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The general objectives of this paper are to address the challenges and

inefficiencies in the administration of public secondary schools and higher education institutions in

Article review group assignment

Education Management Information System and Educational
Administration in Nigeria
Infolink university college
MBA program
Post graduate studies


1.Esubalew Asfaw………………………….854357-15

2.Etsegenet Sintayehu……………………...382642-15

3.Rekiso Bekele…………………………….833882-15

4.Yaikob Wotile……………………………478485-14

5.Mahlet Teferi……………………………..543955-15

6.Alemu Tamirat……………………………475513-15

INSTRUCTURE – Tilahun Nigatu(ph.D.C)


The paper focuses on the challenges and issues faced in the administration of public secondary
schools and higher education institutions in Nigeria with a focus on the impact of covid-19,
deployment of education management system (EMIS). drawing from secondary data gleaned
from both print and online publications. The analysis reveals a discernible positive influence of
EMIS across various dimensions of the Nigerian educational sector. Specifically, EMIS has
bolstered the efficacy of educational planning, administration, data management, decision-
making processes, accountability measures, and resource management within the educational
framework of Nigeria.The paper emphasizes the need for sustained efforts to strengthen EMIS
initiatives in Nigeria through continuous funding and training programs to optimize its benefits
in the educational sector.

Key words: Education management information system , Educational planning , education


The articles discussed in this paper shed light on various critical issues and challenges prevalent
in the administration of public secondary schools and higher education institutions in Nigeria.
These challenges encompass a wide array of topics, including the repercussions of the COVID-
19 pandemic, the deployment and impact of Educational Management Information Systems
(EMIS), hurdles faced in English language programs, data collection and distribution methods,
accountability within university systems, resource management inefficiencies, and effective
teaching methodologies in the realm of science education. Additionally, the articles delve into
the implementation of EMIS by principals, leadership frameworks, innovative educational
concepts, decision support system models, and the allocation of resources within high school
management structures.

One of the focal points of the discussion revolves around the transformative impact of EMIS on
educational administration in Nigeria. The implementation of EMIS has significantly enhanced
educational planning, administration, data management, decision-making processes,
accountability mechanisms, and resource management within the educational sector. By
providing accurate and timely data, EMIS facilitates informed decision-making processes and
elevates the quality of education imparted to students. The articles underscore the critical
importance of sustaining and fortifying EMIS initiatives in Nigeria to ensure continued progress
and improvement in the educational landscape.

Furthermore, the implementation of EMIS in Nigeria has yielded positive outcomes, bolstering
educational administration, data management practices, decision-making frameworks,
accountability structures, and resource management strategies. The integration of EMIS has
resulted in heightened efficiency, transparency, and effectiveness in managing educational
resources, ultimately leading to enhanced decision-making processes and optimized resource
allocation within educational institutions. The articles advocate for ongoing funding and training
programs to further amplify the utilization of EMIS in the Nigerian educational sector, thereby
fostering continuous advancements and improvements in educational administration practices.

 Statement of the problem

The problem addressed in this paper revolves around the challenges and inefficiencies in the
administration of public secondary schools and higher education institutions in Nigeria,
including issues related to data management, educational planning, decision-making processes,
resource allocation, and accountability within the educational sector.

 Objectives of the study

 General objectives

The general objective of this paper is to address the challenges and inefficiencies in the
administration of public secondary schools and higher education institutions in Nigeria.

 Specific objectives

 The specific objectives of this paper are to examine the impact of Educational
Management Information Systems (EMIS) on educational administration in Nigeria.
 Explore the role of EMIS in enhancing educational planning, administration, data
management, decision-making processes, accountability mechanisms, and resource
management within the educational sector.
 Emphasize the importance of sustaining and fortifying EMIS initiatives in Nigeria.

 Research hypothesis

 The implementation of Educational Management Information Systems (EMIS) in Nigeria

positively impacts educational administration, data management, decision-making
processes, accountability mechanisms, and resource management within the educational
sector, leading to improved efficiency, transparency, and effectiveness in managing
educational resources."
 The deployment of Educational Management Information Systems (EMIS) by principals
positively impacts educational planning, administration, data management, decision-
making processes, and resource allocation within secondary schools in Anambra State,

 Method of data analysis

The method of data analysis utilized in this paper involves the systematic collection and analysis
of data pertaining to student demographics, academic performance, teacher credentials, and
overall school operations using Educational Management Information Systems (EMIS). This
data-driven approach allows for informed decision-making to enhance the efficiency of The
Educational Management

 Findings

The implementation of Educational Management Information Systems (EMIS) in Nigeria has

positively impacted various aspects of the educational sector. EMIS has enhanced educational
planning, administration, data management, decision-making processes, accountability
mechanisms, and resource management within the educational system (). The systematic and
data-driven approach facilitated by EMIS has led to improved efficiency, transparency, and
effectiveness in managing educational resources, ultimately contributing to the quality of
education delivery in Nigeria.

 Conclusions

The findings underscore the pivotal role played by EMIS in enhancing the overall effectiveness
and efficiency of educational administration in Nigeria. The deployment of EMIS has resulted in
tangible improvements in educational planning, data management, decision-making processes,
accountability mechanisms, and resource management within the educational sector. It is
imperative to sustain and fortify EMIS initiatives to meet the evolving needs and challenges of
the Nigerian educational landscape .

 Policy Recommendations

Based on the findings, it is recommended that governments at all levels prioritize adequate
funding for EMIS within federal and state ministries of education. Continuous training and
retraining programs should be organized for educational administrators, planners, and managers
to support the effective implementation of EMIS policies. By ensuring sufficient funding and
ongoing professional development, the educational sector can harness the full potential of EMIS
to further improve educational administration and enhance the quality of education in Nigeria .

 Our evaluation of the article based on what the theories discussed in the
paper and how do they compared

The paper discusses the theoretical framework of general system theory proposed by Ludwig von
Bertalanffy, which conceptualizes systems as complex entities composed of interconnected parts
that function together as an integrated whole . This theory emphasizes the interdependence and
interconnectedness of system components, highlighting that the malfunctioning of any part can
disrupt the entire system's functionality. In comparison, the application of this theory to the
educational sector in Nigeria, specifically in the context of Educational Management Information
Systems (EMIS), underscores the importance of understanding the complex and interconnected
nature of educational administration and data management. By applying von Bertalanffy's
general system theory, the paper aims to explore how EMIS impacts educational management
and outcomes within the broader system of basic education in Nigeria.

 Contribution and relation of this paper to our course

The work contributes to the understanding of how Educational Management Information

Systems (EMIS) impact educational administration in Nigeria. It explores the role of EMIS in
enhancing educational planning, data management, decision-making processes, accountability
mechanisms, and resource management within the educational sector . This relates to the overall
topic of Management Information Systems (MIS) by highlighting the importance of utilizing
information systems to improve efficiency, transparency, and effectiveness in managing
educational resources and processes. It demonstrates how EMIS can be a valuable tool in
educational management, aligning with the broader principles of MIS in leveraging technology
for organizational decision-making and resource optimization.

 Strength and weakness of the article

 The article provides a comprehensive overview of various critical issues and challenges
in the administration of public secondary schools and higher education institutions in
Nigeria, covering a wide range of topics.
 It effectively highlights the transformative impact of Education Management Information
Systems (EMIS) on educational administration in Nigeria, emphasizing its role in
enhancing educational planning, data management, decision-making processes, and
resource management.
 The article offers specific recommendations for sustaining and fortifying EMIS initiatives
in Nigeria, underscoring the importance of continuous funding and training programs to
optimize the use of EMIS in the educational sector.

 The article could benefit from more in-depth analysis and discussion on the specific
challenges faced in the implementation of EMIS in Nigeria, as well as potential barriers
to its effectiveness.
 While the article mentions the impact of EMIS on various aspects of educational
administration, more concrete examples or case studies illustrating these impacts could
enhance the clarity and depth of the discussion.
 It would be beneficial for the article to address any limitations or constraints in the
implementation of EMIS and provide insights into potential strategies to overcome these
challenges for a more comprehensive analysis.

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