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Kapila Khandvala College of Education (Autonomous)

Relief road, Santacruz (W), Mumbai-400054

Name : Simran Ivan Gomes

Roll no. 11


Semester 01

Academic Year 2023-25

Core Course 1: Childhood and Growing Up

Guiding Faculty : Upasana Roy



Emotional intelligence refers to the ability to identify and manage one’s own
emotions, as well as the emotions of others. Emotional intelligence is generally
said to include a few skills: namely emotional awareness, or the ability to
identify and name one’s own emotions; the ability to harness those emotions
and apply them to tasks like thinking and problem solving; and the ability to
manage emotions, which includes both regulating one’s own emotions when
necessary and helping others to do the same.

Initially the term ‘ Emotional Intelligence’ was coined by Peter Salovey and
John Mayer in 1990. The term is based on Gardner's Theory of ‘Multiple
Intelligence’. Gardner proposed that “intrapersonal” and
“interpersonal”intelligences are as important as the type of intelligence typically
measured by IQ tests.

In the early 1990s , Daniel Goleman became aware of Salovey and Mayer’s
work, and this eventually led to his book, ‘Emotional Intelligence’.

“Emotional intelligence is your ability to recognize and understand

emotions in yourself and others, and your ability to use this awareness to
manage your behaviour and relationships” (Bradberry & Greaves, 2009).

“Emotional Intelligence refers to the capacity for recognizing our own

feelings and those of others, for motivating ourselves, and for managing
emotions well in ourselves and in our relationships” (Goleman, 1998).

Goleman identified the five ‘domains’ of EQ as:

1. Knowing your emotions.
2. Managing your own emotions.
3. Motivating yourself.
4. Recognizing and understanding other people’s emotions.
5. Managing relationships, i.e., managing the emotions of others.

For teachers, building up theEmotional Intelligence is very important. It helps

them to Foster a culture of collaboration and reflection among staff,

encouraging ongoing dialogue and sharing of best practices related to Emotional

In the classroom, student teachers can apply Goleman’s principles by Practising
mindfulness activity, engaging students in activities that promote understanding
and empathy towards their peers.Provide positive and constructive feedback,
emphasising effort, improvement, and perseverance. Teaching strategies based
on the emotional and academic needs of the students.

Screenshots of Test 01:




Screenshots of Test 02:


Results of Test 02


Looking at my emotional test results, I have reasonably skilled in identifying

and expressing my emotions to myself and others. I can identify how the person
is feeling by knowing their emotions. However, I sometimes lack in identifying
myself as in how I'm feeling. That is maybe due to mixed emotions.

The test results also mentioned that I have a strong tendency to ruminate as I
overthink a lot of negative thoughts and sometimes if someone passes a
comment on me I overthink it, and due to this it is difficult for me to maintain a
positive mindset for a longer period.

Whereas I understand the profoundness of emotions as they play a important

role in our daily as we deal with so many emotions every single day.However, I
lacked in choosing the best approach one should to take to resolve a conflict this
is because i tend to get confused on whom to choose as per the situation.

I tend to struggle when it comes to impulse control. When I face any difficulty
or emotional situations , it becomes quite challenging to be calm and handle it
without stress. When life gets hectic and when I experience life setbacks I
somehow manage to cope up with stress. However , after facing any difficulty it
takes time to get back on track.

I'm highly adaptable with social life, I do best in resolving conflicts in the most
ideal way but it sometimes becomes challenging too. For me it is often a
challenge to make decisions on my own and according to my feelings. If the
things are not as per my liking I'm not very flexible.

Overall, while the test results provide valuable insights into areas for growth, I
understand that emotional intelligence is a skill that can be developed over time
with practice and self-awareness. These results show me areas where I can grow
and get better. It’s all about learning and trying new things.

In the second test my Self Esteem was 63 which approximately correct and i
agree with the test. My self-esteem is a delicate interplay of perceptions,
experiences, and personal judgments. There are moments of strength when I

recognize my abilities, achievements, and unique qualities. These instances

bolster my confidence, fostering a positive self-image. Conversely, challenges
and setbacks can momentarily dent my self-esteem, leading to moments of
doubt and insecurity.
Acknowledging my strengths and accomplishments is pivotal in maintaining a
healthy self-esteem. I celebrate successes, both big and small, appreciating the
journey and growth they represent. As a child I likely enjoyed and agreed to
parents' validation and they were able to understand and know my feelings and
fears. Whenever I doubt my decisions and overthink i make sure that i correct
myself and if not it has a negative impact on me.

Coping Strategies for Self:

When making decisions, I will give necessary time to think on it, will seek input
from my trusted friends and family and will reflect on my past decisions and

To Develop and maintain Self–Control, I will practise Meditation, and will

minimise the exposure to situations that bring temptations. Surround myself
with the people who will motivate me in this process.

To keep my Mindset Positive, I will practise Journaling, practising one

affirmations daily which will boost my positive mindset.

To boost my confidence, I’ll remind myself of my strengths and past successes.

Keeping a journal of things I’m proud of could be helpful.

In conflicts, I’ll try to understand the other person’s perspective and focus on
finding a solution that works for both of us

Why is it important for a teacher to know and manage emotions?

Teachers are role models for the students to regulate emotion appropriately in
the classroom.The role of teacher is important to study the level of Emotional
Intelligence of the teachers who influence the behaviour of students. Emotional
Intelligence is totally dependent on the environment. It is related neither to
development of some organ nor to physiological processes. Emotional
Intelligence gives a new approach to teachers, this approach embraces the
learner and learning in a more complete way than traditional schooling. Quality
emotions and feelings help teachers to give their best potential in the classroom.

Teachers' goal is to provide an atmosphere where flow occurs easily and the
students are totally engaged in learning. Here teaching plays a vital role in
developing emotional intelligence among students. Professional success mainly
depends upon the combination of the two, the intelligence and skills one
possesses in our work. In essence, the dream of learning society becomes real
only when the teachers are well equipped with moral, professional, emotional,
intellectual, and practical and communication skills. Therefore teachers must
make extra efforts to promote emotional intelligence among their adolescent
students. The teacher has to create an emotional atmosphere in the classrooms.

Positive Learning Environment:

When teachers effectively manage emotions, it creates a safe and supportive
classroom atmosphere where students feel comfortable expressing themselves
and are open to learning.

Enhanced Communication:
Effective communication is essential in education. Teachers who understand
their own emotions and can interpret the emotions of others communicate more
clearly and empathetically. This promotes better understanding and cooperation
among students and teachers.

Student-Teacher Relationships:

Understanding and managing emotions helps teachers build strong, positive

relationships with students. This emotional connection can foster trust, open
communication, and a sense of security in the learning environment.

Parent-Teacher Relationships:
Emotional intelligence is beneficial in interactions with parents. Teachers who
can communicate effectively, show empathy, and manage emotions well can
build positive relationships with parents, enhancing the overall educational
experience for students.

Conclusion :

In summary, understanding and improving emotional intelligence (EI) is

important for personal growth and success, especially in teaching. A self-esteem
test reinforced the importance of acknowledging achievements while embracing
imperfections. Balancing feedback, both constructive and critical, I've learned
that self-worth is a dynamic journey.


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