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Project Title: Development of Backend System for Painting Services Platform

Client: [Client's Name]

Date: 4th July, 2024

Project Overview

We are excited to propose the development of a comprehensive backend system for the Painting
Services Platform. Our primary reference for this project is the front-end design located at
Dreamy Cartwright and the functionality modeled after HomeAdvisor. The project will primarily
be implemented on WordPress, with supplementary technologies utilized as necessary for
specific functionalities.


Our main objectives are to implement user authentication for both painting companies and
visitors, create a company portal for painting companies to update their information, and design a
subscription model with both free and paid versions. The free version will provide all access
except for lead acquisition, while the paid version will allow direct lead delivery to the company.
Additionally, we will develop a notification system to inform the WordPress administrator of
leads for non-paid companies and automate lead delivery for paid companies. A robust search
functionality will be implemented to allow visitors to find nearby painting services based on
postal code, and a rating system will be created for visitors and service purchasers to rate
painting companies.

Implementation Plan

1. To achieve these objectives, we will start by setting up the project and initial
2. User authentication will be implemented using WordPress plugins for secure registration
and login, with custom code added if required.
3. The company portal will be developed using a custom WordPress dashboard, ensuring
that updates made by companies are reflected in real-time on the visitor interface.
4. WooCommerce will be integrated for handling subscription packages, with custom logic
to differentiate between the free and paid versions.

5. For lead management, we will create a notification system for the WordPress admin and
automate lead distribution for paid subscribers using custom scripts.
6. The search functionality will be implemented using WordPress search plugins or custom
code, ensuring accurate and fast search results based on postal code.
7. The rating system will be developed using rating plugins or custom functionalities,
ensuring that ratings can only be submitted by verified service purchasers.

Technology Stack

 The primary platform for this project will be WordPress, utilizing plugins such as
WooCommerce, user registration/login plugins, and search and rating plugins.
 The database will be managed using MySQL, and additional technologies will be
employed as necessary through a subdomain for functionalities that cannot be
implemented on WordPress.

Project Timeline

The project timeline is approximately 10-12 days.

Additional Services

Any additional services or features outside the initial requirements will incur extra charges.
These services will be discussed and quoted separately.

We are committed to delivering a high-quality backend system for the Painting Services
Platform within the stipulated timeline of 10-12 days. We look forward to the opportunity to
work with you on this project and provide a seamless and efficient solution.

Best Regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Position]

[Your Contact Information]

[Your Company Name]

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