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Soma Bhaduri
Practice Head of Instructional Design at EI

Along with managing the global ID domain

end-to-end, she is a core member of the
organization’s Solution Architecting and
Innovation team. With nearly 2 decades of
experience in the L&D arena, Soma
strategically engages in EI’s Learning
Consulting Practice and Advisory Services.


Section 1:
Why is an Effective
Induction and Onboarding

Section 2:
Critical for the Modern

The Value of EI’s Holistic

Induction and Onboarding
Section 3:
Elevating Your Onboarding
Programs – Blended 3.0

Section 4:

Measuring Effectiveness -
Induction and Onboarding
ROI Parting Thoughts

In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, the significance of
effective onboarding processes cannot be overstated. As organizations
navigate through dynamic market conditions, technological
advancements, and shifting workforce demographics, the success of
their onboarding strategies plays a pivotal role in driving employee
engagement, productivity, and retention.
Our exploration into the evolving landscape of induction and
onboarding practices, delving into the innovative approaches and
emerging trends that are shaping the future of employee integration and
development is of utmost importance. From traditional methods to
cutting-edge technologies, the journey of onboarding unfolds as a
crucial component of organizational success.
Amidst the ever-growing emphasis on data-driven decision-making,
measuring the return on investment (ROI) of induction and onboarding
programs emerges as a key focus area. By harnessing actionable insights
derived from comprehensive ROI analysis, organizations gain invaluable
perspectives on the effectiveness of their onboarding initiatives,
empowering them to optimize resources, refine strategies, and cultivate
a culture of continuous improvement.
Looking forward, the intersection of artificial intelligence, augmented
reality, and predictive analytics promises to redefine the boundaries of
onboarding, offering personalized, immersive experiences that adapt to
the unique needs and preferences of each employee. This preface sets
the stage for an insightful exploration into the futuristic realm of
induction and onboarding—a journey of innovation, empowerment, and
transformation in the modern workplace.

Read on!


Why is an Effective Induction and Onboarding
01 Critical for the Modern Workforce


There's a notable trend where organizations are placing greater emphasis

on constructing comprehensive onboarding frameworks for their
employees. By prioritizing structured onboarding experiences, companies
are witnessing tangible benefits such as enhanced productivity and
reinforced employee retention rates. These programs facilitate smoother
transitions for new hires, ensuring they quickly assimilate into their roles
and grasp organizational culture. Consequently, organizations are
increasingly investing resources into optimizing these processes to foster
long-term success within their teams.

Why is an Effective Induction and Onboarding
01 Critical for the Modern Workforce

Why Should You Focus on Induction and

Onboarding More Than Ever Before?

Did You Know?

An effective onboarding process boosts retention of new hires by 82% ~

Brandon Hall Group

As organizations shift towards a skill-based approach to workforce

development, the emphasis is increasingly placed on enhancing both
employee productivity and retention of new hires. This strategic shift
acknowledges the importance of cultivating a workforce that possesses
the necessary skills and competencies to drive organizational success.

By prioritizing skill development and fostering a culture of continuous

learning, organizations can empower their employees to perform at their
best and adapt to evolving job demands. Moreover, investing in the
onboarding process ensures that new hires feel supported and equipped
to contribute effectively from the outset, ultimately leading to higher
levels of productivity and improved retention rates. This holistic approach
to talent development not only strengthens the organization's
competitive edge but also nurtures a more engaged and resilient
workforce poised for long-term growth.

Why is an Effective Induction and Onboarding
01 Critical for the Modern Workforce

What factors contribute to the increased

relevance of Induction and Onboarding programs
in today's dynamic workforce landscape?

Did You Know?

26.5% of HR professionals say that onboarding technology is missing from

their onboarding program

Amidst increased employee mobility, induction swiftly integrates new

hires into organizational culture, processes, and expectations, minimizing
disruptions and accelerating productivity. This fosters retention and
sustained performance amidst workforce flux.

Here are 4 factors that play a key role:

1. Rapid Technological Advancements

With the rapid pace of technological advancements, employees often
need to quickly adapt to new tools and systems. Effective induction and
onboarding programs help them navigate these changes smoothly,
ensuring they can contribute to the organization's goals from the start.

2. Growing Remote Workforce

The rise of remote work necessitates robust onboarding processes to
integrate employees regardless of their location. Well-designed programs
facilitate connection, communication, and alignment with organizational
objectives, fostering engagement and productivity in dispersed teams.

Why is an Effective Induction and Onboarding
01 Critical for the Modern Workforce

3. Increasing Diversity and Inclusion

In today's diverse workforce, induction programs play a vital role in
promoting inclusivity by providing all employees with the necessary
resources and support to thrive. Tailored onboarding experiences help
individuals from different backgrounds feel valued, understood, and
empowered to contribute effectively.

4. Heightened Competition for Talent

In a competitive talent landscape, organizations must differentiate
themselves to attract and retain top performers. Investing in
comprehensive induction and onboarding programs not only enhances
employer branding but also demonstrates a commitment to employee
development, leading to higher satisfaction and retention rates.

Why is an Effective Induction and Onboarding
01 Critical for the Modern Workforce

What are the primary challenges when

onboarding new employees?

Did You Know?

83% of employees believe having an onboarding program in place would

be useful

Efficient induction training improves new hire engagement and ensures a

seamless integration into the organization. However, onboarding also
presents several challenges.

Some of the common challenges include:

Navigating the Global Workplace

Organizations must grasp diverse cultures, communication styles, and
regulations to create inclusive onboarding for global staff, and customize
processes for a distributed workforce, considering cultural and logistical
factors. Additionally, they need to adapt onboarding to various age
groups and learning styles across generations.

Addressing Varied Learner Needs

L&D teams should develop flexible induction strategies that engage new
hires through accommodating individual learning styles and pacing.
Moreover, teams balance standardization and customization in content to
ensure effective onboarding tailored to roles, backgrounds, and
organizational requirements.

Dealing with Diverse Learner Profiles

Challenges in addressing variations in skillsets and roles among new
hires, including managing generational differences and promoting
inclusivity is common. Organizations must adopt onboarding approaches
that bridge experience gaps and embrace diversity for enhanced

Why is an Effective Induction and Onboarding
01 Critical for the Modern Workforce


In the modern workplace, an effective induction

and onboarding process are indispensable for
the modern workforce. They lay the foundation
for employee success by fostering connection,
empowerment, and alignment with
organizational goals, ultimately shaping a
positive and enduring work experience.


The Value of EI’s Holistic Induction and
02 Onboarding Approach


Research indicates that the Learning and Performance (L&P) ecosystem

plays a critical role in fostering employee growth and organizational
success. Comprising various interconnected components, such as
onboarding programs, training initiatives, and career development
opportunities, this ecosystem emphasizes the importance of continuous
learning and development. Indeed, onboarding is not a one-time event but
a journey towards sustained excellence.

The Value of EI’s Holistic Induction and
02 Onboarding Approach

Why Should You Adopt an Ecosystem Based

Approach in the Current Scenario?

As a training concept, Induction and Onboarding needs a combination of

modalities to be successful. Here I show you the building blocks of that

The Value of EI’s Holistic Induction and
02 Onboarding Approach

Initiate (Build a foundation):

This stage focuses on establishing a strong base for new hires:

• Pre-boarding: Allow new hires to complete certain tasks before their

first day, such as filling out paperwork, watching company welcome
videos, or setting up equipment.

• Company Culture: Introduce new hires to the company's mission,

values, and overall work environment. This might involve sharing the
company story, core principles, and cultural expectations.

• Role Overview: Provide a clear understanding of the new hire's

specific role and responsibilities within the team and organization.

• Essential Tools and Systems: Equip new hires with the necessary
tools and technologies to perform their jobs effectively. This could
include software training, hardware setup, and access permissions.

Formal Training (Integrate new hires into their roles):

This stage emphasizes creating a supportive network for new hires to thrive.
Here are some elements:

• Digital and face-to-face modules: Allow new hires to go through

information about their role and practice different tasks at their
own pace.

• Buddy Support: Assign a buddy to effectively support and coach new

hires throughout the onboarding journey.

• Mentorship Programs: Match new hires with experienced

colleagues who can provide guidance, answer questions, and offer
career development advice.

• Team Introductions: Facilitate introductions and build connections

with new colleagues from different departments. This can involve
team-building activities, social events, or informal meet-and-greets.

The Value of EI’s Holistic Induction and
02 Onboarding Approach

Extended Learning (Build confidence)

This stage focuses on empowering new hires to feel self-assured and capable in
their roles:

• Skills Development: Provide opportunities for new hires to develop

the skills and knowledge needed to excel in their positions. This
includes practice zones, shadowing, etc.

• Feedback and Recognition: Establish a system for providing regular

feedback and recognizing new hires' accomplishments. This helps
them feel valued, motivated, and confident in their abilities.

Evaluate (Achieve Low Time-to-Productivity)

This final stage focuses on gathering the ROI of an Induction and Onboarding

• Training Costs: Reduce the time and resources spent on training.

This results in a higher return on investment (ROI) for the
onboarding process.
• Employee Retention: Focus on integrating new hires into the
company culture and provide clear expectations can lead to higher
employee satisfaction and retention. Lower turnover rates mean
reduced recruitment and training costs associated with replacing
employees, contributing to a higher ROI for the onboarding process.

• Enhanced Productivity: Empower new employees for contributing

to the organization's goals sooner, leading to increased productivity.
This accelerated time-to-productivity directly impacts the bottom
line by generating revenue more quickly and maximizing the return
on investment in hiring and onboarding.

Important to note: The four stages build upon each other.

A strong foundation (Stage 1) is essential for creating a supportive
network (Stage 2) which ultimately fosters new hire confidence
(Stage 3), leading to high TTP (Stage 4).

The Value of EI’s Holistic Induction and
02 Onboarding Approach

How Can You Use ‘Emotional Intelligence’ as

a Common Thread in Onboarding Programs?

At EI, our approach to induction and onboarding revolves around leveraging

emotional intelligence (EI) as a foundational principle. Here's an in-depth look
at how we integrate EI into our programs:
Seamless Preboarding: We prioritize creating a sense of belonging and
connection even before new hires officially join the organization. Through
seamless preboarding processes, we ensure that individuals feel
welcomed and included from the very beginning, setting a positive tone for
their onboarding journey.
Inclusive Onboarding Programs: Our onboarding programs are designed
to be inclusive, ensuring that every new hire feels valued and respected
regardless of their background or identity. We recognize the importance of
diversity and strive to create environments where everyone can thrive and
contribute their unique perspectives.
Personalized Onboarding Experience: We understand that each
individual has unique needs and preferences when it comes to
onboarding. Therefore, we offer longer and personalized onboarding
experiences tailored to support and mentor new hires according to their
specific requirements, enabling them to acclimate to their roles and the
organization at their own pace.
AI-Based Tools for Efficiency: We leverage AI-based tools to automate
administrative tasks and paperwork, allowing new hires to focus their time
and energy on more meaningful aspects of onboarding. By streamlining
these processes, we enhance efficiency and create a smoother transition
for employees into their new roles.
Immersive Learning Technologies: To enhance learning retention and
application, we incorporate immersive technologies into our onboarding
programs. Through virtual simulations and interactive experiences, new hires
have the opportunity to practice and apply what they've learned in a safe and
engaging environment, facilitating deeper understanding and skill
Utilization of People Analytics: We harness the power of people analytics
to inform and improve our decision-making processes throughout the
onboarding journey. By analyzing data related to employee engagement,
performance, and satisfaction, we gain valuable insights that enable us to
continuously refine and enhance our onboarding programs for optimal
outcomes. 17
The Value of EI’s Holistic Induction and
02 Onboarding Approach


EI's holistic induction and onboarding approach,

rooted in emotional intelligence, fosters a culture
of inclusion, support, and efficiency. By
prioritizing seamless integration, personalized
support, and leveraging innovative technologies,
we cultivate engaged, empowered, and
successful employees from day one.


Elevating Your Onboarding Programs –
03 Blended 3.0 Mode


In the ever-evolving landscape of employee onboarding, organizations are

increasingly embracing Blended 3.0 Mode to elevate their programs. This
innovative approach combines traditional methods with digital technologies
and immersive experiences to create a comprehensive and engaging
onboarding journey. By leveraging the best of both worlds, Blended 3.0 Mode
sets the stage for successful integration and long-term employee success.

Elevating Your Onboarding Programs –
03 Blended 3.0 Mode

Why are organizations pivoting to Blended

Induction and Onboarding programs?

To match today’s workplace dynamics (remote operations), the answer

lies in adopting the next gen approach – Blended Learning 3.0 or the
Blended 3.0 mode. A median offering of the two modes, VILT sessions with
Self-paced Online Learning, Blended Learning 3.0 is emerging as the
preferred and optimal mode for delivering Virtual Onboarding Training,
with more immersive mediums.

Organizations are pivoting to Blended Induction and Onboarding

programs for the following reasons:

1. Societal pervasiveness for doing things online has driven a shift in

organizational culture. New employees have an expectation that a part of
their Induction and Onboarding should occur online as:

a. This gives them higher control in pacing the learning and

internalizing it.
b. Online delivery enables them to overcome the cognitive overload
and access the online resources, as needed and as many times.
2. However, the face-to-face or ILT-based approach continues to be a very
high-impact approach. The human touch goes a long way in helping
new employees quickly learn the organization culture, its offerings, and
how they can align to the organizational goals and contribute
effectively. As a result, organizations are responding by offering
Blended Learning.
3. The need to respond swiftly to competitive challenges has meant that
organizations can now induct and onboard employees quicker, through
eLearning for the most part, while leaving in-person components of the
Induction and Onboarding delivery to ILT.
4. With cost rationalization at the center of most training decisions,
organizations find that a blend of online and in-person training is the
most optimal model to deliver the Induction and Onboarding training.

Through a Blended Learning approach, employers benefit by ramping up a

pool of sustainable talent and employees gain key skills that help them in the
performance of their responsibilities – even in a completely virtual mode.
Elevating Your Onboarding Programs –
03 Blended 3.0 Mode

How does Blended Learning help promote

organizational culture?

Blended Learning helps promote the organizational culture by:

1. Instilling a sense of confidence in new hires, about the organization,
that only “real person” interactions deliver by:
• Highlighting cultural norms in action, to newcomers, during
one-on-one sessions.
• Demonstrating the organization’s flexibility in Induction and
Onboarding, by supporting individual learning styles.
• Letting newcomers take ownership of their L&D plans through
• Offering opportunities for better communication and accurate
corporate messaging between new hires and instructors during
Induction and Onboarding.
2. The combination of in-person and eLearning delivers, and subsequently
reiterates, key organizational policies around acceptable norms and
cultural guidelines through multiple training methods, ensuring all
newcomers understand and adopt them at the outset.
The key to successful implementation of a Virtual Induction and Onboarding
program is in correctly defining the scope of each component of the program.
Here are some options:

1. Initial meet-greet sessions: Conduct these sessions virtually (VILT) so

new hires get a sense of the organizational culture they will be part of.
2. Basic role-specific training: Deliver these online using mobile delivery
3. Specialized training: Impart more complex, generic, and function-
specific learning via VILT. You can augment the VILT sessions by
providing related resources online.
4. Case studies and Scenario Based Learning: These are ideal for online
learning, and you can add focused VILT sessions to reinforce them.
5. Assessment for the entire Induction and Onboarding program: This
can be done online as it is easy to deliver and track.

Following these norms help in ensuring the right organizational culture is

ingrained from the get-go.
Elevating Your Onboarding Programs –
03 Blended 3.0 Mode

How Does Moving From Onboarding to

Everboarding fit into the schema of Blended 3.0?

Moving from traditional onboarding to "Everboarding" aligns seamlessly with

the schema of Blended 3.0, which represents an innovative approach to
employee development. In Blended 3.0, organizations combine traditional
methods with digital technologies and immersive experiences to create a
comprehensive and continuous learning journey for employees.

Within the framework of Blended 3.0:

1. Traditional Methods: Initial onboarding processes, such as

orientation sessions, paperwork completion, and introduction to
company policies and culture, form the foundation of the employee
journey. These traditional methods provide essential information
and resources to new hires as they join the organization.

2. Digital Technologies: Blended 3.0 incorporates digital tools and

platforms to facilitate ongoing learning and development beyond
the initial onboarding phase. This includes e-learning modules,
webinars, virtual training sessions, and online resources accessible
to employees anytime, anywhere.

3. Immersive Experiences: To enhance engagement and

retention, Blended 3.0 leverages immersive experiences such as
simulations, virtual reality (VR) training, and gamification. These
experiences provide hands-on learning opportunities and enable
employees to practice and apply their skills in realistic scenarios.

4. Everboarding Approach: Transitioning from onboarding to

"Everboarding" signifies a shift towards continuous support,
learning, and development throughout an employee's tenure. In
Blended 3.0, "Everboarding" ensures that employees have access to
ongoing training, mentorship, feedback, and growth opportunities
to adapt to changing roles, technologies, and organizational needs.

Elevating Your Onboarding Programs –
03 Blended 3.0 Mode

By integrating the concept of "Everboarding" into the Blended 3.0 framework,

organizations create a holistic approach to employee development that
fosters engagement, retention, and long-term success. This dynamic
combination of traditional methods, digital technologies, and immersive
experiences ensures that employees receive the support and resources they
need to thrive in today's evolving workplace.

Which Learning Strategies Can be Used to

Power the Blended 3.0 Induction and
Onboarding Trainings?

Here are 8 strategies that will help you create an effective Virtual Induction
and Onboarding Training program:

Deliver the Induction and Onboarding program in a Mobile Learning

format, giving the employees the flexibility to learn on the device of their

Offer Microlearning or bite-sized learning, making it easier for them to

assimilate it at their own pace.

Multiply the impact and create an immersive learning journey through

Gamification, leaderboards, and so on.

Look at adding some learning nuggets that feature Virtual Reality (VR),
Augmented Reality (AR), and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to further
enhance the immersive learning experience.

Use high-impact formats like Videos, Interactive Videos, Gamified

quizzes, and so on that keep them engaged.

Offer Personalization (based on the role, region, or business unit).

Extend self-paced learning through Social or Collaborative Learning.

Deliver the learning journey through a custom portal for the highest

Elevating Your Onboarding Programs –
03 Blended 3.0 Mode

How Can You Elevate Your Hybrid Workforce

Through Blended 3.0 Training?

Here are six tactics to help you elevate your hybrid onboarding strategy:

Assisting trainers/managers with hybrid induction and

onboarding: Because hybrid work may (potentially) require
employees to also attend in-person sessions at the office, it’s
important to address those aspects during induction and

Investing in an L&P Ecosystem: Investing in Learning &

Performance Ecosystems ensures that, once onboarding is
complete, there’s a framework in place for your hybrid workforce to
pursue a journey of continuous learning and development. L&P
Ecosystems act as a guidepost to fuel ongoing organizational

Leveraging social learning: Because hybrid employees are

dispersed (geographically, and by time and distance) from
traditional onboarding training support systems, L&D leaders can
leverage social learning to provide such support. Enabling mobile
onboarding processes, supported by learning apps, also helps with
group-based learning. Social learning provides hybrid employees
access to learning communities and social learning portals, that they
can tap into for specific learning topics, during (and beyond) their
onboarding journey.

Immersive learning: Because onboarding sets the tone for what

employees may expect during their time with the organization, it’s
important to “spice up” that experience for the new hire.
Unfortunately, it’s challenging to keep hybrid learners engaged.
Immersive learning as part of hybrid onboarding strategies, such as
gamification, Scenario Based Learning, story based learning, and
VR/AR and 3D Simulations, helps bridge that gap.

Elevating Your Onboarding Programs –
03 Blended 3.0 Mode

How Can You Elevate Your Hybrid Workforce

Through Blended 3.0 Training?

Blended learning for coaching/mentoring/feedback: Onboarding

is a critical stage in the new hire’s time with the organization. At
times, hybrid employees may desire more mentoring, coaching, and
feedback, than had they been at the office, and in person. A blended
learning approach to onboarding, using a mix of Instructor-Led and
Virtual Instructor-Led Training (ILT/VILT), may prove more effective
in such cases than fully self-regulated learning.

DEI training: Ensure that your hybrid onboarding program also

includes aspects of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) training. DEI
challenges may manifest themselves more so in a hybrid
environment because staff, managers, and colleagues are dispersed
and separated by time and distance. In such an environment, it’s
easy for preconceived biases to creep into the workplace.
A well-designed DEI program drives positive behavioral change and
ensures employees feel appreciated and included as part of the

Elevating Your Onboarding Programs –
03 Blended 3.0 Mode


In summary, adopting Blended 3.0 Mode for

onboarding signifies a strategic advancement
towards holistic and ongoing employee
development. Through the integration of
conventional approaches with digital tools and
immersive techniques, organizations can
establish dynamic, versatile, and effective
onboarding programs that lay the groundwork
for sustained success and advancement.


Measuring Effectiveness –
04 Induction and Onboarding ROI


Measuring the return on investment (ROI) of induction and onboarding

programs is crucial for organizations to gauge their effectiveness in
integrating new hires and fostering productivity. The success of any staffing
initiative lies not just in finding and hiring the right talent but also in how
quickly new hires get productive. And the lynchpin to effective Time-to-
productivity is the employee onboarding training that each new hire
receives. In fact, the speed at which new inductees become productive
often determines the Return on Investment (ROI) generated by corporate
training programs at large.

Measuring Effectiveness –
04 Induction and Onboarding ROI

What is Time-to-productivity in the

Context of Employee Onboarding Training?

Time-to-productivity is a measure of the time taken by employees from

being hired to becoming productive members of the organization’s
workforce. Along with other Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) associated
with HR and staffing processes, such as time-to-fill, Time-to-productivity
sheds light on the effectiveness of an organization’s hiring and
onboarding process. Poorly constructed employee onboarding trainings
not only extend the timeline of employee productivity but also add other
risks to the staffing process: New hire disillusionment with training and
resulting premature exits from the team.

In contrast, well-designed employee onboarding training plans play a key

role in shortening Time-to-productivity. Take a look at the following stats
that reaffirm the impact of effective employee onboarding training:

When surveyed, organizations perceive effective onboarding

as improving retention rates (52 percent), time to productivity
(60 percent) and overall customer satisfaction (53 percent).
(Source – Aberdeen Group)

69 percent of employees are more likely to stay with a company

for three years if they experienced great onboarding.
(Source – UrbanBound)

Organizations with a strong onboarding process improve new

hire retention by 82% and productivity by over 70%.
(Source – Glassdoor)

Measuring Effectiveness –
04 Induction and Onboarding ROI

What Strategies Can Shorten Time-to-

productivity Through Employee
Onboarding Training?

There are a number of strategies that L&D professionals may deploy, as part
of employee onboarding training programs, that are effective at shortening
learning curves for newly hired employees. Some of these include:
Training based on SMART Goals: The training plan must be based on
SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-oriented)
training objectives. Trainers and new hires must know exactly what
productivity targets to hit and how long they have to reach them.

Personalized training: You can’t have a one-size-fits-all employee

onboarding training. Time-to-productivity is unique to each new hire
(because of background, skill, and experience) and each role.
Employee onboarding trainings must consider those facts.

Blended Learning: Because of differences in learning styles and

preferences, Blended Learning, which uses a mix of online/eLearning
and Virtual Instructor-Led Training (VILT), assures better productivity
outcomes than 100% eLearning or an all-ILT employee onboarding
training strategy.

Mobile Learning: Organizations may shorten new employee training

time by delivering on-demand learning. And the best way to do so is
through Mobile Learning solutions. Shorter training = expedited Time-

Leverage Microlearning: The strategic use of Microlearning, that is,

learning designed around bite-sized modules, integrated into broader
employee onboarding training topics, helps fill vital knowledge gaps
more effectively than 3-hour lectures or hour-long videos. Such
content may be delivered offline or as sidebars within main
onboarding modules, or as additional resources that newly hired staff
may pursue on their own.

Social Learning: Facilitating learning, through peer groups in social

situations, helps learners absorb new concepts and ideas better
(faster) than they do in Formal Training environments.
Measuring Effectiveness –
04 Induction and Onboarding ROI

How Can Time-to-productivity be Further


In addition to the strategies listed above, you can also adopt these 3 tips to
shorten the process of virtual onboarding training and reduce the Time-to-
productivity further.

Tip 1 Add pre-boarding to the process

To compress Time-to-productivity even further, consider adding a pre-

boarding process to new employee training. This phase could cover basic
orientation topics, such as:

• Introduction to the Organization.

• Mission, Vision, and Values.
• Introduction to various offerings.
• Organization Structure.

The new hires complete the training in their own time, prior to showing up
(or logging on) for formal onboarding sessions. Ideally, use Microlearning
modules, delivered through eLearning, for this process.

Measuring Effectiveness –
04 Induction and Onboarding ROI

How Can Time-to-productivity be Further


Structure the employee onboarding training into

Tip 2
smaller chunks

To move new hires through employee onboarding training and make them
productive as quickly as possible, structure it into sub-components that
have specific sub-objectives. Some post pre-boarding sub-components may

1. Additional orientation – to familiarize newcomers with the organization

policies and procedures.
2. Role-specific resources and responsibilities – where new hires learn
what they will do, how they’ll do it, and what tools and technologies to
use to perform their job more efficiently.
3. Networking and collaboration – that empowers newcomers with
information and contacts to turn to if they need help and support while
doing their jobs.

Continue the connect and ongoing learning (after the

Tip 3
completion of the employee onboarding training)

Additionally, best practices recommend the inclusion of multiple follow-up

and refresher training milestones throughout the employee onboarding
training process. You can pick from a wide range of Performance Support
Tools (PSTs) or just-in-time learning aids to provide on-going connects.
These could include:

1. Quick Reference Guides.

2. Learning Summaries.
3. Cheat Sheets or Ready Reckoners.
4. Reinforcements (typically, 30/60 days after the completion of the
onboarding training).
5. Practice zones (typically, 60-90 days after the completion of the
onboarding training).

Measuring Effectiveness –
04 Induction and Onboarding ROI


In the age of data-driven insights, assessing the

ROI of induction and onboarding programs isn't
just a statistic; it's a roadmap toward accelerating
time to productivity. By uncovering how
effectively these initiatives integrate, engage, and
elevate employee performance, organizations
can fine-tune strategies, allocate resources
efficiently, and cultivate a workforce ready to
swiftly contribute to organizational objectives.

Parting Thoughts
Today's organizations blend traditional methods with digital technologies
for onboarding, ensuring rapid productivity and sustained success.
Measuring ROI through data-driven insights guides optimization and
fosters a culture of growth and innovation.
Looking forward, artificial intelligence, augmented reality, and predictive
analytics promise personalized and immersive experiences. The future of
onboarding is dynamic, adapting to the unique needs of each employee—
a journey of continuous growth, empowerment, and innovation. With
seamless preboarding experiences, immersive training initiatives, and
ongoing "Everboarding," organizations cultivate environments where
employees feel valued, supported, and empowered from day one. This
vision represents a transformative shift towards building inclusive,
innovative, and inspiring workplaces, where success is measured not just
in productivity gains, but in the collective growth and fulfillment of every
individual within the organization.

Emotionally Intelligent
At EI, we leverage the power of human connection and empathy to
build resilient, high-performing individuals and teams with a deeper
engagement to the organization. We are an emotionally intelligent
learning experience design company that drives performance gain
and maximizes training ROI and ROE.

We advise, consult, and design with the purpose of addressing

complex challenges that require an agile approach and a wide-
reaching solution. Our aim is to provide remarkable customer
experiences with the ability to evoke deliberate positive emotions in
the heart and mind. We also collaborate with the world’s leading
corporations, universities, schools, publishers, and government
institutions and help companies with their learning needs and
strategic priorities.

Our Journey Thus Far

25+ 25+ 700+


2800+ 2000+

450+ 1M+





Our Journey Thus Far

We are an agile, imaginative, and empathy driven

organization that helps make learning smarter,
effective, and measurable.

We advise, consult, and design to enable

performance, help drive career growth, and
promote employee engagement and
retention through solutions that leverage cutting-
edge technology, immersive content, and thoughtfully
designed learning journeys.

Being at the forefront of the learning industry for more

than 30 years, we have delivered 1 million+ hours
of transformational learning to more than 700+
customers, spread across 25+ industry verticals. We
are widely accepted as thought leaders with over 450+
global industry awards and recognitions.

Our diverse and highly skilled cross-functional team

of instructional designers, content writers,
graphics designers, solution architects, and
technology experts are aligned to design and develop
impactful learning experiences.

Our Core Services
Training  Mobile Learning  Mobile Apps  Localization
Delivery  Microlearning  Personalized  eLearning
 Virtual Training Learning Accessibility

Learning  LXP Expertise  VR Framework  Flash to HTML5

Technology  LMS Expertise  Interactive Video Migration
 Learning Portals Framework  Authoring Tools
 Rapid eLearning Expertise

Immersive  Gamification  Story Based Learning  Next Gen

Learning  Scenario Based  Branching Strategies
Learning Simulations  Experience
 Video Based  Virtual Reality/ Center Design
Learning Augmented Reality/

Training  Diversity, Equity,  Leadership Training  Soft Skills

Strategies and Inclusion  Sales Training Training
Training Competency
 Application 
 Sustainability Simulations Training Training
Training Professional
 Product Training 
 Compliance Skills Training
 Sales Training
Training  Higher
 Application
 Induction and Education
Simulations Training
 Product Training

Continuous  Performance  Self-Directed Learning

Learning Support Tools  Content Curation and Curriculum Design
 Informal
 Social Learning

Learning  Learning planet  Cyber Test

Platforms  Flash  XR Optimus
Conversation  Mag+
Service  LearNow
 QuizBiz

Our L&D Advisory and
Consulting Services

L&D Advisory Services

• Optimal Virtual Training Transformation
• Redesigning existing content into Next Gen formats – to drive results
• Redesigning content for LXP

L&D Consulting Services – Training Impact and ROI

• Ascertaining Training Impact through our unique framework
o Training Needs Analysis (TNA) and Learner Needs Analysis (LNA)
o L&D metrics and business metrics identification
o Measurement of impact on learners and the business
• ROI and ROE determination

Thought Leadership - Testimonials

EI offers a unique value proposition that is

rarely seen in the market.

EI assists organizations in optimizing the

impact of learning on individual, team, and
organizational performance and maximizing
the ROI on learning.
Michael Rochelle
Chief Strategy Officer and Principal HCM Analyst
Brandon Hall Group

EI has a massive impact on how training

makes a business reach success.

I trust that their methodologies and training

needs analysis experience can lead companies
to choose the proper training solutions.

Christopher Pappas
eLearning Industry

EI’s focus on the combination of learning and

performance strategy with a specific attention
to effective measurement of the business
impact of their programs sets them apart from
many of the vendors in the custom content
segment of the market.

Ken Taylor
Training Industry, Inc

Contact Us
Looking at adopting new ways to enhance your
Learning Strategy?
EI can help you with that and more!
From content development, L&D Advisory and Consulting, to LearnTech,
we are the single source partner of choice for training.

Email: |


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