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Vet. Pathol.

2 4 4 7 1-476 (1 987)


Erythrocyte Membrane: Structure, Function, and Pathophysiology

Department of Pathology, College of Veterinary Medicine,
Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS

Erythrocytes are unique among mammalian cells. mechanisms responsible for the asymmetry are un-
They contain no nucleus or subcellular metabolic known, redistribution of membrane phospholipids may
have serious consequences. If the internal amino phos-
structures, yet they survive for 3 to 7 r n ~ n t h s .During
their lifetime, erythrocytes travel thousands of miles pholipids become exposed to the plasma, they may
through tubes of various sizes while delivering oxygen trigger the clotting cascade. Lipid domain fluidity is
to the tissues.2oSurvival of practically all other cells determined by the molar ratio of cholesterol to phos-
in the body depends upon the proper functioning of pholipid, degree of unsaturation of phospholipid acyl
erythrocytes. They travel as individual cells, contain- chains, and phosphatidylcholine sphingomyelin ratio.
ing a concentrated solution of hemoglobin surrounded Phosphatidylcholine forms highly fluid lipid regions,
by a membrane. In spite of their apparent simplicity, while sphingomyelin induces rigid it^.^
they have limited (but necessary) metabolic capability. Proteins in the lipid domain usually extend from the
They are exposed to a high oxygen content and come inside of the erythrocyte to the outside. These mem-
in contact with a variety of endogenous and exogenous brane proteins can be divided structurally into an in-
chemicals. Their ability to survive depends on the abil- ternal hydrophilic portion, a membrane-spanning hy-
ity of the membrane to remain intact and flexible.20 drophobic portion, and an external hydrophilic portion
This paper focuses on the erythrocyte membrane struc- with attached carbohydrate^.^^ Some blood groups are
ture and function and the pathophysiological changes determined by the structure of those external carbo-
that can occur when the membrane is exposed to an hydrates.2Membrane-spanning proteins are classified
unfavorable environment. as integral proteins. Integral proteins include mem-
brane protein 3, seen in Coomasie blue-stained poly-
Erythrocyte Membrane acrylamide gels (Fig. l), and several glycophorins,
Structure and Function visualized by periodic acid-Schiff-stained gels.'* Mem-
The erythrocyte membrane consists of two domains, brane protein 3 is an anion exchange protein and allows
a lipid bilayer and the cytoskeleton. The lipid domain the erythrocyte to exchange C1- for HC03-, and to
is similar structurally to that found in most mam- transport carbon dioxide from the tissues to the
malian cells. The cytoskeleton differs from what is con- The exact function of most glycophorins is unknown.
sidered cytoskeleton in other cells because it does not
contain the structural protein tubulin and is not in- Cytoskeleton
volved in cell motility or phagocytosis. The erythrocyte cytoskeleton (Fig. I) consists of sev-
eral proteins that form a filamentous network under
Lipid domain the lipid bilayer. The network is composed of spectrin,
The lipid domain is composed of nearly equal parts ankyrin, actin, and protein 4.1. Cytoskeletal proteins
of lipid and protein. The main lipids are cholesterol interact with integral proteins and lipids of the bilayer
and phospholipids. Although cholesterol seems equally to maintain membrane integrity. The cytoskeleton has
distributed between the two halves or leaflets of the an important role in erythrocyte shape, flexibility, and
lipid bilayer, the other lipids are asymmetrically dis- lipid organization.20Spectrin is the dominant mem-
t r i b ~ t e d . ~Glycolipids,
,'~ phosphatidylcholine, and brane protein, both in number of copies per erythrocyte
sphingomyelin are located in the outer half of the bi- and in size. It consists of two proteins with molecular
layer; phosphatidylinositols, phosphatidylethanola- weights of 240,000 and 220,000 daltons. Both proteins
mine, and phosphatidylserine occur in the interior are long, flexible structures that are twisted together to
layer facing the cytoplasm. Although the forces and form heterodimers.28Tetramers, and possibly higher
47 1
412 Smith
CROSS-SECTION OF RBC MEMBRANE duces bulk viscosity in larger vessels, prevents phago-
cytosis by macro phage^,^ and aids exit from bone mar-
row. l * Erythrocyte deformability depends on cell
geometry (includingthe surface to volume ratio), mem-
brane viscoelastic properties, and intracellular viscos-
ity (primarily hemoglobin concentration).21The eryth-
rocyte’s membrane must resist mechanical stresses
applied to it while circulating through the body. Both
deformability and membrane strength are largely de-
pendent on the erythrocyte cytoskeleton.
Erythrocyte Pathophysiology
Abnormalities of the erythrocyte can be divided into
those affecting primarily the lipid portion of the mem-
brane and those affecting the cytoskeleton. This divi-
sion is artificial, however, because the two structures
Fig. 1. Cross-section of the erythrocytemembrane viewed are interrelated, and drugs or chemicals that affect one
from inside the cell. The vertical graph demonstrates the structure may cause profound changes in the other.
appearance of membrane protein in polyacrylamidegel elec- Some chemicals interact with the lipid bilayer to in-
trophoresis. duce changes in erythrocyte shape; others have pro-
found oxidizing effects on the cytoskeleton and hemo-
order oligomers, are formed by a “head-to-head” in- globin.
teraction of heterodimers. Actin binds to the “tail” of
several heterodimers to generate a series of polygons Chemicals that interact with the lipid bilayer
(mostly hexagons), with spectrin tetramers as the sides. Erythrocytes can undergo two basic shape changes
Membrane protein 4.1 promotes, and may regulate, (Fig. 2). Normally, erythrocytes appear in the circu-
the actin-spectrin association. lation of many mammals as biconcave disks or dis-
The net-like structure formed by the protein-protein cocytes. The other common erythrocyte shapes are sto-
interaction of spectrin, actin, and protein 4.1, lies just matocytes, which are cup-shaped, and echinocytes,
beneath the lipid bilayer. It is attached to proteins and which have an irregular, spiculated surface. Although
lipids of the bilayer in at least three ways. Ankyrin, a wide variety of conditions can convert one shape to
another cytoskeleton protein, binds near the middle of another,’I those changes associated with drug-lipid in-
the spectrin tetramers to form a link from the network teraction are better understood than the others. When
to membrane protein 3.3 Membrane protein 4.1 links anionic amphipathic drugs are incubated with disco-
the cytoskeleton to another transmembrane protein, cytes, the drug concentrates preferentially in the outer
glycophorin.22That association may be modulated by leaflet of the lipid bilayer (Fig. 3), which expands the
polyph~sphoinositides.~~ In addition, spectrin is as- outer leaflet relative to the inner leaflet, and induces
sociated directly with phospholipids of the mem- an echinocytic change. The opposite effect is seen on
brane’s inner leaflet. The erythrocyte cytoskeleton is the lipid bilayer when cationic amphipathic drugs are
important physiologically because inherited deficien- used and erythrocytes become stomatocytic. This phe-
cies of any of its proteins cause membrane instability, nomenon is called the “bilayer couple hypothesis,” and
loss of membrane lipid, and increased tendency for was proposed by Sheetz and Singer in the 1 9 7 0 ’ ~ ~ ~
affected erythrocytes to fuse.27 Echinocytes are formed from discocytes when eryth-
The surface area of the erythrocyte skeleton appears rocyte adenosine 5‘-triphosphate (ATP) is depleted, or
to be larger than necessary to cover the inner surface the cytoplasmic Ca++is increased.l As the cytoplasmic
of the erythrocyte. Theoretical calculations indicate pool of ATP is decreased, polyphosphoinositides de-
that spectrin molecules may be 3 times longer than phosphorylate, which alters the glycophorin-mem-
required to bridge the distance between adjacent actin brane protein 4.1 interaction. When ATP is repleted,
molecule^.^ Although spectrin’s configuration under the polyphosphoinositides are rephosphorylated, and
physiological conditions is unknown, the ability of echinocytes revert back to discocytes. CytoplasmicCa++
spectrin, and thus the cytoskeleton, to expand has im- activates phospholipase C, which cleaves polyphos-
plications in erythrocyte deformability and membrane phoinositides. Because erythrocytes cannot synthesize
strength.l 3 polyphosphatidylinositol de novo, nor acquire it from
The erythrocyte’s ability to deform is necessary for plasma proteins, phospholipase C activity causes a per-
passage through capillary beds.’ Deformability also re- manent loss of inositol phospholipid and eventual, ir-
Erythrocyte Membrane 473


Fig. 4. Hydrogen peroxide (H,O,) detoxification path-

way, G6PD = glucose-6-phosphatedehydrogenase; 6PGD =
6-phosphogluconatedehydrogenase; GR = glutathine reduc-
tase; GSH = reduced glutathione; GSSG = oxidized gluta-
thione; NADP = nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phos-
phate; PGX = glutathione peroxidase.

dant drugs are substituted benzene derivatives and fa-

cilitate the conversion of oxyhemoglobin to methe-
moglobin and hydrogen peroxide.* Methemoglobin
ECHINOCYTE STOMATOCY TE may be reduced to oxyhemoglobin with reduced nico-
tinoamide dinucleotide. Because hydrogen peroxide can
cause widespread protein denaturation and lipid per-
oxidation, the erythrocyte has efficient enzymatic ma-
chinery to convert it to water (Fig. 4). If any enzymes
or substrates in this chain of reactions become in-
adequate, either as the result of inherited deficiency,
dietary inadequacies, or drug inhibition, erythrocytes
become vulnerable to oxidant stresses.
When the oxidant stress exceeds the erythrocyte's
reductive capacity, several things can happen. The most
1 2 obvious oxidative damage is the formation of Heinz
Fig. 2. At low concentrations of anionic amphipathic bodies. Heinz bodies are composed of denatured
drugs, normal erythrocytes or discocytes (A) are converted hemoglobin and some erythrocyte membrane proteins.
to echinocytes I (B). As the concentration increases, sphero- Although Heinz bodies may form by oxidation of in-
echinocytes I (C) then spheroechinocytes I1 (D) are formed. ternal sulf hydryl groups in hemoglobin,l5 hemichrome
Cationic amphipathic drugs produce stomatocytes I (E), formation seems more important.34
spherostomatocytes I (F),and spherostomatocytes I1 (G) as Reversible hemichromes, such as hemoglobin hy-
concentration increases. droxide and dihistidine femhemochrome, are formed
Fig. 3. Effect of amphipathic drugs on erythrocytes. a) from methemoglobin. As the name indicates, the re-
Anionic amphipathic drugs localize in the outer leaflet, thus
expanding it (1); cationic amphipathic drugs localize in and versible hemichromes can be converted back to met-
expand the inner leaflet (2). hemoglobin, and, eventually, to reduced hemoglobin.
If irreversible hemichromes (dihistidine ferrihemo-
chrome or a mercaptide derivative) are formed, the
reversible echinocytic change. The exact mechanism hemoglobin denaturation cannot be stopped, and
for the shape change is unknown. hemoglobin aggregates to form Heinz bodies.23Hemi-
Stomatocytes may also form when the erythrocyte chromes have an increased affinity for the cytoplasmic
water content is increased. That phenomenon is im- portion of membrane protein band 3.32The resulting
portant in the stomatocytosis seen in an inherited syn- membrane protein 3-hemichrome complex promotes
drome in Alaskan Malamute dogs.24 the polymerization of additional molecules to form a
macromolecular complex that can be recognized mi-
Chemicals that have oxidant effects croscopically as Heinz bodies.
Because the erythrocyte carries oxygen and is ex- The copolymerization of membrane protein 3 and
posed to a wide range of chemicals dissolved in plasma, hemichromes causes membrane protein 3 to form clus-
it is particularly vulnerable to damage due to oxidants. ters. Because membrane protein 3 is an integral protein
The effects of those oxidative stresses depend on the and spans the lipid bilayer, the cluster on the inside
compounds involved, their concentration, and the also results in clustering on the outside of the eryth-
metabolic capabilities of the erythrocyte. Many oxi- rocyte membrane. External clustering of membrane
474 Smith


e-• Low
A-A High

1 I I I I 1 I 1

-4 0 4 8 12

, \,,J I I

protein 3 creates a recognition site for auto-antibod-

‘ -A
ies. l9 Auto-antibody against membrane protein 3 clus-
ters may be the same auto-antibody proposed by Kay1’ 20
to be important in recognizing senescent erythrocytes.
Erythrocytes with attached auto-antibody are trapped
and degraded by macrophages in the spleen and liver.
Alternatively, Heinz bodies can be removed by the
spleen, and the remaining portion allowed to circu-
late.33That phenomenon has been termed splenic “pit-
ting” action.
Some oxidant stresses do not result in Heinz body
formation, but do affect the erythrocyte cytoskeleton.
They may shorten erythrocyte life span by altering
erythrocyte deformability and membrane stability. Fig. 6. High molecular weight complexes formed in
Erythrocytes from some patients with glucose-6-phos- erythrocyte membranes of high- and low-reduced glutathione
phate dehydrogenase deficiency have increased (GSH) sheep given copper acetate intravenously (arrows).
amounts of high molecular weight polypeptides. l 6 Fig. 7. Serial changes in packed cell volume of high- and
Those polypeptide aggregates seem related to the de- low-reduced glutathione (GSH) sheep when copper acetate
is given intravenously (arrows).
gree of in vivo hemolysis and the level of reduced
glutathione. Because polypeptide aggregates can be
dissociated by sulfhydryl compounds such as dithio- changes cause a shortened erythrocyte life span and
threitol, they seem to be polymers of spectrin formed decline in the packed cell volume (Fig. 7).
by intermolecular disulfide bonds. Other, less strilung, oxidant effects may also occur
Similar complexes occur in sheep with an inherited in erythrocytes. For example, when blood is stored
low level of glutathione, when they are challenged with under blood bank conditions, erythrocytes slowly lose
intravenous copper acetate. If the oxidant stress is con- their ability to survive following t r a n s f ~ s i o n .Al-
trolled, erythrocyte-reduced glutathione decreases (Fig. though preservation of adenosine triphosphate levels
5 ) and high molecular weight complexes appear (Fig. will lengthen storage time, adenosine 5‘-triphosphate
6). Some high molecular weight complexes involve (ATP) concentration does not seem to be the major
hemoglobin, because treatment with sulfhydryl agents determinant. Erythrocyte membrane function seems
releases hemoglobin in addition to spectrin. Those to be abnormal in stored blood. The in vitro ability of
Erythrocyte Membrane 475

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Request reprints from 'Dr. J. E. Smith, Kansas State University, Department of Pathology, College of Veterinary Medicine,
Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS 66506 (USA).

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