A320220172_Erna Yuliani_STW

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Name : Erna Yuliani

NIM : A320220172
Class: STW B
Types of Standardized of Writing
1. Integrated Writing Test
The integrated writing test is a component of the TOEFL iBT (Test of English as a
Foreign Language, Internet-Based Test). In this test, which lasts for 20 minutes, test-
takers read a short passage and listen to a short lecture. They are then required to write
a response that integrates the information from the reading and the listening material.
The integrated writing task assesses the ability to synthesize information from
different sources and to effectively convey this information in written form. Test-
takers are evaluated based on how well they select important information from the
lecture, relate the lecture points to the reading points, organize the essay, and use the
English language, including grammar, vocabulary, and writing conventions. This type
of test is commonly used to evaluate individuals' English writing skills in an academic

2. Objective based writing test

Objective-based writing tests are assessments that are designed to measure specific,
predetermined learning objectives. These tests typically require students to select the
correct response from several alternatives or to supply a word or short phrase to
answer. Examples of objective-based test items include multiple choice, true-false,
matching, and completion tests.

For instance, the Versant Writing Test is an example of an objective-based writing test
that measures the English writing skills of individuals. It includes test items that
reflect various situations of writing at workplaces, such as dictations, summarizations,
and email correspondence. The test is scored by advanced computing and text
processing technology to ensure accuracy, objectivity, and reliability.

Objective-based writing tests are particularly suitable for situations where a large
group needs to be tested, highly reliable scores must be obtained efficiently, and
impartiality of evaluation is essential. These tests are effective at examining recall of
facts, knowledge and application of terms, and questions that require short text or
numerical responses.
The benefits of using objective test items in writing tests include:

a. Clarity in Scoring: Objective test items have a single, specific correct

response, leading to complete objectivity and clarity in scoring. The scoring is
not influenced by the subjective judgment of the evaluator, making it more
reliable and valid.
b. Quick and Simple Scoring: The scoring of objective test items is quick,
simple, and reliable. It can even be automated, allowing for efficient
assessment of a large number of test takers.

c. Standardization and Impartiality: Objective test items can be standardized

easily, and the scoring is not influenced by factors such as the handwriting or
writing style of the test taker. This ensures impartiality in the evaluation

d. Reduction of Guessing: Well-constructed objective test items can reduce the

impact of guessing, as they require the selection of the correct answer from a
set of options. This can lead to a more accurate assessment of the test taker's
knowledge and skills.

e. Wide Sampling and Content Validity: Objective test items allow for a
thorough sampling of the material being tested, leading to improved content
validity. They also eliminate the influence of non-essential factors such as
writing speed and expressive fluency.

3. Analytical essay
An analytical essay is a type of academic writing that presents a focused analysis of a
specific topic, idea, or literary work. Unlike a descriptive or narrative essay, which
may simply recount events or details, an analytical essay requires the writer to
examine the subject matter in depth and present their interpretation or evaluation
based on evidence and reasoning.

Key features of an analytical essay include:

 Thesis Statement: The essay begins with a clear and concise thesis statement
that presents the main argument or analysis the writer will explore.

 Evidence and Support: The writer supports their analysis with evidence from
the subject matter, such as quotes from a text, data from a study, or examples
from a film or artwork.

 Critical Thinking: Analytical essays require critical thinking and interpretation

of the evidence presented. Writers are expected to go beyond summarizing and
provide insight into the significance of the topic or work being analyzed.

 Structure: The essay typically follows a structured format, with an

introduction, body paragraphs that present the analysis and evidence, and a
conclusion that summarizes the main points and restates the thesis in light of
the evidence presented.
 Clarity and Logic: Clear and logical organization of ideas is essential in an
analytical essay. Transitions between paragraphs and a coherent flow of
analysis help to guide the reader through the writer's interpretation.

Analytical essays are commonly assigned in academic settings to develop students'

critical thinking skills, ability to interpret complex material, and capacity to construct
well-supported arguments. They are often used in literature, philosophy, history, and
other humanities disciplines, but the analytical approach can be applied to various
subjects and fields of study.

4. Electronic Writing Test

An electronic writing test, also known as a computer-based writing test, is an
assessment of an individual's writing skills conducted using digital technology. This
form of assessment can encompass a wide range of activities, from the use of a word
processor for assignments to on-screen testing. Electronic writing tests may include
various types of questions, such as multiple choice, short answer, and essay tasks, and
can be used for formative, summative, and diagnostic purposes.

The main difference between electronic writing tests and traditional paper-based
writing tests lies in the mode of delivery and the tools used for assessment. Electronic
writing tests leverage digital platforms to administer and score the assessments,
offering features such as automatic scoring, instant diagnostic feedback, and the
ability to track students' progress over time. This mode of assessment also allows for
the use of multimedia elements, such as digital video, sound, animations, and
interactivity, which can enhance the design and implementation of the assessment.

Furthermore, electronic writing tests can be more efficient and timely in terms of
scoring and feedback provision. They also offer the flexibility to accommodate
various types of written responses, including essays, short answers, and even video
submissions for performance examinations. Additionally, electronic writing tests can
be administered securely online, providing a convenient and reliable means of
assessing students' writing abilities.

5. Performance Writing Test

The term "execution composing test" shows up to have distinctive implications in
different settings. The look comes about incorporate data almost execution tests
within the setting of code advancement and program testing, as well as references to
execution evaluation considers in composing, such as the SAT II:
Composing Subject Test and the TOEFL iBT Writing Section. Within the setting of
code improvement, a execution composing test alludes to a test that tracks the
execution of a chunk of code over time, regularly utilized in program advancement
and ceaseless integration processes. Within the setting of scholastic appraisal, the term
"execution composing test" may allude to appraisals that degree individuals'
composing execution, such as the SAT II:
Composing Subject Test and the composing area of the TOEFL iBT. These
evaluations are planned to assess individuals' composing capacities in particular
settings, such as college English courses or scholastic settings, and may incorporate
errands that survey the capacity to compose in a clear, well-organized way, and to
display thoughts effectively.
Given the assorted elucidations of the term "execution composing test," it is critical to
consider the particular setting in which the term is utilized to precisely get it its

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