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Smt. Kapila Khandvala College of Education ( Autonomous)

Relief road, Santacruz (W) , Mumbai - 400054

Semester 02


Economics Pedagogy

Academic year

Name : Simran Ivan Gomes

Roll no: 11


Guiding Faculty: Prof. Dr.Megha D’souza



According to John Dewey, a renowned educator and philosopher says,

“True education bridges the gap between local realities and global
The objectives of teaching economics at the secondary level vary across
different educational boards in India, reflecting their unique focuses and
educational philosophies.

"Education must be as varied as the needs of its students. The SSC's focus
on local economic relevance equips students with practical skills for their
immediate environment. CBSE's national perspective fosters a
comprehensive understanding of India's economic framework. Meanwhile,
ICSE's global and analytical approach prepares students to think critically
and engage with the world's economic complexities.
Together, these diverse objectives build a robust foundation for the future
of India's youth.”


Objectives of SSC , CBSE , ICSE at Secondary Level.

Objective SSC (State Secondary CBSE (Central ICSE (Indian Certificate of

Education Boards) Board of Secondary Secondary Education)

Focus Regional Relevance National Perspective Global Outlook

Core Content Local economic Indian economy, Comparative economic

conditions and issues national policies systems, global issues

Unique Aspect Tailored to the state's Standardised Rigorous, detailed, and global
specific needs curriculum across in scope

Examples Used Local industries and National economic Detailed global and national
markets examples, statistical case studies

Objectives of SSC Board of Teaching Economics at Secondary Level

Focuses on the local economy. It teaches students practical skills that are useful
in their own region.

Objective: Regional Relevance and Practical Skills

● SSC boards prioritise teaching economic concepts that are relevant to the
state's specific economic conditions and issues.
● The curriculum often includes practical financial literacy, such as
budgeting and understanding local markets, preparing students for
everyday economic activities and decisions.
● Provide knowledge about the specific state's economy, including
industries, employment, and local economic challenges.
● Educate students on indicators and factors contributing to economic
growth and sustainable development.
● Provide detailed understanding of primary economic activities like
agriculture, industry, and services in the state.

Objectives of CBSE Board of Teaching Economics at Secondary Level

CBSE focuses on the national economy. It helps students understand how

India's economy works as a whole. They learn about national policies and how
they affect the entire country.

Objective: National Perspective and Fundamental Concepts

● CBSE aims to provide a broad and balanced understanding of the

Indian economy, suitable for students across the country.
● This includes a focus on national economic policies and structures.
● The curriculum introduces students to fundamental economic
concepts and principles, laying a strong foundation for further
economic studies.
● To educate students about their nation's physical and human
resources and their potential contribution to economic
● To familiarise students with the classification of different
economies around the world and help them understand the reasons
behind the wealth and poverty of nations.

Objectives of ICSE Board of Teaching Economics at Secondary Level

ICSE provides a comprehensive and detailed curriculum with an emphasis on

analytical skills and global perspectives. The curriculum is designed to foster a
deep understanding of economic concepts and their real-world applications.

Objective: Global Outlook and Analytical Skills

● ICSE provides a global outlook, strong analytical skills, and an

interdisciplinary approach to economic education. This helps students
understand the interconnectedness of economies around the world.
● Prepare students for higher studies abroad and equip them with a global
understanding of economic issues.
● Apply economic theories to real-world scenarios through case studies and
practical examples.

● Identify and analyse economic issues at both national and global levels,
and explore potential solutions.
● Develop research and analytical skills by interpreting economic data and
conducting economic research.
● Provide an understanding of the global economic environment and its
impact on national economies.

Together, these diverse objectives contribute to building a well-rounded

economic foundation for students, catering to local, national, and global
contexts, and preparing them for future academic pursuits and a wide range of
career opportunities in the economic field.


Teaching economics at the secondary level aims to help students

understand fundamental economic principles and their real-world
applications. This comparison examines the objectives of three educational
boards: SSC , CBSE, and ICSE . By analysing their similarities, focus areas,
unique features, and gaps, we can see how each board approaches the subject
and identify potential areas for improvement.


All three boards SSC, CBSE, and ICSE share several similarities in their
approach to teaching economics. Firstly, they all aim to introduce students to
fundamental economic concepts such as supply and demand, market
structures, and the role of government in the economy.

Secondly, each board emphasises the practical application of economic

principles. They ensure that students can relate what they learn in the
classroom to real-world scenarios, making the subject more relevant and

Lastly, all three boards focus on developing essential skills in their students.
These include critical thinking, which involves evaluating and analysing
information to form a reasoned judgement; analytical skills.


The focus of economics education varies across the SSC, CBSE, and ICSE
boards, tailored to different aspects and depths of economic understanding.

The SSC Board emphasises local and national economic issues, providing
students with a practical understanding tailored to their immediate
environment. This approach ensures that students can relate their learning
directly to the economy around them.

The CBSE Board takes a broader approach, focusing on both national and
international economics. It blends theoretical knowledge with practical
applications to give students a comprehensive understanding of economic

The ICSE Board delves deeply into economic problems and theories,
emphasising detailed analysis and comprehensive study. Students engage
with various economic models and theories to understand complex
economic phenomena.

By focusing on these distinct areas, each board prepares students to understand

and engage with economic issues at different levels, from local communities to
the global economy.


Each board's economics curriculum has unique features that set it apart from the
others, tailored to different educational approaches and goals.

The SSC Board offers a simpler curriculum with a strong focus on the local
economic environment. This makes the subject more relatable and

understandable for students, as they can see the direct impact of economics on
their daily lives. For example, there is a significant emphasis on understanding
the role of small businesses in local economies.

The CBSE Board is known for its balanced approach, giving equal weight to
theoretical knowledge and practical applications. This includes a focus on
contemporary global economic issues, ensuring that students are aware of and
can analyse current events in the economic world.

The ICSE Board goes deep into economics. It challenges students with
detailed projects on economic policies and crises, helping them analyse complex
issues and develop critical thinking skills.
For example, students engage in detailed projects and assignments on topics like
economic policy analysis, where they examine various economic policies, their
implementation, and their effects on different sectors of the economy.

Any gaps Identified and Suggestions

● The SSC Board's curriculum often lacks exposure to international

economics and advanced economic theories.
● While the CBSE Board offers a balanced approach, some students may
find the curriculum overly theoretical.
● The ICSE Board's comprehensive curriculum may pose challenges due to
its high level of complexity.

● SSC - To address this gap, incorporating more global economic contexts

and introducing advanced topics would broaden students' perspectives.
● CBSE - To improve engagement, the board can enhance learning
experiences through interactive and experiential methods.
● ICSE - To provide varied teaching strategies and support mechanisms
tailored to diverse learning needs.

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