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by Jyotindro Pass Marks:
Date: 2023.02.25 Time: 3 hours
00:15:10 +05'30' GYNAECOLOGY (Paper II)
Short note:
Anatomy of the Female Pelvic Organs 3 Marks
1. S/N: Pelvic ureter (2018) (2010) Justify
2. S/N: Transformation Zone (2018) 3 Marks

3. S/N: Course of ureter in pelvis (2015)

4. S/N: Cardinal ligament (Mackenrodt’s Ligament) (2012)

Blood Vessels, Lymphatic Drainage, and Innervation of Pelvic Organs

1. S/N: Lymphatic drainage of Vulva (2018) (2014) (2012)
2. S/N: Lymphatic drainage of cervix (2016)

Puberty Normal and Abnormal

1. S/N: Precocious puberty (2022)
2. S/N: Puberty menorrhagia (2017)

1. S/N: Menopause sequalae (2019)
2. Define Menopause. (2) (2011)

1. Describe normal physiology of menstruation. Enumerate causes of Abnormal Uterine
Bleeding and write about medical management of Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding.
(3+5) (2020)
2. S/N: Ovulation (2019)
3. S/N: Signs of ovulation (2017)
4. S/N: Graafian follicle (2012)
5. S/N: Secretory Endometrium (2011)
Examination of a Gynaecological Patient
1. S/N: PAP Smear (2022) (2019) (2012) (2011)
2. S/N: Endoscopy in Gynaecology (2011)

Pelvic Infection
1. S/N: Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) (2018)

Sexually Transmitted Infections

1. S/N: Bacterial vaginosis (2021) (2014) (2013) (2011) (2010)
2. S/N: Sexually transmitted diseases (2011)

Infections of the Individual Pelvic Organs

1. S/N: Vaginal candidiasis (Monilial vaginitis) (2023) (2012)
2. S/N: Trichomonas vaginitis (2022) (2012)
3. S/N: Bartholin’s Cyst (2021) (2018)

Dysmenorrhea and Other Disorders of Menstrual Cycles

1. S/N: Dysmenorrhoea (2021)
2. S/N: Congestive dysmenorrhea (2015)

Abnormal Uterine Bleeding

1. Write the causes of abnormal uterine bleeding. Describe briefly the steps to investigate
such a case. (2+6) (2023)
2. Write the causes of post-coital bleeding. Describe briefly the steps to investigate such
a case. (2+6) (2022)
3. S/N: Medical management of AUB (2021)
4. S/N: Dysfunctional uterine bleeding (DUB) + Management (2019) (2015)
5. S/N: Diagnostic uterine Curettage (D & C) (2018) (2017)
6. Define Menorrhagia. Enumerate the causes of abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB). How
you will manage a case of Para 2, 36-year-old with AUB. (2+2+4) (2018)
7. What is DUB? How will you diagnose DUB? Discuss management of a case of
Dysfunctional uterine bleeding at 35 yrs. of age. (2+3+6) (2012)
8. What is menorrhagia? What are the causes of menorrhagia? Discuss the management
of a case of Dysfunctional uterine haemorrhage in a parous woman aged about 40
years. (2+3+5) (2012) (2011)
9. S/N: Causes of Menorrhagia (2010)

Displacement of the Uterus

1. S/N: Management of Uterine prolapse (2022)
2. A 50 years lady having 2 living children reported with complain of something coming
out per vagina with occasional bleeding P.V. and difficulty of passing urine for last 5
years. What is the diagnosis? Mention the causes of it. How will you manage this
case? (1+3+4) (2021)
3. What is uterovaginal prolapse? What are the supports of uterus? How will you
manage a case of procidentia with Decubitus ulcer at 60 years of age? (3+3+5=11)
4. S/N: Pessary treatment in Pelvic Organ Prolapse (POP) (2018)
5. What are the supports of uterus? What are the causes of uterine prolapse? How will
you manage a case of perimenopausal lady will 111° prolapse? (2+2+4) (2018)
6. S/N: Support of uterus (2017) (2010)
7. S/N: Third degree uterine prolapse (2017)
8. S/N: Vault prolapses (2016)
9. Define uterovaginal prolapse. What are its types? How would you manage a case of
nulliparous prolapse at 35 years of age? (2+2+6=10) (2015)
10. What is genital prolapse? What are the different degrees of genital prolapse? How will
you treat a case of genital prolapse in a lady of 38 years? (2+3+5) (2011)
11. Discuss diagnosis of uterovaginal prolapse. Discuss management of 2nd degree
uterovaginal prolapse in a lady of 45 years. (5+5) (2010)

1. S/N: Semen analysis (2023) (2018)
2. S/N: Causes of female infertility (2023)
3. Justify: Laparoscopy is complementary to H.S.G. in evaluation of female infertility.
4. S/N: Ovulation Induction (2020)
5. S/N: Tubal factor in infertility (2019) (2015)
6. Define Infertility. Outline the causes of infertility in female. How you will manage a
case of female factor infertility. (2+2+6=10) (2017)
7. S/N: Anovulatory Infertility (2016)
8. S/N: Induction of ovulation (2014)
9. A 28-year-old Female married for 6 years has come to the OPD with complain of
Primary infertility. Discuss the diagnostic evaluation. (11) (2013)
10.Outline briefly the common investigations done in a couple with primary infertility.
Describe briefly the drugs used for ovulation induction. (5+5) (2011) (2010)

Benign Lesions of the Cervix

1. S/N: Cervical erosion (Ectopy) (2014) (2012) (2011)

Benign Lesions of the Uterus Fibroid = Uterine Leiomyoma = Fibromyoma

1. (Medical) management of uterine fibroid. (2023) (2011)

2. What is Leiomyoma? Describe the causes of menorrhagia in Leiomyoma of uterus.
Mention the degenerative changes of it. Discuss medical treatment of Leiomyoma of
uterus. (1+2+2+3) (2021)
3. Write the classification of fibroid. What are the complications of fibroids? Discuss the
management of fibroids in a 34-year-old nulliparous woman. (2+2+4=8) (2018)
4. Enumerate the different types of uterine fibromyoma (fibroid). Describe the symptoms
of a patient with uterine fibromyoma. Outline the management of a patient with
symptomatic uterine fibromyoma. (2+3+5=10) (2017) (2010)
5. S/N: Secondary changes in Fibroids (2014)
6. Outline the management of a woman with fibroid uterus giving importance to her age.
(4) (2010)

Benign Lesions of the Ovary

1. S/N: Mucinous cystadenoma (2023)
2. S/N: Complications of (benign) ovarian tumours (2023) (2017) (2011)
3. S/N: Serous cystadenoma (2022)
4. S/N: Dermoid Cyst (2019) (2015) (2012) (2010)
5. Classify ovarian tumours. Describe the diagnosis of ovarian tumour. What are the
complications of ovarian tumour? (3+4+4) (2014)

Endometriosis and Adenomyosis

1. Define Chronic Pelvic Pain and enumerate its causes. Discuss the
management of Endometriosis. (4+4) (2020)
2. S/N: Management of Adenomyosis (2020)
3. S/N: Management of Endometrioma in a nulliparous lady (2018)
4. S/N: Adenomyosis (2016)
5. S/N: Chocolate cyst of ovary (Ovarian Endometrioma) (2016) (2014)
6. Define Endometriosis. What are the types? How would you diagnose? How would
you manage a patient of 28 years old having primary infertility with endometriotic
cyst? (1+2+3+5) (2015)
7. What is Pelvic Endometriosis? How will you diagnose a case of Endometriosis?
Outline the management of a case of chocolate cyst of ovary in young woman?
8. S/N: Diagnosis of endometriosis (2011)

Premalignant Lesions
1. What is CIN? What are its risk factors? Write the management of CIN. (2+2+4=8)
(2018) (2016)
2. S/N: CIN (2017) (2015) (2013)
Genital Malignancy
1. Justify: Screening of cervical carcinoma can reduce the mortality and morbidity of
cervical carcinoma. (2021)
2. S/N: Treatment options for pre-invasive lesion of Cervix (2020)
3. S/N: Management of Trophoblastic Disease (2018)
4. S/N: FIGO Stage of Cervical Carcinoma (2013)
5. S/N: Staging of carcinoma cervix (2012)
6. Outline the management of Stage-I Adenocarcinoma of Body of Uterus. (4) (2010)

Urinary Problems in Gynaecology

1. S/N: Vesico-vaginal Fistula (2020)
2. S/N: Urge Incontinence (2016)
3. S/N: Stress urinary incontinence management (2015)
4. What are the different types of Urinary Incontinence? Describe the causes and
diagnosis of vesico-vaginal fistula. (3+3+5) (2014) (2012)
5. S/N: Stress incontinence (2011)
6. Mention the different types of genitourinary fistula. Enumerate the important causes
of vesico-vaginal fistula. (3+3) (2010)

Genital Fistulae
1. Justify: Anatomical knowledge of ureter in Pelvis is essential for gynaecological
(Pelvic) surgery. (2021)

Genital Tract Injuries

1. S/N: Complete perineal tear (2012)

1. Define primary Amenorrhea. List four important causes of primary amenorrhea. how
will you manage a case primary amenorrhea due to any one cause? (2+3+3)
2. S/N: Write the complications of PCOS (2022)
3. Define secondary Amenorrhoea. List four important causes of secondary
amenorrhoea. How will you manage a case secondary amenorrhoea due to any one
cause? (2+2+4) (2022)
4. S/N: Evaluation of Primary Amenorrhea (2020)
5. S/N: Secondary amenorrhoea (2017) (2011)
6. S/N: PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) (2013)
7. S/N: Cryptomenorrhea (2013) (2011)
8. S/N: Causes of Primary Amenorrhoea (2010)

1. S/N: Write the complications of copper-T insertion (2023)
2. S/N: Absolute contraindications of combined oral contraceptive pills (2023)
3. S/N: Progesterone only Pill (POP) (2022) (2013) (2011)
4. Justify: Promotion of barrier method of contraception is very much. essential
nowadays. (2021)
5. S/N: Long-Acting Reversible Contraceptives (LARC) (2020)
6. S/N: Hormone containing CuT (2019)
7. S/N: Tubal ligation (Female sterilization) (2019) (2018)
8. S/N: Non contraceptive benefits of OCP (2018) (2014) (2012) (2010)
9. S/N: Post-Partum IUCD (PPIUCD) (2018) (2017) (2011)
10.S/N: Emergency contraceptions (2018) (2016) (2013) (2011)
11.S/N: Metabolic side effects of oral pill (2017)
12.S/N: Centchroman (2014) (2012)
13.S/N: Intra uterine Contraceptive device (IUCD) (2013) (2011)
14.S/N: Lactational amenorrhoea method (2012)
15.S/N: Minilap tubectomy (2012)
16.S/N: LNG- IUS (Levonorgestrel Intrauterine System) (2012)
17.S/N: Complications of Laparoscopic Sterilisation (2010)
18.S/N: Side effects and contraindications of combined oral pills (2010)
19.S/N: Contraindications of IUCDs (2010)
Radiotherapy, Chemotherapy, Immunotherapy and Gene therapy in
1. S/N: Name 3 tumor markers in ovarian tumor? (2022)

Special Topics
1. S/N: Twisted ovarian cyst (2018)
2. S/N: Hirsutism (2018)
3. S/N: Post-menopausal bleeding (2018) (2017) (2010)
4. Define postmenopausal bleeding: What are the causes of postmenopausal bleeding?
How would you manage (investigate + treat) a case of postmenopausal bleeding?
(2+3+5=10) (2016) (2012) (2011) (2010)

Endoscopic Surgery in Gynaecology

1. S/N: Indications of Laparoscopy (2010)

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