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(Under the AEGIS of DPS Educational Trust)

Summer Assignment

Class 8
Dear Parents,

The long awaited summer vacation is here, bringing with it the gift of togetherness that is spent
in exploring books, story telling and playing games. These days are precious and invaluable
standing out as the most memorable days of childhood. We should always remind ourselves
that children will not remember us for the gifts we shower upon them but will always cherish
the time you spent with your little ones. It's time to nurture young minds, inculcate moral
values and narrate family anecdotes to keep them in touch with their roots.

Few reminders for the students

 Meditate and do simple yoga exercises.

 Learn to dress yourself, button yours shirts and tie your shoe laces on your own.
 Water the plants and feed the birds.
 Join your grandparents and parents for their morning walk.
 Give away toys and clothes that you do not need.
 Don't watch too much of television & mobile.
 Summer Break:

Summer holidays are actually considered to be a break from studies. This is the time for fun and
learning both. We have designed our holiday which is meaningful and creative.....


1. Explain the process of seed germination and its importance in crop production.

2. What are the different methods of irrigation? Compare and contrast their advantages and

3. Describe the various practices involved in crop protection from pests and diseases.

4. Differentiate between metals and non-metals based on their physical properties.

5. Explain the process of extraction of metals from their ores with suitable examples.
6. How do metals react with acids? Provide examples and explain the general trend observed in their

7. Define force and pressure. How are they related? Provide examples to illustrate the concept.


1. Write counting numbers from 50 to 100 and circle the prime number.

2. Find square of the number from 1 to 100.

3. Write the cube of the number from 1 to 20.

4. Find the square of the following numbers by diagonal method: -

(a) 525 (b) 225

5. Find square of the following by column method: -

(a) 52 (b) 75

6. Find no of factors of the following numbers by prime factorisation


(a) 1125 (b) 1800

7. Write the following formula five times and remember:-

(a+b)2 = a2+b2+2ab

(a-b)2 = a2+b2-2ab

a2+b2 = (a+b)2-2ab

a2+b2 = (a-b)2+2ab
(a+b)3 = a3+3a2b+3ab2+b3
a3+b3=(a+b) (a2+b2-ab)
8. Draw the figure of the following and write the formula of area and
perimeter: -

(a) Square (b) Rectangle

(c) Equilateral Triangle (d) Triangle

9. Draw the figure of the following and write the formula to find TSA, LSA
and Volume:-

(a) Cube (b) cuboid (c) cylinder (d) cone (e) sphere


Q1. What were the answers to the kings three questions?

Q2 Who was Mrs Spence? How did she react to the events happening around her?

Q3 Why was Ajay angry with the robot in the beginning?

Q4 What is important these days ( communication) and why?

Q5 Describe the bond between the kettle and the tinker.

Q6 How was the attitude of the tinker different from that of the people at the temple?

Q7 Communication breakdown is a huge challenge as expressed by the speaker. What do you think we
can do as a society to heal this breakdown?

Q8 Write an article on environmental awareness.

Q9 Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper mentioning the condition of roads at Tajpur, Samastipur.

Q10 What are conjunctions? What are the different types of conjunctions?

Computer and General knowledge

A. Answer the following question and remember.

1. Write Advantages of computer.

2. Explain all types of network with diagram.

3. Explain all network components of computer with diagram.

4. Explain network architecture with diagram.

5. Explain all types of network topology with diagram.

6. Explain network security.

7.Explain DBMS in details.

B. Project works.

1. Make a project on project paper to create query using query wizard with steps and
diagram.(Page no. 48-49)

2. Make a project on project paper to create a report using report command.(page no. 58-59)

Social Science

How, When and Where

1. Why do we call history our Past?

2. Why do we divide history into periods?

3. What did James Mill think about the Asian Societies?

From Trade to Territory

1. What attracted European trading companies to India?

2. Explain the system of Subsidiary alliance?

3. How were the regional kingdoms set up after Aurangzeb's death?

The Indian Constitution

1. Why does a democratic country need a Constitution?

2. When did the Constituent Assembly draft the Constitution for Independent India?


1. Why are resources distributed unequally over the earth?

2. What is resource conservation?

3. Why are human resources important?

The Indian Constitution

Activity: 1- Designing Preamble

Design a preamble for your school abiding to all the rights and duties of all the students in
school. You can also take hint from preamble of 'Constitution of India'

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