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That's great!

Preparing your student for the CCXP edition in Brazil involves not only
language skills but also cultural and professional aspects. Here are two conversation class
ideas to help her get ready for receiving guests at her stand:

Class 1: Language and Communication Skills

Objective: Enhance language skills and practice communication scenarios that might occur
during the event.

1. Greetings and Introductions:

○ Practice polite greetings and introductions.
○ Role-play scenarios where she welcomes guests to the stand.
2. Small Talk:
○ Focus on common small talk topics related to the event, such as favorite
comic book characters, movies, or genres.
○ Discuss how to keep the conversation light and engaging.
3. Handling Inquiries:
○ Anticipate common questions visitors might ask.
○ Develop appropriate and concise responses.
4. Describing Products/Services:
○ Teach vocabulary related to the products or services at her stand.
○ Practice describing them clearly and enthusiastically.
5. Dealing with Challenges:
○ Role-play situations where guests have specific requests or concerns.
○ Discuss strategies for handling difficult or unexpected situations.

Class 2: Cultural and Professional Preparation

Objective: Provide insights into Brazilian culture and tips for effective professional
interactions at the event.

1. Cultural Sensitivity:
○ Discuss cultural nuances in Brazilian communication.
○ Share tips on respecting personal space and cultural differences.
2. Understanding the Event:
○ Explore the history and significance of CCXP in Brazil.
○ Discuss the type of attendees she might encounter and their expectations.
3. Professional Image:
○ Emphasize the importance of a professional appearance.
○ Discuss body language and non-verbal cues.
4. Networking Tips:
○ Teach networking etiquette.
○ Discuss how to exchange business cards and make a positive impression.
5. Promoting the Stand:
○ Brainstorm creative ways to attract visitors to the stand.
○ Discuss the importance of a compelling and concise pitch.
6. Emergency Preparedness:
○ Go over basic emergency phrases in Portuguese.
○ Discuss who to contact in case of any issues.
7. Cultural Etiquette:
○ Cover aspects like gift-giving customs and polite behavior.
○ Discuss how to express gratitude in a culturally appropriate manner.

Encourage your student to actively participate in role-playing exercises and provide

constructive feedback. These classes should help her feel more confident and prepared for
her role at CCXP.

Could you provide questions she may ask for each situation described above?

Certainly! Here are some example questions your student can use in each situation:

Class 1: Language and Communication Skills

1. Greetings and Introductions:

○ "Hello! Welcome to our stand at CCXP! How are you enjoying the event so
○ "Hi there! Is this your first time at CCXP?"
2. Small Talk:
○ "Who's your favorite comic book character or movie?"
○ "Have you attended any interesting panels or sessions today?"
3. Handling Inquiries:
○ "Is there anything specific you're looking for or would like to know about our
○ "Do you have any favorite genres or themes that you're particularly interested
4. Describing Products/Services:
○ "Can I tell you more about [specific product or service] and what makes it
○ "What brings you to our stand today? Are you familiar with our
5. Dealing with Challenges:
○ "I appreciate your feedback. Let me see how we can address that concern for
○ "If there's anything specific you're looking for and we don't have it, is there
something else we can assist you with?"

Class 2: Cultural and Professional Preparation

1. Cultural Sensitivity:
○ "I hope you're enjoying your time in Brazil! Is there anything in particular
about the culture that has stood out to you?"
○ "In Brazil, people tend to be very friendly and sociable. Have you noticed any
cultural differences in communication?"
2. Understanding the Event:
○ "What brings you to CCXP? Are you a fan of a particular genre or franchise?"
○ "Have you attended any other similar events, or is this your first experience
with a convention like CCXP?"
3. Professional Image:
○ "I'm glad you stopped by! Is there anything specific you're looking for today?"
○ "If you have any questions about our products or services, feel free to ask.
We're here to help!"
4. Networking Tips:
○ "It's great to connect with fellow enthusiasts! Have you had the chance to
network with others at CCXP?"
○ "If you're interested in staying in touch, here's my card. Feel free to reach out
if you have any questions later on."
5. Promoting the Stand:
○ "We have some exciting things happening at our stand. Is there a particular
aspect you'd like to know more about?"
○ "Have you heard about [specific promotion or activity]? It's generating a lot of
6. Emergency Preparedness:
○ "I hope you have a fantastic time at CCXP. If you ever need assistance or
have an emergency, don't hesitate to find a staff member or approach our
○ "In case of any unexpected issues, here's an emergency contact number you
can reach out to for assistance."
7. Cultural Etiquette:
○ "We're grateful for your visit! In Brazil, it's common to express appreciation
with a friendly 'obrigado' for men and 'obrigada' for women. Have you picked
up any Portuguese phrases during your time here?"
○ "As a gesture of goodwill, we have a small token for you. It's a [cultural item]
that we hope you enjoy!"

Encourage your student to adapt these questions to her personal style and the specific
context of the conversation.

Do you think I can fit all these contents in two 55-minute classes?

Covering all the suggested content in two 55-minute classes might be challenging, but it's
possible with efficient time management. Here's a suggested breakdown for each class:

Class 1: Language and Communication Skills (55 minutes)

1. Greetings and Introductions (10 minutes):

○ Briefly introduce the importance of a welcoming greeting and practice
2. Small Talk (10 minutes):
○Discuss the relevance of small talk at events like CCXP and practice a few
common small talk topics.
3. Handling Inquiries (15 minutes):
○ Explore potential questions guests might ask and practice appropriate
4. Describing Products/Services (10 minutes):
○ Introduce key vocabulary related to products/services and practice concise
5. Dealing with Challenges (10 minutes):
○ Role-play challenging scenarios and discuss strategies for handling them.

Class 2: Cultural and Professional Preparation (55 minutes)

1. Cultural Sensitivity (10 minutes):

○ Discuss cultural nuances and practice phrases that show cultural awareness.
2. Understanding the Event (10 minutes):
○ Provide insights into CCXP, discuss attendee expectations, and explore
potential questions.
3. Professional Image (10 minutes):
○ Discuss the importance of a professional appearance and practice
professional language.
4. Networking Tips (10 minutes):
○ Cover networking etiquette and practice introducing oneself and exchanging
5. Promoting the Stand (10 minutes):
○ Brainstorm creative ways to attract visitors and practice delivering a
compelling pitch.
6. Emergency Preparedness and Cultural Etiquette (5 minutes each):
○ Briefly cover emergency phrases, and discuss cultural etiquette and
expressions of gratitude.

This breakdown allows for flexibility, and you can adjust the time allocated to each section
based on the specific needs and pace of your student. Encourage active participation, and
use role-playing exercises to reinforce practical application.

Remember that the goal is not to rush through the content but to ensure your student gains a
good understanding and practical skills. If necessary, certain sections can be shortened or
expanded based on your student's progress and needs.

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