1952), the Governor of Bihar is pleased to
authorise Shri Kaushal Kishore Pandey and whose detail according to Notary Register is
given below, the Notary appointed under section-3 of the Notaries, Act, 1952 and sub-rule (4)
of Rule-8 of the Notaries Rules, 1956 (As Amended) by the State Government in Law
Department Notification No. 5169/J dated 24.12.2003 to practice as notary again for the next
five year from 24.12.2023.
Name of Residental/ Date of which Qualification Area in which Remarks
Notary professional the name of the Notary to
address Notary has been practice
entered in the
1 2 3 4 5 6
Shri Kaushal Advocate-cum- 24.12.2003 B.A Barh Sub-
Kishore Notary L.L.B division Under
Pandey Subdivisional Patna
Civil Court Distt.-
Barh, Patna
(File no. -A/Not-48/2001/988/J)
By order of the Governor of Bihar,
Umesh Kumar Sharma, Joint Secretary.
(Competent Authority)
बहार गजट, 3 tqykbZ 2024 47

19 Qjojh 2024
,l0vks0 242] fnukad 3 tqykbZ 2024&&uksVjh vf/kfu;e] 1952 ¼1952 dk vf/kfu;e la[;k&53½ dh /kkjk&5
¼2½ ds }kjk iznr 'kfDr;ksa dk iz;ksx djrs gq, fcgkj jkT;iky] uksVjht vf/kfu;e] 1952 dh /kkjk&3 vkSj uksVjh
fu;ekoyh] 1956 ¼;Fkk la'kksf/kr½ ds fu;e&8 ds mi fu;e ¼4½ ds v/khu fof/k foHkkx dh vf/klwpuk
la[;k&9767@ts0] fnukad&11-12-2018 ds }kjk fu;qDr ys[; izek.kd] Jherh fcuhrk dqekjh vf/koDrk] ftudk
uksVjht iath ds vuqlkj C;ksjk fuEufyf[kr gS] dks fnukad&11-12-2023 ls iqu% vxkeh ikWp o"kZ ds fy, ys[;
izek.kd ds #i esa dk;Z djus ds fy, izkf/kd`r djrs gSaA
ys[; izek.kd vkoklh; @ ys[; izek.kd vgÙkkZ ftl {ks= esa vfHk;qfDr
ds uke O;olkf;d irk iath esa uke O;olk; djus ds
vafdr gksus dh fy, izkf/kd`r
frfFk A fd;k x;k gS A
1 2 3 4 5 6
Jherh fcuhrk vf/koDrk&lg&uksVjh 11-12-2018 Hkkstiqj
dqekjh O;ogkj U;k;ky;] ,y0,y0ch0 ftyk
vkjk] Hkkstiqj

¼la0 la0&,0@uksV&71@2018@1150@ts0½
fcgkj&jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
mes'k dqekj 'kekZ] la;qDr lfpoA
¼l{ke izkf/kdkj½
19 Qjojh 2024
,l0vks0 242] fnukad 3 tqykbZ 2024 dk vaxzsth esa fuEufyf[kr vuqokn jkT;iky ds izkf/kdkjh ls blds
}kjk izdkf'kr fd;k tkrk gS] tks Hkkjr lafo/kku ds vuqPNsn&348 ds [kaM ¼3½ ds v/khu vaxzsth Hkk"kk esa mldk
izkf/kd`r ikB le>k tk;sxkA
¼la0 la0&,0@uksV&71@2018@1150@ts0½
fcgkj&jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
mes'k dqekj 'kekZ] la;qDr lfpoA
¼l{ke izkf/kdkj½
The 19th February 2024
S.O. 242 dated the 3rd July 2024&&In exercise of the powers conferred by section-
5(2) of the Notaries Act, 1952 (Act no. 53 of 1952), the Governor of Bihar is pleased to
authorise Smt. Binita Kumari and whose detail according to Notary Register is given below,
the Notary appointed under section-3 of the Notaries, Act, 1952 and sub-rule (4) of Rule-8 of
the Notaries Rules, 1956 (As Amended) by the State Government in Law Department
Notification No. 9767/J dated 11.12.2018 to practice as notary again for the next five year from
Name of Residental/ Date of which Qualification Area in which Remarks
Notary professional the name of the Notary to
address Notary has been practice
entered in the
1 2 3 4 5 6
Smt. Binita Advocate-cum- 11.12.2018 L.L.B
Kumari Notary Bhojpur
Civil Court Ara, Distt.-
(File no. -A/Not-71-2018/1150/J)
By order of the Governor of Bihar,
Umesh Kumar Sharma, Joint Secretary.
(Competent Authority)
48 बहार गजट, 3 tqykbZ 2024
5 Qjojh 2024
,l0vks0 243] fnukad 3 tqykbZ 2024&&uksVjh vf/kfu;e] 1952 ¼1952 dk vf/kfu;e la[;k&53½ dh /kkjk&5
¼2½ ds }kjk iznr 'kfDr;ksa dk iz;ksx djrs gq, fcgkj jkT;iky] uksVjht vf/kfu;e] 1952 dh /kkjk&3 vkSj uksVjh
fu;ekoyh] 1956 ¼;Fkk la'kksf/kr½ ds fu;e&8 ds mi fu;e ¼4½ ds v/khu fof/k foHkkx dh vf/klwpuk
la[;k&820@ts0] fnukad&29-01-2019 ds }kjk fu;qDr ys[; izek.kd] Jh Jh jktho jatu] vf/koDrk] ftudk uksVjht
iath ds vuqlkj C;ksjk fuEufyf[kr gS] dks fnukad&29-01-2024 ls iqu% vxkeh ikWp o"kZ ds fy, ys[; izek.kd ds
#i esa dk;Z djus ds fy, izkf/kd`r djrs gSaA
ys[; izek.kd vkoklh; @ ys[; izek.kd vgÙkkZ ftl {ks= esa O;olk; vfHk;qfDr
ds uke O;olkf;d irk iath esa uke djus ds fy,
vafdr gksus dh izkf/kd`r fd;k x;k
frfFk A gS A
1 2 3 4 5 6
Jh jktho jatu vf/koDrk&lg&uksVjh 29-01-2019 njHkaxk
O;ogkj U;k;ky;] ,y0,y0ch0 ftyk
¼la0 la0&,0@uksV&75@2018@784@ts0½
fcgkj&jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
mes'k dqekj 'kekZ] la;qDr lfpoA
¼l{ke izkf/kdkj½
5 Qjojh 2024
,l0vks0 243] fnukad 3 tqykbZ 2024 dk vaxzsth esa fuEufyf[kr vuqokn jkT;iky ds izkf/kdkjh ls blds
}kjk izdkf'kr fd;k tkrk gS] tks Hkkjr lafo/kku ds vuqPNsn&348 ds [kaM ¼3½ ds v/khu vaxzsth Hkk"kk esa mldk
izkf/kd`r ikB le>k tk;sxkA
¼la0 la0&,0@uksV&75@2018@784@ts0½
fcgkj&jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
mes'k dqekj 'kekZ] la;qDr lfpoA
¼l{ke izkf/kdkj½
The 5th February 2024
S.O. 243 dated the 3rd July 2024&&In exercise of the powers conferred by section-
5(2) of the Notaries Act, 1952 (Act no. 53 of 1952), the Governor of Bihar is pleased to
authorise Shri Rajiv Ranjan and whose detail according to Notary Register is given below,
the Notary appointed under section-3 of the Notaries, Act, 1952 and sub-rule (4) of Rule-8 of
the Notaries Rules, 1956 (As Amended) by the State Government in Law Department
Notification No. 820/J dated 29.01.2019 to practice as notary again for the next five year from
Name of Residental/ Date of which Qualification Area in which Remarks
Notary professional the name of the Notary to
address Notary has been practice
entered in the
1 2 3 4 5 6
Shri Rajiv Advocate-cum- 29.01.2019 L.L.B
Ranjan Notary Darbhanga
Civil Court Distt.-
(File no. -A/Not-75/2018/784/J)
By order of the Governor of Bihar,
Umesh Kumar Sharma, Joint Secretary.
(Competent Authority)
19 Qjojh 2024
,l0vks0 244] fnukad 3 tqykbZ 2024&&uksVjh vf/kfu;e] 1952 ¼1952 dk vf/kfu;e la[;k&53½ dh /kkjk&5
¼2½ ds }kjk iznr 'kfDr;ksa dk iz;ksx djrs gq, fcgkj jkT;iky] uksVjht vf/kfu;e] 1952 dh /kkjk&3 vkSj uksVjh
बहार गजट, 3 tqykbZ 2024 49

fu;ekoyh] 1956 ¼;Fkk la'kksf/kr½ ds fu;e&8 ds mi fu;e ¼4½ ds v/khu fof/k foHkkx dh vf/klwpuk
la[;k&166@ts0] fnukad&09-01-2019 ds }kjk fu;qDr ys[; izek.kd] Jherh lquhrk dqekjh] vf/koDrk] ftudk uksVjht
iath ds vuqlkj C;ksjk fuEufyf[kr gS] dks fnukad&09-01-2024 ls iqu% vxkeh ikWp o"kZ ds fy, ys[; izek.kd ds
#i esa dk;Z djus ds fy, izkf/kd`r djrs gSaA
ys[; izek.kd vkoklh; @ ys[; izek.kd vgÙkkZ ftl {ks= esa vfHk;qfDr
ds uke O;olkf;d irk iath esa uke O;olk; djus ds
vafdr gksus dh fy, izkf/kd`r
frfFk A fd;k x;k gS A
1 2 3 4 5 6
Jherh lquhrk vf/koDrk&lg&uksVjh 09-01-2019 ,y0,y0ch0 dfVgkj
dqekjh] O;ogkj U;k;ky;] ftyk
¼la0 la0&,0@uksV&131@2018@1149@ts0½
fcgkj&jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
mes'k dqekj 'kekZ] la;qDr lfpoA
¼l{ke izkf/kdkj½
19 Qjojh 2024
,l0vks0 244] fnukad 3 tqykbZ 2024 dk vaxzsth esa fuEufyf[kr vuqokn jkT;iky ds izkf/kdkjh ls blds
}kjk izdkf'kr fd;k tkrk gS] tks Hkkjr lafo/kku ds vuqPNsn&348 ds [kaM ¼3½ ds v/khu vaxzsth Hkk"kk esa mldk
izkf/kd`r ikB le>k tk;sxkA
¼la0 la0&,0@uksV&131@2018@1149@ts0½
fcgkj&jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
mes'k dqekj 'kekZ] la;qDr lfpoA
¼l{ke izkf/kdkj½
The 19th February 2024
S.O. 244 dated the 3rd July 2024&&In exercise of the powers conferred by section-
5(2) of the Notaries Act, 1952 (Act no. 53 of 1952), the Governor of Bihar is pleased to
authorise Smt. Sunita Kumari and whose detail according to Notary Register is given below,
the Notary appointed under section-3 of the Notaries, Act, 1952 and sub-rule (4) of Rule-8 of
the Notaries Rules, 1956 (As Amended) by the State Government in Law Department
Notification No. 166/J dated 09.01.2019 to practice as notary again for the next five year from
Name of Residental/ Date of which Qualification Area in which Remarks
Notary professional the name of the Notary to
address Notary has been practice
entered in the
1 2 3 4 5 6
Smt. Sunita Advocate-cum- 09.01.2019 L.L.B Katihar
Kumari Notary Distt.-
Civil Court
(File no. -A/Not-131/2018/1149/J)

By order of the Governor of Bihar,

Umesh Kumar Sharma, Joint Secretary.
(Competent Authority)
50 बहार गजट, 3 tqykbZ 2024
Kkikad 2@bZ1&161@2023 J0la0&3382
Je lalk/ku foHkkx
lsok esa]
egkys[kkdkj] fcgkj]
ohjpUn iVsy iFk] iVukA
}kjk %& foÙk foHkkxA 25 twu 2024
fo"k; %& Jek;qDr] fcgkj ds fu;a=.kk/khu {ks=h; dk;kZy;ksa ¼lkekU; ,oa rduhdh½ ds fy, fyfidh; laoxZ ds
iwoZ ls Loh—r dqy 285 inksa dks iqufoZU;kflr djrs gq, ^^fcgkj Je fyfidh; laoxZ fu;ekoyh] 2014**
ds vUrxZRk fuEu oxhZ; fyfid ds 171 inksa ,oa mPp oxhZ; fyfid ds 114 inkas dks dk;kZy;okj
fpfUg~r djus ds laca/k esaA
vkns'k %& Lohd`rA
funs'kkuqlkj mi;qZDr fo"k; ds laca/k esa dguk gS fd Jek;qDr] fcgkj ds fu;a=.kk/khu {ks=h; dk;kZy;
¼lkekU; ,oa rduhdh½ ds fyfidh; laoxZ ds dqy&285 in LohÑr gSaA mDr inksa dks mPp oxhZ; fyfid ,oa fuEu oxhZ;
fyfid ds :i esa dk;kZy;okj fpfUgr djus dk izLrko fopkjk/khu FkkA
2- iz'kklh inoxZ lfefr dh fnukad&15-01-2024 dh cSBd ¼foÙk foHkkxh; Kkikad&1422 fnukad&09-02-2024½ esa
dh xbZ vuq'kalk ds vkyksd esa fcgkj Je fyfidh; laoxZ ds dqy Loh—r 285 inksa esa ls fuEu oxhZ; fyfid ¼ewy dksfV½
ds :Ik esa dqy 171 ¼60%½ in ,oa mPp oxhZ; fyfid ¼izkséfr ds izFke Lrj½ ds :Ik esa dqy 114 inksa dks dk;kZy;okj
fpfUg~r fd;k x;k gSA dk;kZy;okj inksa dh ifjf'k"V&1 ds :i esa layXu gSA
3- mijksDr inksa dks fpfUgr djus ,oa dk;kZy;okj iqufoZU;kl ds QyLo:i buij vfrfjDr okf"kZd O;; :0
1]14]91]200¾00 ¼,d djksM+ pkSng yk[k bD;kUkcs gtkj nks lkS ek=½ laHkkfor gS ¼O;; ifjf'k"V&2 layXu½A
4- ,rn~ laca/kh Hkkfjr jkf'k dk ogu ekax la[;k&26&eq[; 'kh"kZ&2230&Je rFkk jkstxkj&mi eq[;
'kh"kZ&01&Je y?kq 'kh"kZ&101&vkS|ksfxd laca/k&mi'kh"kZ&0006&Je dkuwuksa dk izoÙkZu rFkk iz'kklu ls fodyuh; gksxkA
5- mi;qZDr izLrko jkT; eaf=ifj"kn~ dh fnukad&20-06-2024 dh cSBd ds en la[;k&18 esa Lohd`r gSA
fcgkj&jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
jktho jatu] la;qDr lfpoA
Jek;qDr] fcgkj ds fu;a=.kk/khu {ks=h; dk;kZy;ksa ¼lkekU; ,oa rduhdh½ esa fuEuoxhZ; fyfid dk 171 in ,oa mPpoxhZ;
fyfid dk 114 in dqy&285 inksa dks fpfUgr djus
laca/kh dk;kZy;okj in foU;kl dh fooj.khA
ize.My Ø0 dk;kZy; dk uke iwoZ ls Lohd``r inksa ds iqufoZU;kl
dk uke la0 Lohd``r ,oa inksa dks fpfUgr
fuEuoxhZ; djus ds mijkar inokj
fyfid ds fLFkfr
inksa fuEuoxhZ; mPpoxhZ;
dh la[;k fyfid fyfid
¼60%½ ¼40%½
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 mi Jek;qDr dk dk;kZy;] iVuk 20 13 7
2 Je v/kh{kd dk dk;kZy;] Hkkstiqj 6 4 2
3 Je v/kh{kd dk dk;kZy;] cDlj 2 1 1
4 Je v/kh{kd dk dk;kZy;] ukyank+ 7 4 3
5 lgk;d Jek;qDr dk dk;kZy;] Mkyfe;kuxj 10 7 3
iVuk 6 Je v/kh{kd dk dk;kZy;] dSewj 2 1 1
7 funs'kd] d``f"k Jfed funs'kky; dk dk;kZy;] iVuk 8 6 2
8 eq[; fujh{kh inkf/kdkjh dk dk;kZy;] iVuk 7 5 2
9 lgk;d Jek;qDr dk dk;kZy;] Nijk 9 6 3
lkj.k 10 Je v/kh{kd dk dk;kZy;] floku 5 3 2
11 Je v/kh{kd dk dk;kZy;] xksikyxat 2 1 1
बहार गजट, 3 tqykbZ 2024 51

njHkaxk 12 mi Jek;qDr dk dk;kZy;] njHkaxk 10 6 4

13 Je v/kh{kd dk dk;kZy;] e/kqcuh+ 2 1 1
14 Je v/kh{kd dk dk;kZy;] leLrhiqj 5 3 2
Hkkxyiqj 15 mi Jek;qDr dk dk;kZy;] Hkkxyiqj 12 8 4
16 Je v/kh{kd dk dk;kZy;] ckadk 2 1 1
eqaxsj 17 mi Jek;qDr dk dk;kZy;] eqaxsj 6 4 2
18 mi Jek;qDr dk dk;kZy;] csxl w jk; 8 5 3
19 Je v/kh{kd dk dk;kZy;] teqbZ 2 1 1
20 Je v/kh{kd dk dk;kZy;] [kxfM+;k 4 2 2
21 Je v/kh{kd dk dk;kZy;] y[khljk; 2 1 1
22 Je v/kh{kd dk dk;kZy;] 'ks[kiqjk 2 1 1
iwf.kZ;kW 23 lgk;d Jek;qDr dk dk;kZy;] iwf.kZ;kW 6 4 2
24 lgk;d Jek;qDr dk dk;kZy;] iwf.kZ;kW ize.My] 6 4 2
25 Je v/kh{kd dk dk;kZy;] vjfj;k 4 2 2
26 Je v/kh{kd dk dk;kZy;] fd'kuxat 2 1 1
dks'kh 27 lgk;d Jek;qDr dk dk;kZy;] lgjlk 8 5 3
¼lgjlk½ 28 Je v/kh{kd dk dk;kZy;] e/ksiqjk 2 1 1
29 Je v/kh{kd dk dk;kZy;] lqikSy 2 1 1
x;k 30 mi Jek;qDr dk dk;kZy;] x;k 10 6 4
31 Je v/kh{kd dk dk;kZy;] vkSjx a kckn 3 2 1
32 Je v/kh{kd dk dk;kZy;] uoknk 4 2 2
33 Je v/kh{kd dk dk;kZy;] tgkukckn 3 2 1
34 Je v/kh{kd dk dk;kZy;] vjoy 2 1 1
eqt¶Qjiqj 35 mi Jek;qDr dk dk;kZy;] eqt¶Qjiqj 14 7 7
36 Je v/kh{kd dk dk;kZy;] gkthiqj 4 2 2
37 Je v/kh{kd dk dk;kZy;] lhrke<+h 4 2 2
38 Je v/kh{kd dk dk;kZy;] f'kogj 2 1 1
39 Je v/kh{kd dk dk;kZy;] eksfrgkjh 6 4 2
40 lgk;d Jek;qDr dk dk;kZy;] csfr;k 5 3 2
dkj[kkuk 41 eq[; dkj[kkuk fujh{kd dk dk;kZy;] fcgkj] iVuk 10 6 4
fujh{k.kky; 42 mi eq[; dkj[kkuk fujh{kd dk dk;kZy;] iVuk 5 3 2
43 mi eq[; dkj[kkuk fujh{kd dk dk;kZy;] 5 3 2
44 dkj[kkuk fujh{kd ¼jlk;u½ dk dk;kZy;] fcgkj] 3 2 1
45 dkj[kkuk fujh{kd ¼HkS"kT;½ dk dk;kZy;] fcgkj] 3 2 1
46 dkj[kkuk fujh{kd dk dk;kZy;] jksgrkl vapy] 2 1 1
47 dkj[kkuk fujh{kd dk dk;kZy;] Hkkstiqj vapy] vkjk 2 1 1
48 dkj[kkuk fujh{kd dk dk;kZy;] iVuk vapy&1 2 1 1
49 dkj[kkuk fujh{kd dk dk;kZy;] iVuk vapy&2 2 1 1
50 dkj[kkuk fujh{kd dk dk;kZy;] iVuk vapy&3 2 1 1
51 dkj[kkuk fujh{kd dk dk;kZy;] ukyank vpy] 2 1 1
52 dkj[kkuk fujh{kd dk dk;kZy;] lgjlk vapy] 2 1 1
53 dkj[kkuk fujh{kd dk dk;kZy;] dfVgkj vapy] 2 1 1
52 बहार गजट, 3 tqykbZ 2024
54 dkj[kkuk fujh{kd dk dk;kZy;] iwf.kZ;kW vapy] 2 1 1
55 dkj[kkuk fujh{kd dk dk;kZy;] csxwljk; vapy] 2 1 1
csxlw jk;
56 dkj[kkuk fujh{kd dk dk;kZy;] Hkkxyiqj vapy] 2 1 1
57 dkj[kkuk fujh{kd dk dk;kZy;] eqaxsj vapy] eqaxjs 2 1 1
58 dkj[kkuk fujh{kd dk dk;kZy;] x;k vapy] x;k 2 1 1
59 dkj[kkuk fujh{kd dk dk;kZy;] oS'kkyh vapy] 2 1 1
60 dkj[kkuk fujh{kd dk dk;kZy;] eksfrgkjh vapy] 2 1 1
61 dkj[kkuk fujh{kd dk dk;kZy;] leLrhiqj vapy] 2 1 1
62 dkj[kkuk fujh{kd dk dk;kZy;] Nijk vapy] Nijk 2 1 1
63 dkj[kkuk fujh{kd dk dk;kZy;] eqt¶Qjiqj vapy] 2 1 1
okf"i= 64 eq[; okf"i= fujh{kd dk dk;kZy;] fcgkj] iVuk 1 1 0
fujh{k.kky; 65 okf"i= fujh{kd dk dk;kZy;] iVuk 1 1 0
66 okf"i= fujh{kd dk dk;kZy;] eqt¶Qjiqj 1 1 0
dqy ;ksx 285 171 114

vuqekfur of"kZd O;;
Ø0 in dk uke iwoZ ls fpfUg~r osru ewy osru eg¡0 edku fpfdRlk ifjogu dqy ;ksx okf"kZd lesfdr okf"kZd
la0 Lohd`r gksus okys Lrj HkŸkk HkŸkk HkŸkk HkŸkk ¼,d ekg O;; O;; ¼okf"kZd O;;
inksa dh inksa dh ¼42%½ ¼8%½ dk½ X fpfUgr inksa
la[;k la[;k dh l[;k½

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
iwoZ ls LohÑr inksa ds fy, vuqekfur O;;

fuEuoxhZ; osru
1- 285 285 19900 8358 1592 1000 852 31702 380424 10]84]20]840
fyfid Lrj&2
iqufoZU;kl ds mijkUr vuqekfur okf"kZd O;;
1 ¼ewy 171 171 19900 8358 1592 1000 852 31702 380424 6]50]52]504
dksfV ds
¼izksUufr osru
2 'kwU; 114 25500 10710 2040 1000 852 40102 481224 5]48]59]536
Lrj dk Lrj&4
285 11]99]12]040
inksa ds iqufoZU;kl ds mijkUr vuqekfur O;; dk varj jkf'k 11]99]12]040 & 10]84]20]840 = 1]14]91]200
¼,d djksM+ pkSng yk[k ,dkuos gtkj nkS lkS ek=½

fcgkj&jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]

jktho jatu] la;qDr lfpoA
बहार गजट, 3 tqykbZ 2024 53

बहार ामीण जी वकोपाजन ो साहन सिमित (जी वका), बहार, पटना

भार- ितवेदन
26 twu 2024
la0 BRLPS/ESTT-PF/2194/24/701&&अधोह ता र म, ी च शेखर िसंह, भा० ०से० (2010) ने ी हमांशु
शमा, भा० ०से० (2011) को आज दनांक-26.06.2024 के पूवा म मु य कायपालक पदािधकार , बहार ामीण
जी वकोपाजन ो साहन सिमित (जी वका)-सह-रा य िमशन िनदे शक, रा य ामीण आजी वका िमशन-सह-आयु -
व-रोजगार, ामीण वकास वभाग, बहार, पटना का भार स पा।
सामा य शासन वभाग, बहार, पटना क अिधसूचना सं या–1/पी०-1003/2024-सा० ०-9886 दनांक-
25.06.2024 एवं अिधसूचना सं या–1/पी०-1003/2024-सा० ०-9887 दनांक-25.06.2024 ट य।
¼g0½ vLi"V] ¼g0½ vLi"V]
भारमु पदािधकार भार ाह पदािधकार

vkns’k ls]
राजेश कुमार, वशेष काय पदािधकार ।
okf.kT;&dj foHkkx
12 twu 2024
la0 6@fu0izfr0fu;q0&01&01@2020&2593&& foHkkxh; vf/klwpuk la[;k&950] fnukad&04-06-2020 }kjk 63oha
cSp ds 115 inkf/kdkfj;ksa dk pfj= ,oa iwoZo`Ùk lR;kiu izfrosnu vizkIr jgus ds dkj.k vkSicaf/kd :i ls fu;qfDr dh
x;hA mDr ijh{;eku inkf/kdkfj;ksa esa ls fuEukafdr 03 inkf/kdkfj;ksa dk pfj= ,oa iwoZo`Ùk lR;kiu izfrosnu izkIr gks
x;k gS] tks vuqdwy gS%&
Ø0 inkf/kdkjh dk uke la;qDr x`g ftyk tUe frfFk orZeku inLFkkiu
la0 es/kk
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 Jh vfu:) dqekj 103 y[khljk; 07-03-1994 Xk¡k/kh eSnku vapy] iVukA
2 Jh flrs'k dqekj 221 [kxfM+;k 21-01-1987 lqikSy vapy
3 Jh _f"k dqekj 290 Hkkstiqj 01-03-1980 floku vapy
vr% mi;qZDr 03 ijh{;eku inkf/kdkfj;ksa dh foHkkxh; vf/klwpuk la[;k&950] fnukad&04-06-2020 ds }kjk dh
x;h vkSicaf/kd fu;qfDr dks fu;fer fd;k tkrk gSA
fcgkj&jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
f'ko uUnu pkS/kjh] voj lfpoA
x`g foHkkx
¼vkj{kh 'kk[kk½
27 twu 2024
la0 8@fofo/k&10&28@2022] x`0vk0&6960&&ykssd izfrfuf/kRo vf/kfu;e] 1951 dh /kkjk 28 ¼,½ ds rgr
iwf.kZ;k¡ ftykUrxZr jkT; ljdkj] fcgkj fo/kku lHkk dk mi fuokZpu] 2024 ds fy, lacaf/kr {ks= esa inLFkkfir Hkkjrh;
iqfyl lsok@fcgkj iqfyl lsok ds lHkh inkf/kdkfj;ksa@vkjf{k;ksa ,oa fuokZpu dk;Z gsrq vf/k;kfpr vU; lHkh iqfyl
inkf/kdkfj;ksa@vkjf{k;ksa dks ukfer djrh gSA
54 बहार गजट, 3 tqykbZ 2024
2- ukfer iqfyl inkf/kdkjh] fcgkj fo/kku lHkk dk mi fuokZpu] 2024 ds fuokZpu vf/klwfpr gksus dh frfFk ls
izkjaHk gksdj mDr fuokZpu ds ifj.kke ds ?kksf"kr fd;s tkus dh rkjh[k rd Hkkjr fuokZpu vk;ksx esa izfrfu;qDr le>s
tk;saxs vkSj ,sls lHkh inkf/kdkjh@vkj{kh ml vof/k ds nkSjku Hkkjr fuokZpu vk;ksx ds fu;a=.k] v/kh{k.k vkSj vuq'kklu
ds v/khu gksaxsA
fcgkj&jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
vfues'k ik.Ms;] vij lfpoA
ifjogu foHkkx
27 twu 2024
la0 05@LFkk0&01&93@2023&8626&&lkekU; iz'kklu foHkkx] fcgkj] iVuk dh vf/klwpuk la0&19300]
fnukad&13-10-2023 ,oa vf/klwpuk la[;k&636] fnukad&10-01-2024 esa fufgr vLFkk;h LFkkukiUu dk;Zdkjh O;oLFkk ds
rgr fcgkj ifjogu ¼rduhdh½ laoxZ ds fuEukafdr eksVj;ku fujh{kdksa dks vij ftyk ifjogu inkf/kdkjh ,oa led{k
esa] mlds fofgr osrueku ¼osru Lrj&7½ lfgr] vLFkk;h LFkkukiUu dk;Zdkjh izHkkj fn;k tkrk gS%&
Ø0 eksVj;ku fujh{kd dk uke ojh;rk orZeku /kkfjr in vLFkk;h LFkkukiUu dk;Zdkjh
la0 Øekad O;oLFkk ds rgr /kkfjr fd;s tkus
okys in
1 Jh misUnz jko 2 eksVj;ku fujh{kd] vij ftyk ifjogu inkf/kdkjh
xksikyxat ,oa led{k
2 Jherh vpZuk dqekjh 3 eksVj;ku fujh{kd] vij ftyk ifjogu inkf/kdkjh
vkSjaxkckn ,oa led{k
3 Jh fcuksn dqekj 4 eksVj;ku fujh{kd] vij ftyk ifjogu inkf/kdkjh
ukyank ,oa led{k
4 Jh latho dqekj flag 6 eksVj;ku fujh{kd] vij ftyk ifjogu inkf/kdkjh
dfVgkj ,oa led{k
5 Jh lat; dqekj 8 eksVj;ku fujh{kd] vij ftyk ifjogu inkf/kdkjh
jksgrkl ,oa led{k
6 Jh larks"k dqekj flag 18 eksVj;ku fujh{kd] vij ftyk ifjogu inkf/kdkjh
oS'kkyh ,oa led{k
7 Jh xkSre dqekj 19 eksVj;ku fujh{kd] vij ftyk ifjogu inkf/kdkjh
iwf.kZ;k¡ ,oa led{k
8 Jh jathr dqekj 22 eksVj;ku fujh{kd] vij ftyk ifjogu inkf/kdkjh
leLrhiqj ,oa led{k
9 Jh lat; dqekj VkbZxj 23 eksVj;ku fujh{kd] vij ftyk ifjogu inkf/kdkjh
floku ,oa led{k
10 Jh fu'kkar dqekj 30 eksVj;ku fujh{kd] vij ftyk ifjogu inkf/kdkjh
Hkkxyiqj ,oa led{k
11 Jh fnO; izdk'k 31 eksVj;ku fujh{kd] eqaxjs vij ftyk ifjogu inkf/kdkjh
,oa led{k
2- ;g vf/klwpuk lkekU; iz'kklu foHkkx] fcgkj] iVuk dh vf/klwpuk la[;k&19300] fnukad&13-10-2023 esa
fufgr 'krksZa ds v/;/khu gSA
3- mi;qZDr inkf/kdkfj;ksa dks inHkkj xzg.k djus dh frfFk ls vij ftyk ifjogu inkf/kdkjh ,oa led{k ds
in ij vLFkk;h LFkkukiUu dk;Zdkjh izHkkj dk vkfFkZd ykHk ns; gksxkA
fcgkj&jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
d`R;kuUn jatu] mi lfpoA
27 twu 2024
la0 05@LFkk0&01&93@2023&8627&&lkekU; iz'kklu foHkkx] fcgkj] iVuk dh vf/klwpuk la0&19300]
fnukad&13-10-2023 ,oa vf/klwpuk la[;k&636] fnukad&10-01-2024 esa fufgr vLFkk;h LFkkukiUu dk;Zdkjh O;oLFkk ds
बहार गजट, 3 tqykbZ 2024 55

rgr fcgkj ifjogu ¼rduhdh½ laoxZ ds fuEukafdr eksVj;ku fujh{kdksa dks vij ftyk ifjogu inkf/kdkjh ,oa led{k
esa] mlds fofgr osrueku ¼osru Lrj&7½ lfgr] vLFkk;h LFkkukiUu dk;Zdkjh izHkkj fn;k tkrk gS%&
Ø0 eksVj;ku fujh{kd dk uke ojh;rk orZeku /kkfjr in vLFkk;h LFkkukiUu dk;Zdkjh
la0 Øekad O;oLFkk ds rgr /kkfjr fd;s tkus
okys in
1 Jh dqekj foosd 20 eksVj;ku fujh{kd] vij ftyk ifjogu inkf/kdkjh
csxlw jk; ,oa led{k
2- ;g vf/klwpuk lkekU; iz'kklu foHkkx] fcgkj] iVuk dh vf/klwpuk la[;k&19300] fnukad&13-10-2023 esa
fufgr 'krksZa ds v/;/khu gSA
3- Jh foosd dks fnukad&01-07-2024 vFkok inHkkj xzg.k djus dh frfFk] tks Hkh ckn esa gks] ls vij ftyk
ifjogu inkf/kdkjh ,oa led{k ds in ij vLFkk;h LFkkukiUu dk;Zdkjh izHkkj dk vkfFkZd ykHk ns; gksxkA
fcgkj&jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
d`R;kuUn jatu] mi lfpoA
अधी क, सिचवालय मु णालय
बहार, पटना ारा कािशत एवं मु त।
बहार गजट, 15—571+10-डी0ट 0पी0।
56 बहार गजट, 3 tqykbZ 2024

िन वदा सूचनाएं, प रवहन सूचनाएं, यायालय सूचनाएं और सवसाधारण
सूचनाएं इ या द ।
la0 632&&eSa] eukst dqekj (Manoj Kumar), firk&Lo jkes’oj izlkn] fuoklh] fu;j LVsV cSad vkWQ bafM;k]
fiiykoka vkneiqj] fiiykoka fcgkj&801109 ’kiFk i= la0&583 fnukad&20-02-2024 }kjk lwfpr djrk gwa fd esjh iq=h ds
12oha 'kS{kf.kd izek.k i= esa esjk uke eukst dqekj (Manog Kumar) ntZ gks x;k gS tks xyr gSA vk/kkj dkMZ ds
vuqlkj esjk lgh uke eukst dqekj (Manoj Kumar) gS rFkk vkxs lHkh mís’;ksa gsrq blh uke ls tkuk ok igpkuk
eukst dqekj (Manoj Kumar).
No. 638&&I, Rina Kumari W/o, Rupesh Kumar Bharti, R/o Vill-Chainpur, P.O-Paharpur,
P.S.-Garkha, Distt.-Saran, Bihar-841302 do here by solemnly affirm and declare as per aff. No.
2342 dt. 23.01.24 that my name is written in my husband Rupesh Kumar Bharti's all services
record like service discharge Book and P.P.O. (09/097/B/S1555/2009 dated 22.07.2009) as
Reena Bharti which is wrong. As per my Aadhar Card my correct name is Rina Kumari. From
now I will be known as Rina Kumari for all future purposes.
Rina Kumari.
No. 639&&I, Syed Abid Hussain S/o Late Ashiq Hussain, R/o Motipur, P.O. Pinjrawan,
P.S.-Kurtha, Distt.-Arwal, Bihar-804423 do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as per aff. No.
1652 dt. 14.03.2024. that my name is written in my son Syed Amir Hussain's CBSE 10th Admit
Card as Abid Hussain which is wrong. As per Aadhar Card my correct name is Syed Abid
Hussain and from now I will be known as Syed Abid Hussain for all future and legal purposes.
Syed Abid Hussain.

la0 640&&eSa] vo/ks’k dqekj 'kekZ] firk&Lo0 fla?ks’oj Bkdqj] xzke&jSyh baxyh’k] Fkkuk&,u0Vh0ih0lh0]
ftyk&iVuk] fcgkj 'kiFk i= la0 25 fnukad 28-03-2024 }kjk lwfpr djrk gwa fd esjs iq= fiz;ka’kq ja tu (Priyanshu
Ranjan) ds lh0ch0,l0bZ0 }kjk fuxZr n’ke~ ds lHkh izek.k i=ksa esa esjk uke vo/ks’k dqekj ntZ gS tks xyr gSA esjs
lHkh 'kS{kf.kd izek.k i=ksa esa esjk uke vo/ks’k dqekj 'kekZ ntZ gS tks lgh gSA mijksDr nksuksa uke esjk gh gS tks eSa Lo;a gwaA
vkxs lHkh dk;ksZa gsrq eSa vo/ks’k dqekj 'kekZ (Awadhesh Kumar Sharma) ds uke ls tkuk o igpkuk tkÅaxkA
vo/ks’k dqekj 'kekZA
la0 641&&eSa fou; dqekj firk Lo0 izlkn oekZ fuokl yfyrk dqat] 33 ljnkj iVsy i{k ukFkZ
Jhd`".kiqjh Fkkuk& Jhd`".kiqjh ftyk&iVuk ¼fcgkj½ 'kiFk i= la0 1237 fnukad 06-05-24 }kjk ;g ?kks"k.kk djrk gwa fd
le`/kh JhokLro esjh iq=h gS mlds Ldwy ,oa 10oha ikl lfVZfQdsV esa esjk uke fou; dqekj JhokLro ntZ gks x;k gSA
tks xyr gSA esjk lgh uke fou; dqekj gSA fou; dqekj ,oa fou; dqekj JhokLro nksuksa uke esjk gh gSA vc eSa lHkh
dk;ksZa ,oa mís’;ksa gsrq flQZ fou; dqekj ds uke ls tkuk tkÅaxkA
fou; dqekjA
बहार गजट, 3 tqykbZ 2024 57

No. 654&&I, Bhaskar S/O Narendra Kumar Singh R/O A-301, Radhe Shyam Appt.,
Sundar Nagar, Jagdeo Path, B. V. College, P.S-Airport Patna-14 declare Vide Affidavit No. 160,
Dated. 13/06/2024 that my son Abhinav Raj’s father name is Bhaskar which was wrongly
mentioned as Bhaskar Singh in his CBSE 10th certificate Year 2024 So, Abhinav Raj’s father’s
correct name is Bhaskar.
No. 657&&I, Soumya Raj. W/o Kumar Gaurav, R/o- E-302, Celebrity Garden, Amar
Shaheed Path, Near G.D. Goenka School, Sushant Golf City Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh-226030,
Permanent Address: Manas Marg Nehru Nagar, Patliputra Patna 800013 (Bihar) do hereby
solemnly affirm and declare as per affidavit No. 6673 dated 07.06.24 that my daughter's name
is written in her all documents including Aadhar Card as Navya. Now she will be known as
Navya Nandika for all future and legal purposes.
Soumya Raj.
No. 658&&I, Soumya Raj, W/o Kumar Gaurav, R/o- E-302, Celebrity Garden, Amar
Shaheed Path; Near G.D. Goenka School, Sushant Golf City Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh-226030,
Permanent Address: Manas Marg Nehru Nagar, Patliputra Patna 800013 (Bihar) do hereby
solemnly affirm and declare as per affidavit No. 6674 dated 07.06.24 that my son's name is
written in his all documents including Aadhar Card as Harshit, Now he will be known as Harshit
Hridaan for all future and legal purposes.
Soumya Raj.
No. 659&&I, Sugandha W/o Vinayak Yashraj, D/o Mahendra Prasad Sinha, R/o Road NO.-
6A. Near Rajendra Nagar Hospital Manoharpur Kachhuara, Rajendra Nagar, Patna-800016 do
hereby solemnly affirm and declare as per aff. No. 6239 dt. 21.05.2024 that my name is written
in my all documents of Master's in Law from London University 'as Sugandha Sinha which is not
correct. As per Aadhar Card, Pan Card and all educational ational documents my correct name
is Sugandha and from now I will be known as Sugandha for all future and legal purposes.
No. 660&&I, Pawan Kumar S/o Naveen Kumar Singh R/o House No.-C5 Azad Path Near
Durga Mandir. Saristabad Road, Gardanibagh, Patna, G.P.O. Patna Bihar- 800001, do hereby
solemnly affirm and declare as per aff. No.-7071 dt. 20.06.24 that my name is written in my
Bank of Baroda saving account is Pawan Sut, which is worng As per Aadhar Card my correct
name is Pawan Kumar and from now I will be known is Pawan Kumar for all future and legal
Pawan Kumar.
No. 661&&I, Jyoti Kumari Soni, W/o Sonu Kumar R/o Bakerganj, Daldali Road, Phulwari,
Patna, Bihar- 800003 do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as per aff. No. 6237 dated 21.05.24
that my name is written in my daughter Soumya Soni's Birth Certificate as Jyoti Soni, which is
wrong. As per Aadhar Card my Correct name is Jyoti Kumari Soni and from now I will be known
as Jyoti Kumari Soni for all future. and legal purposes.
Jyoti Kumari Soni.
58 बहार गजट, 3 tqykbZ 2024
No. 662&&I, Bibha Kumari. W/o Shailendra Kumar, R/o Vill.+ P.O.-Mansinghpur, Bijhrauli,
P.S.-Tisiauta, Jandaha, Vaishali Bihar-844505 do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as per aff.
No.-3141 dt. 27.05.24 that my name is written in my son Rohit Kumar's CBSE 10th all
documents as Bhiva Kumari which in wrong. As per Aadhar card my correct name is Bibha
Kumari and from now I will be known as Bibha Kumari for all future and legal purposes.
Bibha Kumari.
अधी क, सिचवालय मु णालय
बहार, पटना ारा कािशत एवं मु त।
बहार गजट, 15—571+10-डी0ट 0पी0।
बहार गजट, 3 tqykbZ 2024 59

िबहार गजट
ािधकारी }kjk कािशत
la0 iz0&I&jk0¼fo0½&13@2024&2394@,e0
[kku ,oa HkwrRo foHkkx
15 twu 2024
x;k ftykUrxZr ckyw?kkVksa dh leh{kk esa ;g ik;k x;k fd cankscLr ckyw?kkV la[;k&39 ¼x;k cq<+ 03½ ds laosnd
}kjk ckyw [kfut ds izs"k.k ds Øe esa pkyku ij vafdr ewY; ls vf/kd jkf'k dh olwyh fd;s tkus ds dkj.k Jherh fuf/k
Hkkjrh] [kfut fodkl inkf/kdkjh] x;k ds i=kad 1374 fnukad 04-05-2024 ls pkyku can djus dh vuq'kalk funs'kd]
[kku ls fd;k x;kA lkFk gh Jherh fuf/k Hkkjrh] [kfut fodkl inkf/kdkjh] x;k ds i=kad 1589 fnukad 15-05-2024 ds
ek/;e ls fcuk fdlh eq[kj vkns'k ikfjr fd;s x;s funs'kd] [kku ls mDr ckyw?kkV ds ifjogu bZ&pkyku dks izkjaHk djus
dh vuq'kalk dh xbZ gSA fcgkj [kfut ¼lekuqnku] voS/k [kuu] ifjogu ,oa HkaMkj.k fuokj.k½ fu;ekoyh] 2019 ds
fu;e&47 ds rgr [kfut lekuqnku /kkjd dk dksbZ [kuu iV~Vk jí@LFkfxr djus ds fy, l{ke izkf/kdkj lekgÙkkZ gSA
ckyw?kkVksa ds LFkxu ,oa bZ&pkyku dks lfØ; djus gsrq l{ke izkf/kdkj lekgÙkkZ gSa] ftudh vuq'kalk vizkIr gSA
Jherh fuf/k Hkkjrh] [kfut fodkl inkf/kdkjh] x;k }kjk ekeys dh leh{kk Hkh ugha dh xbZ rFkk pkyku can
djus gsrq l{ke izkf/kdkj ls u rks vuqeksnu izkIr fd;k x;k vkSj u gh bl lanHkZ esa dksbZ vkns'k ikfjr fd;k x;kA
HksnHkko iw.kZ rjhds ls fcuk fofgr izfØ;k dk ikyu fd;s ,d ,tsalh dk bZ&pkyku can djuk rFkk nwljs ,tsalh
dk bZ&pkyku pkyw j[kus ls Li"V gksrk gS fd Jherh fuf/k Hkkjrh }kjk xyr ea'kk ls dk;Z fd;k x;k gSA
fu;ekuqdwy bZ&pkyku can ugha djus ds laca/k esa Jherh fuf/k Hkkjrh] [kfut fodkl inkf/kdkjh] x;k dks
foHkkxh; i=kad 2078@,e0 fnukad 28-05-2024 ls rhu fnuksa ds vUnj Li"Vhdj.k miyC/k djkus dk funs'k fn;k x;kA
Jherh Hkkjrh ls Li"Vhdj.k vizkIr jgus ds dkj.k Lekj i= i=kad 2216@,e0 fnukad 06-06-2024 ls 24 ?kaVk ds vUnj
Li"Vhdj.k miyC/k djkus gsrq iqu% funsf'kr fd;k x;kA blds ckotwn Jherh Hkkjrh }kjk Li"Vhdj.k miyC/k ugha djk;k
Jherh fuf/k Hkkjrh }kjk cxSj leqfpr vkns'k ds pkyku can djus laca/kh d`R; rFkk Li"Vhdj.k dk tokc ugha
nsuk mudh LosPNkpkfjrk] vfu;ferrk] dk;Z ds izfr ykijokgh] foHkkxh; vkns'k dh vogsyuk] laosnd ds fo:) fu;e
fo:) xyr uhfr ls dk;Z djuk] jktLo ds izfr laosnu'khy ugha gksus dk ifjpk;d gksus ds lkFk&lkFk ljdkjh jktLo
dh cM+h {kfr igq¡pkus rFkk Hkz"Vkpkj esa lafyIr gksus dk Hkh |ksrd gSA lE;d~ fopkjksijkar fcgkj ljdkjh lsod ¼oxhZdj.k]
fu;a=.k ,oa vihy½ fu;ekoyh] 2005 ds fu;e&9¼1½ esa fufgr izko/kkuksa ds rgr Jherh fuf/k Hkkjrh] [kfut fodkl
inkf/kdkjh dks rkRdkfyd izHkko ls vxys vkns'k rd ds fy, fuyafcr fd;k tkrk gSA
fuyacu vof/k esa budk eq[;ky; vapy dk;kZy;] [kku ,oa HkwrRo] iVuk fu/kkZfjr fd;k tkrk gSA
bUgsa fuyacu vof/k esa fcgkj ljdkjh lsod ¼oxhZdj.k] fu;a=.k ,oa vihy½ fu;ekoyh] 2005 ds fu;e&10 ds
vuqlkj thou fuokZg HkÙkk dk Hkqxrku fd;k tk;sxkA
vkns'k%&vkns'k fn;k tkrk gS fd bl ladYi dh izfr fcgkj jkti= ds vxys vad esa izdkf'kr fd;k tk; rFkk bldh
izfr lHkh lacaf/kr dks Hkst nh tk;A
fcgkj&jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
Hkkjr Hkw"k.k izlkn] vij lfpoA
60 बहार गजट, 3 tqykbZ 2024
la0 dkjk@fu0dks0¼v/kh0½&01&39@2019&&4844
dkjk ,oa lq/kkj lsok,¡ fujh{k.kky;
x`g foHkkx ¼dkjk½
26 twu 2024
Jh jkts'k dqekj jk;] fcgkj dkjk lsok] rRdkyhu v/kh{kd] eaMy dkjk] lhrke<+h lEizfr v/kh{kd] eaMYk dkjk]
csxlw jk; ds eaMy dkjk] lhrke<+h esa inLFkkiu ds nkSjku fnukad&31-08-2019 dks dkjk esa lalhfer canh fiUVq frokjh mQZ
fiUVq >k dk tUefnu eukrs] dsd dkVrs ,oa Hkkst djrs gq, ohfM;ks lks'ky ehfM;k ij ok;jy gksus dh ?kVuk esa dÙkZO;
ds izfr cjrh xbZ xaHkhj ykijokgh ,oa mnklhurk ds izfrosfnr vkjksikssa ds fy, xfBr izi= ^d^ ds vkyksd esa foHkkxh;
ladYi Kkikad&1483 fnukad&20-02-2020 }kjk Jh jkts'k dqekj jk;] rRdkyhu v/kh{kd] eaMy dkjk] lhrke<+h ds fo:)
foHkkxh; dk;Zokgh lapkfyr dh xbZ gSA foHkkxh; dk;Zokgh ds lapkyu gsrq vk;qDr] frjgqr ize.My] eqt¶Qjiqj dks
lapkyu inkf/kdkjh rFkk v/kh{kd] 'kghn [kqnhjke cksl dsUnzh; dkjk] eqt¶Qjiqj dks izLrqrhdj.k inkf/kdkjh fu;qDr fd;k
2- foHkkxh; dk;Zokgh ds tkapksijkUr lapkyu inkf/kdkjh&lg&vk;qDr] frjgqr ize.My] eqt¶Qjiqj ds
i=kad&1423 fnukad&21-04-2023 }kjk foHkkxh; dk;Zokgh dk tk¡p izfrosnu lefiZr fd;k x;k] ftlesa Jh jk; ds fo:)
izi= ^d^ esa xfBr dqy 03 vkjksiksa esa ls vkjksi la[;k&01 ,oa 02 dks rFkk vkjksi la[;k&03 dks vkaf'kd :i ls izfrosfnr fd;k x;k gSA
3- vuq'kklfud izkf/kdkj ds fu.kZ;kuqlkj fcgkj ljdkjh lsod ¼oxhZdj.k] fu;a=.k ,oa vihy½ fu;ekoyh] 2005
ds fu;e&18 ¼3½ ds izko/kkuksa ds rgr foHkkxh; Kkikad&4140 fnukad&18-05-2023 }kjk Jh jkts'k dqekj jk; dks tk¡p
izfrosnu dh izfr miyC/k djkrs gq, muls iUnzg ¼15½ fnuksa ds vUnj f}rh; dkj.k i`PNk dk tokc@fyf[kr vH;kosnu
dh ekax dh xbZ FkhA
4- rn~vkyksd esa Jh jkts'k dqekj jk;] rRdkyhu v/kh{kd] eaMy dkjk] lhrke<+h lEizfr v/kh{kd] eaMYk dkjk]
csxlw jk; }kjk vius i=kad&4447 fnukad&14-06-2023 ds ek/;e ls f}rh; dkj.k i`PNk dk tokc@fyf[kr vH;kosnu
lefiZr fd;k x;k gS] ftlesa mudk dguk gS fd eqykdkrh çfØ;k ds vUrxZr eqykdkrh iath esa uke ntZ djkus gsrq
eqykdkr çHkkjh&lg&çHkkjh mikèkh{kd ftEesnkj FksA vkjksfir inkf/kdkjh dk dguk gS fd izHkkjh mik/kh{kd dh ;g
ftEesnkjh Fkh fd canh fiUVq frokjh ds ifjtu dk uke eqykdkr iath esa ntZ djk,] ijUrq muds }kjk ;g dk;Z ugha fd;k
x;kA mDr dk;Z esa ykijokgh cjrus okys vkjksih inkfèkdkjh@deÊ dks fpfUg~r dj muds ¼vkjksfir inkf/kdkjh½ }kjk
fcgkj dkjk gLrd] 2012 esa of.kZr çkoèkkuksa ds vUrxZr dkjZokbZ dh xbZ vkSj blls lacafèkr lHkh lk{; mudss }kjk
lapkyu inkfèkdkjh dks lefiZr fd;k x;k] ftl ij dksbZ fopkj ugha fd;k x;kA lkFk gh fcgkj dkjk gLrd] 2012 esa
dgha Hkh ;g of.kZr ugha gS fd cafn;ksa ls eqykdkr ds fy, vkus okys muds ifjtuksa }kjk nh tkus okyh lkefxz;ksa dh
Entry fcØh cgh esa ntZ dh tk;] tks fd vkjksi i= esa muds fo#) vafdr fd;k x;k gS] bl rF; ij lquokbZ ds
nkSjku lapkyu inkfèkdkjh ds }kjk fopkj ugha fd;k x;k gSA
vkjksfir inkf/kdkjh dk dguk gS fd ohfM;ks ok;jy dh ?kVuk esa muds fo:) vkjksi dk xBu vkèkkjghu gSA
?kVuk dh tk¡p djus vk, o`Ÿkkèkh{kd ds tk¡p çfrosnu esa Li"V :i ls uke ,oa inuke lfgr nks"kh dfeZ;ksa dks fpfUg~r
dj dkjZokbZ djus dh vuq'kalk dh xbZ gSA tk¡p çfrosnu esa dgha Hkh muds fo:) vkjksi ugha yxk;k x;k gSA blds
ckotwn muds fo:) vkèkkjghu vkjksi dk xBu fd;k x;k gS] ftldk tk¡p çfrosnu ls dksbZ ysuk&nsuk ugha gSA dkjk
ds vanj cafn;ksa ds }kjk fnukad&28-08-2019 dks lgk;d vèkh{kd&lg&çHkkjh mikèkh{kd ls vuqefr çkIr dj lkexzh
eaxkdj dŸkZO;jr~ d{kikyksa ds le{k tUefnu euk;k x;k Fkk] ftls ltkokj canh fiUVq frokjh }kjk tk¡p inkfèkdkjh
¼o`Ÿkkèkh{kd] dsUnzh; dkjk] eqt¶Qjiqj½ ds le{k ekSf[kd :i ls Lohdkj Hkh fd;k x;k rFkk ckn esa fiUVq frokjh ds }kjk
,d fyf[kr c;ku Hkh fn;k x;k gS fd tsyj us tcjnLrh Mjk&èkedk dj fy[kok;k gS fd mDr lkexzh dks eaxokus gsrq
muls vuqefr ugha ekaxk x;k FkkA lgk;d vèkh{kd&lg&çHkkjh mikèkh{kd ds vodk'k ij tkus ds i'pkr~ fnukad&31-08-
2019 dks mDr ohfM;ks dks vijkfèk;ksa }kjk ok;jy dj fn;k x;kA blls Li"V gS fd iwjh ?kVuk vijkfèk;ksa }kjk dkjk
dfeZ;ksa ds lkFk feydj mudks cnuke djus ,oa nf.Mr djkus dh ,d xgjh lkft'k FkhA fcgkj dkjk gLrd] 2012 ds
fu;e&315] fu;e&799 ¼iii½ ,oa fu;e&799 ¼iii½ ¼t½] 799 ¼xi½] 800 ¼ii½] ¼iv½] ¼v½ ,oa ¼vi½ esa mikèkh{kd ds egRoiw.kZ
dŸkZO;ksa ,oa mÙkjnkf;Roksa dk o.kZu fd;k x;k gS] ysfdu bldk vuqikyu lgk;d vèkh{kd&lg&çHkkjh mikèkh{kd ds }kjk
ugha fd;k x;kA vkjksfir inkf/kdkjh dk dguk gS fd blds fy, vèkh{kd dks mÙkjnk;h Bgjkuk U;k;ksfpr ugha gS] ijUrq
lapkyu inkfèkdkjh ds }kjk lquokbZ ds nkSjku bl ij fopkj ugha fd;k x;kA
vkjksfir inkf/kdkjh dk dguk gS fd muds }kjk bZekunkjhiwoZd dk;Z djus] vklwpuk ra= ds ekè;e ls çkIr
lwpuk ds vkèkkj ij eksckbZy ,oa vU; voSèk lkefxz;ksa dks tCr djus] dkjk dh fofèk&O;oLFkk ij ladV mRiUu djus okys
बहार गजट, 3 tqykbZ 2024 61

cafn;ksa dks vU;= dkjk esa LFkkukUrj.k djus] cafn;ksa ls lkB&xkaB djus okys dfeZ;ksa dks fpfUg~r dj ml ij dkjZokbZ
djus ds çfrfØ;k Lo:i lkft'kdŸkkZ ds }kjk ohfM;ks ok;jy dh ?kVuk dks vatke fn;k x;k gSA
5- vkjksi i=] lapkyu inkf/kdkjh ds tk¡p izfrosnu ,oa Jh jk; }kjk lefiZr f}rh; dkj.k i`PNk ds
tokc@fyf[kr vH;kosnu dh leh{kk vuq'kklfud izkf/kdkj }kjk dh xbZA vkjksfir inkf/kdkjh }kjk vius f}rh; dkj.k
i`PNk ds tokc esa mDr ?kVuk ds fy, lgk;d vèkh{kd&lg&çHkkjh mikèkh{kd ,oa v/khuLFk d{kiky laoxZ ds dfeZ;ksa dks
iw.kZ:is.k ftEesokj Bgjk;k x;k gSA vkjksfir inkf/kdkjh dk ;g dFku mudk vius v/khuLFk dfeZ;ksa ij fu;a=.k ds
vHkko dks ifjyf{kr djrk gSA vkjksfir inkf/kdkjh }kjk bl ?kVuk ds fy, u rks izHkkjh mik/kh{kd ds fo:) dksbZ
dkjZokbZ dh xbZ vkSj u gh muds fo:) dkjZokbZ gsrq foHkkx ls dksbZ vuq’kalk dh xbZA tc ;g ekeyk izdk’k esa vk;k
rc dkjk fujh{k.kky; }kjk izHkkjh mik/kh{kd dks fuyfEcr fd;k x;k gSA dkjk esa canh fiUVq frokjh }kjk Hkkstu lkexzh
,oa dsd [kqysvke eqykdkrh ds ek/;e ls eaxk;k x;kA mDr eqykdkrh ,oa eaxk;s x;s lkeku dh izfof"V dkjk dh fdlh
iath esa ugha dh xbZA dkjk esa [kqysvke canh dk tUefnu lekjksg vk;ksftr fd;k x;k] Hkkst dh O;oLFkk dh xbZ ,oa
ohfM;ks cukdj ok;jy fd;k x;kA dkjk esa dsd lfgr bruh vf/kd ek=k esa izfrcaf/kr lkexzh dks Nqikdj ugha ys tk;k
tk ldrk gSA bl izdkj fcuk jksd&Vksd ds bu izfrcaf/kr lkefxz;ksa dk dkjk xsV ls izos'k gksus esa vkjksfir inkf/kdkjh
dh iz'kklfud foQyrk ,oa v/khuLFkksa ij izHkkoh fu;a=.k esa deh dks ifjyf{kr djrk gSA o`Ùkk/kh{kd] 'kghn [kqnhjke cksl
dsUnzh; dkjk] eqt¶Qjiqj }kjk tk¡p ds Øe esa cafn;ksa ls iwNrkN esa izkIr lwpuk ds vk/kkj ij 07 ¼lkr½ LekVZ Qksu Hkh
cjken fd;k x;k] tks vkjksfir inkf/kdkjh ds dÙkZO; ds fuoZgu esa ?kksj foQyrk dk ifjpk;d gSA cafn;ksa }kjk tUefnu
ij vius Lrj ls Hkkst dh O;oLFkk dk lekjksg vk;ksftr fd;k tkuk foHkkxh; funZs'kksa dk Li"V mYya?ku gSA mijksDr ls
Li"V gksrk gS fd vkjksfir inkf/kdkjh }kjk dkjk esa cafn;ksa dks tUefnu eukus ,oa Hkkst dk vk;kstu djus dh fu;e
fo:) lqfo/kk iznku dh xbZ gSA
vkjksfir inkf/kdkjh }kjk vius f}rh; dkj.k i`PNk ds tokc esa mYys[k fd;k x;k gS fd dkjk esa izfrcaf/kr
lkefxz;ksa ds izos'k ds fy, v/khuLFk inkf/kdkjh@deZpkjh ftEesokj gS] lkFk gh dkjk esa inkf/kdkfj;ksa@deZPkkfj;ksa ds deh
ds dkj.k Hkh ,slh ?kVuk,¡ ?kfVr gqbZ gSA vkjksfir inkf/kdkjh dk ;g dFku Lohdkj djus ;ksX; ugha gS] D;ksafd v/kh{kd
dkjk ds eq[; fu;a=h ,oa i;Zos{kh inkf/kdkjh gksrs gSaA vkjksfir inkf/kdkjh dk vius v/khuLFk inkf/kdkjh@dfeZ;ksa ij
iz'kklfud fu;a=.k dh deh ds dkj.k gha dkjk ds vUnj cafn;ksa }kjk tUefnu eukrs] dsd dkVrs ,oa Hkkst djrs gq,
mldk ohfM;ks ok;jy gqvkA mDr ?kVuk ls Li"V gS fd dkjk ds vUnj iz'kklfud O;oLFkk iw.kZr% /oLr gks pqdh Fkh vkSj
vjktdrk dh fLFkfr FkhA bl izdkj vkjksfir inkf/kdkjh }kjk inh; nkf;Roksa ds fuoZgu esa cjrh xbZ xaHkhj ykijokgh ,oa
iz'kklfud foQyrk ds dkj.k dkjk esa cafn;ksa }kjk tUefnu dk ikVhZ eukrs gq, eksckbZy ds ek/;e ls ohfM;ks lks'ky
ehfM;k ij ok;jy fd;k x;kA ;g Hkh Li"V gS fd dkjk iz'kklu }kjk cafn;ksa dks vuqfpr ,oa fu;e fo:) eksckbZy dh
lqfo/kk dkjk ds vUnj miyC/k djkbZ tk jgh Fkh] ftlesa v/khuLFk dfeZ;ksa ds lkFk&lkFk dkjk ds eq[; iz'kklfud
vf/kdkjh ds :i esa vkjksfir inkf/kdkjh dh Hkh xaHkhj iz'kklfud foQyrk ifjyf{kr gksrh gSA vr% vkjksfir inkf/kdkjh
dk f}rh; dkj.k i`PNk dk tokc@fyf[kr vH;kosnu Lohdkj djus ;ksX; ugha gSA
Jh jkts'k dqekj jk; ds fo:) iwoZ esa ,d ekeys esa Jh lqHkk"k dqekj] lgk;d v/kh{kd ds fo:) izi= ^d* esa
vkjksi i= xfBr djus esa dh xbZ foyEc ,oa =qfV ds vkjksi ds fy, foHkkxh; ladYi Kkikad 9451 fnukad 29-12-2020
}kjk **fuUnu** ,oa ^^nks ¼02½ osruo`f) vlap;kRed izHkko ls jksd dk naM** vf/kjksfir fd;k x;k gSA Jh jk; ds fo:)
nwljs ekeys esa fnukad 15-10-2021 dh jkf= yxHkx 09%30 cts eaMy dkjk] csxl w jk; esa lalhfer cafn;ksa ds chp gq, fookn
,oa ekjihV dh ?kVuk esa cjrh xbZ ykijokgh ds vkjksi esa foHkkxh; ladYi Kkikad 6276 fnukad 03-06-2022 }kjk
^^fuUnu** ,oa ^^vlap;kRed izHkko ls nks ¼02½ osruo`f) ij jksd dk n.M** vf/kjksfir fd;k x;k gSA bl izdkj Jh jkts’k
dqekj jk; ds fo:) iwoZ esa nks vU; ekeys esa mUgsa nafMr fd;k x;k FkkA blds vfrfjDr ,d vU; rhljs ekeys esa muds
eaMy dkjk] lhrke<+h esa gha inLFkkiu ds nkSjku foÙkh; o"kZ 2019&20 ,oa 2020&21 esa foÙkh; fu;eksa ,oa foHkkxh; funsZ’kksa
dk mYya?ku djrs gq, ljdkjh ,tsUlh BMSICL ls vYi ek=k esa nok Ø; djus rFkk futh ,tsUlh ls vR;f/kd ek=k
esa nok Ø; fd;s tkus ds ekeys esa cjrh xbZ xaHkhj foÙkh; vfu;ferrk ds vkyksd esa foHkkxh; dk;Zokgh lapkfyr dh xbZ
gSA iwoZ ds mi;qZDr nks ekeysa esa mUgsa fuUnu ,oa osruo`f) ij jkssd dk n.M vf/kjksfir fd;k x;k gSA bl izdkj Li"V gS
fd Jh jkts’k dqekj jk; ,d vknru vkjksfir inkf/kdkjh ¼habitual offender½ gSaA
6- of.kZr rF;ksa ds vk/kkj ij ,oa dk;Zfgr esa vuq’kklfud izkf/kdkj }kjk Jh jkts'k dqekj jk;] rRdkyhu
v/kh{kd] eaMy dkjk] lhrke<+h lEizfr v/kh{kd] eaMYk dkjk] csxwljk; ds f}rh; dkj.k i`PNk ds tokc@fyf[kr
vH;kosnu dks vLohd`r djrs gq, rFkk ik;s x;s vkjksiksa dh izd`fr ,oa xaHkhjrk dks n`f"Vxr j[krs gq, fcgkj
ljdkjh lsod ¼oxhZdj.k] fu;a=.k ,oa vihy½ fu;ekoyh] 2005 ds fu;e&14 ¼ix½ ds izko/kku ds rgr muds fo:)
^^vfuok;Z lsokfuo`fÙk dk n.M^^ naM vf/kjksfir djus dk fofu’p; fd;k x;kA
7- mi;qZDr fofuf’pr naM ds lanHkZ esa foHkkxh; i=kad 683 fnukad 23-01-2024 }kjk fcgkj yksd lsok vk;ksx]
iVuk ls ijke’kZ dh ekax dh x;hA
62 बहार गजट, 3 tqykbZ 2024
8- rn~vkyksd esa lfpo] fcgkj yksd lsok vk;ksx] iVuk ds i=kad 4703 fnukad 19-02-2024 }kjk lalwfpr fd;k
x;k fd lE;d~ fopkjksijkUr vk;ksx dk vfHker gS fd vkjksi dh rqyuk esa n.M T;knk gksus ds dkj.k lekuqikfrd
ugha gSA
9- vr% fcgkj yksd lsok vk;ksx ls izkIr mDr ijke’kZ@vfHker ij lE;d~ fopkjksijkUr vuq’kklfud izkf/kdkj
ds fu.kZ;kuqlkj Jh jkts'k dqekj jk;] rRdkyhu v/kh{kd] eaMy dkjk] lhrke<+h lEizfr v/kh{kd] eaMYk dkjk] csxl
w jk; ds
fo:) fcgkj ljdkjh lsod ¼oxhZdj.k] fu;a=.k ,oa vihy½ fu;ekoyh] 2005 ds fu;e&14 ¼vi½ ds izko/kku ds rgr
fuEukafdr naM vf/kjksfir fd;k tkrk gS %&
^^pkj ¼04½ osruo`f) lap;kRed izHkko ls jksd dk n.M^^A
vkns'k%&vkns'k fn;k tkrk gS fd bl ladYi dh izfr fcgkj jkti= ds vxys vad esa izdkf'kr dh tk; rFkk bldh izfr
lHkh lacaf/kr dks Hkst nh tk;A
fcgkj&jkT;iky ds vkns'k ls]
jtuh’k dqekj flag] vij lfpo&lg&funs’kd ¼iz0½A
अधी क, सिचवालय मु णालय
बहार, पटना ारा कािशत एवं मु त।
बहार गजट, 15—571+10-डी0ट 0पी0।

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