WCD-Unit 5

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Unit 5

User Interaction

What is a Discussion Forum?

A discussion forum is an online platform that enables people to engage in ongoing

conversations and share information about a particular topic or theme.

Forums help companies connect with customers, gather feedback, and establish a
sense of community, and they are also an opportunity for users to connect with
like-minded people and participate in a shared experience.

Discussion Forum Principles

1. Respect: All participants are expected to treat each other with respect and
dignity. This means refraining from personal attacks, insults, or any form of
offensive behavior.
2. Diversity of opinions: Discussion forums encourage the expression of
diverse opinions and perspectives. Participants are encouraged to share their
own viewpoints while also being open to listening to and considering
different ideas and opinions from others.
3. Active participation: For a discussion forum to thrive, active participation
from all members is crucial. This involves contributing to the discussions,
sharing relevant information or experiences, and responding to others'
comments in a constructive manner.
4. Constructive criticism: Participants should feel comfortable providing
constructive criticism when discussing a topic. This involves pointing out
flaws or suggesting improvements while maintaining a positive and
constructive tone.
5. Stay on topic: Discussion forums have specific topics or themes, and it is
important to stay focused on these subjects. Participants should avoid going
off-topic or engaging in unrelated discussions that detract from the main
purpose of the forum.
6. Cite sources and provide evidence: When making claims or presenting
information, it is beneficial to back them up with reliable sources or
evidence. This helps to establish credibility and encourages informed
7. Privacy and confidentiality: Participants should respect the privacy and
confidentiality of others. It is important to avoid sharing personal
information or private conversations without explicit consent.
8. Moderation and rules enforcement: Discussion forums are typically
moderated to maintain a safe and respectful environment. Moderators
enforce the established rules and guidelines, ensuring that participants
adhere to these principles and promoting healthy discussions.

Types of discussion forums

Public vs. private forums:

 Public discussion forums are open to anyone who wants to participate and
are a great way to foster community and engage in open dialogue. However,
they can also act as a breeding ground for trolls and harassment, making it
more challenging to moderate and foster productive conversations.

 Private discussion forums, on the other hand, offer a controlled environment

where members can engage in more intimate and focused conversations.
While private forums may not reach as wide of an audience, they are a
valuable tool for building strong relationships and fostering deeper
connections within a community.

Specific forums vs. general interest forums:

 General interest forums can be useful for casting a wider net and reaching a
broad audience, while specific forums can be a more targeted approach for
reaching specific demographics or communities.

 General interest forums are a place for people to connect organically about
their shared interests and users don’t appreciate overly corporate input.
However, general interest forums are a great place to gather enormous
amounts of data and insight from customers.
 Specific forum can include sharing industry insights, answering questions,
hosting discussions, and creating opportunities for networking and

Social media forums vs. standalone forums:

 Many companies build communities on social media and even create smaller
discussion groups within those platforms. Doing so can be the easiest way to
start a customer community. However, there are significant pitfalls to using
social media as your main tool in community building, such as lack of
ownership over your data and limited customization capabilities.

 Standalone discussion forums, on the other hand, offer a more focused and
engaged community for businesses to participate in. They can also offer
more control over the conversation and the ability to moderate the content.
However, it might take longer to grow your member base and requires a
more targeted approach to reach potential customers.

Choosing a discussion forum platform

 Features and functionality: Look for features such as user registration,

moderation tools, and search functionality, the ability to create sub-forums,
multi-linguality, and more.

 Customization: Consider the level of customization the platform offers.

You probably want to tailor the forum to fit your branding, but some
platforms go beyond that and provide tools to customize the forum layout
and navigation too.

 Integration capabilities: Can your discussion forum platform easily

integrate with other platforms and software you use in your organization?
Powerful integrations simplify data management and ensure a seamless
experience for your team and your customers.

 Scalability and performance: Make sure the platform can handle the
amount of traffic you expect to receive and can scale as your community
grows. Discussion forums built on social media might perform well when
you start, but as your member base grows and are creating new posts each
day, you’ll need more advanced features that allow you to adjust forum
settings easily and provide a high-speed and reliable experience to your

 Security and privacy: Security and privacy are crucial when it comes to
discussion forums. Ensure the platform offers robust security features such
as two-factor authentication, SSL encryption, permissions, and protection
against spam and malware.

 Mobile responsivity: Since many users access discussion forums on a

mobile device, consider the design and user interface of the discussion
platform and whether it is optimized for mobile use.
 Cost: Consider the costs associated with the platform, such as licensing fees,
hosting fees, and maintenance costs.

 Ease of use: The platform should be easy to use and navigate for both
administrators and users. Building a discussion forum is not a one-time job.
You’ll need regular modifications as you grow your forum, so an easy-to-
use platform will make a big difference. Providing templates that simplify
building different spaces is also a plus sign for a forum software.

 Support: A strong user community and support network can be invaluable

when building a discussion forum. Look for a platform with an active
community and strong support resources, such as documentation,
onboarding, and tutorials.

Building a successful discussion forum

 Create clear community guidelines and policies: Guidelines and policies
help users understand what is expected of forum participants in terms of
behavior, language, and other important aspects of the forum's culture. It is
important to make the guidelines and policies clear, easy to understand, and
enforced consistently. You can also include a section that outlines
consequences for users who violate the guidelines and policies, such as
temporary or permanent bans from the forum.
 Encourage user participation: Users are more likely to participate in a
forum when they feel welcomed and valued, so it is important to create a
positive culture. You can achieve this by engaging with users, responding to
their comments and questions, and creating interesting and relevant topics
that encourage discussion and debate.
 Implement a notification system: Users are more likely to participate in a
forum if they receive notifications when new topics are posted or when
someone responds to their comments or questions. You can implement a
notification system using email, push notifications, or other methods that are
convenient for your users.
 Promote the forum through social media and other channels: Social media
platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn are great places to promote
your forum and encourage users to join. You can also promote your forum
through email newsletters, blog posts, and other marketing channels that
reach your target audience.
What is Content Management System?

Functions of Content Management System

Content Management System-Joomla
Content Management System -Drupal

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