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1. Pre-Class Preparation

● Watch the Video: Make sure you have watched the video "9 Mental Triggers of
Marketing and Influence" by Alina Bonn. Take notes on the key points and mental
triggers mentioned.
● Prepare Vocabulary List: Identify new or difficult words that might appear in the
video and prepare a list with definitions and example sentences.
● Prepare Questions: Create a set of comprehension and discussion questions based
on the video content.

2. Class Structure

● Introduction (10 minutes)

○ Greet the student and ask about their day.
○ Briefly introduce the topic of the class: marketing and influence.
○ Explain that you will be watching a YouTube video and discussing it.
● Pre-Watching Activity (15 minutes)
○ Vocabulary Review: Introduce the vocabulary list. Go through each word
with definitions and example sentences.
○ Predictive Questions: Ask the student what they know about marketing and
influence. What strategies do they think marketers use to influence people?
● Watching the Video (15 minutes)
○ Watch the video together. You can pause at key points to explain difficult
concepts or ensure comprehension.
● Post-Watching Activities (30 minutes)
○ Comprehension Check: Ask the student to summarize the video. Use the
comprehension questions to check their understanding.
○ Discussion Questions: Use the discussion questions to have a deeper
conversation about the content. Encourage the student to express their
opinions and relate the content to their own experiences.
● Role-Play Activity (20 minutes)
○ Scenario Creation: Create a role-play scenario where the student is a
marketer trying to sell a product using the mental triggers discussed in the
○ Practice: Act out the scenario, switching roles if time permits.
● Wrap-Up (10 minutes)
○ Review the key points discussed during the class.
○ Answer any remaining questions the student might have.
○ Assign a short homework task: for example, write a paragraph about how
they might use one of the mental triggers in their own life or work.

3. Materials

● Vocabulary List
○ Influence: the capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or
behavior of someone or something.
○ Trigger: something that causes something else to happen.
○ Scarcity: the state of being in short supply; shortage.
○ Authority: the power to influence others, especially because of one's
commanding manner or recognized knowledge.
○ Social Proof: the influence that the actions and attitudes of the people around
us have on our own behavior.
○ Reciprocity: the practice of exchanging things with others for mutual benefit.
○ Consistency: the quality of always behaving in the same way or of having the
same opinions, standard, etc.
○ Liking: the state of being fond of someone or something.
○ Commitment: the state or quality of being dedicated to a cause, activity, etc.
● Comprehension Questions
○ What are the 9 mental triggers mentioned in the video?
○ Can you explain the concept of "scarcity" and give an example?
○ How does "authority" influence people's decisions?
○ What is "social proof" and why is it effective?
● Discussion Questions
○ Which mental trigger do you think is the most powerful? Why?
○ Can you think of a time when you were influenced by one of these triggers?
○ How do you think marketers use these triggers in advertisements?

Example Discussion Questions

1. General Discussion
○ Have you ever bought something because it was scarce or on sale?
○ Do you think social proof, like customer reviews, influences your buying
○ How important is it for a brand to have authority or be well-known?
2. Personal Experience
○ Can you give an example of when you noticed a marketing strategy
influencing you?
○ How do you feel about marketing tactics that use emotions to persuade
3. Role-Play Scenarios
○ Imagine you are a marketer for a new health drink. How would you use
scarcity to market this product?
○ You are promoting a new online course. How would you use social proof to
convince potential students to enroll?

This structure will provide a comprehensive and engaging conversational class that not only
improves the student's listening and speaking skills but also expands their vocabulary and
understanding of marketing concepts.

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