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Excel Practical Exercise

Table: Employee Performance Data

Performance Contact
Employee ID Name Department Position Hire Date Salary Score Bonus Email Number Manager
2021-01- (555) 123-
1001 Alice Smith Sales Sales Exec 15 55000 85 5000 4567 Bob Johnson
2019-05- (555) 234-
1002 Bob Brown IT Developer 23 65000 90 6000 5678 Charlie King
Charlie 2018-07- (555) 345-
1003 King HR HR Manager 10 70000 88 7000 6789 Donna Queen
2020-03- (555) 456-
1004 Dana White Marketing Marketer 17 58000 82 5500 7890 Eva Turner
2022-11- (555) 567-
1005 Eve Turner Finance Analyst 11 60000 89 6000 8901 Fred Thompson
2020-01- (555) 678-
1006 Frank Miller Sales Sales Exec 09 57000 87 5500 9012 Bob Johnson
2021-06- (555) 789-
1007 Grace Lee IT Developer 21 62000 92 6000 0123 Charlie King
2023-02- (555) 890-
1008 Hank Green HR HR Assistant 27 52000 80 4000 1234 Charlie King


1. Cell Formatting:

 Apply bold formatting to the headers of the table.

 Change the font color of the "Performance Score" column to green.
 Adjust the width of the "Email" column to fit the longest email address.
 Center align the "Employee ID" and "Contact Number" columns.

2. Number Formatting:

 Format the "Salary" and "Bonus" columns to display currency with zero decimal places.
 Format the "Hire Date" column to display the date in the format DD-MMM-YYYY.
 Add a percentage format to the "Performance Score" column, showing no decimal places.

3. Text Formatting:

 Use the UPPER function to create a new column showing all names in uppercase.
 Use the LOWER function to create another new column showing all email addresses in lowercase.
 Combine "Name" and "Position" into a single column with the format "Name - Position" using the CONCATENATE function
(or CONCAT in newer versions).

4. Functions and Formulas:

 Use the SUM function to calculate the total salary expense.

 Use the AVERAGE function to find the average performance score.
 Use the MIN and MAX functions to find the lowest and highest bonuses.
 Use the COUNT function to count the number of employees.
 Use the COUNTA function to count the number of filled entries in the "Department" column.
 Use the COUNTIF function to count the number of employees in the "Sales" department.
 Use the SUMIF function to calculate the total bonus for the "IT" department.
 Use the VLOOKUP function to find the "Salary" of the employee with ID 1005.
 Insert the current date using the NOW function.

5. Formulas and Arithmetic Operators:

 Calculate the annual cost per employee by adding the "Salary" and "Bonus" for each employee.
 Calculate a 10% increase in salary for each employee and display the new salary in a new column.
 Calculate the total compensation (Salary + Bonus) for each employee and display it in a new column.
 Use a formula to calculate the number of years each employee has been with the company based on the "Hire Date" and
the current date.
 Calculate the average annual performance score by dividing the "Performance Score" by the number of years with the
company and display it in a new column.

6. Combining Functions and Formulas:

 Use IF and AND functions to create a new column that indicates if an employee is eligible for a promotion. An employee is
eligible if their performance score is above 85 and they have been with the company for more than 3 years.
 Use the CONCATENATE function to combine "Name" and "Manager" into a single column with the format "Name
 Use the TEXT function to format the total compensation column to include a dollar sign and comma separators for
 Use the LEFT, RIGHT, and LEN functions to extract and display the domain of each email address (e.g., for, display "").

7. Charts:

 Create a pie chart to display the distribution of employees across different departments.
 Format the chart to include a legend and data labels showing percentages.

8. Goal Seek:

 Use Goal Seek to find the required "Performance Score" for "Frank Miller" to achieve a bonus of $6000.

9. Scenario Manager:

 Create a scenario where all salaries are increased by 5%. Analyze the impact on the total salary expense.

10. Conditional Formatting:

 Apply conditional formatting to highlight cells in the "Performance Score" column that are below 85.
 Apply a color scale conditional formatting to the "Salary" column.

11. Pivot Table:

 Create a pivot table to summarize the total bonus by department and by manager.
 Format the pivot table to highlight the highest total bonus value.

Steps to Complete the Exercise:

1. Setting Up the Table:

 Enter the provided data into an Excel worksheet.

 Follow the instructions for cell, number, and text formatting.

2. Applying Functions and Formulas:

 Use the appropriate Excel functions and formulas to perform calculations and analysis.

3. Creating and Formatting Charts:

 Insert and format the required pie chart.

4. Using Goal Seek:

 Apply Goal Seek to determine the necessary "Performance Score" for the given condition.

5. Using Scenario Manager:

 Create and analyze the scenario as described.

6. Applying Conditional Formatting:

 Use conditional formatting rules to highlight cells based on the given criteria.

7. Creating Pivot Tables:

 Summarize the data using pivot tables and apply necessary formatting.

This updated exercise covers a wide range of Excel functionalities and provides a comprehensive practice opportunity for
using various Excel features effectively, including the use of formulas, arithmetic operators, and combining functions.

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