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2X PT6A-135


The EMB121A1-Xingu is a twin-turboprop fixed-wing aircraft built by the Brazilian

aircraft manufacturer, Embraer. The design is based on the EMB 110 Bandeirante,
using its wing and engine design merged with an all-new fuselage.

The EMB121 was the first pressurized aircraft manufactured by Embraer and first flew
on October 10, 1976.

A modified variant of the EMB 121, the EMB 121A1-Xingu II, was introduced on 4
September 1981 with a more powerful engine (PT6A-135), increased seating and a
larger fuel capacity.

Before production ceased in August 1987, Embraer had produced 106 EMB 121
aircraft, 51 of which were exported to countries outside Brazil. Currently, the French
Air and Space Force is the largest operator with 22 aircraft still in service.

The name “Xingu” names a river that rises in Mato Grosso State and goes to the
Amazon State. The Xingu river has about 1.640 KM (885 NM) of length and around
this river is a famous and huge indigenous reserve, also called Xingu.

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2X PT6A-135

General Characteristics

Crew 2
Passengers 7
Length 40 ft 2 in
Wingspan 46 ft 1 in
Height 15 ft 11 in
Wing Area 296 sq ft
Empty weight 8200 lb
Gross weight 12500 lb
Fuel capacity 434 US. Gallon Usable
Powerplant 2 X PT6A-135
750 SHP

Max. speed 220 knots
Stall speed 50-60 knots
Takeoff speed 80-90 knots
Cruise speed 180-200 knots
Landing speed 80-90 knots
Range 660 nm
Rate of climb 1600 fp/m
Service ceiling 26000 ft

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2X PT6A-135


● This add-on is not study level. However, normal operations are simulated.
● This add-on is not study level so circuit breakers are not simulated.
● It is recommended to start the airplane in Cold And Dark state (Do not start
the flight at the runway)
● It is recommended to load fuel and weight using the EFB (Do not use MSFS
weight and balance)
● Not tested for Virtual Reality (VR)

● 8 Liveries (Including two Brazilian Air Force and two French Air Force liveries)
● Detailed external model
● Detailed cockpit model with 3D instruments
● Detailed passenger cabin
● Detailed animations

● KAP140 Autopilot
● GSN530 GPS (Working Title GSN530 necessary)
● PMS50 GTN750 WTT (Externally Integrated)
● TDS GTN750Xi
● Custom NAV/COM/DME/ADF/Transponder panels
● Weather Radar (limited by API)

Warning System:
● Custom integrated warning system

Anti-Stall system:
● Stick Shaker
● C.A.A (AOA Control System)

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2X PT6A-135

● Custom coded AC system (With auto and manual control)
● Custom coded pressurization system (With ventilation and pressurization

Electronic Flight Bag:

● Controls: Chocks, GPU, doors, long wire antenna, weight and fuel
● MSFS checklist menu
● EFB checklist page
● PDF checklist
MSFS Effects:
● MSFS icing effects
● MSFS particle effects
Customizations (Controlled by EFB):
● Airplane Registration (With the exception of Air Force liveries)
● 2 glare shield options (New and Old)
● 2 panel color options (Blue and Beige)
● Fuel Panel Indicator (Magnetic or Lights)
● Shades for the cockpit side windows
● Baggage objects shown according to the loaded baggage weight
● Save and autoload system for customizable options
● Custom cockpit flood light
● Custom passenger cabin light
● Custom glare shield light
● Custom and individual spot lights for every instrument
● Custom landing, taxi, nav, beacon and inspection light
Custom Sounds:
● Knobs, Switches, Warning, Autopilot, Stick Shaker, Oxygen Test, Fuel Pumps
and Ignition System

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2X PT6A-135

The EFB can be used to control various aircraft settings and display the electronic
● GPU can only be enabled when CHOCKS are set.
● The current configuration can be saved to be loaded automatically when the
aircraft is loaded again on a new flight. The save button is next to the checklist
page button.
● The save system will not save the selected GPS options. It will always load with
WT GNS530.
● No need to apply weight and fuel. They are automatically applied when values ​
are changed by the user.
● There are two buttons that can be used to quickly set AC to VENT. MODE or the
● There are two buttons that can be used to set the airplane’s state to COLD AND
● After pressing the COLD AND DARK or READY TO TAKE OFF buttons, wait a few
seconds for the airplane to fully configure itself.
● When the user starts the plane at the gate, there is no need to set the plane to
COLD AND SARK STATE because the plane is set to that state automatically by
Flight Simulator.

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2X PT6A-135

● For flights below 10.000 FT use ventilation mode instead of pressurization mode. In this
mode the cabin altitude goal does not need to be set.
● Before a pressurized flight, set the cabin altitude goal to your cruise altitude + 500FT to
make sure that the differential pressure will not pass over 6 PSI.
● The maximum pressure difference is 6.12 PSI. If this pressure is reached, the pressurization
system will activate the Depress function and cabin pressure will decrease quickly.
● If the cabin altitude is greater than 10.000 FT, an alarm will be triggered by the integrated
alarm system and the light (CABIN ALT) will turn on.
● Before descent, set the cabin altitude target to the airport elevation. Cabin altitude will
only begin to descend when the aircraft is below 13,000 FT.
Pressurization Panel:
● The left gauge indicates the cabin altitude ascent/descent rate in feet per minute.
● The right gauge indicates the current cabin altitude and differential pressure.
Center Gauge:
● The center gauge is the controller gauge for the pressurization system. This gauge shows
the correct cabin altitude according to cruising altitude and the needle is used to set the
cabin altitude the pressurization system will reach when the system is in Auto mode.
● Cruising altitude is indicated by the inner disk and starts at 13,000 FT.
● The external display indicates the cabin altitude goal (target).
● The altitude goal needle (target) should be set to the cruising altitude shown by the inner
display, for example: the number “25” indicates a cruising altitude of 25,000 FT and a cabin
altitude of 6,700 FT.
Pressurization Panel Switches:
● The right switches the system to AUTOMATIC, MANUAL or CABIN PRESSURE EMERGENCY
RELEASE (Depress).
● The left switch controls the ascent and descent of cabin altitude when the pressurization
system is in MANUAL MODE.
● The rate knob can be used to increase or decrease the pressurization rate.

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2X PT6A-135

Angle Of Attack Control System (C.A.A):
● This aircraft has an anti-stall system that activates the stick shaker and the stick
pusher when the aircraft is entering a stall condition. The system was added to
this aircraft because of its tendency of entering a deep stall.
● This system can be deactivated using the covered switch that stays on the
pedestal, close to the pressurization panel.
● This system can be tested with the Test button below the AOA indicator needle
in front of the pilot and below the glareshield. (The system can only be tested if
the aircraft is on the ground).
● Be careful with your takeoff/ landing airspeed and AOA to avoid the triggering
of the C.A.A in low altitudes.
● If the C.A.A is triggered, be careful when pulling the control column to avoid
the C.A.A to trigger again over and over, making the system enter a vicious
cycle that can lead to a crash.
● When at high altitude and climbing, be careful with the airspeed to avoid
triggering the C.A.A.

Weather Radar:
● The weather radar on this add-on is limited due to the MSFS API, the tilt
function is not working due to this limitation.
● The weather radar takes about 70 seconds of warming up to start showing the
weather on the screen, the warm-up can be done by setting the WX to the
STBY or Test page.
● This weather radar is monochrome, and it will not show all the clouds, but only
those that can have water inside.
● If the GPS option is not the option “None” or “WT GNS530”, the weather radar
will be removed from the cockpit to give space for the GTN750 that have
weather radar.

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● The NAV/COM and AFD panels were made to be similar of those installed on
the real aircraft.
● This NAV/COM panels does not have standby frequencies.
● There are two DME panels and they sit below the two HSI.
● The DME panel has three buttons, the smaller upper left button controls panel
brightness, the lower left toggles between NAV1/NAV2 and the right toggles
ground speed to minutes.
● When the GPS is driving the NAV1, the information shown by the DME 1 will be
from the GPS.

● There are two HSI on the main panel. The right one displays informations for
NAV2 and the left one displays information for NAV1 or GPS when the GPS is
driving NAV1.
● When the GPS is driving NAV1 the CRS will not use the information from the
GPS and you are free to change the heading. However the CDI will use the data
from the GPS.
● The left RMI will use the data from VOR1 and ADF1.
● The right RMI will use the data from VOR2 and ADF2.
● The reverses should be enough to brake the aircraft after touchdown.
Therefore, only a small amount of the landing gear braking is necessary.
(Except if the runway is too small).

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Brsim Designs
Developer: Bruno Reichert
● 3D Models
● Texturing
● Animations
● Programming
● WASM modules
● Systems
● Custom .WAV Sounds

WWISE audio package was produced by Asobo.

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