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Engg 1016: Dynamics of Rigid Bodies

Chap.1: Principle of Dynamics

Introduction: Dynamics
 in the study of the motion of a body, we can observe that it moves a
certain distance in a given interval of time and the equal distances may
not be covered in equal intervals of time
 certain relationships exist between displacement, time, velocity, and
rate of change of velocity
 these relationships comprises the study of kinematics
 if we measure the force that produces the motion of a body, we may
study the effects of the force on the motion of the body
 This study is called kinetics
Dynamics: Background
Dynamics is an area of the mechanics.
Mechanics is the study of forces acting on a body.
A physical body can be at rest or it could be in motion.
Dynamics is the study of the physical body where the forces
are not in equilibrium.
Due to this there will be an acceleration on that body.
 If the body is at rest, or has constant velocity, all applied
forces will be in equilibrium. If the forces are in equilibrium,
you would use Statics to solve the problem.
What is Dynamics? Definition:
Dynamics is the branch of mechanics which deals with the study of
bodies in motion
Dynamics deals with the motion of rigid bodies and with the forces
that produce or change their motion
 compared with, dynamics is relatively new and was thought to begun
by Galileo
 The study was retarded by the following reasons:
1. Lack of precise methods for measuring time.
The experiments which form the foundation of dynamics requires the
use of three kinds of units: force, length, and time.
No accurate time-measuring devices, such as pendulum clock developed by Huygens in 1657 and the
balance – wheel watch developed by Robert Hooke around 1666 were devised until after Galileo’s
2. Dynamic was also retarded by the principles of natural philosophy
which were set up by Aristotle and in Galileo's time were regarded as
Galileo’s experimental turn of mind led him to doubt these dogmas or
beliefs of abstract or theoretical or conceptual thoughts.
For example, he did not accept the notion that heavy weights fall more
rapidly than light ones
His experiments with dropping weights from Leaning Tower of Pisa (is a
city and commune in Tuscany, central Italy), exploded this theory but
bring about such bitter arguments that he was forced to leave Pisa.
Galileo’s experiments with block sliding down an inclined plane lead to
a relation between force and acceleration which Sir Isaac Newton
generalized and incorporated in the laws governing the motion particle
of that are named after him.
The study of Dynamics is generally divided into two main branches:
1. The first part is kinematics, which studies the geometric aspect of
motion. It deals with motions ln themselves, entirely apart from the forces that
produce or change these motions. Kinematics concerns only the study of
displacement, velocity and acceleration.
2. The second part is kinetics, which studies the forces that are
responsible for the motion. It is the branch of mechanics that relates the forces
acting on a body to its mass and acceleration When the acceleration of a
body caused by the forces acting on it has been determined, the principles of
kinematics may be applied to determine the displacement or velocity at any
 Additional articles will further discuss these areas.
 The study of Dynamics began when it was possible to produce and accurate
measurement of time.
 Galileo was one of the first physicist to contribute to the field of dynamics.
 His contributions came from his studies of pendulums and falling
 Isaac Newton was also major contributor to the field of Dynamics when
he created the three laws of motion.
Newton’s Laws of Motion

Newton's first law:

"An object at rest tends to stay at rest and an object in
motion tends to stay in motion with the same speed and
in the same direction unless acted upon by an external
 He gave this law assuming the body or the system to be isolated.
 If we look upon into our daily life we find that this law is applicable in
reality like a bicycle stops slowly when we stop moving the pedals, this
is because in our daily life there are 2 external forces which opposes the
motion, these are frictional force and air resistance ( These forces aren't
included in the course of an isolated system).
Galileo’s concepts of inertia helped develop the first law. The first
law of motion is also known as the “Law of Inertia”. A perfect
example of this would be an object in outer space. Any object in
space will continue to move at a constant speed. Only a force will
cause a bodies velocity to change
Newton’s Laws of Motion
 Galileo’s concepts of inertia helped develop the first law. The first
law of motion is also known as the “Law of Inertia”. A perfect
example of this would be an object in outer space. Any object in
space will continue to move at a constant speed. Only a force will
cause a bodies velocity to change
 Putting Newton’s 1st law of motion in simple words, a body will not
start moving until and unless an external force acts on it.
 Once it is set in motion, it will not stop or change its velocity until
and unless some force acts upon it once more.
 The first law of motion is sometimes also known as the law of
Newton's second law:
"The rate change of linear momentum of an object is
directly proportional to the external force on the object."
 The concept behind this is - "Forces arise due to interaction between
the bodies."
 With the help of this law we can derive this formula: ƩF = ma
 In this formula, ƩF → means the force exerted on the object, m means
the mass of the object, and a→ means the acceleration of the object.
 Also, the second law of motion is universal law in nature, i.e. it consists
of both the laws.
 Newton assumed the body to be an isolated one, thus according to
second law, if there is no interaction between bodies of two different
systems (means not to be an isolated one), then there is no force that
can stop or shake the object from its state of being.
 The second law will allow you to determine resultant forces caused by
an acceleration. This law is the basis of Kinetics.
 Newton's second law of motion is called a law of momentum
 To understand this we must use Newton's second law - the law of
acceleration (acceleration = force/mass).
 Newton's second law states that the acceleration of an object is directly
related to the net force and inversely related to its mass. Acceleration of
an object depends on two things, force and mass.
 We know objects can only accelerate if there are forces on the object.
Newton's second law tells us exactly how much an object will accelerate
for a given net force ƩF = ma
 To be clear, a is the acceleration of the object, ƩF is the net force on the
object, and m is the mass of the object.
Newton’s Second Law
Newton's third law
"Every action has an equal and opposite reaction"
 This means if body A exerts a force on body , then body exerts a force
on body that is equal in magnitude but opposite in direction from the
force from
 Newton's Third Law is also known as Action & Reaction
 By Newton's third law, these forces have equal magnitude but opposite
direction, so they cancel when added, and is constant.
 Alternatively, if. is known to be constant, it follows that the forces have
equal magnitude and opposite direction.
 For example, if the Earth is pulling down on you with a gravitational
force of 500 N, you are also pulling up on the Earth with a gravitational
force of 500 N. This remarkable fact is a consequence of Newton's third
 Another example of Newton's third law: If an object A exerts a force on
object B, then object B must exert a force of equal magnitude and
opposite direction back on object A.
 This law represents a certain symmetry in nature: forces always occur
in pairs, and one body cannot exert a force on another without
experiencing a force itself.
 We sometimes refer to this law loosely as action-reaction, where the
force exerted is the action and the force experienced as a consequence
is the reaction.
 This law represents a certain symmetry in nature: forces always occur
in pairs, and one body cannot exert a force on another without
experiencing a force itself.
 We sometimes refer to this law loosely as action-reaction, where the
force exerted is the action and the force experienced as a consequence
is the reaction.
Statics vs Dynamics: Definition, Types, Differences

Statics and Dynamics is one of the types of engineering mechanics.

Engineering mechanics is the branch of engineering science
that deals with the principles of mechanics along with their
applications to engineering problems.
The study of Statics and Dynamics is the basis for much of
engineering. Along with a class called strength of materials,
which deals with the mechanics of the materials used in the
machine, building, etc.
Chap.1: Principle of Dynamics
 Dynamics is the branch of mechanics which deals with the study of
bodies in motion
 the foundations of dynamics were laid at the end of the 16th century
by Galileo Galilei who, by experimenting with a smooth ball rolling
down an inclined plane, derived the law of motion for falling bodies
 he was also the first to recognize that force is the cause of changes
in the velocity of a body, a fact formulated by Isaac Newton in the
17th century in his second law of motion.
 this law states that “the force acting on a body is equal to the rate of
change of the body’s momentum.”
 compared with statics, dynamics is relatively new
 its development was greatly retarded by the lack of precise methods
for measuring time
 the beginning of a rational understanding of dynamics is credited to
Galileo who made careful observations concerning bodies in free fall,
motion on an inclined plane, and motion of pendulum
 he was largely responsible for bringing a scientific approach to the
investigation of physical problems
 Galileo was continually under severe criticism for refusing to accept
the established beliefs of his day, that heavy bodies fall more rapidly
than light bodies
 the lack of accurate means for the measurement of time was a severe
handicap to Galileo, and further significant development in dynamics
awaited the invention of the pendulum clock by Huygens in 1657
 Newton, guided by Galileo’s work, was able to make an accurate
formulation of the laws of motion and, therefore, to place dynamics on
a sound basis
 Newton’s famous work was published in the first edition of his
Principia which is generally recognized as one of the greatest of all
recorded contributions to knowledge
 in addition to stating the laws governing the motion of particle,
Newton was the first to correctly formulate the law of universal
 although his mathematical description was accurate, he felt the
concept of remote transmission of gravitational force without
supporting medium was an absurd (unreasonable) notion
 following Newton’s time, important contributions to mechanics were
made by Euler, D’Alembert, Lagrange, Laplace, Poinsot, Coriolis,
Einstein, and others
 in terms of engineering application, dynamics is an even more recent
 only since machines and structures have operated with high speeds
and appreciable acceleration has it been necessary to make
calculations based on the principles of dynamics rather than on the
principles of statics
 the rapid technological developments of the present day require
increasing application of the principles of mechanics, particularly
 these principles are basic to the:
1. analysis and design of moving structures
2. to fixed structures subject to shock loads
3. to robotic devices
4. to automatic control systems
5. to rockets, missile and spacecraft
6. to ground and air transportation vehicles
7. to electron ballistics of electrical devices
8. to machinery of all types like turbines, pumps, reciprocating
engines, hoist, machine tools, etc.
 students whose interest lead them into one or more of these and
many other activities will find a constant need for applying the
fundamentals of dynamics
Aristotle Galileo

Branches or Division of Dynamics
1. Kinematics - Kinematics is the geometry in motion. This term is
used to define the motion of a particle or body without consideration
of the forces causing the motion.
 Kinematics is essentially a treatment of the relation between
displacement, velocity, acceleration and time without reference to the
cause of motion
2. Kinetics - Kinetics is the branch of mechanics that relates the force
acting on a body to its mass and acceleration.
 When the acceleration of a body caused by the forces acting on it has
been determined, the principle of kinematics may be apllied to
determine the displacement, or velocity at any instant
Fundamental Definition:
Particle - usually denotes an object of point size
 the use of the word particle does not mean that our study will be
restricted to small corpuscles (a minute particle)
 rather, it indicates that in these first chapters the motion of bodies –
possibly as large as cars, rockets, or airplanes – will be considered
without regard to their size
 by saying that the bodies are analyzed as particles, we mean that only
their motion as an entire unit will be considered; any rotation about
their own mass center will be neglected
 particle is a body of negligible dimension
 when the dimensions ogf a body is irrelevant to the description of its
motion or the action of the forces on it, the body may be treated as a
an airplane, for example, may be treated as a particle for the
description of its flight path
also stars, planets, and projectiles are commonly considered as
In such problem we regard the body as dimensionless and treat it
as a particle
Rigid body - is a body whose changes in shape are negligible
compared with the overall dimensions of the body or with the
changes in position of the body as a whole
a rigid body is a body for which the deformations can be
neglected with no loss of accuracy in the analysis of motion
 rigid body is an idealization of a body that does not deform or change
 formally it is defined as a collection of particles with the property that
the distance between particles remains unchanged during the course of
motions of the body
 like the approximation of a rigid body as a particle, this is never strictly
 all bodies deform as they move
 however, the approximation remains acceptable as long as the
deformations are negligible relative to the overall motion of the body
 rigid bodies do not deform (stretch, compress, or bend) when subjected
to loads, while deformable bodies do deform. In actuality, no physical
body is completely rigid, but most bodies deform so little that this
deformation has a minimal impact on the analysis.
Distinguish between rigid and deformable bodies
 We are here to understand the very basic and important concept of
engineering mechanics i.e. difference between rigid and deformable

Rigid body
 Rigid body is basically defined as a body where changes in the distance
between any two of its points is negligible.
 In case of rigid body, all the points will maintain the same position with
respect to another points and we may not change the shape or deform
the body by any way.
 In practical, there is not a body of such type i.e. perfectly rigid body and
therefore this is only one idealization.
Deformable body

 Deformable body is basically defined as a body where changes in the

distance between any two of its points could not be neglected.
 In case of deformable body, all the points will not maintain the same
position with respect to another points and we may change the shape or
deform the body by applying the any kind of external force
Rectilinear Motion of a Particle:
Rectilinear motion – the motion of a particle along a straight line
 a particle can move along either a straight or a curved path
 in order to introduce the kinematics of a particle motion, we will begin
with a study of rectilinear or a straight – line motion
 the kinematics of this motion is characterized by specifying at any
given instant the particle’s position, velocitry, and acceleration
 if a particle is restricted to move along a straight line, its motion is
called rectilinear (or linear) motion
 such a motion can be described using one coordinate onl
 displacement of the particle and its derivatives i.e. velocity and
acceleration all are one-dimensional vectors.
 the staright-line path of the particle can be defined using a single coordinate axis, s
(Fig. a)
O s

Fig. a
 the origin O on the path is fixed point, and from this point the position
vector r is used to specify the position of P at any given instant
 for rectilinear motion, the direction of r is always along the s axis, and so it
never changes
 what will change is its magnitude and its sense or arrowhead direction the
magnitude of s (and r) is the distance from O to P, defined by the algebraic
sign of s
 although the choice is arbitrary, in this case s is positive since the
coordinate axis is positive to the right
 It is negative if the particle is located to the left of O
 the displacement of the particle is defined as the change in its
position r‘
r ∆r

P P'

𝒔 ∆𝒔
Displacement; Fig. b

 for example, if the particle moves fom P to P‘, the displacement is
∆r = r’ – r
 using algebraic scalar to repressent ∆r, we also have
∆s = s’ – s
 here ∆s is positive since the particle’s final position is to the right of its
initial position, that is, s’ > s
 likewise, if the final position is to the left of its initial position, ∆s is
 since the displacement of a particle is a vector quatity, it should be
distinguished from the distance the particle travels
 specifically, the distance traveled is a positive scalar which represent the
total length of path traversed by the particle
 if the particle moves through a displacement ∆r from P to P’
during the time interval ∆t (see Fig. b) the average velocity of
the particle during this time interval is:

𝐏 𝐏′

Fig. c
 if we take smaller and smaller values of ∆t, the magnitude of ∆r
becomes smaller and smaller
 the instantaneous velocity is defined as:

v = lim (∆r/∆t)
∆r 0
or: v = dr
 representing v as an algeraic scalar we can write:
V = ds
 since ∆t or dt is always positive, the sign used to define the sense of
the velocity is tha same as that of ∆s (or ds)
 example: if the particle is moving to the right (Fig. c), the velocity is
 whereas, if it is moving to the left, the velocity is negative
 the magnitude of the velocity is known as the speed and generally
expressed as m/sec (mps) or ft/sec (fps)
 occasionally, the term “average speed” is used
 the average speed is positive scalar and is defined as a total
distance, , divided by the elapsed time ∆t:

a -a

P P‘ P P'

v v' v v'

Acceleration Deceleration
Fig. d Fig. e

 provided the velocity of the particle is known at the two

points P and P’, the average acceleration of the particle
during the time interval ∆t is defined as:
 ∆v represent the difference in velocity during the time interval ∆t,
that is, ∆v = v’ – v (see Fig. d)
 the instantaneous acceleration at time t is found by taking smaller
and smaller values of ∆t and algebraic scalar is and corresponfing
smaller and smaller values of ∆v so that a = lim (∆v/∆t)
∆t 0
a = dv

 substituting this equation to v = ds

a = d²s
a = dv = d(ds/dt) ; or dt²
dt dt
 elimination dt:
vdv = ads
Summary of Differential Equation of Kinematics:

v = ds

a = dv = d²s
dt dt²

vdv = ads
Rectilinear Motion with Constant Acceleration:
 one of the most common cases of a straight-line motion is that in which
the acceleration is constant
 this condition arises when a body is acted upon by the forces which
remain constant in magnitude and direction, such as free falling body or
train acted upon by a constant draw pull
 when the acceleration is constant, each of the three kinematic equation
a = dv/dt, v = ds/dt, and ads = vdv may be integrated to obtain formulas
that relate a, v, s, and t
 the equation may be derived from the differential equations of
kinematics by starting with the definition of acceleration:

a = dv/dt
dv = adt
 proceeding to integrate: a = dv/dt, V = Vo when t = 0

= (t – 0)
(Velocity as Function of Time)
V = Vo + at
Considering: v= ds/dt; Vo = at; s = 0 when t = o,
ds = vdt

(Position as a Function of Time)

S = Vot + ½at²
Integrate vdv = ads, assuming that V = Vo and S = So:

(Velocity as a Function of Position)

½V² - ½Vo² = as

V² = Vo² + 2as
Example: During a test, the car moves in a straight line such that
for a short time its velocity is defined by v = (9t² + 2t) ft/sec,
where t is in seconds. Determine its position and acceleration
when t = 3 sec. When t = 0, s = 0.

𝒔 𝒂, 𝒗

 the position coordinate extend from the fixed origin O to the car,
positive to the right
 the car’s velocity is given as a function of time so that its
position is determined from v = ds/dt, since the equation relates
v, s, and t; s = 0 when t = 0
v = ds/dt = (9t² + 2t) a = dv/dt = (9t² + 2t)

a = 18 t + 2
when t = 3 sec
= [3 ] a = 18 (3) + 2
s=3 a = 56 fps²
when t = 3 sec
s= + (3)²
s = 90 ft.
Example: The position of a particle which moves along a
straight line is defined by the relation x =t³ - 6 t² - 15t + 40,
where x is expressed in feet and t in seconds. Determine (a)
the time at which the velocity will be zero, (b) the position
and distance traveled by the particle at that time, (c) the
acceleration of the particle at that time, (d) the distance
traveled by the particle from t = 4 sec to t = 6 sec.
 the equation of motions are:
x = - 6 - 15 t + 40 (1)
v = dx/dt = 3 - 12t -15 (2)
a = dv/dt = 6t – 12 (3)
(a) Time at which v = 0: Set v = 0 in (2)
3t² - 12 t – 15 = 0 ; t = - 1 and t = + 5
t = + 5 sec
(b) Position and Distance Traveled When v = 0:
Set t = + 5 sec in (1)
x= ( - 6( - 15 (5) + 40
x = - 60 ft
 the position at t = 0 was ; since v ≠ 0
during the interval t = 0 to t = 5 sec the distance
traveled is to = - 60 – 40 = - 100 ft
 Distance traveled = - 100 ft (in the negative
(c) Acceleration When v = 0:
Substitute t = + 5 sec into (3)
a = 6(5) – 12
a = + 18 fps²
(d) Distance traveled from t = 4 sec to t = 6 sec:
Distance traveled from t = 4 sec to t = 5 sec is
= - 60 ft
= ( - 6( - 15(4) + 40 = - 52 ft
Distance traveled - = - 60 – (-52) = - 8 ft (neg. dir)
From t = 5 sec to t = 6 sec; where = - 60 ft
= ( - 6( - 15(6) + 40 = - 50 ft
Distance traveled = - = - 50 – (- 60) = + 10 ft
 distance traveled is positive in direction
Total distance traveled from t = 4 sec to t = 6 sec is 8 ft to + 10
Total distance traveled = 18 ft.
Newton’s Laws of Motion for a Particle:
 from his study of falling bodies, Galileo discovered the first
two of what are commonly called Newton’s Laws of Motion
for a particle
 Newton’s name is associated with the laws of motion,
because it was he who generalized them and demonstrated
their truth by his astronomical predictions based on them
 Newton’s laws of motion have stated in a variety of ways
 For our purpose, we shall phrase them as follows:
1. A particle acted upon by a balanced force system has no
2. A particle acted upon by an unbalanced force system has an
acceleration in line with and directly proportional to the
resultant of the force system. (F = ma); m = W/g; F = Wa/g
3. Action and reaction forces between two particles are always
Fundamental Equation of Knetics for a Particle:

(a) (b) (c)

 consider a particle of weight W acted upon by forces as shown in Fig. (a)
 the resultant of these forces is obtained by tip – to – tail addition as
shown in Fig. (b)
 since all the forces on a particle are assumed to be correct, its direction
and position are indicated by dashed vector in Fig. (a)
 by Second Law of Newton, this resultant causes an acceleration in line
with and directly proportional to it or:
 where k is some constant of proportionality
 if the particle is assumed to be in a vacuum, the resultant
force R acting upon it is its own W
 by experiment, the acceleration produced by W is found to
be the value of the gravitational constant g which acts in
line with W, as shown in Fig. (c)
 again, applying Newton’s second law and assuming the
same constant of propotionality, we have:
W = kg or k =

 substituting k from R = ka, we have:

F = ma

 therefore, the constant of proportionality is from R = ka

 this ratio of the weight divided by the gravitational
acceleration is often called the mass of the particle
Effective Force on a Particle: Inertia Force
 the effective force on aparticle is defined as the resultant
force on the particle
 since and are numerically equivalent, either
may be said to be the effective force on a particle
 the use of to represent this force is especially
convenient in cases where the acceleration of the particle
is known but the actual force system producing this
acceleration is not known
 according to Newton’s third law, for every force there is
an equal and opposite reaction
 in the case of particle accelerated by a resultant force, this
reaction is called inertia force of the particle
 this force is the equal but oppositely directed reaction to
the resultant force acting on a particle
 this inertia force is a force numerically equal to but
directed oppositely to the acceleration
 if the inertia force is considered to act on a particle
together with the resultant force, the particle will be in a
state of equilibrium
 this will be called dynamic equilibrium to distinguish it
from static equilibrium in which the particle is at rest or
is moving with constant velocity
D’ Alembert’s Principles:
 D’Alembert’s principle, alternative form of Newton’s
second law of motion, stated by the 18th-century
French polymath Jean le Rond d’Alembert
 in effect, the principle reduces a problem
in dynamics to a problem in statics.
 the second law states that the force F acting on a
body is equal to the product of the mass m
and acceleration a of the body, or F = ma; in
d’Alembert’s form, the force F plus the negative of
the mass m times acceleration a of the body is equal
to zero: F - ma = 0.
 in other words, the body is in equilibrium under the
action of the real force F and the fictitious force - ma.
 D’Alembert’s principle expresses the relation between the
external forces applied to a system of particles and the
effective force on each particle of the system
 it may be stated as follows: “The resultant of the external
forces applied to a body composed of a system of particles is
equivalent to the vector summation of the effectve forces
acting in all particles.”
 both the resultant of the external force system and the
summation of effective forces are vectorial additions and my be
summed up in the following vector addition:
Applying the Principles of Dynamics
 in this part, we shall apply the laws of dynamics only
to bodies that are considered to be particles or
bodies that are rigid
 as we have seen, when the dimensions of a body are
small compared with its path, the body may be
assumed to be a particle; the flight of the projectile is
an example
 it is also permissible to consider any body is a
particle having the body’s weight and the motion of
its center of gravity
 although any body may be treated as a particle
concentrated at its center of gravity and equation
may be derived from this concept, the angular motion
of the body must also considered
 this require additional equation derived , and such equation
can be obtained only for rigid bodies in which the particles
composing them are fixed in position relative to each other
 in the following chapters, we shall discuss the various
motion and these various motion are known as translation,
rotation, and plane motion
Fig (a) Fig. (b) Fig. (c)

 comsider a flat body resting upon a smooth horizontal

A. Fig. (a):
 if the resultant of the applied force system is a single force
passing through the center of gravity of the body as shown in
Fig. (a) the body will move in the direction of the resultant R
but will not rotate
 if the direction of R is constant, the motion of the body
follows a straight-line path and is called rectilinear
 if the direction of R varies, although continuing to pass
through the gravity center, so will the motion of the body,
resulting in a curved path motion known as curvilinear
 in either type of translation, a straight line passing through
any two particles will always remain parallel to its initial
Fig. (b):
 if the resultant of the applied force system is a couple M as in
Fig. (b), the body will spin about a vertical axis through its
center of gravity, but the center of gravity will remain stationary
 all particles will describe horizontal circular arcs about the
vertical centroidal axis
 this type of motion is called centroidal rotation
Fig. (c):
 finally, the resultant of the applied force system may be a single
force which does not pass through the gravity center as shown
in Fig. (c)
 since resultant can be transformed into a force acting through
the gravity center plus a couple it can be seen that the motion in
this case will be a combination of translation and centroidal
rotation, commonly called plane motion
Quiz # 1

1. What is the importance of dynamics of rigid bodies in engineering


2. Give 2 examples of daily life situation where dynamics is applicable.

The purpose of rigid body mechanics courses is to provide engineering
students with ability to analyze any problem in a simple and logical
manner and to apply to its basic principles which are few and well-
understood for solutions. Therefore, it has an important role in
engineering education.

Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics provides a solid foundation of

mechanics principles and helps students develop their problem-solving
skills with an extensive variety of engaging problems related to
engineering design.
Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics provides a solid foundation of
mechanics principles and helps students develop their problem-solving
skills with an extensive variety of engaging problems related to
engineering design.
Engineering system dynamics focuses on deriving mathematical models
based on simplified physical representations of actual systems, such as
mechanical, electrical, fluid, or thermal, and on solving these models for
analysis or design purposes.
 Example of Dynamics
• Earthquake.
• Movement of cars.
• Hitting a cricket ball.
• Hammering a metal.
• Throwing an object.
• Inflating a balloon.
• Churning milk
.2. Example of Dynamics
 The first person to formulate the fundamental laws of physics that
govern the dynamics in classical non-relativistic physics is Sir Isaac
Newton. Dynamic force is a major part of Linear dynamics. Some
example of dynamics or dynamic force application are as follows:
• Earthquake
• Movement of cars
• Hitting a cricket ball
• Hammering a metal
• Throwing an object
• Inflating a balloon
3. Put a check in the o next to the correct answer.
1. Dynamics is the study of what?
o The impact of loads on objects not in static equilibrium
o The impact of loads on objects in static equilibrium
o The impact of acceleration on objects in static equilibrium
o The impact of impacts, when objects collide
o The study of energy

2. In dynamics, acceleration is never equal to zero.

o True o False

3. Newton’s equation, ΣF = ma, means that two systems are equivalent. These
systems are ...
o Forces and kinetics
o Forces and kinematics
o Forces and kinetic energy
o Potential and kinetic energy o Forces and moments

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