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Community medicine

1. What do you mean by determinants of health? Discuss the important determinants of
health. Pg. 18 (2018 Jan) 2+8=10
2. What are the levels of prevention? Discuss the different levels of prevention with the
example of poliomyelitis. Pg.47,226 (2016 July) 2+8=10
3. What are meant by disease control, elimination and eradication-describe with examples.
Explain the suitability of measles to be targeted for eradication. (also ch5-I) pg. 46, 161
(2016 Jan) 6+4=10
4. What do you mean by ‘Natural History of Disease’? How are the different levels of
prevention and modes of intervention related to its different phases? Pg.41
(2015 Jan) 4+6=10
5. What do you mean by Ice-berg phenomenon of disease? Enumerate the different mode
of transmission of disease with example. (also ch3) pg.46,148,104 (2014 July) 3+7=10
6. Write the different environmental factors precipitating health problems. Describe briefly
different preventive measure of these problems. Pg.43 (2014 July) 6+4=10
7. Enumerate the determinants of health. Write a note on “Biological determinants” of
health. Pg.18 (2014 Jan) 4+6=10
8. What is the natural history of disease? Describe briefly the different levels of prevention
of disease. Pg. 41, 47 (2013 July) 5+5=10
9. What is “Primary Health Care”? write briefly the different environmental factor
affecting health and causing disease. (also ch23) pg. 951, 43 (2013 Jan) 3+12=15
10. What do you understand by the term health? Describe briefly the important determinants
of health. Pg. 14, 18 (2012 July) 5+10=15
11. Name the disease often called the “father of public health and name also the English
epidemiologist who first studied the epidemiology? Enumerate the determinants of
health. Write on socio-economic determinants of health. Pg18 (2011 Jan)½+½+4 +15
12. Define “Positive Health”. Write the different indicators of health of community. What
measures the Government of India has taken to reduce the under-five mortality in India?
(also ch10) Pg. 16, 24, 630 (2010 July) 2+8+5=15
13. Mention the different environmental factors that affect health of a community. Elaborate
the various methods of disposal of hospital waste. (also ch15) pg. 43, 850
(2010 July) 6+9=15
a) Iceberg Phenomenon of disease pg.46,148 (2015 July)
b) Primordial prevention pg.48 (2012 Jan)
c) Sentinel surveillance pg.47 (2016 Jan)
d) Monitoring and Evaluation pg.46,47 (2011 July)
1. Classify the different types of epidemiological studies. Discuss the main difference
between case control study and cohort study. Pg.70,87 (2018 Jan) 4+6=10
2. Define “epidemics”. Describe the different types of epidemics with examples.
Pg.101,72 (2017 July) 2+8=10
3. Defined Epidemiology. Mention the different types of study design in epidemiology.
Describe the protocol of Randomized control trial. Pg.60,91,90 (2017 Jan) 2+3+5=10
4. What is epidemiology? Write the difference between case control and cohort study.
Pg.60,87 (2016 July) 2+8=10
5. Write down the difference between Case Control study and cohort study. Pg.87
(2015 Jan) 10
6. What do you mean by Ice-berg phenomenon of disease? Enumerate the different mode
of transmission of disease with example. (also ch2) pg.46,148,104
(2014 July) 3+7=10
7. Define Epidemiology. Describe the advantages of case control study? Pg.60,82
(2014 Jan) 1+9=10
8. What is communicable disease? Write briefly the different modes of transmission of
communicable disease. Pg.101,102 (2013 July) 2+8=10
9. Define “Epidemic”. Outline the different steps of epidemiological investigation of an
outbreak. Pg. 101, 143 (2013 Jan) 3+12=15
10. Define Epidemiology. Mention the difference of case control and cohort study. Pg.60,87
(2012 Jan) 2+8=10
11. Define Epidemic. Write in brief the different time trends in disease occurrence.
Pg.101,72 (2011 July) 2+8=10
12. Classify observation studies in Epidemiology. Write the main differences between case-
control and cohort studies. Pg.70,87 (2011 Jan) 5+10=15
a) Adverse Events Following Immunization pg. 122 (2014 July)
b) National Immunization Schedules 4m pg. 135 (2013 July)
c) Incidence of disease pg. 68 (2013 July)
d) Serial interval pg. 108 (2013 Jan)
e) Community diagnosis pg. 99 (2011 July)
f) Serials interval pg. 108 (2010 July)
1. Enumerate in brief the different types of screening methods. Write in brief the
approaches you would take for screening of oral cancer. Pg.150,416
(2015 July) 5+5=10
a) Interpretation of False negatives of a screening test. Pg. 153 (2017 July)
b) Screening for disease pg.148 (2017 Jan)
c) Screening for disease pg.148 (2013 Jan)
d) Uses of screening pg.149 (2011 July)

1. What are meant by disease control, elimination and eradication-describe with examples.
Explain the suitability of measles to be targeted for eradication. (also ch2) pg.46,161
(2016 Jan) 6+4=10
2. Describe in brief the epidemiology of tuberculosis in India. Discuss in brief the
strategies/initiative under RNTCP for prevention and Control of Tuberculosis.
(also ch7) pg.189,457 (2015 July) 5+5=10
3. Write in short epidemiology of tuberculosis in India. Write in brief the strategy of
RNTCP in your state. (also ch7) pg. 189, 457 (2012 Jan) 4+6=10
4. What do you mean by DOTS? Write the components of DOTS. Describe the different
follow-ups during the treatment of tuberculosis under DOTS. Pg.201,219,458
(2010 July) 2+3+4=9
5. Describe the epidemiology of “Swine Flu”. Write briefly its prevention and control.
pg.169 (2010 July) 3+4=7
a) Measles campaign pg.159 (2012 Jan)
b) Treatment of tuberculosis under RNTCP. Pg.201 (2014 July)
c) Directly observed Treatment Short Course (DOTS) chemotherapy in RNTCP
pg.201,219 (2011 July)

1. Mention the epidemiological basis of poliomyelitis eradication. Discuss briefly the
different strategies adopted by Government of India to eradicate Poliomyelitis. Pg.222
(2011 July) 2+8=10
2. What are “Food-toxins”? How it differs from “Food-poisoning”? Write the different
steps of investigation of a food poisoning. (also ch11) pg.713,261
(2010 July) 2+3+10=15
a) Food toxin and Food poisoning (also ch11) pg. 713, 261 (2014 July)
b) ORS & Zinc in Diarrhea pg. 247, 249 (2013 Jan)
c) Acute Flaccid Paralysis pg. 223 (2012 July)

1. Enumerate the disease transmitted by mosquitoes. Write the steps to prevent and control
dengue in a community. Pg.832,277 (2018 Jan) 5+5=10
2. What is the full form of NVBDCP? Enumerate some species of Anopheles mosquitoes
causing malaria. Write the treatment of uncomplicated Falciparum malaria in adult as
per recent National Malaria drug policy. (also ch7) pg.289 (2014 July) 1+3+6=10
3. Describe the treatment schedule of uncomplicated, sever and complicated Malaria case.
Pg.287 (2011 Jan) 9+6=15
a) Chemoprophylaxis in malaria 3m pg. 292 (2013 July)

1. A person was bitten by a street dog. The bite was single and was on the face. Outline
the management of this case. Discuss the importance of pre-exposure prophylaxis for
rabies. Pg. 302 (2017 July) 6+4=10
2. What is Rabies? Write on ‘Immunization of Rabies among men. Pg.302
(2015 Jan) 2+8=10
a) Control strategy for JE pg. 312 (2012 Jan)

1. What is Diabetes Mellitus? What are different complications of Diabetes Mellitus?
Discuss the modifiable risk factors of diabetes. Pg.421 (2018 Jan) 2+3+5=10
2. What do you mean by ‘Primary Eye Care’? write a note on Vision 2020. Pg.432,433
(2015 Jan) 5+5=10
3. What do you mean by Non-Communicable disease? Write the Risk-factor and
preventive measures of Coronary Heart Diseases. Pg.398,400 (2014 July) 1+5+4=10
4. How do you define obesity? How is it different from overweight? Briefly describe the
different levels of prevention of obesity. Pg. 426 (2013 July) 2+2+6=10
5. What are the different causes of blindness in India? Describe the methods of
intervention. Pg.431 (2014 Jan) 4+6=10
6. Enumerate in brief the different types of screening methods. Write in brief the
approaches you would take for screening of oral cancer. Pg.150,416
(2015 July) 5+5=10
a) Cancer registry pg. 415 (2017 July)
b) Causes of blindness in India pg. 431 (2016 Jan)
c) Risk factors for Diabetes pg. 423 (2015 July)
d) Modifiable risk factors of coronary heart disease pg. 398 (2012 July)
e) Environmental risk factor of Diabetes pg. 423 (2012 Jan)
f) Risk factors for coronary heart disease pg. 398 (2011 July)

1. Describe how the secondary level of prevention is applied in control of Leprosy as per
the guidelines of NLEP in India. Pg.454 (2016 Jan) 10
2. Describe in brief the epidemiology of tuberculosis in India. Discuss in brief the
strategies/initiative under RNTCP for prevention and Control of Tuberculosis. (also
ch5-I) pg.189,457 (2015 July) 5+5=10
3. What is mental health? How it affects the physical health? Write briefly the National
Mental Health Programmed. (also ch19) pg.892,512 (2014 July) 2+3+5=10
4. Write in short epidemiology of tuberculosis in India. Write in brief the strategy of
RNTCP in your state. (also ch5-I) pg. 189, 457 (2012 Jan) 4+6=10
a) Mission Indra Dhanush pg.477 (2018 Jan)
b) Syndromes under IDSP Surveillance pg.514 (2014 July)
c) IDSP pg.513 (2012 Jan)

a) Millennium development goals pg.11,28,38,521 (2012 July)
1. Enumerate different methods of Family planning. Discuss briefly the merits and
demerits of IUCD. Pg.545,548 (2012 Jan) 4+6=10
2. Describe the factors that are responsible for increase of population in our country.
Pg.532,541 (2010 July) 7
a) No scalpel vasectomy pg.560 (2018 Jan)
b) Net reproduction rate and its significance. Pg.540 (2017 July)
c) IUCD. Pg.546 (2017 Jan)
d) Demographic cycle pg.530 (2016 July)
e) Emergency contraceptive pg.552 (2016 Jan)
f) Total Fertility Rate (TFR) pg.540 (2015 July)
g) Contraindication of OCP pg.554 (2015 Jan)
h) Cafeteria choice of Family planning pg.545 (2014 July)
i) Demographic cycle pg.530 (2014 Jan)
j) Post-coital contraception pg.552 (2014 Jan)
k) Target couples pg.544 (2013 July)
l) Demographic cycles pg.530 (2013 Jan)
m) Conventional contraceptives pg.545 (2011 July)
n) Demographic cycle pg.530 (2011 Jan)
o) Age at marriage in the control of population pg.538 (2016 Jan)

1. What are the main objectives of ante-natal care? Which ante-natal women belong to
high risk group. Pg.575,578 (2013 July) 5+5=10
2. Infant mortality is persistently high in a block. Enumerate the likely causes/associated
factors. Identify and briefly describe the measures to be adopted for reducing infant
mortality in that area. pg.624 (2016 Jan) 4+6=10
3. Enumerate the common cause of Maternal Mortality in India. Write in brief the measure
taken to reduce MMR under National Health Mission (Previously NRHM). Pg.615,485
(2015 July) 3+7=10
4. What is the full name of ICDS? Detail the services delivered to the beneficiaries in the
programmed. Pg.647 (2014 Jan) 1+9=10
5. What is an “Infant”? state the causes of Infant mortality in India. What measure the
Government of India has taken to reduce the “Infant mortality Rate”? pg.622
(2013 Jan) 2+3+10=15
6. a) State the important causes of maternal mortality in India.
b) Outline the major intervention services to reduce maternal mortality. Pg.615
(2012 July) 10
7. Enumerate the important causes of maternal mortality in India. Write in short the
different intervention taken in your state to reduce maternal mortality. Pg.615
(2012 Jan) 4+6=10
8. Enumerate the important causes of Infant Mortality. Write in brief the different
intervention implemented in your state to reduce infant mortality. pg.622
(2011 July) 4+6=10
9. Write down the prevention services for mothers in antenatal care on the first and
subsequent visits. pg.576 (2011 Jan) 11
10. Define “Positive Health”. Write the different indicators of health of community. What
measures the Government of India has taken to reduce the under-five mortality in India?
(also ch2) Pg. 16, 24, 630 (2010 July) 2+8+5=15
11. a) Write briefly on the different nutritional programs for the pre-school children. 5
b) State the functions and the organizational structure of the I.C.D.S. program.
(2012 July) 5+5=10

a) Growth monitoring pg.600 (2016 July)
b) Psychological problems of the aged people. pg.651 (2015 Jan)
c) Instructions on Warming signs during the prenatal advice pg.579 (2014 Jan)
d) Exercise for healthy ageing pg.651 (2014 Jan)
e) Geriatric Care pg.650 (2013 Jan)
f) New born care pg.584 (2012 July)
g) Juvenile delinquency pg.639 (2012 Jan)
h) Personal Hygiene (also ch12) pg.579,743 (2015 July)
i) IMNCI pg.497,631 (2010 July)

1. Enumerate four major nutritional problems of our country. How would you assess the
nutritional status of an under-five child? pg.695 (2017 July) 2+8=10
2. Defined micronutrients. Described the clinical signs of deficiency diseases of Vitamin
A, Iodine, Iron and zinc. Write in brief the prevention and control of vitamin A
deficiency. pg.666,672 (2017 Jan) 2+4+4=10
3. Enumerate the common nutritional health problems among children less than 5 years of
age. What are your approaches for nutritional assessment of <5 children in the
community? Pg.695,704,719 (2015 July) 4+6=10
4. Enumerate the important Community Nutrition Programmes in India. Discuss briefly
the aetiology and preventive measures of Protein Energy Malnutrition (PEM) in
children. Pg.716,695 (2011 July) 3+3+4=10
5. What are “Food-toxins”? How it differs from “Food-poisoning”? Write the different
steps of investigation of a food poisoning. (also ch5-II) pg.713,261
(2010 July) 2+3+10=15
6. Name the different methods used for nutrition assessment. Describe a method suitable
for assessment <5 years children. Pg.704,719 (2013 July) 4+6=10
a) Mid day meal programme pg.718 (2018 Jan)
b) Food fortification pg.715 (2015 Jan)
c) Food toxin and Food poisoning (also ch5-II) pg.713, 261 (2014 July)
d) Prevention of nutritional anemia pg.698 (2012 Jan)

1. Define family. Describe the function of the family. Pg.738,740 (2015 Jan) 2+8=10
2. Define family. Describe the different types of families. Write a note on “function of
family.” Pg.738,739,740 (2014 Jan) 1+4+5=10
3. What is Family? Mention the different types of families. Write briefly the function of
the family. Pg.738,739,740 (2011 July) 2+3+5=10
4. Define “Social security”. Briefly discuss any one of the social security schemes in our
country. Pg.758 (2017 July) 2+8=10
5. What is culture? Discuss the cultural factors in maternal and child health. pg.728,743
(2016 July) 2+8=10
6. Write on prevention of drug addiction. pg.753,900 (2015 Jan) 10
7. What is community? Write briefly the different health care services available for the
community in India. (also ch23) pg.727,958 (2013 Jan) 3+12=15
a) Family cycle pg.738 (2017 July)
b) Personal Hygiene (also ch10) pg.579,743 (2015 July)
c) Social security Pg.758 (2016 July)
1. What are the sources of air pollution? Discuss the health effects of air pollution.
Pg.793,797 (2018 Jan) 5+5=10
2. Name some important chemical pollutants of water. Enumerate the clinical
manifestations of Aresenicosis and its preventive measures. Pg.782
(2017 July) 3+5+2=10
3. Write in brief about the common water borne diseases in India. What are the various
actions/schemes taken by government for prevention of water borne diseases in the
country? Pg.770,771 (2015 July) 5+5=10
4. Write on disinfection of wells. Pg.777 (2015 Jan) 10
5. What is sanitation barrier? Describe a cheap sanitary latrine. Pg.816,817
(2013 July) 3+7=10
6. Classify the water related disease. Describe briefly the measure of preventing disease
spread by the faeco-oral route. Pg.770 (2012 July) 5+10=15
7. Mention the effects of noise exposure. Write in brief the control measure of noise
pollution. Pg.802,803 (2012 Jan) 3+7=10
8. Enumerate the Health Hazards of improper disposal of Human Excreta. Describe in brief
the suitable methods of excreta disposal for a small rural family. Pg.816
(2011 July) 3+7=10
9. Write on Base exchange process in removal of permanent hardness of water. Describe
the type of communication Health Education. Pg.787,919 (2011 Jan) 5+10=15
10. What are the health hazards of improper disposal of solid waste? Discuss briefly the
different methods of solid waste disposal. Pg.813 (2016 July) 2+8=10
a) Air pollution and health hazards Pg.792 (2017 Jan)
b) Health hazards of noise pollution Pg.813 (2016 July)
c) Monitoring of air pollution Pg.796 (2016 Jan)
d) Water borne disease 3marks Pg.770 (2014 Jan)
e) Criteria for healthful housing Pg.810 (2011 Jan)
f) Mosquito Control measures Pg.832 (2011 July)

1. Define Bio-medical waste. Describe Bio medical waste categories and their segregation,
collection, treatment and disposal options according to BMW rules 2016 of government
of India. Pg.849,853 (2017 Jan) 2+8=10
2. What is meant by Bio-medical waste? Outline the health hazards of bio-medical waste.
Write down the principle of bio-medical waste management. Pg.849,850
(2016 Jan) 2+2+4=10
3. Describe the health hazards of health-care waste. Pg.850 (2014 Jan) 10
4. Mention the different environmental factors that affect health of a community. Elaborate
the various methods of disposal of hospital waste. (also ch2) Pg. 43, 850
(2010 July) 6+9=15
a) Health hazards of hospital waste Pg.850 (2018 Jan)
b) Biomedical waste management Pg.850 (2014 July)
c) Health hazards of hospital waste Pg.850 (2012 July)
d) Land disposal of hospital waste Pg.851 (2011 Jan)
e) Health Hazards of Health-Care Waste Pg.850 (2011 July)

1. Discuss disaster preparedness and emergency management of a flood situation in your
area. Pg.860 (2017 July) 5+5=10
2. Enumerate the common health problems faced during post-earthquake disaster and what
actions should be taken by the health team. Pg.861 (2015 July) 4+6=10
3. Define disaster. Write in brief the steps of preparedness for disaster. Pg.855,859
(2012 Jan) 2+8=10
4. What is “disaster”? write the different elements of disaster preparedness. Write the
different elements of disaster preparedness. Write briefly the roles of a doctor during a
natural disaster. Pg.855,859,857 (2010 July) 2+8+5=15
a) Disaster mitigation Pg.859 (2018 Jan)
b) Triage in mass casualties. Pg.857 (2017 Jan)
c) Personal protection during a flood Pg.860 (2015 Jan)
d) What to do after an earthquake 3marks Pg.861 (2014 Jan)
e) Management sequence of a sudden-onset disaster Pg.860 (2011 Jan)

a) Occupational hazards among agricultural workers pg.870 (2015 July)
b) Anthracnosis Pg.867 (2014 Jan)
c) Occupation hazards Pg.865 (2013 Jan)
d) Pneumoconiosis Pg.867 (2012 Jan)
e) Medical benefit under ESI Act pg.877 (2011 July)

a) Genetic counselling Pg.889 (2017 July)

1. What is mental health? How it affects the physical health? Write briefly the National
Mental Health Programmed. (also ch7) Pg.892,512 (2014 July) 2+3+5=10
2. Write down the warning signals of poor mental health. Pg.893 (2014 Jan) 10
3. Signs of poor mental health Pg.893 (2015 Jan) 5

1. What is sampling? What are the different sampling methods? Discuss two commonly
used sampling methods. Pg.912 (2018 Jan) 2+2+6=10
2. What is data? What are the methods of presenting simple statistical data? Pg.902
(2017 July) 2+8=10
3. What is meant by sampling? List and describe four types of probability (random)
sampling. Pg.912,913 (2016 Jan) 2+8=10
4. Write in brief on Health Management Information System (HMIS). Describe in brief
the different methods of graphical presentation of statistical data. Pg.902,907
(2015 July) 4+6=10
5. a) Enumerate the different sources of health information in India. 5
b) Describe the different measure of description. Pg.903 (2012 July) 10
6. Define sampling. Discuss the different methods of sampling used in health sector.
Pg.912,913 (2012 Jan) 2+8=10
7. Enumerate the source of Health information. Describe briefly the methods of
presentation of statistical data. Pg.903,907 (2011 July) 4+6=10
8. Write on uses of Health information and a note on Bar Charts. Pg.902,907
(2011 Jan) 6+9=15
9. Write the different methods of presentation of data Pg.907 (2010 July) 8
a) Bar diagram 3m Pg.907 (2013 July)
b) Central tendency Pg.910 (2010 July)
c) Bar Charts Pg.907 (2015 Jan)
d) Measures of central tendency Pg.910 (2014 July)
e) The Mean Pg.910 (2014 Jan)
f) Measures of central tendency Pg.910 (2013 Jan)
g) Sampling methods for survey Pg.913 (2016 Jan)

1. What are the components of communication process? Discuss the role of mass media in
health communication. Pg.917,918 (2018 Jan) 5+5=10
2. Defined health education. What are the different objectives of health education?
Described the appropriate approach for educating the General public in an epidemic.
Pg.920 (2017 Jan) 2+3+5=10
3. Describe the component of communication process. Mention the barriers of
communication. Pg.917,919 (2016 Jan) 6+4=10
4. What do you mean by Health Education? Write the different methods of Health
Education. Pg.920 (2014 July) 3+7=10
a) Group discussion Pg.927 (2017 July)
b) Mass media Pg.918 (2016 July)
c) Group discussion Pg.927 (2015 Jan)
d) Barriers of communication 4marks Pg.919 (2014 Jan)
e) Group discussion Pg.927 (2013 Jan)
f) Barrier of communication Pg.919 (2012 Jan)
g) Group discussion Pg.927 (2011 July)
h) Health Education (2013 Jan)

a) Bhore committee Pg.937 (2018 Jan)
b) Planning Cycle Pg.932 (2012 July)
c) Steps of planning cycle Pg.932 (2016 Jan)
d) Cost benefit and cost-effective analysis Pg.934 (2016 Jan)
e) PERT And CMP Pg.935 (2016 Jan)
1. Define Primary Health Care. Write the principles and elements of Primary Health Care.
Pg.951 (2014 July) 2+3+5=10
2. What is “Primary Health Care”? write briefly the different environmental factor
affecting health and causing disease. (also ch2) Pg.951,43 (2013 Jan) 3+12=15
3. What is Primary Health Care? How many people are severed by a primary health center
and subcenter? Write down the function of primary health center. Pg.951,963,960,964
(2018 Jan) 2+2+6=10
4. Discuss the 3-tier system of health care delivery in your state. Discuss the Community
participation in health care delivery system with examples. Pg.950,952
(2017 July) 4+6=10
5. Enumerate the principles of primary health care. Describe the role and functions of
ASHA in delivery of primary health care at the village level. Pg.951,959
(2016 Jan) 2+8=10
6. Define primary health care. Describe in brief the organizational structure of health care
system in rural India. Pg.951,958 (2015 July) 4+6=10
7. Describe the function of ASHA. Pg.959 (2015 Jan) 10
8. Write the Health Organization from the grassroot level to the center. Enumerate the
function of PHC. Pg.958,964 (2014 July) 5+5=10
9. What is a primary health center? Describe its functions in brief. Pg.963,964
(2013 July) 3+7=10
10. Write a note on sub-center level care. Pg.960 (2014 Jan) 10
11. What is community? Write briefly the different health care services available for the
community in India. (also ch12) pg.727,958 (2013 Jan) 3+12=15
12. Define primary health care. Write in brief the function of primary health center.
Pg.951,964 (2012 Jan) 3+7=10
13. What are the different levels of health care in India? Write down the functions of
Primary Health Center. Pg.958,964 (2011 July) 4+6=10
a) Community health center Pg.967 (2012 July)
b) Accredited Social Health Activist (ASHA) Pg.959 (2011 July)

a) WHO Pg.982 (2010 July)
b) UNICEF Pg.985 (2017 July)
c) WHO Pg.982 (2014 July)
d) Health literature and information provided by WHO Pg.984 (2014 Jan)
e) Structure of W.H.O. Pg.984 (2012 July)
f) World Health Organization (W.H.O) Pg.982 (2012 Jan)
g) United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) Pg.985 (2011 July)

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