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Report writing on the competencies

and standards in the “EFL CC”

written by : Fayssal Ezzagouti

ID : M136286680


In the universe of education, the need for an oriented approach to the curriculum and teaching

practices is vital. This report explores the crucial roles of competencies and standards in

providing an instructional stepping stone. Defining learning objectives, competencies and

standards provides a map for both teachers and learners. To be able to read the map, teachers

need a compass, the compass in this context is the essential knowledge required for effective

communication. Integrating these components into the EFL curriculum shows how much

instructions are purposeful. The interconnection of the previously mentioned guidelines with

learning outcomes will serve the diverse needs of students’ Competencies. “Evaluation of

competencies, demonstrating that teachers are prepared for these challenges, is inconceivable

without a clearly defined and agreed upon reference point: standards” (TESOL International

Association, 2002, p. 17). This process is proven to boost learners' abilities to become

autonomous in their academic path. In this report, we will observe, analyze, as well as study

whether competencies and standards level up evaluation. We finally seek to have a look on

the process of revolutionizing the world of education. This overall exploration will be based

on the course of study provided by the esteemed professors.


Chapter 1: Building
Foundations: Competency
and Standards in ELT
Navigating through competency based approach and standard
based approach.

(ELT) is constantly on the move, it is always evolving with the use of new approaches in

order to address learners. We can say that this evolution is one of the main reasons this course

existed in the first place. strengthening the idea of tilting towards what learners can achieve

rather than what they are actually taught. Within this context we find two paradigms or what

some scholars define as “educational pillars”. competency-based approach and the standard-

based approach. This chapter will get into the principles of each approach. Similarities,

differences, and implications. The target that competency-based approach aims at is real-

world skills, the capacity to apply what we know in what we do everyday. The jackpot is

when students reach mastery of specific competencies, and furthermore unleash the power of

flexibility. On the other hand, the standards-based approach focuses on achieving predefined

learning, which means all the outcomes that suit specific levels of proficiency. “When the

teachers and administrators at a middle school determined that A–F grades didn’t align with

their goals, they began a years-long shift in how they assess student learning” (Saibel &

Beach, 2020, p6).

It is this specific movement in education that encourages the evaluation of student learning

and makes learning practices compatible with the modern teaching philosophies. It highlights

the importance of adaptability and constant adjustments. Saibel and Beach’s observations

which were part of a discussion during the course explained a huge change in mindset

towards student assessment, highlighting the concept of progress, assessment and learning

over traditional marks.


Chapter 2: Identifying
the Target: Conducting
Needs Analysis

Tailoring Instruction to Learners and Contexts

According to what has been discussed in the course, a well organized needs analysis includes

some elements. Organizational analysis which explores the context. In this specific element

we consider the goals, the available tools, and any other learning necessities.

Next comes learner analysis, the stage where we take a huge step to understand the learners

themselves. Information like prior language experience, and learning styles are all crucial

things to bear in mind. Most importantly, we must know the specific goals learners have for

using English. Is it for conversational purposes?, to pursue academic studies?, or excel in a

professional setting?

As Kathy Sierra (2007) stated, "If you don't understand your audience and their needs, your

message is going nowhere." This sentiment holds a great meaning in the context of ELT,

where identifying learners’ needs through needs analysis is essential for establishing

language instruction. The final component, task analysis, focuses on the specific language

skills and knowledge learners will need to perform IRL tasks using English. Let us imagine a

student wanting to order food at a restaurant. Through task analysis, we identify the specific

vocabulary related to food, along with the grammatical structures needed to express

preferences and ask questions. Knowing learners' needs allows tutors to select appropriate

materials and afterall the objective is to maximize learning.


Chapter 3:
Communication in
Action: Contextualizing

Meaningful Interaction in Diverse Learning Environments

Having established the crucial foundation of understanding learner needs through needs

analysis (Chapter 2), Chapter 3, "Communication in Action: Contextualizing Communicative

Approaches," takes us into the fuel of language acquisition. Here, we will translate the

principles that we have seen before from needs analysis into practical teaching strategies.

Second language acquisition theory emphasizes the importance of creating opportunities for

meaningful interaction. As American linguist Krashen famously stated, "Language

acquisition takes place when learners are exposed to language that is slightly beyond their

level of current performance, or their i+1 level" (Krashen, 1985, p. 3). This concept, known

as comprehensible input, forms the base of communicative approaches.

communicative competence goes beyond simply knowing grammar rules and vocabulary.

CLT aims to equip learners with the skills they need to use language effectively in different

social contexts.

The choice of a specific communicative approach depends on a lot of factors, including

learner needs, proficiency levels, yet, all communicative approaches share a focus on creating

a dynamic learning environment where communication is at the center of everything. By


incorporating these approaches we can transform our classrooms from places where students

absorb grammar rules to vibrant spaces

chapter 4 : Expanding
Horizons in ELT: A
Multifaceted Approach

From Standards to Solutions: Designing Pedagogical Materials

Now we shall dig even deeper, beyond the core elements of lesson design to explore the

concept of expanding horizons in ELT. This multifaceted approach acknowledges the diverse

needs and goals of learners, prompting educators to consider a wider range of factors that

contribute to a rich learning experience. This chapter will introduce various variables that

were divided throughout the course yet interconnected. the importance of defining clear

learning objectives and adapting instruction for diverse learners. “Effective learning

objectives should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound” (Mager &

Beach, 2007). However, these objectives must be tailored to appeal to learners of varying

ages, backgrounds, and learning styles. This might involve incorporating differentiated

instruction techniques and activities that cater to visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learners.

ELT can extend its hands a lot further than the general English, preparing learners for specific

professional or academic contexts. Strategies for teaching English for Specific Purposes

(ESP), ensuring learners develop the vocabulary, grammar, and communication skills

required to excel in their chosen field.

"Educators with a Conscience: Teachers for Social Responsibility," This title is taken from a

course presentation and it can be elaborated as follows. Encouraging social responsibility,

incorporating themes of social justice, global citizenship, and cultural understanding into the

curriculum., prepares students for all life situations. There is still an ongoing debate

surrounding the role of textbooks in the ELT classroom. While textbooks can provide

valuable structure and resources, it is said that it shouldn't be the sole source of materials.

however, supplementing textbooks with authentic materials such as news articles, videos, and

social media content. brings the outside world to the classroom.

Chapter 6: The Interactive

Classroom The Evolving

World of Teaching

Transforming Learners into Active Collaborators

surpassing what is called “teacher-centered model of instruction”,we discover strategies for

creating a dynamic learning environment where students are active participants rather than

passive machinery. The foundation for fostering engagement lies in understanding the

importance of interactive activities. Moving beyond passive lectures and rote memorization.

involving games, simulations, role-playing activities or all tech-based resources supports a

healthy learning environment.

As the course describes things don’t stop here. the ever-evolving nature of the ELT field

should be purely recognized. It is universally approved that passionate educators are better

equipped to create dynamic learning environments.

By implementing the strategies outlined in the course, educators can transform their

classrooms into fun spaces. "Engagement is not about entertainment. Engagement is about

deep learning and student ownership of that learning" (p. 12).



To sum up, this report has been through all the major themes and substances. We began by

emphasizing the importance of understanding learner needs through needs analysis, the

cornerstone of crafting impactful instruction. Following this foundation, we explored the

power of communicative approaches, which prioritize creating a dynamic learning

environment where communication is central. All that led us into the practical considerations

of designing effective pedagogical materials. We then transitioned to the crucial stage of

planning for success by exploring strategies for crafting engaging and competency-based

lesson plans.

This report has highlighted the importance of interactive classrooms where learners are

learning in a fun manner. Moreover, we emphasized the significance of lifelong learning for

educators, ensuring they stay ahead of the latest advancements of ELT.

Albert Einstein once stated, "intelligence is the ability to adapt to change." This sentiment

rings true in the domain of ELT, where educators must continuously adapt their approaches.


Lang, J. M. (2016). Balancing content and language acquisition: The role of sheltered

instruction. TESOL Press.

Mager, R. F., & Beach, K. M. (2007). Mager's goal analysis: Preparing effective

instructional materials (4th ed.). Zem Zem.

Sierra, K. (2007). Creating passionate users. Addison-Wesley Professional.

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