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High Flyers 3.

Teacher Notes
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Book C, Unit One, Lesson 1

In this unit, the students will …

 identify and say the character names 'Tom Thunder', 'Elise', 'Fleet',
'Cooper' and 'Mo'.
 identify and say 'Hello', 'Hi' and 'Goodbye'.
 ask the question 'What's your name?'
 answer with the structure 'I'm (name).'
 ask the question 'How are you?'
 answer with the structures 'I'm great', 'I'm good' or 'I'm fine'.
 follow the simple classroom instructions 'Stand up', 'Sit down', 'Be quiet',
'Raise your hand' and 'Listen'.
 give polite instructions using 'Please' and 'Thank you'.
 identify the letters in their names.
 read and write their names.
 identify the names and sounds of the letters 'a', 'b', 'c', 'm', 'o', 's' and 't'.
 say the names and sounds of the letters 'a', 'b', 'c', 'm', 'o', 's' and 't'.
 identify and trace the upper-case and lower-case letters 'Bb', 'Cc', 'Mm',
'Oo' and 'Tt'.
 trace target vocabulary.
 trace and copy some high-frequency words.
 identify some high-frequency words.
 blend and segment some three-letter words.
 decode some three-letter words in a reader.

At the end of this lesson, the students will be able to …

 identify and say the character names 'Tom', 'Elise', 'Fleet', 'Cooper' and
 identify and say 'Hello' and 'Goodbye'.
 ask the question 'What's your name?'
 answer with the structure 'I'm (name)'.
 ask the question 'How are you?'
 answer with the structures 'I'm great', 'I'm good' or 'I'm fine'.
 read and write their own name.
 identify and say classroom instructions.
 identify and follow polite instructions.
 complete page 13 of the Practice Book.

Lesson Materials
 Balls (Two)
 Dice (One per pair)
 Timer
 Student Book
 Practice Book

Part 1

Warmer (10min.)
Target Language:

 Grammar:
o Structure: 'I'm (name)'

In this section, the students will …

 introduce themselves.


 Balls (Two)
 Practice Book


 None

Warmer (10 minutes)

 Stand at the front of the class, point to yourself and say your name.
 Point to a student, have him/her stand up and say his/her name. Repeat
until all students have said their names.
 Have the students stand in a circle.
 Take the ball. Say your name and pass the ball to the student on your
right. Have the student say his/her name and pass the ball to the student
on his/her right.
 Repeat until the ball gets back to you.
 Say "I'm (name)" and pass the ball to a student. Have the student say
his/her name using the structure. Have the students pass the ball to other
students until the activity is clear.
 Divide the students into two teams.
 Give a ball to each team and have the students repeat the activity.
 Monitor and assist as necessary.

Assigning Practice

 Assign Practice Book, page 13 for the next lesson.

Vocabulary (30min.)
Target Language:

 Vocabulary
o Introductions: Hello, Hi, Bye, Goodbye, What's your name?, I'm
(name), My name is (name)
o Character Names: Elise, Fleet, Tom Thunder, Cooper
 Grammar
o Capital letters in proper nouns

In this section, the students will …

 ask the question 'What's your name?'

 answer with the structure 'I'm (name).'
 identify and say 'Hello' and 'Goodbye'.
 write their own name.


 Presentation 1 (Book Pages)

 Presentation 2 (Video)
 Student Book
 Practice Book

 None

Introducing the High Flyers Characters and Saying Names (5 minutes)

 Display presentation 1, slide 1. Have the students open their Student

Books to pages 4–5.
 Point to Elise and say "Elise". Repeat with the other three characters here
and on slide 2.
 Draw a map of the classroom on the board.
 Point to yourself and say your name. Don't use a sentence like 'My name is
(name)' at this point. Write your name on the map.
 Have each student stand up and say his/her name.
 Say "Hello, (name)" to greet each student. Encourage the students to say
'Hello' back.
 Write the names on the map. Leave the names displayed so they can be
referenced later.

Writing Names (5 minutes)

 Display presentation 1, slide 3. Have the students open their Practice

Books to page 5, Activity A.
 Ask the students what letters of the alphabet they know. Circle these
letters on the board.
 Look back at the classroom map you wrote the students' names on.
 Point to a name and ask "Who's this?" Elicit the name from the students.
 Repeat for all the students' names.

o Note: Students may be unable to recognize their English names. If

this is the case, tell each student which name is his/hers.
 In the Practice Book, have each student find and circle the letters used in
his/her name.
 Have the students then write their names on the writing line. Monitor and
 If time allows, students can draw a simple picture of themselves in the

Greetings and Making Introductions (6 minutes)

 Display presentation 1, slide 3 and look at Activity B. Point to the panel

on the left and briefly remind the students of the characters' names (Elise,
Fleet, Cooper).
 Read and act out the dialogues in character. Use actions to help students
understand. For example, waving or pointing to yourself.
o Note: Focus more on 'What's your name?' and 'I'm (name)' in the
 Point to yourself and drill the structure 'I'm (name)' with the class.
 Ask a strong student "What's your name?" and help him/her to answer
using 'I'm (name).' Repeat with each student.

Watching the Video (7 minutes)

 Display presentation 1, slide 4. Have the students open their Student

Books to page 6.
 Point to different pictures and ask the following questions or elicit what
the characters might be saying:
1. Who's this? Is she happy? (Elise. Yes, she is.)
2. Who's this? (Cooper)
3. "I'm Elise."
4. "I'm Fleet."
5. Who are they? (Elise, Cooper and Fleet)
6. Who's this? (Tom)
7. Is she sad? (No, she isn't.)
8. "Goodbye!"
 Display presentation 2, slide 1. Watch Hello and Goodbye video in full.
 Play the video again. Pause at the following times and ask the questions:
1. Who's this? (01:13) (Elise)
2. Who's this? (01:17) (Fleet)
3. Who's this? (01:31) (Tom)
 Continue through the video. Pause at different points to have the students
repeat lines of dialogue after the characters.

Practicing Greetings and Making Introductions (7 minutes)

 Stand at the front of the class. Have the students stand in two rows facing
one another. Make sure everyone has a partner. If there's an odd number
of students, join in the activity yourself.
 Drill the following structures with the actions so that students associate
the actions and words together.
o A: "I'm …" (Put a hand on your chest.)
o A: "What's your name?" (Point and shrug as if asking a question.)
o B: "I'm …" (Put a hand on your chest.)
o A: "Hello, (name)." (Wave and smile).
o B: "Hello, (name)." (Wave and smile)
o A: "Goodbye, (name)." (Wave with two hands.)
o B: "Goodbye!" (Wave and turn.)
 Have the students in one line move to practice with a new partner. Repeat
for as long as time allows.

Grammar (20min.)
Target Language:
 Grammar
o Questions: How are you?
o Structures: I'm (adjective)
 Vocabulary
o Adjectives: fine, good, great
o Introductions: Hello, Hi, Bye, Goodbye, What's your name?, I'm
(name), My name is (name)
o Character Names: Elise, Fleet, Tom Thunder, Cooper

In this section, the students will …

 ask the question 'How are you?'

 answer with the structure 'I'm (adjective).'


 Presentation 1 (Book Pages)

 Presentation 3 (Grammar)
 Practice Book


 None

Introducing 'How are you?' (5 minutes)

 Display presentation 3, slide 1. Read the question "How are you?" and
shrug your shoulders. Point to the picture of Tom.
 Act out Tom's expression (for example, smile) and reveal the sentence.
Say "I'm great" in an upbeat tone to emphasize its meaning.
 Have the students smile and repeat the sentence after you.
 Go to slide 2 and compare 'I'm great' with 'I'm good' and 'I'm fine'. Use
facial expressions, tone of voice and body language to show the
differences in meaning.
 Say "How are you?" and do an action that students can associate with it.
For example, shrug and gesture to your face.
 Point to a picture and have the students answer with the corresponding
 Repeat the question for the other two answers.
 Go to slide 3 and practice the questions and answers with Fleet.

Practicing 'How are you?' (5 minutes)

 Have the students form two lines in front of the board, facing one another.
Make sure everyone has a partner. If there's an odd number of students,
join in the activity yourself.
 Say "How are you?" and have all the students in one line repeat the
question to their partners.
 Point to a picture on presentation 3, slide 3 on the screen (for example,
'great') and elicit the adjective.
 Say "I'm great." Have the students in the other line repeat and act it out.
 Repeat with the other adjectives. Encourage the students to ask and
answer the questions on their own.
 Switch roles and repeat the activity.

Listening to Introductions Dialogues (5 minutes)

 Display presentation 1, slide 5. Have the students open their Practice

Books to page 7, Activity A.
 Point to the four pictures in item one. Review the characters' names and
the adjectives that fit their facial expressions.
 Play the audio and pause after the character has said their name (Elise).
Cross out the pictures of Tom to show he is now ruled out.
 Continue the audio until Elise says how she is (fine). Tick the circle to
show the answer.
 Repeat with items two and three. Have the students answer these on their
 Check the answers before moving on.

Practicing Introductions Dialogues (5 minutes)

 Display presentation 1, slide 5 again. Move on to Activity B. Choose a

strong student to help you demonstrate the dialogue.
 Write your name into the gap in the dialogue and start the dialogue. Help
the student to read as necessary.
 Have the students write their names into the gap in the dialogue in their
Practice Books.
 When everyone has finished, put the students into pairs and have them
practice the dialogue together. They should take turns to be the person
who starts.
 Monitor and assist where necessary. Continue for as long as time allows.
Have the students switch partners if possible.

Audio Script
Practice Book: page 7, Activity A

A: Hello. What's your name?

B: My name is Elise.
A:How are you?
B: I'm fine, thanks.

A: Hi! What's your name?

B: I'm Tom Thunder.
A: How are you?
B: I'm happy!

A: Hey, what's your name?

B: My name's Fleet.
A: How are you?
B: I'm good.

Answer Key

 Practice Book: page 7, Activity A

1. Elise/fine
2. Tom/happy
3. Fleet/good


Part 2

Vocabulary (23min.)
Target Language:

 Vocabulary
o Classroom Instructions: Be quiet, Listen, Raise your hand, Sit down,
Stand up

In this section, the students will …

 identify and say classroom instructions.


 Presentation 1 (Book Pages)

 Presentation 4 (Vocabulary)
 Timer
 Practice Book

 Prepare a timer before class.

Introducing Classroom Instructions (7 minutes)

 Display presentation 4, slide 1. Point to the image shown and reveal the
classroom instruction. Drill the classroom instruction, individually and as a
class. Repeat on slides 2–5.
 As you drill the word, do an action that students can associate with the
instruction and which you can use throughout the course. For example:
o Raise your hand: Put one hand in the air.
o Sit down: With your palm facing down, lower your hand.
o Stand up: With your palm facing up, raise your hand.
o Be quiet: Put your finger to your lips.
o Listen: Cup one hand to an ear.
 Go through the slides again and have the students act out the instruction,
not follow your actions. For example, when you say "Sit down", students
should sit down, not lower their hands as you do.

Practicing Classroom Instructions (8 minutes)

 Have the whole class make noise. Say "Be quiet", do the action described
in the previous section and have the students follow the instruction.
 Repeat with the remaining instructions. Students should follow the
instructions, not copy your actions.
 Have the class stand up. Say "Sit down" to the student to your right. Have
him/her sit down and then repeat the instruction to the student beside
him/her. Continue around the circle until everyone is seated.
 Repeat with 'Stand up'.
 For an extra challenge, set a timer and have the class play the game
against the clock.

Matching and Tracing Classroom Instructions (8 minutes)

 Display presentation 1, slide 6. Have the students open their Practice

Books to page 8.
 Read the first classroom instruction in Activity A and have the students
find and point to the picture.
 Draw a line to match the instruction to the picture. Repeat for the
remaining instructions.
 Move on to Activity B. Have the students trace each instruction to
practice handwriting. Monitor and assist as needed.

Grammar (22min.)
Target Language:

 Grammar
o Courtesy Language: Please, Thank you, Thanks
o Word Order in Imperatives
 Vocabulary
o Classroom Instructions: Be quiet, Listen, Raise your hand, Sit down,
Stand up

In this section, the students will …

 identify and say 'Please' and 'Thank you'.

 identify and follow polite instructions.


 Presentation 1 (Book Pages)

 Practice Book


 None

Introducing 'Please' and 'Thank you' (4 minutes)

 Choose a strong student to demonstrate the activity with you.

 Give the student an instruction to follow (for example, 'Sit down'). Say it in
a stern, slightly rude tone of voice.
 When the student starts to respond to your instruction, stop him/her.
 Repeat the instruction. This time use a friendlier tone and say "Please sit
 Now have the student respond to your instruction. Say "Thank you."

Responding to Instructions with 'Please' and 'Thank you' (7 minutes)

 Have the whole class stand up.

 Give an instruction including 'Please'. Have the students perform the
action. Say "Thank you."
 Give another instruction but don't include 'Please'. This time the students
should not respond.
 Continue giving different instructions both politely and impolitely.
Students should only follow the instruction when you say 'Please'.
 Have the students take turns to give instructions with and without
'Please'. Encourage them to use body language and tone of voice to
convey politeness as well. They should also say 'Thank you'.
 Repeat for as long as time allows.
Listening to Classroom Instructions (5 minutes)

 Display presentation 1, slide 7. Have the students open their Practice

Books to page 9, Activity A.
 Point to each picture and elicit the associated classroom instructions.
 Play the audio and pause after the first sentence. Ask the students which
picture matches what they heard. Write '1' in the circle next to Cooper.
 Repeat with the remaining pictures.

Tracing Classroom Instructions (6 minutes)

 Display presentation 1, slide 7 again. Move on to Activity B.

 Read the first sentence. Highlight the written forms of 'Please' and 'Thank
 Have the students trace the words. Monitor and assist.
 Repeat with the remaining items. Help the students to read the sentences
once they have finished tracing them.

Audio Script
Practice Book: page 9, Activity A

1. Cooper, please be quiet. Thank you, Cooper.

2. Elise, please stand up. Thanks, Elise.
3. Fleet, please sit down. Thanks, Fleet.
4. Tom, please listen. Thank you, Tom.

Answer Key

 Practice Book: page 9, Activity A

o Tom Thunder (4)

o Elise (2)
o Fleet (3)
o Cooper (1)

Speaking (15min.)
Target Language:

 Vocabulary
o Adjectives: fine, good, great
o Introductions: Hello, Hi, Bye, Goodbye, What's your name?, I'm
(name), My name is (name)
o Character Names: Elise, Fleet, Tom Thunder
 Grammar
o Questions: 'How are you?'
o Structures: 'I'm (adjective)'
 Phonics
o Letters: b, m, o, t

In this section, the students will …

 identify and say introductions language.

 identify and say letter names and sounds.


 Presentation 1 (Book Pages)

 Dice (one per pair)
 Practice Book


 None

Demonstrating the Game (5 minutes)

 Display presentation 1, slide 8. Point to the 'Start' box.

 Roll a die and show students the number. Count that number of squares
around the game board. Point to the box you finish on (for example, 3 =
Elise waving).
 If you land on a picture, say the relevant word or sentence (for example,
'Hello'). If you land on a letter, say the letter name or do the action as
 Do more examples to help students understand.

Playing the Game to Practice Speaking (10 minutes)

 Put the students into pairs and have them open their Practice
Books to page 4.
 Give each pair a die.
 Have the students take turns to roll the die and move around the game
board. Monitor and assist. Ensure the students are completing the tasks
on the squares they land on.

Answer Key

 Practice Book: page 4, Speaking Game

1. Do the action! 't' (make the sound that corresponds to the letter and do the
2. Big or small? 'M' (big)
3. Elise waving hello (say "Hello.")
4. Tom (say "I'm Tom Thunder.")
5. Fleet shrugging his shoulders and pointing directly at the reader (ask
"What's your name?")
6. Do the action! 'o' (make the sound that corresponds to the letter and do
the action)
7. Go back one step!
8. Thumbs up (say "I'm fine.")
9. Big or small? 'b' (small)
10.Elise (say "My name is Elise.")
11.Fleet waving goodbye (say "Goodbye.")
12.Fleet (say "My name is Fleet.")

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