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Concordia Green Space Initiative- CGSI

Date: 06/04/2024

Chair: Sean Vinh

Secretary: Victoria McHugh
Participants: Sean Vinh, Victoria McHugh
Regrets: Did not talk long enough about some topics.

Decision items:
1. The Context of the Innovation Project was discussed in detail during the tutorial. The
W questions (Who? What? Why? etc) were answered.

Discussion items:
1. We discussed the different types of energy fueling the project’s operation period.
Options such as solar and kinetic energy sources were brought up.
2. APOS was discussed regarding the presentation elements.

Next meeting agenda*:

1. Budget
2. Work schedule
Date: 06/11/2024

Chair: Victoria McHugh

Secretary: Sean Vinh
Participants: Sean Vinh, Victoria McHugh
Regrets: N/A

Decision items:
1. Written report sections are split evenly among the group members.
2. A timeline of the work schedule was established for members.

Discussion items:
1. Important parts of the written portion were established.
2. Presentation elements were added.

Next meeting agenda*:

1. Check-in on innovative project report progress.
Date: 06/13/2024

Chair: Sean Vinh

Secretary: Victoria McHugh
Participants: Sean Vinh, Victoria McHugh
Regrets: N/A

Decision items:
1. Re-established timeline for completing Innovative Project Report and PPT.
2. Energy sources were finally decided for project operation.

Discussion items:
1. Ideas were proposed for the additional aesthetic choices for the report and PPT.

Next meeting agenda*:

1. Finish Innovative Project PPT
Date: 06/16/2024

Chair: Victoria McHugh

Secretary: Sean Vinh
Participants: Sean Vinh, Victoria McHugh
Regrets: N/A

Decision items:
1. Innovative Project Report completed and submitted.
2. Completion of Innovative Project PPT to be done by the end of the day.

Discussion items:
1. Discussed the necessary steps to be organized for the presentation.

Next meeting agenda*:

1. N/A

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