cafe microproject

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" Cafe Management"

Submitted By

Debadwar Ritesh Auodumbar

Guided By

Prof. Wahi G.S











" Cafe Management"


Debadwar Ritesh Auodumbar


Prof. Wahi G.S

In Partial Fulfillment for the Award of the Diploma In





This is to Certified that the project entitled

“Cafe Management”

Being submitted by Mr. Debadwar Ritesh Auodumbar to State Board

Of Technical Education Mumbai as a partial fulfillment of award of Diploma in
COMPUTER ENGINEERING is record of Bonafide work carried out by his
under supervision and guidance of Prof. Wahi G.S The assigned project is
performed satisfactorily in the academic year 2023-24.

Prof. Wahi G.S Prof. Wahi G.S

Guide Head of Department
I take this opportunity to express my deep sense of gratitude to words
Java Programming course in charge of Prof. Wahi G.S who has been
a constant source of inspiration to us and without her valuable
guidance this work could not possible.
I am thankful to all faculty members of my Department also for their
guidance, support and encouragement for the accomplishment of our
micro-project. I would like to thankful to Prof. Wahi G.S HOD of
COMPUTER DEPARTMENT (Poly) for his valuable comments and
suggestion for me to improve my creativity regarding project work.
I also express my sincere thanks to my friends for their assistance and
comments for the betterment of this micro project.


1. Debadwar Ritesh Auodumbar

Sr. No Contents Page No.

1 1

2 2
Methodology Used

3 3
Function Used

4 4

5 8

6 9

7 10
Evaluation Sheet for the Micro Project
Academic Year: ___________________ Name of faculty:________________________
Course: ____________ Course Code: ________________ Semester: ____________
Title of Project: _____________________________________________________________
Course outcome:
A. Understand how to connect Java applications with MySQL databases using JDBC.
B. Learn to perform basic database operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete) from Java
C. Gain experience in building a simple console-based user interface with menu-driven
D. Develop skills in constructing and executing SQL queries for data manipulation and
E. Learn basic error handling techniques, improving application robustness.
Major Learning Outcomes achieved by doing the Project:
a. Practical Outcomes:
b. Unit Outcomes in Cognitive domain: _____________________________________
c. Outcomes in Affective Domain:
Comments / Suggestions about team work/ leadership/ internship/ inter-personal
communication (if any) ______________________________________________

Roll no Student name Marks out of 6 Marks out of 4 Total out

For performance in
in group 10

69 Ritesh
(Name & Signature of faculty)

Gramin Technical and management campus, Vishnupuri, Nanded

Department of Computer Engineering

Vision & Mission of Computer Engg. Department

VISION / दिव्यस्वप्न

The Department of Computer Engineering will be one of the National

leader, catering dynamic IT knowledge to serve society and the globe at
विद्यार्थीयांना माहिती व तंत्रज्ञान क्षेत्राचे काळानुरूप ज्ञान देउन संगणक अभियांत्रिकी

विभाग राष्ट्रीय नेतृत्वाचा एक भाग असेल.

MISSION / जीवित कार्य

Department of Computer Engineering will be role model for Computer

Engineers by:
1. Exposing the learners to latest tools and technologies in the field
of Computer, hardware and software.
१. संगणक हार्डवेअर व सॉफ्टवेअर क्षेत्रातील अद्यावत तंत्रज्ञान व साधने विध्यार्थीयांना


2. Providing fruitful learning environment, enhancing problem

solving skills amongst the learners, to make them successful.
२. विद्यार्थ्यांचा यशस्वीसाठी फलदायी शैक्षणिक वातावरण तयार करून

त्यांच्यामधील प्रश्न सोडवण्याचे कौशल्य विकसित करणे..

3. Support society by participating in and extending technological


३. समाजाला लागणाऱ्या संगणकीय तांत्रिक सेवा पुरवून समाजाचा आधार बनणे.

Program Educational Objectives

PEO1. Provide socially responsible, environment friendly solutions to

Computer engineering related broad-based problems adapting professional
PEO2. Adapt state-of-the-art Computer engineering broad-based technologies
to work in multi-disciplinary work environments.
PEO3. Solve broad-based problems individually and as a team member
communicating effectively in the world of work.

Gramin Technical and management campus, Vishnupuri, Nanded

Department of Computer Engineering

1. Basic and Discipline specific knowledge: Apply knowledge of basic
mathematics, science and engineering fundamentals and engineering specialization
to solve the engineering problems.
2. Problem analysis: Identify and analyze well-defined engineering problems using
codified standard methods.
3. Design/ development of solutions: Design solutions for well-defined technical
problems and assist with the design of systems components or processes to meet
specified needs.
4. Engineering Tools, Experimentation and Testing: Apply modern engineering
tools and appropriate technique to conduct standard tests and measurements.
5. Engineering practices for society, sustainability and environment: Apply
appropriate technology in context of society, sustainability, environment and
ethical practices.
6. Project Management: Use engineering management principles individually, as a
team member or a leader to manage projects and effectively communicate about
well-defined engineering activities.
7. Life-long learning: Ability to analyze individual needs and engage in updating in
the context of technological changes. 7. Life-long learning: Ability to analyze
individual needs and engage in updating in the context of technological changes.

 Introduction of project

Developing a graphical application for a Coffee Shop using VB.NET Provides an

initiative and efficient solution for managing various aspects of the shops
operations.levaraging the rich feature of VB.NET,developers can ceate a user-
friendly interface that streamlines tasks such as inventory management,sales
tracking and customer interactions.
At the heart of the apopliation lies the graphical user interface(GUI),which
serves as the primary interaction point between the user and the
software.VB.NET offers a wide range of controls and components that can be
utilized to design a visually appealing and functional interface.from buttons
and textboxes to datagridview and listboxs developers have the flexibility to
customize the layout and behaviour of each element to suit the specific
requirement of the Coffee Shop.

One of the key functionalities of the Coffee Shop application is inventory

management.through the GUI,users can easily add,remove and update
product information such as name,price,quantity,category.Advanced features
such as barcode scanning and image recognizition can also be incorporated to
expedite the process of cataloging products maintaining accurate inventory

Coffee shops have become a go-to destination for people who love coffee and
enjoy spending time in a cozy and relaxing atmosphere. With the increasing
popularity of coffee shops, there is a growing need for efficient and user-
friendly tools that can enhance the experience of coffee lovers. This is where
the coffee shop application comes in. The coffee shop application is a mobile
application that provides customers with an easy way to browse menus, place
orders, and make payments through their mobile devices. The app also offers
additional features such as loyalty programs, personalized recommendations,
and the ability to track order history. The aim of the coffee shop application is
to make the process of ordering coffee more convenient and enjoyable for
customers, while also helping coffee shops to increase their revenue and
customer engagement. In this age of technology, mobile applications have
become an integral part of our lives, and coffee shops are no exception. With
the coffee shop application, customers can order their favorite coffee from the
comfort of their homes or offices, and enjoy a hassle-free experience when
they arrive at the coffee shop. This not only saves time for customers, but also
helps coffee shops to streamline their operations and improve their customer
service. Overall, the coffee shop application is a powerful tool that can benefit
both customers and coffee shops. It provides a convenient and efficient way to
order coffee, while also helping coffee shops to attract and retain customers.
With the coffee shop application, coffee lovers can enjoy their favorite drink
with ease and convenience, wherever they are.

 Methodology used
 Requirements Gathering: Understand the client's needs and gather
requirements for the Coffee Management System. This involves
understanding functionalities such as managing inventory, sales,
customer data, etc.
 Planning: Create a project plan outlining tasks, timelines, resources,
and goals. Break down the project into smaller, manageable chunks
called user stories or features.

 Design: Design the architecture of the system, including database

design, user interface design, and system flow. Decide on the
technologies and frameworks to be used, considering VB.NET for the
front end and possibly a database system like SQL Server for the

 Implementation: Start coding the system according to the design.

Use VB.NET for frontend development to create forms, buttons,
menus, etc., and integrate backend functionalities for data processing
and storage.

 Testing: Perform unit testing to ensure individual components work

as expected. Also, conduct integration testing to ensure different
parts of the system work together seamlessly. Users might also be
involved in user acceptance testing (UAT) to validate that the system
meets their requirements.

 Deployment: Deploy the system to the production environment. This

might involve setting up servers, configuring databases, and ensuring
that everything is working correctly in the live environment.

 Maintenance and Support: Provide ongoing maintenance and

support for the system, addressing any issues that arise and
implementing new features or enhancements as needed.

 Function used:
 Order Management Functions:
o Adding new orders
o Updating existing orders
o Cancelling orders
o Viewing order history
o Calculating total sales for a given period

1. Menu Management Functions:

 Adding new menu items
 Updating existing menu items
 Deleting menu items
 Viewing the menu

2. Inventory Management Functions:

 Adding new inventory items (e.g., coffee beans, milk, sugar)
 Updating inventory quantities
 Notifying when inventory is low
 Generating inventory reports

3. Employee Management Functions:

 Adding new employees
 Updating employee information
 Managing employee roles and permissions
 Tracking employee hours

4. Customer Management Functions:

 Adding new customers
 Updating customer information
 Loyalty program management
 Customer feedback management

5. Table Management Functions:

 Assigning tables to customers
 Tracking table availability
 Generating table occupancy reports
6. Billing Functions:
 Generating bills for orders
 Accepting various payment methods
 Printing or emailing receipts

7. Reporting Functions:
 Sales reports
 Inventory reports
 Employee performance reports
 Customer feedback reports

8. Security Functions:
 User authentication and authorization
 Role-based access control
 Audit trails for tracking system usage

9. Integration Functions:
 Integration with payment gateways for online orders
 Integration with accounting software for financial management
 Integration with marketing tools for promotions and campaigns

These functions would typically be implemented as methods within

classes that represent different entities in the system, such as
OrderManager, MenuManager, InventoryManager, etc. Each method
would perform a specific task related to the management of that entity
within the café management system.

 Implementation

Public Class AddOrderForm

Private Sub btnAddOrder_Click(sender As Object, e As
EventArgs) Handles btnAddOrder.Click
' Get input from user
Dim itemName As String = txtItemName.Text
Dim quantity As Integer =
Dim pricePerItem As Decimal =

' Calculate total price

Dim totalPrice As Decimal = quantity * pricePerItem

' Display the order in the ListBox on Form2

Form2.lstOrders.Items.Add($"{itemName} - Quantity:
{quantity} - Total Price: {totalPrice:C}")

' Clear input fields


' Focus on the first input field

End Sub
End Class
[9:51 am, 18/04/2024] Vedant Joshi: Public Class
Private Sub ViewOrdersForm_Load(sender As Object, e As
EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
' Placeholder for loading orders from a database or file
End Sub
End Class

Module CafeManagementSystem
' Define a class to represent an order
Class Order
Public Property OrderNumber As Integer
Public Property ItemName As String
Public Property Quantity As Integer
Public Property TotalPrice As Decimal

' Constructor to initialize the order

Public Sub New(orderNumber As Integer, itemName As
String, quantity As Integer, totalPrice As Decimal)
Me.OrderNumber = orderNumber
Me.ItemName = itemName
Me.Quantity = quantity
Me.TotalPrice = totalPrice
End Sub
End Class

Sub Main(args As String())

' Create an empty list to store orders
Dim orders As New List(Of Order)()

' Sample data for orders

orders.Add(New Order(1, "Coffee", 2, 5.0))
orders.Add(New Order(2, "Sandwich", 1, 7.5))
orders.Add(New Order(3, "Cake", 3, 15.0))

' Display the orders

Console.WriteLine("Order Number | Item Name | Quantity
| Total Price")
For Each order In orders
Console.WriteLine($"{order.OrderNumber,-13} |
{order.ItemName,-9} | {order.Quantity,-8} | {order.TotalPrice,-

' Calculate and display total sales

Dim totalSales As Decimal = 0
For Each order In orders
totalSales += order.TotalPrice
Console.WriteLine($"Total Sales: {totalSales}")

End Sub
End Module

 Output

 Conclusion
In conclusion, the coffee shop application is an innovative solution that
enhances the coffee ordering experience for customers and helps coffee shops to
increase their revenue and customer engagement. By providing customers with
a convenient and user-friendly way to browse menus, place orders, and make
payments through their mobile devices, the coffee shop application helps to
streamline the coffee ordering process and reduce wait times. Moreover, the
additional features such as loyalty programs, personalized recommendations,
and the ability to track order history create a more engaging and personalized
experience for customers, which can lead to increased customer satisfaction and
loyalty. This, in turn, can help coffee shops to build a loyal customer base and
increase their revenue. In today's fast-paced world, convenience is key, and the
coffee shop application delivers just that. With its seamless functionality and
user-friendly interface, the coffee shop application is a valuable tool that
benefits both customers and coffee shops. It provides a modern and efficient
way to order coffee, and it is poised to become an essential part of the coffee
 References
1. "Coffee definition and meaning – Collins English Dictionary"

2. "CAFE : Etymologie de CAFE". Archived

3. "Coffee | Origin, Types, Uses, History, & Facts"

4. ""Kafana", the first coffee house in Europe".

5. "A coffeehouse at the close of the seventeenth century"

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