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Digitally signed 2 Papers

by Jyotindro
Full Marks:
Date: Pass Marks:
00:42:42 +05'30' OBSTETRICS (Paper I) Time: 3 hours

Short note:
The Placenta and Fetal Membranes
3 Marks
1. S/N: Structural abnormalities of placenta (2018) Justify
2. S/N: Functions of placenta (2017) (2012) 3 Marks

Physiological Changes During Pregnancy

1. Describe Cardiovascular changes that occur during Pregnancy. How do you assess
the risk in a pregnant patient with pre-existing cardiac disease? (4+4) (2020)
2. S/N: Haematological changes in pregnancy (2017)
3. S/N: Physiological changes in heart and circulation during pregnancy (2010)

Diagnosis of Pregnancy
1. S/N: Diagnosis of early pregnancy (2021)
2. S/N: Osiander’s sign (2018)

Fetal Skull and Maternal Pelvis

1. S/N: Plane of Least pelvic dimension (2014)

Antenatal Care + Prenatal Care

1. What do you mean by Antenatal Care (ANC)? Mention aims and objectives of ANC.
How can ANC help to reduce maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality?
(2+3+3) (2021) (2019)
2. How will you manage a case of bleeding per vagina at 34 weeks? (5) (2019)
3. S/N: Non-stress test (2019) (2011)
4. S/N: Daily foetal movement count (2018)
5. S/N: Periconceptional folic acid supplementation (2017)
6. S/N: Prenatal diagnosis (2016)
7. S/N: Biophysical foetal scoring (2015)
8. S/N: Intrapartum foetal surveillance (2015)
9. S/N: Antenatal investigations (2010)

Normal Labor
1. S/N: Active Management of Third Stage Labor (AMTSL) (2020) (2018) (2011)
2. Define third stage of labor. What are the complications of third stage of labor? Write
briefly Active Management of third stage of labor. (2+3+5=10) (2016)
3. S/N: Lower uterine segment (2013) (2011)

Normal Puerperium
1. S/N: Suppression of lactation (2014)

Vomiting in Pregnancy
1. What is Hyperemesis gravidarum? How will you investigate the case? How will you
manage a case of server form of Hyperemesis? (2+3+3=8) (2019)
2. S/N: Hyperemesis gravidarum (2017)

Hemorrhage in Early Pregnancy

1. S/N: Management of ectopic pregnancy with Iron deficiency anaemia in pregnancy (2023)
2. Justify: Follow up is necessary after treatment of hydatidiform mole (2023)
3. S/N: Medical management of Ectopic Pregnancy (2022) (2018)
4. Enumerate four complications of Abortion. Define septic abortion. How do you
manage a case of Missed abortion? (2+2+4) (2022)
5. S/N: Outcomes of Tubal Ectopic Pregnancy (2020)
6. S/N: Methods of 1st trimester abortion (MTP) (2020) (2011)
7. S/N: Missed abortion (2019) (2017) (2015) (2014) (2012) (2010)
8. What is molar pregnancy? How will you diagnose of a case of molar pregnancy?
How will you manage a case of molar pregnancy? (3+3+5=11) (2019) (2011)
9. What is miscarriage? Classify miscarriage. Discuss the management of missed
abortion. (2+2+4=8) (2018)
10. S/N: Conservative management of ectopic pregnancy (2018)
11. S/N: Follow up of molar pregnancy (2015)
12. What is Hydatidiform mole? How do you diagnose and manage a case of hydatidiform
mole of 16 weeks pregnancy size? (2+4+4) (2014)
13. Define Recurrent Abortion. Outline the investigations in such a case. (2+8) (2013)
14. S/N: Inevitable abortion (2012)
15. Enumerate the causes of bleeding per vagina in early months of pregnancy. Outline
the diagnosis and management of Tubal Ectopic Pregnancy. (2+4+4) (2011) (2010)
16. S/N: Methods of MTP in 2nd trimester (2010)
17. S/N: Complications of Medical Termination of Pregnancy (2010)

Multiple Pregnancy, Amniotic Fluid Disorders, Abnormalities of

Placenta and Cord
1. Justify: Twin pregnancy is high risk pregnancy (2021)
2. Elaborate the maternal complications of Twin pregnancy. Discuss the management of
2nd twin delivery. Enumerate the indications of caesarean section in Twin Pregnancy.
(2+2+4) (2018)
3. S/N: Complications unique to monoamniotic twinning (2016)
4. S/N: Complications of Twin Pregnancy (2014)
5. S/N: Polyhydramnios (2013)
6. Define multiple pregnancies. What are the complications of twin pregnancy during
Antenatal period? Discuss management of second twin after delivery of first baby.
(1+5+4) (2010)

Hypertensive Disorders in Pregnancy

1. S/N: Complications of preeclampsia (2023)
2. S/N: HELLP syndrome (2021) (2019) (2018) (2016) (2013) (2011)
3. Classify hypertension in pregnancy. Define eclampsia. Write the management of
eclampsia. (2+2+4) (2018)
4. S/N: Pritchard Regimen (2017) (2012)
5. Define Pre-eclampsia. Enumerate the investigations and treatment of Pre-eclampsia
at 34 weeks of pregnancy. (2+4+4) (2017)
6. What are the causes of Hypertension in pregnancy? Outline the diagnosis and
management of a case of Preeclampsia in a Primigravida aged 25 yrs with 34
weeks of gestation. (2+3+5) (2011)
7. S/N: Outline obstetric management of Eclampsia (2010)

Antepartum Hemorrhage
1. What is Antepartum haemorrhage? What are different types / causes? Discuss the
management of a case of Placenta Praevia at 32 weeks of gestation. (2+2+6)
+ Write the complications of placenta previa (3)
(2023) (2016) (2017)
2. Define APH. How will you manage a case of abruption of Placenta? Write
complications of it.? (2+3+3) (2022)
3. S/N: Central placenta previa (2012)
4. What are the causes of bleeding in late pregnancy? How will you diagnose and
manage a case of Accidental haemorrhage at 36 weeks pregnancy? (2+4+4)

Medical and Surgical Illness Complicating Pregnancy

1. Justify: All antenatal mothers should be treated with iron tablet in India (2022)
2. Justify: Follow up is necessary after GDM. (2022)
3. S/N: Hypothyroidism in pregnancy (2020)
4. S/N: Prevention of Vertical Transmission of HIV (2020)
5. S/N: Management of anemia in late pregnancy (2017)
6. S/N: Perinatal transmission of HIV (2017)
7. S/N: Screening for Gestational Diabetic (2016)
8. Define Anaemia. What are the causes of anaemia in pregnancy? How will you
manage a case of anaemia at 28 weeks of gestation? (2+3+6) (2012)
9. S/N: Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (2012)
10. S/N: Methods of preventing Mother to child Transmission of HIV (2011)
11. S/N: Role of Injectable Iron in management of Iron deficiency Anaemia in pregnancy
12. S/N: Common foetal hazards due to diabetes in pregnancy (2010)

Preterm Labor, Preterm Rupture of the Membranes, Post maturity,

Intrauterine Fetal Death
1. S/N: Management of Preterm labor (2020)

Complicated Pregnancy
1. Justify: All primi antenatal mothers should be investigated for Rh blood group
2. Define Isoimmunization. Describe the antenatal investigation protocol of Rh-negative
pregnant mother. Discuss the prevention of Rh isoimmunization. (1+4+3) (2021)
3. Discuss the Indications and Contraindication for Trial of Labor/Vaginal Birth after
Cesarean (TOLAC/VBAC) (3) (2020)
4. S/N: Post caesarean pregnancy (2018)
5. S/N: Hydrops foetalis (2017) (2012)
6. S/N: Rh isoimmunization (2015)

Contracted Pelvis
1. S/N: Clinical pelvimetry (2015)
2. S/N: Android pelvis (2011)
3. S/N: Flat Pelvis (2010)

Abnormal Uterine Action

1. S/N: Uterine inertia and its management (2011)
COMPLICATED LABOR-Malposition, Malpresentation and Cord
1. Justify: Primi breech at term should be treated by LSCS (2023)
2. Justify: Breech pregnancy is a high-risk pregnancy (2022)
3. S/N: Transverse lie (2018)
4. S/N: Delivery of after coming head in Breech delivery (2018)
5. S/N: Deep Transverse Arrest (DTA) (2018) (2012)
6. S/N: Complications of Vaginal breech delivery (2014)
7. A second gravida with previous assisted breech delivery of a live baby 4 years ago,
now attends the antenatal clinic with breech presentation at 34 years of pregnancy.
Describe the subsequent management. What are the complications of breech delivery?
(6+4) (2012)
8. S/N: Neglected shoulder presentation (2010)
9. Mention the different varieties of breech presentation. Outline the management of
woman with breech presentation at 34 weeks of gestation. What are the foetal
hazards of vaginal breech delivery? (2+4+4) (2010)

Prolonged Labor, Obstructed Labor, Dystocia Caused by Fetal

1. What is obstructed labor? Mention the causes of obstructed labor. How will you
manage such a case? (2+2+6) (2017)
2. S/N: Obstructed labor (2011)

Complications of the Third Stage of Labor

1. Justify: All PPH cases should be managed very promptly (2023)
2. Define Post-Partum Haemorrhage. Enumerate the causes of (atonic) Primary Post-
Partum Haemorrhage. How will you manage a case of Primi Para suffering from
(Atonic) Primary PPH? (2+2+4) (2023) (2018) (2017) (2014) (2012) (2011)
3. S/N: Complications of 3rd stage of labor (2023) (2017) (2014) (2012)
4. S/N: Causes of PPH (2022)
5. S/N: Atonic PPH (2019) (2012)
6. S/N: Causes of Atonic PPH (2017)
7. Define post-partum haemorrhage. What are its types? How you diagnose it? Write
down the management. (2+1+2+5=10) (2015) (2011)
8. S/N: Retained Placenta (2014) (2012)

Injuries to the Birth Canal

1. S/N: Vulval Haematoma (2017)
2. What is rupture uterus? What are the causes of rupture uterus? How will you
diagnose and treat such a case? (2+3+6) (2012)

Abnormalities of the Puerperium

1. S/N: Puerperal pyrexia (2017) (2011)
2. S/N: Puerperal sepsis (2014) (2012) (2010)

The Term New-born Infant

1. Justify: Exclusive breast feeding should be encouraged (2021)
2. S/N: Exclusive Breast feeding (2017)

Low Birth Weight Baby

1. S/N: Complications of premature neonate (2018) (2015)
2. What is (Intrauterine Growth Restriction) IUGR? What are its types? What are the
causes of IUGR? How will diagnose the condition? How will you manage it at 35
weeks? (1+2) (3) (2+5) (2015) (2013) (2011)
+ How do you manage asymmetric IUGR? (5) (2011)

Disease of the Foetus and the New-born

1. S/N: APGAR Score (2022) (2018) (2017) (2010)
2. S/N: Neonatal Jaundice (2018)
3. S/N: Cephalhematoma (2012)
Pharmacotherapeutics in Obstetrics
1. Justify: MgSO4 is the drug of choice in the treatment of eclampsia (convulsion in
pregnancy) (2022) (2021)
2. S/N: Use of Magnesium Sulphate (MgSO4) in obstetrics. (2020) (2016)
3. S/N: Oxytocic drugs (2020)
4. S/N: Prostaglandins in obstetrics (2019) (2013)

Induction of Labor
1. S/N: Bishop's score (2023) (2020) (2018) (2013) (2011)
2. Justify: Partogram is compulsory for all labour cases. (2021)
3. S/N: Medical induction of labour (2021)
4. S/N: Partograph (2020) (2016) (2013)
5. S/N: Induction of labor + Indications (2018) (2013) (2012)
6. S/N: Components of Partograph (2018)
7. S/N: Partogram (2011)
8. S/N: Artificial Rupture of Membranes (ARM) (2011)

Population Dynamics and Control of Conception

1. S/N: Non contraceptive benefits of OCP (2018) (2014) (2012)

Operative Obstetrics
1. S/N: External cephalic version (2021) (2018) (2014) (2012)
2. Define Cesarean Delivery. Enumerate indications for Cesarean Delivery. (2+3)
3. S/N: Ventouse delivery (2019)
4. S/N: Episiotomy (2018) (2013) (2012)
5. S/N: Pre requisite of Forceps Delivery (2018)
6. S/N: Failed Forceps (2017)
7. S/N: Manual Vacuum Aspiration (MVA) (2012)
8. S/N: Forceps delivery (2011)
9. S/N: Complications of Forceps delivery (2010)
Safe Motherhood, Epidemiology of Obstetrics
1. S/N: Janani Suraksha Yojana (JSY) (2019)
2. S/N: Components of MMR (2018)
3. S/N: Causes of Maternal mortality in India. (2016) (2010)
4. S/N: MMR (2011)

Special Topics in Obstetrics

1. S/N: Diagnosis of Non-Reassuring Fetal Status (NRFS) / Acute Fetal Distress
(2017) (2012)
2. S/N: Disseminated Intravascular coagulation (DIC) (2015)

Imaging in Obstetrics (USG, MRI, CT, Radiology), Amniocentesis and

Guides to Clinical Tests
1. S/N: USG in Obstetrics (2019) (2018) (2017)
2. S/N: Dating of Pregnancy (2017)
3. S/N: Anomaly scan (2012)
4. S/N: Importance of 1st trimester Ultrasonography (2011)
5. S/N: Importance of 2nd trimester sonography (2010)

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