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In data science, calculus is also known as analysis in the branch of

mathematics. It is divided into two different methods: differential and

integral calculus.

Differential Calculus – divide something into small pieces to find how it


Integral Calculus – integrates the small pieces to find how much there

Data Scientists use calculus for almost every model. Behind every
data science model is an optimisation algorithm that relies heavily on
calculus. a basic but very excellent example of calculus in Machine
Learning is Gradient Descent.
Gradient descent is an optimization algorithm used to find the
minimum of a function (also called the cost function). The algorithm
starts at a random point on the function and iteratively moves in the
direction of the negative gradient (the derivative) until it reaches a

A gradient measure how much the output of a function changes if you

change the inputs a little bit. In machine learning model our goal is to
reduce the cost in our input data. The cost function is used to monitor
the error in predictions of an ML model. By minimizing this, basically
means getting to the lowest error value possible or increasing the
accuracy of the model

For example, we have a dataset of users with their marks in some of

the subjects and their selected further studies for graduation. Our aim
is to predict the graduation stream of the person with considering the
marks of the person.

In this dataset, we have data of Swapnil and Priyanker and using this
data we need to predict the graduation stream of Sarang by
considering marks in the subject as a gradient and stream as the
bottom target. We have to optimize the model so that the result it
predicts at the bottom should be accurate.

By using Swapnil’s and Priyanker’s data we will create gradient

descent and tune our model such that if we give the marks of Sarang
then it should predict result of Science in the bottom of gradient and
same for Priyanker. This is our trained model. Now if we give marks of
subject to our model then we can easily predict the stream.

Data science is a field that heavily relies on the concepts of calculus.
By understanding the fundamentals of calculus, data scientists can
better analyze and understand complex data sets, optimize models,
and make accurate predictions.

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