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Palrer / Subject Code: 10524 / Operating System

C?- (e:n\P ('r; rT) nr (n -rll

_) qli lf -) J
(Xf ('r'ric -1FSte, \Git2l2 ,

Duration: 3hrs [Max Marks:80]

N.B. :

Q. 1 Attempt any FOUR [201

a Explain Goals and objectives of OS tsl
b Differentiate betrveen Preemptive and Non-preemptive scheduling tsl
c Explain Resonrce Allocation Graph rvith an example l5l
d Write in detail aboLit Memory lvlarragement Requirements lsl
e Discuss File access n',ethods [.i]

Q. 2 a Discuss Prorlucer and Consumer ploblem with solr.rtion using Semaphoru- [10]
b Explain cliffererrr sU'Lrcrut'es of Op.'ratiug System [101

Q.3 a What is thr't'olc ol-PCB'? Explain the stmcfure of PCB with its [101
b ' Explain Deadlock Avoidance algorithms with example. u0l
Q' 4 *:r1"'Tl:t:i":','.: wit]r.suilafte examples
:b :in',"'" l":'
Discuss in derail abor-rt Disk Scheduling Algorithms with an examples

Q. 5 a Explain Memor'1'Allocation Strategies with suitable exampies [101

b Explain Five stare Process model with two suspendeci states lt 0l

Q. 6 Write short:ot:s on Following [201

a Concept of ivlLtltithleading tsl
b Principles of Clor rcurrcncy lsl
c TLB lsl
d File Directories lsl

t. ''



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