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Name&Surname _________________________________ Form_________________ Date ________

Prepare 6 – Test (Units 11-13) - A

1. Complete the words in the sentences.

2. Choose the right word to complete the sentences.


3. Complete the sentences with the comparative or superlative forms.

1. Burgers are not ________________than salad. (healthy)
2. I love your shoes! They are _____________than mine. (good)
3. The cheetah is ___________________animal in the world. (fast)
4. February was __________________month last year. (cold)
5. I think Venice is ______________________city in the world! (beautiful)
6. Gold is ___________________________silver. (expensive)
7. Greece is __________________________than Scotland. (hot)
8. Ukraine is ________________________than France. (big)
9. I think the latest Star Wars film is ______________(good).
10. Your home is ______________than hers. (far)
11. This supermarket is ___________________shop in my town. (busy)

4. Complete the conversations using should / shouldn`t.


Name&Surname _________________________________ Form_________________ Date ________

Prepare 6 – Test (Units 11-13) - B

1. Complete the sentences with the comparative or superlative forms.

1. Burgers are not ________________than salad. (healthy)

2. I love your shoes! They are _____________than mine. (good)
3. The cheetah is ___________________animal in the world. (fast)
4. February was __________________month last year. (cold)
5. I think Venice is ______________________city in the world! (beautiful)
6. Gold is ___________________________than silver. (expensive)
7. Greece is __________________________than Scotland. (hot)
8. Ukraine is ________________________than France. (big)
9. I think the latest Star Wars film is ______________(good).
10. Your home is ______________than hers. (far)
11. This supermarket is ___________________shop in my town. (busy)
2. Complete the conversations using should / shouldn`t.

3. Complete the words in the sentences.

4. Choose the right word to complete the sentences.



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