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SESSION 1(17th Jan, 2024)

1. You will hear a tourist guide giving information about an old British house. Decide the
following statements are TRUE (T) or FALSE (F).
1. David is a tour guide.
2. The house became a National Museum in 1975.
3. George came from a farmer family.
4. George’s brother became a lawyer.
5. George died at the age of 62.

2. You will hear a tourist guide talking to a group of visistors. Decide the following statements are
1. The coach will be inside the Town Hall at 8 o’clock.
2. They will start their walkin g tour at 10.50.
3. Theywill visit a Royal Palace at 11.00.
4. Thae lunch at a Italian rrestaurant costs only 8.95 pounds.
5. The Aquarium has a lot of sea creatures.

You are going to read an article about a boxer. Six sentences have been removed from the article.
Choose fromthe sentences A-G the one which fits each gap (37-42). There is one extra sentence
which you do not need to use.
In defence of women’s boxing
Lucy O’Connor thinks that womens boxing is widely misunderstood
Womens boxing is a new addition to the list of sports included at the Olympic Games. But according
to Lucy O ’Connor, winner of various international competitions, it’s still widely misunderstood – a
situation that Lucy’s hoping to change. After graduating, Lucy took up boxing on the advice of a
sports coach, who thought it would improve her general fitness. But Lucy soon set her sights on
competitions and it wasn’t long before she was boxing at the National Championships, which she
eventually went on to win.
As a result of her success, Lucy was accepted on to what the navy calls its ‘elite sportsman’s
programme’. 37_________. Every day now starts with a run at 7 a.m., followed by a skill and
technique session or a strength and conditioning circuit. Come the afternoon, there are more aerobic
workouts, before Lucy gets into the ring and practises with other elite boxers.
As with all competitors, diet is a huge part of Lucy’s life. Since she first started boxing, she’s had to
shed twenty-eight kilos. Losing the last six, which took her into the flyweight category, required great
determination. 38_________. As she explains: ‘I don’t go out to party anymore. Thankfully, I’m
married to my boxing coach, so at least I’ve got some sort of social life!’ Lucy’s husband boxed as a
heavyweight himself and he’s in her corner for all her domestic competitions.
Lucy’s mum works as a buyer at a big department store, and Lucy has been testing out products for
the store’s sports division. Whilst preparing for a recent international championship, Lucy wore a new
titanium-based sports clothing range designed to improve circulation and aid recovery. 39_________.
But how does her family react to her taking part in competitions? ‘Mum tends to admire me boxing
from afar, but Dad just loves it!’
Lucy has clearly answered questions about safety concerns before and cites all the protective gear
boxers strap on before a fight such as hand bandages, head guards, gum shields and much more.
‘Amateur boxing is not dangerous,’ she says definitively. ‘It’s so safety-orientated and the rules are
so stringent it’s actually difficult to get hurt. We approach it more as a skill and point-scoring
exercise, rather than as a fight. 40_________. ’ Boxers win points by landing the white knuckle part
of their gloves on the opponent’s scoring area – essentially the upper body and head – cleanly and
with sufficient force. In five years of competitive boxing, Lucy’s suffered only a few bruises and a
broken thumb.
And in response to those who think it’s ‘inappropriate’ to see women boxing at the Olympics, Lucy is
quick to point out that women have been competing in martial arts such as taekwondo and judo for
years. 41_________.
Her biggest concern is that people confuse amateur boxing competitions with professional fights,
where the focus is more on aggression and hurting your opponents. ‘Female amateur boxing is about
showing skill, speed and stamina,’ she says.42_________. ‘I find it so satisfying to be changing
people’s opinion.’
A All that hard work certainly paid off and the competition itself brought out the best in Lucy.
В That’s because in order to reach that target, she had to totally rethink her lifestyle.
C Having access to this space-age training kit was certainly an advantage.
D If the sport was more in the public eye, then fewer people would make that mistake.
E Nobody complained about women taking part in those events when it was introduced.
F That’s why I’ve always regarded it as a thinking girl’s sport really.
G What this meant, in effect, was that she was able to train full-time.
Write your answers here:
37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42.

Read the following passage and do as required.
A. The need for a satisfactory education is more important than ever before. Nowadays,
without a qualification from a reputable school or university, the odds of landing that plum job
advertised in the paper are considerably shortened. Moreover, one’s present level of education could
fall well short of future career requirements.
B. It is no secret that competition is the driving force behind the need to obtain increasingly
higher qualifications. In the majority of cases, the urge to upgrade is no longer the result of an
insatiable thirst for knowledge. The pressure is coming from within the workplace to compete with
ever more qualified job applicants, and in many occupations one must now battle with colleagues in
the reshuffle for the position one already holds.
C. Striving to become better educated is hardly a new concept. Wealthy parents have always
been willing to spend the vast amount of extra money necessary to send their children to schools with
a perceived educational edge. Working adults have long attended night schools and refresher courses.
Competition for employment has been around since the curse of working for a living began. Is the
present situation so very different to that of the past?
D. The difference now is that the push is universal and from without as well as within. A
student at a comprehensive school receive low grades is no longer as easily accepted by his or her
peers as was once the case. Similarly, in the workplace, unless employees are engaged in part-time
study, they may be frowned upon by their employers and peers and have difficulty even standing still.
In fact, in these cases, the expectation is for careers to go backwards and earning capacity to take an
appreciable nosedive.
E. At first glance, the situation would seem to be laudable; a positive response to the
exhortations of politicians for us all to raise our intellectual standards and help improve the level of
intelligence within the community. Yet there are serious ramifications according to at least one
educational psychologist. Dr. Brenda Gatsby has caused some controversy in academic circles by
suggesting that a bias towards what he terms “paper excellence” might cause more problems than it is
supposed to solve. Gatsby raises a number of issues that affect the individual as well as society in
F. Firstly, he believes the extra workload involved in resulting I abnormally high stress levels
in both students at comprehensive schools and adults studying after working hours. Secondly, skills
which might be more relevant to the undertaking of a sought-after job are being overlooked by
employers not interviewing candidates without qualifications on paper. These two areas of concern
for the individual are causing physical as well as emotional stress.
Questions 1-5: Match the headings to the paragraphs in the passage. The first paragraph has
been done for you.
Eg: Paragraph A - iii
1. Paragraph B _____ 4. Paragraph E _______
2. Paragraph C _____ 5. Paragraph F _______
3. Paragraph D _____
i. The struggle for better education results in parents sending children to costlier schools
ii. Doubts as to whether competition is a modern phenomenon.
iii. The value of education in securing employment.
iv. Questions raised concerning the over-emphasis placed on paper qualifications.
v. Causes of concern for the individual
vi. Comprehensive school students no longer receive low grades.
vii. Competition in the workplace increasing the need for higher qualifications.
viii. Pressure to perform well at school and continue study while working.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Questions 6-10: Following is a summary of a part of the passage. Fill in the gaps with NO
Dr. Gatsby, an educational psychologist, has suggested that there are problems affecting the
individual and society when the workplace is biased towards hiring personnel only on the basis of
their (6) _________________________. He claims that an over-emphasis placed on (7)
_____________ is causing stress in students at school and in working adults studying part-time. Also,
more practical skills might be overlooked by employers hiring applicants for jobs. However, the most
(8) _________________________ consequence of this preference for ever more highly qualified
applicants, apart from a possible drop in university (9) _________________________ is that those
who are unable to afford a higher level of education are disadvantaged. (10) ___________________
have not met with universal acceptance.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Study the sentences carefully and decide whether each of them is DEPENDENT or in
INDEPENDENT clause. Be prepared to justify your choice.
1. The scientist conducted experiments to test her theories.
2. Although the movie received mixed reviews from critics.
3. In order to succeed in the challenging competition.
4. He cooked a delicious dinner for his family.
5. She studied diligently for the upcoming exam.
6. Since he had never visited that city before.
7. They laughed uncontrollably at the comedian's jokes.
8. The cat chased the playful mouse around the room.
9. While the students eagerly awaited their grades.
10. As she hurriedly packed her bags for the trip.
11. The children played joyfully in the park after school.
12. Whenever the temperature drops below freezing point.
13. The orchestra played a mesmerizing symphony at the concert.
14. While the storm raged outside their window.
15. The old oak tree provided shade for weary travelers.
16. As they waited patiently for the bus to arrive.
17. She painted a beautiful landscape on a canvas.
18. Because they missed the last train home.
19. The sun shines brightly in the clear blue sky.
20. Although he tried his best to solve the puzzle.
21. They explored the ancient ruins in search of treasure.
22. In order to understand the complex scientific concept.
23. The chef prepared a five-course meal for the guests.
24. Since the library was closed for renovations.
25. The waves crashed against the rocky shore with immense power.
Study the sentences carefully and decide whether each of them is SIMPLE, COMPOUND,
COMPLEX or COMPOUND-COMPLEX sentence. Be prepared to justify your choice.
26. Because the traffic was terrible, they arrived late to the party.
27. Even though it was cold outside, they decided to go for a walk.
28. He likes to play guitar, and she enjoys singing.
29. Although she was tired, she continued working on her project.
30. The movie was entertaining, yet the plot was confusing.
31. The sun shines brightly in the sky.
32. I wanted to go swimming, but it started raining heavily.
33. After dinner, they went for a walk in the park.
34. While he was studying, his phone rang, so he had to answer the call.
35. She reads books and paints portraits.
36. She laughed and clapped when she heard the joke.
37. Although he was tired, he went to the gym, and he had a productive workout.
38. Because they missed the bus, they walked to school, but they arrived late.
39. After the storm passed, the sky cleared up.
40. While Mary was cooking dinner, John set the table, and the kids played in the backyard.
41. The cat slept peacefully on the windowsill.
42. Soccer is his favorite sport to play and watch.
43. We could go to the museum, or we could visit the art gallery.
44. I enjoy hiking in the mountains because of the breathtaking views.
45. Although they practiced for hours, they didn't win the game.
46. While she was reading a book, her phone rang.
47. She decided to stay home because it was raining, but her friends went to the movies.
48. He didn't like vegetables; however, he loved fruits.
49. The children played at the park while their parents watched.
50. The party was a success, for everyone enjoyed themselves.
51. Since he missed the bus, he had to walk to school.
52. She decided to travel alone, so she could experience new adventures.
53. Dogs chase their tails for fun.
54. They went hiking, and they also brought some snacks.
55. Because it was raining, the picnic was canceled.
56. Jenny wanted to go shopping; her friend preferred to stay home.
57. He didn't like vegetables; however, he loved fruits.
58. Since he had studied hard, he felt confident about the test.
59. She wanted to go shopping; her friend preferred to stay home.
60. He didn't like vegetables; however, he loved fruits.
61. She didn't study for the exam, so she wasn't prepared.
62. The children played at the park while their parents watched.
63. She read a book and painted a portrait.
64. The cat slept peacefully on the windowsill.
65. After dinner, they went for a walk in the park.

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