16 -18 Trickling filters

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Trickling filters

Trickling filters
• The trickling filter process is one of the oldest
forms of dependable biological treatment for
• By its very nature, the trickling filter has
advantages over other unit processes.
• For example, it is a very economical and reliable
process for treatment of wastewater prior to
• Capable of withstanding periodic shock loading,
process energy demands are low because aeration
is a natural process.
Trickling filters parts
Trickling filter
Trickling filters
Trickling filters – 3D view
Trickling filters
• As the wastewater trickles over the surface of
the media, a growth of microorganisms
(bacteria, protozoa, fungi, algae, helminths or
worms, and larvae) develops.
• This growth is visible as a shiny slime very
similar to the slime found on rocks in a stream.
• As wastewater passes over this slime, the
slime adsorbs the organic (food) matter.
• This organic matter is used for food by the
Trickling filters
• At the same time, air moving through the open
spaces in the filter transfers oxygen to the
• This oxygen is then transferred to the slime to
keep the outer layer aerobic.
• As the microorganisms use the food and oxygen,
they produce more organisms, carbon dioxide,
sulfates, nitrates, and other stable byproducts;
these materials are then discarded from the slime
back into the wastewater flow and are carried out
of the filter.
A schematic cross-section of the contact
face of the bed of media in a trickling filter
fundamental components
• All sewage trickling filter systems share the same
fundamental components:
 A septic tank for fermentation and primary
settling of solids
 A filter medium upon which
beneficial microbes (biomass, biofilm) are
promoted and developed a container which
houses the filter medium
 A distribution system for applying wastewater
to be treated to the filter medium
 A distribution system for disposal of the treated
effluent or percolation ponds
Flow diagram of TF

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