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Save trees use e-Question Paper Go green DOWNLOAD THIS FREE AT CCS Sensis ow [TT TTT L] ‘Second Semester MBA Degree Examination, Dec.2019/Jan.20: Research Methodology ‘Time: 3 hes. aks 4g 18M1 ‘Explzin the tenm Research Methodology. pee Discuss the systematic steps employed in designiny 2 iow do exploratory and descriptive research design differ (03 Marks) (07 Marky (0 Marks) 2a. What are projective techniques? (osonaris) ._Ditferetiate between Simple Random Sampling and SPRyied RRR Sampling. (7 Mars) Explain the following experimental designs (9) Before-and ater without control design ‘After only with control design. aoa) 3. a. State the sources of secondary data (3 Marks) ‘Explain the main requirements of (07 Marks) ‘e. Discuss any 3 non-probabiity with their relative methods. (1 Marks) 4 a. What is cross tabulation? ea (03 Marks) Explain the erteria of (07 Marks) a BMD rts nen, 288 are types of qualitative techniques of data collection in research? (cna, peal ocala or equations siden ep I-83 toe aed mace, eer yor aver, compar dew dag cos nes on he emaang bak pgs. ‘10 Marks) a8 independent and dependent variables? (03 Marts) Briefly explain the research application in business decisions. 7M) . Rigpian the main and sub components ofa written research repor. 0 Marks) Lot? BRANCHES | ALL SEMESTERS | NOTES | QUESTON PAPERS | LAB MANUALS A Viuresource Go Green initiative Save trees use e-Question Paper Go green DOWNLOAD THIS FREE AT ISM BAY, 8 CASESTUDY (Compulsory): AMF milk federation is state evel marketing federation dealing with procurs marketing of milk in toes. With 14 state wide distri dry units i procures ov lires of milk and is able to sell only 36 lakh lies. It converts rest of the milk o% add into milk powder for which W-incurs a addtional cost of RS to RE by the problem orplemty, the federation has reduced the procurement per lire recently, This downward revision of rates alfcted Surplus stock of skimmed milk powder, white buler cou not be ‘would distuch business dynamics, Keeping in mind the company’s responsibility towards ppurehase milk supplied by farmers, answer the followin What ype of research would you suggest to AME milk Formulate the research problem and olyectives of thi Who are the simple resporslets for data collection? 2082 BRANCHES | ALL SEMESTERS | NOTES | QUESTON PAPERS | LAB MANUALS A Viuresource Go Green initiative

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