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Question A

Command words

State Express in clear terms

Suggest Apply knowledge and understanding

to situations to propose a solution

Interpret Use knowledge and understanding to

recognize trend and draw conclusion
from given information

1. A student has been given three supermarket sunscreens which are labeled
as A, B, C. He has been asked to investigate which sunscreen provides
the best protection from sun.
He decides to test the sunscreens by coating a clear sheet of plastic with
the selected sunscreen and placing it between an ultraviolet light (UV)
source. And applying some fluorescent beads on the sheets that glow
when hit by UV light.
a. State the independent variable ________________ [1]
b. State the dependent variable ________________ [1]
c. Suggest two controlled variables that the student might need to
control in order to prevent these variables from affecting the result.
2. Suggest one reason why the student might have chosen the clear plastic
and not any other material [1]

3. The student conducts the investigation and records his observations in the
table below:

Sunscreen Observations

A Beads fluorescent slightly

B Beads fluorescent brightly

C No fluorescent

Interpret the data with reference to the investigation


4. Suggest one thing the student would do to improve the reliability of his
results. [1]
5. Suggest one safely measure that needs to be considered while carrying
this investigation [1]

Question 2
A student wants to understand how water waves refract when the dept of the sea
bed is changing along its course of travel.
He models his investigation using a ripple tank with below experimental set up
a. He takes a rectangular tray of length 80 cm , a ruler and a timer.
b. He filled it with just enough water to cover its depth and measured it with a
c. He gave the side of the tray a tap and observed and measured the time for
the ripple to travel to the other end.
d. He took five such readings and recorded in a table
e. He then added more water to the tray and repeated the above procedure.
f. He added still more water and repeated the same procedure.

Depth t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 Average

1 cm 3.15 3.12 3.15 3.14 3.00

3 cm 5.22 5.43 5.11 5.09 5.43

6 cm 8.22 8.45 8.12 8.34 8.54

1. Complete the table above [1]

2. Suggest one reason why the student is taking 5 different readings for the
same depth [1]
3. Calculate the speed of water in each situation [1]
4. Interpret your answer to 3 above with the depth of water. And state your
conclusion. [2]
5. Explain what could have been the scientific reason behind the increase or
decrease in speed as per your conclusion in 4 above [2]
6. Is this model appropriate to understand the students' investigation ?
If yes why and if no why . Explain your answer [3]

7. Suggest one situation that is there in real situation that was not considered
while designing this model [1]

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